?V "v v V4 ; ' ' ' t ,' f S-r") ' ' I'll n i Am "i i'1"1 " ln 'I "-f- i ' I WEATHER Umettlca WANAMAKfiR'S WANAMAKER'S . ... . Mtiei 1i the Organ .. I . Stere Closes at 5 :30 ,t i and 5:20, With BMn Carels Orn Chlmfi Each Heur WANAMAKER'S Stere Opens at 9 i One of the Real Jeys in Life Is Planning Pleasure for Others ne of the Greatest Compliments a Man Could Pay j .m,in a i-nmrrlnrl in thp life of Albert, thd r.. -i0i rinrine- hiq Inst illness. Vhen he looked up into the sympathetic face of Queen Vltiuit -. . "Geed little wife" mkieA rhrtatmna rlnva anil nichts Mill he ITludc j..-. enfl tni.re mnmnrrthle (v families and friends. ir ..,. if m. tiie host thnt is in us. in messages and deeds of kindness and affectionate remembrance. Airn,r man anrl nntmAn Wlthnilt rPnli7.infT it become se fossilized with come-day-go-day duties that they neglect te express te each ether their true feelings. Christmas times and the New Year se near are new wheels te start us again. Afanv e crnirl v"if nnd mnther will he fiefler nd happier if she hears new and then some one say: "Geed little wife" "Precious little mother" I De try it en. Signed Dee. 16, 1020. Splendid Fur Coats Make Splendid Gifts for Women Te the best-beloved woman at home mother or wife or sis ter or daughter there himply couldn't be a mere nearly perfect and pleasure-giving present. Se for Santa Claus' information we set down the bare facts: Here are Hudsen seal (dyed jnuskrut) coats nt $350 te $950. The choice of styles in such coats is especially geed around $400. Dyed marmjet coats are $160 upward. Gray tquirrel coats are $400 te $1350. Natural muskrat coats are $305 te $380. Mele coats are $550 te S1200. (Second rioer. Chestnut) First Time for Smaller Price? en Women's Camel's-Hair Coats Tomorrow all the sports coats and capes in the genuine Uriel's hair, both the plain and the fur-trimmed ones, are ireught down in price. It, is the best time imaginable for vemen who need such a coat before the cold weather seta and for people giving Christmas presents. They are all the newest styles and the newest colors. some have plain tailored cellars, ethers threw scarfs, and ptill ethers large cellars of beaver, squirrel' and racoon. The untrimmed coats new start at $95 and go up te 235 for a sports cape with squirrel cellar. (First Fleer, Central) Girls' Shining, New Taffeta Party Frecks Glistening, lovely new frocks they are fresh as posies, lovely as a girl could wish and what many girls would be delighted te find among their gitts en Christmas morning. Fer little girls of C te 16 years there are dear little dresses with round and square necks and short bleeves some trimmed with frills, some with lace and some with ribbons and rosebuds. $17.50 te S32.50. Fer elder girls and debutantes who wear 14 te 20 year sizes there are ether exquisite new party frocks also of shining taf feta. The htyles are chatming and the prices go from $20 te $80. Apricot, sunset, turquoise, peach pink, coral, Nile green and rose aie seme of the many lovely colors in both groups. (Second Fleer, Clieatnut) Novelties Among Paris ienne Corsets Fer instance a pink taffeta. sliD-en embrnirlpred' with' fold. It has frilled elastic hose-supporters and lace-trimmed purt, ana costs $28. Anether novelty is a slip-en of unusually fine pink elas- rC It is made with a lone skirt, and thr nrinp is S4D , f -- -r-w Silk hin-cenfiners. nrettilv trimmed with rihhnns. nra ither short, and have lace-trimmed skirts; price, $16. (llilril Fleur, Uentrnl) Women's Warm Gloves All sorts of warm, fine Winter gloves for women are here and ready for people who are looking for such excellent things for gifts short wool gloves, Scotch, tee, and unusually geed aie $2 te $4.50. This includes Allea wool, cashmere and camel's hair. Gauntlets of camel's hair, brushed wool and alpaca are $3.50 te $15 a pair. Many of these gloves are te be found only here in America. Lined gloves, in 1-clasp or strap-wrist styles, of sturdy cape or fine suede with wool or fur lining.s, $6 te $10 a pair. (Muln Fleer, Centrnl) Fine All-Weel Bengaline New $1.75 a Yard Very close te half what it sold for earlier this Fall and is an fi.qrwinllv n?nn linitnrinl fm nnn.niuni lfnnnnn Tir4. omen think it even prettier than a serge and it wears about I iritl1 In brown, bureundv. urarnet. Cenenhaaen. imw .mri Llllrv. JO :l -..!.!.. puill, ue HICHAM W1UU. (First Fleer, Chestnnt) V Hand Made Waists Again Pour Mtvfen (nrrfn-l nui. in hnfinA. Onn ia n dnnn ecked style with drawn-work, price $5. Anether with senare neck hiia renl filef. l.-ina ni in parked $5.50. lhe third is a V-necked style at $5.50. It can be had in ra sizes for $6.75. ine in8t is a V-necked style with much hemstitchinjr ad fine real filet, price $8.50. (Third Fleer, Central) rpHE ardent hunter L for Christinas gifts need never be discour aged as long as there is a great big Wana maker Boek Stere, crammed full of books of every kind imagi nable, from the baby's first little linen book for 50c te a magnifi cent folio in the Rare Boek Cerner a copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Klmyyam, illus trated with miniatures in geld and colors and enriched with precious stones, at $350. (Mtn Fleer, Thirteenth) NEW LACE SURPLICES FOR THE CHURCHLY GIFT Just arrived from Switzer land and they are the lowest price they have been since the war' $25 each. They are semi-made and in. the larger sizes suitable for priests. And they may be made up into either albs or surplices.' Six styles al together. (Main Fleer, Central) JEWELRY TRINKETS 25c TO $7.50 These useful little pieces are of sterling silver or are geld filled, are in attractive designs and will make prac tical gifts. Lingerie clasps, 50c te $1.50 a pair. Cellar pins, 50c te $1.75 a pair. Bar pins, 75c te $4. Seft cellar pins, 25c and 50c Cuff' links, $1 te $5.50 a pair. Bracelets, $1 te $7.50. (Jewelry Htere, Chfutnut) PARIS' NEWEST FANCY THE ANKLE BRACELET Just arrived black velvet bands with brilliant rhine rhine stene slides te fasten around the ankle. They are te be found in the Exclusive Little Beet Shep and are from $5 te $10. (Flwt Fleer, Mnrbet) PLENTY mere of these pink crepe de chine nightgowns for women have arrived tailored and fluff g sorts, prices $5 te $19M. Find them in the Little Nightgown Shep. (Third Fleer, Central) GAY LITTLE SILKEN BAGS FROM JAPAN $1 Colorful silks, quiet-hued silks, gay silks with gayer linings, quiet silks with gay linings you'll find them all in this group of dainty bags. They are of practical size, have silk cord draw-strings and will make pretty gifts. (Main Fleer, Central) TTUNDREDS of new tl white aprons have come in all kinds of maids' aprons, tea, aprons and sew ing aprons, besides some particular old fashioned aprons intended for old ladles. Prices run from 50c te $7J0; some especially geed tea aprons In between are 75c. (Third Fleer, Central) FOR GRANDMOTHER there is a big tin box, and with a hinged top, filled with creamy, old-fashioned plaited mint candy. It is ribbon tied, has a bunch of holly, and is most attractive and all ready for Christmas. $5 complete. (Down Otatn Btere Chestnut) MlM, Us ' ? i Men's Fine Silk Hats for Christmas and March 4th Several hundred Philadelphia men are going te participate in the Inauguration ceremonies, March 4th, at Washington. They will wear silk hats and as it is twelve years since these same men took part in a Presidential inauguration the hats they wero nt Mr. Taft'a party are out of style. Many of these men plan te get new silk hats en the contract plan. Hew much better if members of their families presented them, en Christmas, with fine fashion silk hats which they car wear all through the social season and en March 4th alsel Redleaf Londen silk hats in two new shapes, $16 each. (Main Kluer, Market) Happy the Man Who Gets a Heuse Ceat It will be te much nicer for him than that old business coat he wears around the house new. Heuse coats of double-faced cloth in checks, plaids and mix tures, $10 te $27.60. Japanese quilted silk house coats in plain colors, $12 and $18. And beautiful velvet house coats in rich plain colors red, taupe, green, brown, black and blue the finer ones bound with black silk braid, $35 and $50. (Main Fleer, Murlet) Furniture Is the Thing Wanamaker Furniture This Christmas exhibition of gift J'urniture is one of the most interesting places in Philadelphia for anybody looking for a gift of character and substantial value ; a gift of service, or of novelty, or both. There is only one way te knew what a geed and appropriate gift a piece of furniture can be, and that is by coming in and secjuring for oneself the fascinating variety of pieces that are here for your cheesing. Fine New Overcoats for Beys Whether for a boy or for a man, a geed overcoat if something for which there is no substitute. There is nethinp mere certain in the ready-te-wear clothing business than thd excellence of Wanamaker overcoats for boys. We don't have te advertise them as gifts, but the facl remains that no boy can be given a better gift than one ei these geed garments. New shipments have lately come in te replenish eui assortment. The coats are of geed, warm wool fabrics in brown, gray and greenish shades; some semi-belted, ethers with belt all around. In 3 te 10 year sizes at $18 te $50. . In 11 te 18 year sizes at $28 te $50. (Second Fleer, Central) Men's mahogany chifforebc, high-grade cabinet work and finish, fitted with sliding trays and drawer, wardrobe section fitted with'hangera, dull finish, $125. Others in different, styles and finishes, $60 te $165. Tapestry easy chair, luxuri ously upholstered, Turkish ef fect, $100. Other upholstered chairs and rockers in different styles and coverings, $30 upward. Davenport with spring seat and back, wide-spring arms loose seat cushion, upholstered lh geed grade tapestry, panel effect back, $190. Others in different styles and coverings from $65 te $300. Mahogany rocker with cane seat and back, fireside effect, $19.50. Other fancy chairs and rock ers, some with upholstered seats and different finishes, $11.50 te $100. Kidney-shaped desk tables, Sheraton style, one center (Fifth and Sixth Floers) drawer and four small side drawers, dull finish, $92. Other styles and finishes, 343 te $180. Chinese rass rocker with wide arms and side pockets, S18.25. Others in reed, willow and fiber, some upholstered, from $8.50 te 94. And hundreds of ether pieces, from a pair of bet)k bot)k bet)k blecks te a magnificent secre tary desk, from a sewing box te a beautiful bookcase and se en. Wenjen's Fine Umbrellas for Santa Claus' List The greatest favorites of all this year are the silk umbrellas with handles and tips of imitation amber and caps of 14-karat geld. These umbrellas have covers of blue, green, garnet, plum and black silk, and are priced from $15 te $30. With handles and tips of imitation amber only and cov ers of the same colors, $12 te $20. One extremely distinguished style has the imitation amber with sterling silver caps and finely braided loop; price $26. (Mnln Fleer, Market) TTT ALL ACE Nutting Yt tinted photographs are arriving in the Picture Stere almost daily the subjects being landscapes chiefly, framed in mahog any or antique gill. Prices run from 85c te $50. (Hfth Fleer, Mnrhet) Spreads of Daintiness Down in Price Bedspreads and bedsets are always among -the most favored of home gifts. People who would like te give such things will be glad te knew that we have an attractive selec tion of spreads, as well as a group of bedspread sets, all al new lower prices. English block-printed spreads in single and double bed sizes new at half price $4 and $5 each. In rose, blue and heliotrope. Bedsets, comprising white, satin-finished spread and bolster piece te match, all made with cut corners and scal loped edges. jingle-bed size, $7.50 and $9 a sec. Deuble-bed size, $13.50 a set. Anether group is made up of white satin-finish bed spreads finished with scalloped edcres and cut corners. Single- 1id oNe 7 K(. Jn.Mn nA ,. ST en l cm u " ucu eim, yi.uu, uuuuic-ucu DJC, pi, p; UI1U OJ.V UHUIl. (Sixth Fleer, Central) Women's Gift Handkerchiefs New Shipments 1200 brand-new colored handkerchiefs, 60c each white cen ters with colored borders, all-ever colored effects and colored centers with white hems. . 1000 dozen eiqbreidered handkerchiefs, 25c each sheer white linen with embroidered designs in one corner. Women's extra-size handkerchiefs, $6 a dozen spotless flax, of unusually geed quality, and in a very generous size. Made especially for us. Women's sheer linen handkerchiefs, $3 a dozen s,newy Irish linen, sheer and in plain hemstitched stvle. (Kant and Went AUlen) Every Weman Wants at Least One Leather Handbag Ne matter hew many ether handbags she may have. Here is a large and interesting collection of leather handbags in new, and often novel, shapes, both pouch and envelope style. . The leathers used are fine pin seal, dull and polished; morocco, calfskin and auto, leather. Chiefly black, though there are some browns, blues and grays. Prices, $5 te $35. ' (Main Fleer, Chestnut) THOSE WHO MIND DRAUGHTS WILL LIKE A FLOOR SCREEN The ones finished in white or ivory enamel are especial ly nice for the bedroom and there are ethers in mahog any finish that would de for any ether room. All are cov ered with burlap and have the double frame which can be easily removed for recov ering. With three or four folds, $12.75 te $20.25. (Fifth Fleer, Market) .4 Beautiful Whittall Angle-Persian Rug would make one of the nicest gifts possible for uic heim. And these fine rugs may new be bought for considerably less than they were a short time age. 9x12 ft $150 8.3x10.6 ft ?1S7 6x9 ft $9S 54x90 in $5U 36x63 in $24.50 27x54 in $15.50 (Seventh Fleer, 9x15 it $206 10.6x12 i $206 10.6x1.6 ft. I.. $232 11.3x15 ft. 22x36 in. IhentntiO . . .Afc. -Ot? . ..h.. $10.25 GiSvS , nn A Piece of Geld-Decorated If yevu are looking for a gift that is imeressive ornate, but net costly, you would de w ell te see the collection of geld-encru&ted glass pieces in the China Stere. We dc net knew of any goods in which richness and inexpenshe ness are se well combined, and there is a very attractive variety of pieces te cheese from, of which these are a few: Handled sandwich trays, $6.50 and $7. Candy jars, $4, $5.50 and 86.30. Sugar and cream sets, $6.50 and $7.50 Covered honey dish and plate, $6.50. Mayonnaise dish and plate, $6.30. (Fourth Fleer, Clicntnui A Rich New Navy Blue Taffeta at $2 a Yard A particularly fine all-silk fabric, 35 inches wide, in the height of fashion, at a pre-war price. A dress-length would make an excellent Christmas gift. (Flr.t Fleer, Chenlnut) TO GIVE THE BABY Rattles and ether celluloid novelties, 25c te $1. Coach straps of silk, with toys, $2.25 te $3.75. Toilet sets brush, comb and mirror $2.25 te $6. Hand - embroidered bibs, 60c te $6.50. Knit caps, 75c te $5.50. Hand-made slips, $3 te (Third Fleer, Cheatnut) . Ice Skates Can Be Used All Winter New If there isn't ice en the pendfa and streams veu can find it indoors. Alfred Jehnsen tubular ice skates in racing and heckej models, with shoes attached, $15 a pair complete. Spalding's hockey and figure skates, $2.50 te $8. Canadian hockey and figure skates, $8 te $12.50. Men's skating shoes, $7.50 te $10. Women's skating shoes in black or tan, $10 and $12 Skating caps, sweaters, straps and ether equipment. (The Gallery, Juniper) CHILDREN'S WARM SLEEPING GARMENTS AT $1 Little woolen garments that keep the kiddies snug and warm at night. Excel lent and unusual Christmas gifts they are. The usual way te price these goods is by the size, with the larger sizes at high er prices. These are $1 each in any size, from one te ten years and all underpriced. (Flr.t Fleer, Market) SUCH JOLLY CHRISTMAS BONBONS'! People who are looking for such things tell us that we've the best collection in town and that these are exactly the kinds they want for Christmas and holiday din ners and parties. Red bonbons, colored bon bons and all sorts of new and attractive designs allx with favors inside, $1.25 te $12 a dozen and these last are these huge ones. (Down SUItn Stere, Chestnut) . N Where, Yeu See Heuse Slippers Therk Is a Heme m People who wear house slippers are home-loving people, and home loving people are he backbone of a nation. ,Peo&The heus,e PPers for Christmas are thoughtful people, and thoughtful people are the best, be they relatives or friends. Here is a collection of house slippers that is a pleasure te cheese from. Mens house slippers of felt and leather in various styles and with leather or soft padded soles. Prices range from $2.50 te $10.50 a pair. (Main Fleur, Mnrket) iti, W.emen's he"f sIiPPers of fet, ribbon, plain and quilted satin and nnrw J m,many j3 and many colors. They also have leather or soft padded soles and prices go from $2 te $6. (Flret Fleer, MnrUet) l 1 Al u pf' y J c t . l -?fr( lyn t ,tfe.v,t- ts'Vgt'tj.a, ,-y , ?, l.tt m i et' .'? tt . -' .- J4 U:fr ,ftk, v&Lcsii M tv jt,t4 f .J I YV,.i -.. a isr4i tiuw U':