v rr TT- lf .Hrv"" ji .'! " I. POULTRY HOARDING REPORTEDBY CLUB Philomusiane' Civic Committeo , Says Amount in Storage b Increased PRICE RANGE STILL HIGH Tin' rmnntit.v of poultry in slnrnee houses In lil'Jl) Is inure tlmn 100,000 piiiimlM Kronter tlmn Hint of lnt pnr, nnil Is bpltn;'Hltlihpil frniii ihu mnr ltd. iR'curillnc I" (lie M-rnnd wrekly bulletin of llie civic committee of the riillineiislnn Club. 'J'lie telnl in Mnrnscc December J.", mat year, was LsiLIHiS peiimlx, nnil en tlic Mime (Inte tills ji'iir the telnl was 2.2:.",I12 pounds. Poultry prices still rniiae high. Housewives iilse are urfted te buy freely of cabbnee nnd potatoes te move the lnise (piaiitit'es en hand. "A l'enn nylvnnln farmer fitiilint: nn borne market. " Mute (bn bulletin, "slilpped bis cabbage, te Baltimore. Krelgbt nnd b'nu.'rrnKe clmrKes amounted te $0 en one earlead, and i$10 en tbu second enrlead, lenvini; blm In debt for bis preduee. Tlin best potatoes urn M!llltig for i?l.r0 n bushel and housewives nre iirsed te lay In a winter supply before henvy frost. Petate production in IHHO ONceedeil (lint of 1010 by 7:1,000,000 bushels." I'rlres (in Poultry Further tinilliiKS of the remmitlee this week, us het forth in the bulletin, n re : Turkejs Nearby, fresh-killed, best fancy stock, wholesale from fifty-live te sixty cents a pound; western. , , whelesale from flfiV te nfty-feur cents a pound. " Chlckens Plentiful : feelllnjc whole snle from twcnty-clght te thirty-six cents a pound. DucksFrem thirty-five te forty cents a pound, wholesale. Oeesc Frem thirty cents te thirty five cents u pound, whelesnle. Cranberries Scarce nnd high, whole saling from ten te blxtcen cents n quart. I.cttnee Very pVntlful. Twelve cars unleaded in the city yesterday. Wholesale price iKj'ht'y lower rlian n week a co. Cnullllewer Plentiful nnd cheap. Celery Is Plentiful Celery Very plentiful. Sixteen car leads reached Philadelphia jestcrdny morning. California celery sells whole whele sn'e nt seventy-five cents the down stalks, scarcely pnylnc frcifclit charges. Nearby celery sells whelcsnb) from nix te eighteen cents n bunch of four stalks, OruiiRes Very plentiful. Coming in Inrjte quantities from Flerida. Helllnc wholesale nt about $12 n box t(Xl erances te n box. These oranges retnll at twenty te twenty-llve cents n dozen u net profit of mere thuu "00 per cent. In its work of bringing the )iredueer nnd consumer Int'j closer ru-opcrntlen, the Philemiisinu Club has the assistance of Dr. Clyde I,. King, of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, nnd of the Trl Trl stnte -Mill; Commission. FINNY TALK SOUNDS FISHY TO DENIZENS OF AQUARIUM But Dn Alexander Graham Dell, Inventor of Telephone, Says Creatures That Live in Water Communicate With One Anether i - - natlilnrfln the Grand river, Id Ontario, I put my Head very gently under water and listened, and sure enough, 'tick, tick,' came n sound like a grasshopper s chirrup and a little while after that a chirrup en the ether side. There were creatures under the water that were calling te each ether. "I don't knew whether all fish make sounds or net, but some of them cer tainly de. It is nlse u significant fact that nil fish have cars. Why should Estate Inventories Filed Inventories were filed today In the following estates: I'mina M. lllnck burne. $70,782.01; Mnry S. Frazlcr, SM.1M1S.02; Pauline Scliirmnr, SOUO.r.O; Kdward Ilnbcrmcbl. $fll. 727.72; Catherine T. Clinse. $7201 .-12: (Anne Cliertham. 830.2,-8.00; Alice Lawless, $5: Hcgister of Wills SliRclinn granted letters of administra tion into the $,"110 estate of Margaret .1, Patterson, of 700 North Twenty fourth Ktrcct. '? 0 Bnn Frauds CVilcnoe .Vcie Yerk THE ONE QUESTION when in telligent people meet: "Have YOU read CASUS GRACCHUS By Odin GrcRery?" J2 ever. where. Henl & l.lvcrlglit. N. V. r The facts well told and well printed and mailed out regularly make advertising pay The old Hne about "Don't Fish Here'' has been superseded by the new one. "Don't Fish Talk?" Dr. Alexander Graham Hell tells the .National Geographic Society they de. He ought te knew about talking. He's responsible for R let of it. He invented the telephone. Thore wns no great flow.ef conversa tion nt the aquarium this morning. Ne light conversation of nny sort. The only sound wn of running water In the liquid enclosure. "Talk, of course. Is used in the sense of communication, " explains Dr. Uell. Mnybfl the llsh were eemmunlcatlnc. after nil. They must de something te pass the tlme awny. The aquarium is In n perpetual Sunday afternoon Btate. Nervous prostration Is virtually un known among fish. They hnve no ex citement, no worries. They nre never In het water except when they nre cooked, lti fact, llsh have everything te give them the loveliest dispositions in the world. And yet. every new nnd then, BOrae one talks nbeut the peer fish. "Did you eer put your head under "Did you ever put your head under te see whnt the sound is like?" Dr. Hell writes. "I did It once and It sounded as though a man were hammer lug nt my very ear. n'I then took two tiny pebbles nnd tnppcd them together milta lightly under water and It sounded like n mnu knock- they have cars it thcre it nothing tot them te hear? . . . "Of tbla we may be certain, there I n 'great world of sound beneath the waves waiting te be explored." Health Play Given by Children Dancing health fairies nnd hopping little gnomes of 111 health took part in "The Town of Premise," a health play last night nt the Webster Scheel, rtiitnae'l Arrested After Helii.Un Jehn Sweeney, ferty-icyen yours old, Lafayette and Crcssen struts, was held up by two .men under n bridge along the Norrlstewn branch of the Jtenillng k'lfWir'.'"th Kails efTMH nfcii't:'. nnil roubeilief'Sw'1' J llvnn, SC05 Stanten street, WM I nt mm nf the robber nfter fdietK hed been fired at hltn by Ml men. Cs ing at the deer. Iti tcflectlbg upon various experiments, the. tbensht eccurred: If two little stones tapped tegether can be heard under water, why, every tiny lobster thnt snaps Its claws must make nil audible click. I wonder If there are crentures In the water thnt signal te each ether by sound? "Well, I hnd occasion te try it once. PHOTOS ENLARGED Tli new two-lone proem, -te1tiI In our shop, rom rem blncs ieftnfm of ntpta with clenrnM of liUck nnd white. Bernl Us Film or I'lntt for txlO Enlargement Priet, tl KEENE & CO. 1713 Walnut St. jsk in Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura 8ep101ntment,Tlini,2le.frrT7whr. TerwiiplM iddrM: CaUsrLbf terli,lpt X.ViJdcB.Uktt. The Helmes Phess, Prinri 1315.29 Chtrrr Street Philadelphia t 0-m Welsbach "THRIFT" Gas Lights 1 ff At Cost ' Te replace wnRteful open-flame gas burners. Give mere lieht than open flame burners and use less than hair as much gas. We will ahew yen htrw te Install them. Complete, ready te fit en any upright flxtur Bread and Arch and District Offices TAeM in The United Gas Improvement Ce. , iSI, , piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiffnMjBffiMBbi El Mere and mere enrietta Cigars are being made and smoked every day THE largest independent cigar manufactur ing concern in the United States is Otte Eisenlohr & Bres, of Philadelphia It is also the largest concern of any kind making only two brands of cigars & These two facts are indisputable testimony te the public's apprecia tion of the value there is in the two Eisenlohr brands Henrietta and Cince cigars. Henrietta and Cince cigars have been favorites for years. The in crease in. the demand for them has always been steady and continuous. Today millions of smokers all ever the United States are regularly buying them. Henrietta and Cince cigars are pro duced along straight manufacturing lines. The materials, the workman ship and the methods of manufac ture are all the best as proved se by our seventy years of successful ex perience. That is why Henrietta and Cince smokers are calling for mere of these cigars than we can make despite our constantly increasing production. But here in Philadelphia, our own home city, we are doing everything we can se that our thousands of old friends and the many new ones that are coming te us every day may have their favorite cigars for Christmas. Otte Eisenlohr &. Bres., Inc. Established 1850 Philadelphia 1 ?&!!& Stanley Korry-Kremc Shoes for Xmas Gifts 8J&T$J Waterproof, Healthful 1 Stanley Kerry-Krome 5 Shoes for Children! $ Special $395 Kerry-Krome watei proof sole, spring heels, Goodyear welt. Sizes 7 te 11 Si Jm ip tr ie& w . n Sj; Orders L & $$ Filled tessrtS Jm "Strongest Where There is Greatest Wear." Mere than that, "Deuble Wear and Waterproof." H Special $4"45 JJ2 Kerry-Krome soles, duck lined, 'ji Goodyear welt, weed-pegged heels. KJ Sizes lHz te 2 r ABk tO Storm Bhei a.t our ip.ciki, hlfh-eut ifi a erneK.rjtiOK at 7JO, !4iDi-raci Shecn only nt our HEADQUARTERS: M -Cl ) tr i s e & a S W M JgM&SZsM9& jyr jry g 2? ji mi Sil ;e mz . $ft.00 Lionel Electric Trams ST Semnplierts, 3tfttlenn, Tunnels. Switches, Drldges, Extra. Sections of jjff TracKs ana Trannrermera. S Xmas Tree Zf Electric $2.50 Sf current 8-Lnmp Outfit Zp Battery SJ? Outilts rr ferf 8 Lights, $2.00 Ttp All rquipcvu wnn mnv hiih cera una red. whtl. and iretn bult. &3&2L Skates & Shoes Complete Outit $7.50 Women's Skates $1 A and Shoes cmP'eJc v Outfit ?VW SKATES, $1.50 jfc Winchester lG-Shet Repeating Rifle. ffiOCT 22 Calibre p& Daisy Pump Guns - - - - - S4 Air Rifle Shet (Tube) - - - -5c Feet Balls, Fine Quality - S1.50 8J! Xmas Special Boxing Gloves l&? 5 Punching Bags, Special, $ J" Q ATil mn c VI S Stanley Shee Repairing at All Our Stores . M Branches S. E. Cerner 9th & Chestnut jSt mmmmiimsmeimmmz North 13th streets Blir line of Teyi Hebby Her.ei, Sloth. Waeent. Meccano ft? Outfit., DelU, Wind-up Tey, Etc. All at Cut Pric. I HARTMANN'S 522 Market St. Sf (FORMERLY 519 MARKET ST.) V? OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL XMAS Zina7iitra?rymllnrftJ B)T BEGINNING Al 8.30 A. M MORROW! NATHAN FAGGEN & SONS, ONE OF THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH-GRADE SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS, OFFERS DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC AT THEIR FACTORY. S. E. COR. ELEVENTH AND RACE STREETS. 250,000 SHIR TS te $3.00 Retailing at $2.50 te $7 Materials include Pongees Corded Madras Woven Madras Russian Cords Silk Stripes Imported Woven Madras and Fibre Stripes. As an illustration of the sort of merchandise you may expect, note this fact there are 7200 shirts in this let at 85c that are selling retail right in town at $2.50 each. We invite your comparison. All of the much-wanted soft, turn-back-cuff shirts with every garment strictly up te the mark in style and each detail of workmanship. Suflicient variety of patterns te suit each and every preference. At this little price you can afford te buy a half dozen, for the values are exceptional VERY exceptional. These shirts en sale en the second fleer, just inside the Eleventh Street Entrance Included in This Sale We Offer Our Entire Stock of Night Shirts and Pajamas Extraordinary Values in Piece Goods A wonderful opportunity for the thrifty woman who can make wrappers, draperies, dresses, aprons, house dresses, children's blouses, rompers, sheets and pillow cases. Prices range from 15c te 85c a yard Included arc Fnncy Cord Madras, Plain Cord Madras, Silk Striped Madras, White Pique, Whlte Corded Madras and White Muslin. f t t It 3fe pijiiP'" 4p,m- j 'I I i'ti-lj' NATHAN FAGGEN and SONS SHIRT MFRS. IN PHILADELPHIA SINCE 1885 FACTORY at 11th & RACE, Southeast Cerner Vf 'j . JTflWi . (j - W sKi. W fmUf-'M ysS 1 1 WJW 1 2 c tlKJ J m ' i s; a ,ni J i s 3 I I ILntnimnnn .' 'HV; s :atr:-r,r:KTi.. s ,,' W m . . i '- ' K- '4?$&rt!$&&PK'UWiW',hfei& ...!., .' .. . ,.v .... .i.;. ...j. t.'AK B9W&mM1MHWjVmWnWfJBlim i '-AitriM, lfc iA) J.1 t.mi' SiiLHsWfmmmWmK MMMMMU I -i ' '.,. . &mmMmHvmmmm