p, ' h w. fir t a&SZMMK$RSi. HSV$I . ginri ' t if- !v- p..,:r fe " , S&ye ifyt'jj jMj)4)rfa(W''i i. inwin""t ' 'Fw.st....7wiiiiiiiinBaiiti,J, v. ... !T:-Tsrnr-.ririv" irn ii . " c . -. -?. - . Uh J -Mpfw"w'w I An Ideal gift for Christmas A rvcll selected high grade bend Send for our current list of offering! TheNattenalCfty Company rhlUdclphla 1421 Chtatnut St. Atlantic tlty cnmienie uieck 1225 Deardwalk DECIDEDLY BEHER TONE T( 4- By the Guarantee of the French Government 3 , the payment of princi- jj pal and interest en the Midi Railroad 6"e , Bends is secured te s the Company. These bends, redeemable at par net later than 1960, are offered in this country en a basis which gives American investors full advan tage, both as te princi pal and interest, of : any improvement in ; exchange rates en Paris Fer further particulars u-Mte or ctrcuJer. Hemphill, Noyes C& Ce. Members .Yew Yerk Stock EichanA m Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia New Yefk Doiten Scranton Buffalo Albany Syracuse Baltimore EARNING PUBLIC EEDaERiHILAP13LPHlV, ffBIPAY, DECEMBER 17, 1920 ' i ) TRADING Course of Market Very Erratic, but Developed Increasing Resisting Power New YnrU, Pre., 17. Today's "terlc market made n bnd RPtnwny nt the start, but scen imltfrf Itcelf tnpptlicr, and iliirinR tlie bultincr- of tlie session cave fairly Reed iKveunt of Itself. Although technical conditions wcrn un mistakably the demiratiui; factor, and although price movement xxn altogether erratic, there. was nexertlielcss u de cidedly different tone te the trading. In ilixiduul I'sups made new lows, as fin ters nevulinr te themselves became effect li hut the list as a xilinle did net vxiiipnthirp u. has been the case during the recent dnistie selling move ment. Weak spots were scarcer, nud It was ebsi'ni'il that insistent and vigorous drives of the bearish element did net disl-idge any gnat amount of long stock. On he centrarj , the recessions of a point and hut disclosed a number pf underlj ing buying order, which were sufficient te aberli met of the offerings, whether for the lung or short account Coupled with til" uicrji'-iug power of resistance, tne mere representative shares likewUe dpla''d a much mere definite i-esjlieiip . In ether words, the entire list i nine hm U stronger than has been experiern eil incc the big down ward wing -r in It i true there were a niiuiliei el , en-t motive develop incuts whiin cue a -treng buck leg te tie getn-.'.il lit Among these could be included the (loci-ion of the Itepub licnn lenders m Washington te cut gev. eminent oxpenve mere tlian Sl.tHjO, Oiin.ixiO: 11N0 the plaus ter refunding the government debt and se reduce taxes; then there xuis the pusage of .the HUti.-trike bill. ! which could he ndded the general acceptance of wage reductions without grumbling. All of this was supplemented h, the great sue- NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Ulv Snle in 400 100 tee SOO (100 4700 400 .100 soe 8)0 1(10 1290 MO .10J 100 290 T0J 1103 MM .Mil '.'.I.) 7Ji) 100 .1)1) 420) mm .101) tee 400 SOO 100 :tee 45 te tain 001 .10) icon loe 000 100 200 2.100 210 t.'IIU son 100 CO High . . Adams r.xpress 2M . . Adx'anee ItumeJy.... lii'i fl Advance Uumely pf.. 40 4 AJax nubber 20 .. Alaska Oeld Mines... 1 . . Alaska Juneau a M.. t .. Allied Chern & Dye... 47'i 4 Allls-Chalmers no R Am Afrrle Chem MH 8 Am Hcet SUR.tr 4e"j 10 Am Besch Magneto.. SlUi .. Am Can 2.Ti 7 Am Can pf 7.1 It Am Car & F&y Mt? 7 Am Car & Fdy pr...,107'i .. Am Cotten Oil I7'i 8n, Am Iiruic Syn 714 7 Am Illde & Leather it nsj, .. Am Internat Cerp . .1,14 1 Am-I.a li"rance Knu.. 0?i 8 Am Unseed 2'1 1 Am Locomotive 8114 Am T.ocemotlvo pf... .10015 .. Am Safety nazer 8J4 .. Am Ship ft Cem H 4 Am Smelt ft Hcf 405 7 Am Smelt ft Hcf pf . . 83 0 Am Smelt Sec A OS'S 8 Am Steel Foundries.. 20'j 7 Am Sugar Itef 80' 7 Am Sugar rtef pf....len City of Winnipeg Canada 6 Bend- due Dee. I, 1930 S0 and Interest, yeilding 7.357c Principal and interest payable in New Yerk City. Winnipeg is the Capital of the Province of Manitoba and is the most important commer cial and financial city in Canada west of Terente. Circular en request Harris. Ferbes & Ce Pine Street. Cerner William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widener Building ,'- or thi" Mandar I inl note 'snc, the oeinpai utivi his iniiditieii of the menej market, with oil 11 inenc frceh sti piled for the dnj and into next week at 7 per 'I'lit jiinl t,. lentinned u-cei- 1 V Itl feli'lgll ei llllilge. with the ex I'liit.ge .111 I.ouileii .it the higlle-t M'lo M'le M'lo tatieii 111 almost thivi meith. Indeed it was urpniiig tint the ie- evi ry did net reiwh much larger pro pre pro pnrt'en. but as in thi- preceding es "ions apart from the demand from the evei extended short interest tli" buviiv pnwei ri'iiuiined extreuielv limited. I"ric ib.inges ,it the opening win ver confuting, Mexiean and Iintch 1 Ms ning 1 te L' neints while llon.e.i iiil'" tee fell I'. ' rueilile Steel was h'lixx.1 100 iiii"iabf ;i .1 result of the fuiluie nf I ion de' 'lirei ter" te declare mere than the legiilar diMibnd. and Hide and l.'iither prifernd 11 Ue rea ted en rumors af fect.lig Its illxidend prospects. ItaiN, iiniab'i ,jruiigei. also lacked .1 ilctimte trend. St Paul preferred ri-ing one point .ind Northern I'acitie inakiug a 1 errespniidiuc f line. I Tlie iniiiket pursinvl an irregular 1 nurse- during the morning en the -.mall-1 t dealings ,.f the weik Independent -teels mill several of the ml", equip ments and inorers bete the brunt of an I irregular re.ictien. excepting. Crucible. I which luade mete than full t mm cry. ind Itenlegle. where short were drhen :n reMT. Shippings and utilities were heavy. Atlantic dulf le-mg one point and l'eeple' rQ" "J. with i-MU'weil .iesnre against feed find nii"cellaneeii" heuvv, Atlantic liulf l'-ing t point point" 10 Am Sumatra Tel).... 0S''4 8 Am Tel ft Tel 0s 7. Am Woolen 02' .. Am Wrltlne Paper pf an . Am Zinc Lead ft Smlt il'i 4 Anaconda Copper.... aCi .. Assets rteallzatlen... 2i 4 Asse Dry Goods tHi4 fl Asse Pry noeds 1st pf 80 7 Asse Drv Ooeds 2d pf 40 0 Atch Tep ft Santa Fe 0 5 Atch Tep ft S F pf... 5i . Atlantic Fruit S 10 Atl Gulf ft W I S S..I0S .. Atlas Tack Cerp 1 AI,IIm Vlnl,nU.. M. '2!l!0 3,0 "aldw-ln l-ocemotlve.. 7' 00 .. nalt ft Ohie ,12'i ''00 4 Baltimore ft Ohie pf.. 47K J00 .. rtarnett leather 23'i tee s.se Bamsd.il Clasi A... :tn iw 2 50 Hnriisdalc 'las H .. HO . . Ilethlehem Me tern. . 3 B Hethlehcm St"cl. ... i0'4 B nethlehem Steel B... 52 .. Heeth Fisheries). ... ,1i . . IJrklyn Rapid Transit 10 .. Uruns Term 33i 10 Burns flres SI .. Butte Copper ft Zinc. 4i .. Butte & Superior Cep hj .. Butteriek 10'-; .. Cadde Central O & P. l.VJ fl California Packlnu. . l'i California Petroleum. 2t 1 01) .100 nuiu nnn tee 100 tee .100 1200 tee noe 109 ll0 .100 10J 2)0 7)0 r.10 3)0 000 2)) 1710 20)0 S10 200 1230 3)0 210 32.0 u .anaui,tn I'acmc . ...ns'j .. Central Leather .... !.' 7 Central Leather pf .. hbi 4 Cerre de Pasco Cep . 2fl'j 10 Chandler Meters .... ;4 4 Chesap.iUe ft Ohie . . SOS .. i'hl ft I". ill pf ,"f. . ,1 .. Chicago A West pf 17' .. CIiIciire M.I ft St P. . 27'i .. CIiIimbe Mil ft St P rf '0'J 5 Chlc.ige N"ertliwe(itrn 0"e 7 fhl ft Northwestern pf 102' a . . Chi H T ft Pac . ... 2.1U (1 Chi R I ft Vhc 6 rf .17 1 Chi 71 f ft Pa: 7T pf 0J! i;nne ceppf r ? Bi 2. .10 China Cepnir ! .1 i"ie 1 'in I'hi st I, pf C2 it nuef P'.i'ied 40' 1 Coca-Cela . 2" r 4011 100 210 8.710 :oe 1011 10 310 (00 tee 1010 .1 Colerado Fuel ft Ire-i 20 ' Cel ft Southern .1 'elunih G,. ft C'e,' 1 Cel Oraphepi me. . . 7 Ce: "iraphephn" pf 4 Cnmp Tab n.'frds. 1 Consolidated c;au . . 2 Cen Inters'ate i'al M ""j .1 Consolidated Tex', s P?4 I Continental Candv .. .7'. 4 Cern Products Kef 20 i .14-4 10, 03 3 'a 7ft 1210 2.50 Cosden ft Ce. .. ..,' 8 Income Plus Opportunity for Profits Conservative investors seeking a short-term 8 investment with an oppor tunity for profits will be interested iri the 8 Pre ferred stock which wc are recommending of a long leng establishcd industry. Hollister, White & Ce. Ill TS P it. l Nurlli Xniirlrun Ituildlni; run wiKi.riu.x lln.lnu I'rinlilrnre Xm Vnrl. SprlnsnVlil I'litallrlil I'ertliiml ' Harvard University Committee en Economic Research OFFERS TO BUSINESS MEN iti Statiitical Service, includinj in Indtx ll Bailntts Condition), which hai men reliable forecast of commodity price mevrmtnti lince the Armiitice Thii Service it bated en new methei! if analjrting and interpreting buiinti tlattitics. It include! alia rcliab'e fedicet of the money and lecutil narketi, and ipecial itudirs of ecn ecn neetic preblemt of timely interett and 'mpertance. Price, $100 a year. Fer -leicriptive circular and iitnplc pub 'iratiens addrrtt Committee en Economic Research is U'uiMHiiriii iiiitsi: t'MlllRII(!K. xiass. SLOiriG DOM A ' LOCAL MARKET 1 Price Change I itimpertatit. iltluntph Majority of Lead' in" Shares Showed Gain 1 wnseiitcn proiiei.n 1 d si.iw ing ij.m n ill tlie IeihI market Net nil! 1 .i 'lie volume of bunnies" malii r tlian I n nti of preceding scs.jetis of the cur- I rent week, but tli re was l'kewle 111 iMtiin t narrative .,f the trading all 1 through the list This xmiihl . eini."gi iiidii'.tti n 1 ompletiep ef ti.e ,, in "-tinr s 11; tig, nlse ietii. .11 .,e I hiiuulntien fur tax p.mcetits Uj dm, f"i- the purpes. nf 1 stiiMisning es.i. I"r iieeiiie tax "taten. uis Although f irtlier operations in the latter eonnee eennee ,en were still in enHeme. itegetl,er priie iieueinviit was "tead ' er and whnt few v iri.itnn did ur I vis tfi llel'hllv ililin-li nf ;t fiuiltenul n.ituii The iniirket likewise ijiseeed 1 'ii i' 1 inprieed i!i..ii'.i ;i.n ri n-it while in tin- I10111I ilnisien tl,.re wa- nl" 1 f what , f imiluirlt cnl!..l I'einvestiiieiit buy nig Ft "111 .'I HII"ly leelll MI'H...l.t t WU- little Hi r 1 111 I Me, t,, Iilf..' tli. 1 IIIHlk" IIIMi'l) .ither 'H Stll' then I Wl'le sj,tl. C".i inl ,tri, till, sJIi W 111. Ii ' 1 iiiiiributed indireitl te I'ft t',.. fog I Inch ter n long ha. . eii'n.eil tin mar ! 'ii eiiilii'ltliM , III .1 point et .0 'l IM I I , 1 re 1 nun'.. I 11 hading feature ami 1 ,0.1 f 1 1, is.,,n 1 did fr e tneiiilh higher. 1 A" a niK'ti r t ( t all th' nulit gmup ilis;ilad 11 sKinli.-r tendenev liealiiigs 1 f'le Inlsi e,liilMii li"t were of small ii'i,eni..is Fin riii StnrHB" Matterv riled te '."' tlen shaded off '.J. i hiii an Itailwavs preferred was iff vliih x mem an Stnre. iinpreveil te I 1' enM AuKri.'Hii i.is nptienreii t.i n.'ne found 11 "elid leittem at "J! I. I.11U1 S'lp'tier Meldiil i sin ill frai'tien 6000 tee 3000 IslO 1310 tee 900 te 310 210 4)0 110 - 110 into 110 7 10 3 tee jne tee ' 210 .Vlil 20 3200 100 100 2410 2301 140)0 300 sin s)0 310 12 )0 till 210 inn 100 000 200 3.710 7JI (110 2200 111 110 3)) )D 2111 ion 20 in n 10 711 1 1) il. 1 3D I ft ID inn 3)) son .en Cruclhl 'tee! "j 7 Crucible Steel pf ... K'j .. Cuban Cane Sugar... II 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf 01 " 7 Cuban Anier Sugar. . . 2 :,30 Hibeprs Ce ... lf.ij T'sr.xer ft Rie i pf. . I , lft Cistn'in K-idak .113 . Kll Hern Ceal 1,1 Knier-cm-tirant.ng ... r,'j .1 Hndieott-Jehnson . .. i2'4 7 r'ndicott-Jehnon pf . s.-, 4 . . Fr!-? 13 . . n-10 it pf is j . Fr'e ;( pf ia4 8 Fanm'jg Plaxers I, . ts . Famous Piny era of 72 1 Ffdcral Mln A. SrrP p. 2.1 ', 10 Fther Bedv s' . Fihk Rubber . 1IM, ., Freeport Texas . 14'; .. Gasren Wrr.s ft XVIg . 'ij . General Asp'-.i t . 10, ,X 'in.ral Asp a- pf 74'j Oerifral Crie-n . tfs. I22-"! 8 General Klecre .IIH4 .. Gineral K.-ir . r's 3?4 1 General Meters I3'4 fi General Meters pf . (is'j fl Gen Meters deb 6 . fO, 7 Gen Mo'ers d"b 71 . 71 fl Goedrich II F .14 S 4 Great Ner'h Op etfs 26 7 Grent N'erili. 'n nf 73 2 Gren clna. ,,a r"ep js Gulf M- P. e A- '.sr . n .. Gulf Mobile f. vr,i pf 2l'l. .. Gulf Stat St.. . 32'8 4 Hnk:' ft Barker caP .74'; Housten oil Ce 1 Hupp Moter ".)! . 7 111 re's 1 en'ral 4 In-pli ii.nn Cen Cep !riTrh "'en r'erp . Infrh e-' i'erp pf 7 In' JIirxeH'r new . I' Xtrr 1r ., . , f'.' M.r Mar 1 pf . 1' 1. tr .f X). tertru '. In e n iiier.al N'lel.. I I ' rr i'ie ai Paptr I i i. M e' Cerp Is ,.nd ' '! 2 Tnn.-s Tires Tea . . . Kan c v Southern 1 Km :is 1 i'v Smith pf 44 I Kei'v.Serlngfli 'rj Tlr j.7 " K'1 -s--g T . pf s i. - W'.ee! 10 ?4 . 3-, 30' t i:4 . 1ft . CR't " . 4s . 30 . '? . 41) . 22 S .1 . IH I"4. Commodity Markets ( liitsnl. was ilmie in tin- rails COTTON MARKET N'ew (irli. Ii. IT 'I c llllltkel was r.ltliei R w 1,111 1 1 nffun thi tnerning and " i'IchI iinpertiint 1 hnngi. I'i iin Iviuna little "pening 1 t.i Hi ...mis n,wi.r Leinn., Lew 20! liVz 40 20 1 47 30 0.1 'A 12 eftt4 2214 74 1.1 !4 1071a I7' 1i 3s 30 '4 D'a 52 'i ell 100 'j tii Si 40'i s.1 ns'j ii I 2 KID s 07 1 1.2 .12' i 0', 3.7 'j 2J is'j, .10 te 70'j 79. 7'j 107 'e 101? r.i, .12 47?i 2.1 '4 in 30 3 . .7S"U .11 3'. 10 314 si 4'i SH 10'j IC4 6l'i 24 ll'."4 .1.5 '4 s.1 7.7 'i 73'; je'j 17', 205, 31) 07'i 102'; 24 ?I ifl'i f.7', '4 IS', 02 10- 20 ', 20 'J 2fl'j .74 10 03 34 , 7S 'a IsH I1. (.7 4 l.f4 ,1.7 IB , 1 i 313 1.1 I" ? 'i s.V4 12?4 17, 13'4 4 0 10 1, 14 !'-, 'sj4 74'J l!2 lls'c ns 13 07 r.e "0?4 31 20 72'; 17', !) 21 . 31 .14 4 71 0". 'T. nw, 3.', in !.1 , 1F4 S :ie 12', .'.'! 1 10 I-.-, is II .1.1 s 40 ' 4 I 1 1 .11) Net Clese dice. 2UJ4 H IATj- !'a 40 - Vz M - 1 I 1 47 - M 30 ailM- H 42-4 S.7'4- l'4 73 - J4Vi m lat-Ji- V4 10715 I- '4 I7U . . 7'- ". nstj - i', J0B - "a ?i .. 2ja- Ti si - !i 100'j ! 40'J S3 ns"j - 21) - ' s4 - I! tee OS "4- 1 rs .12 - I 32'i- ! 0''4 - ' 3.7 Ti ' 2H ' 1S'- ' .'0 10 70' -74 34 . 7''s . 107 ?4 -Is 10H s7'4 r t 47i ' M'4 ' 30 3 3 ' 1J4 32 3'.-' te I 3?4 Si -4'j -st 10', 13'4- Cl'i . 24 112 j . 13' 4- 1.1'. 2.1 '; - 74 r."h, i 17 20', -39 ' I02'j 24 W-5fl'j-C7 i - t-' 02 -4 04 20 i 20 'i 20'; 4 J4-. -10-4- r. t :1',- 7S'i " ISlj "1'4 27 'j -s0-4 "2 17'4 -.7.1 "fi '. -lfi'i - I 4- .711 -17 - 0 i 12-j -s.1 4 12 4 1734 I.T4 4 - 10'. if, - a .10 74'J 1221, IIS'. 13 , 07 CO -ft '. : 34',' -:r, 12j H'a ') 21.. 31 .If. 71 - 0''. '3', ?.1 ' 1 ' 3:U in HI , Mil V'4 :pi 12', II) Sates 1700 20 1090 tee niv la 1 High 3 Kennecett Copper .... 10T Keystene T ft n iv 6 lAckawnnnn Steel . . . .11) l,acIede Gas et st ij. . '"'j 100 3. se J,eh!Kli valley t.i'i 100 t Leewo Ce I"4 100 3 2.1 IHise-Wllcs 2d pf ..I034 100 12 Lerlllard Teh 127's loe 7 LouIhvIIIe ft N'nshvllle esji 100 0 Mnrkny Ce fi7 200 ,. Malllnpen ft Ce 10 'j 200 in Manatl Sugar OO'a 300 7 Manhattan Rlcv guar 47 100 2 Mntiin-Parrv 12!5 100 .. Ma xw-ell Moter 2!'j 2800 12 Mexican Petroleum ..103 100 2 Miami Copper Ift'a 2000 l.fle Mlddln States Cern... 12''4 l0O 4 Slldvale Steel ft Ord . 304 noe .. Minn ft St Leuis 10 It OOO .. Me Kansas ft Texas. . 3'b 22J .. Me Kansas ft Tex pf 4.4 ODD ., Missouri Pacific 17'4 100 .. Missouri Pacific pf... .17T4 200 .. MontRemerv Ward... 14 "4 100 7 Mentana Power pt. . . 0314 100 .. .Vat An ft Cli pf ctfs Sl!i 100 7 National Illseult 101 300 .. National Cen ft Cable 3 100 e Nat Knam ft Stamp . 47JJ 200 a National Lead ...v... 01 120 . . Nat 15 U of Mcc 2d pf .7 2,700 1 Nevada Cen Cepper. , 831 200 n N e Tex ft Mex.... 000 10 New Yerk Air Ilrakc 3000 B New Verk Central... 0000 .. New Yerk N II ft M. .700 7 Norfolk ft Western.. 4000 7 Northern Pacltle 1000 b Neva Scotia S ft C 310 no Nunalty Ce 2000 40 Okla Pred ft Uef . . . 400 2 Orpheum Circuit .... 300 .. litis Steel 1000 3 Owens Heming Macll. 47'i 100 .. Paclfle Pexel Cerp .. 1334 100 1 Pacific Mall 1100 .. Pucltlc Oil Ce xv 1 3000 0 Pan-Anier Petrel tee d Pan-Amer 1) tee 4 Parish ft ninghnm... 4.700 3 Ptnnsyhnnla It It 100 .. penn Seaboard Steel. 100(i . Peeples Gas Chlca.50. . 100 .. Pere Mareu-lte . ... 100 f, p,.re M.irq pr'er pf... 200 3 Philadelphia Ce l'0 . . Phillip Pet 1200 . . Plerce-Arrew Moter . 100 b Plerco-Arrew pf . . . . Oi") .. Plerce Oil 10?i 100 f, Pitts C0.1I fl7'2 700 .. Pittsburgh ft W V11 . 30"B 200 4 Pub Stv Cerp of N .1 J1I34 ) 8 Pullman 101 700 8 Punta Alegre Sugar.. 40 3)0 8 Pressed Steel Car $0 1400 4 Pun, oil Ce 100 s Railway Steel Sniinii. OS mia 07 H 30 it's 3'4 2134 14 55 1S4 3f3i 70!S 70 13 40 7'i 30 'j 10s .7.7! 5 34 20'4 10'J 74 V2 790 l.n.x Uaiiil Mln tn Shares. I'i I'i 1.700 4.7 11) .110 : 10 3 10 .110,1 200 4 0110 6. 310 1200 ten 3)0 2110 380 290 tl.O )0 1. 1111 II 100 1 110 7)0 4i;en tee 41 10 12.10.1 34UII III) ftilll me I III) 100 .1000 200 300 1200 lsi)0 200 1700 100 200 2. 200 .VIOO 100 2.1 1() 1700 200 310 7011 I DO I7')0 100 300 11)0 3(u0 ,7011 2S')0 .100 100 12000 S90 2000 1000 3)0 IflO 3 II 1) 00 I 11.7) I II Oil 100 100 100 31a '1)0 1 no lue 4011 11.11 12 Ml 1 no tee 2 l'H) Kill I till J Itl Hill I II) inn I ipp. r. 32 U si 21'5 I's )339 flS ' '. 7ft.', I.T 3 . D2Te I7'4 1't ,V ' r .'3 34 1 It.iy 1 'en- 1 1 P.ea.llug . . 2 P.en.llnc 1st. pt 2 P.. ad.iig 2d ff . . It. ple Steel . . 0 RopuhPe Iren ft le-I .10 'j 7 Itepublla lien ft Stl pf sj'i 20 Ileval Puti 1 N Y ... .'.s'i 1 St Jeseph Lead Il.'i .. St Leuis San Fran.- 20 .. St 1iu I -4 San Fran pf 30 '4 . s" Leu s- mnhwf t X'i .. St Leuis Southwest pf fa's 1 Santa Ci 01.11,1 MiR.ir.. 3', . . Savage rtns .... . . Saxen Moter S aben nl Air L 11.. 8 Sears-Iteebuck .. Seneca Cep Cerp. SLatuick-Arini ,, Cpn 71 Shell Transport . .. . . Sinclair oil 12 Seuth Peite R. e Mlg 10 0 Semhern PnelPe ... is .. Southern Pacific rts.. '.3'8 Southern P.all . . ..21 20 Standard 1 .! of N .1 . -" 7 Stand oil of N .1 pf. .Ul.1B 7 Sti el Tube i'e pf . . 79' i 1 Stewart-Warner Speed 208, 4 Streniberg Carl) .... 20 4 7 Studebaker I0'4 .. Submarim Ueat Cerp s'., i Superior ' 'II Cerp. . . . . Ti 111, Cep ,. Cicin Texas Ce . . T'x.is A.- Pa"'".- 1 T xas ft Pac O ft O . . Tidewater Oil rts. . . . 5S Times Siiunre Supply. fl Tetaccn Products ... .. Transcontinental Oil . i Transm ft Wins Steel. . . Union O'l 4 Vnleu Paelfic 4 L'nleu Paclfle pf 4 Fnlteil AH iv stel. . . . 12 Ft 11. d I'l-iut Cniii d T'.w Invest . 3 I n'ted P.. 'all Stere-". . . l "! c I I' ft l II , F C I PA.- Kdv pf 42 4 ii V S Fe id Piedimts. U R In J M.'i'iel .. F "i It. il'v ft Imp.. 8 F S Rubber Si's l.nhter 1st pf . fl I' S mi . It ft Ref . r F s " 1 7 F S ".,., pf fi Itl'. C ,,per . . .. I '..' " r I . 1' . ! ! , . 4 .-i .re .mi Chun 3 - no ma Chem p! 1 v 1 .'! 1 Ine . . . . .. Wal ,h . . V,I ml, )Pf A . ..i -I ,,f H . . . I'm go Fxp'i s. 1 1 Miirvl.uiil . M im 'an 1 'l pf 1 7 , 1. Pac ft" .. . 2i I, I'."' fl .f . I'.'l 1 11 I 11 Ien T 1 . s 4 i.lieim. , Rra, e 91 , ijjiieusH 1: & m r4 ' I .' ft L Il .. 1 , K ft L L pf 17 101 or . . . ' I ( 'erp ' n .. il md xx n s. "MrU'ind pf . 1 !' W fl Wf 11 .iiiKtuii I'liinu .". '. P 111 p pf . X. . . s. w . . W s'. II 1' 7 7 . 4 . . . w 4 i . '- IX 1 s , I W lys 1:1 ? A 43?, 17'j 3.7 'i 1 0 s's ', 37'.. 21 11.1'4 C.I 30 'a 200 !)' tss, '4 -3')', 2', Kill 31', 79'- inn i-i ' 'i 3s'4 ?', !)3 20 13 j SI 10 34'. 1.1', . :is . -.?, :n mil i . 3!C, Lew ls 7" 4's 40 10 I03'4 127'a BS'J 7 10U OO'a 40'j 1215 Vi inl is'i 1134 30 '4 Iftl, 3 4'i 17 37 14', 03' 8l'5 let 3 I7'i IIS H BS ht'4 K IS'. 07 70'4 30 11 3'i 21'5 14'4 40 13?4 1.7' 4 37 'i 7fi'4 70 13 3CH 7'i 3.1 Ifl'a f,.7ti 34 20' 10 U 74 !S 10 V2 .17 '5 20, r.4?4 ICOJi 414 7?4 32 s 21 H'4 V! .3 '.7'i 70 l'i 7 77 34 M?4 10)4 30 34 23 'j 3.1 ' '.'a 13'B 3 l.'i s9'4 HI, 7'4 3H34 23 ss (I) tll'n 22 f. 20 'j ff.2 1(3'4 71) "i 21 ?i 29'4 3!l'i 1.1 12 4 17' r 1 4 H'h ""a 034 37' 20 5, II I'i til' . 30', lls! .71', IIS l"4 P-S 3', 3D I I 4 09', ill', 7s'4 H-7?i s t :i7'j no', 92 'j 7S 7'i 10', I3'i f 1 III 1.7 21.' ;. i.'i .;'- tlll4 II !l 17 31 , 1.7 31 101, J .I'I 71 1 30 N't find., dice CURB OIL ISSUES ! V a 714- H M - U 40 'i- '' t3' ' s ",?i '.,. IO.V4 t 134 i2i(i t ; U8"j r t f,7 - ,i 10'i .. OOl'a- Ti 4fl'2- 34 I2!5 .. 2'i - ' 1C3 134 15s 1 1 y, - h 30'4- !i 10s- ! 3 l'4 ' 17 - i 37S L 'b 14"4- '4 83-4 S4J5- 'a 101 i t 3 47!S - 'i OS la V IS '5 Vi- JH S2 (IS - 10 -Oi sfll4- 30 - 11 - 3'4 'i 4- 40 - 13'J 1.1' 4 37'4 -7.7',4 -70 13 .105, 7'5 I ' a.i 34 20'4 10",- 74'j- 10 34 ' .77 '5 -20H .74 3 -100 34 -.4115 7934- 3, 32'4 M 21 'i : ; 11'; '0 S2'sJ 'a .74 ' I IS' 5 1 15., 7 3', I'i .19 '4 s7 34- ' .7734 ' I '4 1134 - ', 194- ', 30 ?4 .'i :.Ti - 4', DEMAND Stnnclard of New Yerk Makes 18-Peiiit Advance Inde pendents Irregular New Verk, Dec. 17. Most intetest in the Jtread street curh innrket tedny was attached te the action of Standard Oil -of New Yerk, which responded te the evci'siilistTititliui for tlie debenture bends with nn advance of S points, te I'l.'ll), 011 unusually InrRc I radinc. The Standard Oil fiiinneinp Kcnerully, liow liew cht, was net recarded with favor. There xvere nffcrlnps of n iiiiiiiber uf the siibsidlnrlcs at substantial declines without tiansiictiens beitiK innde. Independent oils were IrreRiilnr, trad ing' in thcni Kcnerully reilei'tlnp iieces sltlcs of holders te liquidate. A num ber nf medium priced oils (bowed losses as a result of this pressure. Hjnii Oil had fair support and made a fiiictiunal Kiiin. There was rout In ucd acctiiuulatieii of Intcrnntiennl IV- lielcum which ndvnnced in the face of continued Cuiindiau sellinj;. The Caribs were traded in at around their recent levels, Curib Syndicate scllitiK nt 7'-j and 7, mid Celunibin Knicrnld nt 'J'". te :t. The premised developments in Cur I.iltht have net been icalizcd mid that sleck was in Mitmlv In intiTests that had been huyers at hipher levels, sell iUK down li'dnj te :J'N. 1N1H "tTKLVLS 1:1ft High Le p 111. Acme r-enl 1 1 i'r T.lBht v, 01, ji, Columbia I'miralit I ji3 a r.inilr Tul' 19 I s'i in H..il.ai Tire an ,m an llircules PariT 17 lfl'4 17 Imllin I'licklns .I1-. 3'4 a1. I. ilntlun Tire I '4 p, 1', IV'Tleps Moter Hi I'i pi Hulle Cem e l, I'i ll.ntl.i Cem pri-f "S m, mi Hey d France 3'4 ,14 .1'4 Seih Ce 2s. 2'. 2S F S Stema is 1 IS Fulfil Profit Sharlnu . 1 "t p, p. vr.Ni.m oils Mnn.l Oil of N Y 33S 321 IN'KIIIT.Mll'.VT Oll.sl Allm.l Oil Hmiiin oil Ilesinn Wjemtnif 'iirlb isvudlcati' . . Cities Sen "II" etfH ' uhlnK Pit'i . . . is l, ?.7'a- 3'e 1.1 ', 3 ; t 0 '- 3 17S 7' 4 -39'J ' 23 34 ' 10 - 10 !.7'5 ' 3'j " ()' 2 I H2 - 2 10:1 .4 - 7fl'j ' 21. , 29'44 1 39' j- S5, 13 7'a 42?4 '- ?s 14', S'8 " 4H, - 7 '4 37'i 205, - 11.7 - r.7 30 5, 1')S?4 ' 9S ' BIS - IIS 42', "'S ' 1'334 - 30 t-P4-00 34- 31 -7!l!e : 100 -Iss -11 XV 4 30 3 1 7S 7!i , 20 I.Tj M : 10 1.7'4 20 'i CO -h 2 1 . -1)0', 41 fl'4 - 17 - 3P 4 4 1.1 - 3S (- 31 -ler.'j-39 -7.7 !' mis oil i:ik iiasin )M I- rutinei rs IN trel P."l.rl oil . . , i1-, rn I. el! ... Cuff.-, llll.-ie . . IIiiNi.ii (.HI . . Il 1 IVtrul- 1 11 . . ! i 1 '.Mltit, 1 Ins . , . I' II HllHi 1 "II 1 Till Oil Mexlen ll rill All., r Oil X. Me I'll,,, Oil . . .. Cii i;.n en 1,. .... . . ...j -' ' si, 1 1, . 1 in. ,, 1 , 3 -InaiK J'. " , 11, mi i'i 'I .ii 1 ' V u ..inn -el in. w 1 MiH.lbuin 'IIM.Mi m.kn nrl, 1 "lumbla . . Al.rtl 1 UlK I.' line Ilei'th .... 11 .ten .1 Meniiina . Cllel Xllnllll.- i'iliiiii.. A .trruine . ' 1 nde ln la Mln . . Ci," X iirtiniu . ... Cli..-. SIP 1 . . I'rrsinn llul'l PuiRlis. Arlini . . . . 1:1 ."uhiider Kur- ka i 'reruns I'urik.i Hei , ili.lilllel.l I'ens H ,.I!I"M J i. M'lepinint 'i il.ltl-1 1 I Inrence ilnplili Id KwHnu . . ilel'in-ld s-K,.r pick . . ii iidfl. Id 7. ii" Ilre.lt Ill-Ill Lnima Mh. - 1 lei I j. ?.rn 11- It mi I1U.HS..I11 lilinli.t Kxl . . '. Knox I'I'. ill . I. .uiHisna Ce ... . MaeNumara . . xiacNamara i'r m Mnpnia .Mnruli M.n Mntli. r l.e.l 1 XIetlH r 1... I- 11 (w 1 MpIshiiik ..rtli Str iilhlr M.,' 1'ilnie i'min ll.i XVrdij tl. 'eiib . Kqi linjit. r Mm 3 ... rtei", 1 Ireup s.tn Tuy .... .silt.r Klntr I ilvld mill Xnir 1' 4 li . . . . ." si.tfi l.tid . . . . mh , . M Mlnlnc Ten. i ill Hi lineni . Tniieinh Csi.li He. . . . . l'nl.Mli 111, el' 'P.. ti anil, i:letl"tnn Tei...in,li Jim llutlir Tun .pnh Mldwa . . . Tmiipnli Mlninc . . Ten, p !, MtiMiin.i 'Innnpjll Illll Kill., r 1 . nt . . W'.sl 17ml ('"'is Ulnte Caps Wllb-ll . HOMIS Al'le.l 1. til."-' a Os . Ana 1 uda " Ann. 1 t .J.t 7- IP'.U . . . . Ann." Alli'l i'js . Xinv-ur Ta Ct'if c.as s. ... 1 , n- Tex 1. 'h HMn ' Nnt II 1 .'il l llhlf. I III' 7 11 I1'. 4 1 ijiln 1 1! lee 7a 11'.". thin 1 t" "'. l'"-"l .SPIll". I'll ll" S .ir. It .MI k 7. 1123 ".il " He' Uucl 7-t U'2t Min Ki i- T'-j s . . . . I,t Sm Map.! ' 1 1 ChI f 7" w t . . M...I 1 t. 1 N Y 7 I'.lll Mlft .V ' 7.1 11 1 .1. 1 f 't-i 7S i'.i. 1 11 Li-1 "1 lien la Ijtmn.. rl, ., IVatikfnr' 1" l'rinli Is 1117 Ni,n i sd Sm .ll-ti Us . 31' 1' "' I' IDS IS 1 IS IIS I, '4 n US 10 us 3 1 J 17 11 ' IS III IS IS S 39 IS ii 1 11 23 I 3 1A r, s ITS 31 S IS 7 ia li)S IS 13 11. I". IS I '. 11s 10 3 II 17 .Ii 11 .IS I'll IS IS s 34 I.. ii I II I a IS 17 11 1 IS "il , I , IS US 11s Ur IIS III ii'4 1 S .1 12 IT t 12 3S 04 IS IS 30 IS 1 11 ." I I 3 IA n 1TS :s IS ml J est, ,, ,, x),, I !"' ! ..I. ...'an in.1 'ait Philadelphia Stech l;s ( ipeniii,,' of "nsy 1 SI "s', at the 'pi lied nt S1..1 SI .'Ji . at the end xci i.ih . sold at M .".l',(. Ther" was poed Inn 11 x ..' ""n thi. market became linin-r. December started it H7. te 1 later selij t t net ejllh , 1 n slurli'd .it lis, I,, ijsi"., Xesli iiu II a i It a IT 17 J!l 17' p m 17 en -ii.-' Pr. 5s (of Mich.). Consumers 1936 Evansville Elec. Rwy. 4s. 1921 Great Western Pr. 5s. 1946 .'jtandnrd Oil Cnl. 7. 1930 Georgia Rwy. & Pr. 5s, 1954 Counties Gas & F.Iec. 5s, 1962 MrCownt-Ce. I O'liai fllOt Land Title BIJ9. """ An Yerk Tel f'oniicelieii, CnnuI mil . 'S' . yi , .Vi". .pit; .'P.. J7 M' , I7 :',- fi.-i' . ti.i i . r.:i; :wH L'l-j. U7 1 1' . (Id'J P. (W2 j Executive Position Wanted t or man, ave av, rh tieasumr I feuntant. areretary luanaiter rcanlatr, nat t rf.- in. a 1 M,nniin',,.tns fti.-ipii.il f 4y II 310. I.FDUMt t'KKIcn tieasurnr, uf and J '.'Il lll "l I'.'d Am l. lis '."i I'D m Itwis pi'if IT7, hiii; p. ft u :;', 71 Winhl l.ei pi-ef . . n.-.' W, F!e, M,. !l.'M. ."i in I.nke Slip si' 17 I. eh ai :.:,', !'7.-. Pa It K I"', s Phil.l HI"'.' '.T, l."i."i de pi i f '.'7' . Jim Philii ItT I I' . inn I'htliiTrii. .VJ 1(1 r Sin d Oil I (ill; l(tsn 'I'en,. IJi'l I Ii") I I! I -'7 , .'T''. 27' .. . ! lurk Itw, liref .".1 .".I 'II v.i .h.nir in i.l. tr .nii.ii ...n a in t i. . i V. V. i k s i K Ii . .. slis i IIIIMC J , IS'iee IIii.ii Sim p in .". Hi Am 'ins ft Fhs. .k iMi's il!)T H!)tH iH 1 1 Hell Tel 7s KIP, una .'.(- iH :; citv u UMrt ssi , Ssi'. vst.; . 7 7 in 1,1b Metid Jd l',... "-."..issr, iiis.-,.is .22 1 ill', llli l,k .S.VIMI S- tin sr, itl- .hi I 21 Vic V Is,-. II.". 1)1 !l.r ()( 05.0 14- .02 I! Pa II It 7s. 10 1 101 104 .. :il Pbila Kle. 1st e-... . 1)U 7U'j T0Ti K ..ut.. n: i ..v. . . ' -m 'Itl'li', M MI11IU1 lll'OMI 1.1 Tl'MTllK .'-7 .. . i.1 - .i. ,. ..... 4.... U. I i. ... 'Sf- ' H.l' )" , , r1 ',:;:,,",i." ,"M IH" .?"::: -m u ..'.'I . '.' it ,n..-'. tivf.ii, ,. ii .ml, llHt) III tile NIltlenHl lintl"'l M -hew up 10 s'.'K.riis) bale, pintitil from tiii grew ill ..f .n .pep tins .was..n t,, riecemher 12 iipnnist ! .".P7.IKIO IhiIps in eerdinp te the n . tunietit IM tin. .Hlnl time Inst w-n r.lll'll liilsllies. t,,s innstl, eip, ex ei pi for Liverpool trailing en heih sn, s of the ui.it ket Wall street was a i-i'llu-t the end of tin- hrt twent, uiiniiti tue list wii, about siiir, nt " points nit decline .' and a ' " 7 ' . a.' in t '. I c ! i i. t .1 1. 1 I'l'l'.,' It. Illl'Se ,11 fli. ...it ' iiii.en ' ,.,.; ..... .... ... . . ' " .I ii t. ,i u.'i ii. i , ii i i . ii i I,. i , ( lilts Wl'te llle I , I. il f,. ,, ,,, ,, , ,. wa. l fee Cll-li S, .1 I . , , ,,, 1 1 ms biiuplit e nl ,,,,, ,,,,,. , ,, tin- la ! .ell -i I iti eiiiber npi n. i ' ,. i;.i , ,,, -(, , Ma, sLirti'd in lie.. I.. i7, . ,,. ,, J ,. -old tit l pet mi,. ii i. ,, , j, rl j-', ( Inly upeii 'd hi ' e hiKi . i ,,, 17, LONDON STOCK MARKET Forced Selling of Gilt-Edged Sccurl 1 ties Industrials Nervous l.nniliiii. f'. IT LiiLaig, iniiiinueil II) l.-l 1". s II T 1 Is 111 1 1 r,"S r,is sol, sns S'i', sits UPS I'OS PIS '"IS UsS I'sS 94 HI PIS IMS Mi ".'i HJ I.J II.' "- 'i.' '.ij IH c. '.1 PI 1'7S HT"i S'l ss li'iS I'OS KlilS I'U'i lllli't Km 'I P.IS l.'.S Ii".", 1TS t"7S 12S US UTS UTS IIS US II II UPS PI'S 7s TS l'l r. is k MS SOS S'I", IS Ii 4 S HS'l PI I" IS ",'l III I'I l'7'. k'l is;, KhiS lftuS PI ti-.S 9TS 1-"-. I'TS 1 IS II ti'iS 71 i.il Ida ..i tn.'il Ui ts ei ' ' . I il 1 1 .. ls !'. . e HI I I" ) I .1 I' ! x 'I J. teilay Tin i" 'I I. i' ' ...lilies in prn 'I . , i.si,,,,nrv u, , k-enil "S i I (iilt-rrlKi-s '.' I" I II ' iJ- I ale fen eil srll- in in I'v '... i.pf-r j. in ,nh- IX t". I", 7". ,lr IX 7. f. ill f. .,- it ix ei r. ;,e I- v. i". ie r. vi i. :.: I", m IX O'l IX ',' bfr I 7. 1.1 07 f. C,u MONEY.LENDING RATES N.7 11)111. X ' l."sht,S lif I n'.i 1. .i r i nt for i-n.h ,. et ten-1 , l.tl"i i.a Ik U'l i X I i l 'l' ',s , ( p,..r s.1.. . I ' anil .XI... Xi'l ei ii, ll'l'lt-..!! ,s 1,'llt I Out I I lBk'e.1 I kmus ih ,w II tnain " an iniprewmi nt in for- I .lapflliese t'esi riptiens 'I I i mill riot f os ,! f insimrt an.) Trsiluie; was I ! Kllt'le 1 I i,-III s Mil I r,( il ,, inilllMlrilll.'l "flf, f.'. II, one , h i Ik were -l"ire. ,,f Xtii nuiu ,'eiiiIh urn i. h i . rn aker. I I . , I I.. I I ,1,1 I 'I HI,. , I ,; l.ll. .XI. i, ,,, ,.t. Hi,,,,., KUlltiet" , 111 , il ., ,sV ,, ,t)u v t) ""' si ipp iMnlin'l HiiiiniinreinciitK siidlaup il K.i (f i l! I , 1 I'll II. l I' l.l'll I ' I nn. r, per i , ,.it , liti . ti, hi . mouth" i, p I Vete- These .11. 'i IllotHllePM, UN l)le I. Kill in the fl'ate of I", iiev ; 1, n... n.l.l I'ttiL pencil in leiini. wiuie March an I i m'uhh. time iih.hu r, ihm ., ini .1.111 in iiimiru .1, te .. per ci-nT Willie , ' ner ,1.1,1 fin- I .,- ...-,..., .1 .....t t i. :.rvszr..:r."-:7: u .i ', -n-uet , uu.;.rn,iv'..,v. .'. "' 'j I"-1 M.auur 111 null, nn lie him u, of I 1 '. in iiuiv paid for " uims Tlieic uvi GRAIN MARKET ( lllcns" I).c 17 De, iinher xvheat Mux were .irons Commission hops,, weie en the buying side and efferiic.". weii- lijjlll It was reported that tlie Hritish oenimission wii aatn iiftei vheat and that l.nOOOOO hiiHlielK was worked for expert e, eriiiuht. 'I'akines foieiKiiers in the last menu lour heuia were estimated as lli'.'h its .'i.llliO.OOO Imsheis. At 11 :.",!) a m. today, the federal department nf nRricu'lture will innkc public its lllfirei 011 the area of winter wheat sewn this fall. December opened one cent lower at SI IH' .. but i.illied te SI 01 March started at ?1.30'j te ?1.00'u, aauii.t iu Readjusting Sugar Prices New 7 nrl., I., . t ; - ci,, ,,.,.,! ,,.,. ','"' , ""," "r ' """' "Ka) l"l"M iiiniii.uiH '', iiem n il 1 H14I.H thi in, 1 n an Hewell neil Win "' "" iniiri-t 1 .11. pit, eh .inui.iini inir reihn 1 Ions nl .11 1 s i,,, ,i .;, pemis . .11 i,) s j.7 iviiia, I. sM j p, r ....en--, .1,11 i-r ..,..0 XIUIl'K, nreH Hi.! lit il.ritl .'H!ir Ce ippneil k "tin, ! nt ) MIX'DOX'- -.Melies in ipii.trd Ht I ) HT , ent lliHCOunt tales. Hlmrt and ihrff Itll.lltllH lull S mt cent Prices Heavy en Paris Bourse 1'iirln, Dee. 1 S Prlceii worn tieuvx' en the IleurH,. tnilax'. Tltree per eptii renlcH 57 franc 20 centimcH- exchanue nn I,en. ilnv S5 fl de; 5 per cenl lean Sr fr I He Hellar wan ijuuteil 'it r, fr no HnlrH leperinl xeiii-riliii liimei ta in. u. IikIihIiiI IK. Bno l.nKM of ,lnva ti Hi,' American i e, TL' ISu liait .Inx.is nt sicuett te tin tradt, and II 'inn l,itrx CnliBH in nn linperier Santa Cecelia Sugar Passes Dividend New Verk., Die 17 Tin Santa Cfiviia Siiifni' iVrporatlen hmi piihwiI the regular ipiariprly illxl(l(indn of 2Ti ivtild ii chore en the einmmi and IS per cent en the piclcrrisl rllltr nt tills lime. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Ne X erU, I'"'' 17- The caslins hi met.e ami larte r. ipihelin inn for 1i linn, l.il icaUjiiT-lini'iila at the ml of Hi' y ar, wee i. i-p .nHlhle for n weli i fur tlii" I lee in tlm fernlKii exi'liam-'e ma llets tnda i' tin epeniPK Diiiirnnl Hleillnc ins. j te D53S anil calili s te 3 T. IS 1 he 'I I'ltatlen a week UK") for cables was II lr. S Preni 11 .ilile wen up ti iieiiit.. le i. I I for cutilen jxliri l Us for i he. kH ' mipitiil wlti .Xssi te cabli ' a week ,'ik.i l.lri iinprex.il p. li.Gn for i ableH innl , lu-i lis te IIT.aS. ulher iiuritatleiiH were. Swl(f .allies If. .15, ilieeUs 1.7.', ellllcli'l C.ll 1. K "II S. i llecllH 11 'a I pel.et.lH alii' h I.l'.'". .le.liH 1.1 IS; Ktoclihelin cables KHlni d Ju pelntH te in lift ( Crtbll H .Hill I'" '"I f,. I llei ks ; ('In Isiiuni . cal.lts win. If. mi clifikH li'iS; I op. n ln."in lahlen IT. T, i he, Uh 17 2d It' I Klaii i. ibles 'i l-'i, th' cUs i, IIS; inarli i wle 1 I" VrsTi:ilIAY S JIN XI. lit er.XTK "Ve st, rlnm IVmii. s i.p., ijini.i, i . fletrsl 'I ') " ' "" II '! -It 'J riifflfh MS "J a ",' li jx T'"I"X .s .il'KM.Ni, ijlnl XI KiN.s se i lltitf I i,niM l.lrA l.ullilrrN ridiiHml " IS C l'.'S I ''US .11 ."..i Cables I .I'i ". Ill .! i BANK CLEARINGS .ii i.-i Han . ici.riiiKs t l ii fOflHllirllllK lla Hist I,.., ltl-.'O chiiii inn m-i! XT'" If, llomeli 7J Mil 7X7 7". i .incuri cl with ' . t lis I'Uli nils "Hi (IJ7 hi 77-' .'IS ti7 a.'.i '.s phi (ids Liverpool Cotten l.lx erpenl, 1 lie 17- Tlni, wasenix a limited refluent for npet cotton ted.n Willi pilcfH Hleiuh en the tmals of a decline nf 0 pelntH for iii,(nK at 10 58d The sulci win- 4.1011 ,a.en Tin leielplH were lii.nne lnle.fi n, Indin,. IS -900 hali'd American 1'iitiir. h wei'e ntiuily I'" the, eiirlv rlcalliiKH. Spel prlcea xveie Arucin an, iniildlliih' lulr ISr.fid; troe'l inliiiiK 12 da, , fiy inlddllnB. I2 0J.1, mnlilllmt ler.Sd; low mldllnrr. 7 alel ; ijned eidinim, c nfid mid enllnary, .1 Sid BAR SILVER Hai Hllui waa Hd lowei In Londen today ut lid. I . MiwSfltirvtr' ss iu,4 Depreciation m DO YOU contemplate selling and taking the depreciation en any of your securities before December 31st? Te these desirous of reinvest ing, we offer high-grade Bends and Equipment Trust Certificates Yielding 6.30 te 8 Per Cent Call, write of telephone Spruce 1480 Commercial Trust Company Member of Federal Reserve System City Hall Square West .1C3 llllTllttlllC3llllltl)l111C7ll1IlilllMIC3IIIMttlllllL3iritltl C3ltMIIIIirirt:3tiril11IIIC3ll(ltr)l)IJlC3(IIIIIIIIIIC3llllll1)l(llt:7I1Illll IlltllCTlt Itlli I If you have never bought a bend ihi'i'e i.s no better time te start Hum I'iglit new when g all the advantages are in favor of the buyer. I Our Uuiid Department xvill be Rhul te aid you te 1111 .- stand bends and te knew hew te buy them. I Ceptc and sec us or write. EST & J0. g 1117 Iip.liiul Slrrrt iV! llrnnihtar S I'lilliiilrlplilii Sew Verk I .XtenilirrH C New Yerk Sleck nxrhuincrt ' g rlill.uli'liitiln Mark r.xrli.ince 1 We AIwiks lime un lliinil ti I.l-t of llliili-lirnde IleiiiU : ( iirri'siienilrni e Inxlttil ; ExltlUC3ll)1imt'1'C3 tiiiC3UIMllllll1C3tlllll1ll1MC3lllllllIltltt3iMI)IIIIMrC3llllllllllllC3Ililtiltlli:C3IIIIIIIIIIIIC3MinlltllC31HUUIIttlC3ll.:: 1812 1920 THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY for Insurances en Lives and Grunting Annuities TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Capital and Surplus - - - $7,000,000 Member Federal Reserve System iuit)i .riu:i:r Di'ricn, iKNtnut iiml .luiill'er Mreeta 517 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ,i-- " - "7 W-''''-' -""" 1"iS ' Ten - Year Nete N Yielding 8.60 Net earnings applicable te interest charges en the total issue ever five times requirements. Company has large' number of customers lo cated in one of the most prosperous districts of the United States. Value of property and volume of business have shown satisfactory in creases. Write for circular Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia New Yerk Urater. Chicago Detroit General Meters Hen.l f, r inir sivclttl ti"l r nil mil "20 Payment Plan" Scott & Stump Investment Securities Stock Exchange Building I'llII.Alim.PHIA l'X. i't It-ittienu m, illHli Unci. 'J707 til i;rluiiiR I'liiri, Ni., 7nrk Chas. F. Neble Oil & Gas Ce., Owns 31,000 acres of leases; 284 producing wells; 3 casing head gasoline plants, one -THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD; A 6000 barrel refinery; 502 tank cars; 162 miles of pipe line. Earning ever 30 en common stock. Has paid 28 consecutive divi dends. Is new paying 12 . The stock Is active en the New Yerk Curb and we recommend its purchase. Descriptive circular mailed en reqiieit. R.C.Megargel&Ce. 27 Pine Street, New Yerk 1 1 iti w waragjavir1 ',J"?tygKwyT.;j,; mnnr.yj GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOf'U's xvi rtnvn4 Mrnilirrs of Die I'lillililrlnlits, Nf,f Verk and riilrHBn Sterk Kirhnncra Nriv Verk Onttnu 1'irhntife ComniUtlen Orders Executed la All the Principal MarWeta IIKI.I.r.Vl'K rODKT I1I.UO. H1H Walnut St. N17W VCIItlt IIITIOK 111 ltrpudnuy, New Verk LEli, HIGG1NS0N & CO. IMalillkhiil IIIIK ItfiSTOS NI'W VdltK "'llli'AIJd l.'IOli I'iiiitnif IIiilldiiiH, I'hilii. I simulant Oil of 1 iillfiirulii 7, IUII1 Is, .. Miltp llinlil XlfK. (' M, U;l(l Imlliiiia, I el k I'aixtvrii ini . fl lUJIt ((iiisi.lliint.il rriiilliiii, .S. J. . . ft., iiim.-i I.iIiIbIi X 11 1 1 i'J Hiillritiiil (la, lll.'H ( lnslir I iiiiiiij ui" , i .. ., na, llrj.'i XiniTlrin IIiih A I'.lrrlrlr IU, ;n I nllfil IIiih A l.lrelrlr feri" 0. 1111.7 l.mulrr Inl' K I'url Ceiuimii) . . (In. ij AiiiitIi in till" (ulllliilll, 7, n,')l I rliWIi I'imir SirnrlllfH f, k;7 I Samuel K. Phillips & Ce. 1 .mi:.uiii;k i'iiii.a siecii KxniAs'tn 607 CUKSXMJT BlUlUiS , iBedi '.at? J i '. A r'Jh J s ,.'.. .,llllllllllfll.J"'4 AM&&& mH t