W(r?r7 -L PEN INVITES E Clubs Hore Consider Proposal Frgm Acress Rlver for After noon Pageant NO WOMEN TO BE JUDGES J, Shimmer rclr-bratlnc New Ycnr's nr In lliln ellJ line hcfii eflirinlU in ltcil in nnrndc In ('nimlpn nfter llm narch lierc. TllC Olttlli were nsltnl in rnnii(lpr flip ueccatlen li Ceiinrllmnn J. 'I' Allrn- lerf, of Cnimli'ii. wlie nttcndrd it mort mert nir of Uip riillndclnliln immnittrn lnt night. Up MiggrMcri (lip rlnlit firiHi thp Rrearl Rtrret '"chew" nnrt tnpii rrnis (JiP river for it lutcant in f'nmilrn In the nFtrrnoen. Tin- prtpnnl is belnc nMdercd There will he no women Itiilcea this year, it vnn nffirlnllv nniieunretl nt tlie inectinc Men jiidffrs wlinsp nnme.q will be nnnnunced in n few dnjn will con sider the merits of the uirieus clubs, elditrrn of whli'h nlrcndy hnve ob eb tainpd i)crmlt8. The route cleeldecl upon lq ns fellows : Frem Jlrend and Perter street nt 8:.10 n. m., north en rtrend street te Tiirnrd uremic. Most of the ihenteri will con cen con tlnue from (tirnid nvenuc, in nn unof unef unof flelftl parade, te Columbia avenue nnd down Celumbln te Tenth street. It weh Announced Hint Wlllinm J. Helland, president of the Celumbln Avenue IIuh-' iness Men's Association, would offer SIMM) In prizes. Jehn Hnizley. one of the eriulnnl Shooters." will he ernnd mnralifll! VIHInin .f. Crnuferd. nhslitnm irrnrnl nwrshnl, pud II. Hart Mr-Hugh, gen crnl director. Amenp the lending clubs win Dc Silver Urewn, fancy; Dnn Os wald, comic, nnd Ilegcmnn, string bnnd. Deaths of a Day Edward L. Geff Edward Ij. (!off, who for twenty years was i.ecretnry of the State nf Pennxylviinin Pirn Insurance Ce., lled yesterday at his liome, 421 Seuth Mxtv-secnnu street, fellow lnc an ex- Tended lllnehs Mr Oeff wnH sixty three ear old. lie was lieru in I" ttsuurei. tbc son jef the Inte M.Tl doff, who was the chancellor of the Western University of Pennsylvania, new the University of Pittsburgh. Iln enme te this clt twenty-six jears age and was engaged actively In buMnesx until last summer, nheu he began te fall in health. .Mr. uell Is survived ny a widow. The funeral will be conducted from his hemn Friday night with interment In Pittsburgh. J. nleman Smyser J Itleman Smyser. for thirty ears member of the druc firm of Smyser & Scott. G(4 Gcrmnntewn avenue, died yesterday at bis home, 403H Catharine street. Mr. bmjser was stricken Wed i nesday afternoon. Death came twenty- four hours later from hemorrhage of the iHemncti. He was tilty-fcevcu years of e. Alter graduating from Princeton X ni- v emits- in IHSIt nnd the Plillndclnhln L'ollece of Phnrnini-v in 18S0. Mr. ISmyster euteied the drug business, he- I coming the partner of Mr. Scott five years Inter. He is survived by a widow nnd two daughters. William Geerge Brown William (Jeergp Hrewn. for many rars associated with the Heading Ce.. IWlth offices in the Heading Terminal, nicri jesterday at his Heme in the Uore- aatle Apartments. He was seventy- I eight jears old. He is Mirvivcd by n widow nud two daughters. Edward O. Smiley A Midden attuck of heart failure !-nued the death Wednesday night nt tils home, -4!) North Eighteenth street, if Lnwtird U. Smiley, h bend sales- Man, who. during the war. was attached t'e the Emergency Fleet Corporation. He was found dead by his wlfe. Mr. Smilej was sixty-one years old, and his body will be taken for burial te Chnmbersbiirg, Pa where he was en- gnged in busine-s for some years. Sends a Phonograph Te Your Heme Fer Christmas CHENEY COLUMBIA BRUNSWICK BALANCE EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE 'e have all the new Columbia 'cords. Come in and Hear MUMMER PARAD Ij Gr I L i? I9H 'l 1 .rsf.hallI t Inc. ri.AM.KS "g Ilj ,6 Gcrmantewn Ave. Jw? ' f ' "v " I fj H& Vv4 jt MK. AND .MRS. TIIKOnOUt; COMKOH They lmc been married fifty years, and Sir. Coiuc-e urges every man te wed early In life MARK GOLDEN WEDDING Theodere Comrec Urges Every Yeung Man te Marry Theodere Comrec, seventy years eldi and his wife, Sarnh, sixty-nine years old, of man Fentnln street, celebrated their golden wedding nnnlvcrsary en Tuesday evening nt tiller home. The celebration wa,s attended by their six sons nnd three daughters n.s well as twelve of their sixteen grandchildren. The couple weie married in Kiev. Hus sia. In 1S70. and came te Philadelphia in 1881 and have nlwa.vs resided In Seuth Philadelphia. Mr. Comrec believes that every young man should be married, nnd Raid that "any eligible young man who does net marry is worse than a burglar." He udded that young people cannot enjoy true leve ns much as elder couples, who learn the real meaning of a lifelong companionship. KJ$lWfcs rfe2H avl i! BilyKui 'tfM wBM) lw fl !- Margarine Is Served at Thousands of Tables Every Day It appears in many ways in delicious cakes, in tender pie crusts, and in cream candiessauces, tee. It comes in its own proper form, tee, as a spread for biscuits and bread. Women serve it because it tastes geed and is eco nomical. Gem Nut Margarine will make a big saving en your grocery bill without sacrifice of quality. Gem Nut Margarine is made from the oil pressed from the white meat of the cocoanut, and from peanut oil, combined with Pasteur ized milk and salt. It is made daily in fourteen conveniently located factor ies, se your dealer gets it fresh. Order a carton today. Swift & Company, U. S. A? Bf M PreminnJ d&fi'fyi J axt ff Fm 0,eemartrine Clean Mm jmy 9th and Ciriird Ave., I'liiladclpUia MVJLtfJNl'ffCFvJ titer i Fathers' Association of High Scheel Will Raise $40,000 by Subscriptions WILL ALSO AID STUDENTS The Fathers' Association .of the Frnnkferd High Scheel proposes te add 540,000 te the already existing fund used te give scholarships te Frankford students for the leading colleges; nnd universities of the country. This plan was promulgated nt n meeting held last ulght In the school gymnasium. At the present time the association has five scholarships, which nre awarded te graduates at the Feb ruary and June commencements. The plan of the association is te raise the proposed $10,000 by subscriptions from the 000 members of their organization. This additional fund will enable the association te grant one mere scholar ship In February and probably eeveral mere In the spring. The proposed development of activi ties In regard te scholarships was out lined by llenjamln Thorpe, chairman of the scholarship committee, In n report. lie declared that hcieafter the nssocln nssecln nssocln tien will lend financial assistance te pupllu, who otherwise would have te abandon their htudles before complet ing their high school education. A feature of the meeting was nn ad dress by Chnrles H. Carpenter. In a discussion of "Individualism vs. So cialism," he said the world is suffering from tee much theory nnd extremism, nnd there is n woeful Inck of geed com mon vense nelicenblc. He vigorously nttneked socialism, likening it te quack cure-nil medicines. He said employers of labor aie largely te blame for the tendency toward socialistic principles in this country. "If the employers would put truth and justice beside the pay envelope they would get better results," he said. Mr. Carpenter also attacked acts of Congress that interfcre with private affairs nnd the preposition te put the ..-.. j.k ,:-J FRANKFORD TO ADD NEW SCHOLARSHIPS Gem Nut Manufacturers ei mtG Condition of Highways Throughout Pennsylvania Lincoln highway (Trenten in Chnmbersbiirg) Fair in Lancnstcr and Hucks counties ; geed elsewhere. Snow snunlts 'occurred yesterday afternoon In Chester, Lnncnstcr nnd Adams counties. William Pcnn highway (Hasten te Chambcrsburg) All sections geed. Traces of snow reported yesterday afternoon in Cumberland county. Philadelphia nnd Heading pike Hend in geed condition in Ilerks cennty. Lnncnsftcr nnd Hnrrisburg pike General geed condition. Fair wenther with tempernture hear fi cezlng by day nnd below freezing by night. Moderate, west winds, great industries of the nation under governmental control. Wallncc II. Arnnlc was electcd firesl dent of the association for the coming Ujear. ONE HOUR! Tnf s all we need te deliver your VICTROLA Complete Stock All Style. All FinWhas The J. R. Wilsen Company 929 North Bread Street (nrnml nnd Glrnrd) 1215 North 52d Street (Went rhlUdelphl) 6190 Ridge Avenue (Itoxheroash) V1CTROLAS nd VICTOR RECORDS EXCLUSIVELY . Eaiy Termi HIS MASTER'S VOICE "Onr eervicc It next deer te you no matter where yett Uem" !WP(?Wg Loek for Ihc M. Practical Xmas Gifts That 1 i Mean Health we re open every evening until unuiJVl ituii t UUUViC 1.UXIU UJL Uilb euiumin'ii lis b1u Kuu"l prompt sen-ice. We arc particularly able te care for the needs of the last-mmute shopper in toys or sporting Reeds of all kinds. Btf We make n specialty of catering te women in sugtstinp; for B tnnn ftV ln nmitinnl Ivnnlf li-rviirinrp nrwl r1rtn en 'ftTsrn L cr tfa "J for which our 25 years' experience well fits us. Open Every Evening- Until Xmas $8, $10 & si2 Aii-vvoei Pull-en . SWEATERS Only en or tun of u l.tml l'epular st len ilanJy for t It a nchoel bei th pchoel 1,'lrl and for U h t I n if. nr i old - weathT w n a r. All sizes. $ 4 $12 & SI") Pure-Weel, Pull-ever SWEATERS $7.50 & $10 The wool HsMf will cost niOM. Ne better Hwenter can peiwlbly hn made Skating Caps, AlMVoel; Big Value ! iw-rnpriir'T- - , $65 Bauscli & Lemb Glasses vO Made for 1' 1 Arms Complete with leather "trap ami leuthT ense. Dundy ml ft for motor motor meter boat innn, Hey Scout. bl(f Hume hvinter, 10c tmrcel ixt. vmas Tree Light Current or Battery Outfits EiBht Lamp, 2 A uIppimI with long 3 rul and rtl, white li I i n bu'rin iiiiiji iMirffcA jy!7 Reller Skates, Sleds, 51.30 up T a fu'l lln In. liiillnR ,8itf riextble lis ' ChliaBVMl"l'l ' I vers W 68Hip-HiBl f. Rubber S Beets, $5 R5 Dedge Ball SV8New ) sn S JSCk qn l .w 'u.i dlrn tiuIH with eat U one Ter the man nr nema ii uhe uante te etitHlil (.funis. The Uinil imed ' at pU KreuiuH niul fei outdoor im fei cehetil etr. All Irnther Ilasket Ball $fi p Vulue J llejs' Soccer llnlh, SI Teniplete with imr rub ber bladder uud lucer. reduce. Will I strenstliei I any pait of tb A Dandy Xmas Gift Wrist Watch 5c Extra by Parcel Pest Dniuly tlmeltecpcr HIiewb time dav Htfin-winti nnci set I'nusuai vhore. lueni nu biu ter uey scout, De Sure of the Number 512 I , $1.25 II M.I. CO K( iuii.Nr. u i Spring Exerciser I y vEH3 i I ff V , (? C yy tjirf - m n w T iuii ui i am vt.imi agqM MigBam;. Mfiisq T ny S Jk'9lIlrL- wiitm -r i jm.i. ... .. . -w i mm nn ! rr-i l-" t-w &&8nfa M. A II. HRI.I, FRIDAYS i t'V TO" ENTERTAIN CHILDREN Camden High Scheel Student Will Play Santa Claus for Others Students of Cnmdeu High Scheel will piny Snutn Claus today te 1-0 children from the Heme of Friendless Children. Garments mnde by pupils of the sewing department of the school will be pre Kcuted te sixty of the children between the ages of six and twelve yenrs. Toyn designed, mnde nnd painted by mnnual trnlnlng students will be pro pre pro sented te all the children, who will nlse pnrtnke of ice crenm, enlec and ether refreshments, the products of the do mestic Hcicnce department Scheel-made candy will also be handed te the little ones by n Santa Claus, Twe Christmas trees haye been trimmed in preparation of the exercises which will he held in the gymnnsiu' between the hours of .'l nnd Ti o'clock. Orchard for Arsenal Mere than 100 fruit trees have re cently been planted en the grounds of the Frnnkferd Arsenal, as a ntt of the general gnrdenlug effect. They replncc n number of maple trees which hnve reached nn age where they are no longer of scenic value. The new- fruit trees in clude apple, cherry, pencil nnd ji'um. ' Open fnin & H. Sign at 512 lglSeS-'S and Pleasure & Xmas ler the convenience of the fJJ Skates for Xmas What batter Elft could be mBde' Oh, Imy We've the liirc-Kt BMertm-n' In ilt fll different deslcni. Women's Skates & Shoes c"zT no I.I.ATIIKK HACK Girls' Skates, .$2 Skates & Shoes Complete Outfit Men's $ 7.50 EXTENSION (hr ICE SKATES tPt P t any hhee. Skis, 51 v; 5 s BOXING $ 5 ; GLOVES lleiulnrly J13 r INIen's Size $7.50 r. Extra Quality W Tour te a set A gift Krf that will pleiife any boy. mf Vlll teach hlin th art Wrf of lf-diifen.e 2' Striking Bags E it $4f a j A Special All - Ualher ceft nnd p' able, Kerem mended as i ) ;ilth liulldei t'eniilete with pure rublwr bladder Bey Scout SO Knife.... an enenet H r..w dilM-r bottle t owner et tmiiluabla Hi S out hunter iiii'er autel.t -anvbedy ln wanta a etreiiB. rji'tlcal Lnife I for the Bey Selil Rv.r,. nhere, for 18 ItadieIiteA,r."',v., , Nen-llreakaM, CrnUA t nlKlit a plainly iih en dnrkps I value y.?,V. '1 p.n.y !wlce that ilae- nutotneblliMt. hunter etc. IT l'OIt IJJSH I 1 K A S? KZKsS) tHi ? 4r j tvrf Sr-i & im., ft mf Wjk i r ir VJ &tf Mi 7T VJ I e. i Lf.TB MI'I vs. ( dlrt-itiuiH k iill V"t 1.1 ttlth. eaili bBH "ZjLJL tTV J ?"f ,i ii (Tjs??arN Ter the l.i VVJ vzf&&5jlv! WfA . J I mnn np --'.? I. iTAirTiil uV i tii. Ill ' i '- u ti IL in 1 u I pedj desired 1 $e e w j, FRESH' PRESIDENT BETTER Condition of Penn Student, III With Pneumonia, Reported Improved The condition of Herbert II. Ulng ham, president of the freshman class of the University of Pennsylvania, who was sent te the I'lilvcrslty Hospital en Tuesday, suffering from pneumonia, was reported mere favorable this morning. "Mr. Bingham spent n much mere comfortable night," said liis nurse nt the hospital this morning, "but pneu monia is a pretty serious illness, and it is hard te tell the course it may take." Bingham wns stricken shortly nfter he had escnped from nenrly n week's confinement at Streudsbur. Pa.. In i the hnnds of sophomores. He escaped in time te uiKe part in Uie freshman Children's Misses Grewing Girls' Scheel & Dress Shoes Built en the Famous "SHOOR-TRED" Last- At THE mere fact that you can buy Children's Shoes of the Geuting standard of quality at such prices as these is enough te make wise parents buy for a year ahead. When you couple with this the fact that every pair of these shoes is built en Geuting's famous "Shoer-Tred" last the most scientific last ever de signed for growing feet and bear in mind that every feet is professionally fitted by an organization of experts it's mere than a sale it's a wonderful buying opportunity. Children's & Misses' Felt Heuse Slippers 1230 Market St. Shoes and onees ana i- Stockings for 1 all the family f aU the f amily Alse a Quick Service Men's Shep at 19 Seuth 11th St. Every Feet Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brethers Supervising Time Grews Shorter in Our 20 0FF Sale TODAY and tomorrow customers can still enjoy the thou sands of opportunities which our great stock of clothing and men's furnishings offers te the whole buying public of Philadelphia. 20 off imported Overcoats i A $35.00 Suit or Overcoat for $28.00 20 off all Tailoring Fabrics A $40.00 Overcoat or Suit for $32.00 20 off all Evening Clethes A $45.00 Suit or Overcoat for $36.00 Special leather-lined Moter Coats, $85 S"22 " " J'! r . i , r ! A $60.00 Suit or Overcoat for $48.00 Coats marked for instant clearance A $65.00 Overcoat or Suit for $52,00 for $35.00. Nene ever 38 size. A $70.00 Suit or Overcoat for $56.00 Everything in This SHIRTS Printed Madrai. Ptrcalt2.50. Nadrai$3, $3.50, $S, $6.50. Genuine Pengtt, Collart te Match $7. Heavy Broadcletht$10, $12. Crepe $12. Jerieji $12. While Oxlerdi, Cellar ,ltached$3.S0. Fall Dru, Plain and Pleated Boiemi $4, $5. HOSIERY Cotten, Plain Celers, "Phoenix" 65c. Silki$l.l5, $1.35, $2.50, $3.50. Lille Thread $1. Weel Hall Hete$l, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Cell Hete$2.50, $3.50, $5, $6. NECKWEAR Plain ana Fancy Cat Silks $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $5, $7.50. Knitted Scarls, Plain Celers and Fancy $3.50, $4, $5. Fnll-Drets Ties, Black and White 75c, $1, $1.50. CANES Plain and Silver Mounted ; Varied Inerlmrn! of Hardwoods $2.50 te $15. UMBRELLAS Gleria Union Taletas and Pare Silks $3, $3.50, $5, $S, $7, $9, $10, $12, $15. CANE UMBRELLAS Pare Silk $15. William H. Wanamaker t. banquet, but tlttribf tbi period of hUi 'captivity " anu ueseiuenuy in, ms es cape he tviw exposed unununlly, and ft is theURht, that fits Illness may have re suited from this. RECALLS PRIEST TO PARISH Professer of Theology Was Leaned te Catholic University Uoiten, Kec. 17 (By A. !.) The recall by Cardinal O'Cenncll of the Mev, Kdmund T. (jhatiahan, professor of theology at the Cntholle Unlrcrtiltv at WnHhinsten te become pastor of the Snored Heart Church at Wntcrtewn was untieunced today. Iltrt services were leaned by the Bos Bes Bos eon diocese te the university faculty and In 3000 he was appointed by the Tope as acting rector. Splendid Savings Little Children's High Shoes sizes 4 te 8 wedge heels. Children's High Shoes sizes 8 te 10e. M i 8 s e s' High Shoes sizes 11 te 2. Grewing G i r 1 s' High Shoes in smartest women's styles en sensible lasts. New $li ? A . rsrr - (PRONOUNCED m . m Shoes and jtes of F&mevs 5Kees stockings for 20 0FF List; Which Will Selve Many of Your Christmas Problems GLOVES Tan, Black, White, Gray, Mastic Wash- able Cape Gloves $4.25, $4.50, $5, $6. Genuine Mecha $5. Genuine Back $5. Lined Gloves ler Street or Meler H'ar, Lined with Silk, Weel or Far $7, $10, $14. Weel-Lined Mittens in Tan and Black $7. HATS Selt Felt Hats; New Shades, Brown, Green, Taupe. Smoke, Havana $7, $8, $10. Genuine Velour$16, $18, $20. Silk Hats $12. Caps; New English Caps; Checks, Tweeds, Plain $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $1. $5. New English Derbies $8. $10. MUFFLERS Silk and Weel; ler Street and Full- Dress Wear. Weel $5, $6, $9. Silk $6, $7J0, $8, $10, $12, $15. HANDKERCHIEFS White Initial Handkerchiels7Sc. White Linen 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50. Fancy Cotten 50c, $1, Fancy Linen $1 JO, $2, $2.50. Traveling Bags $30, $40. Suit Cases $25, $30. 1217-19 Chestnuts; i ! -iitiiiiiili ii il i i lM' hi p t4t iUNDXlls FILL m-tpMte TM-r 'I, Christmas RUsh Requires 200 Extrit Clerks and Fifty Trteks The Christmas rush Is en ivt Hie) Philadelphia postefBces and T. I. Jehn serr, superintendent of malls, said mere) than 200,000 parcel pest packages vycre handled yesterday. V Superintendent Jehnsen said 2(H) extra clerks and flftv additional de livery trucks have been put In service The rush this week Is caused by out ward bound parkages. Next week, with the "inward rush" 2000 extra clerks will be kept busy and 300 extra delivery trucks will be needed. Mr. Jehnsen said the first City Troop Armery will be used next week. De partment stores nre co-epcratlujr with the postefllce in the tertlng of outbound packages. $3.85 $4.85 $5.85 $7.85 1308 Chestnut St. GYTIrfG) SMOKING JACKETS Plaid Backs Fancy Silk $15, $25, $30, $35. BATHROBES Q Made el Terry Cleth $10, $15, $18. LOUNGING ROBES $10, $15, $18, $20, $25, $30, $35. Leather Belts $1, $1.50, $2. Sterling Silver Buckle: $2, $3.50, $5, $6. $7.50, $10. Belt Straps ler Silver Buckles; Black, Tan, White, Cordovan $1, $1.50, $2. Detachable lur cellars, can be worn en any coat. XXXX Beaver, Best Quality $85. Hudsen Seal $40. Natural Nutria $40. Taupe Nutria $40. PAJAMAS Cotlon, in $40. Celers $3, Genuine Seisette J 5. Flannel Pajamas $3.50, $4. Silk and Cotten $8, $10. NIGHTSHIRTS $2, $2.50, $3. fW.DRESS WAISTCOATS In Black or White, in Pique, Linen, Silk $10, $12, $13.50, $15, $18, $20. Plain Celers $3, $3.50. tji ;' v w , V ; fcl v MEM c. 0 5 $18. Iff- lB -ill l ir ''If fIl 1B KB iKr rill iir 1 ili 'Sfi j h3i 4Hi r9i &&&&&&$ ''(':'''in . iil?;'-ll