i"",V. U-.sl .,.,.,.,. " , irtvWT'' .. Mrr ' l 7 .:, :.:::' :.":YiW7f . . . " ''v .": rjLA , x" UWwy",l,'1',,",' AmiwuiiiHh.i'i'm i1ni4'f ' Te"f -."T'L1"!1! ( ' .-. p7v T 'fin ry- i,t';'gysv;yyrt-T? ' i'vi;' riTw- "ffiy "r. 5SSSSKSi aiteWw'wjK -''';' ' $$ '' ' i i fl K? m IMK tw -, hi ..I aper Dexe and Mailing Tufc ? i rnwiM i sninF.TTi.P. rn S33N. llthSU Philadelphia FLECK '3ZOS. Ce. Manufacturers and Dealers W Plumbing and Heating Supplies 44-06 N. 6th St 808 Arch St Philadelphia Camden Drsneh, t3U 141 Federal &t Wtit Ilranch Lansdowne M,NCftHEAT3rf? 52 Walnut St. JJ, Us BBINGA SPECIAL! I i Safe Bendsyfcr Investment HALSEY, STUART &. CO. Inc. will nc. and sf.i.l Grand Rapids & Indiana Rwy. Stock & 2dls. 15)36 CHARLES FEAUON & CO. .183 riHTNI'T MIIKCT c VINAMIAI. HOTKT. TIl.UMOKF, ( OMPIVl ITO'7 MORTOAOK NIX FEB. '?T i-lNKINO njND oei Si iienik. en: jM'b t. 1WT. Pursuant e th uitj ef the Trust St r. ftsre securing the abiie lienda. notice i hereby given that the fe. lowing bends negating lien ene. haie been drawn for payment for amount of fie S'rkl-s Pund as tt January 1 1021 Denominations cf II")1 Ne. 13. 14 20 20 44. R5 f.7 611 Tl ' 100, 110 135. 147 15U 1P1 2H. .'He 103 124, 870. 421 tin. 47H 477 4s7 4t 800, 801, n87. 007, 67'. COT Cf7, (TO 9. 71S 138. 807. 887. 84i f?;s, M 0t MU. 014. n loie. leia toil toil i"".3 mm 10fl. 1114 11.15 1141 111 1217 1244 1281 12M. 12il2 127" 1271 J23, 1803. 1325 110 1401 141" 1427, 1432, 1431. 144 . Ill" 1"' 14, 1R0O IMS I.MS t:..J 1"l, J878. 1853 1(121. 10n. 147". 1 !, J739. 1786, 1705. 1V.I0 IfUl UTtf 1982, 2001 2021 2070. 21"3 21 1 Denenilnatlnf i f $Wu k. 2160. 2241 i.'n 1.S3 i . i 1 - . ii I 'ifti 1077 Th ttinAm ter h rktnn' ft th bJ bends tr new xsa dpes't My. the Trj inn an V'IVIM will ur ,''i i-.i i- i'i" v' t n and after January 2 1011 ' 102 nl Ik. Wa ..til U. Knl.l , rt R..Bdri,ll-. n jntareat te JanuHry 1 1021 en vhl-h J. .11 inereat en Niia wn i " . i "" i OUAIlANTEn Tni'ST COMI'ANY Trusts Dy HERMAN- M SYPHEnD Vlr PrMn. Atlantle Ctty. N. J . December 1. 1BJ0 " Pretvalii fiealtd Dremal t'l be rcil"' t vi1 effle until 12- o'clock neon Tivfdaj . I) ' rabr 28. 1020, hn bWs ..! le . p-i ' nit aehedulcrl n fole" M, , BURBA V OF HOSPITM " 34th and Tin hlrefn Fer tlllni ftoen. . Ter furnlnhlns ar.d ints,'ir r.'.ni n- -ct r !turn. 2d and Lui'mn S"reH T"or furnlhlns and i-ontrue'ln rfail cr. t,p"' city yAtiMb nvncr.HV ArMlflenn te neMr hnui" Etonlena and add'tlerj 'i fni I-. i 1 hurt and cettarea. flnwirratlena. hl-jn v n-. of rrsea.. aid Information rlatlv it tl'Inj H'K-r- rime i cabinet flxtuira ard treidi rn rtp m hid upon arPltoat'ea te the Dri.' ir' efi Jtoem 5S4 City HnJl lenm aai -n .,wi ... .. Kpeelfleatlen. blue print of iro-pe.a and . information relative te additions te l"-r I nema and additions te farm bull' n?s and i emtfasree ITIBl bl hnil Upen apD.K-Atlen tO -..- .,... ....Sl.M llnnm fS I'll,' lf ' . . . at . III' "W"' Dlda from ethers than these ensured e- TV. tcre." it 'w -! M. tiJn"np "r '' etabllshed In business for nhlrh propen' fr, ',jvn.d n, jBftuw.i. n-e . i"r . -' a.ra asked will net be entertained un , -J r f - r - -f V e -n ,, ... made en printed blank forms supplied f r, PHI, it" If- - , -that purpose , . . l. . All bids must le accompanied by a r 'tincate from the City Polteiter that ec nt lias been furnished, li acrerdince wuh the, svotleten of the ordinane el euncr ep proved M'ay 23. I'M The Director reaenes the rc-t te , rrr any proposal la v.hel t in Turf or rej. Sill the bids, as ha mn teem beef fe- th' Intsreats of tie e'tj When n hid or is , srraeat of bids ticeed the sum of J loe ft will be necessary for a cn'ric f 1 entered Inte end the rift f lie sme may be, obtained upon Inquiry at ihe . m ' f the City Solicitor. C LIN'OOIA- PI nru'P" M 71 Director of th" Tiepri'rr . - " TnEASUBY DEPAIITMPNT s7v.,ln Arehltect'a Oflce. Waanlngte'i D. C Dnc ? 1920: SEALED Pill 'PQALB wt : he eesmed In thla efflce at 3 p rn . Jan. 8 1MI. lcr new bet-water plrini. ete . in ths Unlte, , etatea Mint. Philadelphia. Pa m a-cordae- I with specldcatlen and drawlnr copies of I which rear be, bad at this office or at ejj afjlM et the Custodian Philadelphia pB . in tha dlserttlen of the HuperMslna- Archlteit JAa a WJCTMnnp Acting Super Jr Arr"it t. 1'ROrilM L8 rtlB RAINClMT.-r OfBee of the Depot Onartrrmaater. V. 6. Array. Phlladelpbla. I'a. Sealed propeaals will be re,.(,.r , stntll II A. M. December 21. II.'O for t!uirnlshlnr all or any part of 123 uoe rain rain aeats. Informs' Jn upon rtenaat. Annnal lleeitlica ntANKLIN NATIONAL II INK Chestnut strees west of Ilreiid Philadelphia Preemier II ia i. Tha Annual itxiUnj of 'he aiarehe irs of tils bnk will be hsld s the PanU nir Heuse en Toradser. January 11. 1931. h-iwen ' e .n.ira at 12 o'clock Doeo and I d rn . f ir tha election of directors te wrv. l .rm tht ( naulnsT yr and tu take anion upon a I proposed amendment te the Articles of At I ociatlen by substltutln rer the i.'en.) . sentence of Article VI whi-h new r'.il as' (allows! , , ' "-jTla 0irelO' enait nae power te elect a si pTsldnv who snail ji.n ee a rn.rnter t Ois Deari of Directors and wie shall he autherUsa. in tne eine' or inability of the jiresldant from any cause te perform all atf and flutlss prtlnlnr te the once n' . rresldant eie.pt suili as the prer'dem en') ' s autherised br law n perform and . elect or appoint a eish r and ueh ether , cflleera and clerks as may l. reeulre te I transact the buslnets of the association te ll tha salaries te be paid te them and -en-Tlnue them In office or te dismiss thi m e. I a tha opinion of a nnjerttv f the bnnri i ha Interatta of tha asseclatln may dtinjnll ," the follewlnc The directors shall hae pentr te e' c eint or mere vlca presidents he ehnn he Feh powers and perform sum set. nd tutlss aa tha directors shall direct by hv lsr. and te elect or appoint a raehisr and ssjeh ether officers and clerks s my e re nulrsd te transact tha business of t! - at Soclatlen 1 te fix the salaries te h. p. i i them. "a continue thnt in .!W, or te itlamlaai thtm as le the opinion f me derlty et the beard the inter'ste of i, . al oclatlen may demand J. WILI IAM H rtriT C,,hiir tK5TnE ANNl'-U. METT1.M, n'v nil! V-C ntockhelder of The Ie iranre Cem rany of tha. State of rennaili mlnj t,ii n. Said en Monday. Janmirr 17ili. It.'i t i; fl at the ortlce of the mi, ins i,i Svilnut Btreet. for 'he e-u- - ri, , -, t Directors te serve for three, ill i,n. ,i,t , tranaaetlen of any busin. as w'i rh may be ffssan s JQ1W j y uriOEUShPcretary I'tdBx niK"rBAMtLIN VW.V. INSfiUNri, ViBr cu. or riiii.iin.i'iii Philadelphia. Nev 20 lBl'n Tha Annual Election for Directors of ihe Company wtl held at th,- office of the Company, 421 Walnut Sirs.' Philadelphia J-enns . en Tumdiy, January 18. lOil. p0 ', open from 12 neon te 1 ! M v ' vm.pnrcp KniTH s.i.u TIIE HANK OP NtlllTII MHUI( rhiuaaipnia ij.cemn.-r l nth ie.'O Tha Annual Meetlntr of the f.i.-kii i iers of thU Hank for the election of Diioitere ft r the ansulnr year will be held at ih Unrik'iw Tleus. en Ttietxlay, Janaarr lllli mil , Vlwn 12 o'clock neon and 1 I' M, B. B, KnOMK.Il (ashler Rat tieirriiwpjirp.K.v NvniiNATTANi, The Annual Meetlnit of the Pterk ' rs ef this bank, for the election of hi. lectors, will b held at Its Etnnkliu liU, en .'ruelaV, January II. 121. fi.un i. ei, " 4 P M' KlQeNK WAI.TEIl f's.hi.- aaV SlxiTl NATIONAL HANK Tint I " Annual Election for Dlractera nt .hi. i Mask Will I held at the Ilankln Heuse. fa". Jannary 11, ItKI, between heura IS U. and 11 V M- ' tvlt.rtiiiaii.Ttj.il . "... ... .... .. . m' .,.' r- .. WILLIAM 8ALTKII. Cishler Annual Klts-llens ' KORTItKIIM NATION L HANK fr" . rhlladelphla, December 111, 10JI 'Tb -Annual Electlvn for Dlrectera of this ', V$f ' "' ps neui si inn naiminir uem slsTaMir. ' iTU-tr . II, . IM : I, bit ween s en the nUJw l li ei. aa7 3 r ai. tiCUUSULEU. C.klr BALLOTS SOLD AS JUNK Witnesses In Ferd-Newberry Con test Trace Nearly 7700 Tickets Washington, Dec. 17. Preparatory te beginning a recount of the bnllets cast in the .Mlelil(,'fln scnateriiil election contest of 101S between Trumau II Newberry, Kepubllenn, and Henry Teril, Democrat, the Semite elections commit tee yestcnlar lienrd tentlmeny relative te nllcROil iiceiilt'iitill destruction of 17,000 ballets I'ast In the election. Election officials from two of the townships gae their vmluu of the tnnnner in which the miniK balletH were destroyed while Htteniej for Mr. I'erd traced thre'uh wltnciies the nn- i rexlmatel 77W bnlleti i-nst In the elt "t t-ni!innw ft en. their sule ei Miistc pnper tn n junk denier, from whom tVul II. Doten, nsitunc Accretriry te Mr. ford, purchased them. Delwti told the committee the SiRinuw ballets nru leckM up In a warehouse of the Ferd Moter Ce.. at Highland Feri., n De troit subuih Trumbull Steel Pays Extra. VotmBatenn, e.. Dec. 17 The Trum bull Steel Ce has declared an extra dividend of 121J, cent en Uie common and th regular (junxterly dividend of se eents en the common and 11.75 en the preferred nil pavable January I f stock f re erd necembir 20 The-" are the ame u deciuriM Jn the pmMeus quarter. Ihu Bnar HIM e dmUred the rct'U '.i.r quarterlv dK Mends of t)'i cnta en 'he oeiTimnn and ,l 75 en t prefrrd, lieth pasable JamuuT 1 lj hte -k of roo reo roe ord Peoetnher SO lt'dem! II VY A 7lMMrn.M.V. JN(. tl'l ! 1 i li -en . s' rMllnd". i i "i f. -c !! I I 1P.0 Th. r.-r1 . r:'-"ter .f t'i- r-nn Cen tr.l t.laht AhJ lenf i I'l.ny . thli 'liv derlarfa i iiv nn u r.u.n i tieii (S0v) Pr stiitr" tn l'r"fern ha-0J. I'M I, te n'eekh 1 t t r'c rfl at th Uee J.HIN 1. ilMMUnxMNV rr"1" ' . ' ' LOEWS INCORPORATED t . ,(: )i, -ii;n. rhr M 'a' ' of '.-- - li .. Jc ird h f!'h r"R'l ." r ir . .t d J of ter ,vr fbr f" '' ''ap" i 'H if leeti Inierpnr.Hed. r ' " T- brtmrv i ju.m, , ft kl'll-r" '' ' ' ' l " " ' I -i . .lifwrx 1 "" ,-'f -v f- ' Pirn nrpsi . r -. 1 iirnirw rniM.it a i.k.iit rn.Mrwv I 71 Hrenduii,. "rY lrk. N A I i ' rrtnttre .""i iiK tiiimnve .- 45 T " rru'i en' r' it..'i"-l nt 1 , he P rr .1 K r Am"! n ' " , .. e mi iir.itle Jiinur .1 1U. r -r ; Li.'-.''"" . '.'?''"'.' f . r. i nir.iMe jiiiumr . ivn t ' i ir-i M-, k i bvl.r. '''?' ' lr ' ' ' ' '"""" "r 1 l".e "' " - W7L. 1 VM KUI-I: r.i-r. I " 1 American Telephone 8 Telegraph Ce. A. r1'vt1nfl of Tim Df.: r nrr rhar will N raid en Saturd.tr. January 15, 1321. tc utecir '4ft "' rrerl a' :-' of busl i en n t nda. ri1 -nb -0. 1120 (,l Mt NTKK KIN N( r. Tilt t 111 t lii triur "-t . I'lillii.. l't, 1 . r- i' s i. .- u -d '1- r-cu'tr lartT '1 !drd rf Srfc p r -,. en th- ti rri'J ' ,( i i ji u wtintiirT e, iu;, fy uckhe dr i! Cldlles Ij. 1W'U, I rcj mi i 1ms ni i. . d TAT. '. lCOLIi:n T-'as 1 1 J f, riAep-Hn- ,4 '. . . I.- . vw' Sp. Inl Mirlllli: in i ii i or 1U-N UIsnTOV A sons. 1N( . I Tvi 1 '.u ;eve-in l. 11). . 1 NrvTKE l.s Hi nLHT OIVI'N t at y a ,r-a'luler of f B'arl of I i-i frs i tff- f. , m-itln 1 'i fl" Kl.eer r Henry ' rJ'- , A Ken., mconier.itd. will r- it-u en j ,,'0VdiV. January 17. 1021. ut 11 eVI.k k I , n, lt t ,-v ..f -ipan Tauii. I .., 1.. ..s3 Vit i t . . flen a-i sr.rn.a " "Jr'' "" , ,...... ' . . What a Big Denver Bank Thinks of Credit Insurance Manufacturers jikI wholesalers, hera is a niessd.i?;e you will likely want te cut out anrl save. It i-? a letter recently received from one nf Denver's leading banks by the American Credit-Indemnity Ce.: "We are reminded by the prevailing con ditions jn the financial world of the impor imper tmce and value of Credit Insurance. t is common knowledge that when price) of commodities arc advancing and purchases are freely made, it docs net require the greatest degree of skill and geed judgment te profitably conduct mercantile business, bur when values and prices are declining, as under present conditions, the highest measure of ability is required. "It fellows that unusual precautions must be exercised if losses due te peer credits and bad debts are te lie prevented. Tt is in this connection that the value of Credit Insur an e becomes at c nee apparent. "1 cry conservative business house is bound te avail inelf of eery proper means te pro tect its financial standing and ue are firmly convinced that the purchase of insurance upon open credit accounts uill prove an important factor in the successful manage ment nf general business during the ensuing umts. We have no hesitation, therefore, in recommending te our friends and patrons the wisdom, and expediency of purchasing a line of this kind of insurance." Bankers in all cities endorse precautions that prevent, else pay, bad debt losses be yond the normal, which the American's "Unlimited-Interim-Payment" Policy does. Write or phone for particulars. Pavmtnrs i I tlic.ie,art anut $10,000,000.00 X AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. cf NEW YORK E M TREAT, president isausa bunoase UNuuirce pelicih W. J. Merphy, Mnna(er J. F, McFndden, General Agent Mutual Life of New Yerk Bid if. I'hiladqlphin, Pa. EVENING PUBLIC EI Ordinance Appropriating $2,- 308,937 Laid Over for Public Council Hearing Dec. 30 FIREMEN WOULD BENEFIT Camden's annual appropriation or dinance atitherizlnjr n budget of SS.IW, 'W, was presented te Council jwtcr duv afternoon. Thli budcet ii SCOfi.SO."? ever the. 11)20 np'iroprietinn. Tim onllnenco, con cen taitiliiR the Mims needed by the several departments itemied, wns laid ever for n public hearing nt the regular meeting of Council December "0. The two platoon estein which be comes operative in the fire department en Jnnuar 1 Is reipenslble for $83. 000 of the increne. This Bum will be necessary te pay the liftj -four aildl aildl tlennl tiremnn and meet otner cipenses incident te the new nystem. There is nn mcrea9 of Sl."i.000 for streets, Slfi.OOO for pe'Ice. S10.000 each for Cooper and Homeopathic He!-pital. ?."000 nddi timial for water. StiOOO for the police pension fund and an increuse of $e0t)0 in the lighting item. The new budget and thnt of btt year nre as fellows. 1H21 SI HiVI e coo 1 Omi 18 .10 1 HI iJOll 12 OOll 20 000 l nne fl.nOO 2'. Ortil 3 One I peu 3 noe '!! ' 1 lirii 7"il 7'0 1 itne 1920 JI.JOO 47 400 1 0 '.MO 12 750 31 MO 13 700 m.oeo I een 1.1 000 18 CiO 0 ftnO 1 tiOO I (HlO 2"0 J 500 710 i ;-.fi Ti'h . . ipnl eT 'l-nltli . II nldms Comnile" i it nnelnecr nt Preix.-rty ,. . . ,'ntlnan( .. HUt rrn-e ,.. .Tmlthle'llUl.a! imrt.1, Dlrnrv .. Krt 1 .Ma' iMn 'ar- ' Ha'l Huino i'arri Ia Nur-rv ill! II )m" - r i . a., . - r e. .. . ilafl ( harlite . " J 'rphanH . it.'lnjr Vut n Se- . . r T ii-u'eaN . . . r ! teun pi!Tt 'n Kx .. .'eniin ira, n . I . 'il il H ru" rtra 1' rutri i i rir y -ai r I i'i4 . Ilrher ti i fc- i , 20i1 ' f,ftf ' 3 Oil Jli 7 I'OD 3.-.0 )i oeo a ion 4.-.'0 i.rtun 'l 40,1 li -no ;. mm i "en 3m oeo lur oeo 40,ijl1.', .rt 500 4i5 oeo il. OOO 8 Oiln 27 000 13 7ne 10 ODD 10 300 .' "iCO 1.M 17ll l'r ene 10.1 1J1 1 ' 00 . ene is .'10 1 '.DO ...liUO A I .,) 2ll Add 070 e i II It'll n .l.'O Sim Oii 1H....1 4.1 1 ' Uil I 4. 'il "On 1.' .' I) .1 .'.1.1 Ji HO I IS 'in i III in! I ,' ,, . . .,,,,,' "v,,.!. '' ' :-' ' ' " M..n:n,l -kim ,. ,, ,,"-,:.., ru Pcnii'Mi VmA I-,x.r I-iul.c Library ... I'jblie trarii . r m J R-"UHJH 1 r'ntlnir hi J artu rt.f.k llihl' l iind pub.Kj " far v i.-ir'.e tr'ts r iriff Tul 1 . vl ',0''.- lir.d h I I t r 'in. I nc II i . .i-"i . 4 ei)i ,(T 1 Th . no 111 .' w ,- ",frgTi f .rt. .it. ih I- sf '-.MU GOMPERS UTTERS WARNING "Let These Opposing Our Movement Beware," He Declares New erli. I'C 17 Samuel 7eui- p. rs. in an nilires in n !af mir'i, ni'- cptul tlic 1 1 al'i-nce of i'inp'e,i who. h,-, hit l stvk te ih ,,.,, ,.,..,,, ,i ",d ". ":" ' t' 1 n'i.d by t.l 'il'sm sivk tu dcsfrnT lahr.r unions' he tirlv ,pls t-tnh- "let w he .ir eppnsing e.ir 1-' ," Ik -ii'l th..L. who ', - e-l- il !, t'( t . t. . ID BUDG 1. HIGHER LEDGEJKr-VHILADELPHlA, FRIDAY, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION IWRAY, PENN CAPTAIN-ELECT, 0PP0SES 2IMEAR TERM STARRED, THOUGH LIGHT Would Have Ne Say When Landle' Weighs Only 135 Pounds, but Was Seven Years- Expire Remarkable Dackfleld Player Chicago, Dec. 17. The American' Last 8easen Association is willlnB te enter Inte the national baseball agreement with Judge Ivenesaw Laudls as suprem commis sioner, but does net feel as though It should go In for the provided twenty-five- yenr period, according te President Tem Illckey ou his return here from New Yerk city. "Judge Lund Is' term Is for seven years," he said. "We would have no say about the new commissioner nt the tirmlnntieu of Judge Landts' term. This is what the American Association In ilehnHtit. iilimif ' Mickey declared that he believes the. creuds again and again by bin brllbant movement of the Class AA leagues te open field running and in his return of withdraw from the present National As- punts. soclatlen for the purpose of forming n In the late games of the season he Npnarnte and distinct body te nllllinte did his admirers proud b his superb with both the major and smaller miners field genernlship. lie proved te be the wenld result in the ironing out of let most spectacular and one of the meft of wrinkles. reliable men in the Fcnii attack. "Such an arrangement would result He halls from Monmouth. III., is a in beneiit te nil parties concerned and (member of he Uetn Theta Pi fraternity would tend te selve the problem of the , nn,i during the war Wrav war a mem draft, ' he said. i,r 0f the naval reserve team that heat Fitt. MARYLAND IS DROPPED ' wn elected captain nt a meeting - cf the varsity players yc-tcnlav. Missing Frem Jehns Hepkins Sched ule After Eligibility Dispute Ilaltlniore, Dec. 17. University of .liar land, four consecutive times win ner of the f-tute interr ellcgintc football championship, dees net appear en the 1!21 whcdule of Jehns llepkina Uni versity. This i tlie outcome of the dispute this season hetwecn the two institutions ever the plnung of Rey Miukert. pro tested by Hepkins en the ground of m elieibihty. The ;hediii calls for nine games as follews: October 1, Mt. St. Mary's; October S, Delaware; October 13. Dickinsen; October 22. University of Virgina ; October 2!. Western Marv hitul; November 5. Iluwrfenl: No vember 12. C'.il'imbia ei Swnrihmerc: Xoveinher 1'', M Jehns of Annapolis; November 21. Washington and Ice BULL TERRIER SHOW Best in Country Arriving for Ken drlck Club Event Tomorrow The best hi rrre. ,n tr. r,.t..t s,a1A. "". in tr-r L'ltttd Plates and r.n ,i, ., ., i,. , l,.,i ,?,. h J; at in ,' .- . wK,f .he'itindrtJi"! I "1$ k tat an , c.itei ihe Kendrlck Ilu.l TrriT i luh ; u, c t n roinernm afternoon nnd cvemri. . 'I He:-, Continental, am. the surpr - 'f . enl i Is ilie return nf i ta' c--t f. mile -Celi-e ri il. owned Iv T Menree fi.ihh rs c' ihl cl'i nen Uls f" "ill hand e -r .ir 1 this means that' Vr lerk. Dee 17 IMdie 11 i.-nrtv sin llt he put ilwiin 'n rr- form nirilnat the let-run mi IdleT.-lcht loser Is i n ..nu i',j irrea' luhc t II - the Imported etar ir.eti s-ant'd I'eenses hv the N" Yi rk " n jwred bv Prank leie M i dflre I'atsi. owned Ui.mdk i omm'slen It wns enniunc.d tc,Ji by.Mirris Dim e-.d P.inss O.iyheart. enncd bV Je.enlt v.. Cummoiere t-penner Fddv is shlpplnit ' Clwinplin A . Pire Supren.e. and tlur.K with th e ury hip. tl it .' tirantKoed Hen 1Vnhlne;tnn. Dec. 17 Jehn 1"m,n, l.iv ihe unP'a-en puppy enner. Prem thi. I fleerir-t " n s f,'.n.r quarterback v'a was puppi clas. ihteuih it. i ngMoe d.ilsten, Int i e'erie.l - pialn of the unlverlt a m2l fe t li. liiii" o.ei urd v -mi depi tl ero v. Ill he Ln I -en-n llaMn hatt p ied t -e s. 1 v. ic ij the h' -.- ( i -i , c en letween th "-s ri- oeersetown. and nan tl.e nlines. ftl.-e- bu.i It ere fur h, V. f.UCh era. KS HUH. llM .helre of sneit wrl'e-i f " 'h aeWlntni.A if - Kiiiar He lur.koe War- pos tien of f i, back ei tt-e AII-9e ith A' ir-i ' ' '-rinl Ik He., i.nihe-irt Wappi t.uri ih'ineti His home Is In Danger " Q'Kenfts-r-j Itevia M s Wideauakp . y- , i.c H I. Mm t. nr urd Ilu'lllelt Helle i jn c.'-rv phi ad. pi- is ie-s nsiitti.t the Te Discuss National College Meet bt from .s w rk, H-. k v-i Chicago , Uah.nk-ten Ha-- inen. P.-lsburBh, Terente Chlriire. Tier. 1.. The qua'i n e' lie d enl Ortana. lis a id tlnn il celleKlnte track, fleM and re . ' liv mce" r,i 1 come befer the National C 1 Want Herse Racing Legalized iteirnii. ii-e 17 The nrm Lepisi.iture mi , be aak-d M h .1f"-h Kan Aesoetat'o-i (f 1 ..Irs te 'rite 1st li. ree-ractii; In ihe t l.e ,- i p.. " e 0f ;h, .1SS "lltlep h, -.- ' ir vae jicr; te ere,- A restornneri or Hi eper- under a e nir. 'fslen Mi-ulu t-i th 1'xl. K cemn Nsie- SjperuMin of p 'els - im-s anu raee n,.t nine--, or y- ua! .., decar-t ued eH's-'ta , h-1 urale ff.u t. I Penn Swimmers Meet Columbia New lerk lie 1 7 Tl e ..1 mtnrenl Irw 1 n"k team rviS fe M. mini: r i t;i " of N"v. iei in a" nTn' ,. 1 i" 1 rrcn .p1' n, .t.d Btg Collegiate 1ect llnvtnti. p- , i c .-, ,., t ufaf n 1 I f IM' I M it v ipiist 1. "0. d ' R C k"- IV ath' '. 4 . f r iiCei rn -k ' j r (ll ,v,rjrr (n iT"iit.i -i ruN1! U in v!nt !n .a jt-sj rj' 'n'"- iTal1- t unr ' r-h'i lg te . irg t-'-. tin nmua 'nintten r th Natien i n-e . ,h Aatcltitle. i i y i f ' - ' M j" en r-- rrlr 29, a eri -e a -- i x r -nbri r ae- r 1 t b r m I mipk V. h p in, "W a (n l Bill Ceughlln With Giants "fnnten, lt It IT Pi l 'ji ' t e- -. - fl h e' . T.-lfATCIt 1 It ;- - ini ' (r rm.v of Te f!r rr- m ' n hi n tun a"Y j tn N '"i r - l wan repirff-1 hr '' t, ' ft ' a with niTi "I u " H t '' rtrn pj i I- a h dr. . - in'i -Oflr'h nf th ua , Gets Museum for Rifle Range Chleiicf,. .- 1 7 Tin: old P' m It s -i Par hj'll as t ' ! . i a e i- - v e-i 1 j, i ehjir' , i 1 e -- I t'i , J or t tl- ..n ' ec.M i 1 - us. l rs a r f .r,' h rs- r n-'i ins s '- i . cf i -t n lr IS'il. " ; , "S V'S lie-.iM -1 hp ti n 1 'n A ie- vn ! a (i i.isivn) yisBiimisBV i uy vy Assemblin the vOirfnl tint unirn tiwc avd coal " 1 1HE fipst lliing in building is te J bring the materials together. As the lumber often comes, from different mills hundreds of miles away, it saves time and cost if instead of being sent separately "in dribs," it can all be brought together and sent in one or two large shipments. That is one advantage of our "con centration yard" at Sumter, S. C, in the midst of the Southern mills, where four railroads intersect. There vq keep large stocks of all the needed sizes, se that the lumber for your building can be "assembled" en the spot, and shipped quickly. If re-sawing or dressing is re quired, our own mill is right in the yard. Such advantages make it unwise ever te buy building lumber without getting our prices. v Seme day you'll build. If you want the work finished en time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD. William M. Llevd Company THK Ll'MBCn, ?'ENTRK 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia CSTADMUIIKD 1868 rJOlTIIP.U.S SALKrJ OPPIf 13 CIIAntOTTK, .. C, IllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM rr-i.. ci,ntP- viT nnl(en Wrny te lead the University of Fcnnsjlvnnla football team for the season of 1021 was discussed en all hands en the campus today, Ills choice was exceed ingly popular and expectations for a winning team next year uudcr his lead ership run high. Wrny was one of the lightest mem bers of the team this 5 ear. wel-hiug but 133 pounds. Despite this rbysicsl handicap he electrified FrauKiin i teui DELAWARE GRID DATES Again Opens Season With Penn -Te Play Lafayette M-irk, Del., De. 17 -Delawars rel' foe'batl srnedule for 1U21 tnclud'e B.in' with but four colleen that wr en the -h"dul" thl y&ar Studnt 11anatr Ps niT and reach Shlplty hava rnptid the -bediile with th exception of ene imrae fr 'he lt Saturday In October rn'i H1 be filled letr prebabh for A home rim" Iielnnaia will ajaln play Penn In 1021 and niu open the eaen at Tranklln TielJ en svu-daj Feptember 24 Lafayette Is stee en the IP.'t schedule, the ftrbt time for a number of veara. the aama te be flurd it Katen Jehns Hepkins In another ''am th.t ieAii-e will ranew football re at ions Mth next yar after an tntennlmlen of a number of eirs the itatne te be played In 1 il'lmere The fourth awav-frem home (,at w i lie with llavorferd The four home, (ramee that have tven i'hdiiled are with MuhlenberK. St Jnlin of Annapeli" lVeitarn llarj'lind and renil. mia M 'I'arv (MUece, Swarthnmre st ne l)i klnsen. Lrinus arid Oeorffe Wash I I isie i t n ereIty nre, the Icam. ,r ii -. '-,'iu'e this lear that hea net b-en arhel -.1 f r li-M Kritchcll te Scout for Yanke I -irK. I .ec. I , . ratll ftritrnen or New li.rk. Her. 17.- nin esrs carcner wi-.n iriternnn mis ' " hi -ball clubs has been eucaicl by ,,, ,n . ,. ,.mll ... .n.r ,h , ip. "' . J as a soeut te e-r tit .lew. r ntrtn ers catcner Eddie MeGoerty Granted License Flavin te Captain Georgetown I 'er'aia tri'ic .ssiecia-.tnn here In Its an ! inn rv'inE December 20, lt was l-am-d tetlui Tli- proposed meet waa dlSLUi-erf In Iicni i ar tn nuetiru or the nrranir . ''"n n (,v Yerk n icar affe. bui did in f net m m treat fier. Await Appointment of Coach MorKiinlewn, Dee. 17 Speculation am ik the --lUiKnr bedv of West Vlrslnla CnHeis li Vu,"nnDOw," o'encl, V. 'netbill elevei was the tn 1H21 arrv 'entbill eleiei was the pr'nclpal topic , ftr.iund tle cimpup teley Students utre t U' hit that fceina anneun -ernent Mould ,bs I r.-. ,' bo-ere 11 - stirt -h'r ('h--l.n.as vn -'tien 'emen v n ' nu '.Hh-d rme-ts ,lj J, ,V . LJ ?? .n Jj V, iT nthnl ,,'.T"'" ' " "" ' ' :- ROPE i it.ii tcncitv or' sTcr.r. Thc "Aiarn" Purc New -rAjaCU -i,inin Mnnnfwf'urrJ by The Ajax Repe Ce., Tnc. i'iuLDi-j.riiiv nrnrr f retrvrc.vu jioneAV .TIG Perry lilds. Spruce 1317 MINTPIt IIP.S011TS lIP.UMt DV "Islands of Suruni'n" THE HAMILTON HOTEL ItERMUDA Modern in Cenitructian and Operation 250 Seilti with Bath Fireproof Open Dec. 20 Maii.icrtnent nf J. A. Sherrnrd N 1 (llllie. 4J5 nth Ae.. hour Travel llurea'i Ulvek eti Lb 1.. Addrtsa ' II tel Harmuria" ii a c5 Jl DECEMBER 17, 1920 Caddock te Wrestle Pesek rs Meln, In.. Ps. IT . Jehn lWk. of Hhelten. Nb and Karl rnddeck. f Walnut, In., ferinar lieayvwtht luestl rig champion of the world, will m"t In a finish mntcK h Utcnnbir 23. It waa atmounced today. wiNTKn nnsuRTS ATINTir CITY, N. .7. ATlrrriCTY.NjJ., AivAiucpicaa Plaaneyd. 1 01 iJlSUIUJUUXVerUIKL'tU-WUUUJ. I, I VIDIIVIiaOff OJLBJU1R. . CAPAcrrrwra tvaarrr.jaazfv Tl. C(. Vlralnla Ai at Heard 1 lie eenaiOr wll Fireproof Amr Tlnn 84.00 day. Oeme new and pnd the helldava with na. Cem . hem'llka Chrletmas with bountiful trea. Will yeiibhrn7 ATUNTIC WVl lUVlVJC CITY World's Greatest Hetel Success QPteWmTSmRE Virginia Avtf. and Uracil. Can. 330 en a Avtf. and Hcacn. tap, aeu i-rii baths, ran, water) tie HAit. nL.L.lB. Owner baths, ran, water) loater. et. .Anyr. plan 4 J I Ul, ......I , ' I t marlboreuahlcnlieim ATLANTIC CITVJ .7. Hetel Boscebcl 1'ntuckir v- n'"- and up weekly. Thena 117. A. B. MARION HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwam open. Always ready. Terme mod erate Pheng or write. M. IValih Duncaa KirAvnnn. v. .t IIAUREL HOUSE LAKEVOOD. NEVJERSEyJ Araenr; the picturesque plna landa eurroiind eurreiind Ins Lakewood the d"lictitful halm and rlinrini of autumn tnerne Inte the cooler weeks, of winter Down thrnuch the enr the t.mrcl Heuse has dean-ed Ita receanlzed distinction ' as lJkeoed'o premier hotel--the hnmn of these who appreciate the liat of serIce, lioine-tlke charm and dellchtful surroundings. All Sports New Country flub Gelf Cnurn" S .7. Ilnrphr. Mut.i r T lliirnhv. At. Mr Laurel-in-the-Pines Lnkcwoed, N. J. Situated amenp; the l'inei and overleokinR Lake Carnsalje , New "Pines drill" 18-hole Oolf Course Private Tennle Courts, nidlnir. Shaded Walks PJshlna-. Music. Private Oarnae New Pleetrn. hydrotherapy Hath Hi stem 1TIANK V. SIIUTE. MiniKer. Ilran -h Office of OHO. A IIUIIN ft PONS 1 Members New Yerk Sterk Dicrhsnre. ' l'OCONO 11QP.NT I.N S Mount PiK-eiin, l'n TllO OntWOed 'ien nil j cur. clecant int. w'"uu location. Hieclul fall and winter rules. Hoeklet 11 L. A V. .Artmaii SAVANNAH. OA. rA laempruh A beautiful Sniannah Ca i the paradise for a-elfcrs, motorists, flsherraen. hunts-1 men anjl tourists, llrepruef. i Deems without lath. 12 day; I rooms with bath. J2.B0 day up, 1 C.eorge L Albea. 1Iarms;er Jaikkn. . r. suuthCnrolIne'al'remlerHeeorl Highland Park Hetel ' nnrs DECHMHLK TO JllAV I I, II. Pound, rreshlrnt n!!l..aea charm all Its own" rrtlttTB Iir.CHKATION F.NVIHON.VENT ' Addwaa .1. J. HWKENKY. Mannrtrr . Frnitmrr-WhHre Inn.. I'' Nj Y. nnritv nei nt. v. . RICKS HOTEL TIOCKY MOI'NT. N. . Mlitwit Itetween V Y. find .liirksenvllle nie I euVrI Pint" t Hreelt Your Trip N.v. 11 idem Through jut Accem 600. rlte for Infornntlen I. L. 11L.ND. Prep. st. AiciMTiNi: n.v GOLF AT ST. AUGUSTINE I I'OTEL, ALCAZAR New Opll PONCE DE LEON Opens Jan iar) 1th HiHTDA'S IDEAL VINTl It ClIMAII. THE HOTEL DOKRTA "ON THE DIXIT; IIK.IIU " ' Avrlcan rUn. spm t.il i.- . t.i ,n te Auli 1'i-t'es Paclria- f Itj Hit -i ,i , Mf L'nka ekp.p.n- revi: sntiNtis' ri.. QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL Orecn Cevt- iprinus. Plerliln Plr-proef hotel ulih ni d liniirevrtu'ts nnd cims. Hut eulphe-rimau tin springs nnd oaths, E'lr, barhlnir ra.ine tennis hunting llutes 15 per dev upwards Mth meate. huni. pier connrcllen. Het I Ininnier Lake Dun rente. t. II tel Marl n L.i' '. eica. N Y HOsfOF, M.ltiri, J" "" j 0ILLl L'f-- i'l Hetel Koyal Palm'ThT ! 1 1 He f.e'f I'lsMiit, Piln""nin 11 ' I I'v-ry V ei wit' Ith 1 I NPTMiN 1anac-r T . - '"i'li-J" ! Ter llnehlrt of Pr.llItll.V 1-st CHhT Iteeuvls vrlta '.'13 Bth Ale . Nriv V-irk j pai Tit . rui i epkn ill thi inn " PUTNAM HOUSE IMLATKV 11 MIAMI ri A VISIT MIAMI lloeklets. Chamber of Cninmerte. Mlnml, ria. l.-l P IM HUM II. PI, Hetel Stdt Air ' l:i;,VIlV West Palm Peit ''ilefij mud thr'euFh' i' l"lei unsur.ssij. d e an iMthlnir He. klt A rst,s en ir i n' ti .strnat & Af.ins I'r, Lnke Court Apta. Wr"1' f,0' ,n' tl1LQL'1'', i!,nr Ce, I VI"ON. IIP.CII.PLA, Daytona Beach Hetel Hread verandas fa.ee tha Ocean Thoreuehly modern Cuslns uneicelled. Hates I3.&0 te SO per day Amerl, an plan np.i.MU nt lir.K.ins, ri., .1IIP. IIKI.I.P.VIPAV IlellfMlr llrlglitw. I 1 1 Tl:MSHp NtlTH I S UNITED AMERICAN LINES iNcnitrnn tt7d JOINT SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG SS KEROWLEE Dec. 22 SS KERLEW ........Jan. 4 SS METTE JENSEN.. Jen. IS Scandinavian and Raltlc Perta BATES ANI) FPimtKn PAUTlCCLAnS INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Ufafslta Bldf. Tl. Lembard 3833 UNITED AMERICAN LINES INCOBTOIIATED Frelnht Traffic Department 39 BROADWAY. NEW YORK .T?.T.''"?K w'"Tr"TT im 327 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO ymmi .Ai JP.0 C -li-'-alP lOlsj NTI.AJISIIII' NDTICI-.H (ffiWHITE STAR LINEriffl rJ Nearby BALTIC, DEC. 24 OLYMPIC DEC ?Q -7 - -. - New Yerk Cherlieurir Sontlintnpteil '.vniple Dec. 20Mr. J3lApr. 20 New Yerk fe lUerpeul "nKle Dee. 2fl IMe Jnn. 15Feb. 20 lApr. 2 'le Jnn. 20) Odrle Teb. .B.Mnr. 12 AMERICAN LINE New Yerk Cherbourg Southampton (Ceiniiirnclnc Dee. HI, New Yerk, I'l.Miieuth nml Olierheura;) Krnnnlnnil . Dec. nill'el). rt'Mnr. 12 M.iipliiml .. ,.!. fllrel.. 121tnr. 10 I'lnUnd Inn. l.l'reb. lOMar.SA eelnnd .Inn. 22 1'eli. 20IApr. 2 Red Stnr Mne McnmrM en route Antwerp. New Yerk Hnmliurc Direct Serilce MAN CIICItIA .Inn. 1Mlb. 21 MoiiRelIn .Inn 2;Mnr. 10 l'lillndelpliln Liverpool Mnrjlnnd Dee. 24 West Cherew Jan. Ilmrrferd ,in, 8 l'lillndelpliln (iliisgen- A steamer , Dee. an West Cherew ,inn. 8 Went Nelio Jnn. 20 l'lillndelpliln JXnmtmrir Auburn Drr. 30 nellernsr jnn. B 1Vnth.w VV.V.J",r0lslUrfl,k IDEAL WINTER CTRUISES IDille Star l.lne S. .S. Mnnnllc and American Line .. S. New Yerk and St. rani. Lnneal, .Jlest Cemfnrtnlila CnilnInK Steamers Kntlrely Dovetwl te C'rulse rasrners. . . ..neclnlly srlecteil pxirts of call no i arce IB te 20 ilnys Inn., leb, March. 1321 MllilK Antlfiin. Il.irli.ules, Cnhn. Demtnlrji. Clrenndn, Jninnlca. Martlnlaue, Nerr llrleiins, I'nnnniu Canal, Perte Rice, M. KitiH, St, Vincent, Trinidad, leneiuela, Urirln Islands, etc. Ask for ilenlcd Itineraries. IVTi-ii lATinv.ii. sit nr vit i- sTAttrvir rnilPAKY I'-ia.rnscr OOlce, 1310 1 'nlnut'rit., I'hlln. NWSCO LINES Freight Service Iletween PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TAC01MA. PORTLAND Il'rsf HehihI stcttmrr I'tiit Het nti HVsf Uetiuti Steamer Vast Pound I nadlnp; Artitfiis Feb. 1' Jan. 27 .......lirush Jlch. 5 Jan. 3 A Steamer Feb. 13 i Feb. .T Yala Mch.15 Jan. 15 Wi'st Tesus Feb. 28 iFcb. 18 ....West Isleta.... Jnn.lG Pnr Iliitcs, (t . Applv te . NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 13 S. Fourth St,, Pliila. Phtine Lembard ri7!)l-2-:i; Main 3202-3 CUMMINS LINES U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamers Kcfjtilnr FreiKbl Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM & ANTWERP S S "BONNIE BROOK" S yS "ARIZPA" PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN S ' S "GATEWAY CITY" Jnn. 5 Fer space and rates apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 Seuth Ith SI.. Phila., Pa. Lembard Jl27-im-r,m : Mjiin J3JS tuNSON STEAMSHIP LINE iiJIRSJ Regular Express, Passenger and Freieht Service WmmerneffiM .. N: le Rie iiitr in inn. '' i ii'n ii. I'l'i. i"iiui',.''iii ' 'i!'',-li,ia I ' ft- '',nrtha 11 vinri nmnntf.il I a a tt VXMXt.Wl'y ?.-? f'n. p. . Aoeius, l... t Drcxel Building, Philadelphia Krvicr Blrlg , Balhraere Mobile St. Unit Conway Bids;., Cbicie ThemmiES T n U H anal ecu also s uss n Agents for U. S. Shipping Beard Philadelphia fe Greek, Adriatic & Black Sea Ports Piraeus, Patras, Saler.ica, Venice and Trieste S. S. "Fert Arrmtreng" Leauin- A Steamer Jan. 1, 1021 Leading Berth: Seuth . Pier 78, S. ff. Fer rulcj avd cpuee upply te The Charles T. Meee Ce. Drcxel Building, Philadelphia Lembard 5100-1-2-S Main 306k Philadelphia te Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelena, Marseilles S S Waukau ... . Leading Fer rata and particulars apply te James W. Elwell & Ce., Inc. 17 Stnte St., New Yerk or The Charles T.Megcc Ce. Drcxel Building, Philadelphia Lembard S100-1-2-3 Main 3081 KILADELPlpA I 1 TO I feUHrflERIgA fHTTI -.liEMava-KBi.wanf I I RIO JANEIRO, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AIRES S.S. "Lake Fannin" Sailed S.S."Lake Fagundus" Sailed S. S. "West Jaffrey" Jan. 1 U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamers Applj Jehn S. Emery & Ce., Inc. Botten. Mass. Megee, Stef.-r & Ce., Agts. Drexel Buildinu, Philadelphia Lembard 2208-2209 HTKAMHHir NOTIOKfl Sailingt le Liverpool e Cherbourg and Southampton Adrlntle Jnn. 10Feli. 10Mar. If New Yerk via lloaten Aierea Olbrnltnr Naples Genea Cnnople "e. 28Fb. 1(1 Cretle Jen. 0Mar. 1 RED STAR LINE New Yerk Cliorbeura; Seutlinmptnn Antwerp (t'ernmenrlna; Dec. ill, New "inrk, J'ljr- mouth, rnerbeuric una AniHtrin Krnnnlntiil Dee. 31FCU. 0 Lnplnnd Jan. Rl'nb, 12 I'lnlnnd -'an. IBlreb. 10 5lnr. 12 Mar. 10 Mar. Iff Zeelnnd . . . . .. . . Jan. 22Peb. 0Apr, X New Yerk Dnnrle Tin, llembar Tlilrd-rlnsa Dnsseneera only. (iethlnnd Jan. lSFeti. l'lillndelpliln Antwerp Aiilinrn Vtt. SO Ilollcrese Victorious .... AVutliemi .... .......... . jnn. in , Jan. 29 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE riillndclphlft Londen 5Iahepne Dee. 2 Jnn. XI Mackinaw ..... ......... HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Philadelphia Itetterdam TYelsht nfllce. 40.1-4U Detirsa nittff.. Dilla, Dec. 30 ... .Jnn. 10 ie J,ncire' MertHe. Bocne. Aires iNahhingtnn. le.OOO tens (b)Jan. 1 . ,-- ,- , . i',wu tens (a) Jae.19 i,00l) tens (n) . . Pell e C-ttimrr, et V ShinMve neirii -m . -: (a i Atr.t ftcenit and third claii. (In first and rrcer.d ctats for rates anil particular npply le urn Pnssrncrr AKenc) or le MTNSON STEAMSHIP LLNE S2-112 Beat or Street. New Yerk RR LINE Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM V Steamer Dee. 20 FOR HAMBURG S. S. CHAKI.OT Dec. 18 A Steamer IJec.20 FOR INDIA (tKl ITV HOMIIW. COI.OMIItl, .'i.iun.inj S. S. PAWS CITY. ...Dee. 18 It t h limit i) and thruujsh bllla ut ii n wit J U) all SealiUllidlMll and 1 iiti i il. In 1 1 .i rn tin rs.-. Kerr Steamship Ce. Inc. U13-l(i I Al''AYKTTE HUILDING I'HILADliUMHA. I'A. Hell lilepluiiin liristnne Telrpliune l.iimtmril .vul Male IDS PORTO RICO ALL-EXPCNSE CRUISE $180 AND UP Ne leirlier spot for n winter' outing than this Islnnd of Enchnntment. Hates lever nil necessary expeniea of ineala nnd stateroom nccommo nccemmo nccomme dntiuns for the entire trip te and around the island nnd return te New Yerk. S'liimRs. from New Yerk Wednesdays tind Saturdays for 16 and 20 clay cruises respectively. i PORTO RICO LINE 1 1 Broadway, New Yerk HP.SOKTS STKAMSllll'S BERMUDA Tiie Dujs Frem N w 1'erk Here ou are frea from the sneir. lea un 1 chill winds of the North, nnd In a. cjualnt old uerld aattlnv et Incemparablt leirllneaa you may lazily rest or play sour faierlta snorts et golf, tennis, rid. Inc drlvtna- meter heatlnv, salllnr, luth InK and flahlnir or dance at tha cay par. ties at thu many modern Hotels u PasMwrts Krqutrrd for Hcrmuila H icelni Deieinher Salllnrs Prrrnlnent Hotels Optn In Decmbr Tuti HiillliiKH weekly ilurlnic Jnn,, Feb., .Mur. nnd April, (la. Htdft, l)e Lux 1ln-Scmi Hleumcrs S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 11 000 Toivi Displacement Halllne from New Tork Dec IS, 27 Jan 8, IB. 22 tt, S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11 ene Tens Displacement, Sailing from New Yerk. fl c 22 Jan fi u p Vn fiertrt m ilctcriptlve literature te pi hmhs iip.umud. i.mn ill Mhltrliill Mt . .Nriv lurk Piirncaa. MIIIit A Ce., Ltd. llnurse lllilr,, PilalelhU, Pa. 4 i I :5K i t i wti : 'I i 1 i jL iba. - " . B v w-. . 1iul)l.lllWfc, J. eBIHe ".e, -.-jiaiweiillfeeeWi t