Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 17, 1920, Night Extra, Page 32, Image 32

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- At
Princeton Soccer Coach Lauds Penn Team After Its
Sensational Victory Over His Pupils Second
Successive Championship for Red and Blue
"Penn Imi tlie grcntpst college
ercer team I liave ever bccii," snid
Conch Al N'cla, of tlie Princeton tenm,
a few minute nfter the whistle blew
ending one of the most upeutnculnr nml
hnrdest-feiiKht peecer enmes In the his
tory of the Iiti'rrelIeKlnU I.etiRiiP.
Penn uns the ietnr. 4 te -. niul with
the win went the right te he cnlleil the
lntereellefcintc clinmpiens of 11)120. It
wan the second in in ninny yenrs for
Ceneli Stewart's eleven.
"There is no question about it."
nfild Conch NeK "Stewnrt has tlie i
greatest teum I lime eer seen 1n col
lege ranks. We plnrl u grout game,
but against such tirillinnt etfenslvx
power as that iINplnjnl by Penn ue
were lest. The offensive of the winners
was remarkable. Time after time they
can led thnt bull up the Held by sheer
ability when it would seem almost ltn - '
possible. '
"That fellow Spencer is unquestion
ably one of the wt plajcrs eer te
appear in cellcje ranks. As a dribbler.
a sidestepper ami brilliant nil areuml
Rtnr he is far mid awn the bet. 1
have te hand it te Penn. Tlie plnwd
a wonderful came and desrne all the
spoils of victory. All I can hope for is
nn opportunity te meet them net etu
In the tiunl pnme The result tnicht be
different then. Heweer. 1 must take
mv hat off te the greatest collegiate
Mieeer football team In the lntnr of
the gnmc nineng the college bejs,"
Penn showed e cry tiling after the
firt tifteen minutes nf pin, when the
Tigers, taking advantage of ecry op
portunity passed and shot necnrntelj.
scoring two goals before Captain Ar-.
thur Hinns and ids mate hud worked,
the. cold out of their bones. AVoed-l
bridge and Stinseii, who scored the
Tigers two geaK, p!nml an oftenie
game during the tlrst fifteen minutes (
that if continued throughout the game
weii'd lime resulted di-nstrensly for the
Keil and Hlue The two Tigers were
en the ball eer mmute. and b their
fierceness of plaj and dribbling scored, j
Penn Awakens '
Once nwakencil the Tied and Hlue
started an offensive thnt lcsultcd in a
questionable goal h Ilinki ltinghani.
The ball was carried ip the held b
Spencer and .liet norms t.i Hingluun
who centered it. Spencer went dewuj
the h'eld with all the speed of a'
sprinter, took careful nun nnd shot a I
perfect goal. A lew minuies mier me
hnlf ended.
When the second half opened It could
be seen that Penn hnd decided te wage
a vicious offensive nnd let the defense
take, care of itself, for from the start
tliev carried the ball into Titter terri
tory nnd kept it there except for a few
long shots by the Princeton genl de
fenders. The Hcil and Itlue eleven was
coming back nnd the thousand or mere
student supporters whooped things up ii
In football te prove it. At least fifteen
times the Penn team had the pigskin
within striking distance of the nets,
but the kick would go wild nut of
bounds or exer top of tlie nets. Mow Mew
ever, tin' offensive was going se strong
thnt it was only n matter of time until
a goal would be scored.
Thirty minutes after the start of the
second half lUnghain scored n goal from
the corner. Princeton protested violent
1 at tirst, claiming that n vmingster
had pursued the ball from foul into fair
2 for 25c
territory. The referee refused te allow
the claim mid the game went en with
much mere fierceness,
Penn started off ngnln en an offensive
thnt In a short time resulted in the goal
thnt broke the dendleek nnd sent the
Penn ndhcrents Inte frenzy of glee.
Spencer started one of his famous
dnshes down the field, stepped about 1"
jnrds from the net, shot it te the right
te Hiiighnm, who centered It te Pennell,
who shot n perfect goal, The passing
was beautiful nnd drew rounds of ap
plause from both Rides of the field.
Away they started again, and five
minutes Inter I,ee counted en another
pretty tnp'c pass that started with
bowling kicking te ltlnns. That ended
the scoring, and a few minutes Inter
the whistle blew, ending one of tlie
greatest college soccer games evir
Stewart Praises Princeton
Ceneli Douglass Mi'imtt. of the Keil
and Hlue,. was overjejed after the gnme
and snid that he was the happiest man
in the world "Princeton bail n won
derful tenm." he snid "Tin fought
from start te finish nnd deserve a worm
of 1'iedlt for their great pl.ivmg The
eleven Coach N'eis put en the Held tills
afternoon was "" per cent better than
anv Pruiieten seci er team I have i-ver
seen Thev knew the game and played
it well Mv bevs played n brilliant
game. I was a little shnk.v in that first
part of the opening period, but once
thev get started I was confident we
would vein The v icterv bears out mv
prediction made mere thnn once lint we
had the best tenm in the Intercollegiate
Pen Points
lJt spenefr rivlM his vnrin crpr In
blizp et Klerv Hi nlavi-d hi lat 1acui
Kam epsin' t!i Ttirers Hi. "ruTd rn'-
anil indp pest b.p the nthiT tt.rne ni and
HlUi mUHt'TS b h's -niTI 'ti ll fO"tn-k
s.ptK iris a four wrtrpeM-r indlta at.i r ril
r line his frhnnn cai
Illnle IMiiKlmm. th Frsnkfnrd eulli i
another iern te nd his elie tHrr tn
br' 'mm fashion SufTrlnR from an Injur.' I
Kni Dlnch-im plad hrllilnnllv b th en th.
effn and lifir.in H.' ai nunted for en
mz and alld tnalertaiu In th- uthpr threr
Art Ttlnns nnl Nent phewr.l criat d"fcn
I nip abllltv ;MrtUularl5' thi latter It warn
Nll s flt full rentr't and ll plft.-d a
I cume that mad" ih veterans rfp with
I k His hard uerl all threush tin- cam1
I ranged no i nd of nmmpnt alone th !'
PAtten. plnvinp hi flrt cam- m- an
ar A?en lnjur nat K pt h.m ri
rut' hf for twv rrenthii liur his kn affiin
!n the rlrsinpr minutes r.f j ! t ,1.1 hni '.
be an std from th nM H n-w in,urv
is net arleus
The crowd wm the larpmt that r nt
tndd i rnn Mr p-vtn lullv 12e. ieu-d--nts
ac empnni-d the tnm uut tj th"
creundt aluntf vlth th bant
M hrn It wn anneuncrtl te ! euid-nts rn
tht sid 'mes that It-x Vr.i ha 1 N n
ilf tisl te 'apMln thi Ite! sin I lr i f e
bi tam ' - nxt nrnn a m'irh rtiie-u-n
up 'r ni th .rewrt VVriv ta fn f
'hi- mm' pepu ar p'airj n I'.nn foe'bail
team has ha 1 in man -c.ir
Chief Bender Gets Raise
NrH llnirn. Conn , Ts T
v im trisid-nt f v .. Nfu tt i
aA A i" iu I n h h k rii-f
H-m 1 r aa Tlilag inl H hi
pu Ha ini r i"x sius
stantiai rii -if -a ar
'i II,
Th AllrDay, EvryDay Smoke
The Cigar that
Viewed through the haze of a fragrant
cloud of Mapacuba smoke, the world is a
pretty geed old place te live in after all.
The Mapacuba filler is choice Havana
tempered by special blending te a bland
mildness. The wrapper is imported
Sumatra. The handsome, expertly rolled
shapes insure cool-smoking, even-burning
A host of cigar-wise Philadelphians are
smoking Mapacubas. Fer the sake of
better smoking try one. You'll buy its
"double." Six sizes 2 for 25c, 15c, 25c.
Originators of the
Friends' Central Athletes Are
Hosts at Came, Dinner
and Dance
Friends' Central Scheel was host te
Tlrenklyn Priends' Scheel In mero thnn
eik. wnv yesterday. After allowing the
Tlntbiish team te win the game played
In the local gvmanlsum, the Plue and
(Irav athletes entertained tlie visitors
nt dinner. Then thev were entertnineil
at a dance held in the Fifteenth street
school gvmuasiuni.
Tlie dance did net end the hospital
reception given Hroeklvn Friends. The
visitors were later taken te the vniieus
homes of the Friends' Centrnl squad te
spend the night in this citv and thev left
bright nnd enrlv for Wilmington te
plnv the Wilmington Friends' quintet
tednv. but before bidding adieu te the
Friends' Central students one nnd all
ngreed that the (luaker City youngsters
were ni-e high as hosts
It is this sett of entertaining nnd
nttentien that insuics the right kind of
intercity competition Tlie school of
tielals need nevir hcsitnte te sanction
intercltv gain's under arraiicemeiits
such as weie made between Friends'
Central nnd Hroeklvn Friends The
conches nnd instructors weie en hand
at all times, the Imjs were quartered
net in hotels, but in the homes wlicrei
thev were ihnperened by parents of
their opponents nnd the environment t
was evervthing that could be desired
i:rpllent Feul Sheeting
The gnme resulted in n defent for
Friends' Central !-' te L"J. but the lit
tle (Junkers nre far from discouraged
It was jusf tlie kind of prni'tjce thev
needed Sprngiie. Merer. Thatcher,
Whitney Helmes and Hamilton, mem
hers of' the winning squad, passed the
ball with the skill of veiing lellegiiuis
Mever s foul goal sheeting was the best
that has been done bv any Msiter iu
scholastic rnnks
l.uidsny, of Friends' Central. nKe
made a grent showing at the foul lint,
scoring 12 out of a pes-ililc 1." points
Frb nds' Central has a let te learn 1.1
basketball. but Captain Rowland
I.lnd-ny. Miivtli. Theimis and Iicn,.
as veli ns Kewhui'l. In r and I Inl
low. II. proved I'eni'lusiv.'lv thev wen
IlOt tlOVlies Ut tlie MlL-e g.UIH' llllll tllllt
thev will in. prove with every gnue
Thev le'eil jiiactice with ether sclie l
teams, reul coinpetitiw prailni, wlni'i
they heretofete liavete.t ( perienci d
AMnglen tirls A icters
Th" girls hflsketlnll gume this vmr
premise te ! n Illinois and hut.- hi
foresting 1 1 nil rt I t t . for tin
livnlrv in te 'd 1 .. k v will i ..f be fur
get when tli" - ri ,.i b iv m th
age game Alms'' i Higli wen from
Iladimr High vs't'imv ::7 te li A- is'
usunllv the i use in tin girls' games, one
particular maiden ml n ! "f the sen
ing and tins time ' n- Miss I,anning
who tnllicd tvvrlve In 1 goals and I'm
foul genls
Miss Mathei eini Mi- Diaper i
celled for Itndiier High Tin lntt-i
scored tift'in punisiit of a total 't
tnneticn mode bv tin iites
I-' 0 0TB A L L
ti ite nr is ii;ii,
Cliften Heights
Del co. of Darby
Mruitbrtilc A I tollerr Xtlilfn I irlil
Old A Walnut stn i iltn .inn "-ni
v ;
'br s;ws?.
Frest-Bitten Divots en Wintry Links
CII.ytMi: HOFFNM:n, Phllinent, Is
the sole local pre nnmed in n list et
thirty American professional for the
piopesed invnsieii of (Ireat llrltaln next
innr te eiitmiptn In III., ltritlsll enctl coif
The list was get together nt n
meeting tills week of the.eveciitlve meet
ing of the Piofessieiial tielfcrs' Asso Asse Asso
(iatien of America, which was loenlly
repiesented by .Tnck Hebnis, Iliinting Iliinting
den Valley. WHfied Held, Wllmlngteu.
spoke for the seutheaftern district In
which Philadelphia is Included.
An effort Is being nude net te depend
en "volunteer" representation In this
world fnineus classic. Fnder the P. 0.
A. nnd Onlf Illustrated n enmpnign for
contributions has been started te pny
the expenses of n team. I.nst yenr
Ilagen and Parties were virtually nlene
nluead te represent America in the
It is felt that this country would
take pritle in sending every stnr avail
able in ei dei te hnve the very crenm of
ankee talent present. This would dis
tribute the responsibility of the Amerl-
i ii ii nttntk en many rapanie sneiiiurrs
.mil would give tills country a better
i ban"' te ionic through finally. Where
one or two lip. the rest may get going
in great fashion. The British open title
has never been wen by nn American pre.
Wants In (in
' Would I like te go"'" demanded
Heffiier. whets nked wlint he thought
about it this morning "Ask me if I d
like te lie American champion ! If 1 m
among these seUcteil, I'll ninkc every
efti'it te go The experience, the chance
te plnv the courses ever there and
evirv thing else collected with it would
tv worth mv while and tlie club's, tee
"I think it s n gieat stunt te send
n real tiain ever there, nnd I'll de
.verv tiling 1 enn te bnel; it up. evenlf
th. don't put me en it Hut, if I in
pi, k.d I II go Hint's all "
'I in inns M N'niimra, n former Phila
Pay High Prices
Hicvclcs ...$23.7," up
Velocipedes 3.00 "
Autes G.93 "
Kiddie hars 1.2U "
inslew Hall - Uearinp;
Skates .... 2.49 "
I'oetbnlls 1,98 "
Punching Bans 1.98 "
Dell Coaches 1.98 "
Boxing; (ilevcx .... J.98 "
llreuliir S0 Value
Aeil Cempltle Line in City
Broadway Cycle Ce., Inc.
527 Market St., Phila.
delphia open chnmplnn, will cnptnln the
team, iiccei'dlns te the P. tl. A. n se-
, Clarence itackney. Atlantic City, nnd
Wilfred Held, Wilmington, nre nemi-
natcd en the team from oilier piuiin m
the golf belt surrounding Philadelphia.
Heffncr Is one of four Philadelphln
brcd pros also nominated. The ether
three are Jack lliirkkc, Fmmett Fiench
nnd Kddle Loes. The only pre of na
tional prominence net nominated Is J.
Ueuglns IMgnr, Atlanta, Canadian and
southern open champion.
This may be for the reason that he
has already sailed for (ireat llrltnln nnd
mny plnn te stay ever for the cham
pionship, The Indoor arn-nen ctart lecntlv around
New Tear's Dn Charlie lleflni-r la con cen
alderlnu techlnir nt lilnih.'!" thl; rar A
iHtant Cteldbec'.t villi nnle up his alaff If
Heftner iHclJes net te se Seuth larl)
In the event of teaching Ileffnfr will de
the Indoor ntunt for a oeupli- of months and
Icave for the Houth in time te take In some
of the bli March ihainpienships den In
Tatil secretaries are new rential te th
various associations, us was dmienstratrd
Iv He move of the It I! V vihlh ve'ed te
have en The stntlrilclan clrrk of the
Unittd States Oolf Aseoiiatlen han proven
hlmnelf Indispensable this !' vrar and the
paid staff may be increased If th nci easily
asserts ttclf
Pre-Inventory Qlearance Sale g
M far; gives your suit double life
iTIir utru
the suit,
Up Simply because we cut out all
Nji costs between mill and you;
m? because we de our own tai-
jl, lerinp in our own wonderfully
jjrf' manned nnd equipped shop, can
g wc make te your measure
S A Suit With Ex-
S' tra Pants Free
S? at Such a Price!
f We have 67 Overcoats all made from all-wool
titf beav.er overceatintr. hand tailored durinc our spare
r time te keep our large force of
S? 27.50. and up.
Yeu can bring your own cloth nnd
will tailor ou a suit or overcoat for..
ft Suits or Overcoats Made in 48 Hours If Desired
& cTAwnAen TAimeiMr rn i
jjrf ditnumu tAiijvyiviiivj ,v. inc. ss
ff. iei- Vlini.'PT CTi .. 'J,
ftfl Established li I ii.j .wvivviii ei. 2d fleer
btf Tailors for Men and Women
fctf I'. WU'HTEL. Mgr. Hell Phene, Locust 5173
kfl Ul'KA JlU.MtAl AMI
Ai2Lvisii t .iqiaLii'i1vaa'itiiaa.ii ft n&-i-Ti
Manufacturer's Sale
Lllla AND
Many thanks te our many friends who took advantage of this
wonderful opportunity last week. Our results were greater than
our expectations, but the same manufacturer has just turned ever
te us another cancellation of Overcoats (many of them plaid
backs) and Suits. Again we have a full stock and unheard of
values te offer you at less than wholesale prices.
Every Suit and
Every Overcoat
All Hand-Tailored All-Weel
Garments All Sizes, All Patterns
The Biggest Clothing Event et The
Year Don't Miss This Opportunity
Yeu Cannet Conceive of These
Values Come And Be Shown
Open'Evenings Till 9 P. M. During This Sale te Accommodate
These Unable te Come in the Daytime
1516 Chestnut Street
DECEMBER 17, 1920
Blue and Geld Opens Season at St.
Albert's Hall, 28th and Master
The I.aSalle Prep bnsketbnll live
opens up Its engc season en Its own
lloer this nfternoen when they enter
tain the Gloucester High players In a
double battle at St. Albert h Hall,
Twenty-eighth nnd Mnster strcetn.
The' reserves of both schools will
meet In the first gnme. This contest
will stnrt promptly nt .1 o'clock. The
vnrsltv will piny Its gnme Immediately
nftcr the preliminary is ever.
It is most pi obnble that I.nSnlle will
i-.se the fellow Ing line-up against the
.lersev live: Vincent White and lleweu
nt forwards, Sullivan nt center nnd
Ilnrrett nnd Tngue nt guards.
'Bin Six' In Critical Condition After
Second Attack
Syracuse, N. V., Dee. 17. Follow
ing n second relapse, Christy Mathcvv Mathcvv
sen, former National League pitcher, is
In a crlticnl condition at Snrnnnc I.nke.
His wife emphatically denies reports
he Is sinking rnpldlj, nnd says he Is
holding his own.
"Illg Six" suffers great pnin when
1. 1.... ..lll.ennh tllO COUffll sIlOVVS
reuKOIOK, en "' '&" -"" ", . , . .
signs nf drying up nud Is n point in his
favor. lie is unnuie 10 rciev "i-i ""
nnd Is bolstered up for his menls.
tailors busy. Ready te slip en for
SAI I KIU1 Mfc.M.MiS t ,
Will Net Return te New Yerk Until
After Holidays
New Yerh, Pec. 17, .Tuck Dempsey,
world's heavyweight champion, nnd hii
malinger, Jack Keame, hae left this
city for Chicago. The pair are en
route te Salt I.alte City, where the
champion will lsdt his folks for n short
time before proceeding te the const.
It was net expected thnt Mnnngcr
Kenrns would iiccenipnny Dempsey en
the trip West, but nt the lest minute
KenriiH decided te make the trip.
Dempsey nnd bis mnnngcr plnn td re
turn liete shortly after the helldnjs.
A HOLIDAY GIFT bearing the
Spalding Trade-Mark assures Quality
Reduced Prices en
Spalding Sweaters
Nothing mere timely than a Spalding Sweater
Prices $10.00 te $15.00
These Sweater prices, new in effect, show a saving
of nearly one-half ever the prices of 1920, and
are based upon the present lowest cost of yarn.
1210 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, I.i.
Philadelphia New Yerk Newark Trenten
Here's Something
Werth Reading
Twe Pants
and Overcoats
At Less Than Cost
Hundreds of men and young men have come up-one-flight
and SEEN and BOUGHT and SAVED and said
"Thank you, Harry Sellner."
And they'll come again, that's what this sale is
Te put ever in a big way my TWO-PAIR-of-PANTS
idea te the geed dressers of Philadelphia.
I'm taking a less of thousands of dollars, but that
money less is my investment in the faith of every man
who becomes a customer of mine.
Come te This Event
Every Suit With Twe Pair
of Pants
'25 &s30 Suits, New $1 &J5
With Twe Pair of Pants
$35 & $40 Suits, New tOAjs
With Twe Pair of Pants fctfT
$45&J50 Suits, New '$1,75
With Twe Pair of Pants
s55 Suits, New $775
With Twe Pair of Pants
Every color and style is represented.
Every garment in my entire stock i3 included.
Same Reductions en Overcoats
Every suit with two pair of pants. Come up
today or tomorrow. You'll be surprised!
Ne Charge for Alterations
-J P
Leaves for This City Today te Prac
tlce for Opening Games
New llnen, Dec. 17. -flnns for
Yule's f'hrlstnins helldnv hecker tein
were announced by Coach 1 S. llnngt
and Captain Heb Carsen when the
mnkc-up of the seven wna nnmed as
fellows :
T -, .. t CJ1. !.... . 1 i.. -t. ,.
j.i.'u iviiiK, niiiuni ivii iTiiicr, Hlt. I
lej j light center. Captain Carsen; right '
wing, Henlt ; defense, Crlscem and '
Vnningaii; genl, Dlcfenderf. 1'ester,
Hied nnd Tlnssett will be taken along
ns substitutes.
- n
1307-1309-1311 MARKET ST.
One Flight Up
MR. n. P. PRESTON, Manager
Over Truly Warner's
Opposite Wanamaker's
v niicaeeggaaagaB