?fr y im V " PF! 5w -) EVENING PUBLIC .LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FEIDAY, DECEMBER IT, 1920 - Jl Hi $25,000,000 Standard Oil Company (California) Ten-Year 7 Geld Debentures Doted January 1, 1921 Due January 1, 1931 Interest payable February 1 and August 1. Principal and interest payable In geld In New Yerk and San Francisce. In coupon form of $1,000 denomination with provleion for registration of principal. Redeemable as a whole en any interest date en 30 daya' notice at 105 ana interest, if redeemed en August 1, 1921, and thereafter at XA of 1 less en each semi-annual interest date. Equitnble Trust Company of New Yerk and Angle-California Trust Company, San Francisce, Trustees A Sinking Fund of $500,000 per annum, commencing January 1, 1922, is provided te purchase Debentures at net exceeding par and interest. The Standard Oil Company of California is producing from its oil wells in the United States ever 100,000 barrels a day, and as such is the largest producer of crude oil in this country. Security These Debentures will be the direct obligation of the-Standard Oil Company of California, which has issued no mortgage and has no funded debt. The trust agreement under which the Debentures are te be issued will provide that during their life the Company will net issue any obligations having priority ever this issue. Market Equity The Standard Oil Company of California has outstanding $99,373,310 common stock. At present quotations this stock represents a market equity of approximately $320,000,000. Property Valuation The depreciated replacement value of the Company's assets, including its properties in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Nevada, Arizona, Colerado and the Hawaiian Islands, and excluding its assets in the Philippines and Central and Seuth America, accordire; te an appraisal new being competed will 'exceed $400,000,000. Earnings Fer the fiscal year ended December 31, 1919, the Company reported net income after depreciation, depletion and Federal taxes, of ever $31,000,000, or con siderably mere than the par amount of this issue, and for the past six years aver age net income of approximately $17,000,000 per annum. Earnings of the Company for the ten months ended October 31, 1920, were in excess of the earnings for the entire year 1919. Price 100 and Interest Wm. A. Read & Ce. The Angle & Londen Paris National Bank Blair & Ce., Inc. The Equitable Trust Ce. of New Yerk Continental and Commercial Trust & Savings Bank The information contained in this advertisement has been obtained from sources which we consider reliable. While net guaranteed, it is accepted by us as accurate. Orders have been rectivtd in excess el the amount of Debentures available. This advertisement appears at a matter el record I Common Sense in Investing Meney 6TT is easier te make money than te keep it," is an old saying which -- thousands have found te be only tee true. Few can say that all their investments have been wholly satisfactory. Why is this? The answer is simple enough. Generally speaking, far less common sense is used in investing money than in making money. Toe many investors fix their eyes en yield rather than security, ignore the fundamental principles of safety, and then wonder why their invest ments turn out te be unsatisfactory. The first principles te be followed may be expressed very simply: 1. "Safety first," net second. Make sure of the quality of your goods before you leek at the price tag. That is satisfy yourself that the investment is safe before you even think of the yield. 2. Select an investment that will free you from worry, care and management that will net depreciate in price or worth after you purchase it a security you can lock up in your strong-box and forget. 3. Get a geed return en your capital, but don't forget that an exorbitant yield is a danger signal, and that, generally speaking, the best and safest investments will give you only a fair, safe rate of interest. Nine out of ten experienced investors will agree en the above first principles. But hew can they be best applied te the actual selection of a thoroughly safe security? Our new booklet, "Common Sense in investing Meney," tells hew. It gives you, in concise, readable form, the benefit of the experience of thousands of successful investors. Call at our office, or, if you pre fer, write for a copy of this valuable booklet today. Ask for Booklet 498-Q SJWSTRAUS $ GO. ESTABLISHED 1882 INCORPORATED Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia Telephone, Spruce 5G28 NT.W TOHK ciucAae DRTflOlT IHJFFAI.O iI.BVEt.ANl WASHINGTON BOSTON lNDIANAr a I'lTTSIlCllUll SAN FRANCISCO MIMVAUICHK MINNEAPOLIS Thirty-eight years without less te any investor . Specialiiti In "' MOTOR, RUBBER AND STEEL SECURITIES COMPLETE SERVICE In AH Ferm of Inveitment Main Departments Investment, Brokerage Acceptance, Liberty Bends Foreign Exchange Statistical, Ohie Securities Extensive Private Wire Connections Members of New Yerk and Other Principal Stock Exchanges OTIS& CO. Investment Bankers CLEVELAND Sew Yerk noaten DMrnlt Cincinnati CnlumliUH Ttilriln Akren Viiiinestevvn Denver Colerado Spring The Price EXECUTIVE .. IIM t ....... .tll.ini AiulMr--U ftntt' Hank Ceinmrrrlnl rP(rlcnci. Mcrui"uir j-.u... nrosrrMlre nrmnlutlen. Stenographers In New Yerk Hank r. . ' . I... I I..-.. .I...---. .... l.lCftlltlH eppnnu'lll 111 ili mum im.rvi, ! tank fur capable, oxperlenced lennrpher under 1!5 yar. I'ermanant pealtlpna. ex. t client working conaiuene. uem ? una luncht. Btate , education, experience '"""'i'.wiafw. 49 Wait 4ith. St.. New .Turk CMjf . J. At. 8AII.EU e:i. jpl e. c 8-rATT0N waiter orevensen 3U AMI CIIB8TNCT ST3 BONDS Tw Free, .Yielding. 4J$ e fft History of Every Stock traded in the New Yerk Curb and in Bos Bes Bos eon, San Francisce, Salt Lake and ether exchanges, is given in the latest issue of our Free Breker's Hand Boek Just out high and low price for Uat month nntl year of 1919 end 1 920) pnr, capltnl, dividend rntea of mero thnn SOU securities An invaluubte guide for thoae who are planning te take advantage of the pro pre mt technical poeltien of the market. Meme, page, commlaelen rate, etc. Auk for Ne. T U-3i9 A JONES & BAKER Specialist in New Yerk Curb Market Securities Widcncr Bldff., Philn. Phenes: Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Office in 8 Principal Citlei Direct I'rlvate Wire. u GOSSIP OF THE STREET New Yerk Bends IBAI.Efl IN 11600 t'annlng and reduction of dividends and reports et wnge cuttltiR by Bemc of the prominent Industrial concerns lmve for the tlne being diverted nttentlen from U10 vexation of the money mar ket. Developments of the Inst week novo uliewn conclusively the sltunllen Is well In hand, and, wlille It Is widely recognized that much progress Is yet te be made In thawing frozen credits, there nre dcflnlte rnusens for Tinllevlnir that the peak of U10 credit strain has bccii passed. As n prominent bank official put It yesterday, the consumers' strike has been se extraordinarily effeotlve as te bring about almost utter disregard of contracts leading te progressive In crease in the cancellation evil. "The result Is," he sold, "thut nil mnnufne turera arc being left 'holding the bag' until the spring trade revival or n re turn of sanity en the part of the public relieves the strain." As n mnttcr of fact, few laymen have the least conception of the wide ramifications of the cancellation evil. One would suppose, nftcr listening te the reports bclnL made by the big busi ness houses, as if the old-fnshlen busi ness morals had been cast te the four winds. This had made the thawing of fr07.cn credits n mero difficult problem thnn It at first appeared te be. Strik ing testimony of the embarrassment which the cancellation evil placed many of the big business concerns, individ ually and collective, is te be found in the recent haste shown In selling securi ties in order te obtain the nccessaty funds te meet the heavy tax payments which otherwise were unobtainable. Many bankers feel that manufactur ing nnd mcrcluitidlziiig retrenchment is runnlnc beyond the bounds of all com men sense nnd, anxious as they nrc te reduce floating debt, can picture the dey when stocks of goods of all descrip descrip tlenH will be nt as absurdly low levels ns new seemingly prevail in the security markets. Selling .Movement Nearing an Knd A lending wire house summarizes meiket's position ns follews: "We de net believe selling will go fnr, hut we de believe the market will inspire little confidence or show nny nggrcilve upward trend until just be fore Christmns. While it is finding its feet, the gist of business news is bound te shake speculative sentiment because reducing dividends or passing them al together, hns become n popular pastime. Tlig operators and traders, however, have net waited until new te spII stocks, but sold them months age, planning te use nil mlvcrse developments of this kind te cnuble covering operations, tinder such conditions their having will. rn hpHnvn. tirevenr. 11 bis downward movement nnd create n demand for stock at n time when the speculative public sentiment is se depressed and its purchasing power se limited thnt demand would ecncnvi&i- ue ruumj lucking. Our guess is. this conflict of irinvnmnntu will rpmllt in renctiellH IM - lowing each shnip advance until this time next week when a seasonal Janu ary reincstment rally should get under way, running until the early part of next month." Tlme for Discrimination Then- was n dividing of the benr forces in connection with expressions of market opinions nnd some of the lenriini? fommlssleu houses flint have used every effort in their power te pre vent Hpcculative buying changed their position en the market te n partial ex tent in their views en the market out look. . , , J. 15. Huche & Ce. made u calcula tion that in the lust thirty iluys brokers' leans hnve decreased from n level of about $8.10.000,000 te n present flgurc of 8700,000,000, while nt the snniu time the' short interest has decreased from 11 high estimate of 11,000,000 shares te around 1,000,000 shares. They report, thut, according ie their information, brokers' leans am nt the low point for the venr, while the short Interest is ciimii te thnt i-xlstlng lust July, when brokers' Ien us were much higher nnd prices of industrials were iNventy points nbevc the present range. Other commission houses were dis posed te ndvisi- the puichtise of stocks at aieund present l-els uri'T cletfe nun inrctul study of their merits, but they diil net believe in Imjlng wteckn without full information about asset values and earning power. Itottem for V. O. T. There was enidernble discussion 011 the stiver yesterday us te what would be considered n firm bottom for the com cem tmin ntni-le nf the 1'nited Otis linnievc- ment Ce. It was the consensus of opinion of most of the lending brokers thnt 25 would prove te ln u solid bot tom for the stock. At that figure, it will bring net investment return of S per cent, which Is generally accepted these dnyn ns attractive buying basis for most 'of the seasoned dividend buy ers. It is firmly believed thnt the com pany will be easily nble te maintain the 1 per cent per nnnum rnte en the stock until the hnudicnps new encountered by the utility companies aie overcome. It was pointed out by n clese observer thnt the -1 per cent difference in the distribution te " common stock holders would about eijuul the less or earnings new beinir sustained by the company. The rempnnv hns asked City Council Ie extend from January I te April 1 the period in which the company may substitute the liritisli thermal unit standard for the candle power require ments of the gas lease. The commission which the Mayer has been empowered te appoint will, lu the meantime, iu ititute the investigation of the local irns situation, and wliuh. it is ex pected, will result 111 1 he readjustment of the present terms by which the com pany will be In a position te curry out the previsions te a better advantage, net only te itself, but te the tonntimer ns wull. Many of the holders of the stock nre convinced the present unhappy condi tions are only of a temporary char acter nnd under normal conditions can be speedily adjusted; In fact, te tin ex tent by which the securities of the company w!l Isi restored te the high standing they formerly held in the eyes of conservative iuvesters. Till: TUAORIt. SONGS IN GERMAN OFFEND Schumann-Helnk Recital Causes Spectators te Quit Armery Newark, Dec. 17. .Mine. Ernestine ScUumnnn-IIclnk sung four songs in Herman nt a concert in the 1'lrst Regi ment Armery here, and was ap plauded nfter offering n defense of her action. Except for tliose four numbers, the program was in ringllsh. It con cluded with the "Star Spangled Man ner. " As Mme. Schumaiin-IIcitik began the first song in Qerman n man sitting nenr the front of the house rose with his wife and daughter. As they walked out the mitn talked excitedly te his wife. About n dozen ethers followed his example and left the auditorium. Held-Up Man Killed In Chicago Chicago. Wee. 17. One of two hold up men wna utvtnpted te reh tbe Heme Drug Ce. store m the busiest corner In Chicago, was chased through street crowds and killed by pelice in n gun battle just hefore midnight last night Patrolman Conleu, who tried te head off the held-up man, was futally wounded hv the robber a moment befern rh int. A Umlt inii R 7St n 7su !... 7D s . .. . 73 Am T & T oil tv 73 r...... 73i Am Tel & T Re 7S; 70 77t4 70U 70 U 70',: 2 1. 6. IS. 6. n. A T T 8 Te 4 110 74 H 1 7411 4 74 H Atcti T 8 I'e ev 4 '00 4 .. 80", Atch TS1' Arlz'a Dlv 10 .. . 77 Armour iV 0 7111 J... . 71s. SO 74 At & lllr'ln 4r 1 04 Atl Cemt I, 4 7 .... 77 At C Line 4Vi 1 72 1, 1. .4 42U Cene'l Klte r 1 SOU Oen'l KIm 0 4.... 100i Gev't I' It ret 2 ... 100 le. .. 100 l.t ... 100 '1.... 100't 4.... 100H 20 ... 100 2.... 100 4.... 100 B.... lOOVi 4e.... 100 1.... 100 2S..., 100 0.... 1011 4 ... 100 12.... 100H 10.... 100 fl Bwltz'd rcte 102 101'4 102 101 102 102 O'l Trunk ret f,.... 100 Heu'n t. i: W Tirxn let 2 M Kid & Man fil 1 .... ns Atl Const I, 7 CI Control M 2 ... 102 Atru Fruit 71 n .... n.Ti Unit & Ohie ev 1 .... nsu 1 03 'i 1..... ess; Dnlt O 3H 1 7!Mi Halt & Ohie la 1 03 Iln.lt & Ohie S n ... 05 Halt i. Ohie 0a 2 7SW a 7s 111 Cfi t Tin 10..... 07 Intbore M 4 ',4 2 IS Int Met ct 4U 7 12V. N'n Pacific S D n Kerth'n Hlntca 1'vtr Ce f.a 1 .... 70 Or ps & Cnl r,j 4 sni 10 .. . 87U Orten 9 1. 41 0 70 1... . 70K OrK-W'n 11 (Je .Vavl Ce 4a 1 03 VI rt.u U & i: Sa n 78 Tm T t ti t'e. II ttn AM 10 8C1 0 774 3 "7h 0 ... 77U IVnna 11 It r.a 1 . . N7T4 1 .... H7 1 S7'4 fanna It 11 7a 2 ... 103 t. a ... 104 2 .. ion; 3 ... 104 8 ... 104 8 ... 101 Fera Mnrut 4a 1 00 nadlnr It 1 .... lOSb r. .... 7t'4 r .... 7tn; 5 .... 7U'4 It'U'e 1 & H lia 10 SB B SB nte O & W 4 B CCIi II. SOS Intbore n T ti 121, Bl 1j I'n Mi a 10 sev; sew tsO se snu su n 10. 10 10 .. 21 .. 1 4 . n . ft.. 10.. ft . ft . 1 2 ... 1H ... in.... 23.. U fc O P L 1WVM 1 mu DIOH Wa'D Int Aei Illy 3js 4 1 .... 75 I... . 75 B O Tel 4i 1..... BHi 4 .... r,2. Bui TbI rcta 7a . 10H. 1 . 101'i 48 , 47 47 , , 47 V4 . 43 , 4S , 4S . 47; . 4S 1 4S . 47 K . 48 . 47 4 C'n 8'ri lty ft . . B Ft r.eula Frn.il ftl 1 Gt I.eula Fran in n B fi 2,1 4 I M Marine 0s 1 .... 77v, 1 J .... 77', 3 77Vi 0 77'4 2 .... 77 7 .... 771, 7 TV 6 . ... 2 fit U H Jap Geva't 4a 11) 24 .. 1... 1 ... nan C A 4.. 1.. 3.. B.. Kan City Ter'l Ry 4a 1 r.en 1 .... 0fH IC llelK 0 '21 B 00. K Uelisa Ua '25 B SO SO DO r.3'4 ne1,; s at 70W 70H 70 7Uti 10 4a en, no v & 3 02 & 474 47. 47 . 47H 47 ',4 47 H 47'1 47'4 1'ran co 14 U0U rtOii new no 1 1 oe. 0l) 1 ue v, 0i i'0' oe CITY'S BOND ISSUE BIGS MANY BIDS Twenty-five Offers Received, Cevering Mere Than $5,300,- 000 of $7,000,000 Lean BANKERS TO TAKE THE REST Stocks Ye s WW Tlintral krn1ratfi m4 til n t numI Mrvicea almost without excep tien have already advised their clients te purchase coppers and industrials. We have refused te yield te pressure from our clients te de likewise for we think that abet- V ter burins point will be reached. b . . a... i .. 8... u .. l... 10... 2 .. 12 Ht 1. . H Fran Serlea U 2.. .. 70 8t I & Swn F cm fla 1 HO ft I. SeWn en .1 69 3 08?i St I. Sw'n lt 1 00 St 1. Sewn 2 J 1 . .. 51 4 . nil". Ilkn II T it 7a B . . 41H Canadian N n Ilwya rcpta 3 !H" 4 .... UOK Cut' I of Oa en 10 .... 82T4 Ct'l et Oa 0a 6 Hi Ctl Leather Ba 1 8T Ctl Pacific l(t II 71 CVk i O 4'-!i 1 729k 4 .... 72H C A O cv 4Ha 10 7H4 10 . .. 70M 2 71S C'k ft O v B 13 fOK C & A ihar 0a a r. 87 ?... H7 CM II & Q 4a 4 UBTt 5 till 5 !IB,,I.lie KheiH M 1 82 U3H H'n 4a '31 I 10 I'hl & tl W 4 10. M 704 100 B 50. 4 .... 79, 1" Ohlcnire Mil fi'L Vy en 4I410H .St I"l 3V.H I 1 .... 77I41 J B7HiLWli Vl'y ea.B'n rne cv 5a ii..... nr tl l... R7'4 atl' fj 4'.b I 2 .... 117 10... 07 l BS'i1 10 .... OT 20 07', Cbtoime Mil 4- Lerlllaril V Ba 1. ... I'T H, ttP oe 5a B... 77; S'n IUIIwh fts 10 .... l(04i I..... 77', 2 k ChlcaKe Si Nth Leu A Naari 7a Spuria 4a Wn 3'i" , 1 ... 104 1.1 .... 7 K rieU'ni 7'4B,Eialj cl A I nl 1 7 i 3 .... 33't 2 .... t7 , 2 ... 83' 2 .... UtlJ4i 1 .... 33". 8 .. . HOI! 1 . 33, tnk Shero M 'i'n Pacific cv S'n 3'4 i 10.. .. 07 1..... fili' !'n 1'aclOe fj B...- 00i4 1...- 74'i 3 .... ll 10... 7'4 tal.a HhOr M 10O 74 fl'n 4a '2S 4 74 1 82 tee 74 1..... Sl'l 6'n l'ue cv 4a 75 74'4 7t 74', 74 75, :i A7V 1 I'8'i Chlcuife M'.l &JI.eii!r Ia!J 11 fd 1 l' It IO .. i.0 .. 1... t .. I .. C II 1 J . Chi r j... :i i & no I I' m: 04 S till. U)4.Th:ril A uj 101', .. IOI',. .. mi 01', MIJ & l BaThlrU Av .. CUI.I 1 7-''j 3 .. 04',iMln & St I. 4 1 .... . 1' la 1 4 1 '.Third Aie . . 1.01,1 u 42 :i... . 7 Mtn IVi'Mn K & T 4a I'latur .t It . . 70 1J I...., 55' t nr (1 4 .. 7'a Sin I'Hlinc 41 I 5 .... 7 2.V, 25 25 "4 r 1 1 4.1 'l.'i Union Pde cv V .... 12 ; Union I'a 4a I 1 HO'i 2 .... 80", Union l'ac Ov ! 1 (' I II GUI.. Chlit. rep'r n, 10 .... 52 :i .... tiJi, r. ... ft.''. City Bern "ia 4 .... nj', i . .. 10 1 11 .. nj City Ilenl'i 0 11 .... 51 7 781,, .". .... r.2 City Chris 8a ' I .... Bl', 1 ..... 01. Me i'ncirie Oa City Cep'B ft'41 11 .... l7' I' " "f O Hrlt I 7l,,Ment'a l'wr a I'1 l-'l 1 7 J j 1 hi) 14 .'.... U7' Clt Miliar 0i 1 .... hi U K nf O llrlt 4 79 ,M i Ua x U fla' I'd 1020 Oty .N.- Yerk, 2 ... 100 J .... hS 4 of OS Neiv IIhvaii 0a1 -' .. . Si' 14 ... 81 2 .... 03 ' 81. City I'arls 05 Sew Or Tex II .... 89' J n.'l Mlce 4a 1 10 . . 88. 4 PI 10 .... 58'. I' lv nf O llrlt il . !'t N Y l' A 11 U 1 'I 1D37 C'l'd i In flni ' n II 3', a 20 .... K3V, Ht I.uula IH 12 ... 07 2" .... 83'i 10 84 '.V V C 11 II 1 83. Cena'd lias 7l, UK 3Vs ii-g '-' . . I'll ' ft ... . 05 Cole . n 4 V, 5 . . . . 11. 71 v Y e & II It ! 11 II 4Ha 1 . 3 15 5. Ijubtiu Ii. . . 3 ., 1 .. I... 10... I... I .. 4 .. 0 .. 4 . . Climb 5 .. 711' .. 70 .. 7!l .. 7H. .. 70 .. 711 'i .. 70 .. 7UV4 .. 7lt . 711 l'AT 5a 7 Del ft Hud iv 3 83', Dal U Hud fd B 70 18.. N V U 4 II II It It 0a 1 0 .... ft.. ... 3 N y f & it n ItR rets 7a 1.... 101 N V Cent' I SI Cent'l 3 '4 a 5 .... BU S3". 81 ', hl, h.l', M'l h.l '5 h3'i S . . . . S3 1 . no ua Meilce 41 00 I a..... 3.1 liO'.lU B Haliy i. lien Impv't B.i llOV, 1 60 ItO X Itubb r f a t 72', More thnn !;rj.300,00) et the $7. 000.000 bend issue of the city wns nuli nuli Herlhcd bv. nnd nwnrdr-il te. twrntv. llve bidder, by Mnyer Moere yesterday Failure of the bnnker'R nyndlcnte. of wnien w. t. HtetcBbtiry Ii n member, te offer n bid, wnn followed n brief time Inter by Htntements of bnnkerH thnt they would take the portion of about $1, OSn.fiOO for which there were no bids. Trices regarded ns "satisfactory" wcre received for the IkiqiIh sold en bidi runtrinir from nar te 103.7778. A con ference will be held tedny te decide whether the unsold balance can be dove tailed with the 533,000,000 lean au thorized by the voters nt the November election. Jlnyer Moere snld : "Tt wns a great Rntisfactinn te knew thnt, notwithstanding the big bankers, for n reason net clenr. liml decided te rcmnln out of the loon nt this time, thnt tlie public lintl ceme ferwnrd lu the manner it did." lie did net construe 1 tie notion nf the bankers uh in nny way intending te reflect upon the city, but rather us a strategic move, which, he Bald, wns an ticipated by the sinking fund commis sioners. The Mnyer Faid thnt one of these who offcred te tnke the entire hnlnnce thut hud net been subscribed for was Kelnnd I,. Tayler. The bids received were for amounts ranging from S.TO te $2,000,000. The lutter hid wns submitted by the sink ing luiiil commissioners nt pnr. 13THSCH00LH0USE BURNED Total of 33 Buildings and 5 Mines Destroyed in 60 Days Iilnibe, l"n., Dec. 17. Disdainful of all law nnd organized society and working us efficiently us has been its went, the nrhen ring, which resumed operntlonsWcdnesdny evening nfter n ten -tiny lajeff bv burning tb(. plant of tlie rairchauce Lumber te., ut Fnir chnnee. destroyed the HIairsville In tersection Public Scheel, entailing it less of $10,000. This litest uct of vandal ism of the firebugs tnnkes the thirteenth school they have burned. All told, thirty-three buildings and five modern mines have been fired during the last sixty days, nnd in u majority of the tires the destruction was complete. In cluding the mine's, the losses nggregnte mere than $1,000,000. With the exception of ten days, dur iug which time the nnny of police, de tectives and state troopers scnrchlng for the Incendiaries, made one urrest a demented man the tirebugs have oper eper nted uninterruptedly, burning indis criminately, hchoels, stores, homes, fac tories, churches and mines. Among the largest schools destroyed wus one nenr I'riccdnle, nbeut six miles from TJclievcrnen. und the Star Jurfotien school, near Cennellnville The looses en these two structures reuched $100,000. REJECT 31 MEW SUBMARINES Structural Defects Charged In Craft Built for Navy . Wii.ihlngteii, Dei-. 17. Difntifiie Difntifiie tieu with submarines built by the Klee trte Itnnt t'e. for the unvy, has caused tin- department te refuse te uccept thirty-one Mibmurlnes of the S type that tin- CemiPctiuit firm hns built for the tJnvcrnraent. Secretary Daniels told the notice mivnl iifTnirs committee yes terday. Hepresentntives uf the shipbuilding corporation Iiavf nkcd for 11 hearing te contest the report mu'ie b technical experts of tlie navi und will be re ceived by Mr. Daniels today. The specific objection made against the submarines is thnt tlie engines have been ten powerful for tlie crankslinfts und thnt thcre have been -tmcturnll defects in the engines thenisehi- Ac cording te tCNtiinnny nf Kenr Admirnl Itebert H. Griffin, the Mibmiiiiinw failed te come up te the Mnnilurds n(uired by the department, nnd hnve net been accepted en that account. He intimated some et the trouble wns due te the effort of the company te collect u bonus for seed nbeve the guarantee which caused it te put tiie high-powered an engine into the undcrncn heatv Authorization for new eenstnn tnn te reutid out the fleet built or building (iiDi-iiting of tlvu 10,(N)(l-tiin light cruisers, four gunboats, five mim liijing suliuiuriiu's. two cruiser submarines and one nirplnne carrier wns urged In Sec retary Daniels. AUSTRIAN BILLION SHOWER Mseis mm rs . . .. ' Skl IIn. ....A... mm ... .1 . ... M l.l.i wu. tfwvite ia mv.. twin, u m . w- tnlly prepatnd Dellettn lest taaDnt M miMcribcrs te the Babaen Inrestinent Eerrice, ceunttllna agtmst purchaia it this time. 11EPORT ON UEQUEST A tew extra copies) of tbl Bulletin ar available ter diatributlen te intereatM inveitera. A reqectt 00 tour letter head will brlna you one without charge. Tear out the Meme nan and hand it te your secretary when you dictate the merntmra mail. Merely Ath for Battctln 34MJI The Babson Statltllcal Ortranfauitleii Wellesley Illlls, 82, Bosten, Mass. 71a Lmrteti OrptnirilU ttlu OtereeU CUPOFFHERE'1 '!' :J Meme Fer Your Secretary Write the Babson KOKrr W. Babson, EZ, uosten, M1H. a eoev of Seretal letin Ne. 4MK and booklet. Cnw Vtf -gratia. Sutistiei Ornnluuea, a. President. Wellnleyliaie. I , as louewa: ricaaeaenai But. -jiiixim..ii i i mm., CZDCZDa (5ft0 of tagtfug aalue XNTEREST or dividend bearing securities are Ideal Gifts and will in culcate habits of thrift and saving. Monthly interest or dividend checks will bring back memories of Christmas twelve times a year. rVnte mtftr QrcnUrwX" Henry L. Doherty & Company G04 Merris HuildinR Philadelphia, Pa. Trlrphene: Lecnat 1410 H .... a .... v n llut l e -"V. N k Llglit HiU'J a 8twl la Dun I It fd & Pwr 4a sn...M no t S.. . 4!)a S Ct il .... liDH Dan It il 4a'Nnw Yerk O eV 10 .... ue 1. .. Ul, I Wi-afn 4j 2i MI'n t . . 112 1 .... ill , 3 . ... tiei. (IJ N Y Ilia ct 4a 1 ... liOa, n .... 17 n U Cnem rta 1 .... HIV 10 . . , tn T . l(l,iVn Itiillw'a ,1b Y llluja Sa' t .... SOI, 20 TiV, Weat'n Mil 4a N Y Tele 4k 1 n.iv, 1 .... 74H 4 .... 834 1 734 Weal Shere 4a in .... 74 1 70 18 78', W L'nlen t',a 4... . 7SHI .1.. . 75 Erie liunl l.lan N Y Tele'a Ha W 12 & Mfg 7a '.' . . 40i I . . . . 83 I .1 .. .. 04 1 I 401, 'New Y W O i 1 . 11414 i:ne It it cv A II .atoll 44a l . U4', 2 Slit 1 .... aO'ilWIIaen (Je int ft .... A Tt Can R'i 'HI n us v. D Camilla 'JU ,N 3 00 r Canada '20 1. . 8714 I) L'nr&.ln '31 1 9 (HI Dem nW fta 4 .... 731. 4. 1 . . :ni El l li II 1 v D 1 4:"i !U1' N'k & W cv 0a1 .. 103 10s 103 I.lbcrt) w'ijs . . . Liberty 1st -iU" Liberty I'd H4s Liberl !ld 414s Liberty -Ith -Pis Victory .Netu II'Us H.j.O'J Victory Nete 44 H.".0i 8!).lll 80.1(1 M.ltl S7.M) sn.M) IjOW 811.84 Krt.01! S.'.lO S7.7L.' KiM) it.VOO 8M4 11 13 ii. in. SU.IJll 80.02 M.l'J 87. 7H 8.". lit 'XtM'2 115.00 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET S'ote Yerli, Dee. 17. A. hlinrp ad vance, 7-Hid, in the rate of Kle ox ex ehnuge en Londen, led te some eovcr eevcr iiic of oeffeo futures en the call this morning, resulting in tin udvunce of (1 te 10 nelnts. Yrat clnte .March II .' Mey 7.0(1 im I -' September 7 80 Oln 11 S.'feTI 7 lit Wns 7 SOffll 7 UiO05 Car Ce. Pays en Back Dividends Montreal. Dec. 17,Ttie Canadian Cur nnd Foundry Ce., Lte., declared u divi dend of 221,, per cent en the preferred stock en amount of back dividends, pay able December 31 te stock of record Do De ceinber 24. Tlie dividend Is p.ivable In reirotlnble Interests bearlntr scrip, prin cipal amount payable en December 24, 1927. with Interest at rate of a iur mm navable half yearly en 24th nr ii,n. iii.J cumber. Credit of 8,000,000,000 Crowns This Week; 6,000,000,000 Last Week Viennn, Dee. 17. The rinnnee Commission of the nutiennl usscmbly hns authorized 11 lull grunting the government nn udditieiml credit of 8.000,000,000 crowns te cover extraor dinary expenses for tlie tirit three months of 1021. of which sum 1.000, 000. 000 crowns will be used in pajment for feedstuffs which will be sold te the public nt n Ions. Lust week n credit of 0.000,000.000 1 row ns wns granted the government Newspapers of nil shades of political opinion iiuike pessimistic prophecies ns te tlie future of the tnuntry. The Neue Abdenblntl snvs: "Hew lung will this shower of billions Inst? Tlie stnte will seen rellapse. 'Hie entente mtut hurry und furnlbh 1 redit. otherwise it will be filcisl by ehnes, euusing the eelhtpse of nil its neighboring oeuntne-.'' Stetson Pays Usual Dividends .lelin H. Stetsen C'n. directors dedared the reKUlnr Bemlannual UKtdend of 4 p r cent nn the preferred and the usual IS per ctnt en the common stock, payable Jinuar 15 te steek of roeord J;inu.u 1 The Market Outlook Conditions new prevailing in tha stock and aecurities markets ara analyzed in the latest issue of th Invester's Review. Detailed information is also (riran en some lending stock issues, namely Utah Copper Atchison R. R. Texas Ce. Chandler Moter -, Allis-Chalmers 1 Am. Steel Foundries A number of ether important stocks are frankly dicussed, showing price changes. tfc ter a tree copy BOUREAU & EVANS lffmeerj rhUattelvhUi Bleck Exchange 130 Seuth 15th St. Philadelphia t-bt I'hila. Ollicc, 7 S. rr'd Street! iecuit list Racs Slt v !'civ Issue City of Philadelphia 59e Bends, due Dec.16, 1970 Interest payable January and July 1 Price en Application HARRISON & CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH FOURTH ST. PHILADELPHIA J"i6i e Vete Yerk, and I'illa Wpii Ntach Vxchange, - - Grand Rapids & Indiana 2d 4s, 1936 B0ENNING, GARRISON & CO, KTOCK HriI.NK Ilt'lIJlINO lllrpet l'rlvat Telmlienw te v Yerk Mrmbrrx I'hllu. Stvrk Iirrlinnce Stockwe!l,Wil!sen & Linvill Certified Public Accountants Land Title BIdg., PhUadcIphin - ! Hew Are Your Bends Rated $ Moedy's5 RATING BOOKS,?' Will Give the Answer. Ask your Bank i" or Banker, or write " Meedy's Investors Sp.RviCatJ J" 3) Nmu Strt. New Yerk DHem PblltJ.ljnl. -U'.; c tsiTiiu rR(iviiu:NT un: ani tiiust -' t'OJtl'ANV OV rllirIHCI.I'IIIA Tha Flfiy-aixth. Annual SI-tlnir of The I'retMfnt life unit Truat Ceiiiihuit of riilla ilrlphla will Ixi held at Ha attic, Keurtli an, Cheatnut H'ree'a, en Nrrtind-Dar Miinili tlm Tenth Hay nf.llmt illenth t.Ianunry). 1031, at 10 o'clock n. in. An clactlnn of flvn Dlrectera te aarve for thrw yeura will b tiald txtwaan lha hour et 10 a in, und 'J i'i in. , .,4 a T A V1VT i PROVISIONS COTTON Jtf' )'i vur uauv waiter gent en Rtquttt ZgpS Hughes & Dier J Mi'Dibrra Chlrae J N. V. I'i ) I'lilla. H I'ltlabun Heard of Tnla ! 'redtirA TCkas2ft I Mlark K.h.. , . lliataavft UJ..I. J3 f -" - " 'viiitii ninrn mimmmmmtimM i 1438 Wkt $rMt v U -. . .a . a. ai . UL ' " u' n .'I -1 M t h I' k LEONARD 0, ABHTONV w Wrr,( T" " r fw: W- 1 ".'',' ijwiHjw 'tf&ZjiLLititif' n9 '.vA'-l- 'uu v.i ,v -,i,-vi j .,) . . tltl! titfiii