9 ,'.'' V'.1 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of the Games at Phillies Grounds. She Sees Seme Smart Costumes Princess Confer $ cuzene Committee Meets at Emergency Aid AVF ten noticed the popularity of I A'' " ""u" ' ' ' .i.-ii 1 the "Saturday afternoon foetbnll rnmeS nt the 1-hllHef.' I'nrk. I.nst . Hat tirdnr I caw Mr. Heekscher Wetherlll, Vms Thayer and Um Nnrrls In one of the boxes. There were quite n num ber of ether partly but I con tin two Just who were there, fancy Heett and Jeanne t)clteufe were In nnether box. It was BemcthlnK new, you Unew ; net university team, but football tenm,, which arc well known, and the games are really very exciting It was Union and Canten last Saturday. ISAAVLurrctlft Ilccksehcr 6n Chest nut street yesterday. Hhc was wear ing one of these rnporenta of tan wool ami a nebby tarn of the same material. n alie were a choker of sable. Hhe looked most, attractive. She Jm a fair complexion and with her ieveiy light hair, wan jjultc a picture. KITTY KXIOHT i RtlU feeling the effects of her accident, for he at 11 AeAwMen reqtie feathers. mHAT meeting this afternoon at the TSU.ner Aid of the Prteg- trhneD,Knn Tmn!! .""aner J .. ai will be very Interesting. 1 fhTnl- MV te be at 3 o'clock, and Mrs. Sdfth l'erklns IteekhlU. who la, you knew, the wife of the former BmbaaM BmbaaM der te RuBsla. 111 talk Informally of Ilucsla as she saw It. and of the prcs nt terrible emergency. !.... n. iu iiore will be an ex- IKSIUI'S im- """""." .'..,, ,11.,. Mhitien et many . . """"""-.! cress-stitch U tluv"V .. , nnhrn(ilprp(l lineim u" saMsr-Sra-tt-s children's dresses and etner iw- have ecen mane uj uif- alana who ere new homeless. Mrs. Ocerg H. I-erimcr la chair man of the Princess Cantacuzene com mittee, and will be at the meeting, of course, with ether member of the emmlttee and of the Emergency Ad. I m sure It will be very Interesting. There's something about the Kusslan unutterably sad yet very endearing. Net the Russian of the Bolshevists, but the Russian of the real people, who I believe arc a great people nnd will prove themselves se, once th Is horror of anarchism and bloodshed Is outlived. It was outlived in France, though it took nearly a century nnd it will be In Rus Kla, though I suppose It will take long er, the country is isevast. DID jeu knew that Tcnu Charter would give Its annual play en i Fri day night in the ballroom of the Bellc-Tue-Stratferd? This year it is te be "Seven Keys te Ualdpate." The boys who will take part arc Rebert t. "White, Jr., Henry II. Streng, Raymond Ridny. Allien Streng and Fred Hchnn che (the last thrcp members of the football team of the school this year), Alfred Rracher. Jr.. Erskine Rains, Jr., Sam Wright 2d, Donaldsen Moere. 2d, Andrew Dunlup, William Menu, Ather Ather ten Wlllcecks. Henry Armstrong, Edmund Mills, Jr.. and Reger oleett, The financial manager of the Wter arv Society Is Allan Wnllis, Jr. ; Har lan Stntzell advertising manager, Rebert Hudley and Jeseph Culver are stage managers, Donaldsen Moero property malinger and Dr. Streng, of the faculty, is general manager of the play. The evening will nnlBh with gen eral dancing. ITTAAj you that you have te mind veur ways when you have a young man of four around the house, te say nothing of young ladles of six and Feven. The ether day Dad took Temmy, Jr.. out with him. During their walls Dnddv decided te step and pay a visit at a friend's house. Se they rang the bell, nnd were ushered into the parlor, and while they were waiting for the family te reme down Dad suddenly no ticed that Temmy. Jr.'s hut was down tight en his golden curls. "He." said Daddy, "you're in n lady's house, and you have your hat en!" "Well." replied our young hopeful. "Yeu didn't take off your hat nt San aa's when you went in Sunday." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr ami Mrs. Frederic H. Btraw bridge, of Torworth, (Inrmantewn. will give a dinner at the Ultz-Carlten. followed by a theatre parly en Wednesday. Decem ber 29. In honor of their son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Frederic II. Strawbrlilge. Jr., before the tiafl Mr. and Mrs. Ilebert R. Strawlirldge will give for Jtlss Anita Strnwbrldge. Mr. and Mrs. Merris J Clothier, of Clalrement, Vlllanevn. will give a din ner at the Ultz-Carlten en January U in honor of Mlsa Anita Strawbrlilge. debutante daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Itebert 11 Straw bridge. Dr nnd Mrs Themas O. Asliten, of SH Seuth nittenheusc hdimrc. will Kiva n theatre party and supper at the Ulti-rnrlten en January 10, In honor of Miss Marguretta I.arKe "Tl.)n. debutante daughter of Mr ana Mrs. Jeseph Harrison Miss Anne Thomsen, of Wlllewbanh, nryn Mttwr, will plvw ii theatre pnrly nnd supper ill the Ultz-Carlten en Mon day. January 3, In honor of Mr. A. Merris Hhnbpr, son of Mrs, Jenn H. Shober Mrs. fiheber ami her family are sptndliig the winter with MIbs Tliomsen Mrs J, Gardner Cat-salt, of 1418 Spruce streut, will Rive a dinner en Hnt urrtaj January 15, In honor of her nephew Mr l.leyd Ilenahaw, before the meeting of the Saturday Evening Dane Ing Class. Miss Anne B, Townsend, daughter of Mr J narten Townsend. will be the gueBt of honor at a thcatre party anil supper at the Ultz-Carlten en Wednes day, December 2'J. te be glen by Mr. and Mrs lldward Hi owning, f 25 Seuth Sixteenth street, before the ball Mr, nnd Mrs. Ilebert II Strnwbrldge will Rle for. their debutante daughter. Miss Anita Strawbrldge. Mr nnd Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, of Yerk Heuse, OgenU, will enteitaln nt dinner tonight Her gueBtH will Include Cntitaln and Mrs. William Curleten Watts, Dr and Mrs Philip Stulnmutz anil Mr and Mrs Frederick Jerdan. Mm Jamas Iarge will shortly Issue Invitations for n dinner en Monday, De cember '.'I, In honor of MIsh Mnrparetta Lnrge IlarrlF.011, debutante daughter of Mr and Mis Jeseph HairUen, before the ball Mr and Mrs Charlton Yarnau will give In honor of their debutante dnuRhter, Miss Anna Sephia Yarnnll. Mrs I.arKc will close Humtnercrest, her 'Hk 1 Everyicamim's Shep mil Kinplr lllilr., 1811, & Wnlnut Ml. We linndle 11 In rue line of Illllllp hlKll-Krill urnrhiR nppurrl m Wain 1 niilr Kiiniiiiy used ut tlXS nfc." jj-rfrtHj i &:iHK. y-.w ,, C -., I TIT PEOPLE country place In Chestnut Hill, today nnd move Inte her house at 281 Seuth Fourth Btreet, which sue win oceupy for the winter. Mr. nnd Mrt. Charles Custls Harri son, Jr., of 243 Cast WttenhouBe Square, have Issued Invitations . for ft. theatre pnrty and nupper at the Uitt-carlten, en Mnnrinv rtAnmhnr 97. In honor of their daughter, Miss Ellen W. HarrlBOn. Mrs. Henry Pratt McKenn. of Pin Run Ferm, I'enllyn, entertained at n luncheon en Monday nt the Acorn Club In honor nt Mrs. Marc Soheettlo. Among the guests were -Mra. ReberL N Downs, Mrs. Jeseph HatneA. Mrs. Jeseph U. Car penter, Jr., Mrs. Edwnrd H. w. Farnum, Mra. William S. Waterman, Mrs. J Chcstdt Merris, Jr., Mm. William II, Oardjfjr, Mr. Clark Wharten Church mansVMrs JainM Starr, Mrs. Jehn I Cox. Mrs. Carrell 8. Tyson, Jr., Mra. Ralph Derr, Mrs. Jehn Lengacre and Miss Pauline F)aVls Bewln. Mr, and Mrs. MeKean entcrtnlped Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe E, Derle at dinner .act night at tne ueuovue-stratferd nnd later oceu pled their box at thn oeeru. Mrs.. Mc- ICean left this morning for New Yerk, where she will remain until Saturday. Th 10 guests who will attend the Jupch Jupch te be given at the Art Alliance by eon .Mrs. Edward 11. Chase, of Weed Bex, Itadner. In honor of her daughter. Miss uainuruine unnse, te oe ronewea ay a matinee party en Wednesday, Decern Decern ter 29. will Include Miss Maude 8. Har Har rlaen, Miss Dorethea M. Dalrd, Mlsa Prlscllla Merris, Miss Lydln Merris, Miss Doretky Clothler, Miss Gertrude Dunn, Miss Anna Harvey, Mlsa Mabel D. Mollvalne and Miss Malsle Chance. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wanamaker. 3d, of Highland avenue. Merlen, will entertaln at a theatre party, followed by supper at the Rlti-Carlten, en Thura day night, December 23, in honor of Miss Leis L,. Jnckaen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jaoksen, of .126 Seuth Twenty-flrst street, Who will be married 'e Mr- CSeerge Whitfield Van Slyck, 2d, et ' fevldence, II. I., In St. James' Epls Epls cepal Church, en Monday afternoon, De cember 27. The guests will Include the bridal party. .'1ih2.lnfe8 who wl" attend the dinner !?!hS. t0 -bS. Blven y Mra- P. Wilsen Junier, dance at the Dellevue-StratfCiJ will lncludeMr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bid-7 uie, mr. anu Mra. Dawsen Celeman and Mr. and Mrs. Caryl Reberta. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayten, of 2221 De ixincey place, have Issued Invitations w. d'nner en Friday, January . in honor of their daughter, Mlsa Barbara Clayten. n-..i- u l8- i-"anes Winter Bally, of i.tlzL '." 'iera, nave issued Invl a1 A ter tn Inpnnal supper en Thura day, December 23. , rfi-VL """wer society will give a tv,V.h 1t lne tue"evue-Htratrerd en iX.tJLl'y Deccmber 21. In honor of the tercentenary of the landing of the Pil grims at Plymouth, Mass. ,DJ: a1d Mrs- Charles H. Scheff. of "edla' have Issued Invitations for a n5 Sn..?1 .the Springfield Ceuntrj' Club. ?&! "''K' De.cmber 30. in honor of the r daughter Miss Heien Scheff. nnd their son, Mr. Gorden HchefT. ,miIr,Dni:fld0,ph s51Ie of Qu'ncy street i ph"m real. Germantown. will shortly Issue. Invitations for a dance en nKar,y 8. at the Philadelphia Cricket C'ub. In honor of his daughter, Miss Nancy Sailer. af3- E.Phr.n,!m Drlce Bnd Mr- and Mra. Walter H Vheele nnd Mr. and Mra. Charles Irederlck Brlce, 1320 Locust street, have aent out cards for "at Heme" en New Year's day, ari: .and Mr- lrvm K,n"i 2" West Walnut lane, Germnntewn, have issued invitations for n dinner en Tuesday De cember 21, In honor of their daughter. Mlsa Pelly King! , Miss Gertrude Hellls, of Chestnut Hill, whose marriage te Mr. E. Converse Pierce will take place the latter part of next month, will be the guest of honor today at a luncheon given by Miss Mil dred Crawley, of 330 West Sprlngfleld avenue, Chestnut Hill. Miss Gcerglanna F. Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews Harris, of West Chestnut avenue, Chestnut Hill who Is a student at the Ethel Walker Scheel, Slmsbury. Conn., will arrlve home en December 18, te spend the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Kelly an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Kathryn Elisabeth Kelly, te Mr. J. Frederick Sener, 2d, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Sener, of Lancaster. ALONG THE READING .Ir5- V'-,P .WhUney entertained the OJd erk Read Chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution at her home en Lawnton avenue a few days age. Several of the members contributed The Evening Publle Led; re ttnl.nm.i soeiai notes or intertat freta various V Z ii v,"l"uA "" i"ie mum be eaneble of Tfrlilertlln. Itereafter . roll Itenm nent br mWte the ppr wU net be lnl,llhfd, unlr.M vbrned br tlie sender with nnme. sdrtrem and telephone number. AddreM nerUI Items te the He-elet- lUlter. JCnrtln I'ublle Idier, OeO Cheatnut strett. these net, mufti . SNOW SUITS, centliting efcip,mittcns,sweatcrand lejRlngJ.lntan Camel Hair nd wool, or in heather worsted, all situ $19.00. Imported suUs of Llama wool. Tlie sweater has a Bytoncellar and pulls ever the head. In buff and Copenhagen) 1 te 2 years $24.00j3te5yenn$26.50; 6 te 8 years $29.00. Careful attention f j g(tn te erderj by mail. D aer'e r. -,, sh- jVjMjTk; SaiBialtdidiumKjli wii JiV,$-rwn.iv i. uLL: x.i . ' : -A- ' -, flBft. ' feK," Ki'f'Sf. ii j ',$SiiRrl sf;:- "ysy ft 'j8-' ZiW ' JS Photo by Photo-Crafter. MISS JVNE POPE YEATMAN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pepe I'eatman, of 1118 Spruce street, who entertained in her parents be at the opera last nUht T te the afternoon's program, which was followed by a tea. Mrs. Whitney 1 Regent of the chapter. Mrs. Samuel Reckerfeller and Mrs. Edward Fell, of Doylestown, will enter tain at & tea en Saturday afternoon in honor of Mra. Henry Levezey. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn P. King have re turned from Atlantic City and are new In their new home en Sixty-fifth avenue, Oak Lane. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The Kappa Chapter of PI Sigma Sor ority will held Its winter dance at the Hetel Walten In the Japanese room next Saturday evening. Mr. and Mra. Charles Calllnan, of 1S31 Erie avenue, entertained the Neighbors' Club of which they are mem bers at their home last evening. Their Surata Included Mr. and Mrs. Ames elkler. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ferth Hill, Mr. and Mra. Charles Metz. Mr. and Mra. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. William Reach, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reet and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith. WE8T PHILADELPHIA The ladles' auxiliary of the Yeung Men's Hebrew Association, West Phila delphia branch. 6249 Spruce street, held a Kaftee Klatch last week. The pro ceeds of this affair were used In buying boskets of feed for the needy and toys for peer children. Mrs. Jean B. Adler, 1800 North Sixty second street, will remain In New Yerk until her uncle. Mr. Bernard Baren, will sail for his home In Londen. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mra. Charles Mehr. of 23 H Seuth Uoseweod Btreet, entertained In formally at cards at their home last week. The guests of honor were Miss Inrititieai or AnnoDece. menti Write or Phene for Knaravid or Trlnted Sample. ROYAL ENGRAVING CO., 814 Walnut St. BEADbU BAGS REPAIRED All Makes W. can r.nevat ynr n and mak It loon ilk nw. Expert worit werit m k n b I p; aatlataotlea uaranUed. MARIE FROMMS 11B H. MTH BT. I W Br m R .aal wK iV-exytuHM 100 VIRGIN WOOL Q 1 F T S --that reflect the discrimination of j TVf?' in tlie suJ?erier quality and high standard of each article. These shown here, are selected from hundreds that vc suggest. ,, :j Tailored Camel Hair Weel hats, soft and ya'rwTteeO cmbteldercd '" Gloves and gauntlets In Camel Hair, white, black and heather mixtures, $1.75 -$3.00. heather $i00' lighter wel8hthcatheM$3.0e! m " A,v 1ilt t-r- 1 yBf -wvv . r J B Company : : PkJladelpkia 1516 CHESTNUT STDP.RT MMiWeMM Hjw--t rtrin.,.v.,.. .j.s'-v Mae Pierce and Mr. Nlcklaa Bereaferd. Others who attended Included Mr. and Mrs."Edward MeNee, Mlsa Helen Mehr. Mr. William D. Coffin and Mr. and Mra. W. Scott Slsallew, Jr. A muslcale was given en Sunday evening by the Musical Art Club In the Weightman Building. These who took part In the pregrnrnme were Miss Evelyn Tyson, Miss Vivian Cardero and MIbs Mlna Doleres. FRANKFORD Mrs. C. Phillips, of Arrett Btreet, will be hostess at a lunoheen tomorrow afternoon te the members of her fort nightly card club. A lecture en "Werd We Use" was given by Mr. Francis H, Green In the lecture room of the Frankford Presby terian Church lftBt evening. Miss Jane Adams, of Frankford ave nue and Sellers street, la apendlng sev eral weeks tn Albany as the guest of Mrs. Charles Pekln. Weel for Knitting 19c an ounce FIRST QUALITY PCRE WORSTED SKEINS, NO COTTON. NO C O A R S K HAIRS, TAST COLORS, OVER 30 fl II A I) K S. MAIL. PHONE AND C. O. I). ORDERS FILLET). Yarn Clearing Heuse Lecuit 5010 1228 Cherry St Ladies1 Silk Hese Special Vatae . Blaek and Celer., color. Alte full li2T.. ". aaiaa, Chhdran'a and Mnn'a Hnaa Oeen Mendair. Fri. 1 and Balnrdar tSrratnn I McPhileray'i, 1624 Market St Next te Htaeltr ThMtr aU::l7. PHOHOUNCtD YAY-GER V "J Utf X 1 ifi Imported camel hair Heuse Gowns bound with ribbon or cord. Warm and serviceable. Tailored In our own work rooms. Men's eownsfrem $57 te $75, tax net Included. Women's and children's, tee. Send for our illus trated catalog. , tH!.--. M ' ' jgzMixr ,t.?1 y.Ayytj t A'.h'i.l.ni. nAI I rnn nmilTklTC RAM FDR iJrHUIANIb DML .."' GIVEN LAST NIGHT Miss Mary C. Hebard Proaentod at Bollevuo-Stratford by Parents Among- myrlnda of aweet alented Aoav Aeav era and sparkling llghta, MUa Mary C. Habard, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Dan iel U Mebard, of Chealnut Hill, made her formal debut last night at a ball given by her parents In the Rese Gar dens of the Bellevue-Stratferd. Hundreds of tiny pink shaded lights. Intermlngllwr with soft draperies of southern smllax encircled the gardens, while bay trees, rybedlum ferns and orecua plants were artistically grouped about. Tall Italian vases filled with beautiful pink roses, celle. lilies and be be genlns formed n. tropical setting1 for the stare, which was banked with over ever greens anC.ialms. Baskets or pink roses were suspended en rope of smllax from the tall, stately pillars of the gardens which were fes tooned with soft feathery greena. Miss Hebard looked lovely in a frock of white satin embroidered In crystal, cut square at the neck and made with a girdle of white tulle. She carried American Beauty -resea. Supper for two Hundred and fifty guests was served at midnight. Many dinners preeeeded the dance. Mlsa Hebard, of Wyndcllffe, Chestnut Hill, entertained at a dlnner at the Bellevue-Stratford, In honor of her gjjF VanLXwn & Stokes Ce. jjf n Jewelers u H 1 1 23 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia B 1 U The joy of gift-giving U complete U when the selection indicate erig- Q inality and thoughtful effort Q 8 Rings S D in Platinum Set With Q Diamonds D I Sapphires D I Pearls D , P Aquamarines Q S $120 $5000 02 Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Millinery Sale Extraordinary 800 Trimmed Hats Many at Half-Price and Less Eight Mere Shopping Coty's Violette affS.war esnssi Toilet Article Gift Suggestions ludnut'. .moll .!. ,ft rrct. in an assortment r , If tl lit odera 7Se. "" "'"' ln " assortment of flower Qeelquri Tleera and Ideal Toilet Powder at fl.OO lljtrklds Talcum Pender, apeelal 23e box. Keer A OaUet VleUt Water, .pedal 1.5 bottle. Children llrunh and Comb Hetn, 11.80. Ilriinh Comb and Mirror Hetaj white with hin.i ,i. eight artlstle dcslfms. 8.7B. n n:ma deceiuei&na Christmas Cards u deien, Tile reirular 1.50 and 3.00 u l'Ir.t fleer Allen's Fer Christmas Handkerchiefs Sw.;Br1bn:r,nmer,(?: SSS, 11 Alse in Hand I'nlntcd colors, 18ct 3 for BOc, tSe. 88p ' Linen llnndkerclilef. Imnd-cmbrolclered corner n V1.00, 1.SS, l.ne each. comers. e0e, :0c. All-Linen Initial Hnndkerehlef. for men and women. Men at 00c nnd 73c eucli. Women', at SOe. 60e. 80e. 7fle ami Sl.JS each. -s Children', lleied Handkerchief, that the kiddles llkn 70e, 8S0 for box of three. iuuies iiKe. flOc, 60e, 20 Discount en All Handbags We will deduct 20 at time of purchase from all vei. , tjtie nnd leather liiindbuKs. An excellent onpertunltv t . ve" real saving en our entire eteck of excellent value and wi 1-25". R handbags. """ "lected Fine Grade Turkish Towels, $1.00 9 These are our usual Jl 50 nnd Tewel Sets, Special $1.50 Bnv Ilitth-.lie Teel, acitpat towel and wwh rlcitl. te mntK edges crocheted in Pink, nlue or Lavcndar; daintily boxed nn-."L wiui rinuen. Boxed Calendars, 20c; 3 for 50c and WJ2? f0afmoe,rT1e!Cgtnu'sn, ICxe!i ITX' J. Reduction of 33V3 en Women's And Children's "Sleepy Hellew" Flannelette Nightwcar and Undci'skirts Owinc te mild weather, we are overstocked en 1nnin garments for the cooler nights te come. We have net i-I. i the prices but at the time of purchase we will dwfect J IkuS oeleVcirto uT Pr,CC' 8 mC"nS t,UHC RUrmc,Ufl wnS plaKttle? f "CC"Cnt Krnd CHntn fl8nneI' ln 8trJP nd Unrestricted choice of every style Flannelette Nitn Pajama, Underskirt, and ChlBren'H SleeplnJ GarmVnS . in0?"' stock. There is Immense choice and thlAh TwiTl lltt Iml we have the stock. l wniie On sale In the regular section, second fl 3fc3WWfca&i3Wa hlece. MIm y C. Hebur.J, .which in- d"1"1 the oUt-eMown Ket. Miss Mary H. Stewart, debutante daughter of Mra. Rebert O. i.1" . and Mr. and Mra. Harry P. C. Htlke- - ... h.i at HlnriAr for AllHH Marjerio Y. Gibben, debutante daughter of Dr. and Mra. Jehn u0.'PDOS- t.wi guests Included Mlsa nuth Packard, Jtlsn Mary B. Thayer. Mlsa Bydney Diddle, Mlsa Mary Heppln Hewland. Mr. Philip B. Fisher. Mr. Nerman ETIlaen, Jr., Mr. James Cheaton, 4th, Mr. Ernest C. Savage and Mr. William L. Savage. ROXDOROUQH Miss Isabel Foulkrod, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jehn J. Foulkrod, Jr.. will be a gueit at the house party which Mr. and Mra. W. Mesley Swain, of Haver ford, will give at the Lake Placid Club, New Yerk, ever the holidays. The faculty of the Levering Scheel gave a dinner In honor of Miss Eliner Maxwell, who recently returned from a trip te Japan, en Monday evening at the Uoxberough Country Club. MOORE8TOWN Mr. and Mra. Heberton Wllllama en en en tortalned about 1B0 of their frienda at a dinner danee en Saturday In the I. O. O. P. building. Mr. and Mra. Jenke have returned from Germantown where they attended a reception en Saturday. NORRI8TOWN Mrs. Ralph Duckworth, of 023 West Lafayette street, entertained at dinner In honor of her husband's birthday an niversary. The gueata Ineluded Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sllcex, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hol brooke, Mlsa Anna VanFessen, Miss Gertrude Selah, Mrs. Ellxabeth Coaael Ceaael berry. i Days Until Xmas Extract, S4.50 Specially Priced re new 7j0 de.en card, are new 00 rear. J1.76 llnd. with f'. . daintily boxed nSd tied oer. QER Mr, and Mr. MANTOWN .tehn IIehen-Adel. 3617 seent several days visiting In New Yerk, Mlsa Mary Einstein will visit Miss Dena Washerman and Miss Katherlne Wasnerman, of Wlssahlcken avenue. 8teever-8tearna Wedding A marriage of Interest will tuke plarn at the First Prosbyterlen fhureh of Willlnmspert at 8.30 o'clock this eve ning when Miss Delphene Elizabeth Stearns, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rebert Stearns, will beceme the bride of Mr. Jehn Wilsen S'eever, son of Dr. nnd Mrs. Henry von Heff Steever, of Chester. Mr. fltearns will give his daughter In marriage, nnd her alster. Mrs. Samuel Wilsen Williamson, of Chester, will attend na matron of honor. There will Im four bridesmaids who will Include Mlsa Jean Hays Stearns. Miss Helen Peeskc, Mlsa Mar gam Bingham Caryell nnd Mrs, Town send Van Olaker, all of Wllllamspert. bride's cousin', will be flower girl, ' Mr. Little Mlsa Elizabeth jane Heener, tne Here is one of the new La France models for Fall a smart looking, trim fitting beet of Mahogany Calf, ideal for all-round wear. You'll enjoy its comfort as much as the fineness of the leather and its stylish cut. And you'll find its price most reasonable when you consider the quality of mate rial and workmanship. CJULADELI'lUA'S LEADING THEATRES i Direction of LEE A J J. SKUIIERT sam SHL JRE.RT kveb. at siie 8. ''nUDLn 1 MATH WEn- ft sat, LAST 4 DAYS OF Jtfenm. Hhub-rt'H Hlp-Kearine n MAT. TODAY s$j 50 EDDIE CANTOR In th Cntury Th-itr Produrtlen "MIDNIGHT ROUNDERS" WITH 125 OF"nrE xvenr.n'B OIIKATKST ENTEnTAINKH3 Nr SEATS NOW SELLING QAUA. TULETTIDE FUN FESTIVAL AL The Qrand DJInn of laujthter Hear His Wenderl New Songs J0LS0N In Grwatet Winter Garden Triumph SINR An GOLDEN nBVEL J 1 11 D A U QLOIUOUS QinLS ADELPHI EVa: ; 10 MaU. Thur. 4 Sat.. 2:18 POP. MAT. TOMORROWS a. ir. weeds rnnaENTa "!lB MARJORIE RAMBEAU JiS. PA,lnln r?nSSi'P Great MMedrama THE SIGN ON THE DOOR SriATS NOW BBI.L.INO l"OR XMAS DT NEW TEAK'S MXT1.VED AND NIGHT I YRIC EVES. AT 8il0 A a M.Tfl. WED 6AT-' 2'" Pep. Mat. Today $! .50 Here's soma scandal for yexi! Of course I never aest, but if jeu cenve te the matinee or night performance of "Her Family Tree." my new musical plot at the Lyric, ieu mat; learn iemethitta te your advantage. pfa'tirvVHp cfetx SEATS NOW FOR XMAS DAT CHESTNUT ST. OPEnA "01'se ' POSITIVELY LAST ie DAYS j''?.' iT-r" '" rtf.,MU3, n 1,1 D. W. GRIFFITH'S MASTERPIECE "Way Down East" MAT. DAILY g $1.00 &j NOTE Owlna- te com lnth of preduc tlen and tron-beund rentracta. thla plctura nevrr can t aheirn nt leai than (trat-claai theatrs prlra. I skats .vow ren xmab pat ACADEMY OF MUSIC 1 Trun4ay Evening-. December te New Yerk Symphony OnCHESTRA Pamreach Conductor K REI S LER Sat a' A-adm and Ilfi p.-' 11 10 Thutnui AST0R FRANKLIN AND G1RARD 3 PHOWS DAIL.V I 7 0 Today Ffatura Pearl White in 'Tiger's Cub" HTL.V1A ANITA PQI.E.V fiOLOlBT 'ETTH'S THEATRE LEO CARRILLO I TK BTAIt. "IIMIIVRDI. tin Jin t Mna jimmii: nAnnV OOKDI.VO HAUHY AND ffi and TR1XIE FRIGANZA HAIXHOOM IlEI.I.EVUn STUATFnnn SAMAROFF-STOKOWSKI I-L'NKIIAI. MAIK'lI" Benuu en ln. TIOICKTS SI TO V2 6U AT fir lf ?'?'" 11 III t'tlKHTVUT HT. ANl" ',.', , S L'i-b- f?i. n .SCHebr' 1320 Chestnut., Loci3l92.en"DP '31 eqijiicw. 'iy "uanaaaaj tit QpJiV ORPHEUM 0i;Va't'inie Ch,,t"' Av. MAE DESMOND f1r'u7.?., NEXT WEEK -"HTOPTmK'r- lv"' duments ; , nr KJVllYICl I WLUI1 M nstrr; Comic nurUaqua "WAY DOWN YEA ST WORLD'S OP UVINU f'UItlOaiTH.H OPKN DAILY 11 A M in In .. MUSEUM llth Marfcal-Kermarly mnh,.n,' t,,..,. CASINO Wel. ab. Bth. Mat Ted7 victory Bellea -M.1I riPOPii Trocadero 10lh Arcb 'i' urd llillta 'aYJay William Mplf, Kink-la, of Albany, frf, will be Mr. Bleever'B best mrtn ana ushers will Include Mr, Henry von Hteever and Mr. rjunuici Wl'en 1 tl ..,.... . Pl..tAH t All riAfiMTA i Jl Stearna, 2d, of Wllllamspert J Air. Wil liam S. Melntlre, Jr., of Meylanl Mr. Fnrwell Leng, of Baltimore, and Mr, Wllllnm H IJlaknley, Jr., of CliMtr. A reception will fellow at the home 6f Mr, and Mrs. Stearns, nuer wmen or. pnu Mrs. Hteever will leave for a w UUl ilnv Journey. NOVICIO-ICAUFirMAN The wedding of Mlaa Sylvia Ethel Knufrman, daughter or Mr, and Mra. LeuIh Kauffman, of 1B20 North Elfbth street, took plece last evnnlng at CtSO o'clock te Mr. lnalere Maxwell NevJck. nt the Rltz-Carlten. Rabbi Abraham J Feldmon, of Keneaeth Israel Temple, performed the ceremony In the presence, of only members of the two famllf. The brlde was attended by her stater, Mlsa Clara M. Kauffman. A dinner fol lowed the aervlce, Mr. and Mra. Nevlck. after nn extended weaaing jour. iney, will live In Overbroek. Medel Ne. 443 $11.50 1204-06-08 Market St. (FORMEIU.Y KNOWN A3 THE STANUStl MAJIKET AH. 10X1111 A. M. TO Jl T. II. NAZ1MOVA aagAjg. PAF AC 121 MAiUCET 8TIU5ET ?..'Vi,fT.V-'- 10 A. M. te ll'.lS P. M. EUGENE O'BRIEN ,'W.0UL ARPAHIA Cnaatnut St. Bal lets "VV-JL1tl 10 A. M. te UllB P. M. nnnrenT w chamiierb' story "THE RESTLESS SEX" With Marlen Davlaa and Carlyla lilacleull VIrT'D I A Merket Street Ab. tt V 1V 1 vyjT.l-. 0 A. M tellilS P. M. VON "Devils Pakey STOOHKIirS CAPITOL 724 MAHKOT BT. ALICE LAKH In, "THE MIgFIT Wlffg" REGENT MAJ5!S.?S-ii1 "CLOTHES" GLOBE MAnKET HTREET at JUNIPER rONTINPOl'S VAUDEVILI.K 11 TO 11 "fnnev l Meney " Little Came: Othr METROPOLITAN OPERA MOUSE PlIII.ADEt.PHI ORAND OPERA CO. Tomorrow Kvg FAUST . . .. .a ... ..j fOXtvtan 9 I I I ri f(iW iSXfeMaSSSf &U4USUM HDmlluF ill - - -aat - I I PHILADELPHIA'S FOREMOST THEAl-.iL FORREST mat. Tpn.y POSITIVELY LAST 4 NIGHTS ) THE SEAPON'S SUPRESrE flUCCESS K UlIAJUvKS DILLINGHAM PrenenU APPLE BLOSSOMS Tli Krelnler-Jacobl-Le Uiiren Operetta jenn cnarien Tnemna wllfla uennett l'erclval Knight the AatAtrei TWO WEEKP ONLY HEO DEC. 20 SEATS NOW Ten ALL PEnPX)nMANCTS Great Holiday Attraction Peppy! Breezy! Zippy! CHAJrt.CS DILLINGHAM'S . MUSICAL OOMIDY SUCCtST Xfctste-onyevitr GARRICK x !S?t Sat. Popular Mat. Today D"t $2 Positively Last Week CIIAItLRS FROHMAN Prent OTIS SKINNER IV Tlin NEW PLAT At the Villa Rese n- A 15. W MASON MO.v . DEC IOHOUDAV ATTIIACTIOW DAID Iti:i.ARre Pre,.nli DAVID WARFIELD in The Return of Peter Grimm S'ata Neu for Xmas un1 New Year's Weakt BROAD N'IunT'' AT 8 IB . Popular Mat. Today "' $2 5TH WEEK OI" wmitbe" n t - J KN""A'"MKNT Uest Comedy ever written by an American." v t Tiuuima A Beeth Tttrkingten Classic CLARENCE with ALFRED LUNT and OI1IOINAI NKW YORK CAHT SEATS NOW "r Xin.. .ni New Year's Wwll ML I KOFJOLITAN 0VK iinrtatt sl'Alrt NOW PELI.INO ai IIeji ctfllvn and Waynvann'a 1I0H Chtn.it Ht Special Pep. Price (Jala Holiday Attraetlenl Xmaa Day Mat. and following Twe Weak The Ed Wvnn f 111 at- . -.. carnival """ " pir I'erfaet Foel PEOPLES Ken. Ave. & Curefe. MAT TODAY GOL BIJOU GOLDEN CROOK bth ab. Itaca, Mat. Tular French Freic (7 ,0i V?7 J?'1 ' va m Mi tA i i n ,i,,.''l'-iv "' ir.3jLat..K-. '. tg'JLjy