,!.4 i yrjftWTv" ll i-n -.v itfi. r Pi i'H T il ' rMii 1 Mi f' Vlii'iiHjia'i iiif I MiW'.i'fc' ' ,w c T . Bar ityftf -i i is fr 1 r, v vs - V?fc!f?if- r ,. as. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILAD'EL1JHIA, aTCIDAY, DECEMBER 17 1920 TOIMrS MYSTERY STORY Dy PHILIP FKAXCIS NOWLAN yestercfas Mystery SefutJem threuBh the upper ' ' . "dd into the woodwork wli 1.10 1 lndew frame liite the win- of tlie window opening; thus fastening tlic window securely. XXIX Can you solve this case of Shadows? mHE key te tlic mystery 01 (low an cleie.I ; tlint I-.. piihril itpxMiril J. Xnlled Window" Inv In the down- L t)0 (np e( ,hi w,mew epNllnSi TllPn, ward angle of ferty-iHc degreex, nt . , . . , . ,,,. , ,,. which the nnll in the upper wlmMw i ,10 hn,,"IwMcnc,, ,,, ,, , ,, ,i0 I J n npprcrlntc it If yen ran tell me ;, window had (act "Wo've get the man we think did It, but whether he did or net all hinge 1 wiiik time the murder was commit ted, fee? "Well, new, here's the point. Walten' room was en the left-hand Ride of the hnll. ns von ee toward the linrk of the I 1....1. .m..1. .. x. ! I.hhIi mh.1 .if ill ft TTl .NT, I knew it t (pilte utipre- hnl. About the middle of the hall, en - - felennl for n H 'dirk' te yell 1 the rlght'hnnd elde U the room of old for help te n private detective." naid ' KINhn (Srubner. See? Di-tmtlve Sert'eiint Ulnke "but hene-t- "At the fient end of the hnll thercV d been driven In. coupled with the , , '"",l"lu "'" ,.,,,. ,,, hew te make thi fel'ew Wilms tell th! window Is pulled down, but there tW ,. meTed naMlv I.! It hole '' nln ",P w,n,,ett ' " ,b ""' ' ",,n!. ,e ,i,,, " " '" mur- I a ligted lamp en a tab.e at the back en. et that it me ed caMl 1 11 H hole. hld en)j ((J Inpm 1r, lm nRa(n , ((,r ., , of the hall, and nnbedy en the cecem It will be remembered tuat narvcy ,. ,,in,i,,. ..,. Ti.r unni,i h n , "Why. wlmt'e the treuMe?" InnBlm.t I ilnnr nf ihe hnm.p nerem the street cni .- . . . !. wi !.. .iv.uiaJi."'. - , , ,, . ". ,..----- ... .. . ie1e in the side of the window opening V" i"" ? tx !.'!, "Tu"nT-,- Thv'T ,mi,b0,K ,hnt H n ".v."0" Uy !,,e,r ,,,... . .. ; ,l1' ,lllMn ' Ket Ulllr 8at. has It? 1 shndew. De ou get me? or it te slip Inte, se it would lest, "it ,u lm." ndmitted Ulakc. "Well, we've get a woman that lives 'Ilri-e'tt the lnjeiit : Hunt was nble te extract it with his fingei I'rem th s he deduced t"v en''- possible expianaiion;mni.im-mUrurrvr.,lnepc,lj. fn ,hl, wnilew utlt thp nmt. having leked the deer and pied the1,!. hating climbed out. puhed the it.... HHnlnaf Jt flteti iif a ertinrl rt tvttwIiMi mi In t h i tun ntrttit 'I'lintt ftiii tiJ trtiitu nf n linnrilltKf Imuxi ft.. .... f ltn - m t th ln-V nail the lower window secuieh in peM loose nail, pointed ilewnwnrd. would full niuiileier hndn't even tnkeu the trouble down the hall and stand looking n mln- his ejes rleed New what I d IIKf ou tlen. Then he drove n nail down- Inte the hole prepared for it In the side te 'le.p the deer, for we found it open, ute toward the left, about where Dal- I te de is tr.t jour perunme powers en ten's deer Is, then he comes back down the hall nud gees back Inte his own room. , "New tte'te put It up e arubner, beralHe we want te knew if he saw uai- tnn Ijing there murdered wiien nc look ed In the deer, or If the deer was shut nnd he was just Ideklng at It, or or what. See? "Hut the old man Just gets pore n n, crab, calls us a bonehead bunch and re fuses te talk, except te ay he dUln 1 .1.. .,.,.. ....i. ti,i.,,. nml If we nin t get bruins enough te see it lie s under no obligation te set us right. "Hew did this woman Jn"w wnM way Grubner walked in the hall?" asked Harvey Hunt. , ... "llasy," said the drteetlte, "because .1. ..... i,u .t.n.inw LTttintr smaller as , It'll, , r c KUl , villi. 11 muv ii..- piiiu rn nn ntn..w .. n- r. v.. In that house that says at about 0:1.", he walked ttn from tuc ttimiew. e- the old man nnd make him tell what he Haw. Will you de It?" , , t "What's at the front end of the hall?" nsked Harvey Hunt. "Nothing, except the staircase," Illake replied. "I don't get you," Kald Blake whh a puzzled expression. "Then I'll explain," replied Hunt. Cen iieu explain hew Ilarvtu Hunt At this Hartey Hunt' chuckled. "I. Knew the oil man hadn't looked in the thluk .teu'll llnd your man was telling the truth when he said he 'didn't de any such thing,' " he said. room of the murdered man, and what he reallu did dot The anstetr iclll appear tomorrow. Rumanian Senate Attaches He Vlennit, Dec. 17. (By A. V attendants nt the senate building Jl Buchnrest nnd two maens' asslstatl hate been arrested In connection wl the explosion of a bomb in the Sena! (liniu'ici Inst week, nt which time 0 member of the Senate was killed a; Hitrinl ministers nnd sennters we wounded. the, "eii knew Dnlten was murdered In that night she sees old (Irubner itep I the old iniin must lint e seen semetuiug. e right, walk uncs. It's n cincii lie uiun 1 i; """ Stere Opens at 9. Closes at 6. Gimbel Brethers MARKET : CHESTNUT :: EIGHTH J NINTH Philadelphia, December 17, 1920 iMiiuiiujtlliifiliiiiii itlV,immiiiiuiri'U'a,.nj.iu..i..:.'::...M.!.J;.- ." ,'i;ijliN t ifTi.3Bi JhMt&JZtifr' rV!twVifi'l ib&u uii.wi-nwuufoagiiiwm-i-uie.t i"H )miiuitiTiiiniiniiiinl'litaV'ii Dim i?f 3!g;()lHjTiiij.i.i..'TM;;;,Mm;.,.M. .... j !-! ,, ,. . ,'F " -' "'1"''"!'"jj;l;7p?yri Community Plate If J flimiiiiiiiiliiiii?iiii1 iiiiiiiiiii 1 1 fifltjr! '' nn li!!! iilil l-l iiiim; ii.tM tiiTii hi llll'l 1 1 ;i 1 iiiiiiiiniiii mi r urn 1 1 1 11 n 1 , i 1 ;i -11. 1 !. 1 1 1 I j,-' IJMlji Adam 1i rt. J Stiver $.0 tat jM, !J (fi Fer serving ikced pineapple, futCH, tumatccs, croquets, j cake?, c:c. "Vlj I IP I s -M- v fll ) I JW .lajIgfiMaK. iBSgBfaaidiaag&irggi ' ' W viyM.i vr GIFTS H mMlMmswi . j 1 1 I Li ,1 HUIIiilMi.i,, t.Min'tiir.miiTKHWMMttt WlHil it' , I A . JL KJ n SUiA'MMWOT-MlHUnAnwuyWvi:H l' ft1 -.,-t . ,mn -r-nr f - -1-- in - - (ill j. J 1 1 j BT T7 -"- r -r-rr"T -r ri Mil-' IHW I 1 n. 1., ii.Sb uj 11 ,11 1 .,il I 1 ,L v n pa ,iu i.',l ,1, ,.1, , li,,u 1 . j i iM h fyh I - , Li: 11 iiil.i ,111 11 i-n nnir-m i r, rmn-rn ! n I i,ini.in-iimT5ri t T 1 C J -7 t " L 4' jpj Patrjcia:; 0;tf 6;x$2.00 .A i H 2x L jjj 4hwate.n Ptr Oavr Ter, 1. 75 r ihft I 1 fift FcrtervmseUves, salted suu, etc. jj3 L(J & 1 0 T&r scnicpuklc;, d.w: ani rr..J Jj j j ft j ADAM 2?.. ftrS I. OO .A (' '-fT "V- ffrr Ur-Sffinnrrr-r, iSJ I'M j An ideal gift for the b .by SF 7?!J V i-ritAU .Jy .;$ 1 .00 .. j LH I RJj I 'C'O l ftcn.! d 1 jne ifen rftthereijirci! s (V i 1 BfS j Or brtii arj r k ,ni icrcn J ih- Ml I 1. m 1 jjiSaSc53K?aggWgtftSgjKUgIaKlrtiM ft - -- i " - --n-n -r-i-i - - - r- -n " nrtl - -r,-V !"' ' I ! 'I' ' 'HI r ifi - . ' ,, ' ' -rf' Vu-TwujCX 1Z y rl.. "J tf .1 ifV l.TlZ 1l ... .1 - I. IT! II I iC -. - , i ' 'l , 1 ,7U i 1 1 i u.ii.n ,1 ai. n . . ,,., . , , .. ...ii Ptricia.-i "Bf'n ip art $2 .75 '' I - .cning :'..ccd fl, c, ' n - , n h, e: . ' - 1- ,a ru. ', v- p , aaJ cpewa", dc.j- . r y cjjscju c ai.u baunj v.iih sert ice VM agKW..wag.y;TOw.,., ifSrswi Is! CSll Adamj-'P .f 'X Cil$2'75ffritt Patrima F:vO,. 7 .,. $4.40 .: LJ Tj Apt repwte gift fur the diilJ LspcciaUy deigned f r .ea er Ke, ak tlcuat..' i ." A Vjy fershcr c-.e'c. i linSi a'ThMKWkmt&aSiSxPSiaMM KK3, ,ili si3iflw---- MiivL S-iSiC' 'iSr. W .S5iS32??;S2,: BSfiflH.VSi5 y avii 1 cavai wf'.vui ."j"."m,T"('itn,rnawi-r.a?4ii3a i - xAmmmMz. A&rt T-ffimw v'iv-iu&ffiffcirVM.3sz7 HrrrfHirj 1 abM6SBHffiaEEEasffissi j bHUAie: Butter lnije and Sus,ir if . 't Xjtrfw $7. 00 Mr Set ftjR Anattratate, prafticalg.it &Si' ' sweis Vete: The cifteicccG shown m v ' rfiA tei) -JjViK' ' "'l'giSSSfis"is- i- ""TVy ' "VTyNiyJ .nt ,urr-i- - lw-s i& -va' lli'JsiS5!iy'iiM5iii3SsS.-fi yr"T - sTie- ..:,n?feiSaaIW7!W5ftKt.--':&i'J E3SiiftVw-Sv?51pi?r-1 above are made in all Com munity patterns, and can be bought at the prices quoted. l .. n mwnMmjrnrmimTTiriHTmrr" ,.mn.n.r-., iinrnimnimrnli Sheraton yelfy Sener$2.00 taeh Fer serving jelly, hunt) , cheese, etc. p . w, t..i .1 i','I..'.L'.T"im ",ui 1 1, ,.1 1 ''iHiu J 1 AdM Sfrftg or (,rut 7, g .OO "' ' Ir er.mg gratj, prcjcrteulruiti and j.uccj irema Jetp uuh !Ae t'Av charge for Qift Qeiics. G Many ether attradtivc pieces in this $ te S5 price range at veur dealers. ' Oew iW, 1 HI Sit 4-1 TrM.1U-uM tsf10 naltrt of Ottetda Community Tah 'Purt-Quaraitteedfcr ie 7'tun-Regular Prtee$i, j $ Set of Six Teatfoeni liniinicjiOiW'iiiiTWirirpnmiiiiiiiiirBiiiiiiiii'ii cki uiwiwiBiMiww iihhhhi Sale Uiday '$&, Readjustment Includes All Stocks Today & Tomorrow EVERY department of the' store and every 'article of clothing in each department is affected by this determination of Oak Hall te place its entire stocks squarely en an adjustment basis. Thousands of Suits Yeung Men's Suit lS $20 for S30 and frle Suits $2.1 for 45 and $40 Suits $30 for $50 and $40 Suits $35 for $55 and $50 Suits Men's Suits $40 and $45 Suits Half Price and Less $20 $50 and $G0 Suits Half Price and Less $25 $55 and $65 Suits at About a Third Off $40 $55 and $60 Suits at About a Third Off $35 $15 and $50 Suits at About a Third Off $30 All Bey's Suits Beys' $15 and $16.50 Suits for $10 All Beys' $20 Suits for $15 All Beys' $18.50 Suits for $13.50 All Beys' $25.00 Suits, $16.50 All Tailoring Cleths All merchant tailoring fabrics, suitings, evening dress ) nfiGf fiff suitings, overceatings, treuserings, dress coatings, and clergy- ' "' men's tailoring fabrics built te measurement at ' English Built Ulsters at About Half Regular Price, $40 Overcoats and Ulsters in conservative styles and shaped $Zr back models, of heaviest Winter cloths, plain or velvet cellars re-marked from $60 and $65, te sell for & $30 $85 Finest Overcoats for $65 , $65 Finest Overcoats for $45 $75 Finest Overcoats for $55 $40 Finest Overcoats fpr $30 Sacrificing All Women's Apparel! SUITS COATS DRESSES $29Je for SJ.5 suits $:)7Ji0 for $,') suits HS5.00 for S..) suits WO.7.7 for $7 suits $39.7. for $(;:, suits $32M for $17 Jit) suits $35.09 for SS.iMO suits $22.7.) for $31.00 suit", $29.7.) for S47JW suit a $1.1.00 for $75.00 suits $19.75 for $79.75 suits $15 for $fii suits $59.75 for $97.50 suits $111 for $229.00 suits $69.75 coats for $49.75 $75.00 coats for $65.00 $29.75 coats for $10 $22.75 coats for $14.75 $32.50 coats for $19.75 $125 coats for $100 $69.75 coats for $39.75 $19.75 coats for $29.75 $37,10 coals for $25.00 $15.00 coats for $39.75 $59.75 coats for $19.75 $11.75 for $22J10 dresses $18.75 for $22.75 dresses $35.00 for $45.00 dresses $22.75 ter $35 dresses $29.75 for $55 dresses $16,75 for $25 dresses $29.75 for $15 drtsses $35 for $55.00 dresses $11 for $77.50 dresses $65 M for $115 dresses $38.75 for $75 dresses $45 for $69.75 dresses $95 for $135.00 dresses $35 for $12,10 dresses $45 for $65.G0 dresses $18.75 for $35M dresses ALL WOMKX'S FIR COATS. IfOTH SHORT AND LONG LENGTHS. ALL Fl'R SCARFS, ALL MUFFS AND ALL q Fi sj?n SETS REDUCED ONE-FIFTH FROM THEIR FORMER ?; lift PRICES 20' . OFF. THE ONLY VARIATION FROM THIS -tJVu RULE IS WHERE THE REDUCTIONS ARE GREATER. Hats, Ties, Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes Hca.we!fjlit merinos ?2..i() per pur mmt. for All !2.r0, $3.00, $3.50 Fancy j,, ir Seft Cull Shirts, percale $.1.15 and madras . '. . ' All Pure Silk Shirts Half Price $5.00 for $10.00 ShirN; $0.00 for $12.00 All line Madras Shirts $3.00 $1.50, $5.00. $0.00 Men'h Sweaters and Cardigan Jackets Pennsylvania Knit Coats S T.")0 .Shawl Cellar SwrntcrK . $5.00 fc.-iO hawl Cellar Sweatrra .. . 6.00 $12.50 Klaste Knit Coats new $8.75 $2.00 Working Shirts, blue and gra chaniuray hi ripe a Werk Shirt". . . $1 nine Flannel Shirt $1 (irav Flannel Shirts SIHJrav Flannel Shirts SI (10 Hernet riannel Pajamas for $2.50 S10.00 li.itli Helies nn 6 00 312..-.') Buth Hobes new 8.00 WOOL MUFFLERS 510.00, new $6.50 Heny-wsiKht natural wool, MJiO per garment, for UNION suns Sj.MI Natural Mt-rinc J.:0 Natural Morine SS.00 Natural 'i wool Hcay Kibbcd Iptian Shirt-, and Drawers, $1.-5 per k'unnent, new S20.oe ; $1.35 S2.50 $;?.25 . 2.75 . 5.50 65e 10.00 , 8.00 $1.25 r. nn s.oe for $2.50 Wlnur IImIv flr u..ne i 15,00 ' Velour Hats for 12.01) 1 , , Sb.00 anil S1U.0O .oft felt Hath and Derlnch. nil vbes and shapes $6.00. S7.00 and ?S.()0 Heft felt and derb Hat for $3.00 and $1.00 Men's Veleurn and Im ported Tweed Cap, new 2.50 & 1.50 Hejb $2.00 Cnpa, new- ; 75c UMBRELLAS M.iO Men's Cotten Glorias ler $1.50 $1.00 Men's Cotten (ileriuy for .'5.00 $12.00 Pure Hilk Glorias for 8.50 $23.50 Fine Leather Suit Cases, new 13.50 sifi.30 Kine Leather Suit Cnscn, new 10.00 ... 1.25 S'i.00. new .). S. 00 Not-iseree nes Ribbed Hese, new 55c j,-j Demct nnnel MKht Shirts xj.uu uea oei nwr. m jux $i.oe and CL50 NccHwcar, all. . . Kancj Ileatlu-r oei ': nose, ;i.ai, new y.jc Pane) Heather Weel Vi Hese, $1J. new 75c Ri.OO Men's Genuine Mecha GIees, new 4.00 S6.00 Men's Genuine Iluck Skin GleteH, 5.00 $").00 Men's Genuine Huck Skin C.lecs. 4.00 S1.I10 Men's Genuine Iluck Skin Glecs, 3.00 M..V) Tan Cape Glees, new 3-l0 Tan (ape, small nie 2.00 50c 1.00 1.15 85c 50c 21c MACKINAW'S Hes' am' Yeung Men's $10.50, $18.00 and $20.00 all-wool $10.00 UNDERWEAR Medium-weight wool, $4-")0 per garment, for $150 Medium-we'sht merinos, S2.30 per gar ment, for 1J50 $2.00 and $2.5 J Ncekwenr, new Pure Silk ' Ilehc, $2.00, new Silk 'i Hese, $1.15, new Cotten 'j Hese, 75c, new Cotten 'i Hese, 10c, new Cotten i Hese, 35c, no a Jee SPECIAL FANCY VESTS Sires 31 te 40, all $1.00 $5.00 Fancy Vests, new 3.50 $0.00 Fancy Vests, new 1.50 All sizes 31 te stout. Fer street wear and full dress. $3.00 Black Gauntlets for 1.50 $2.00 Huclt Palm Catintleth for 1 00 $1.75 Herse-hide encflnwer Mitts 8eC 85c Cotten . nuntlet, hri pslm 50c G5c Cotten Gloves, leather palm 35c 117 1 Q Y) ( Market at Sixth VT iuiaiiiaKcr ec jjru wn fflmibi nurem&ifS iramnmiiMRapM ii'mfjjrMiiriiifljiin.xiLftifCWt't icauv'n.niiii ( Fer 59 Years 13 5 ISA ri x wmemmmBssmffltBi y,CJLwnuumiuiin niumim u it ijinn'i iw itiitiuiii uum unnnji nwwiu niui4.wjiiiiiM inuiitmiH mniiBJJ wuiiuintwaii p ii u iP)u.itiiimniH iin nut in n mmvttta .nnmiiiHii hhh i iiu hh. nn nirt huh.'! nuiii imiu irj imtiiiiiiLi.tLuMiiiffl hju. m nnm i 1 ' iv - fit tikt-Mtt r i fca"'Vaiaiiyjifrwpw'trM "T"rfc?Tr1m ESMiLi