m&W&fflmlw7rrfT' "'-s j ", a v im ' TV'7' v'iRV'y vHnv"!) If f " 4 , f . ! i ) erf j' t ..' J "r i f i -r- ) H IF '!' mm w 1 III'1 Pi vu JVC IBuehma i uhltc Sfebge PHIlADELMIIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1920 nOYERM-'ORD A.NLti.U, hi i i ,u . mum 1 rces has trained his cat te de many interesting stunts and then hi photographs their Kitt. posed us a "neusv." and . think, did a poed job at It REflvEI) BRITISH STEAMER ANSG1R. It is shown at Mount's Hay, near Penzance, England, w liere it was blown ashore during a gale. A boy did much te save the crew of forty-five men by (letting the line ashore I mlcruuml t. I ndcrwenil HOOVER MAKES PLEA FOR EUROPE. Herbert Hoever, heading the newly organized move te feed the destitute, went te Marien, te talk with the Picsidcnt-elcct Kndel A Herbert. I ! h llNG bNGliN L I'UlvL ICf.. r ire departnieiit ellicials miludmg Ress Hums, acting fire chief (right), testing a aUi stream at Race street piei. Nete the gauge bring placed against the stream I vlr r ' T TRIAL OF HIS SON. Jehn lames, father of Frank J. James, en trial in Camden for the muider of David S: I'nul ,' t--f ?L" SOCIE1 i A.nl) MAGI" I-OLKs IN C HI( AGO PAGEANT Bairc Ueinard a King .-xnomen an' Mrs. T. Philip Suf a one of his ies i i-'IA HIZIL fi.scisc mimn.rrs i il s if lehratiei s in an n'rn i t ' i i i rial nage fB- ONIA G R E A T - G R A V D FATHER IN THE SFNAIT Senater ( am S. Page, Veiment who has tin-, dis tinction Harm K'M OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO ill IHUWmlwJi. Pl'f' ill U V' HtfUFfF-" T rf - mmam iHH UWRli mB mIBBk fm:Wm$tk IBIB' ... . - . . If- I I .sOl 1FIY 0 SK TES. The Philadelphia Skating Clul has resumetl its incetiiTg., which aie held twiae a week at the 1'hila de'phia Ice Palace. Mnn of the members aie becoming efticient skateis. Left te right the skaters aie Mr. and Mrs. Harrison K. ( aner, S ., and Harrison K. Caner. Ji . Mr Geevre Wharten Pepper. Mi.-. Ted Paul and Mrs. Jeseph Sims I.eilKrr Pheln Sertt, BIMBIBiBfcii" '.v&SwMr h v Blii'i jlrPi'9kfWPfflBI HBHHi9Bf QKEBB9b4lviRv FsiPlimiKraB 1 " ( AIh I-ROM Mi HK.slLR, I-AliI WD Thi- . ,i u..- 'n i .r a weakened c.nilitiun, in a mail bug, uhirh came imm ".nglish cit tu t'ie Nrw Yerk pnstetVii c. 'Ihe cut ,, m tin I ,ig nine da - getting ju-t enough air te avoid -ull'nc atmii I'll n ' 1 r i 4 ' WlO 01 IlOIIim t 1III" He. an i .i nkr.i',1 it as pointed fn M. Ii op of a huiM'tif. t ai I.IiM-tMi --trect -hewing ( In -tinn street looking e-' Irmn Twi-'fth street, .stu-ct ais, autenifiiuli atlii pi-fle-tiinns fill up the tar tee nanew thertiughfaie GETTING WW- IIRIMM n IRLL E.MUA Theio lads. Geeige Leever and Philip l'nulex, went te the Philadelphia and Readinu Minis, Nineteenth street and Indiana avenue, te bu their dees I.f"lgfr Photo Sirvlei. I Is- I" GOIN'G ON A QUAIL HUNT. Mi. and Mm. Julian I'. Bishop, prominent society couple of Washington and New Yerk, at Pinehurst. N. C. Thev weie inanicd en Decemlier I i ntf n V , I 't t WWM i i 11 VV. 7,H ifi , OM'V - L?c? .-t.L' 8 Hill It HI Bli 1 1 4v A -4Li.' r 6.. c. jr. SEMAPHORE SENTINELS J?-S bkv'w THR BF.AUTY COFNKR w i-j ' rwi1" " 'i MIBS MARIE PERR, 1M1 Gladstone stieut. is dipping l'alifny caiidlen by hand at the A limit u Retiniug Cft. plnnt, 3141 Pnssyunk avenue. The cluster of i uudes aie pulled down from the drying inck as the pas ovei the dipping pan K,( M'KU l-KOti II IMvS Mi II i n 1. DaMfl-en, daugjiter of tin -upt-nii tendent of the public school- of Pitt burgh, hud .teial miraculous en ape-. 1 UndKrW'JUd i. I iniw veuj RESERVE PAIROIMXN SMI EI WA1 l(), l, lut- been tn Honed al Hiead stieet ami I aliinmint avr i ue fei thif e fil l' five yeai a a pntielinun He lie vMth his wife and four children at Mi:r- N'eith Sixth ftireit He is thiity-iunc yeara old Uiiniin.uk,, )i:tikd r ki i.i I'eunt . ( hciun SnincU was a majei geni'im in the Kut.sinii ai my Knyulun LSI Mj III tl, 'VllO Impel nil Mcvt i.e. MISS CLAD,i -' i in I , ,")().! Lehigh asi'iuii Philadelphia ill V ..XiLasftivisiiij ...4 1 -ft , ifttA MktiiSth'kd nimii, T, "I I,'. I f IHllMII III 'I ll I ItHf" 1 j lllill"! Vlbil IlilhM' ''"-n'i.1.' VJ?tmT5Wi, !! Tl IIP I T tw-77;t UHH s.WKn-i tfrfvtl. HH; , - JHHKgHWBOb teiJUtl