Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 17, 1920, Night Extra, Page 37, Image 37

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Letters te live Editor
Mr. Vauclaln't "Llvlntj Wags"
ta the tCitlter el the Vvtnine I'vbllv L'ttger:
Blr In jour Issue of the Etenpce: Pchlie
Lipeia dated rviday, December 10, 1020.
you print an article dictated by Samuel M
In 1H article Mr. Miueiain stalls that
werklngman need net hesitate te marry
if ha I making only $0.40 per week and
therewith trl te allot lata thn possibility of
exception be'ns taken te lila Btnl'jrnnnr by
pacifying that tha wetklngman mutt flrat
forsake the large cities and the many tempts,
tlema offered te hit pvretboek, ami mutt
reec-lvc te practice economies
la further subststitlatlen vf hi statement
he ive mi many figures en ths a vet age
atsgie, paid te meehanlca empteied by tha
Baldwin Ixieemetlve Works from tha ar
ISIS te tha prtttnt ilk.-, wnlcli ahewa that
tha werklntrman today Ij receiving approxi
mately Ave tlmaa the average wage received
In lt8J, which preva that tha coat of living
haa Increased, at If ant. Ave tlmn, If ret
van tlmca, alnca lSSi), Iniamuch ae, al
though It la contended mat tne Increase In
xtltl la commensurate with the Increuae In
tha COM nf living, naverthtlaaa actual atatla
ttta show that tha Increase In wages la al
irai'g below that of tee Ir.craaae of living
coat. The.-afore. en lais naeie, taking tha
minimum tnreeee five t'ntn $0 40 per weak,
r tS3.
New, then, ffi will miime that It la
fallible te And a email town somewhere In
tha United States where tha ceet of living la
ID tr cent of the coat of llvlnc In a large
city. Th'a would nlle-. man te live en
116 per week, which la Juat I9.C0 mere per
week than Mr. Vauclaln atataa If we
teuld And a amall town where tha coat of
llvlnr Is only 25 per cent or that In a large
dty, uhlch would atlll coat IS per v.-eek, or
I, SO above Mr Vaude'n'a ridlculeua Acura
and In all likelihood thn mechanic would net
be able te Ant employment In lila line In a
town or hamlet where such n lUlnit coat
would eilat, an I would be forced te travel
a considerable dlatanre, and In all prob preb
nbltlty cenelderably mee than tha Inv'irer.
atlnr three-rnlle walk, aa ausceitrd by Mr
In conclusion. I take the prtvltace of r
auaallna Mr Vuurlaln In discover a hamlet,
village or town In th United ntalea where
i. condition ea'ata that a nerklnaman can ' I 'ul ' uaaful enlv when It is net rercea.
fellow hla trsdi, earn $fl 4D per week andiwhsr the breathing la dlaphraamatlr. whan
lite en 11 thla te Include a wife and one i he elc la properly placed, and when the
eJilld, He should, In suhatantlatlnir this , tudlenee, If any. Is both tntelllaent and
ktatemaht, clva te the public actual Aiuree. aympathatlc astln the elce Is usually
ahewlna- exactly what Items te provide h m- needed mera than eerealmr It.
ale urllh nn nnh m .VAaa I
If. however. Mr. Van-lain cannot or da PPly books en narva-centrel and heallh in
net wlah te net forth hla flirure., ha aheuld Knl. theut elr te "' '""".r"
then coma forth with an apoleey te th, '"'"" '" '"?. "i"".1! ?? 'L Htrmll'
S,ha1tn:r.nad"re'm?n.n""c.7rvb!a Tre". :'''' ZT tTZsXX
?:&Z lTlTam'Trl'B ?n .VV .. .Ve,'. -a"; .X V.ory'VerV.
huibandf. who vtry seldnm, if ever, tiep te ...T .... -a .... . i,.. .- -i
thlr.k for themaelvts. and It ian be easily
ean what disruption "f home trannualllty
la auirmentad by such articles.
O l: HABI.AM Jit .
Aaalatant te mat nna-lneer, Merchant
Rhlebu Ulna Corporation
Harrlman, l'a , Deeember II. 1SJ.
Cannet Provide en Vauclaln Pay
Te thi Kil'ir of tht Hi aiUue 'tie'le I.'rfvr
Sir- I rrad tha article In whleli Samuel
M Vauclaln atated thit It waa peatlble te
t marrl?-! en 8 40 par weak and hew lie
did 1.
I, aa a ir'nale man. will take up tha la
ua In behalf of the married man, many of
whom are welkin tha atreeta eeeklnsr em
ployment, and If thtr were able te sae
eens.derah'e ir.er.av It Is new nil relm out
and nethlnrr cemlny i
"ha Dllila aava that "ha thst prevldath
net for hla nan Is worse than an InfUM":
anS hew cir h rroearly tluthe. feed ad
educate hla ehlldren If he dwa net aenira
e. fair day's pay for a frlr day'a laher?
And If he deea no' leek out for hlmaeif,
artte Wll when ha la liurriy and homa hema
laee? During tha war ret all but a i.oed manv
mtn earned reed wanes and many enjoyed
taarles they nevr knew brfnre. and many
)ive learned the 1-asen that they went a
llltla tee far. but let us also reallte that
If men bought better clethlne for thenv
nelrea and famlllra and bcuclit Vlctrelsa and
tilanea, etc . they ware bsetnlnv tha lr
duetrl'i cf tha country, aid I am aura that
tha United Stitas Oevarnmait " ld
It was re, for whsn 1 das'.rad te pay all my
taaia In one payment thev told ma te
make It In thrae mymente and te te ahead
and apend my meny.
?erhapa Sir Viuelaln will clve tha peo
ple an Itttnlied account as te t.ew a man
e-w et mnirled en S8.40 pr weak f.en
he does cut out th mat and llw ej
awmmaftl and bread without butter
rhl'tdelphla, D-anibir 11. IWSi'
Useless Argument
Te fna jr.tifer of the Ct'ciHre PuSlle I.Mlatr:
Sir Tha mere we read of the rredteera
en ual one of whom la blaming It en tha
ather, the Mere we biceme antanerlad aa te
wbe really la tha eujirlt. Klnally w have
coma te lha conclusion that It la wholly
futile te attanu't te trace Ihe thu'S dawn
and shew whet.-xV"lt la tha eparatir, tha
I. V.ui "he" . if, ".Vv e u in thV 'pVnduT I 7- Wr of he ,;.., Public I d, d,
tien aid distribution icekl I Hlr T am an es-membar of tha Third (or
,,0SnemSwh.r along in" 'in. from ,u. mine i "Marne") Dlvlalen I hear that that .
te the cenaun.era' rui cellar ,.n u, .. .tlalen la eHM In aslatenca and la publlehlng
aolenablh nreAt ta being raked off That Is
l.' ...I. ...l t.r.. g...i..M all Inalitl liul ft h
ii imisim ".. -"-'- ; --';: ""-..". .:
torred DroeaDimy i mn u i net
aluaya the name factor In tha bjaliuac t'l.M
Is "getting tils, ' as tha saying runs Proba
bly It In aemallmaa one anl aematlmer an
other, and maN all of them ere retting
a "piece "
The fact remalna In aplta of alt that haa
Inert aald by the different factors In the coal
biulneaa that you cant with lha allowance
af even a very liberal profit te a I concerned,
figure coal that ta wc th but little In the
round and coats only about ) 1.00 a ten te
mine and about IK. (10 te transport te thta
market, at from 110 ta til! a ten laid down
bare, dome one la holding us up with
the approach of cold weather te Intimidate
ua and make us tractable tn him, Juat aa
the bandit deea with hla gun
That la all there It te It and t e amount
if argument will change It Come down
te a, basis of falreaas and Juatics, Mr Ceal
Man, all along the Hue am) be quick
about It
And v.ht.a we are talking about It, what
la the naa et a coal broker and a coal whnle
aaler In the bualnras, anyhow ? Why net
hare the operators deal directly with tha is
tsltera! Rvery 1 1 me you leeeit another Cog
In the market you meet a new rake-off ta
ihebedy whleh. the oenauner muat pay
There Is need of several mera dealers if
degree, If there la need of lhasa Kcntlamen,
i and thay will werli them Inte the channala
f trade, tee, If wa atand for It
Philadelphia, December IS, lil'JO.
Thank for Oenereus Netice
T a Ba'lter e the Cvmlae Public l.tiij"
Sir At the November mealing of the Et
rcutlva beard of the Weman's International
League for Peace and freedom, l'ennsylv.inta
Branch, tha aacretary waa Inatructed te
thank ;ou for your genereua account of the
westing for "Immadlata World Disarms
triant" held at tha Ile'levua-Stratferd Oo Oe
lobar 20 HI.I.KN WIN'flOll
,. fecreturj.
siBTarrera fa December n ise
Leave Ua Our Piatela
the Adlter et the Evele Puellc l.erfeer,
r In answer te a letter recently print
ed In veur People's Forum I arlah tn take
exception te the wrlter'a statement that we
ntie-Od hare our pistols taken away from
vis. Doea "Iw and Order" think that
audi a law would atop the lawless element
from getting a pletel? It's against tha law
te nuke whisk, but lan't It being; made?
It's agatnat tha law tn rob a person, te
keld him up or te Insult women en the
highway, but don't thay de It Juat the
rnnttt It's tha aama vay with tha lawleae
element regarding the rlatel If It's sgalnat
the law net te have tham, than the) lll
get tnem anyway If thay want them
I think the majority of tha belter element
aaill agree with nia that It would h foellsb
te tslte our pistols from ua. Where would
be our freedom that our fathi a have fought
for with guna and p.atela7 i for women
etera lining up en that lilnl of a oani eani
lilgn, I don't think there will ba much of
a line-up, eicer-t mat he against It, aa any
ene with common aenaa would de, Mabe
the writer of thla latter la a kid-glove ba
ll g who frara tha night et a pistol eseevt
tkesa made of chocolate.
rhltadalphla, December 11. 10. '0.
Where Are Beeth Monuments?
J a fns Kitter et the Kpit(a ubtie l.alati
Hlr In your papsr a few da age 1
inlliB.a In u lAltap In Vnltf "Pttn,.!-'
Jtsrum," tba stat sweat "Thar an still a,
Letter te tha tldlter iheuld ba aa
brief ana te tha point as pet nib) e.
avoiding anything- that would epeji a
denominational or sectarian dfluus dfluus
slen, Ne attention will be paid te anony
mous Utters. Names and adaTatisa
must he signed an an evidence if
geed faith, nltheUKh namis wilt net
be printed If requett la mad that
tliey be emitted.
The publication of a letter la net
te be token na an Inderaeinent of lt
view a by th a piper.
Communications aIll net be re
turned iiuleus accompanied by post
age, nor tvll manuscript be (.avid
few nienuinanta for Jehn Wllleea lloeth In
th ."out!-. -tha man T.'no aiaaailnatfd Lin
coln." Hern and reered In (ha Seuth, thla la the
first time I hale ever braid of a Jehn Willies
Heeth monument. Win Mr William 15.
Mewlinff niMttleii the location of a alntla
monument In the Seuth te Jehn Wllkea
Ileelli"' EMMA. II CIl.l.KY
lllck'ry, .V C. December 11. 19J0
Te Cure Stammerlne
Ve the Betller e Ihe Kveftne Public Letter!
Blr Attar mastering a bad caae of etein
merlnr. which irrnenled me for twelve
5ears, durlnir rhlli time 1 cenaalled many
doctors and read many baeks en the aubjact,
t would Ilka te add a few werds te our ad
vice te "V. S."
I Arinly believe that geed health la '0
par cent of the l.aht for geed apeech One
mull take a latauraly. talf-cenAdent attitude
mwaru nir, taice exerciae tnai la iun utw
duty), cut out atlmulauta and narcotics of
all hlnde, eat madarataty of almple, whole whele
aima foeda like eatablaa. whole wheat
bread, fruit, etc.. eUrnlnatlnr rrhlta bread, -
inatiy. fancy riaiaerte, thlk araviaa, etc,
arl. eapaclally, zet plenty of altap and
avoid anythlnt that dratna nerva-revrer.
The only three vital factors In overcemlnr
tammarlnc, In n' Judtment, are (1) health,
(2) dlaphraamiatte bteathlne, which un
aheuld maater and practice continually, and
(8) an eaay conaelerj.e, which Includes tol tel tol
eianca, freedom from relf-conacleuineia, no
Indula-enca In eicltament or Iecs of tamper,
llaaillnt aloud. In my Judrment Is a miner
l weuiu saviav ma iiftiiuniivr w rw -n.
I would sdvlie the atammerar te attard
a free Cilnlc. either the erm al reiyeitnic
Hospital or at Ihe paeheleleel department
of the Unlveraltr of Tennivlvanla, both of
which meet one or mere afternoons a wak
I hae aaaeclatad with many who attend
atammerlns- Institutions, f.nd the saneral
opinion of them la rnt encouraging, altheuah
there may be esreptlene The T M. C A.
has ceuraaa for apeach control The fee la
net Ir.rre. but the writer's esparlcntr with
them la net altogether satlafictery. although
he wsa haired aemewhat 0 E
Oakmont. Pa , DKimUr 14, 1020
Settle All Contreversion
Te th' rd tei e lli IVi-nliie 'I'b'fr f,dr-
Blr necrntly a. learned itnttman burat
forth upon a alart'ed world wllh the In
formation that Adam and Eve usrd the sign
lanruise. lately In theaa columns It haa
bean freely dlacuaaad whether St Jehn de
rived hla auatananca fram the locust tree or
chased tha rraaaheppar'e ceualn for tiffin
material. New cornea the iuargaatlen hat
It be decldad once and for all whether or
net the apple was the causa of the baetialld
In of Adam and Kve. Vine Whatever we
de let's have lhaae welghtr mattara aattled
for all tlm Whlla we are at It mev I
auggeat aema all-lmpartant subjects for fu
ture rnntreserelasT
1 (a) Did tha old wemin live In a rltht
er e left alie
(b) wheaa ilr.ir naa I
I Did Ther really use hemmir or waa
It. aa same c'alm. a Btliaen triMh'
S. Ware the wings en Mercury's feat
from the glllyallle-hlrd or tha wheel?
4 What was Hlawatha'a middle name?
It la nedleaa te stale that active partici
pation In the eelUnr of these deep prob preb
lema will be of Inistlmabls benaAt te alt
of ua and whl add much te our alera of
krevledge Wlie knows bat that rerhapa.
tn time, wi may be cuallned te leeture In
tha home of tha feeble mlndtd.
W II. S.
Philadelphia December 14. 1SJ0
Questions Aimvcred
The "Wateh en the Rhine"
ft rarer
Whr n I get . oe of it and
I h(1T s. tl If tl.bll ihM ' "W I C
wiuj..hi. r..-.vv
Pl'ade phla, December 14, 1030.
Tha official r-rgan of tha Tlilrd Dlvlalen
sselety la lirwn aa the Watch en tha
Ithlne and la published t SOS Tleard of
'fiada nu'ldlng Utile Reck. Ark
A Question of an Eatate
Te (lie Kiflleref Ike fipeeina Publte l.edfr.
Hlr piaaae answer tlteae queatlens In your
Kimiii FcM.tc LaDdtRt In raea a man haa
1 heuaa In hl own natna and ha sSeuld die
without making a will and there are three
chlldian what deea lha widow retf
Ph'ladelphla, December 5, 1030
If a man dles T-lthaut leaving a will ard
la aurvlved by a w'dew end three chl'.dieji,
the widow would cet one-third of hie real
and n-rsenel aa'ale and tha chlldrin each
cne-thlrd of the ramalndar.
Difference frv Complaxlen
Te Ihe diter of Ihe ttaal.ia Public i.erfeei
IS.r Vlease etplaln In tha Peeple'a Torum
why the cemplelene of some people are
ilaht and ethers are dark D. 1,. O
Philadelphia, Neverr.ber 10. 13:0
Ttila difference In tha eoniptexler.a of
peetla la due te tha varying amounts of
pigment ar coloring ma'arlala In lha calls
of th akin Very light people have very
Utile pigment, vary dark piepls, these with
....I. evea and black hair have a great
I deal of thla cnlerlne material In thalr ealla
A great man'' people are nM'hcr dark nor
very light They have ! plamant than
tha darl-eomplelen4d people and mere than
the llght-osiiin'eslened people. When the
hair tu-ns gray It la eeeauee the p!mnt
has disappeared Aa thla la due tn the
less of thla n.'erlng inateiU! darli-cem-plexkinrj
f" e turn arav ienai thnn
light-'-n'-.ilileried reerle. The atructura of
the kln showing hew theaa c:ts srs made
In laiers can ba eean l cianilnln the
skin through a tn'crcnoer
An Age Problem
Te the KMer et the -"" " rb' . d.i."
Sir I Inclese a Plbhl r. vli'eh parhapa
jeu may daam wertliy "f Inaertlen In jour
Peep'e'a Forum wllh the hope mat ae-r.e
reader will erk It out.
tf from my age you aubtracl seven,
Tha remainder aguarefl. add ' It eleven
It will anawer In the earne dszrer.
As It nty ae waa multiplied by Ih'ee
Nn-v what la my age'
J W 1.
Philadelphia December 11, !'
Juat Whan Waa Chrlat Bern?
Te the Edller et the Ri'enftia fublie .eitvei
Hlr I would like one of yejr theologian
raadera te tall me, through tha lrerum.
Juet whsn Chrlat was horn I mean the year
We ui Ihe ombela 11 C. te Indicate the
years before the birth of Chrlat. and A D
te indicate these after His birth Hence It
Is natural and ratlsnat te suppose, as did
Dlenisluj Kilguus In the alx'h century, that
Chrlat Wei born en Dectmber SMh of the
year 1 A. D , but mar careful examination
of chronology has ltd te the conclusion that
Chrlat nas born In the time et Augustus, the
Hrst Reman emperor, ft. C. 4 Se thst ths
eirar Is due te Dlenyelui
It Is Interesting te note that astronomers
...,, .i.- ..en ti.r.ti-A 1 A. TV th v.... n
trail III w. M-.-.w - - . , v,
aad tUt tir before that they call 1 U. C
a.fminici. nut ui t' i iii -
an undoubted'? mere aalantlflq nietheJ Hanca
by thtlr iriltm (and If na mlitake haa baen
made by lllenyalus) the date of the birth
of Chrlat would be clvtn aa December 23
of tba year, I would Ilka alma Hlbllcal
scholar te dliauaa thla. W. 1. SHOALS.
Phlladalphta, December 14, 1920.
J Poems and Songs Desired
. An Old War Seng
Te the -Krfiler of the Kvtrttitt Public Ledger:
Ulr rlaase rU ma the name and werdJ
of tha old war sons whlu'.i luns aa fol fel fol
eows: "Loek out down theie. for am relni te
1.0)k out down there, don't you under
atand? Babslen la fallen, Ha'nylen la fallen,
tlrant la .-geln te occupy tha land."
C. O. T.
Dilladalphla, November 28, 1B20.
Evening Public Ledger's Songs
Te the XMter of thr Knrnhu PiibMe I.edaer:
Sir Belnr a. constant rsdar of your
Ktem I And In It many old annaa that
I love se well.
I would llke some of veur readers te Band
ma tha words of an ijld eent.'; lha title la
"the ta On'v n Bird In a flllded f'age '
And annlhar en entitled "When tha Silver
Threada Are Httlnlne Through th Geld."
II. O.
Ardmere. Ta., Dceraber 11. 1020.
"a ninr in a chlded tiAerc"
Tha ballroom was Ailed with fashion's gsr
It ahena en a theuaand llghta:
And thar- waa a woman who paaaad along,
Tha falrcat of all the alghta.
A girl te her lever then siftlv aluhed.
There's riches at hr command,
Ilut aha married for wealth, net for love,
he cried.
Though aha Uvea In e manalen grand.
She la only a bird In a glided ia.
A beautiful alght te ae.
Teu may think she la happy and fra from
She Is net, though shn saarns te ba,
Tla sad when you think of har waated Ufa.
Fer youth cannot mate with age.
And her beauty wAa sold for an old msn'a
She's a bird In a glided caga.
I aloed In tha ehurchyard Juat at en,
Ae aunaet adorned tha weat
And looked at the people wln'd coma te
O'er loved enee nee. la.d te raal,
A tall marble rnenumtnt mark-d lha crave
Of one who'd baen faahlen'a euren.
And I thought she'd be happier there at rat
Than te haaa people aay, whan s-an
Wanta "Alene"
Te th' KdUer of th f.irnina r.iVlr t.ritgrr
, . yjf X "" you r5!')' h'lr ethers, will you
kindly eitend the aeme klndneaa te ma. an
old reader of your up-te-date paper?
I want te obtain tha wrrda of nn old
enng ntltll. I am aurr, "Alene." tha Arat
four lines of which are
"Aline I waked the ocean strand.
A pearly ahell within my hand.
I atoeped and wrote upon the sand
My name, the year, tha day." at.-
I have Inquired of no thn,, inn.
muale dealara. some or tham rrmemberel
the aenc and said they would try and gat
ii ier m, se lar witneut auccaaa
lVrhapa you or your kind icadera would
obl'ge me. jj, , jj.
Philadelphia., December 0. 1020
The llnea ijueta.l are the beginning of s
peeni by Hannah Klagg Gould, which la as
fallow s
Alens I railed the ocean airand.
A pearly ahell waa In my hand,
I steeped, anl wrete upon the tend
My name, tha year, tha dav
As onward f-em the epet I paaaad.
One llnKarlt.z loe' L-hlnd I ciat-
A wave came rolling hlfh and faat.
And waahad mv lines awuy
nd en, mtheught, "iwlll ahertlj- be
With ererv mar, nn earth for me,
A wave of dark oblivion a sr
Will aurep ai reaj the place
Where I have trod the sandy ahere
Of time, and hern te 1m no mere.
Of m. my frame, tha name I bore.
Te le-iva no track nor trice.
And yet, with lllm who rnunta tha sands.
And helda tha watera In hla handa,
I knew a laatlng reenut atandi
Inacrlbed against mv name.
Of all thla mortal part haa wrought
Of all this thinking soul has thought
And from thass Aecltnc mementa cnugnt,
V.ir glory or for ahama'
Ha' Daria eaka for tha poem "The Kid's
I.aat P.ght" and "Dangereua Dan McGrarr "
The People's I enim will appenr dalle
In the Evening Public ledger, anil also
u tha Hnnder Public Iter. I.ettrra
dliM-usalBg tlmelr turtles will he printed,
aa welt 3a rrqiieateal pneme, und aueatlena
of general Intcreit will be answered.
Remarkable Cleiinj Out SaleTl
100 Ladies' Diamond Rings
With hlue-whlle diamond gat
In platinum, crown mounting
and green geld
$24 each
Sail regularly for
; Lichtey's, 6 N. 11th St.
I "It Cnete Leee en Itth St."
Deth Hnee
Strnycr's Bustneai College
Sttsyera llttalneis Collage tiaa room
(or a few rner atudanta at both Its
day aeaalens and Its night eesslena
thla la the school that seta audi larji
aalarlee for Its eraduBtea, because thay
are mers expert than ethers, if you
want a buemase education we would
tiftiest that ;-ou start at Strayer'a nt
ones at either the day or the night
Strnyer's Business College
607 Cnejteit Strati Phens, Walact 384
COLLEGE Night school
'cii-aa la eaDetlall? fnr ihn- .v,n
' it e a thoreugn knowledge of the
ncii.ia ... mai.-rn accounting and
ba ubllltv te Install accounts systems
.1 ii. iu.kt auu uoeKiceep ng.
ankli.c end Vlnance. iii.tn...
rail, Customs and .Hthlcs Rsnld
e cutut en uemmetciat i.aw Dank-
1, '.IIIV-' iii-.i- -,
I8C4I ivamill ni.. I'lilladelphlu
Teu won't rnaka any mistake If ou atudt
Oreir tlherthand, Simple te write, easy te
ipjeu-w. ------- " eTVH ttlUr atrrQUI 1L
mi iMBru l';kiiii, Ctt.
1817 Chetlnnt Bt.
ICKH market Htre.e "KV
The Tayler Scheel Mrie at.
Nltht Setieel Inttroetlen Incrtaaaur'.Ilrn.
Ins canarltv A Insure. m..i..i I. l"r' .""
i i i i " -"'1'iuim.ni
Maker Preparater and Tulerlng ReheaiTa
enrellW for the ninter TermViinlll ileTim!
ke.f 1tlT. Cenaei ledger Kattenal E
-i r ---m. -iiuiiermeni
Private LetSOna EBA"h' French, Latin
... wuta.,. ir,7 Sry&Fim
Salvation Army and Hlnz
Mand Ke3cue miaoien rrange
for Gifts and Dinners
One tltetisftntl )oer chllilren of Phila
delphia, fiem flve-yetir-eld toddlers te
fourteen-ycnr-eltl beya and girls, will
linve their henits ltinde clnil and will
dlwevcr that Santa Ctaiu i mere tlmn
an empty phraae. when dfts nrc dis
tributed at the SaWatlen Avmr audi audi
leritim, Uread Rtrcrt and Knlrmetint
iiTenue, en Christmas Day.
Threnith the efforts of this erfcanlza-
Men mere than JlOOO loll worn and
wenry men, women and children also
will obtain a brighter viw of life and
the ecnareblty of Ihetr fellow -men
through the tlletrlbiltlnn of ROOO real
helidnv dinners en I)ccmber 1.
While these plans for the Hprendlnu
nf "geed -will te infn" were announced
tedav bv the Salvation Army, nn urgent
nppeal for contributions was tanned iy
thn Helping Hand iteicue Mission. 721
North Serend street.
This organization nlae propears en
Christmas Day te fill lite worn MecUItikh
of the children who live around the
Delaware river front and in the i-mnll
tetirts and dirty nllrys at6e, and will
distribute basket dinners te the peer
families, but mere money must be ob
tained te carry out lliese plans.
At the Salvation Army dOO bnsletR,
each containing n dinner for fix per
KOiis. will be Klvcn out en the afternoon
nf December ". under the dlrettleti et
liieutenant Colonel Arthur T. Hrewcr
and Xlajer William S. Uarret. Kach
basket will contain n chicken, a can of
condensed milk, anil corn r pi'ns, nne
pound of stiBAr, a leaf of bread, turnips,
potateea, onions, ci ackers, coffee, but
ter, npples and oranges.
On Christmas Day each child will re
ceive a half a pound each of candy and
nuts, and an orange.
"Santa Claus" himaelf will preside nt
these festivities, and Fullerton I.
Walde will te'l funny stories te enter
tain hl guests, who Will also be di
verted by drills, hengs, sketches and
The Helping Hand Itewue Mission is
asking particularly for contributions of
money and old rletliinjt or ters. It Is
hoped that sufficient funds will be ob
tained te distribute nt least 300 basket
containing complete Christmas dinners."
HUNTEIt. tn lev mr memory of RICH
10IS. "Te lha In hearts we leave behind
U net te die."
NIIUHAUIIH. In loving memory of St'
SAN E. NEUnAUEIl. who died D.-cember
17 191S A N.
MEI.ICK --In loving remembrance nf our
only aen and brother rilll.IP O MDI-ick.
First Bargaant Ce 1), 318th Inf . 70th Dlv ,
wounded Nev. 10 In action, made the au
preme aacrlflca Dec 17. 1918, at Nantes,
Ha fall a brave defender for humanity
anil freedom. He fought hla aha.e of battlea
end he wen hta ahare of honera and we t e
lleve he la happier In the world beyond for
tne aarrtiice na una maaa anu tne vicierj' no
helped te win find hteis you, our boy
ACKKRMANN. agd 80 Relallvaa and
trler.da. also Richmond Ledge. Ne. line. K
and A. M.. are Invited te attend funeral
rervlees, Men , 2 n. m , raaldtnee. 2i)30 N.
Cth at. Int prlvnte
husband of Martha Alexander Inee P""'r)
aged 02 Ralatliea and frlenda. Atlielat.in
l.edg. Ne 42. y and A M.. Court Aieverl
eta. Ne 37. K. et A t Union l)dte, Ne. 14.
K of P . Idaho Tribe Ne 7a, I O. II. M .
and Itaaki Tribe. :ti 184, HBmakera
a.e.. Invited te funeral, Nat 2 80 p.,m.
1083 Oreenway ac I: Mt Merlah v-tm
Friends may call Trl. eve
R.VTE8 Dec. II. 1020 WINI1TIKD be.
loved wife of Jeseph Heles tnee Danlelsl
aged 23 Relatives and frtenda Invited te
attend funeral, Pat . S 10 a m from her
pnrrnta' realitenre, 2ill' Teakar at Holemn
high maas of requiem Bt Kdt.iend'a t htirch
10 a. m. Int Hely Creae
of Herace H Ilauer (nee rlliellcnljergar) aged
63 Relatives end frlenda are Invl'-d te at
tend funernl services. I'll. 9 p m.. at her
late reeld-nca, 2I4S r Reeae ft Further
aervlcea and Int. at Doyertewn. Sat.. 11 a.m.
nKNNER Dee 13. at hla residence. 12.13
Locust at . A PKNROI1E. aen of late Jehn
and Maria Iterer.cr In his 7th vear. fu
neral aeivlce Sst . 2 p m Members of Cel
Wrn I. Curry Peat. Ne 18. O. A. II.. and
members of vatersn Cerp 1st Reg , N C.
I are Invltcil Int private
CROUTHAMAL - Dec lfl ANNIE, widlf
of Jacob Crouthamal. In har 77t'i year Iu Iu
nerel seniccs Pat . 2 u in. pteclaely. real
dence, 14f.n K Oxford at. Int. prlvata
llRUWN -- At th. Corenadj AUHrtm'nt.
en Dec. lrt 1.'0, VILLI M CIKOROE. hue
band of Lucv n.icknr Ilrewn. aged 78
years. Netice of funeral inter
I1ROV. NINO At I-ennla N. J. me Dec.
U. IBIii, I1LI W. IIROWNINO. 3r.. need KB
Relative and friends Invited te funeral, en
Sat. at 2 p m , from hla late residence,
Lenela, N J Int Coleatewn Cem Con
veyances will meat 2:30 p. m. ttaln from
Trenten at Palmyra and 1:0 train from
Market Rt Terry, at Lenela. N, J
rtUTCHER De t4 !te nf 04S Wlnten
at . Phlla.. MART I . wiae et Ifcnlamln
Butcher. Relatives and frlenda are Invited
te attend funeral sarvlees, Hat.. 2 p. m . at
har nephaw'a r'ildanee. William Cerer.
Montgomery tie., fort Vaahlngten, Int.
private Mt Peace Cem. Autes will meet
train at Pert Yaahlngten leaving Reading
Terminal I 02 p. m.
wife et ftdward a. Caldwell Relatives and
frlenda are Inilted te attend funrnl serf
tecs, i'at . 2 P. m . at her huaband'a real
dence 773r, Ilrunawlck ave Ini private.
JTrlends mi' call KYI . S te 10 p m
CARR Dec 13. et Old lrt'es' Heme
Wiaelnemlng. IOUI3A M CARP, funeral
Sui . in a. ni precisely, from ths heme. Ini
North Cdjr Hill Cem
rtlMA.'.' On Dec tel CLARA wife of
lraiam Cal!.n In her Mill year Tut-'vl
rervlcea. Hun. De" If. at 1 p ' r.i f-ani
nor late raaldanre 813S Kastwlck ave Il
meina may be viewed Rat eve Int liar
Net re
CU1.T -On December U. L K O N A It D
GULP. Ralatlvis snd frlenda are Invited in
attend the funeral services, Saturday, at is
neon, from the realdence of hla aen Mr.
Pranlr J Culp. 4?. Minerva ave. Roiberouiin
Int prlvata Krlnda may rail Prlday
1, wife nf William II Dawsen Relatival
and frlenda are Invited te attend funeral
trvl'CS. Hat , 3 p. m preclaaiy, at har hua
band'a latldance. 419 Mart'n it . P.oxber
euih. lrt private
DEECIAN Dee 13, HANNAH J wire nf
flenrta P IH.gan and duuxhtar of Thnma
J. and lute Catharine M. Hugliee Relatival
and friends Invited te funeral, Sat.. 8 50
a in., r.ad'ice 1711 R'tner at Helemn
h'glt mass 8' Menica's Church 10 a. tit.
Int. Heiy Crees
PONAIIIU1 --Dec 14. 10'JO HRlfKIET
wlfa of the lata Vatrlik flennliu. Kuna-Jl
Hat f HO a m. from her lata realdeiv
linji federal et Solemn raaulem mass Pt
i-hsrla' Church 10 a. m. Int. private. Na.v
DOWNER Dec 13. LOL'ISV A widow
nf Edward Dewnae red Ca funeral Hjt .
1 p m., realdence of aen In-law. Jehn It
Wright, fits Tork st . Camden, N. I Int
DUMIJUl - Dar J4. 190. LOUISA
widow of Jehn Ilumler Servlies flat . 'J
e. m lealdence SIC'.' b litth at Vr'inde
mav i all Vrl i i
huebeml of .Sarall hdKarda. Re.atl.es and
frlenls an iji .ellie re Invited tn funeral
en Sat . at '30 n. m realdence. 0533 Cath
.irlPa et In' Mnntiuaa Cam.
ELLIOTT OiiDee. 14th. lXlUIB R, hue.
bind of Sarah Elliett. Retatlvea and frlenda
alto Schmidt Iteneflrlal Aaan . are Invited
te the aervlce en Saturday afierroen at I
o'elock at hla late reaMenee. 3280 N smj,
t Int private at DniVatewn. Pa frlenda
mv al, rr'day evening.
rAIRI'AinV At Atlantic City, N J.
Dec l. MARTHA II wife of Vamea C
ralrbalrn. agd 84 Ralailvee and frlenda
Invited te funerjl arMcta, frl T .:0) p m.
at her lata reeljence, na n. Virginia ave.
Atlantle cit int Bat . 11 a. m at Lum Lum
barten N J.
fORTESCL'E- Dec 13 WILLIAM, son of
Wllllsm l and Annie Ferteecue, Relatives
snd frlenda InMted te funeral Bat . I p. m ,
realdence. 2014 Raed st Int Parnwoed Cem
Krlanda may call F rl
rON nee, 13, LIZZW A , wife of Jehn
J Kox. FUneral aervlcea Men. 3 r m , at
her huaband's realdence, 4IH Wyoming ave
Audubon, N J Int rrlvale, Friends may
call Sun., 7 te 0 p. m.
CJANTT Dee 16, 1030, MART P widow
ef Jehn C flantt aged 81. formerly of Had
denfleld N J Relatives and friends Invited
tn funersl aarv lies Sat., tl a m at chapel
of Andrew J. Hair & Sen, Anh and lath
ta Int. private friends may call frl
7 l v,
. ClIMiOer.r Dec. 10. WILLIAM J hua
bard of tha lata Marcarat O.ilnuly, n-.ntn i
and frltnde are Invftrd te attend fun-ral.
Men., 8::1U a m . lata realdnien. VSOI (Irava
Ferry rd. Helemn lilah tnaaa of rtqulam fit.
Anthuny'a Church 10 a m Ini Hely Ureaa
tieRltlNQ At hl raaldanea, -win Wal
nut at, en !. lltli. OHCAIt, hualmnd uf
Marie E. Uearlna. d 8d jtari, Fuii-thI
a'irvire private en Halurday arternoen at 1!
o'clock. Int. prltale. Krlanla may call
em'UT'injr ir.'in it m, in m a p. fn,
- n.l iS ,A,X ,
I Chancellor M. If. Geff. formerly of thn Unl-
eralty of l'liisDurgn. Service en Ft dav
""" - w v.., -. ,i, imp reauenca-
4111 H dad at. Interment at Pittsburgh i2
IMI11CIIT. At har iea'denc. 4sn? " u-.i.
nut t.. en Dae. 15th, rMJRE.NOi: 13 wire
et Win K-. Itablcht Ilalntlvra and fil.rda
are lllllu id me service en MSIUtuav a f V
neon at 1! o'clock, at th lunar It it
Midg.. IHiO Oheain-it at In) private
Al, ,. UtC. Hi. H.ltAn ult- .. ti
Hall, tSarvlcra Men . l p nt. 2.1S1- H Oreia
at, Int, rcrnwoed Ceni IManda rnaj iiii
Bun., S te 10 n. m. J '"""
HAI.tSTnt)M. -At New Tort; cltr D.
15 THRODOIIB.A . aen of Alfred . ini
ll-Mie K. Hallatrem, ,g,d 16. Sarvlc'ea at
Hrace Church, Uuwen av., Ml Alrv Phiia
ant,. 2 p m. Int. Ivv Hill Cam '
HAMILTON. kntered Inte rear Dr IS
tase. kmma v, i,irri,E, T'if of p.?'
Charlea I Hamilton, aged 71 Kunaral aarv
Icea at her lata realdance. DOS fleuth Jm
Madia. Pa . Bat , 1,80 p m Int. private '
JONEfl. Twelfth-month. I3th Inat at ner
late realdence, 1808 N. Camac at"? BISTII 'H
JONES, ne'atlves and friends milted ("at-
WH i..n,r.J,i5Vwn,,,,y: .Twlfthm"nlh.
IHth Inst., at 1:30 p. m .at the realdence of
her nephew Edward E Jacobs, 185; N 12th
at Int. private, ' " J""'1
J II DM K -On Thura Df 1(1 1020 nt 'he
residence of hep mother m- nttcMvi rirtM.
"' i V-O'lfJNI'W KIJ.VA Jl'IXIK. Hervicea
nn Inierinent private
KANh. Dec 14, HMZAnBTH f . daugh
ter of Mary and late William I-.ane. ftcla
ii.v.t?, J J"1 f'lends, also ampleyea of Curtla
lubllshlra- Ce. invited te funeral Sat., H 30
m . late realdence, HJ1 N 4Sth at Kel
emn requiem mats church of our Mether of
SeUSZi, 1"J m- 'nt- Helv f reaa Cent
.,IJjBr D'c 15. t'HAnt.KR A, husband
2Li.?l,.U Keep (n llahman). Relatlvea
and frlenda. also St Jehn's A-aembly, Ne
0. A. O. At I --4 Ukll. t M.. Vn Kl
ie. . ' V' " Rr Invited te attend funeral
. , ". ":. "' 'A, r-aldence, :,sir, Redman
I... Iernnoed Cem. rrlenda may call
,Ki:iUHTI.r - Dec
h'J " KelghtlJ-
II, HAMUF.I,, huaband
agd 7S, Retntlrea and
irienqa. uethle lda. Nn Bin. F and A
aV-iealSv,te' ,0 'uneral. Bar.. 2 p. m 4J
atif,.ere 8.""' I'Uften Malghta Int. private,
Al! r,ln ,l"' frlenda may call Frl. eve.
Omit fleera
nu". hn f et Mnrgaret l and son of Mary C
fui '" i trnl Kleins, aged 31! Itala
la '". r",ff'nds, also J J Harry Peat. Ne
il... m,fll"PJa'. invited te funeral rerv
wrji.f.' ' -30 " "' ' residence, RlliO
,VJridf.".5t, "" Vernetr Cem. I'rlends
LA I IN riAA If j-icm a a-t. a a a
he. lata' Arn.Tla .'.hn "? i,Vn'm ""."cVd'Tl !
W nd mend, and al societies of I
JTjl1 member are InMted te attend
funeral aervlces. Sat n m at Bl2 N
!i!.".' ,nl- nrlvata. Clreenmeunt Cem. !
...,u. iimr can i rt , 7 te v v, tn.
i..i 'i!En.T-:D,r' ,5 nilASMUB J . hue
LV,.!.0.' "". u, Catharine A. LamMrl
n n.L." "V! fri''nt' elae emplejea of Jehn
i ....."". "innenana Trine me hi.
ie iV .':.- : -entcan Ceun-ll, Ne. 214.
?5 J. ahlngten Camp, Ne'. SLI V
?,..' f!,Va luncll Ne. P0.1 O of 1 A .
court Prde of Hranchtewn. Ne 13, r of
, are Irevlte,! in fnnernt -.rtriA. u.m
t..1?. lealdence, "354 mdj, a,, ' jnt. it,
eace Cem
-,"-- ,--i-T-,''1-. n. wi. juil.1!. SOn Ol
h,,',,,"."" ,n." 'uSe iiary j-rsnecs l-ennen
Sf, "i'i an(1 f'lends Invited te funeral.
tiL "i."' 87s N- th Maes at
linYi .'.0' -,.h Assumption 10 a. m. Int.
neiy cress Cem
nnMrA5B?..!!'Jd''"',lv- of 401 Locust t .
en Dec. 14 .Mary a v,Jew of ,(nb,r, slH.
fit . .V'Xir Rt eennlenc of tha fam
ily, at the pllv.r II Hair D.dc . 182ti Ch-st-nut.
"' lntrmnt prliat
?u. . .ii1.1! hn rtn(1 5Ilir' Magulie Rrla
ii.,.1 51'. frLen'i" ar" Invited te ntteid fu-i1"?'-
Hf, 8.10 a m., from hla brntha'-ln-LS
" ""Urnce. Themas Nnrthej, 117 Rlpka
chnrK ".n1L'unr;: , Solemn requiem maaa
S'.i. lh,': "elv family 10 a m. Int
iicatmlneter Ceni
eV,Ai,H'Y,-T,u"-' .t8- MICHAEL htiaband
eLll r,Ula,5''lJ',, Funeral Jinn.. 7 30 a. m .
trem lila late realilence 7(11 N 27th at. Sol Sel
Tm1 ,nJ?a r?', riulem St K rancla' Church
!-. wmi ,ni,,n"" and frlenda ere Invited
Int H Iv t'reaa Cem
MARTIN Dec. 14 PANNIE W. I'e of
Themas Martin Itelatlv-a and frlenda ure
e."'". i" !"nr,,l eervlcea. Krt. evening. I
Sle. at her late realdance. nnai N- Cleveland I
JJ"?i? S 1'eriltt (ne Iiaxllttl Relativea ,
riV?..'?1'.1"1". "I"", Memerial ltaptlat Church.
nylted te funeral srvlcea. Rat . 1 p m.
lata realdence. 1018 W Daunhln at Int. prl
vale. Mt arncn Cem Pi lends mny call
Trl., after p. m. i
MICHEAU On Dec 13th. rLOItriNcr.
U J?i'ixMrT ff.Mary and the late Daniel
E. Ml'-ttis-u lt.lntlvea end frlenda ai- Ii '
vl ted te the rervlca nn -Hturdav af,.rnoeu
in?, 'clf"',,?. "' T K"iirnrr "' r fiethet '
aantt Hamilton at Int prlva'e
T.reORE On Dec H 1920. DORCAS I
wife of Pamiiel D Meer. Relailvea audi
fr'enda Inv lied te funeral aervlnta. en Mnn
day at 2 p rn at her lata n-eld-nc- 2711 ,
Parrlah a' Interment private. Mt Merlai '
MOWER (ne, Strlcharl b-leved wlf. of
Jnaeph Mower Relallvaa and frlenda tnvlfd , c
tn funeral en Saturday. 2 n rn frnm i... I s
lata realdtice, 24fl N Stllliran at In
terment Mt .Vfrne-i iVjneten' Rmalna
'"ytVJ'"-? Friday from 7 te n en.
MOTER. On Dec 13 1020. M.I.KN 11
MOTER. Frlenda Invited i .., ,Ull ".
nm j-r . .....-"l " .."'. -" '.'1"
wi-e iiriuimni nur.-ii ii m and mirr
Ingdeti a'H . Hun 1 p -. R..-,0i... mav be
. .an. ... ii-,h,iii ui.u i. 1'arK ave
Bun after 4pm Int flelleravllle, Men
p n Train leaves Columbia ave. IS.Cfl
OHANLON Dee 14 Ilf Lf.N .wlfarf
Miif.nt I rHanlen. end daurthter of Jehn
and Mary Mcfaddan aged 23 yeara. Rela
tives and frlendt Invited 'e funeral. Ba- s
,m u3,.,i.rh"Jn)i5. "( M,, ' H- Jam.a'
i-hureh. 3Sth snd Ch'atnut. Int. Heiy Creej
TlrtS are.1 7T Ttefttli.. -,,.! i-u..,. ...-.
! Union Iidre. F and A It. Ne 15i .rL
Invited te ittenil funaral aenlc. Men 2
p ni at hla late rcsld.n-e, 131 1' Diamond
at Int private
PJtEN'TZni. Dec 18 ADOI.PHUS ft
PRENTZKL. Funeral aervlce. Mm n
ni lata realdence Fal-i'lew are Wlllaw
Drive. Int private ;
of Julia Knllx Retatlvea and friend, are 111- !
vlted. tn funeral. Sat n m, rp.id.nca nf
daualter 241H N 20 h a' Frlenda nu
ra'l Prl ave ' "' "",
PP.OCHER - Suddenly Dc 14 WIT
L1AM. aen nf Jehn and Margaret Prec'ier
wiri ricni-ri ivu .d
Relativ.. unit t.u..
i...... .. . . . --'".iii.
hid inwivu iu numu lunrrai. rat 111 a m
parenta' realdant'e, IMS N Philip at Int
Oreenmeunt Cent Frlenda may call Frl
CELL aen of Anna and lata Patrick Pur
cell of County Clara. Ireland end brother
et Mary I'urcell. njjed 10 Relatives arrl
friends Invttd e fureri en Sat . at a,,
a. m.. resldance of brethar-ln-law Michael
N" Ketirei 30 Windser eve Highland Park
Delaware co . Pa Se'enm reautem ma. at
St. Lawrence Church 10 a m Int Helr
Crn.a Cem
QUINN Dec 14. VARY widow of Jamea
Qulnn (naa Hart). P.elathea and frlereda In
ted te funeral. Sat tl a m lO'.'il Reeae
ave . Ilryn Mswr. Solemn rermlem maaa at
Oui Mether of flood Council Chuich Iu u
ni li't. St Denla' r-am
wtt'ew of Warren RevneMe r her .'ili jeer
Tuneral anrvlces, Rat p ni at ani-ln
law's realdence. Frank Maldwln. 43; Haw.
thorns at . Frarrkferd. Int Cedar Hill Cem
Frlenda may call Frl aft" 7pm
blll'LI.Y A- IllPhlandtewn llucka pk
wife .f l.mes II Shell-, and daughter of
the late CI arlea Fellman In 1 88iji ,.,a,
Rel.a and frlenda Invited 'e funeral aarv
Icaa en Sun . at 2 18 p. m . at hr late reel,
denea. Rlchlandlewn. Intarnien- Rtch'int Rtch'int
tewn Cemeterv. Autemnhl'ea vain tna.t
train at Qunkertewn. leaving Reading r.r
mlnat e' 12'80 p. m
SHUNTER On Dec 18 Wt I.LI am rv
PHUSTER Ratal a and frUnda alto Sir Sir
vlvers of 20lh P.ct. Psnn i.tinteera are
InvllaJ te the a-rvlcea 1,1 Sa'.urdar after
noon at 2 e clock at thj r-.ii..,,, of ni,
B'n Oaerge W Shualc 4i.t7 11' ave
Invi'ant pr'vate
SMXLL On De IS SR4H 4 w'dew
of rale- Sma'l Fi.ncral ei Stii ili m"rn
Inte at 7 13 e clock Irvm ins Olive- II Ha r
ll'da IS'.'O Cheatnut it Requiem Vgh maaa
et Churc'i of thn Ueau ai v e 'ec'' Inter
ment t Old Cathedral Camele'v
SMYSER -nee lfl, 1020 HERMAVSMY
SER htuband of Marv U Smvser aged 77
Due notice ii f funeral wl'i h given frnm
hla tote realdener 41133 Catharine at
HVYDEI5. Dec 14 11(20 HARRY II
hu.band of Elizabeth, n Wlmcr. aee.1 74
Funeral arvlcee Sat 1 SO p in 113 V
50tU at lit private. I'l lenda may cal. Fr'i
t ti 10 n m
SPANOI l.R -Dee 13 MM TOV I ,..,, , , i
nf Carrie V Spangler tm- llmp-nter' R.
t.vaa and frle.ida Ledga Ne 4,1.' F and
M InMted te funeral SAit ,, m, ",,',,
Roxberouh are . Roxberoux'i Int Watt.
mln.te- "i Fri.nils n-a.v can pr'. .tei-'-i
nriiiiir.n iw ii aiAitr 1 belned
ndrew J Springer Relatives ant I
a Invltel te nttctid tZX.i.) , ?'
al ?thTrr.ldTc, 'of her daurMeV I
wile et
frlenda are
1 31 n m
i.wn i. .ii-iia" ,7" j "' i" pre-eeu tn
Palmar Vau.t 1 1 lends may call F-l jfi. r
8 p tn Int private
daughter of Margaret end the late .leaeph
iMiiiii.-i-- -- "'' "t-.i fc. rva-a Iv
n.l frlenda XI a Invited tn
attend fmi.-.i
Sit 8 B0 a in realdence
Anra Slier 2043 Rnrer at
Church of Visitation 10 a
Sepulchre Cem
THOMAS - Suddenls Dei
Of s ete- Mrs
Requ ern ivias
m tnt Hei)
at Illvar
AH. In 74th
Pa AM.15.V
year runcral
feetlna Heuse,
fjat.. i n.
in., Havarferd I.
tnt nrivat-
-i-irrtMf'ROS'. Al rtarwvn. Pa rn'nuc
14. ilVlUltOH NB1.10N THOMPHO.V, flervlcea
and tut. at Church of the Geed Samaritan,
Wr'afterW p t1.P' "" '""""' m" "" I
TINKIjrill - Vn WfC 10, MAlll liilMA
TINKI.11H of tS'Jfl Carpenter at Relatives
nnd friends end Crew Council Ne ma, V
of p. are inv ted te the aervlcea, en Satur
day afternoon, et 2 o'clock, at the Oliver It
tlalr Illdg , I9K0 Cheatnut at Interment
P VANDSRORirT. At Rosten December 1.1,
1020. A AI.DA. daughter of tha lata Daniel
p, and Annie I.. Vandargrlft. Relatives and
frtenda Invited te lunerat a-rvteea . se'urflay,
Decamber is. a i. m, . ai wt. -Mary a yiiure t.
nur tngten, .i J ir.v. di mryi ,nurcil
-J..;. t,.t, n ir wmv r if ..in
tha lata' Frederick Vel'lmer. aged' 71. far-1
isierly reaiaen witn jenn himnari. rrnnt aral
'riega eta. Funerel aervlcea Men., 2 p. m
preelaely. at her late realdence, nyO W. Hum
mervllle ava , Olnay tnt. Hlllalde Cem Re
mains ma;' be viewed fun eve.
WPt.KH I.B' of Iwc, Dal , audder-
at WneMnnten, I) C. Dee. 10. W.1LTEK
H WAPl.Kt Int. Mwei, Del
WARWICK -- Near Almeneaann N .1
Dae 15 I.DWIH WARWICK, egad 70 Pu
neral Bun . Dec te. 3 p m . from raaideia
of hla aen. Jame Warwick, near Almonee Almenee Almonee
aen. N ,1 Int. nethel Cem Frlenda mav
rail yt . 7 te fl n in. Autes will meat
trn'lava nt Olaaabore Htnna read et 1 and
I ;!U1 n m
WECIST --D-r IS, rRCDEHICIv .1 . hue
hand of Anna K Wegat aged SB Relative
and frlenda also Camp Ne, 77. P ,0 B. nf
A. nnd nembera of Plrat German M. K
church Invited te ettand funeral aervlcea
flat . 2.10 p m late realdence, B8SS N. Park
eve . I'rn Reck. Int nrlvata. Northwood
Cem T'-'anda may call rn . 7 te S p m.
tNBKR -Dec 15 at Ment Vlata Apta
JOHN, hutbend of Anna II Zlnr, arad fll
Funeral aervlces Sat . : p in , 822 N 62d et
Int private.
J.A. r, WIZ. J,it.. . -
,d for 5 ahares of common atei k
lean Academy of Muelr In tha I
Ve 007
ii. in icr i, anarea ni common ami k i
ei Tne American rtradi'mr or .music n tne i
i'in ni j.ivingainn J. maul, lir-rn etawr l
tin lnnll.at'r,ii k.a !.-., n.u- fn. - ..
cmn IFICATn lyi.t. c-rtlflcata Ne 677
dated Jine II. juiv for 4 aharca par
value .fl of Rlttcnhet.aa Truat 'n . In th.
name of Miirv Moetc Miller, cr'iricate N
BJ8 dated June II 1811' for 1 ahare par
value Jfti), of Rlitanheuae Truel Ce. In th"
nam.t of Imllv Ieaner Millar, tamperarj
certtnert Ve A 1101 dated June '-'0. ln:!0
for 5 src par value 1100, nf Rlttenheuae
Truet Ce . in the name of Nellie F I.n Rue
Application haa been made for tha leeulng of
new citliicatei In llau thereof unleaa nbje
tlen s made te eald truat company R'tten R'tten
heute Truet Ce IBIS Chestnut a' Arthur
llaln. a-r-atar .
WAMUNDS - Iluou WAMUNDS - Ilueu reaunl for Abe r.aey.ry
"L.V'c., H WTVnTclIm "11 A
iir.lSinl.rch at8 M.'j.n lir. V cltV
iireiiient.acn .11 Maiden lane. N. l. ctty
DOO l.eat Irish terrier, female, In th
ne'rhlinrlinnrf ef ?th nnrt flnr.tr. R 1 eftl a
old line b nrk dollar with nn name, anawera
tn mm- of Peggy Reward If returned te
ata R I. ".til at.
DOO Lest
Saturday morning e hlte tee
by'a plajmata; reward. 4i3
IHied e. bi
DOO Leet, Airedale, name and ertdrtea en
cellar Reward If returned te "36 H Slat
' Phene Locust l!8n4
MONEY Lest roll' ef"b lis In deprtme-.t
atom or en street Plrider return te 1610
N 80th at and recall reward
WATCH Lest lelil wrlat wa'eh, JiwTaa"
December 14. betwen t'nlve nt of Pnn
eylvania a mnaatum and I'owelten nve Re
ward Return te 310'J Powalten ave. Har
Ine Sl'.4
WAM.BT List.
en Olranl ave .
annr'a Phnre
brown vallel Ir teatnurant
or going te Rth and Thnmp Thnmp
Tleaa. 7421 W Reward
I.aat ladiea geld wrlat watch.
' E. 11 L": reward Sflrea 872
Pi:nfiCNAI--W d-alre te aaeertsln the ad
dreaa of Mra Michael Merris slater of
Maurice llnle. born In Liverpool, Englanl
and lately realdlMr at Ne 07tl Orleana at .
Chlragd III If aha will communicate with
n she will learn something te her' ad
venter." The Adnme A Wesllake Ce 2218
W O-tarln .1 Phl'sdelnhla
JAMIJH J O NE1I.L If veu are n Phlltdel
phU communicate with tne Tour mother
ird father are atrlekrai with qrlaf and
everv en wante you home Jehn P R
Hiiiimn. It'em 32(1 8t Jamea Hetel Annex
lr.th nd Wn'mit ats
Enter thla attractive burlneas
And receive 114 per week
wMIe learning
with frequent lucreasea
COOK UP. smstl family
tlen referancea In re;l)
aehtng . men
O. Cox 177.
iie.eriv . j
COOK Teuntf white girl, elaln coeklni ref
reriviired Phnn Cheatnut Hill 1433.
We need a competent, tactful pvraen. fa
miliar with handling cuatemere bringing
Uick reeds for credit and adluatment, ner
manant pltten geed pay te one -th abl'lty
Applv department of accounts
11 F DBIVKKS 1122.24 Cheatnut et
OIRLS Excsllan eppjrtunlty for g.r' 14
veera of age, te act as messengere in mer
rhandlse and acneral clerical departmn:s
JUars-RerbucIt Ce , Ilv.aevrlt Deulavarri
J't-'RHE practical, or mother's he'per Ha
f.r.ad iiuddle-aged wenianr te ere ter year
"M child reed home and geed par. In Oer
naentewn M 114 Ledger Of.lce
, , eai.miwjia.1
A ae.f reaperting saleswoman
wheee s-n I
bill, ti la bejnnd her present place, mav And .
mere congenial employment wllh u and at I
the aama tlma double her tnpnme; wa raaulra
a weinan of clean character, sound In mind
and bedv. of atrnnr narannatltv. who wnulri
appreciate a Ufa's Jeb with a sales concern i
where Industry would be rewarded with
fr above th overage esmlng Apply 710
Wlderar Il.dg heura 10 te 13 a m Ask
for Sudeid i
STrveiinAPHERSWe have auvetai te-v
(1-si-atiW evenings for bitli experienced
ard inexperienced atcnOMraphcia Seata
KecVjMc S Ce . Rneaivclt l?iiulevard
eri,NOi-.H.rTlR. wlth"krev ledge e"f Uiel-
l.ejjlnc. central part of rlty. -nlarj ref-
.renca and exierleni-e P POJ Id'i."- Off ten
TYPISr Olrl familiar with Uiideru-eVd"ma
chine, for clerical work, nn atansgraphy
Apply te Mr. McKaen 1'ubllc Lad,:er Offtce,
8th and Clieatnut ata .
WOMEN wanted T'le well-recn un nd-..l
i-reieatanr woman ir-r coew, w-aittesa and
' harnherrn"'''
132 W Walnut lane, Clin
YOt Nil V
aevci al
ttifk Ce I
' We deair.1 the tirMcta of
catej yours women In our
jartrnent: tvpln e- book
preferred Sjrs-Ree-
It Reulvard
in tnerectten nnd wrapping
y goeos e'c.re experience pre
Jewees 1122-24 Cheatnut at.
Y Al HOME Yeu csn earn
12 an hour In your spare time
rarda: quickly and eaellv
ranvaaalnt" we teach son hew
tr work Write today for fu'l
te American Shew Card Scheel,
n"dg Terente Canada .
ever 17. for Postal intil aei v IcT.
ei'Ui, a:mlnatlena tanuarv axp-iri-
neiesaary I'ur free uartlculate
I.enard former riv.l Senl-e F.x
082 Equitable Illdg . Waahlnsten
HOIS wanted 11 j--t d-paittnent of
fliiiint 11 tnstit'itten pieasant work
vanceinent ler 'hoe eiev ing nbllit a an
age -ducatie-i and refe'ei-ea II alt 1 d
,-i Offite
CJH 4 L t Ff.uRci vauiee 0el1 pav, ateaev
Plevmen'. Apply Nell tlrenbers, superl.i
'-- i-""- "JI-s!Le PlL-luL.t ,
.rjivn, -b 'i.taii .xpsriance 01
ceata sic, aaiar and refereiicei
! I.edri:. vtlce
IiEi.lUNllh tex"l en "women a was'
nerstel snd woe'en fintiea some practice'
experlem-e nccesaar: want Honscler.tleua er
ergette eune man who la looking for oi'inor ei'inor oi'iner
tiinttv Addreaa I' 013 I .".Iter Office
DRVVINll-lN FOIIUMaN i-anti-rt b7 TSTfi
inakina fHr.i vverated and wtHiien wa 'l
muat ba nxperlenced nd capable of handling
help and getting production, permantpt po pe po
allleji and geed opperiunlt for right man
Addieas P Kin. l?er Office
KiHttMAN wanted for printing depTrtriie'nt'
hank atallenery heusei city of 80,000 nmu
It"??.' rl','an I tn ba thoroughly competent
M IJQ ledger office
HAl.l '-TO.NH OPHnA reif: hign"l "elwrT
emeJ, wanted, muat be wl'llng te work In
nn open shop 4h hours par vvekt svtlafacterv
references must be furelehed- te such a man
wc vrlll ray exceptional wajras, Uuffc-ik E7
& KUc, Ce.. it Atlantle aye,. Baaten, Ha",
.. . . - .... ...iiuniij'
emK i
writ a ,
JOII COMPOgiTOHB, two. fur rumnirnlal I
tlrlntlng daparttnent. Trenten relMiiaJluiC
Ce.! Peace ai.Yl I.afaete a.s. JttemenN I
ijfa exnerlcnceiTefi tnuaicsl Tnatium nta,
niu'st ha fair knowledge nf violin te-
nalrlnj. HJAta-HoeUUi'rt in . noedn ueu.
mTftHSSSSSr If. Kued ..f.renc., ,,.
rtil'etidldiy paying tide ilne. Fir paillru'igis
Vddreea P. O. Het 1018. l.eutsvl l. K
Hating territory covered
MV.i.irniE wa.s re."i " iTtii r-Lixriuc
Call vii Irian "'" " tia "---- , - -
i1,,l,ttai.MTATHT -Prem'.t.-snt Nev Eng
"T,:i -:omeany dealiea aervlcej of II In thla
.,." - . trt i..n. irj,i lemiinernnim
cy. ""rv ."" v. .7,:, -, vi.v; :n .: i
llie riani iiiru. . -. . .-, v..... --.
niVETElfa and cauliera
eXDarl-r.ceit fm
las-holder work; aevirai mmitru-' J ). Ap.
ply te Kdwara iiyan i- i uej ei vvu-
llamatert Pa.
A self respecting salesman, whose imbitlen
Is beyond hla nraaent ile, may find tnca
rer.aenlal employment with ua and et th
aiLme time double hla 'iif.ina, v.e reuul-v a
nVan of l'n character, round In mind and
body of atrcng persenam, who would nt
nrei.ata a life's Jeb vritli s an'ea-grewtns
concern, where lntlustr would ba reardd
with far anev tin ks" aa nlr.xa mar
rled mn preferred Apply ile Wldcner
h 0 lieuiw. iw-j- -
Aek for Mr.
KAL.E3MAN Large manufacturer of na
tionally known lln-a of oeoldng utnal.e
raa iipenlng for a jeung. oggrcaalve aalna
m.in Philadelphia torilterv and vlei-nty.
SD.CIIOld UUJie iw .nr .l -" " . am r
nn,i xp-r.eee B 4na i.aagar
. . . a , - tiiaea man ta riMan1 mil
'A liavU Uie' w IIIVI lilt il rf I VVJ lTJL
I nur nai-t font In Camden; ejtpurlencw In our
line net neccsaary, but Intelligent appear-i
inrn and w.lllng te work e requisites; na
n0ft a man who ean qualify an opper-
Jiinlty te make I1O0 a weak or mole Call
Vjilis Bmlth-Aua'.armahl Hid, OtU and
r.T - i...
Camden n. -i n:"
Mr cicv-trtc YHuuum cleaner and
aiactrlu washing tnacninea; only lapan e. ;
raflablt. mate considered, geed opportunity tee
f,'w?e? excellent chante for advancement.
i-liir. Mr Jirkpn 1108 Walnut at u
inquire Mr jams, jiue namui si., v
te IJ .
Tha Rea" Calea Maimer and Baleeman
Ijvrge reapenalbla Chicago corporation, hav
m.nv btanchia la aaarchlng for the lieat
aalea material for Its lorel office and ethera
which are being opened et the rale of two a
tverMi HlCe co-epratln. coupled with the
oppertuttltv fei maximum earning, te the
red-blooded two fisted aaleaman who lan't
locking for aalarj. drawing account or ml
vanca. but who believes he can sell what
ettiata are new selling and who la dealreua
of earning at tha start 1100 n. week, wlilrh
can l rapidly Increased tieme of our men
earn that much every dav Sell our general
ealea manager sour aervlcea In your letter
and give phone number. Addreas M 121
Ledger Office .
One -n I aaleaman. experienced In the a-lunr
of aervlce te email merchet.te. employee and
laborers, who knows he can ae!l nnd can
prove ii am wanted te Jein the atrnngeat
aeundaa' aiuercst. Uveal aalee oraanltatlen
In America new operating 24 bran-hea and
rapidly growing We need branch managers
aupe.Manrs and nsaiatant aalea managers all
of whom are reetulted fiem our salee fercp
The highest commissions. Urgat lenua.
maximum prises and every cn-oersilon of
fered Highest bank and commercial refer
enceu and abeelutely square deal te the put.
He Chicago aalea manager will Interview
appllcanta en Dec 21) and 21 Olva phone
number Addreaa M 123 I.dger Offlcn
Salesmen and men who dealre te learn th
selling profeaalen does JHO the first neek. 170
tha second, jae the third and se en ln'i'r-at
you? A large, responsible Chicago rerruira-
Ltien Oeatres te Increase Its leca' sales force
nn uireritjr gi .aieii tiii im in i iiipuriini.
en Dec. 20 and 21 for tha purpose of paaa
Ing uimn selected appllcanta fe pnaltlena
Btrlct'y commission basts, no drawing nr
count. no advance., but a real opportunity
for large earnings for alncre hnrd-werltlng
man Hand phone number and complete de-
talls te M 123 Ledgi-r Offic
lit you are -imbltlu'ia and f-! that you can
sell, com in ana see us, we nave a 0 g ru
lure fr several ted bleided niitb'tleua young
'm-n. this Is an opportunity te join a feri a
f highly paid salesman, who nie I'enatnn.lj
'bens piometed te bigger and better thlnga.
evpcrlct.ee net necesaari .c Icmh JU the
ibt.t'naaa and help you make geed Call after
I IP n m . 804 Vandatn llldg, leth and Mar-
ket atreeta
HAI.I-Jf.MK.V ijnpertunlty for S ambitious
nin te ae'l electric nnBlilr.K machlnee and
vacuum claa'iera. only Ilia wirea. exceptlennl j
chance for advancement. Cs'l 122 S nth
at. Mr Del' I
SALESMEN Three jeunc mn who cnei ail I
advertising seiclalt,ea of the better kind
w II And permanent profitable emplevmcnt i
with ua II N Hutchlneen t Ce Drexal
n'rttr I
SALESMEN A few geed telephone mn
with cllentele te eetl hlgh-clsea a.curltlta
applv te 132'J Walnut st Ask for Mr
bllKKl- .METAL man warned, a (Irrt-claa. I
sheet metal man tn take full ihare- of ,
gaa range development, tnuat have com
' plete knowledge of anme and a man capable
' of buying and ae. acting tools nneded I
(HOES ThoreugMy experltnrrn pattern
men In wemen'H hlgh-grati ahe factor;
II 102. Ledger Office.
ACCOUNTANT will audit accounts Install
systems prepare tax reports corporation
and professional aecnunting a speclam
Writs 4387 Putastjt ave or cu'l Wvemln:
lt2ti J
CHE.MI.4r exp.
I able- vicinity
graduate. lmnv,Tte..v aval1-
et citv ii v.'n Ledger err
i COMPANION OR VALET Yeung man. 24
Swlaa, geed education apealling 4 Iun
cuajea traveled all ever Europ and Amir
tea deslrea position II 432 ledger Oiflce
YUUNU MAN. 28. drake, position ki helps'
en truck ami anu wttitn; u 008 Ledgai
HOUSEWOHIf. glrie vhambermaldr. wan
reaaeg Eng.lsh nurees laundreaaes. white
couples, housemen can supply nil capacitlne
tnclud'ng American Irish Engllali coeka
Mra Kan 371 S lflth at Sprui 3401
BDl'CATIONAI and Demeatic
i"lub 226 S Sydenham 113th and Walnut;
- Pnsltlene wanted for lady's maid nurec
rham coett '
re-c.fiil hlrh-rewered convincing pr. inta
tlin threigli rlgM c'.erne a, laaed ei erig
inal meii'gent rales place will get Jovat Jevat Jovat
eptr.ent or werklntt capital in anv amount.
In iccerd time end ut mtn'mum coat We
fpectallie en every phaae of financial writ
irg and dlreit. by-mall ael ing. Twelve
esra aiirceiaful axeet 'at:e. .adiartlalna
S'rviee Ce.. Pari-Wa Illdg. Hread and
r-.r..- ... Tlnhen fii-rni-. 1 A'jn
fAltlNKR iieatrea te ge'l hi. mtre.i in a
'ut'en iiifg liualnaaa rnaL.ng rei ial ar
'Ice hav ng unl'm'ted national alveitlalng
O'laelbll't ea v-ltlnuit nmp, t.tlcn ae'd be
the avndlcate snd lefat' ainr.. at 3 and 111
entat the product sella Itself the marrtn
"" Profit being altracili i ennug'.i te Ki die die
irlhu'er te cauae him ' eeU i.ie manti
facturer, mi renaena fe- aetllng are per per
aenal M 1113 t e.lira- 'ifflca
" hra aterv ete-e and live 'Ing n.wlv re
niede'ed. tl nxima. bath let 23x101 ideal '
location for meat am bua'.n-ea em' ial'
suited for pno'reom and bather aliei Im
mediate rneai-aaien lllfln
'Vendland 484 f.i ft 18
AWyuifTIHINTl MKX" )- acVmfea olio are
Oioreughlv qualified te write renv and
make lav-wita for dlr'C. n-a" and trade ant
technical peter advettie.nr vn ti-eiirilcat and
aeinl:echnlcal prndu. ta, will de well te co-n
munUafe with and eenJ saniti.es te the ad-
jveil .er with a itaiv t ferilne pa in a
i i nnawnea Addrni M 1 l'l L.'dgar Office
l.AflOt; cmpuratlen nceee en.ii of u-nc-d
I man In Pentnrl' anU. Miry, and, Delaware,
, and New Jenev these with rherert ahli-'
111 and geed Inc.- mqualn'j-.cn n it earn
, mln'mum of tJUOn per seai and un, i' a.l
1 'nkiimtmi. If veu cetiiatiipluie a rlnr, en
i or refere Janiurv 1st pleaee ad Ire, tie
I 'cr-CMent's'lv, )l 880 leten flfflce
IIEPI'IAIILF. HOUSE or Individual 'te sfl
I nn peinin atnii tii.la imk f ) illatlelpMla
I company uheaa recant lnv.raaa In bua'.naea
I lequlr.-a 'ncraaaed capful 11 41. I.elger OT
iCF.NTUAI. raita'irer.t' hui'rTtia for aale
I store a geed for var eua tinea cf bui'neaa
rremln.nt location Clurlta Rettner Mor Mer
na irM
'WILL INVEST taoei) te "l OOiTwiTn aarv
lce IT a going builnsaa manii.acturlng
i',",1'1,' Tu i-ai-n.. ii ij; inyei wrnce
I OT PROMOTION tran" a lake 'irtniT.ea
out. ilpe thla aprmg
WMtS'r.f 203 Mhertv n dr
FINANCIAL aaslatance te I'ua.n -t
Maurlrw Llchtman. 20,', Colonial
Ridg lath and Market Spruce 6778
DTlLlCATESIftTN and grcviarvljua li't .rai
tnciudtna property atecnft flxturas Cha
ter aie. bus g.r Hnnf 53tb 4 Woedl d mv
TWO delightful rooms, southern exnesure
epppalte Penna It It atattunt ienv"lent
te trolley earai excellent labl, beard, Phene
dermantewn 1312,
." Tii i- IK r i
- ' ' ,'W f.
$10,000 RUG SALE
IbDU itl.ua AT UAltUAiN l'lllCAa
11x12 SS V.ll.VUT
fill 2 AXMlN.i't'KR
fcramieaa.,. . ,
B12 TtNE
s r: ren ith spRivrj ruwDF.it
flren Evenings F-ee Attte PMIvarT,
Reduced Rental Rates
( inderwoeds, L. C. Smiths, etc.
1l'ARATi:i; CO 47 N IOTH. near Arcli.
na M loin cer ( laatnut 2d noer, iron..
ri"l Rnre ntlK." P Filbert aiaT.
Desks Claire. Tables, Slcel Filing Cabinets.
SOftletiul Heek la-sas, etc
National Furniture Ce.
una WAI-NCT 8T
.-.- rw - a-...
Telfphenn booth,,
inaahlnea, type-
wrl-ra part.. in etc
eiertment of uaeii eali
furniture In the ceun
plaeae you.
HtVlllF.S 1ITH
urreat and beat aa-
nil maheeanv office
try at prices that will
, ... ,. ,
'" opportunity, fin te 113 reduc'lens: 1
'r u"rr,',''r;,iVf.Vr.,r-r'S.VchJ.?,"
" " ft at'NDY TTTUWllITRIt CO
100. riis-r-r gT.
! Office Partition, Railing.Furniture
i Htern axtures; we sell buy and exchange.
I i,..rt. urrn in i bii.iiiuiir.
Walnut 4114 MalnTia'.ff
iii i v einin
Delicious extracted honey. 8 lha.
for It. fl lbs. for tl SO or 12 lbs,
for S3 ns. da Ivrred br Barrel
roe, aat'afiif lien guarantied or money re
funded. I. K Heatetter. It. K. D. Ne. f,
Lenraetr. Pa
Coats and acarfa at very low prlrea; It will
pay yen te come In and leek. Dreaner'a Lean
Office. 44 N 10th at. Open evenlnga till
30 00 fine up-le-i.ate overcoats, some tailor
made, a wonderful asrertmnt te aslect trem.
Walter IjAan Offtcn 11th and A-ch ata.
Large let of deake, safes, files, cabinets anfl
central office furniture, stnrs fixtures.
W buy, se I and exchange,
Office Furniture, Office Partitions. r
ilraka. tables fll ng cabinets, chairs, store
flxtur-a. new. slightly used, we sell, buy eg
cnange weiae, iu.i. nace. vvainuc nnae,
130 CASH will purchase rt shoemaker gold geld
strlng noneer'-Kraml pune; better tens
than these made today and In fine tonal
quality. 0038 Cheatnut at. Phene Sherwood
127B W
IIEDS lira.,
treaaes ele.
2341 Gin uv.
beds. f'-'O springs 83, mar
ell new goods Schwab Rres ,
Dla, 0702. Open eves., except
FURNITURE of every descr ptien sold below
coat, fore d te vacate- no dealers- open
evenlnga Retrhmnn Urv 2349 Qerman Qerman
lewn eve Pbene Columbia W70
FURS Rig aale gunulne Hudsen scat reata,
Jt73 up, Frrnch leal $100 up: sea ua be
fern buying. 40 pr cent rxluctlena; big bar.
ralna Yankwi 34 N ll'h at . upstairs
OEORUKTTEH 300 tn 1O0H ptrcaa. all
ahades. attractive price, communicate or
Phene Market 2S1I0 C B lUlblrnle, 78t
Arch at.
nil-ill DIAMOND earr.nge. white; value
V ijj J03II Dresner'a Ioan Office. 44 N,
11th at Open evenlnga till Xmaa.
LATEST atjle fil. drnse ai'Tj Tuxedo aulTa".
roaaenable prlcra Cooper, 2340 Market st
I'reatun 0103 Open evenings
IXR SALE or will Install cheap iruarama7,t
mixlrl liet-natT heating boilers, rating
3230 .0 ft Oraham !;ni3 Columbia ava
IIEDROOM furniture, alae library table aest
cnfct skunk cellar and cuffs. Csll Iigtn'
NK APKA electric nai-iilnu machine clea.
Ing them out. 1123 each C lift Wrlaru
A Wrlrht 2213 N Itiead at
X.MAs ml-...r- i.r N. w .lirx'-j
for aale. vvlieleasls only. S.
123 N 2Qth at
.r-.-n ci-dir
S. Hampton,-
flf.'IS KORFF 113 S 7TH
RUrRIclEnATOHf end nxture. ler grecera
1 nr.u meat maiKeii: ierms ir esstred
RANDALL a CO., 331 N gd et
' HOT WATER and al-am raataters. boilers
ptp. ft'ttnga new nnd eepend hand, cheap
t 1 4S0 8 Bth at. D'cklnann 374
$15 Up
Oents fur-lined overcoat!
Dreaner'a Lean Office. 44 v tin.
at Open
evenlnpa until Chrlatmas
drop pejtal
-ivp length IS per lead, dellr".
F Meaan.r 2220 w. Cambria
inth at
Tinea 8101
up. 3849 N
EVANO power rel.
T. ll.rch-tt 803 H
iroed as new
'J SS'&eXZSlT&rtt
Bl'ANDM calilnetB. etc big bargains. Phlla
delphla Printers' Supply. 14 B. Slh st
POOL TAHLES. 2d-hand. bought, sold, ren "
d exchanged, Keafer, 82ff W. Olrard eve
ROUKi if vnlum-s Armi-Me, F-ancn ttter
D- Luxe, uncut, n 428, Iidger Office.
nVw Cd-lnCi flat nafc deek alae typewrtr.i
eav bargain Roem flt,4. 400 Chestnu'
, nn differential 18 each. 3-ten eersw
hels' 170 each. 8 ' Ce umhtsn awival vises
tlS each, a swivel v ae JJV.SO each, hand
.li-i. II each Pipe via-. 13 drill press, t.
ti all the above new stock PENN f?AI
VAOB '"O 94th ""'J Tlnlcuin ave. Wood Weod Woed
lacd4ia3 POWER r'.m.t ewreia and eng"n'era. de seu
realWa ll.al Improperly set valves In yeui
erglnee are aat b .team' Call us up A have
ui r engrs at Miur valvea.wlth the use of eui
md entire t tei n 'e ana menev "steam la
;;;, j tjjich.. ji22 K-. ",
, y. ..i.aiAi'. gray iron casting irem one pound
in ens ten If you wsnt castings that cae
I. easily raainui-a, arnie ua. iieeres Hteve
i-,d Foundry Cu.. 88 H. Second at., pau
H'j BX FN with 2211 v., D. c. meter; Ne'
Cu Am.uan Mever exhauster. Adatne
am ann -ui:
80 ft heater.
Yeara'ev Ce
let nf IU clea
JN id at P
NEW be, ting leather A canvas. 8 In. up te
1 n 'de rhaaP322E Chelten av. Pin 23
AL1ERNA11.NCJ and ilrmt current motera
nev ani uniu jhh v.e,,( p., eta.
iTl.l'CTRI"" MOTORUT large and" em all. "sold
and rn.ted J W Adams, 180 N. I?th st
Albums and supplies for stamp nellectsra.
PIULA. STAMP CO . 21 H. I7lh sU
nxVlTibS'Tli 1 Ur.h" "R5TAiiLlSifK"D 18J8
The Excliange Storage Ce.
1 .'li N STII ST
Wp hsvp a few clean
a p.ti ate rooms vacant for the
.-. eiaA: ut ieji II luarhetd Uoeda
l.i aha.n i i.t-i' aiuiage v.e.. estab, TiTu
Kxpei' fuu.lture handl'ie, wi buy, sell
pick, move atere furniture, rjga. plane,
itiina. etc . heat service, low rxika; local anal
Inhg d.atatica i'nene Poplar 2134. 1811
Ilrewn at. . t
Miller. North Bread Storage Ce,
Ilrnad alnive Lehigh. Phene Diamond T4I.
VI evlng brick nnd f.re d ri f aleesgai parMre,
rinELiTY fireproof wn;neuaia
1811 TO 1S10 UAIHCKT BT.
'M8 Fl brt Phene Italment 4870.
fnr aatlmate t'lerpf.Arri w vaae.
MONARCH 'rennt rb , as7u laNua:
TF1 AVR AUTO PF.RVjlOE. HfeftAtilt
i-AVHANDI B lead, '"niri New Yerk, De.
camber 23 at at'ractlie rate Ml llifliirne
p-neae- Cn " N 3"H a' Ph n.lw..i 4a,i
'ITOHAflE at.iee fn furniture very rn
1230 Cheatnut at nail phone, Raring 84ft!,
IfOTORTIlUCKS te hire bv dav, weekae
heursi all alr.es. Phlla, Aule Triasfe;
823 N 2flth at rati pqw, 1734,
' iyes7TTR,n"Cip nexIxTyjBn1'
S N'tlINO CANAUIEd nieke fin, Chrlstmaa
clftai we hare, yerf beautiful ruaranieJ,!
Pin r w "i)tr m --( -t, "iirB nTaUTI
pries-sit tn nn, BKgft fllrnr1 n, Tit, fll
. ... ,ii a-Mia .it... i.r;:.i;i "..
- iS
- I
. . ...
A. jH.
1 ,,..!, ,,
A t-5
iVj'U .Us in '