rr"" wyTt , 1 i5. iT ' ' X BVEJSTSG PUBLIC kftDGEK-- PHILADELPHIA, 3TUDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1020 ., i TO DEDICATE CHURCH ORGAN wr in the Matthew Simpsen Meme- rial Methodist Church, of Ardmore, nt 8 Bishop Berry te Offlclate at Church 'o'clock this evening. in am... t,,!,!.. There will also be n lecltal by In Ardmore Tonight l'rederlck Mnmen, rested by Mar- BMien Herry t ill dedicate ft pipe caret M. Schmidt, contralto. H Mg&Mwr&ggnSS&r IE CHIEF-WARNS iPSBSr OF XMAS BLAZES If -; . m i 3; I3ra.-ytJfi!rK:g Jl "maI5O,T0a ItOSS B. DAVIS Acting lire chief, who warns of lancers In r.irele handling Chrlstin.is tree liglitltiK of Resa, B. Davis Decries Use of Candle3 en Trees and Urge3 Care in Other Lighting POINTS OUT DANGERS A warning against the danger of Ores rmultlng from carelessness In tbp ban 411ng of Christmas tree lightning and decorations was ghen today by Acting Fire Chief Iles B. Davie. "There Is alwas an Ircrrased danger f fires at this season." he explained "but virtually nil of them could be pre sented by proper care in the home. "The Christmas tree candle should lie considered n thing of the pat. It in a almple matter for n tree, especially when It has become slightly dried cut In rph en firn from a caudle plarcil tneng lt branches. This form of dei-e- - - ration la useless and a menace te the flammable doe-uinon should U dis afety of homes t aid-(. cud if the danger of lire or "These who must have lights in their . combustion tevwi slight " irtea can resort te tlu far safer system tt electric bulbs. But even here car PAN LONG-TABLE LUNCH and judgmenr mast be used. Cnrel.- TLHIM UUIMU I HDLC VUlMbn , "Wiring and lnsufflrlent insulation frc-j .., , ...,' ejuenUy result in serious fires. Any one' Civic and City Clubs te Held Affair ( installing electric lights en a Christmas Tomorrow Noen tree should taUe great care te ee that I Tlll. cirv nnd Citv Clubs vud held' there are no sections of exposed wire, nng tjnIf, ii1UPi,oen, tn whvh the that might de the enuse of a short clr- I ptille is invited, tomorrow neon at th ult that would set thtftree iu tlaincs. City Club, 313 Seuth Bread street "Christmas trees should nerer be Addressee mil be made by Dr. A11m placed at the feet or in the bend of I. Burns,, director of Americanization itlrwnys. Mauy are set up iu hall- btudies of New Yerk state and prrbi ways In the angle of the stairs. This dent of the Xntinnal Confer( nee t.f Is bad, because e fire starting en n I Secial Workers, nod by H. K. Nash, 1 1 tree se placed will in a few lmmites rut the PmnThninu State Bun nil rf off escape from the second fleer Trees AniPrienniatien should net be placed in doorway-, he Ut . Hums v ill speak en "Test-Wnr ! tween rooms where a rtrc would b'.m k Neid-. of Amei.i nmzitteu Werk." anil ff one part of the heufe. Mr. Nash nridns will be en "The "All sorts of cotton, pnp'r or in-i St tie Problem ut Americanization." fgjr ' Man If Leather Chinese Inlaid -with fel of r (CH llf l f Sr &(!Prcasux ill Desk Sets for or Wema: Beautifully Tooled designs or Rich Finely Wrought Artistic Design an laarb J) fit INESE 08JECTS LAMPS AND SM )aH 515 S Jfm7ietk i- v in Simple h Old Brocades. S Jade Placques M Ferm. Lgr xrm?i;fxc. i OF ART Jf ADES t jf V PURCHASES Up te $30 -Fsy "ipfm-iw p m m m vw w m m rffi-'i'O'w-- rs www Tsypipsf si m w"'sjsw. ""-"TlTt 3&& w 7 . N. A ' ' 3l. rt& iwM uJt SAVE Wlpj XjI Your Qash SSHUfyfer Other Needs! COME IN AND ASK OUR CREDIT TERMS! Nothing se pleasing as COLLINS' way of offering high grade miTchanihse, clothes for men, women and children, and marv articles of wear thnt make adorable Xmns gifts, en EASY UT.EKIA TERMS OK PAYMENT. Special Xmns effer: Anv miK-hase of 30 $2 DOWN and $2 a week. Liberal terms en larger inuehnscs. Men's and Women's HIGH-GRADE APPAREL Suits, Dresses, Furs, Waists, Skirts Girls' Coats Beys' Clethes OPEX rVFRY EVLWISG TO XMAS M. Style Shep &JJ v 736 MARKET ST. LPS 'AIRS 2D, 3D AND 4TII rLOORS I gjHSl r-rl (f(rf flB sy Ring with 3 very fine - Chnsed BcltBuckle in geld H fflwbfjW&llFx MB ti diamonds. or silver. Special at gj ag ffiSgyJql J $125.00 $15.00 I rt lit THtmliril f .. . Atenutifitl P.ift 3 tl iiiKiniin"HI HI ' VUirn c II ."rlir M . k ... ,, fe il?UIIJIIJU 1111T iiuh Hp jjrnv CjftiJ w, m n iir ill 8 iS. 1 Geld J ttr v I I a Ring or Watch! fl y, 1 Knifc Jfim. S E Ezpren your lentiment vrlth j i ,! 1 Plain or LyrB H KvSk. 1 I a Rift of Jewelry. Yeu car, ' Jl'!. II Chased Wf M III S g cnilly afford te en our liberal gg .F. I , .EtiBI) 1 "dollar a week" credit terms I J'i I designs, J jfjl K 8've Pec'n'' att""!0" te P I i It, ,i ! hS Si i Jy) H g ladtet, and; our methedi ero e g y l.lj !'j$ 1 A.00 SsJI WW g ff that you can depend 1 Jl 4 .V. vf t i , E abielutely that all our vnlues ffi ' Viw"1 "V SB g are genuine. Jd ""H S. - i (-ifjiAiiS1 3 , a imrmmZMm --- v- n- sq ii A beautiful Gift for any gentle man. Octagon watch, all hand carved, with a high grade m e v a m c nt; solid geld. $50.00 nr ?iti2 iMsasc 1 4-K. white, geld, Cuff Butten in green or yellow eH. G i Operating six big stores in various States gives its tremendous buying power. We get ROCK BOTTOM PRICES and SHARE the saving with you. or UN1 EVEKV OTMMi I $17.50 Solid white Geld Scarf Pin, 7 Bril- Hants, Special at U2500 SSSCS j3r Large selection of solid geld Singet Rings, Cameo and onyx solid hand chased green or yellow geld mounting. $37.50 VjfcV $5.00 Solid Geld Belt Buckles. Hand engraved in green or yellow geld. $15.00 Up Cuff Buttens m the latest ntyle in white or green geld. Special. $12.50 Platinum Scarf Pin, very fine diamonds. $1 oceo Up Jfl JXe Waltham move ment in very fine case, guaranteed, $32.50 all ir irrilc fnr trte book of Kf m llienr: Wnlnut Klld 25 MlllpiiHlMIIIIHIIMIIlHIillMliltllW)! 0 Mjnii iJ nneibm. AY ON-v WeeklY i i riiri h &' f Wi ilnBHPI ElHfiH KHslF E3 ifeiB 1BIfl9fkus (J 9M ' NHHwirH i --- - i . -Lftala yy III" M1 ' I t VJ g5S "W' C2l y' SJriBiS" .iVg r. f in iii mi iii m- in -ue-ji -VWw llRrailB J SA ' ' ,nlilllii!i -Sh 1 1 . i " eS I J ' l? Wm WmJw$& of an .Itl SflBt Hlc3 n?J ' v; yjre B 9 th L k ML H H BL . fiJWh Jvi 7cL?vl IllllIllllllliiiillm llMii illlllllll lllllllllllll-HIIII ill lllllllllllllllllilill "MlrrHtUUnwiJl li'iiillllll t lllllM4lr'HMn-i----M ij syiwBirag 1 jjjj lit ff II II HH lV Mm Ii ll iff H 12 l3Ll37t7Iljl I ffi? ,,.'71 30 yO 11 -I jW?fc giw - V II TH 'WWffT;:'i'l''l!i'i1tiqutr ii.iliTIiikii'i'tiiiii' n j' '' ' '''' ''JJJJ lAi ''.'"ill " . mi iiiiiiiLiiimiiiii'ii i ;iii:imi nun- r ;. ii ir llll'lllr III llll .HIHiiillllillMli: Jllllllll il ii III I'..' 2 I s PI I F Mrf'i '"'- ls jiiHMiafcij NW.vAy.v 30fSSfi" iaBHsMiULL.G I i riiSuMliHi fisuiH iiIIiJ,nP iTMlm f If fefc il -' 1 111 H . CP"7 i" ill I' 'ill II I !i; !l! I 1 : is '"a hi s. vii Jlllillm " Liiiil zr"MMIjZj'7x, I Steinway Upright Pianos, $875 te $1200 Ebony or Mahogany. Steinway Due-Art, $2500 Lpright lepreducbiff piano. Stamped with the Strinwa han 1 or genius thf puni of piano ec-ilrrip Premier Grand, $900 A classic among the grands space and nnce upright. Krakauer Grand, $1050 Admitably cencenrd and fu.tl Jullv executed a piano of which any one muy be proud. New Edisen Phonograph, $95 te $500 "The Phonograph with a Seul'1 And All the Records The greatest invention of Amcr-ica'-fi greatest inventor. S.I ,.. , ... . ,, Complete series of all models in any finish are shown in private rooms, where choice may be made under the most agreeable conditions. The grace of a perfect gift is in the sender's estimate 'of the recipient's perception. The gift of a Steinway piano acknowledges the highest degree of musical cultiva tion and personal accomplishment. The gift of a Steinway Due-Art piano, or a Sterling Welte-Mignon, or a Krakauer Welte-Mignon, carries the com pliment of a wide acquaintance with the masterpieces of music and their creators, and the laudable ambition te extend this knowledge te the entire realm of written music. The gift of a Premier .Grand, or a Krakauer Grand, is te delicately suggest musical culture in associa tion with the intimacies of home life. The gift of an Edisen Phonograph is te say, "Become a citizen of the world! Knew all, hear all, at its best!" Frem this list of great instruments from the supreme Steinway through te the Edisen you may select a gift that will always keep you in the kindliest remembrance; ever a joy te the owner, and a source of possible per senal improvement. Arrangement will be made for time payments when desired. 5lc!nwr Grand,, $1375 te $3000 The milder piano svn mi-lrv of art and utility. Sttinway Doe-Arl Grind, $3850 HcsnreduclnB piano Krakmer Welte-Mignon Grand, $2500 H Reproducing piano. Sterling Uprights, $450 te $500 Sterling Player-Pianos, $700 te $750 Sterling Welte-Mignon, $1250 HfureduUnK plaae At Its prlcn the Sterling Is the beat plune In Tlilladclphla today. Selections may be made new with prevision for reservation and delivery in ample time for your Christmas celebration. STETSON St JL JL dL JL l 7 ' ,N af-IiB'!. . frhftttf-frW-" "Wfc- t-