-V V$i it m m .Bl J - Courmel for Aged Retired Manu facturer Defends Charge In Simei-Inr finiiH- NIEGE ASKS FOR GUARDIAN A claim lu tlin Superior Cnurl. teilnv nut Qeoree OrlfTitliSf. nf Wimic litis n profound, demlnntlriR lunnr.v," wnn ppi(U(l vehemently liy counsel for tlie etlred mnmifncturpr. ulin Is pIl'IiIv yearn old nml Wind. Tlie lennl tinttlr. with nn ctfnte vnl ncd nt Sl.'O.OfiO mid iipwurdi lit Nsur, whs Upgun by Mrs. ,T. II. Kurtz, u niece ef: lhr nirpil ninn. who f.re1.'a In hnve a.cunrdian named for him. When the case was nlrcd before ludgc McCullen in Common Pleas Court Ne. $ Counsel for Mr. , Orlfflthi naked te have tlie case dismissed from the local courts en the ground that the re tired manufacturer is n resident of Dclawn.re county. Claim Grimtli I Sane Attorneys. for Mrs. Kurtz opposed the petition, claiminc tlint Mr. OriflitliM Is In pari e and that he was Iccally incom petent te chance bis residence from Germnntewn, where be had been living, te Wayne, where he purchased n' home. When Judge McCullen refused te dismiss the ense reunscl for Mr. Grif fiths appealed te Ihe Superior Court. Id 'argument before the higher court today former Judge James Gny Gor Ger Gor eon asserted that the blind nmn lias "a profound, dominating lunacy." mid that he "has been a lunntle for siv teen years, thirteen of which ere speijl in aij eByltim." Russell Dunne, of eemifel fur the former manufacturer, disputed the dm-. py claim. lie said Mr. Griffiths hurt taken ft long rest cure after the dentil of hi yife, but thnt his mind was nor mal, 0 C'lmrgeH Wealth Snugbt Mr. Dunne nllegril thnr Mrs. Kurt, haft net seen her uncle since klie wns thirteen1 years old nnd thnt the suit Ji designed solely te probe Inte the nged innn's. wealth and. te learn whnt dis position -will be tnndc of the property. Owen J. Heberts, also of Mr. Griffith's counsel, stnted the ense should be tiled in, Medin, the Delaware county neat, because It was near Wayne. Mr. Griffiths' would be able te attend the proceedings, there, b asserted. T,euIb I.'.Ilelchncr. n nephew of Mr. GriflitliH, holds u power of attorney from his uncle. James and Schuck Indulged in Orgy Continued from I'ute One dolphin Hetel, where the man who had Ret' in the cnr left us. Gave Lavish Tips "f was then instructed te take them te a suburban hotel for feed, nnd I sug gested going-te Three Tuns, which we did. On the wny ,1 blew n shoe nnd Jntncs net only helped me n flic It but Itnve me a IJIO tip. Driving te Three 'Puns we found the place clced. nnd returned toward the city. 1 blew nn nth'er shoe nnd received another S10 tin. JnuiesMn giving it te me remarked. 'Hay will have te pay for the next one.' I remarked, 'He had better pay it new. as one of the shoes is pretty well gene,' which he did. 'if then returned te Philadelphia nnd. iinrtrr instructions from 'James, T tried te get rooms nenr Thirteenth nnd Wal nut streets nnd. falling te de se, I took them te n hotel nenr Fifteenth nnd Chestnut streets. I wns Insrtueted te return the next morning nt 11 o'clock. M.V bill wns $eS nnd James paid me !?li.". '"Next day I returned te the netei nnd, found James nnd Schuck nnd em. of tlie young women. She mi hi she was going shopping. I then leek Jnmes nnd Schuck for n ride, going through the Ovtrbroek spctien. I was instructed te step at a drug store nt Sixty-third nnd Unco streets, an James complained of feeling ill, nnd wnnted te sce n doctor. Looked for Apartments 'Then we went te Sixty-third nnd Market streets, where Schuck left us. 1 then drove Jnmes te Fifty-eighth street and lSnltimere avenue, where he beiight n newspaper for the purpose of looking for upnrtmcnts. .We went te Fifty-ninth street nenr Christian and nlse Sixty-first, and I'ine streets nnd looked for npnrtmcnts. but James didn't like tlie neighborhoods. We then wpnt te Sixtieth nnd Spruce streets, where we" had illnuer. "I then took Jnmes for n ride out hrpugh Media, nud then returned te the citv and went te nn nddrcs mi Green 'street below Sixteenth, where Jnmes rented nn npnrtineut, telling the weinnn in flint plnce that he would re turn with his wife thnt night. I then took him te Fifteenth and 1". I'U streets. whe,rc Jnmes met one of the women who wns nt the Chestnut street hotel. At this time .Tnnies remarked he hnd te weft Hay at 7 o'clock. A neighbor of James related bow Jnmes hnd telephoned en the night of October 7. two days after the murder, thnt he hnd "struck it right," and hnd in his possession $17,000 or SIS, 000". ' ,,. , The witness wns Kenueili A. urd, f Hroeklnwn, N. J., the home town of the mnu who is en trial. , Wnrd explained that lie was n neigh bor nnd friend of the James family. He testified that lie had known Jnnicx about a yenr. He then told of Jnmes' tele tele phene call te him October". mm i i I f it... .In., ill.l tin mi 11 i' a " i lint lime m i in- uiiv uiii ii'- inn. ll queried Prosecutor Wolverien. U "About 10.I10 nt night," answered the, witness. ''Tell whnt, if nny, convocation ou had with him at the time." At tills point counsel for the defense objected, en the ground it wn n filia filia teon ns te whether it was Jnmes en the ether end nf the wire. When the wit ness stnted thnt lip knew and recognized the'defendant's voice, the objiiftlen wns overruled. Tells of Telephone Tallt Ward then testified thnt .lames snid : "la that you, Pep?" Anether name for Ward. I I' IK) ii receiving an nflirmatlve reply, Vnnica nsked liiiu if he would tell .Mrs. MnmcH, the ili'li'ininnt m wile, nun lie Iliad te co te rii'liuectndy, .. l., te hec ilheiit a cnr. ! Ward nsked the defendant where he hvn at that particular time, and Jnmcp trcplleil lie "Biiessed lie euitin t ue "jnu'ch interested," but that he wanted jte tell ward lie hail "HtrucK it riKht, .letween ?17.eii(i nml .sm.oeo." "I asked him if h lind 11 with him." (laid Ward, "and he answered no. lie Iliad buried inesi of It but had about n thousand in his pocket. if' The witness stnted he realized funics probably had been drink nc. and therefore told him that if he knew rhere he was, be could ceme and take it iwn'y from him. Then James said he wail only "klddlnir." E "James nlse told me that he hnd MKn llnreiu, his ten, nml titled him hit'. from head te feet, k Me also toy me. .that he would let hejhave whnUwei ninemit' of money' I Etedcd up le ?10,00l) If I hnd any v, t wen . . - v " w- , A Philadelphia and Heading Hallway streets. Ne one was thought of entering business. The fol lowing day Jnmes called at my house, but I wns out. Nervous at Prebe Prospect "On October IJ, f'elunibus liny, he cnlled nt my house. He told me thnt i he hnd been en a spree, but wns nil fin ished new and snid 'Never ngnin.' lie nlse Jnld me thnt he hnd been sum sum metJI te the prosecutor's office nnd had been quest inned very closely regarding the disnprearnnce of Paul. He snid thnt they knew be wns with Pnul iu the ear en tne ln he disappeared; that they knew hn had gene te tlie ferry; that they knew chat when he reached Delaware nveiiue and Mnrktt street, Camden, instead of proceeding te the firry entrance the car Iuid gene In tin opposite direction. "Jnmes appeared frightened and nervous when he told me thnt when the prosecutor starts te investigate he does Investipnte.' " The next day, Wnrd snid, he met Jnmes In the morning, nnd get the de fendant te drlve him in Ward's ewii car, n roadster, from Hroeklawn te Cnmd6n. "1 wanted te cnlvh a train out of town en busiues.i and I asked Jnmes te jeeempany me, te he could drive my enr buck from the stntien," Wnrd snld. "Did you mnke nny comment nbeut the telephone call in talking te Mrs. JninesV" vu asked en cress-examination. , , "Ves, I told her 1 thought James was net himself. It. seemed te me he had rainhlud en the nhenc. and I told Mrs. i James f thought he was Intoxicated." Mc. Harris wound up tne cross-ex-nminntien by asking several questions emphasizing the point that James had offered te lend $10,000 te Ward for a business venture, about which the two had talked several times. The next witness was -Geerge Johu Jehu miii, Sr., n garage owner of Hroeklawn and a neighbor of James, lie testified lie had known the defendant for seven months, principally in n business way. James, lie said, bud ntnred a five-passenger touring car in his garage. James' car had been taken from tlie garage en October d. Story Surprises Wolverien "When did you next hoe'the car':" be wns nsked. "I think it wns en October 0," Jie answered. Prosecutor Wolverton i-aid he was surprised at this statement, as nnethcr ultncsa had stnted thnt the ear hud been iu his garage at Alt. Kphrinm from October 7 te October 13. Continuing his testimony,, Mr. John John Jehn eon snid he hnd n conversation with James en October 1 I, when the de fendant came te see nbeut teme repairs. "When James came te the garage he Mid net leek himself, and I snid te him : 'Helle, what's the nintter with euV Ven must have been en n drunk." "Why did ou nmke this remark." "He looked different." "What was James' answer?'' "He said, 'Yes. I must hnve drunk a barrel of whisky.' " The rcpnlrs te thp cnr. Jehnsen stated, were te be new floorboards. There was seme talk also about n new teat. The v itness testified James had nsked him te nut in nn old scat ter u new one In the cnr, the defendant explain ing that he win having some trouble -Phene " Tem " Feley for Luteal Records and Columbia rivrffinnl'iu . . .w. ....,,.., . v Ilrll l'linn.. l,.nl',.. I!! X -140G GIRARD AVE, ti ..'ssssm. LenJilifLfr n ft CreKtnt lillcr ft teuntaui 1'cn I HEADQUARTERS Yee & Lykens Ce. STATIONERS PRINTERS BLANK BOOKS LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS aM2 N. t3fh ST. 719 WALNUTST. m awsSfM'rr f ffH ; ,. fj-aw I i im .. . l llKfm Maun vnlir Xnint i T wJmi 8' both ueeful S & S "" 'ft,tinS 'fl Vi c2 Ai ll peeple wrll J ifjB . why net givonCenlilin? Jj EVENINGvPUBEIO' TRUCK SMASHED BY ENGINE engine this morning smashed Inte a Injured but traffic was delayed sumo Hew James Flung Meney After Paul Was Slain Fifty dellnrs a day for taxleab hire. Five ip fifteen-dollar tips te chauffeur. ' Ten dellnrs for every tire blow out. Fur-cellared overcoat, gift te chauffeur. Silks iid ether finery, nnd shocks for women friends. with his wife, nnd net wishing her te knew 'he hnd bought a new seat. The witness refused te make the exchnnge. Tire witness wus questioned nbeut n conversation 'with .Mr. Harris, attoreyn for the defense, when he hnd refused te let Mr. Harris leek ever his books. The witness explained this had been at the request of the prosecutor. Mr. Harris demanded in cross-exnm-inntlen whether his books did net prove thnt the rcpnlrs were mnde en October 13, the dntn when the Mt. Kphriatn man nsscrtcd he had made repairs. Hays Stories Changed "I inn net'ccrtnln of what dnte the rcpnirS might hnve been mnde, but my books show that the rcpnlrs were com pleted October 14. T.nwrcnce Jehnsen, his son, was shown n tow rope, which the prosecu tion nllcges wns used te bind Paul's body. The witness identified it ns one he hnd Mcn iu the back sent of Jnmes' car. "When did you see U there?" he nsked. "I snw it October 10." "Where was the machine"" "In our garage nt Hroeklawn." "This testimony surprises nie in tensely." Prosecutor Wolwrten said te the court, "it does net agree with what the witness told Assistant Prosecutor Straw." Mr. Wolverton sent a court attache te leek for Mr. Strnw and bring htm te court, se he could confront the wit ness. Mr. Straw was brought in nnd intro duced te the witness. The witness wns nsked did lie remember making a state ment that he hud seen the rope in the car previous te the crime. I'HOTOI'I.AVS ipiimyM, 1 THESE THEATRES PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA See the Best Movies in Your Neighborhood Theatre 'ftftftffivyFwi ALLEN Clir-LTEN St JTRNTON MATINT.IJ DAILY Ni:.r. hart iii 'SKY FIRE" ASTOR rilANKLIN A (jIltAUD AV13. MATNEK HAll.V lll.lllld 111, Al IIJ.1CI11'.-S "OUT OF THE STORM" AURORA : una r,i:njt,vNTeVN avis. MATINKI5 D.UI.Y MAY AI.I.ISDN In "HELD IN TRUST" BENN 01TII AND WOOtll.AND AVlil. MATINKD DAILY iniiiiuiiv (iimi in A I'AKAMIIl'NT I'lCTl til', "Ml'TLK .MISS llKlll-.I.I.IIIN" ni I ITTRIRn imeAD bthekt and l3L,UfDlIL- SUSQUEHANNA AVD. HIlYAVr WASIIIIt'ltN In "A FULL HOUSE" IU'hTlN I'MINI'.M In "BIG HAPPINESS" rTMTI IDV Urla Ave. Hnrt 0th. HI. L.U-1N lUKl MATINEB 2:15 01.1VI3 THOMAS In "THE FLAPPER" Fay's Knickerbocker.ve Wll.MA.M l'AKSI'M In MarkltA40th oeu te 10:30 uiii mi i ri.r.ii" hlX ACTS VArer.VlI.I.K FAiRIVUNT"ATlvar?Aii7 l'.TIir.l, C'UVYTON In "A CITY SPARROW" FRANKFORD 4T1BANuKHrenD Tltui.i; inn maum in "HELD BY THE ENEMY" GERMANTOWN &, Ava. Matlnfn Hflllw MKini'i IIIl .'.!! in "LOVE MADNESS" GRAND C2D AND MAIlKnT SYrr,I10NY OIH'lli-STn. I.eriK (If. I'M In "LOVE" IMPERIAL 8I AND POPI.AII. I.I3 MATIMER nin.v JF( ini. ltlwll,11 in "THE LEOPARD WOMAN" JEFFERSON -"JW J ALLAN DH'AN'S THE FORBIDDEN THING" L,lDHl 1 I MATINKR DAILY I'KAItt, AVIIITI5 In "THE TIGER'S CUB" MAMMOTH ainAovner?1.,r. MlTnini.T, I.FAVIS In """""" "The Mutiny of the EUinere" MnnFLT'125 1?".T" RT. Orchittri. IViV-'l'!-'-' . Cnntlllllnn. 1 tn II MAf'RinK TOl'RNKItH's r ' MDEEP WATERS" EDGERr-PmLADEIPHXA, ' frRIDAY1, WvfefwX Mi ..t AXWW MU.- vvM-'&&.'&&t&K4aA 4 I.CflK' r I'D . - . i leaded truck .it Sixth and Willow time by the accident i "New tell the court when you saw the repe In the machine?'' "I think It was in the latter part of September." snld the witness, i Harry Hecve, n storekeeper of Med- ford, identified n vnkn nnd n shovel as having been bought by James October 14. lie Identified the rake by the price mark en It, and showed where he had added the prices of two spades and the i rake, In pencil, en the handle. J Hn wns asked hew he fixed the date ' of tlie purchase. i "It was n Thursday afternoon and , trade hud been dull. I remember bn i cniisn when 1 snw the mnchlne drive up 1 thought I wns going te de some I big business." G'arnge Man en Stniul William K. Albcrsen, who conducts n garage at Mt F.phriam, stated that he had known .lames for nbeut six or boven weeks nnd that en the night of Octo ber 0 James had brought n Ferd car te his garnge for repairs. The car. he said, had u broken windshield, smashed headlights, nnd tlie upholstery had been tern nnd removed In vnrleus places. "At. the time James was In your garage, did you have uny conversation with him?" asked the prosecutor. "I did; be told me that he hadvbeen 'en a party' with the car, which was the eutiee of its condition. He also told me that he would have n hard time ex plaining its condition te bis wife, nnd he also spoke about n new tsuit thnt he wns wearing. He told me he get the suit en the party, but thnt he didn't knew where. Albcrsen said thnt .fames called nt his garagp again en October 13. nnd received the cnr, paying the repair bill of SOU. 04 Willi n check signed by his father for seventy dellnrs and n twenty -dellnr bill, the remainder being in small change. ( ross-examiiintieu failed te shake this witness. Fiance Net Blamed by Unmarried Bride Continued from I'ne Onn tilled, and it Mas several moments be fore she answered: "Oh, these pro pre pro eosnls: they Mere "se humillntiitg. I wish people would understand thnt my object In cemlug te Amerlcu wns net mnrriage ; H wns marriage te the man I love. "That's rather different, isn't It? 1 iioTerr.AY.s EXHIBIT THE FINEST OVERBROOMvSnD avh. lilMi VIDOIl In "THE FAMILY HONOR" PARK ninan avb. & DAurniN st. Met. 2 1.1 V.vum I1H Ir, 11 cnTAM I". TAI.MAlX.r. Ill "THE LOVE EXPERT" POPLAR 0T" "-"" ,... ..,.,..AI.,,I'RIN': MaellONAI.H "Tin: MnoKiers .mis i.ism." fiPRIirF ""T" A-ND Bi'nttcn ji iuuj mati.vkk kat WAT.Kri! ItEIIl In "LOVE BURGLAR" KATLTtDAY SUSQUEHANNA t&.d8uvS2.uy C'HAItl.ns KAY In Al" "A VILLAGE SLEUTH" C7 TK. NlXON-NIRDUNGERifW THEATRES AVENUE "T'fWiTy Av "A FIGHTING CHANCE" BELMONT 82D Aavn MAmcuT RTAll OAST In "Parler, Bedroom and Bath" CEDAR 0TU AND CKrAIt AVUNUK JAf'K HOLT In "HELD BY THE ENEMY" COLISFUM makket nnrnvKKN "HER HUSBAND'S FRIEND" IUMB0 i ri0-Tr HT- "inAUD AVE. JUIMDXJ .Iiimlin Junction en I'rnnkterd "l!" " nil r. TIII'ICNKrlt's "THE WHITE CIRCLE" I FADFR 1ST I-ANCASTKIl AVI: 1L.-LIJX MATINK.n DAILY KNI1) IIKNXKTT In "HER HUSBAND'S FRIEND' F CtC KT fl2D AN'D LOCUST 8TS LULUOl Mt I -no, a::ie. r.vsi, e 3o"te n MA II Ml -IIKAV In ,0 " "THE RIGHT TO LOVE" NIXON Mt) AND S,AIUET STH, SUNSHIVK reMTniv8, 7 ' "Her Dangerous Wedding RIVOLI B2D AND flANSOM 8T8. K1VULlAI,riIJOYr,nMa,ln- "THE VICE OF FOOLS" STRAND OEHMANTOWN AV& """ ";n:.,,. .. at vrjjNA.vae -", niiii ., ii.i in "A Remanlc Adventuress" Iuid n wire from him the ether day, say Ini lie would snd for me nnd that lies se sorry for my troubles. He's nil mlit. nud if 1 lunl only sailed rn the Hnlllc, ns he ndvlsed, nil this publicity would hnve been nvelded," Te see Miss Hight Is te knew hew trying the erdenl of the Inst week hns been. She arrived u rosy-cheeked las sie, happy In the prespebt of seeing her beleved: but the suffering Imposed by days of waiting nnd sleepless nights hns left her face pale nnd her eyes full of sadness. Tlie anxiety written there was mere expressive than unytMing she said. In speaking of the weuld-be hus bnnds, Commissioner Hughes, In charge of the Immigration station, snld: "We nrc doing whnt we enn te pro tect tlie little girl from these humllin t eiv , but the propesnls nre nnturnl, when you leek te their source. Ymi ii i there Is only a step, up or down, fn hi the lounge li.nrd, anil lets of these liii'f talked men nre seeking notoriety. One man In pnrticulnr, nmused me, he is n widower, having- lest his wife finite recently. He decided nn offer of marriage te Miss Hight would solve bis housekeeping problems, nnd sold as much. Net (i thought for the feelings of the Jiiuj" in question, well, we nre i honing for n happy culmination, seen. nnd thnt her first Christmas in Amcricn will be bright." Celby te Reach Rie Next Monday HIe Janeiro, Dec. 10. (Hy A. P.) Halnbrldge Celby. American sccre tary of state, uud his party will arrive here en Monday, according te n wire less dispatch received today from the battleship Flerida, en which the secre tary is coming te Seuth America. 50c Deduction en evciy ten bought for cash Next time come te KUNKEXS A COAL IHstfc Grays 03d & Market - of the plant covering the .y a , r- -"- -f - - r-vfi --" ' i.if fprii ,j-ii ' ii Lund uu i ji -i- - i i J ' - - pi m wA- AM a m&siH . . . ,.. i-.-- .it yit p m mm :fimwiiMHisnMSiafige iw- f.m mm WwMla&SiWK-- & SiffflS'aiffT '''' 'iMft ' wM DECEMBER 17, lOffl) CABLE PACT BY MARCH -15 j .- International Conference te Settle Problem by Inauguration Washington, Dec. 17. (Uy A. P.) The ngrecment renched by the Inter national Communication conference be bo be fere It recessed this week that n new modus vivendl must be found lioferc March 1ft was plnnncd with spccinl ref erence te the chnnge In administration which Is te take plnce In Washington en March !. according te Information today iu diplomatic circles. The ambassadors of the four allied powers" hac been empowered te repre sent their governments in fiirtner no gotlatiens with representatives of the T'nlted Stntes with regard te the dispo sition of the former German cables. XMAS GIFTS i.pArffslara75 THREE STORES ess: DlAMONDS-WATCHES-JEWafiT C0R.8tK&CHESTNUTST lOHMMKETSI 909AURKET ST. ALL THREE STORES OPEN HVGNINCS AND wW( SONS Jl 5 ... 7 vvxVV fZA '""' l"ue 'Wlilte llf S Diamond Illn (l( $?9-5 I 'lilt ?"'"' Inuwrtntlim Jt Bill ',111 r-cclinll TliW prlre nf III ''111 I Ma.ilO for -Id-Id. nlue ll WW Ulille Dliinienils In 1 1 lit ' WW Pellil e1'l I.nillm; it , Men's UIiies Is amnM'iBly III i V low llie equals of tlipie I I V Dlnmnml ll for no lep Sff i A Xvlmn W10.ne. Ssy m xy?ieKii yy ilr" e can euiia will keep down production costs Of the three prime factors that enter into the cost of production, two of them the price of laher and the price of raw materials are largely beyond the manufacturer's control. He must accept them as con ditions determine them for him. But no manufacturer can afford te forget that there is a third vital factor iri the cost of production and that is, Ihe efficiency of the manufac turing plant itself. A factory planned, designed, built and equipped under The Steele Idea is an industrial instrument of the greatest possible efficiency in production and economy in operation. We have proven time and again during the 56 years of our career as industrial engineering experts our ability te keep down production cost and increase production capacity by improved methods of routing materials, laying out machinery, co-erdinating departments, selecting and installing power and planning every detail of the great super-machine which converts raw materials into the finished product. The success of The Steele Idea of Industrial Construction rests first upon the fundamental principle that a manufacturing plant can yield maximum efficiency at maximum economy only if it is planned by men who are experts in manufacturing and building construction. The second principle is that a plant should be equipped and constructed under the supervision of the organization that plans it. One organization can work with closer co-operation, clearer understanding, greater convenience and therefore fuller efficiency than two or mere separate organizations. Responsibility cannot be shifted or evaded and the owner can be protected by one contract and one entire plant and mechanical equipment. If you arc a manufacturer and contemplate building, rebuilding or remodeling your plant, consult us and we shall be glad te prove te you the value of our services. STEELE Engineers : Architects : 20 Per Cent Cut for Mill Worker Knartnnlmrj:, S. 0,, Dec. 17.4 Spartan Mills, employing about 1000 operatives, announced today an tiddl tiddl liennl cut of 20 per cent In wages, mak ing n total cut of 30 per cent In the Inst ninety days. Other mills In this I city nre making similar wage cms. jpBMill Te The Pacific Coast and Its Winter Resorts' Ge or Return by the Transcontinental Reute through the Canadian Pactflc Reckies the marvelous Christmas Fairyland. Sleeping and dining ears unexcelled for ser vice and comfort compartment observation cars, etc VICTOniA, D. C, thcGardonCityefCanada.neitlesmiditverdant eland's juit across the blue waters of Juan de Fuca. Its warm, open cllmnte.splcnrllcl drives and parkway, golf conree,tperts,fiihingind beating, combined with the delightful hospitality of the Empre Ho He tel, make it an exceptionally attractive resort for the winter tourist. VANCOUVER, B. C, the gateway te the Orient,! connected by steam ship with Victeria; also by steamship or rail with Seattle and ether P cl fie Cen it cities. Vancouvcrlletel of metropolitan standard. overlook this Aladdin City where Western enterprise vies with the gliraeur of mountains, canyons, big trees and the sparkling Pacific. Frem Coast te Coast are Canadian Pacific Hotels Quebec Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver Victeria Canadian Pacific Railway I'er full Informntlen. cull or write for Tour P-132 It. C. CLAYTON, City Pass. Atft., 629 Chestnut Street, PhaadclihU n V. It. PERKY, Gen. Agt.. Pass. Dept., 1231 Broadway, New Yur'k City Dla you a industrial methods as guarantee Constructors ;':,-; h .i Philippines manK whiei;- ' y. Manila, Dec. 17. (ny A. P.)--A' ( Joint resolution of thanks te President Wilsen for his recommendation for J?lll ittii ItiiliMinmlnnOft itYnrCfmed in his rfi ' cent message te Congress was adopted today by the sixteenth Philippine liCgl Mature. VlCIOUA.B ' nt ri.i.. Ml, Ml. i ' $m.$ m fi '&:.'& G '-'J. 'i ; ' ';! ' '. 'si '6-"Mp. 4.. if .cm V(. iv well ipy, ' 1 ; . . ; .' y . , ::-a i'"U .4JV ?M ."W y&t .Mt . m tn r?m- I; ' i'J a ,'.' n i ii i.i j':j a m J y " ' -"'i1 iii iiMIWMilHMWMBUfcJMMBhaMlMi' ' fl ' tutt.33H l f A' r plarJ'"-Vj.fjt.i Jilv- K j j. i'.-- )".n.-A.ii .1, fefcciW .iAvcSiVti teudMl,M4m'L) !TIWStJWwiaMi S3u.Vk. ."11. if ID. gfrrtr"i"""-"?"J vf . .S,.. ivty'ftit-i Suw " ' ' 7,w J'fflisliftjUw' ?i!vTK!5fl . . V --h'7.AJiiP' . ".JSdm ' f t i. 1 .; 'ii'HBRir' ' , twammm nmMtffelkr$'& "'-&!' 1 1 -i iiii Ari; iMiMiimlilIMi-:mmmam i .