xejtt tmm v tlWf (Wp :v, s "Car, vr f .jf i & ii' m v V JAPAN IS SEEKING E OpenB Negotiations With Newiy Formed Easf Siberian Government NO HOPE OF "NAVY HOLIDAY" Suinmnrr of spirlnl cnlile (lliMlcliri te (ednj'g Public Idrr. tops right, IDiO. ! lfi- I'uhlle l(lrcr Ce. Toltle, Dec. 17. NcKOtlatiena for n formal trade agreement between Japan nnd -the newly formed Knst Siberian Sovlet Government, with Its cupltal'nt Cliltn, new arc understood te be pro gressing. Sjich an ngreemcut is be lieved here te be the flrt step toward a trmle agreement witli Moscow, similar te that nearly cempleted bj Oieat Britain. "Niunt Holiday" Plan Ist Lomlen, Dec. 17 AmericuV sug sug lestlen of n navnl holiday U lest in the news from tlie Near l'nst and completely overshadowed by dicctiHslen in tlie press of tliii naval preparntiens of the United States nnd Japan. Fur thermore, neither Downing street nor 'Whi teh nil take thn suggestions seri ously for the simple iimiruii that te the British Getcrnment President-elect Ilnrdlng's feielgn policy is n closed book, nnd, until he unfolds officially bin program it mny be safely stated tlint no suggestion from America will he re carded as worth serious consideration. Chlno-,Tnp.incse Affair Delicate Peliin, Dec. 17. The Chinese foreign office has reopened the question of the nsylum given tlie Anfuitcs by the Japa nese legntieu In a strong note nddrewd te tlie Jnpancsc minister, sajing that ,. -.. ..,, ,- BE SURE YOUR Cjjrfctmreai Canbie AUG PINE BROS. A most ncceptable CHRISTMAS GIFT IIlRhcst ntandard of quality for half a century Our CHOCOLATES and BON BONS nre new 65c and $1.00 per lb. 1 630 MARKET ST. Special rates for Sunday Scheel and Institutions i ,. ,. ,,.. ,, ,, , ii w y Special Xmas Sale! AT I. PRESS & SONS Her U wendrrful islus In a clock It Is I) Inches hlzb H'( Incbss wide, 0 Inrh metal (Mil, bsTflnl elsss. R dT '-a hour Oatbsdrsl aenjt strifes meremeat: ijoej tlme ktsDsr. Pholre of irnl. nut. fumed eik or geld. In ok finish. Ilemilar 17.00 value. Special al price BIGSALEefSILVERWARE 26-PIECE CHEST nearais siiAEiuvAnn ThlB cbett contains .'0 pieces of thin hUh- rvrmA f.tnnu. H.r.r, silrsrwsre. ceDslstluv of A testpeens, 6 table. ?Deva. e uai racuiuni erks. 0 solid bandied erabeised medium knlss. 1 butter knife and 1 sussr shall. llcnlsr 18 00 talue . . , , .. . , In thie ule we hare ene Included the fel lewln articles of sllTerware In the ssraj patterns and w are efferlne tbem at speclsllj reduced prices'. 117.80 JJ-ple.cs Bllver Cheat. VM) iiftOO 39-plseu Bllver Chest, SU.OO 16.00 21-plec bllver Chest, flU.80 10.00 10 piece .Silver Then, 1B,75 IK. 00 10-pleee HUvsr Chest. i- SO ill 00 10-pleee HUver Chest, 3 95 (0 00 lO.plece Ellver Chest, 0 SO 0 00 piece Silver Chest. sMO.OO 171.00 41-plece Bllver Chest, SS0.00 ill 00 43-plec. Silver Cheat, 100.00 SALE of IVORY PYRALIN bir. 8th & Chestnut Sts. 1017 Market St. S09 Market St. All Three Stere Open Ktenlnn SI COMM ER PJ''SJv ' nTVjSlKI t A ap pm hi Wm v v I Fine (lualltv 3-nlcce IUIIIV "I'VIIAMV1 BA set of tbe ttnest uusl UJ M fe ffl IIt. in rrer Is U Inches; f,!! NvYrfe snd ialbrs(JHB Ien. -ih Is 0 Inches T MJMmPmy lenr lid comb Is 7t ! in Ien Here Is a . . 1W jr .hnndseme set cCHr .at a (treat ssi. Vtp ineuey It Is a r H3UO rains I JRESS&SONq . .. tSMsmmSSSO Uh0 action is without precedent and its UStlallm. .. . s f 1 1 am j..utiiuU eunsiuutcs an anrent te a friendly government. It Is believed that Foreign Minister icn, In order te maintain a strong at titude, must uslt for M. Obatrt's recall. The situation is delicate, as the .Tnpaticse minister acted under the in structions of the Japanese Oevcrnmcnt. U. 8. Admits Pogrom Victims New Yerlt, Dec. 17. Six victims of alleged Jewish pogroms in Ukrnnla were allowed te enter the United Blates -at I, His Island under the religious persecution prevision of the immigra tion law. Itebccca Melandean, sixteen J ears old, one of the newcomers, told of the "slaughter" of her parents an) hew she1 lest an arn attempting 'te re re rwer their bodies from the street. Witn Rebecca were three )eungcr sisters, a In ether and an mint. Relatives will care for them. - ROB U.S.LEGATION IN WARSAW Warsaw, Dee. 17. It was learned yesterday the American legation here wns rehied Monday night of approxl apprexl matclya.000,000 marks, or about $r000 and several valuable documents. Chests and sfes in a large room en thy second fleer of the old palace oc cupied b the legation were broken open. West Point Exam en Wednesday Harrlslmrg. Dec. 37. Adjutant (Jen oral Ileary will cendurt a renvpctltivc examination for the three cadetlijps at the West Point Military Academy al lotted te the National Guard of l'enn syhania net Wednesday nt' his office In the state Cnpitel. German Kills English Officer lltiliii, D-f. 17. A ItritUh officer 1ms bicn killed at ICnttewltz, l'russieu Silesia, by n former German aviation eilicer, snjs the Verwnerts. The trag (dv followed a dispute In n hotel, it is said. WHY HENRY The TOLD FACTS A MONTHLY JOUnNAL DEVOTED TO THE EXPOSITION Of NATIONAL FALLACIES OUT NOW SUBSCRIBE READ IT Subscription Price. One Dellar Per Year Single Copies., Ten Cents r A r T S 21-23 North Juniper Street V' PHILADELPHIA. PENNA. Y New is There will be a shortage of Victrelas this year. Don't wait and be one of the ' disappointed. Order your Victrela new from our complete stock. Seven Stores at Your Service One near your home, with the largest stock in the neighborhood. Our ever-courteeup sales people will be glad te assist you, and our guarantee gees with every purchase. Victrelas, $25 te $1500 Easiest Terms TALKING MACHINE CO LEADING VICTROLA STORES W PHILA. 1225 CHESTNUT STREET Open in the Evening Until Christmas Six Stores Open Every Evening: BROAD & COLUMBIA AVE. 52ND & CHESTNUT STREETS GTN. AND LEHIGH AVES. 4038 LANCASTER AVE. 5610 GERMANTOWN AVE. 4407 MAIN ST., MANAYUNK Exclusive Victrela Distributors 'TTfTn'nA'li EVENING PUBLIC I Wilsen's Deoreo Is Based en Policy of Moscow, Net En En eoy's Persenal VIews SOVIET COUNSELOR NEXT Washington. Dee. 17. With the ap ap preal of the President. W. 11. Wilsen, secretary of labor, has directed the commissioner general of immigration te deport Ludwig O. A. IC. Martens, so se called "ambassador" from the Russian Soviet government te this country, en the ground that Martens is an official of the present Russian Government which advocates the overthrew of the govern ment of the United States by force and as such, under the Immigration act of October 10, 1018, is liable te depor tation. The secretary ruled Mnrtcns' perqennl attitude en overthrew of this government was net the deciding factor and the finding was based en the official status of the Russian agent. Tlie government, it was learned yes tcrday, will new push the similar case ngainst Gregery Welnstein, counselor of the Soviet "embassy," nn empleye of Martens. Santeri Nuertevn, formerly secretary te Martens, has fled this country nnd returned te Russia, Cepcnlmgen, Dec. 17 A dispatch te the Telitiken from Riga says I.cen Trotsky, the Russian Bolshevist min 7l FORD ATTACKS Jews IN MARTENS INI ORDERS i Tic. iSb a rny JKm. yyty the Time te Buy LEDGpiPHJTiAPELPHIA:, FRIDAY, PEdEMfeEB 17, ,1020 ; ister of war, has been encaged in a vast propaganda scheme te cmphaslse the need, of pcRcc. The correspondent adds that Russia was never poorer and distress never was greater than new, and that the Russian Soviet Government in willing te bIve concessions te foreign capital and would endeavor te avoid conflicts with neighboring countrles. Montreal, Dec. 17. V. A, Reycr, a Montreal man, who has just returned from England, where he was iu close touch with Leonid KraBsIn, special trade envoy of the Russian Soviet Gov Gev rrnmmit. stated vesterdav msiiv mil liens of dollars' worth of Russian or ders had been obtained for Canadian manufacturers. , Mr. Reyer's visit Oe Tnden was for the purpeflQ of consolidating the posi tion of the 80,000,000 centruct ob tained by his firm frm kudwlg C. A. K. Martens last June in New Yerk, where Martens was endeavoring te buy supplies for the Russian Soviet Gov ernment in the United Btates. Ionden, Dec. 17. Leonid Krnssin, representing the Russian Soviet Gov ernment, had conferences here with Sir Rebert S. Heme, president of the beard of trade, lasting nearly the whole day, regarding resumption of trade. It is stated agreements were reached, but their conditions must he referred te Moscow for nppreval. Upen receipt of n reply from Moscow nnethcr confer ence, which it is believed will definitely determine the success or failure of the protracted negotiations, will be nr rnnged, nnd If the signatures of the two conferences are appended, the treaty will be submitted te the Rrltlsh cabinet. It is authoritatively declared the main obstacle in the way of an ngrccment is British dissatisfaction with the replies from Moscow pertaining te tbe cessa tion of the Bolshevist propaganda in the Hast. wwjwa.wwyHjmfg CONSTABLES IT IN MANILA; KILL 11 Govorner Goneral Quells' Meb Single-Handed and Unarmed WORST SINCE SPANISH RULE BveciaX Cable Dtspateh. CevvrlaM, 10" Manila, Dec. 17. Three American police, ene army field clerk nnd seven Filipinos were killed, nnd many were wounded late Wednesday night by mem bers of the Philippine constabulary dur ing the worst rioting in Manila since American occupation. SnewBall or Santa Glaus Package Pep Cern Grandmother and the kiddies all like Pep Cem it's geed for them, tee. Have a Pep Cern Party at home I A package of Dickinien's Snow Ball or Santa Claut selected Pep Cern makes four te lix quart large, flaky kernel) iweet, tender and nutritious. Anybody can pep the Cem in a pepper in the fireplace, or ever the kitchen stove, and season with rirh butter and salt, or make Pep Cem balls with delicious molasses. St mi CUui. yyt iti Snen Bll of 5f Fer jtlt cl irettrus, fdchttt U Mtittilitni. Pttktd ty Item mi THE ALBERT DICKINSON COMPANY CHICAGO MINNEAPOLIS , wuam FOR 1001 ai..i e. "" marKet Open Friday and Saturday Evenings sMyv&TK rA TV fSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf SBBBBBBBBBBBm rx Ntf: n Governer General Harrison, sum moned from bed, went single-handed and unarmed into the mob and ordered the rioters te return te their barracks. They did se, thereby preventing raore bloodshed. The riot was due te the sheeting of an American policeman recently by a member of the constabulary. It com menced when fifty members of the con stabulary breke out from their bar racks, where they had been locked up, nnd marched through the streets with bayonets fixed. They reached the police station and then began n fusillade, riddling the building with bullets. Shots were fired indiscriminately In nil direc tion, several street cars drawing n large measure of the fire. Disorders ceased upon the arrival of JJeulte lAbraru Detk, $75.00 Ladiet' Heme Desk, 188.00 X I -r .lesS 7IQ6fUnA 'agsgjJMsiBif. QS P." H Siiinrt Detk, tSO 00 ff I Chair Extra tlemr 11 K.siSaiSSa 111 7Rf(thA, MpgflgjegjgjffiBQSI LsBtBSB.1SlSBBaBBBMssSSBniSBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBtBBBBBBBls Give Joyfully, Give Thoughtfully, Give Usefully, This Christmastime SLIPPERS for Men, Women and Children Appropriate and Useful Christmas Gifts Wemens Felt SLIPPERS Juliets in pink, rose, blue and lavender. 98c te 2.49 WOMEN'S COMFY SLIPPERS In various styles and combinations. $2.00 value. $1.49 Sensational Sale of Men's and Lets at Sacrificing Prices WOMEN Fine dress shoes in black and brown. Leather Cuban and military heels. $5. 98 irivnrfci rinr- wtui 1 Shee Company PHILADELPHIA, PA. General dtame, who placed members of the constabulary involved in the sheet Ing under arrest and announced they would be tried before civil courts. The enlisted personnel of the con stabulary forces is composed entirely of Filipinos officered by Americans and Filipinos. The organization numbers 0000 and is stationed In various prev Children Need Geed Beeks Ours will dslliht ths tlUltj folk en Chrlstmss Day nn4 lone aftcrwarda. Bters epsn until 0 V. M. ae you can coma In and thsm. The-Library Shep 15 S. 13th St, Philadelphia Unique Gift Furniture Greatly Reduced If you wish te present a Christmas gift that will please net only the recipient, but the entire family, you can net make a mere appropriate selection than our stock of beau tiful unique home furniture offers. Inci dentally, every article in this line has been marked down te benefit holiday shoppers, and these new prices will interest you. If you haven't thought of juat the right gift for Father, Mether, Sister, Brether or your best friend, come te Heskins it's here. Tclrpliene Set, tlZ.OO Vp Tab. tH.OO Up STATIONERS ENGRAVERS PRINTERS BUSINESS FURNITURE Chestnut Street at Ninth Beautiful Engraved Greeting Cards MEN'S SLIPPERS Black and tan opera and Everett styles. $ 200 te 450 MEN'S BLACK and TAN ROMEOS $3.00 & $3.50 Women's Shoes Twe FOR MEN Black and Tan. Good year welts, bals and blu chers in all leathers. Popular styles and won derful values. $5.00 t-x y-v-s.t JUHJN5UJN f r& -?' w 41k inces of the Philippine Islands for' lice purposes. Wr TURKEY Live and Dressed ; Wholesale and Retail I t' nPI.AWARR POULTRY T COMPANY 304 S. Frent St x Secretarv Bookcase, tliO.OO m i i UlR Ta&eurelle. Stand. te.oe Up fu.fe Sectional loefcea. fSl.OO Up Boek Wagen, StT.10 J Great 11 Ne. 13th St. aaBj&iSiE dJ 3 i .'H r & "M n 4 9 M i wl I Hi u i- 1 1 i -j ' i m Ja'irilfra-a" ,. ''Uslbm MM.m i&c Pj&b mi RmtiyZym iXW,JUui4 c -. r L.K . v ,1 !i qLLe $ l . iL-um 'M v , ..-isfti '., a- ... fM CVU, -1a. 2.bLdkj . t ... .Jtj.JL&dik&Li&M&'j' ' 3m