l.4i'jiv''iI WLvxitr? '.i . '. A. Ai . v &si jsmw JEErsJfSTjl rW?V'ifir?' irrffi III TT 1 wpw n VyTfVTW '3fi ' KLi .. r - 5 f. r n '. , Sw'r'SRMWR? Z. tfjjut- - U' lv fc j' r. 1 ' lfG, If i sr-v 4 k. tPMCl i- r r, r L Bl: S? EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER,,, CMN WOULD PAY !500 IFOR PLAN I! jTells Council Bending Company i " Wl Assume 'Responsibility for Completion of Sowage Works ENN PURCHASE UPHELD rinns bv which the city will tac efr, for ,500 000. th property of the Peaci Reduction Ce. Tcr submitted te Ceunslli jciterdnv bv Director Caen ThlN action in in line with the de cision Oi the Department of Public Works te 4n'tf evr, In 1021, the col lection nnd disposal of garbage in the entire city. Director Ceven also placed before Council his recommendation and the details of the compromise agreement which lie had tentatively completed with the National Suret Ce . by which the bending concern will aisume responsi bility for the completion of the north nerth nerth east sewage treatment works. Sewage. Phint Completion Urged Tn the mnttcr of the Northeast tew ge operation, the dincter recommended that he be autherised te contract with the National Surety ("Je. for comple tion of that work for $1,002,273. The director explained that in view of the risks attendant upon litigation te com pel the National Surety Ce. te llnlsh the work as bondsman for the Philadel phia Pubwny Construction Ce., which failed te complete the original contract, ' it would be mere economical for the city te accept the compromise offer agreed te tentatively between him as director and the bending company. Council also received yesterday from the Mayer his approval of the ordinance llxlng the tax rate for 1021 et $2.15. With the eighty centij school tax fixed by the Heard of Education, making the total tax rate te property owners $2.nr. Councilman Uurch introduced an or dinance yesterday providing for n transfer of $121,871.11 te pay fop the restoration, care and Insurance charges en the Jehn O, Jehnsen art collection new in the custody of the Falnneunt Park Commission. The money will be transferred from the appropriation which was intended te provide r iiltc and building for the collection. Cellins Reinstatement Assured Council jesterday passed u resolu tion directing the director of public tafctv te appoint Jehn F. Cellins as engineer In the Itureau of Police. Col Cel lins was tnginecr of the police beat Key burn in 1018, when the then direc tor of Public safety ordered his dismis sal. Cellins carried the case te court and last summer Judge Audenrcld or dered his reinstatement Superintend ent Mills obeyed the court mandate but the following day suspended Cellins, pending his hearing en the old charges of gambling before the present Civil Service Commission. The, latter body found Cellins innocent. 10 OFFER NEW PLAN FOR CHARITY FUND One Cent a Week Per Worker Frem Employers Is Proposed by Society MEETING AT ACADEMY TODAY Twe Beys Hurt en Trelley While stealing a ride en a trolley car last night, two Negroes, Itegent Williams, of 2330 North Orkney street, and Themas Farrell, of 2320 North Orkney street, were seriously injured. They wprc clinging te the side of a trolley car at Tenth street and German town avenue when another cer going in the opposite direction struck them. They were taken te St. Christopher's Hospital At the annual meeting of the Phila delphia Society for Organizing Charity te be held this afternoon at -1 o'clock, In the foyer of the Academy of Music there will be presented a new financial plan for raising the $300,000 fund needed for the coming year. According te the new plan for rais ing this fund all the employers iu Phila delphia will be asked te pay one cent a week per empleye In order te necure this sum. , Associated with C. Willing Hare, the I newly appointed chairman of the fin ance committee of the Beciety, which is undertaking te raise the $300,000 fund, are Samuel M, Vauclaln, J. Hewell Cummlngs, J. K. McAllister, Arthur W. Sew all, Kebert K. Cassatt, Percy M. Chandler, William M. Elklni, W. W. Foulkrod, Jr., Caleb Fex, J. S, C. Harvey, Samuel Ilea, Jehn New bold, Keland L. Tayler, Frank Graham Thomsen, Charlton Xarnall and Theo Theo eore J. Lewis. According te Mr, Hare the distress Activities of Students at University Today """" i " 10:30 o'clock Sphinx and Friars Senior Societies meeting, Pcnnsyl vnnlan office. 1 o'clock Northeast High Scheel Club luncheon, Housten Club. 1 o'clock Phllemathc,an Society meeting, College Hall. 5 o'clock Undergraduate Council meeting, Housten Club. 8:1B o'clock Campus concert by Philadelphia Orchestra, Wclghtman Hall. among the peer has increased se great ly within the last mnth and the funds of the society have been se seriously de pleted that unles new support can be found for Itn activities at once, its work will have te be greatly curtailed. A deficit of $28,004.78 was incurred during the last fiscal year when the so ciety expended $204,014.08 and the de mands for the remlng years are expected te be greeter than before en account of the Industrial depression which always fellows an extended period of high living costs. The proposed $300,000 fund will be considered as a mlnmum as large con tributions from business men will be solicited In addition te the development of the cent-n-week plan. Norwood Schools Closed The beard of health of Norwood has ordered the public schools of the bor ough closed te combat an epidemic of rhickerf-pex and scarlet fever. The order requires the schools te close until January 3 nnd all Sunday schools until December 24. 1920 . r,t ..-'.. rt ,l, ( 1 WAREHOUSE FIRE STUBBORN Prompt Action of Policemen Pre vents Ole Damaye A fire en the fourth fleer of the ware house of Henry 8. Gcsaell A Ce., 18 North Delaware avenue, proved te be a ktubbern blaze last night for the fire men, who worked for nn hour before the flames were tinder control. The fire was confined te the fourth fleer of the building, which Is a four story brick warehouse. A large quan tity of groceries and ether feed stored In the building were burned. The dam age has net been estimated. Sergeant Arnsters and Patrolman O'Keefe were attracted by a bright light In a window en the fourth fleer of the warehouse; They turned in an alarm and investigated afterward. Their prompt action saved the building. CAMPUS CONCERT T0N1QHT Dr. Rich Will Conduct Symphony at Pennsylvania The Philadelphia Orchestra will give Its third campus concert of thu year nt the Unlverelty et, Pennsylvania this evening. The concert will be in Weight man Hall nt 8l5 o'clock, with Dr. Thaddeus Rich, concertmaster, conduct ing. The announced program follews: Symphony Ne. 5 tn K miner, Dvorak, In four parts: (1) Adagio, allegro moltej (2) Large; (3) Scherzo, allegro vivace: (4) Allegre con fuoce. Hungarian Phantasy, Lisat, with Anna Newheff soloist Orientals, Amani. Ilacehanale, Saint-Sacne. Italian Rhapsody, Cnsella. COME HAVE LUNCHEON TOMORROW'S MENU 75c Vegetable Soup Irish Stew in Casserole Lebster Cutlet Platter Bread & Butter, Coffee Thea who hare dlnd at Menhn ' knew the excellent quality of the feed and service. Treat yeurelf dine with us today and ake knew the joy of rel feed appetiitngly cooked, at you like it bait. MEENEHAN'S CAFE 62rid & WALNUT STS. T llttiT Feed that you'll enjoy MASK AND WIG PERFORMS Shew by Penn Students Will De Re peated Tomorrow Night The preliminary 1020 show of the Mask nnd Wig Club of the University of Pennsylvania was given Inst night at the clubhouse, 310 Quince xtret, the vehicle being a one-act, one-scene com edy, entitled "Persian Night." 'based en the incidents of a trip te Tersln by a young American, te avoid the effects of prohibition. Prominent roles were taken ey u. u. Riley, S. O. MncKchzle, H. d.ii Via ney, J. A. Sexten and li. F, Srnlih. Other members of the cast and chorus included 8. D. Oluskcr, D. P. Bhr6a C. C. Cetterall, W. Armtngten, 3d: V W. Itallc, J. M. Vanderman, 8. Van. dersee, L. M. Smith, C. M. Justl. J N. Dodsen, J. T. Schulti, J. E. Leneri gan nnd D. F. Maxwell. The show will be repeated tomorrow night by a different cast and from beM casts will be picked the company whlel will play Saturday night, before tht members of the undergraduate and graaume mass una nig iiues. s I SHIRTS $1.45 i . . Comprising 1 1 1 S3 and U50 MARSEILLES GLOTH SHIRTS I I Only at I s fAUERS -sis? J sfl&SWSPS Charge Accounts Invited '&>4S8 Charge Purchases Tomorrow Will Be Billed February 1st, lSpgUSWPC1? Mail Orders Filled & Matfsen & DeMan$ 1215 Chestnut Street Fura and Millinery We repair and remodel your Fur Garments very ekillfully and very rcaeenably in price, an well! Great January-Price Speciab French Seal Coats V ClI Marmet Coats tfv Leenard Cat Coats Lr i,tfV Canadian Seal Coats Taupe Ceney Coats iP Brown Ceney Coats Siberian Wolf Coats J J Taupe Lamb Coats Regularly 185.00 te 150.00 Sports and three-quarter-length models, with large rolling shawl cellars and wide bell cuffs of contrasting or self fur. Matfsen & DeM 1215 Chestnut Street Fura and Millinery Illustrated catalog of our Furs mailed free en request. Please write or ask in store. $ ;.i I I K January Prices en FURS-New! A Great Price -Lowering Sale Starts Here Tomorrow isrs French I Ki Seal Ceat Regularly $150.00 January Price 89 -se Don't Wait Until January -Buy New! Prices are Reduced New, Don't Wait! Stere Opens Early for Service for Ladies Going te Easiness We've had a few customers sugg est that prices will be lower in January se, in case this idea is widespread, and in continuance of our progressive policy, we start this great Inducement Sale Tomejrrow, Lowering Prices drastically, te co-operate with the pu blic te stabilize business and te plug honestly for prosperity. Read our Guarantee in next column. A Small fFex, Wolf and Lynx Scarfs, UM lg.00 2g.00 3g.G0 Regularly 19.50 te 65.00 Celers are Taupe, Brown, Black, Peiret, Kam chatka and Lucille. Se positive are we that our prices are as low as they will be in January, 1921, that AVE WILL REFUND any difference in cash, should you find prices lower in January. Buy new in order te get an extra month's wear out of your Furs. Yeu can't lese en price. Can anybody be fairer than this? Take advantage of these lowest prices for many years back I Deposit Will Reserve Yem HUDS0N SEAl C0ATS Sieal Ceat 'rimmed Tfl Regularly ' 295.00 1 January f Tv Price 165-00 fj French Seal Coats I 165-00 I S Regularly 225.00 te -495.00 S Three-auarter-lencrth models of selected skins ft 4 with large shawl cellar and bell cuffs of Beaver, Skunk, Natural Squirrel, Australian Opossum or S5 Seal. Fur Coats Fur Coats TWu'.urt, -'. ruarularlj Sew Nutria 250.00 145.00, French Seal ... 195.00 115.00 Racoon 295.00 185.00 Nat. Muskrat .. 225.00 135.00 Jap Mink 325.00 195.00 I Broadtail Ceat . . 595.00 345.00 Moleskin 395.00 245.00' Beaver 600.00 395.00 us. Opossum... 495.00 315.00 ' Mole Wraps .... 650.00 445.00 Xi.t. Squirrel .. 495.00 365.00 Natural Mink. . . 995.00 693.00 Hudsen Seal Coats 175.oe Regularly 275.00 te 8X5.00 Spert models of fine quality Hudsen Seal with shawl cellar and cuffs of Natural Squirrel, Nutria or Hudsen Seal. Hudsen Seal Coats 325-00 Regularly 450.00 te 405.00 Three-quarter-lenfrth coats of selected Hudsen Seal with shawl cellar and cuffa of Beaver, Skunk or Hudsen Seal. Hudsen Seal Coats 345-00 Regularly 495.00 te 550.00 40 and 45-inch Coats of exceptional quality. Large shuwl cellar and cuffs of Beaver, Skunk or Hudsen Seal. Purchase Big Values in Fur Sets 29-50 44.50 g9.50 9g.50 Regularly 50.00 te 145.00 Seta of Taupe, Brown and Black Fex, Wolf or Lynx, Racoon, Beaver, Skunk, Nutria or Mink. ii i sssL Extra Salespeople te Give Best Mawson & DeMany Fur Service jjf Hudsen Seal Wraps 495-00 & Regularly 650.00 te 750.00 5 An limtuii.il jnlln.4-!v a Hvia t.Ml.i. ... 1 .;. -141 unueuui uiicuuiuii ui nut: uuuiilv wrun.H 111 the most fashionable modes. This price is far 3? ft below actual cost of manufacture. k ft 3$ Chokers and Muffs Jup. Mink Chokers 20.00 Opesuum Chokers. 20.00 Fitch Chokers 20.00 Squirrel Chokers... 20.00 Hudsen Seal Muffs. 20.00 Nutria Muffs 21.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 11.50 Steles Iltjnilar'., N'nv Aus. Seal Steles.. 45.00 21.50 Mole Steles 120.00 69.50 Jep. Mink Steles. 135.00 74.50 Squirrel Stoics... 145.00 79.50 Skunk Steles . . . 150.00 89.50 Opossum Stolee... 145.00 89.50 Children's Coats ejTu.irly Ki White 79 CO JJ4.H0 Tajpt 79 60 A4.S0 Urewij f 90 00 flO.SU lajpe Iin u 95 Oj 04 80 I'uri ne 105 flO 0.fli) leopard W 126 Ou 84.80 Wild Cat . 13D 00 H9.S0 Aubtrullan beal 16B 00 J1O.00 Mele Ceney .. 178 0 130.00 Natural AVnllaby 176 00 l'.'o.eo rSw3t I ti .00 Jig Uf Moleskin Wrap Regularly $650.00 January Price 445 ijVXK Muskrat fwraf Regularly WfJT 225.00 Vf January 1 ( Price li 135.oe W WmM IF V pi iS?i33 - hSfeSfeSh Liberty Beids arid Purchasing Agents' Ordure Natural Squirrel Ceat Regularly 495.00 January Price 36500 Moleskin Ceat Regularly .395.00 January Price 245-00 VwVw&c' k!w) vmi Hudsen Seal Wrap Regularly 750.00 January Price 495.oe il ' French Seal Ceat Regularly 195.00 January Price 11500 Acceptedtfjp Children's Sets HvKulhnv New JJ hlte ceney , is te ii.se Krtwn Cenej 9 BO 0.7B TautKi Cenej a 2D 6 BO Hrewn Ceney 7 50 8.50 Natural Coue 7 B0 fls0 Hei Fex 18 be 13.80 "i"l8er 14 50 10.00 Mhlte Moufflen . 2 1, SO 17.80 Bijulrrel lck ., 27 B0 in. te Natural Mullaby . 20,60 18.80 :&, a.-, i T; t AiSil A' Ws, fcir.r " ' ssei "r.sf A:lfei it"1 "il... iLy g-'-ii - ririi - Mfrf: