cixveiinj K'-yi V jV f. l . I S-' i! Fi !., l . i u: i . 1' . ..vfc EVENING PUBLIC LED GER PHILADELPHIA", FRIDAY, DECEMbER 17, 1920 BETWEEN THE BANJO. GUITAR AND UKELELE. JACK DEMPSEY OUGHT 1U HAV& SVt 1 FlLtWNUS r p rf f . ST . -re... ;f OfT PWra LL BRENNAN SHOWS ' ' CHAMPION DEMPSEY CAN TAKE DRUBBING AS WELL AS GIVE ONE Ky K0HKKT V. MAXWELL Nperfa Editor KtmiIiic Tablle Idrrr JACK DKMPSKY Ims proved Ihnt he Is Just an ordinary human being and can take a beating as well as ndmlu Istcr one. He alne deineimlrateil te n large and select udlence nt .Madisen Square Garden en Tuesday night that he Is net Infallible and enn get hlmxelf Inte trouble the same ns nny one else. Ills pewerful, plle-drlvlng ivnlleps which nattrncd Wlllard, Fulton, Mlskc, I.evlnsky nnil many ethers were net kk powerful U-hen hurled at itlH llrcnnan. Haymakers bounced off Will's chin for twelve rounds, something that has never happened before. When n champion falls te live up te his old-time form there always Is n suspicion that he Is going back. Seme rlalm that he has f-cen his best days and from new en n VpcVdy trip will be made down the slippery toboggan. This chatter Is pulled after one bum exhibition. If he comes back strong In his next battle the boosters will boost Wrenger than ever before. The average boxing fan lives In the present that's all. , Dfiupfccy certainly had nn off night when he met Wrennan, and. take it from ns. the champion had a narrow e.cnpr. Urpiinan is net at nil clever, but can hit hard arid is dangerous nt nil tim". In the second round ha landed two stiff punches en .Tack's countenance which dared the champ. Will tried te fellow up the advantage with n right hook, but L)cmp"ey saw the blew just in time and It grazed his chin. Had that wallop landed nobody what would have happened. Jack says he was evertrained, and we are Inclined t believe him. The champion is n hard worker and in his previous fights the trainer has had a tough job te keep him en edge. AVhen treining at Teledo for the. AVlllard bout IVmpscy wes in top form two weeks before the right and the wise Mnl3 predicted he would crack under the ttrnln .Ilmmy De Ferrest made him lay off for n week. and this Raved him. IV Ferrest Is net with Dcmpscy nny mere and the champion does net knew hew te direct his own training. Anether thing te be considered is that Dempscy prob ably underestimated Wrennnn's nbillty. A champion who has scored many quick knockouts has a big advantage ever a challenger, and the battles scheduled for Tucsila night are usually wen en the previous Friday. Thu opponent counts Iiimelf out before he steps in the ring. and perhaps Jack figured that Wrennan would de the samf thing. But he was mistaken. Will remained en his feel for twelve rounds and was quite busy all of the time. DEMPSEY had an off night them's no doubt about that. Hut heir about llrcnnant The Chicago heavyweight did some very geed wert and made a letter showing than Wtllard, Fulton, Miskc and Levin sly combined, four put together. He lasted longer than all Brcnnan Better Than Credited INSTEAD of dishing out nn alibi for Dempscy, why net give Wrennan a little credit? Bill landed many punches, he cut the chnmplen's ear, split his lip, smashed his nose and forced him te work twelve rounds te win. Therefore we enn raise the question thnt Wrennan was better thnn any one expected, and this sudden reversal of form made Dempscy leek bad. Yeu can never tell what will happen in n boxing bout. Twe months age, when the Brcnnan Dempsey match w-as suggested, there was a howl from the public and the one ene sided affair was unmercifully panned. New Yerk au thorities refused te permit it and Weston also put up the bars. Everybody believed Wrennan was n set-up and would take the high dive Inside of thrce or four rounds, and opinion did net change when Illckard landed the match for the Oardcu. The cash customers attended the show te see Will take it en the chin. N'obedy even dreamed that Wrennan had n chance. New it is different. Dempscy received n beating, showed hew easily he could be hit and the fans nre won dering if Carpentler will be ns soft ns was expected. The Frenchman Is mere clever than Brcnnan, con hit harder and with mere accuracy and had he been in the ring with the champion en Tuesday night It might have been a different story. The Dcmpsey-Carpcntier bout has re ceived ft big boost, and many believe the foreigner has a chance. Dempsey will take a punch te land one. This Is a geed plan If the ether fellow doesn't hit hard. If he tries that system with Carpentler he Is likely te get Inte trouble. Geerges knocked out Weckctt Is about a minute and proved he had a wallop. Suppose he slips it ever en Dempsey? We are net trying te convey the impression that Demp sey is en the down grade or anything like that. He Is only twenty-five vears old and should be geed for a few jenrs ut least. But he did net have his punch against Wrennan, his defense was bad and he did net leek like the man who wen from Willnrd and Miske. Still, it must be remem bered that star pitchers occasionally are knocked out of the box and they come back stronger in the next game. IT MIGHT be the same with the champion. Hii stock dropped considerably because his old-time sock teas misting. In boxing, the stock depends upon the sock. CenrlBt't. 13S0. bj riblc T.edeer Ce. OH MAN! ' WILLIAMS BRILLIANT IN QT WIN OVER CHARLEY LEDOUX 01' x-Bantamiceight Bess Takes Seven of Twelve Terrific Rounds Frem Fighting Frenchman in Baltimore Ring NICK ALL SET FOR QUAKER CITY Ralilmerr. Md.. Dec met America hen- lau night and wh. representative mmi of these staunch countries collided ut the Fifth Itegiment Armery one of the met grueling con tests ever staged between a pair of ban tams ensued. At the finish of the scheduled twelve round, tin- judge de ldrd that AVIlHnni". was the winner nvir Charlev I.edeui. lteteree Alexander raised "the Kid's right arm and the crowd was peaed with th decision after such a ti'rrille punch feit. After Icdeut had started out like a hurricane and almost smothered the former bantam titl holder in tht; tirt round. Wi'luu-is get working, and thereafter thr hardlv was any doubt lis te which was the mperier gluieinnn TTewcver, whil" Williams was out In front In almost every round, the Frenchman's bulldog tenacity, his ng eres.iveneps and continual punching always made him n dmgereus little wan. , ,, , A resume nf the reniet s.iewrcu mm IVII'ln.n. hnil the better of By LOUS II. .IAFFE 17 rraiK'e' ubly handled by Jack Brady and Nick Levey. The latter has been with V 11 linms almost throughout the Kid's en tire career. I'ddie Lenny, a pretege of Pete Meran's from Philadelphia, made an iinpri"i.-ive showing in the ten-round i'ini-finnl aguinst Little Jeff, of Balti more, de-pite the fact that the judges gae the decision te the local entry. Lenny put en a great lieut and n let ut Heckey Teams Clash Tonight at 8 o'Cleck en Ice Palace's Fresty Fleer sz tt- rv-u.i hue- n AirMT ) fc n.f -v,! midnight.'? Te ee at ine OH-H-BOr. a at ) rtr M0Mt- t j m.dhiamt . rRC&i CLUW ajill I BE T" Pncai club iry l 'J necwr . 5 kev COt NEXT V I SAT IJV Wir-U e S. . -J ; r7ZZjT nml I ( MIRNIGMT.'-N I NeT DAY why Tr IDEA! sTifllMSl! That I l i)eM t . Kltti tPKT mc T MurvrTT-VauO what "'"'f I ut reMCT V N16KV WELL "A TO ABOUT F.VC -. W AW Wt i L. ,(,.' ,.i! I, " ' lm" ) I Mnllf IT-lOMO- I i' . K f I ni-ir. CM Uft J - f ' Oy ? V '' y Uti-Ar, y n "ou pcJ"J7-Tr. u. am hew LTttP. still T-Q'Ju Srne-'. ISbaiSiiaH l--'J--! MISS TOWN SEND MAKES NEW FIELD HOCKEY MARKj Amateur Sports All-Philadelphia Captain and Center Forward Sheets Eleven Geals Against Springside Team at St. Martins Score, 16-0 MISS ANNi: B. TOWNSKND, cap tain of the All -Philadelphia field hockey team, set a new record jester day afternoon when she hrored eleven goals ngelnst the Spritigsidc Scheel eleven in n speedy but xcry lopsided game en the cricket field of the Phila delphia Cricket Club at St. Martins. The A II-Philadelphia girls wen the con test. 10 te 0, the second in succession in which they liuve shut out their op ponents. This in itelf i" a remnrknblc record, particularly a the Springeide team Is rated as mie nf the best school teaine in this vicinity and jeiter.lnv had en It two of the All-Philadelphia players, Miss Virginia Carpenter and Miss Careline Graham. St. MrU nWwlrth. Htunlnrten Jrwrtt . . Ven lUrneth Montan. . .. bmiirt niht vine .center .Ut wlnr .iTfr . point . .el . lnnV.rr (It . ftnniAkrr , A. Ilrnrlqnrx ei.rtfr Hill rrswfer.l Hurt rufrrrf Jnrk Dfvlnp. Geal nmplr Jack the spectators believed that the Phlla- Hnhn nd 11. . Kjnlfk. Thire li-mlnute i-i-i.v -. .!.i.. i ,. i.- .. i Derled". rlrnw. Tem Loughlin, a former Philadel phian, wns the promoter of the show. Scraps About Scrappers Coach Dien will send an improved Quaker City ice hockey team agalnn the strong St. Nicholas cxi'et. of New New Yerk, in the first big game of the jear at the Ice Palace tonight. Hostilities will start at .H o'clock. Seudcr, n former member of the Bed ,w!l"M5?le?l.5i?vSf-R?Tes.1,fl, ftn,lvl n winB P0""len' ,s mbri. tenUt-t , while Alan Crawford hah been moved te Veunff Tem, rt WVst nillad'l phla, will himself plttl nnnnn! whin hn metn Wll TVf n.c.hmftnfl. nt th rambrla. tern It iu b- Hhrky'i cend bout of th wck, point en the regulnrs. Henrieues will J ihnn- riant wt'l te en In lh aemi In u . u .. .,,,,. j ii.ii ,. .11 ,.), Yeunit t'llllan a. hi oppenn-. In ih. ee eacK av (CH or ana inn will play rh.p iiiii J. KiImt mit! Ituchu ll'.alr. I cover. Hart, the Canaumn ir- kevcii Jimmj, BsimM un. . j.-. tuaily Has clinched the gn.i position St. Nichelnx. with the pick of the .... ,.,.., .,, , ,. . , , 101'' and 1010 championship teams, will d.yomTammeW h'."' 'ftari-y , Present a strong front. Hooey Baker Ij-.tiux lint nltV and --t't rest up for hli and Fddie Hill nre nbiut the enK two iKht-mund ivtte with Battllni Lrnard ' ' h)UrH frnm I'hni.e twn fnineiis tenme nn. ,h VnlnniU lomerrow. I.fenird ul'l Imi In I t""rH '''" innse two inmniis teams new fit fetti" for thin match, hl mt Imiwrt.in1 1 net members of the St. Mchelajt Club of his (arr. Bebby Durman '11l he 'n th Mini with Temmv Olearjr. Othr bouts Crties nll' v. Kid 1Vanr. KranKl i"en -a; ' Sp!V a Sheridan and 1511! KrJi-r n. tattv l)chtr I. tl.rn., Iw. nni'e.1 I'l I.OUOU" Iinil the ethers were even. Still the battle ths closer than t'.i- -umniiwv nf the jeunds would indicate. V illtam bedv smashes and vicious right hand tipp'ercuts nt clee niiarters. for which Vows l.edeuv nppnrentlv unable In J.lie- n defen-e. tmilly enabled him t come th.i.urfli. Vllllum Leeks (ioed rri . w 1 1. m firlit.n? stremrlv. 'n'k l'errr ..! com-) en frnm rittabu'sh That William-, is lignung l"Il;, ri tm Kid Ij-wi. UI arrlv, from Ni . Js tthewing a let of his old-time tool- Ver.t f0. an iint-reund beu? hir en Men ii-nrk nnd also nutting pluut of Steam d- nliht nt thf Oli-mpia. This wll b In his blows, was t-viaeni. p"" n,ham In mundp in Kruciand r.-- , team, stated Inst nlcht that she had times Ledoux was rocked, tie lurcn.-a r.crv j0, N.ien. who l. ttinir in .hat I accepted the rhnllenge of the Best-n 4rn .le te trie, nnd once almost went under lh dlr.ct.en of hln bre'MrmanaHr , r. .', .,. ,, .., In the fleer, but the Frenchman's re- ai.h. onceunttr iSBIy i..ary in tn, ninerative iKiwcr' enabled him te offset i... 1.-1,1'. lmtterln" attack Aiifiwer te qurr: Tea. Johnny Kllbane ou the Kill s lmucrin ,,. fha ' pelnmd t3nn- Leenard In N-w Yerk, tsn The opening canto was really the Jounas- , iD:5. only bad round for Williams. Before, the K.I nnd a mince te K ( ui ... ..u, , ((- j,;;'.,-,,-,-,; -ft -,- XrdmeTr Md tin reun',; te fv rfere s dM-l:en. en n-p'ntwr SI l"n lledU will apptar In th? tfmitiml of h, urn4 flhew ICemarkelile Plajlng Miss Townsends mark of goals in one game was one of the finest pieces of individual brilliancy eer seeu en a Philadelphia field. But what miule ' Miss Tuwuseiid's piny even mere von- ! derful was the fact that Mie did net try te perform individually te the detriment of teamwork. On the con-i trnry, she passed in tine stjle und re- celvetj pase from her teammates with, equal facility. j Miss Townsend's mum weiuig fi.rte is her nercij and accurate, drum::. ' By SPICK HALL that was leinarknble considering the few times that the team hns been able te play together. Miss Mury ('. Mer- ,n ,1 1... .n. n nf . t. ..... . .. f,.i, 'inn cum, mif .ii tnu j;e.s ,wi- i teniny, cim n whole let mere than merely vcere. Time nnd again she wrested the ball from an opponent and cither cu rled all the way down the field her self or pnssed te one of the members of her team. wln helped her get within the semicircle. Miss Zessinger, tee, played brilliantly and Mrs. Brj.sen, who played right wing, shot two of the goals and played u tine all-round game The All -Philadelphia team ei rtninlj is te he congratulated for putting in the field one of the best elevens m Its his tory. It is true that they sufiered a defeat two weeks age, .". te fl, nt Brvu Mawr. but it is nle a fiut that the cel- eleven lege girls hnd the benefit of geed coach ing all season and had plaved together far mere than the All-I'hilndclpliiatis. Tomorrow morning All-Philadelphia I'lnjs Hrjii Mawr again in which is hissed us a practice game; Nevcithe less, the struggle, will he just as keen as the regular geme,. and n would net h. surpriMtig te e,. M,. Tewiisi-ihI's team win bi n w hie iiiaijiii. "MIK Nativity C. C.. of the Anieri- con League, which is .rapidly ferg ing te the front in tint organization, new has one of the best tenms in the eit. . composed of nil stars of the sche- I lnstif ranks. Kvcry plajer Is n star and iti. 'lud.'d in the number nre the lead ing sihelnstlc scorers. At forward nre (Hue O'Brien, Mecky .Bunlii and Min- , neti Cnlheun ; Wntsun'is the center aid Al 1 Ic dek (ind Phil Douglas guards. Ilesjiles p!aIng in the American I League en Mondays and Wednesdays, and at home en Friday. Mnnnccr Bui- liik is booking games with first-class teams nwny ti-m home. Address Pal Bullirk. 11HI7 West C, Irani avenue, or phetic Pup'ur rl.'M-W, Clmrr (lull, vt tlprmtntenn. wmiM hk t,i irniiii.. harms with llrHl-rlaps home Dwh eiTi rlnu t" I'niuiiii . uuiirniie . ltub it V Iimvmi. I'lmnu I'tirntnut 21111 ,M I J Itlnrkslene .IitnlnrN um il,,iri.. ,,t ,..-1 fr. in e mis Imilni; Imlls nnd i ffcriuj.- fair KUtriin'-s r-nni SVhwnrt 1H4 feuth I.vrcini' ftr.'t RUTH'S HOME-RUN FEAT BEST OF 1920 SEASON Then Again, Speaker's Achievement Was Almest as Remarkable in Ycur's Sporting Performances in All Branches of National Sports By (UtANTLANI) KICK T LOOK fate in the face However prim and dnik. 1 it take the name s icerst Inak And held the vital spark, Te threw soft flesh astde Where trouble rules the rn;, .Ver mtifcr one etic complaint .iletig the harder way, fan you, irhn'vr drifted Iquy, He ready nt the call Te swim upstream again HVinfrt'cr may hcfnllt Fer courage also means The raw nerve te endure, Where these who come through fire Shall find the only cure. The Tepllner f'TTfTILVT was the most remnrkahlc W sporting achievement for 1020?" writes one of sport's far-forming legions. "In what sport did It tnke place?" There wns no reninrknble perform ance in the boxing game. Nothing te il'eak of, at any rnte. Ohie State's remarkable series of winning rallies featured the foetba'l easen, and thereby heads the gridiron list. Winning two championship games in the last second or two of play was enough te bring Dr. Wilce's team pre mier honors, in se far ns our corre spondent might refer te football. But the tepllner, after nil, didn't belong te foetbull. Tite Winning Decision TUV. winning decision halts a moment before two men. They nre "Babe" Ilutli nnd Tris ispenker. "Ilabe" Huth lifted n home run rec ord from twenty -nine sonorous crashes te fifty-four, ns we recall the number, the most astounding case of record bt caking ever known. Fer records when broken nre barely passed by tin; new holder, A record thnt has lasted means some thing close te the end of human achieve ment. Until, however, mnde the old record leek exteremely puny. Ituth mere than doubled the e'd mark, which had lasted for se mnny years up te 1010. Speaker's achievement wan almost a remarkable. Throughout the year ha gnve the greatest exhibition of outfield lug In either league. Through the greater pnrt of the year he led his league at bnt nnd finally fin ished n geed second up Around .400. And en top of that he piloted a ball club te a pennant and a world cham pionship. Speaker was net as dramatic as Huth, net as much an epoch wrecker. But his achievement cnlied for a far greater versatility ns mere etTcctlve in producing winning results. These two undoubtedly topped thi list. Ne one else was even close. Nnllennl nnd International BASEBALL is a nttlonel sport. Se is American football. Rules mad te govern these sports nre under local control. But golf nnd tennis nre International spoils. International championship, arc big features of both games. Ne one nation hay any right te alter the rules governing these sports that nntien desires te drop out of inter national competition. Te wjy that any one golf body can switch the rulen around te govern a certain locality Is merely te Indorse general confusion and stir up additional trouble at n time when the world has had about all the trouble it can handle for the next ten days or se. WK CAN say in ndvance that tht greatest achievement of 1021 will bi? discovering the master mind who steered the White Sex scandal. It will be If the discovering ever takes place. GOLF may net be the national sport, but It Is nt least the nations! frenzy, nnd new just swinging into Its stride, with nothing te step it l'ast or West but a brace of oceans, CevvrlgM, 1910. JLtl rlehts reserved Oiercd Coaching Jeb n !. I inlrr T, . 11. will inert th Minu .- 1'atrl.U r i Mm en l"rl,l .,. ii'im at thu ferm-r h hull. 1.1.17 North Mnr-Pti-n hk. i i,t s no lmn Th. re .irr a few nneii datia nn the St is f.chi Uule for trmflinu- teams uljhlnir te ilny for fair iiuariititcin Jeseph Wall,,r. i.101 ParrUh 'Irluncle Chili, nf V, Phil t'Mphli .!-Hri-s t h. ir frjtn ii n nintevn ,ir .,1.1 iu t.'t. i.n.rlnu lair KUarintn 1 1 mill,. ,til Plftl. Ih ure. t (in. I Chter ninii Vmliiti (lull, a. -ceml ilars iruvfiltu ..ins u, sihe.lule cnmu wuh tlv, .rf.rinic ri'Mf-mable Indui ment. I'.tt lif. fity SO J Snulh Iiwrrnce street Amlil.r l'lie. of .'uni'len. 1 iilres pitiirs "iih thinliiHas hem i.-inir A Masuir. l.'i II. I en clreet, ( 'umil n N J -1. -li ii A. . Meu.l Ilk.- in h ar frmn r in ii 'riillrB IH..H M'shlns- t. i. f.,r -.nul'i fiinuit.-.-.". lljuurd .N Miir ." -' r. . t nn lrell ... . . .Iiinl.irs .iil.l lili t h ir f. ii nun. . ii-rriijrteii ynir . tmiii liaMiit. .hi ..n.-iiiff luir nit iranteea me p,,r,. d she never Iem-s m,I,i Wm 'ZlX "no.,',5 7 -'T of the gi.alkecper, either. This Is shown I- would rnake a an- . n in h n-..r fuiu-. "f 'l-.t. f -r f.-urte U i M I . . , st. Nmik. .. IT .nn,. -i leir... f . I -""'".'.''. - '." Wlt tjnnl.ll flrr-t When sin- gets within strikliiir distance , ,n"', r""':Rr ? h' .' l-us iii-, ,. , , 'f.?"' . ";,r',' :L,.'.'!'.:h '.V J0"" .w"u,'! the goal she take, a wallop nt the m .tipi ii ii Pr,.!... s i.rep.niti,.., m , r, l""", t"ms 'ff. rinit r.-iu..i i.l.i.. indu-envnts OUIl that WOUIU le credit te the lict "' linatnn Anierlams tie r. f u-.1 t i-wal " .' .".:" ,,",'" ."'tkhi i-i ,r. , nn. raiellns tlve. in, H frv, 1 1. en.v u r ..1.1 I , .. ..,r. ...... ,.,. . .. v. "-' u. ,.: Mni"T,,"".,.K"'r"'ulv- i'i".t.n sirnten II. c., n fourth, n-xlxtei n i . nr mi.i . imiM. "U d like l.i l.ek imnina uwhv fr .m I .in. .Kir n ihr week nn.1 .it it, , ti ri , . t i-i uraav Mulit,is I,. ,U,i,., "'ri Ii Itnnenifi i-treet. " Mm nidi Junier.., n feurt. en-nlxt, 1 .uiint.t. Imve dateh tpn fur traielim; .ins f r thflp ure erferlTiK full ri.trn i.., s K.nt'ti.n 317 -i lluntliiBl ii -r..i 'I lie P nre Micrer rlelrn .if u , MMvi ; 1 ixij'tini" r ' n Ii ,n Ih s ' ' s- Hi P. I S .' ii, '.,, i ,, lln ' I t i i H . i Ii b . f by the comparative! f..v times Hint her drives are blocked by the opponent-,' goalkeeper. It is net a difficult feat for a hoi key player te sheet directl at tin goal, hut it is dithnilt te sheet at the goal and at the biune time mis the goalkeeper with such monotonous regularity lis that exemplified by Miss Townsend's slioet- fg. Others Play Well Miss Tn t end h.iwuer w'i- n t t .e only lneiidn r ..f -he All Philad. In in who plajed a s-.'lar gatiir . Ml nf .t players, in fu t wire diw-idedl. "n 'ne job atid di-pl..Md a brund of t k M' Ilurke extilali I K lul u J. eM'-ratlnn a nimila- pr.pes,i , ui,.,ih.'r major lurcu. ub I ut i 'w I te nam. ih. i e.iih. Repeals Two-Spert Rule Clilruirii I' It- pep, i f i. fi rul- nt N ir" .'.-ii Pi ,.-! ,,. ,,., Ulhleti a t.. .-. ,c ' , . t i . I.r i iu Ii . i' pert . I .1 i i -i , , , .. mmltt.. - , ,.i ..',, . n '.stern t .- i , i s v Mi i Western ' i i i . . N (Junker Oitt Is In ceed condition Thev had two long practice pessiens tins i week. Pollewing the game with St Nick. Qunker City will begin te pre pare for the clash with Yale at the Ice Palace Tuesday night'. Miss Margaretta Sharpless. captain .vil t'nlladeiprila Ice Heckev ... i i., i .nt. tin. nt mill iihc uu uu- lenshel tiger. e something nnd TirttinlU puti'lieil the American all ever the rirg I" ihe next n'ssien. Wil liams met Lcleiix s rushes with a fctrnight left and it was this puncU thnt lutcr stepped rallies by the for eigner. With the exception of the llfth and seventh, which were earned bv Ledoux. and the second. sUth and tenth which were even. Williams was out In front ceutlnUHlly. In the sixth reuud their heads came together, W lllmms Miffering u severe gash en his left temple while Ledoux's eye was cut. Beth bled profusely It was in the eighth round that Wil liams shook up Ledoux with a right hander flush en the chin, and Ledoux till but caved m The Kid was after ('hnrir who clinched, shook his b" fogged' bend and then start. d te fight back like the little battler he reullv is. rln.1., ...oite.l while it wnH the hardest , Hie L.M..."e ... e..i , U "Williams has had -nice in m.iiumui T, e Kumilliie u Cn Olrls Heckey team for a serins of games, the first of which will be plaecl here st the Ice Palace. Miss Doret) ee M. O'Dennhue i captain of the B. ten tenm. With the Bosten team in t-e fe i girls' league will he formed wit ji ten. New Yerk and Phllndelpl u Robinson and Warren in Draw 1H Breyer Wins Chess Title It-rUn Dee '7 -Jj y, I r.ur t ar IsrftprilT '.Vnl Ih, Infrrnat nn Allantle I Ity, J.. l-. IT -Bruee Reb- mulin tnurrummt Il eerrl ns r n' Inton of Sharen HIU and Temmy Warrti. ou of a pnixleU t rirt Ilejn uberf ar.) I ui AU.HIIC i. i. Kiuini & r.uuns rirni- rarioKeieer u.i z- ".'e. tu nri .- ri p a. e mun.l 4ra' n h- wml-up at the , r.tlii nti fnlahM four-n tsri'i, Mien s North flldn A C had the bettur nl Tarrai-eli l" pM'f"th prtu tn'r,, of the bout In the opening" round, but tha I nefe urpUiee I tn ir, 'euriament t r j, shere boy earned an iren breax h a better ? i.elmar- t i' ir.p jnl Senrr .- " r rhmvinr In the later a"Pns Jehn Tyman, , Iks', named ,h u !er,n rretess na if Philadelph'a ahadel S-unmy Ilrlneen rr.aOe his Ceht .n "is -i'r urn .n ' of Atlanile City in th eiht-r ur. imi wind-up Kid Andy lie',', or Allan. le i'uv . , ' ' I .. .. fmm fvhnnr. Sl,.na n. nKll.ri.lnkl. 'n ! round- Tisldy lyienard uh. haa NATIONAL A i rllrt" in .J ii wcipnt HtLii nu'Jiis tjrf ti A terhnlchl knockeu ever Hum.! Orwn an ' ther local boy OrMn nDralnnI htn ankle tn thu flr.t round and ww una bin te return te the rinr A. California te Duplicate Yale Bowl IWkalry. fallf.. Iec. 17 Announcement hat they had atarted e tut. (I of $1 000 OeO n hutld an its eti icadlurr. in .' fnlver mtj of '"a. fernn nm tu. airr.l r te the Til. Ka,1 , m hv fh rliamhar . , 'M.,A l,nfU" under the CUldlince Of I ,-.ftn,mrr- ard ' Munura li.rer' Auniu. rhll Olnssmnn, proved ceii'.'lu'nely that ti n here t ia the former cnumpien is in eiinnui'i form. The pace wns ternne ler in. boxers and th;ijling for the crowd throughout, ami showed that A lllmms Still possesses lets nf stamina. Williams and IamIeux . a. Ii iiighil ilO pounds. Besides Olnssmnn, il.iams i as TfiMennnw VH.I1T Bebby Barman vs. Temmy Cleary min noir Battling Leenard vs. Kid William rhIIWa Hepe te Wn I'ermer World's riiintam Title C'lmninlen Timi. nTiii:n ktah hoi ts Ttfllt at IMISAailVS, S3 H. Ilth Bl. rA.MnniA Tiri.KTir c i.rn KENMISOTOV AMI SOMWlhlTT niin.w KKMMi. nix, hth Millie MrCleaker T. laeiir Turn .Sharker 4 OTTIKR t.oen nei'TS I 43TH AMI MXIllvKT sTS, CE PALACE ICE HOCKEY TONICiHI AT 8 O'CLOCK Quaker City vs. St. Nicholas Dee. SI H AKhlt CITY t YAM'. pee M AAl.l; i UT PAl'L'H NCIHHII. Tlrketa en aale t lee I'aluce and Kpnldlnfe 11H3I MONDAY KV1.MNU, DECHMIIEIl 20 "Earl Mailman vs. Temmy Hayes Al K.0. Miller vs. Henry Hauber Wally Nelsen vs, Sammy Merris ltlH Temmy Cleary vs. Jee Nelsen TV.U "KltT n ms. JACK LEWIS -PERRY fiy NEW SCALE OF BASEMENT PRICES On Our $50,000 Stock of MEN'S SHOES ta an aa7 new. 44 I l-erut Until Wal'en hnfTet, , rtrirulnr prlrea, l AW k" Si i iiiMiiii in i " niii nimiiimiH 1 1 ii ii, i i 1 1 mnwim ii m i ri"-i,imrrwBn T7 yMmUlWs. n KuauKamikjajHajrv; M YiB A 1 iWi vd MwITTMtT -fiBI JHBmr MJBBnaH BM OFK I s ImMMm8I a 1 mitim I GIRSH'S GREAT DRIVE for I mmm iau,vuu iww wnm. Through factory concessions and liberal losses, which we nnaii assume ourselves, we are making tremendous reductions en our entire stock of the famous 'fcmersen Shee. Genuine Shell Cordovan Brogues and Imported Scotch Grain Brogues Others Proportionally Reduced 9 .90 Value $15.00 1235 MARKET i Deers Belew CT Uth & Market 31. basement; MMifiwRBiyP9wj Wiwm a7 'MJ,iJfjy Jl'VV Come curly and be one of the lucky ones te share in this great half-price sale of our entire stock of men's SUITS & 4 'CDATS " AS LOW AS . . . AjsaT N! Cemc Te the Greatest Price Sacrifice Sale Tomorrow! End-of-The-Year Clearance! A Drastic Price Cutting en Our Stocks of Woolens and Overcoats Made Te Your Measure 40150160 Suits & Overcoats .50 Suits $99 dim&sl MEN'S FURNISHINGS al ONE-HALF Mail Orders Filled Promptly Ne Better CfesPtes SQ&k GJ cUjxAZ(Z)te VMmtZ, 0A 632 MAREEV STREET Lm I i i 50 j m r t'iliesH m Suits & Overcoats 7 Dent Delay! Mnke it as early as possible tomorrow. The values are se extraordinary and the response has been se large that there is no time te lese if you want a geed selection. Every man must realize that our special clean up prices are lower than today's wholesale costs. Yc3, Sir exactly that! Yeu can buy a new Buit and overcoat at a half and mere less than actual value. s. Adams Ce. 1617 Chestnut St. 18 North Warren St, Trenten. N. J. Bedi erly. t. ; nlnt, hns vl w T -rtrtW-a r h 'U V. iHi fclUigCT (sdteBCSfc. ':?i&sfb!s lfitW'lait'-.ff Hii m- ? '! 7 ISTOUK OWJN KVKNIWOhl Bl I I II I asWk'