$$' JSw" ii"W ff1?? tS v 1 , A m :Tnt' zrptf' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERrPHlLAI)ULlHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ' 17, 192 1920 ',;' 7AWS AM) COLLINS ARE HIGH IN FIELDING Xead First and Second Basemen in Official American League Averages Larry Gardner Tops Third Sackers Complied by Irwin M. Howe, Chicago "fUllffv" Mi.TMr.1e Itnutnn In.l tl.n I ifirst bnse'mrn iu fielding with the Bplcn 'dld average of 000, ninety-one of. his Jin r acceptqd chnnres being nssiKt'i. PInn. of New Vnrk. linmltpil 1711) Ichnnccs, of which 100 were nsalsts, nntl lower 1U17, of which 140 were nnsWt. Eddle Cellins, of Chlcnce. Is first lomenc the second busenieti with n tier- Icentnge of .070, nnd for the fourth time I in ii's career in the American League lie 1 leads nil In the number of accented chances, this year's record reading U-'O. Tarrv Gardner, of the chnmnlnn In dians, has an average of .070 nt third (base with C'JS accepted chances, while Kvcrett Scott In first nmetie the short- tops with 820 ncceptcd chances for nn Ovi'mbc of .078. TIiIk Is the fifth con secutive season that Scott hns finished first among the fielders of his position. When Sam HIce ncceptcd 478 chances !." t nuter.ts' and twenty-four nsslsts for an average of .000 he cstabllt-hcd a new major league rcieril. The near I t approach te this phenomenal per i fermanee Is Mnx Carey, l'ittsburg'i, 408. 1017; Oscar Telsch, Chicago, 101, '1017. and Tils Speaker, Husten, I'm, 1011. This season Tllcc Is far in advance of his nearest rluil. "William .lacobsen. Ht. , Iieuln. who handled Ml tiiitinits and eighteen assists. Telsch. Chlcaee. is third with .tS." putouts and twenlv-livc I assists und leuds in percentage with an .Tcrnge of .Del, being clinrgea with mil light errors. U. J-'or the eighth conveoutivo car liny Hclinlk, of Chicago, leads in putouts among die catchers with .081. The "Mule Cracker" alto set a new record the last season by working behind the plate In 151 games. Steve O'Neill, of J'le.chind, weie the mnsk and pad in 14S games, wlille llnlpli Perkins, the feung star et the Athletics, gave the Jignnls In HO contests. Perkins led flic league in assists with 170, Ohar lt. of Washington, being second with I'lb. O'Neill thli.l with lS and fc-'esduiil fourth with 111. .eftt .e.is '.n.n .0.15 Pin .1)27 .HOB Hannah, New Yerk... TR SOS fli 15 Manage. Detroit 77 IMS 7.1 II Prhantr, Heiton 7.1 2HS 70 in Alimmllh, Detroit ... ni ill) R1 1.1 Mnnlnn, Detroit . . .. no 81 27 7 Myntt. Athletle 21 30 15 4 Heffman, New Yerk. .. 1." 17 1! 2 l'tTcimns ii i n a n p r Het. JloMetl 22 3 3". O 1 00l imie. Cleveland 27 it 21 n l oue Nlehnu.q. Cltnelnml ..11 ll .1 0 1 000 McUmw. Nv Yerk .. 15 a 0 1 OHO May, New Yerk 45 in Kid 1 mi, Kerr. Chlcncrn 41 H SI nemmei, Atnietics. . .. H3 Hhurlscr, Ht. Leuis. . 3S Daunfl, Detroit 3S ."liiwkey. New Yerk.. US Punneck, New Yerk . . 31 Hh.iw, Washington . . 38 Nnytnr, Athlet cs . . 42 MecrlJKt. Nu Yerk. 20 Xachiry, Washington. 44 llugby. ClevHArtd 4S i:eelcakle Claveland. 41 Jehnsen. IVnahlncten. 21 Wilkinson Chicago.. . 34 Hatty. Athlcttm in i;hmke. Detroit 8S Cellins. New Yerk . . .10 Leenard, Detroit . . . 2S hush, lUateii 31 Williams, C'hlcaue . 3d O.rlhum. Dc'.re t .... 3D Hrhacht. WmhlniUen.. 22 Davla. 6t Leuis . . . 'is lliirunll. Ht. I.eiil ... 33 llasne, St Leuli ... .IS I'liolte, I'hlcace.. . . 37 Uulnn N-w Yerk . 41 Wnllman. Ht !.euli . 30 IVrry Athlatlcs .. 12 .TnneH. HoMen ,7 Moere, At'ilellc.i 24 Kcefe. Alhletlis ... . 31 VntKlluT. Ht I.eule 21 Aires, Dcire't . IS Okrle. Detroit ... .21 llurrl. Athletics . 31 :r!ckea. wash ncien a; Tliirmahlen, N Y 211 Mer. I'levelnnil-lAis . 2H Aeesta, Waahrwten, 17 Kurr, lloslen ID fnMnell New Yerk .11 Harper, llesiun .... 27 I .1 r- ClninRu .. ..10 Itmsell. IliiMun . 10 t'uurttuy, W'-tshlna-tnn 37 Hnydi-r, WaahltiKten 111 Morten. Cl!nd . 2! Sotherun, St. l.euli . . . :m 13 1.1 7 15 0 7 13 3 5 111 17 ,1 n 3 20 7 21 S n s n it 3 1.1 II 111 10 s 5 I 1 I 0 5 II ll 10 ?i II 1 15 1 .1 III! 5S 114 48 r.3 41 70 37 71 57 80 2S 2J 27 113 41 11 llll f.7 7 31 47 21 HI HI 7.1 r.j 70 OS 40 3U 2S 52 ll (14 14 41 30 111 IS III Ml 7S SI 3H II NDU RIA L RIVALS CRUCIAL CLASH Dobsen and Baldwin Meet for First Place in Manufacturers' Cage League Trfnlnrt Itriiillnic Cnintleii lUSTHttN I.BAOC1! IV. U P.O. W. 1 in :i .701) riiiiA,.... a n 10 H .7110 (lenn'twn. 3 10 10 4 .7 It t'eatfBNllle 3 10 P.O. .S50 .231 .231 ll 12 IU 11 no.' .nss nsii 1184 .081 usi .nsii .H7ll ,H7il 1175 .1173 .1173 .1171 IPCS .mis .non .002 . mi .1157 056 II.'." .95.1 .1132 11511 ,9.10 .0411 017 lilt 011 03S IMS .035 .OJ5 .0.13 till 03! 1110 .027 025 ll ' I .020 .017 .01 I 00.1 ti SIS .Mil .Slh .sua hciii:dui,k a-ou the uekk Tenlsllt PhltiifltlnMii nt Trenten. balunliijr ceate Olle nt l'hlladrlphlnt iirrmnnienn nt Heading, AMr.UICAN L1I0CK IV. I.. P. ft. IV. T,. I'.C, PiM 2fl . 5 0 1.000 8. P.ll. A. i .1 .1110 HniH'iM'U . I 1 .HOO SOtli flub. 2 3 .400 Nillllltr . .1 8 ,000 (llrnrd ..1 4 .200 Imuran. ...2 3 ,500 Karwoeri. 1 I .200 MANl'l'ACTUUEUS' I.R.OUR XV. T.. I'.C' W. f.. V.t' Inheii ..4 O 1,000 .1Ione1yp, a 2 .500 lltililwln. 3 1 .710 llnr'lt.tl.r 3 3 .400 I'lrlahrr 2 .0(17 lUr'lt.l"k(I 1 4 .200 lludd . . S 2 .800 (.en. Klee 0 t .000 SCHEDULE ltK TONIGHT lltnld b. .MonetriHil IMbnen a, llaldntn. CITY COLI.EOE I.liVOL'i: , W. I.. I'.C. W. I.. P.C. Ilnhnnn'ii 4 O 1.000 Phnrmacy I .230 U.",,'.'!",' 5 .150 Dentals. . 0 I .000 Textile. . 2 3 .300 PENN' COUNCIL MEETS New Football Schedule te Be Of fered for Approval I'ennsjU aula's athletic council con venes this afternoon In one ,of the most Important meetings held since the Kol Kel well incident last year. The schedule for next car comes uii hefere the council mil It has been whispered about that a light is likely ever the dropping of goine teams. The awarding of letters te the foot feet ball team la also en the program, while It 1h expected that a new list of conches te assist Johnny llcisman will he pre sented te the council. It has been rumored for several days that Carl Williams would be nnnied in assistant te llcisman nnd head of the advisory beard of coaches. Several changes in the advisory heard are also expected. EXPECI COBB TO MANAGE TIGERS Announcement Loekod for at American League Meeting In New .Yerk Today agcrs, contrary te recent American League tradition at annual meetings, and little, if any, disagreement was anticipated. The mnjerlty of the ; mnn mnn ntfers nredlcted the new constitution I would be ratified "without n rleplc. Helertlen of managers ler me iciruiv i nnd Ht. I.euls teams wan expected te be formally announced. u . sldcred n ccrtnlnty that Ty Pebb would be chosen te tnnnage the Tigers ana Lee Fehl was generally mentioned nH Ht. Leuis selection. Other mntters Included getting a date for beginning the 1021 race for the pennant, which probably will he April 13, and discussions regarding rules for future world scries gemes. dividual star of the game, scoring four- through the defense of Heep "' teen points for Dartmouth during thclnr, and for this reason was fenwl te firs" half. attempt most of its shot from mid Mlddlcbury found It difficult te break I fleer. -15th and Chestnut '38 McFall Ennten, Leads Lafayette Harriers tlrP. 17.Jpfllli. MrPAtl ham hn reelected captain of the Lafayette Cellr crof-ceuntry team. MeKali in a veteran of thre yearn, and his election mirkn the third Uamen lllth (Scheel graduate te be rhesen captain of Iafayettn tramn, as Joe Lehecka, the football lcad"r. And Wolbach. the baa-ball pilot, are alie former E&nten HlKh athleten. New Verlt, Dec. 17. The annual meeting of the American League here today, whose most Important business was ratification of the new baseball agreement, marked the Inst of n series of bascbalt gatherings In this city. It nlse was the first plenary meeting of the American League slnce three of Its members temporarily seceded Inst month te force action en a general re organization of the snort. An iinusunlly placid atmosphere hov ered ffver early conferences of man- DARTMOUTH FIVE WINS Geerrje Zahn'a Preteges Open Sea son With Victory Hanover, Dec. 17. Dartmouth opened its basketball season here with a 31 te 10 victory ever Mlddlcbury. Al though both teams were Inclined te be i wild nt basket sheeting, the Green was greatly superior In the Meer work. Cnptaln Nelsen Browne was the in &l3b$lS&&r Cage Chatter Club Be Hen Cleveland . New Yerk Chicago. Detroit. 81 I iiuih Vaahlneten tthlctlca . CIXIl riEI.IHNO (1 UP T I 154 151 151 l-M 151 l.ll IM I IJ fi5 ll "i 151 lll lVi 3 130 U'l p e a. i: p.e 1175 'J10II IS.! 072 1I5J llil'l 1SI 1171 DIM) JliMI llll nasi i nt his i ins im 41 IJ -UII -.10 Ullt 41 IS lllll IM'1 H5 HI'lO IMS LM-' .1111.1 415 J172 1III5 .1)311 INI11VIIIUAI. rir.IJHNO (Klfle.-n or morn Knmcs) 1 Ilttsr ii.hi-.u. (1 P O. A. ElllHen llctrelt . HS Iin.l !! -Meltmln llonten Ms ir.sn pi Johnsten i'ie eland m n-i 'Ji ludue, WnshliiKten V-ii lini r.3 ripp. New ve-u ...I.l miil l"' Irlffln. Athletics . 120 is ' i'0 llaler. &t. Leuli. 151 14.7 in nurru. Athletlta in -v- " tne. Celllna I'hlrage 1 17 IH'1 03 fallinHii. Detroit ,i.- i:ui r" keurdan. t hiciise 40 :i' is atXOMJ IIASI.MUM f. I'O. A C. T. Celllnrf ThlciBO 1J1 4411 471 niraay, notion y-'j nntt, New TerK i.ii ' Rhannnn Wash. -At I.. HI -O .1" IVeutie. Detroit Idedenn. Ht I.euls nVamlHunnns. n'. ItlarrlH, Wnelilnslen rllUcau, Alhlcllrs DJken. Atlilctlci . IVItt. IJurtnn .... FOBt'T MOKIen . Mc.Nulu. iioxien . 'itt Hoslen . ulardnur ( Iceland IVard New it k llininnH Atn mi flkMullln hhaBe j'eeier. HoHten . I' tifin uetreii Bhnnks WnlilnKten Dublin. Athlatlcs Austin ht 1 mils lenen IKtrelt Kllerbe, WaahliiBl'm tVer. Chlcade Dkr, AthletHs fimltli. Ht. miuii Bhannnn uh Mil Xeupe New l en. Uale. Detroit 150 in.l 4.H1 151 305 fJl 1 53 111 4S'J 135 35 401 31 70 10.1 IIS 278 331 lit 38 00 21 2S 17 70 KiS 2Dd riintu h.si:mi:n fl l'O. A. ill 01 118 I-, I i.Mi nnj ii t 133 mis in 7i 1 1 2'i - i r. t SS 0!) 2.VI 71 110 1S.I 0 I VI! 131 511 711 l.ll 75 M'S 171 H7 se mi 75 101 107 1211 152 27U II 75 Ul 70 7.1 1411 15 1 H 32 I". J I 75 in 31 l'C .11117 .11110 .0112 0'IJ .1)111 001 .me .00 .UHS .IIS5 .932 .07(1 .071 .071 .1170 .1110 .!) I .1)110 .05H .050 .1155 .I'M .0111 .030 I C. .OsO .171) .1MI5 MilJ .llll.' .1157 054 .051 IMS 041 HI 2 .1131 1131 .1120 .Hid mm .s:i b(l kfc I.unle siieit rhHurn ii 1 Cleveland . Hndl nemnn Hr I'hlcaite I'erklniKiuiih N Y 'hl' run. Cleveland O'Neill WhIiIhkIeii tlcrlH"' M l.euln llitHli Detieli lllftlprr I hlCMItfn hhannnn W li Atli OHlln i i A I h ' Hi UUBan All Ii l i rinelM Jiirnii H 11 ( I velalld Kllerl'C Waaliliicten I -JS n I 151 31" P'1 25 .Ml 75 137 2111 lit 111 21.1 371 Ml 1.10 251 IT,! 2SS -.1.1 1411 'J-.s IJI Ul -Jts 40M -,S I'll lft I SI SI fl 'l IS M 2.' I I l'l li'l III 25 41 V C 07U ,U73 una .IHl .1159 .013 H3U II 3 S li'l I .DTI .'is HIS ,'iue h4 ,h(3 lxldle I)lln vlll hardly bn pasied In the dial-half erliiB recnrl of lh 15aBtern Ijeaffue 1 lie I'nmden i enter han rele1ered fnri -three Held Realu In fourteen Ruinna. or slightly ever thnu In a s.ime It vvlll I ivnme time before the Individual record In the Ainei Iran I."amie ii N'tteied The thirteen ba'ketg of McOrery. mmle In the riftlelh-Olrard Bam-. leeks llku the lilKh-vvater mark for Iho pcasen "( lilef" 5lnller hin been appointed play In? inannser of Oloverivlllo In the New Yerk Stata I.eaRue. Serernl IVistem Iuicue manaecra are loeklnc ever the plaera In th" IVnn Stat circuit nnd may make unVri te pla here. "loc" Nrwimtn centlnuei with Wllkei Harre nnd hit foul Beal In the last minute aualnst Pltteten enabled Wllkes-llarre te humble the leaders 18-17 and crawl within a Biune of llrt place. Newman alBe slarred from the Held Since Hie hrnk betwein the Haitern and Slnle circuits. Hastern I.ennue rlnyera nr loeklriK ever the Held le pick up some teft change, llojle and ltelch. of HeadliiK are said te be ncKOtl.itlnK for another berth. Andy Mills captain of the I'atennn. In tlm Mate lAJRiie. new defunct, hna lven signed bs l'lttsten Hj takca the place of Ilucv Harris, who has been forbidden te play l.iskctball by the Washington American Icauue management. 1'nt Tncirert. former lleacen star and who has been uetlnit as n referen for sev iral years. Is new touting the whistle. In the Anit-rlenn leiUfii l'at'a work Is of n hlsh order and he will seen earn a plucn In the bit,' league. Several echoeN luive secured 5,'ennh Hall, home of lb.. Ann rl' an and Manufacturers' l.ea,Ufs for plielnit nuarlers It It nn td.il Iniatlen, with plenty of facllltl.'s, sn! the officers of these aseoclallens are triad te extend the ihe of th" place te schools unl nilliKes James Hunter if Hoepcs A. Town send has charge of assltmlns the dates. Nativity, of the Amei lean league, will meet Viscose, industrial ihamplens of Dela w ir.i count, tonight at thulr hall, Mllle. street nnd Alleeheny avenue In the pre llnilnry game Nallvltj I'athulle I'lub i lashes with Hummerdale, of Holmesburg ".MiH--k" llunntn will set back Inte the mme after n long laj off. 5lanngrr Ixrs. of I'hlUdelphia, hTs slcned Andy McMahen the sens itteniil guard nf l'est 211. of the Ainerknn legion, and he will make his Pastern LeiBUC ilebut tenlBht In the ganie ul Trenten. Halineniniiu Colleen wen the llrst-half ihiiinpleiishln of Ihe City i nlleRn llaskelball I,, iku. at the c. nlral V M c A Inst n (.ht, d. rwtlnir l'hMadlihla ltent.it Colleen In n Int. resting and hard reuht cen'est b lh m ere of 20 in 11 Textile had lllll. dllfUullv In ilef.-ntliiB the I'hll idelphla Cel In-., nf I'huimacy In the seh'duh d en lest, by the si ere of 40 te 21. rOIlSO.V and Ilnldwin Locomotive L' Works are all set ler the "criicuil ' game of the Manufacturers' Musket hall League, which wilt be played tonight nt Yoneh Hall, li":i7 Columbia avenue. The Tails five Is in first place without a defeat, but the locomotive mukcrs have a team that bheuld give the leeileis n hard tight. One complete side nf the linll lias been reserved for the Ttnldvvln rooters, who nie 001111111: nrcninnnnleil by the company bund, which will pro vide music for dancing from 10 te lli:!!!)1 p. in. Heth clubs will tnke the fleer with t heir regular line-ups, nntncl. Dohben . Lees and Livingstone, forwards; Moerehcnd, center; West nnd Kdvvards, guards. Ilnldwin: I'ike nnd tiraeff, forwards; Fessctt, center, and Strain and Gallagher, guards, The latter combination is one of the speediest out side of the Kastern League nnd three of the Daldvvln pin) era formerly were Eastern League livery. Prominent officials nf both concerns hnve shown n keen interest In the con test nnd one of the distinguished guests vvlll be Samuel Vaiiclnin. head et the big locomotive works. If Dobhen is de feated the rnce will be tied, but Man ager Calhoun is comment his clinmpiens will retnln the lend. : A. SCHULTE -200 Cigar Stores, and Grewing- ttpewg ft.3 vs Cigars Pipes Cigarettes Give "HIM" the Things He Likes Sj5 M nnlr llnetim . I" Strunk Ath . Chauge Hi (IUTI li:i.UP.ns ll V n. Bhanls wsshlnittiin 5. 7 1 IJIellinuti ll tr.iit 21 . .Shorter Detroit I'' ls I5'md 1 leveiana "i i llll 57 112 ns-. 10 VI 151 llll l.VI .HI.I ll ll llin 1 2H 2111 l.'ll 217 1 15 :nt 1211 .'ill 151 S57 nj mi IU 2ll lis is". n 711 ns am i.i'i 211 1 141 2el PH It'll li'l 1SJ 155 151 147 2'H 50 70 12S 1st 35 50 III llll 17 7ll 1 111 Mil 07 llll l.l'l 2 ".'I IS 20 15 .11 17 17 . 20 .12 . l'l 21 1 7 27 , 15 1'J IWalk.ir, Vthletks, MVI.ib Clilcage fb'chang, Husten jacensnn, rv i.uui-. flpeaker, ( level.ind llbeld Chleage I Milan Washington fclBmlth Cleyiland Jacksen v nn lan llledle. New Vnrk 'Vouch ueireii ri'lHRslind li' troll Cobb Detroit 1 .lamleme. t levelind JiViHS kievntinu H'lilrjx Itosten lloeivr Uosteit ilenesky Hosten Williams Ht l.nu s Lev 1 New 5'"lk lllci Washington Tebm .St. 1mls Win Athletks Until Washington 5 t New erk Meusrl New Yerl' . . . linn 1 1 velund . . Wli ' M'll'ths Uilsn MIlletkH ItUlli New Yerk .lehusun Alhleilca . Hmlth Ht 1 euls Mi, in Athiellcs llre r. AVuuhlugteu Muiphv Chi' age High Alhliilts Oletch ew 5erk 7 IS 21 Is 15 H II 12 211 1.1 S 11 17 17 14 21 1S. 15 ll 10 4 20 11 21 T 7 1 h 'I 0 j: i'.c II 1 01m II 1 000 2 OMl .'.1S7 .HUt .11S5 11 sn .IIS 1 .USD .1170 .1177 .077 .071 '170 .mis mis .11117 IHI7 .III' I) .mill .mid .mil una nnt .mil mil .mm inn .win .052 .did 1147 U41 .1110 ,liS7 .nun .IMS .UJ7 .111)0 mm .8 'ill .8111 Veit Aute Knew cichi:iis U l'O. A I.vnn fill we . n 27 n W11...I 1 Detroit 15 50 2(1 ,Hch 1 R l hleami 151 5S1 MS Inuri e vern " .111 uj iHeviield. SI l,euls. 117 4se 111 IWuilurs, Hosten ,5 .151 III ll'irklns Alhleilee 1 til 524 17' rPnnbli. VMisniiitflun 11 isa 11 11'Nelll. Cleveland .lis ,57 11 12S III iiiks M l.euln 10 1,1s .111 (lliurrlty Wush l.'O inn 14S Nunainaker. tltv laud 17 12 10 P 1 0 1 line l 10 11 10 0 15 17 II 20 . 00(1 .II1H IINIl '.IS I IIMI 'ise One needs te knew that, tin engine deci net Kel loe het vhll runnlnB which may mean 'hat some purl of the coellnR sste,n Is partly rleii.nl or that the spark It net advnr.ied nilflclentlv. lie Mire that our hand crank Is und' r Ihe seal, and net only that It's a nroed nan te tak. It out occasionally and rv 10 make ture that your moler hai net hlftcd Ordlnari cotton braid makes an excellent silencer vvherever sheet metal! comes in 1 en act with shet me'al. Heavy cotton tape Is lutiir vvh.re there is heav vinr, as, f'r InhUnc, under the lioed In the case of squeaking fi nders a length of cotton braid Is bunched under thn fasienlre nuis, vvhhl' are then drawn up If the fuel In the carburetor Is net set at llie pretn-r level it v til cuue various rea liens If the level Is tee hlKh ll vvlll llend the carburetor If it Is tee low It win nsult In a leun mixture and difficult start Inc Fer satisfactory operation It Is im pertant that the Hest be adjusted ke thut Iho gasoline will ri about n thlrty-s tend of nn Inch Mew llie eutlit of ire limes' nezil CASSATT-BELL TEAM WINS Knyeula Catholic Club will open its J fejS new bniketbnll linll in ht. Aiitiinny s 1 jr Auditorium, Tewenty-third nnd Car penter streets, this evening with l'est Ne. 20, of the American Legien. Mnnnger Claving, of Knyeula, has signed a number of star plajers nnd the personnel of the downtown teams indicates one of the strongest inde pendent clubs In the state. Included in the line-up are four plujers who formerly performed in the Kastern Lenguc. The forwards arc "Inkle" ltegnn. of (Jerniantewu, and "Calhoun," of Ceatcsville: Jack Lawrence, of (lermantewn, will be nt center and Willie McCnrtcr, of Phila delphia, and "l'etey" Kilpntrlck, of Dobsen, lire the gunrds. In meeting l'est Ne. 2U, Knyeula opposes the team that is leading the Anierienn League. Munagcr lllll Oevcrv has n fast collection, and while scvern't of his regulars will be out of tonight's game with injuries, he has fi'liret oilier finri ui me aintiui" Lengue te (ill their places, nnd his team, if anything, will be stronger. DUNDEE BEATS KRAUSE Allentown Boxer Has Better of Lecal Lad at Germantown A. C. Allentown Dunde had the better et tin eight -round wind -up with .Iehnii Krnuse nt the CiemiuiUnvvn A. ('., lnht night, nnd in the second inund the vis itor sent the lecul boxer clenn through the ropes nnd out of the ring. The semiw'iiid-iip proved te be the best bout nf the nicht and proved u scnsatiennl draw betwtcn Cliff Ucnt and Heundy Iliuiilhue. Thn uther results fellow : Johnny Deiiglieitj wen from Freddie Miller, Jee llrnillcj tii'imced Willie Ue.wmlds nnd K. tl. Warren disposed of Hattllnc An An gele In Hi" second round of their six six reuuil encounter. Football Stars Jein Boxing Team XnnilHill. I1"' 1" The Naval Academy 11III be airenglv n presenleil In tlw un limited and llht licuvyvvrlsht classes nn Its bevlnfr team this sear. King and Pravvly, fnetlinll nnd reiilnu stars have reported ' I eaeh Webb and will try for the unlimited Miltrht c'asi. whlle Mlssen. last year's heavywe Kht champion, vvlll luKc care uf the 175 pound class, ' jPIHBBBaBnssiBnaisHMHMnsnaMnmK :'JQt,0 M.W Spring Surprise by eBatlng Breeke and Rogers In Court Tennis In a (.elated Orel round maiih In the Wa. trr J Hallahaii leurniineut at the Phila delphia ItHcqu.'t Club ext.rd. It K. Cas salt and J C Hell. Jr . defeated O II Ilroeku und K II Iteeers 1-0 H.J, fl-'.' It wis the surprise nmirli of the lournn leurnn in. nt, for llroeki the Mierim court tennis star, has had ample pra. He, en thn courts this sea)n vili'la Cussall wha has been ul.. , mil v. lit Inte llii ImiriiBim nl v.llli,.ii. 'Hi I unv pr' pu.' iilnu I'.Si xbe llrst Kume went te Breeke and Hes-era "7H I rt 1 and It looked like a runaway match l"17 for them, but C'ussutt lame back te his form 1)05 with a rush In the second Kama and wen It 11113 l and th third ably supported by Ik'll A FLYING SANTA GLAUS MR. MERCHANT Make Your Rural Xmas Deliveries VIA -AIRPLANE We ere prepared te help you solve your expreit delivery problem by placing our airplanes at your service Call, Write or Phene Us New SPEED SAFETY RELIABILITY Airdrome 4Ja Mile Frem City Hall AERO 'SERVICE CORPORATION 317 STEPHEN G1RARD DLDG. Phlle.., pB Uelti Walnut 2600 , , Keystone, Race 336 for Reguk$30&$35 Suits and Overcoats IN THIS SMASHING Factory Sale! Come, 8ee these clothes, sold right where they are mode. Yours for actually less than the cost of production. cf&cfjaffuer rorperatioit Market Street 1015 3d Fleer T.lte Elevatur mimbbi mmmm Open Daily 00LVWmMf a Till 6 P. M. T WL Saturday T f iwL TiU J j fa J Wit 10.30 P.M. m f MwLir.M lt LWWw WWW Ara H v. aw .ir- I a ' & " "" .rtHssssM Ik BWwBmWkk. t s ,7 Vf.V rt .. LWmLt . 1H tPv SLWLWLWLWLwLW ''- ' ... , . --- - I - --!- " I ' An Astounding Of fer Which We Pesi tively Guarantee Ne Stere in New Yerk, Bar Nene, Can Duplicate, or Your Meney Refunded. "Milano" "Dunhiir "W. D. C." Pipes g. The finest Briar Pipes made. With hand-cut Vulcanite, Bakelite or Genuine Amber Stems. 100 different shapes te selact from. De Your Christmas Shopping Early! & Ciiioeflillfl Qflle el 2,080 Overcoats and Ulsters Fer Men and Yeung Men Purchased By Us At a Price That Meant a Terrific Less te the Makers MADE TO RETAIL AT 505560 And New Yeu Get Them At This Astoundingly Lew Price $3.SO te $10.00 BIG CIGAR VALUE! 2 for 25c CilrcfcFCIS Merchants 3 for 25 $4.08 Bex of 50 Regular Price $4.88 Bex of 50 S 1 '(7 -J ' i S K 'XT. JWB TtT fl CIGARS Bexes of 25 Pipes in Cases $3.00 te $2500 French Briar and Italian Briar llll itcniilne mnbrr, llHKelllr slrms or liniiU rut tuU-nulte strins. MH i1- a m ulnlii. 41s of 25 Baltic Mcersham Meerschaum Pipes lim from. it pumplrtfi line Celd ninunlril 8c Si.u $1.68 can 10c Slp $1.88 can BOLDS of 25 TOBACCOS 1 lb. Jars and V2 lb. Tins Prince Albert Tuxedo Edgeworth Velvet And All the 1'epulnr IJrands !.'"lific; ;?""" $1 en i lln UL HunililerHiiL.U lie sie , ADLONS $2.25 Jjex of 25 2 for 23c GIRARDS $2.50 box of 25 2fSiZe3c ELPRODUCTO $2.55 box of 25 we sic GIRARDS $3.00 box of 25 i3c size EL PRODUCTO $3.00 box of 25 i1 I I'1''! ''ill lllillilifiiillilMlJ Cigarette Case Mii'ln 2-ltt. deld-plutrd Very lljclit nnil romfertnlile for (he iiiirkrl, for little lleurs dJO or rlmirPttes . va Imported Cigars Coronas, Partagai, "Hojtei," Remee & Juliet, Carolina, Garcias We liae t I.Hrci. Sterk le Hrleet l'rem In All 1'olers. Cigar and Cigarette Helders' IN lAbi:.1 We liue n In r ire stork te selrrt (rum in lip-te-thr. minute stjlcs mid sluiprs, ?1.B0 te J0. Gillette RazersCut Prices $3.79 $4.49 $5.65 tiirnr $7.49 t V a l ' vSSjsrtCfflj 1 Ir J.l.ne Ilmers in flat metal or new voeilcn o.ihe .-"ll.OO (Jelil-I'latril Itnrer In ifeld-plati'd i,w V 30 Ituxer In le.ith r travt'HnK imke . riO, 00 Oeld.l'lntrd Itnrer Mtii it'Rthcr iritM'litiK ci.iml)lnntlen . . Cigarettes at Cot Prices Fer Friday and Saturday Only H CAMELS . PIEDMONTS LUCKY STRIKES. CHESTERFIELDS SWEETS, 20'S. . . Carten 10 plcgs. LORD SALISBURY Carten 12 plcgs. FATIMAS Carten 10 pkgs. $.75 $2-10 A. SCHULTE EIGHT PHILADELPHIA STORES , Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Cor. 13th and Filbert Sts. Cor. 10th and Market Sts. Cer.52d and Market Sts. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Sts. Cor. 8th and Chestnut Sts. 15th and Seuth Penn Square Cor. Bread and Walnut Sts. Cnmdfit. N. J. Ureadwny Kalslm Tr.nten, N. J. llreiul ft , 8,Ble wilmlnuten, D.l.sth ft Market i What Yeu Get for Your $25 In This Big Sale! Swaccer nsters ami (ircnt CeiiIh; some bare half firlts, wlille ethers hme full belts Mnglu nnd ileuble-lirrasted fnnn-Ottlti: eeats 1 Istcretfi's, Itachtns, llex nnd t'liritir flelilH i:rrj (enrclvublu model, from tne most extreme te the most ceiik rriilUe All sUm, ult colors, all lutirli's Includlns the newest plain and fiincy effects at well aH plalu lilncU JUd K".iy inrltun and Lcrsey. Fer the past 2 years '.ve have set the pace in value giving in Philadelphia, upsetting all the traditions of the clothing business and forcing competition te exert itself as it has never been forced te exert itself before. In these two years we have been rewarded for our enter prise by building the business of our chain of stores from one of less than a million dollars annually, te ene of almost 3 million! Today and tomorrow we shall furnish clothing buy ers with another spectacular demenstrati n of our value giving power by offering 2080 sumptuous, smartly styled and elegantly tailored Overcoats and Ulsters at $25 each, that were made te retail at $50, $55 and $G0, and which we purchased last week in one of the best spot-cash transactions ever engineered by us in the present un settled wholesale market. Come today or tomorrow and you will see Overcoat buying done en a scale never before witnessed by you in any store anywhere. ALTERATIONS FREE wt Mere Than 3000 SuIIh In TJiIh Sale, at $27.50 trb P7 r A Made te lie .Oil tall et $10. " Open Daily TiU 6 P. M. Saturday Till 10.30 P. M. K 15th and Chestnu & mw: Wh ,)-lJJ 4sk lv 2 It 2 !T .1 t ft. I ' 1 tj H ) r--4!; ft 'U '1 v V- $ "'1 ,.r'i '"J 1 tmtiLHM w v ., . jjiy "l T-, Mx J, .? . ,&4V viihiA i'ii r