i ''.. V" '"'"I - itvrp-rtft1 iVf1? ' P'fWpJ'llt'V't "' WkijWA-'Wji- - ' m r ' r H ASsW B. M !?,.' "fc ',,.,5?: t..-, i, ,!'., fil'VC" ' I wr EVENIN0 PUBLIC LEDGER-PHIL ABBLPHI A", FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1920 CONSTAN I NOPLE WIDE-OPEN 101 A Wilder Place Untler Allied Occupation Than It Wa3 Under Turkish Domination COMMINGLING OF NATIONS PLOT TO RESTORE CHARLES I Intimate Friend of Hapsburg Family Arrested for Conspiracy Snrrta) Cable nttpat'ti. repiriaM. lO'i HrlRiii'Jc 1 17.---t'nity of n tlen invented n Communist filibuster , In tlir first session of the Constituent UlUND BATTLE DSPUTE REVVED bnttlc of .Tullnnil. when the lulmlrnlty tedny itib1islicil the eagerly awaited volume of (M puses en tliU ernelnl navnl engagement, oentnlnlng Admiral .Telllcoe'e rilspntcli describing the battle and the narratives of the Hrltlsh siniml siniml ren eenitnaiiileM. Admirnl .lelllere. in his ceverliiR dlspiitrn, dated .tune IS. 1010, declared .. , i im... r .. .. ...I.,, , .1. elared they would net recognize statute, ' Britlsh Admiralty Publishes Vel- J,- felt no anvletj- wartime thn ad Constantinople. lVe. 17. Constanti nople new remblnf" nil the frenzy of n new mining camp and a world penpert. U "the end of the trail" for all the Jlnlkan States and everything west of Knee, en the Mediterranean. Caucasian oil nvn. Denets: Itasin miners, Anate lian thcep and enltie kings, Greek war millionaires and Sjrian mciehants rush te Constantinople te pep champagne In proof of their mkves.s. Soldiers and fnllers of half a deen nations swell the population and add te the cosmopolitan npect of the streets and pleasure re sorts. Under Allied occupation the city lias beermp h wi'der place than it wns under the Turks. Iln-re are no civil courts ' Nene of the Allies desire te assume re- ' apenslbillty for reforms ether thnn are ( necessary t" nfecuard life. Italian, t French and HritNh troops co-eperafe with the Turkish gendarmerie in keeping order. Hut evorjhedv's job is nobody's . job. Consequently Constantinople ii a very wide-open town Midnight ilesms is enforced prctt generally, but until that hour there is little Interference with dance halls, gutnbling dives and redlight ditricts unless murder is committed. I.endville and (tu'dfield in their diz ziest days mer offered anything wilder than certain retien of Constantinople where iazz bands ie with Neapolitan orchestras nnd tsigane singers in their efforts te attract wnvfa-ers into the beer tunnels anil dance halls tilled te over flowing with the painted women of many nationalities. Mingling of Nationalities Half a dozen summer gardens offer vaudeville p eg, nm wlii-di attract theus. ands of person every night who seem te have far mere interest in tin drinks nnd j-eHtic.ss crowds than in the Itusslan primadennas and bare-legge, duncers whose art is uuallv a meager as their r.ttire. Turks. Arabs. Itedeuins, Kgvpt -lans nnd Assyrians, gorgeously clad in native costume, elbow their way among Ce'sncks nnd (leeiciaus whose uni forms are far mere brilMant than th"ir recent mthtary a hi-verm-nt". Ceal-li'.aelt Fren-li rnlnntals. '' aplendent in red fezzes and green khaki, mingle with Sikhs nnd l'unjabi whose lenr; hnir and many-colored headdresses are wrapped in snmlire brown. Civilians. s.'dier.s and sai'ers from all parts of the world are hopelessly jumbled to gether in Constantinople crowds and are e busy looking at each ether that tenors from the IVtregrad opera, naughty French singers from Mont Ment marte and Austrian str mg-jawed ladles claim but slight attention. Grand Pageant Kvery Day Constantinople itself is n grand pag' ant every n Ii main therimglifnr Hue (irand I'era. is mere fa?cinning tlian any iiceiie whieh predtieer ran et.'r hop" te stage. Ciniiel -drivers bad their patient trains, burdened with charcoal, through the me'e nf street -rjirs. shviek ins army metmeni-s and .-nrringes. idleted ever the r.msh pavinz at hrenk nc"U speed b Turkish hostlers who rrnel: tin r wlif- and shout i'i.nstanti r ' !' i't''i te p.'l 'rlans who ven ture off the narrow sidewalks. Turks I .. I . i. v ilnnLiH'u mi, v.. fruli f . ferentlv thretizfi this maelstrom. () caslenally Tuikish icnants drive n II. wk of sheep or turke.is into this swirl of traffic and serene even draw he3v carts along at a pace se slew that drivers of military unions cure them in ten different lans'iacee. The narrow, ( rooted ktrcpts of Con stantinople are Ili-ui'eil te meter traf fic and the sbnv-givng fntnlistie Turk is little inclined te change bis pace. 1'on 1'en Kuently there nr rnanv accid?iit and the indifferenee with nlncli foreign mili tary ears are ditven Iris done nr:'li te intensify 'J'tuki h hatrd of foreigners BALLOON STiLL MISSING Wireless Beinn Ussd in Effert Lecate Naval Aircraft New Yerk, lw 17.- Hv A P Naval officers i.t U'"kana P.etit N'axa' Air Station siill were without ndw-e early tedm lesardine the hcrenhiit -of the free balloon which lef- tie stn tlen en Monday afternoon with three of flier en an endutanee tluht. 'We are sending out wireie-s nus nus setc censtnnth for etli'r station te watch for thm," if was -aid nt the ntntien. "That is nli un de " XMAS SALE Of Ladit' nnd M-n's Watchei Imposed by King Peter A sensational plot against the present king has been unearthed in Agrum. fJaren Acnre. an Intimate friend of the Hapsburg family, and his wife have been arrested. When taken Inte cus tody they were found te be in possession of grave documents, proving the ex istence of n plot te restore former King Charles of Austria and the Hapsburg line te power. . vaneed rr&men et tne terees nnuer ice Admiral Ileal ly, commander of the bat tle cruiser nquadrnn. and that when llentty sighted the enemy battle crrlisers the vice admiral adopted the correct and only possible course In engaging the i t,(i i nnd endeavoring te keep between tie i hi my and hii base. I ' has been much controversy ever ltj the ssedatetl Press i,. cuestien whether .Telllcee should Londen. fee 17 Anether ihapter have gene te Heatty's assistance when was added te the controversy ecr the it iipicarrd the battle was imminent. ume Containing Jelli Jelli Jelli coe's Version NOT WORRIED OVER BEATTY Heavy Strlke Lesses In Spln Madrid, Dee. 17. -Lesses resulting from strikes during the past month In Saragossa aggregate mere than 0,000, 000 pesetas, according te the newspa per, Accien. .Similar conditions pre vail in Barcelena Vulcneia. Seville nnd Madrid. The newspaper declares the built of the motley paid te syndicates has disappeared, Glellttl te See Lloyd Geerge Parts, Dec. 17. Premier Glellttl of Italy will go te Londen te confer with Premier Lloyd Oeergc during the Christmas vacations, it is announced here. W1P3M A fitting finale for tonight's dinner JUST keep it quiet until the last minute. Then bring en this Coconut Cream Pie. And when they're commenting en its all-around-goodness let them in en the secret that it's the full, rich, natural flavor of the nut brought te you in the Baker can that makes ANYTHING made from Baker's Fresh Grated Coconut taste better. Baker's Fresh Grated Coconut (in tin cans) has been rightly termed the "coconut in the tin shell." for it is just the pure snow-white meat of the coconut grated and prepared with the natural milk of the nut. On sale today at your grocer's. WBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBB Cocenuf tar Every Coconut Purpose Hut Baktf Dry Shrtd Coconut. thp nld-fath.enrd. tuetr-cured Ulnd In riper cartons or Baker's rrctliGratrd Coconut WITH th milk In the distinctive- blue label cane. Wri'fe for free recipt booklet ,. .Rubben for the Family Useful GIFTS Net te Be Duplicated Elccwhcre .y& Hys u,r,s Raincoats $4.98 Value $7.50 Elje 3 i'" I" 19 RAIN CAPES $1.98 $4.93 MJ.A ' flWfife' mm VAiUB JO nev jS CF new. f Beys' & Girls' Caahmcrc. Canten and Tweed UA1NCOATS Sizes 4 te 10. Regular $7 -a value S12 .OU Beys' & Girls' T71 Beets Fagh -98 10 ; vT( r"7f Kpftlnl Prices en RejV anil Mfn'i BLACK RUBBER COATS Men's U. S. Government Hip Beets Sues 10 te jm g mml Men's end Wemen'i Raincet- Special nt 10 tr ITS ROBIKM wk rjr r' wtram 1 m it - -w I 820 CHESTNUT STREET J THE perfect gift! Easy for you. Delightful for him. Hew simple te order it today and have it ready ?t the dealer's the minute you want it. Probably the nearest druggist carries Girards. A gift of real pleas ure. A gift of fragrance, of hearty goedfellowship and geed will te men. Right in the spirit of the day, and carrying that spirit many days bej'end. Give him Jktnericafc foremost cigar Antonie Reig & Langsdorf Established 19 Years Philadelphia lp?!iw3rfraGilffirf? && Recipe for Coconut Cream Pie (Meringue) Add beaten egg yelkn and cermtarch tn milk, place ever slew fire and tt.r until thuU. Remove from fire end odd about cf the focenut Pour into one larje .or two tmall) baked cruiti end cover win atiffty beaten egj whltei te wtnrh two or three tableipoemfut of powdered nr cranulated lujar have been added Sprinkle rcenut en top and brown quickly in eves. 1 Cup Dalcer's Canned Coconut 'from nhlrh muk hai been thoreuchly presied and coconut has been separated unt I light and fluffy). . te ', r-up Kranulated lujar i Cup Coconut Milk or in'i mi.k I Level tableipoeniful cermtarch 1 Bgt'. Pinch cf aalt AT I. PRESS &S0NS IN ALL THREE STORES 14-Karat Solid h Geld IS JEWEL THE 3lnT it iui!iin-r TAJ.CK BVKK OKI t KKI IN THIS C1TV a Ki'iiuinn MKiirui noun reiil inur or man's nntrli, lilted wllli it lurli rru.le 15- Jee! muveinenl. (Hit .Sl'hllVI. riAI.C KICR, 1. If ufirr riiunlnlnz tills nntuh jeu think llml miii cmiii iDilnite. It ter let. than 3J. return It iuiU nil refuiul the full puri-har iirlre. OTHITIt Ilin WlTfll IA ES 17 8Uil Celd 1 IK. I-mllei,' J- QC or Men's Wali-hr. WO fits rviiiii (laid ii-iv i-uiii-' inn or Mfi' Wnlrhe. -V S Sl(t ftnlil It li. Ijiiliex' n: or Mrn'i Wati'lie. Ui Hi Solid Onlil 14K. Indira' i ( r Men's Wntrtii " Hi Nillil Onlil II K liulies' .-T or Men'a tVtrhe t US frillit (Inlii l(.K. I.ndlrt' 9- rr er Men'a Wntchrs - Ilia; Clirtatmas rn'alm Mnllril J rn l.piESS&S0 JKiftNlefjWftlLHtSJE' COR.8lh6CHESTNUTSTS, 1911 MARKETST. S09MARKETST. ai.tTHHKM STOUEfi OWN EYHUUfQI rVv-il ja i ie t ' uy fc ttiiuii.t;u iu' S22rs5 -P Coconut Mllle or ew t mwk tv.e or three Ubleipoeniiul of powdered mHURmC wRKuma 2 Level tablet poensful cornstarch nr cranultted tugar bnvc been added B&H& rSBsjQ 2 Rsr. Sprinkle rtxenut en ten and brown VuHE .t 4 Pinch cf salt quickly in evec a ImIjF eSS55!SS5XS J te R5?S5Ss$SSSS HK"SSSSSSSSSS5S?SSS B ' "BWM B . Made with Pasteurized Milk Hll 1 ; S 1 1 KVERYBODY enjoys geed bread. illli I n IN ALL L This fact is clearly emphasized in the tplfi i (CiSSnSLiW THREE 1 wonderful demand which has developed 'l STORES H$; ferFREIHOFER'SBUTTER-KRUST. J ykk'3 The answer is plain. BUTTER- I Ji KRUST is made with Pasteurized Milk! 1 1 There's no ether bread like it. Its deli- llili 1 ';I o'eusly fine flavor has made it the choice 1 of discriminating bread-users. Plllli 9 pMJ The use of Pasteurized Milk is only iP!!!! I tvf one le many features which have fllilli I Jg , made BUTTER-KRUST the real home Pill I s ; bread. Everything that gees into it is fllilllj I Cfev" i . nKcri1iif1t7 niire anrl if 1?nre f rs rrri in RSSm I j& ssx ' '3C wraPPecJ an stamped with the PilIP il 'Si :; FREIHOFER wrapper that stands for Kb M Bi" BUTTER-KRUST is 13 cents R J daily. IH 1 m ! RW -?H I jSirfiti-'j,'J'"vLi' (' ,sjisi!wi"j'wi'igiiwiAaini'i' r "wOj' :f-""-- --iji--'j-- ..A.Vfrt"-'- cm aJ Shall the Immigration Floed Be Dammed? Something mere like panic than enthusiasm is manifested by our growing army of idle workers which already numbers two million, according te the American Federation of Laber, ever the vast reinforcements from the war-broken countries of Europe. Immigration officials, says the New Yerk Tribune, state that seven out of ten of the immigrants new entering this coun try arc dependentsmestly women, children, and old men. Mr. Frederick A. Wallis, Com missioner of Immigration at Ellis Island, says that he is informed that eight million emigrants arc ready te come from Germany as seen as peace is declared, and he adds, "what will happen when the bars of Russia arc let down can only be guessed." Other authorities and editors, how ever, deny and minimize all these alleged dangers, arguing that virtually every immigrant pro duces mere than he consumes, and is. therefore, an asset rather than a liability; that instead el a labor surplus in this country we have an actual shortage of "cheap" or unskilled labor, the result of the stepping of all immigratienMuringthe war; that the farms, particularly, need such labor if they are te de their part in building up national prosperity; and that, as the New Yerk Herald summarizes this point of view, "when we contemplate barring out immigration alto gether, wc contemplate economic suicide." Read the leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week (December 18th) ' ler an all-sided survey of this perplexing problem. Other interesting news-articles in this number of THE DIGEST arc: President Wilsen's "Confession of Faith" First Aid te Farmers Our Neighbor Armenia West Virginia's War European Views of "New" America "Keeping" the Kaiser in Helland American Trade Conquests in India Hew te Lewer Prices The Truth About American Dyes Saving the Lives of Clethes Straw Gas for Farm Use The Seesaw Windmill When Your Name Is Net Your Own The Storm About "Marget" A Film Duel Chicago Indicting Herself Operatically Christ and Buddha at Tokyo Are We Overdoing "Safety First"? Is the Jew Convertible? The Cannibal's Substitute for Religion Zinc Trade of the World Railway Transportation Winter Travel and Recreation AH the Beat Winter Trips Topics of the Day Best of the Current Poetry Many Illustrations, Including Humorous Cartoons December 18th Number en Sale Today News-dealers 10 Cents $4.00 a Year The jt Tte a . a m py meraryuKesi FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous M'.W .ldara Dictionary), NEW YORK r S(lJa-U fcraVWilfl