SMrWMa i.79 wrssRvmifw fJVij,ur"-M.iT" ' 11 iKVjmV f vRVm ' ' mv J '": v-'i V a V tW r-f. HK A J tfr i mr IfAJ a jf AN ON KIDNAPPING a .t... .-?." m r.w .. v rv. -v .AID AT UNIVERSITY f Und'orgraduate Council Acts When Abductions of Class SINGLE EXCEPTION MADE "I Klrlnapplnjr of class officers at the .'TJnlversIty of Pennsiylvanla shall here Sfter be nllownhle only in cases of mi mi 1herirl rlass fiRnt. l That drastic rulln-j by the umW ''tradnat councils, nffcrtlnit one of the interesting1 "diversion"!" of nrjiverMty S life, wan mode jeMerdnv fnllewlnjc two "wcent Incidents In which presidents of oitwe clasnes were kidnapped nnd pre Vented from attending classes for nearly m week. I" The whole subject was opened several nteks ane when the freshman class "wnceceded In kidnapping .C.terse Har- 'ttnsteln, president of the sopheir.oro tlass, en the Wednesday preceding a -Hophemore class smoker and keeping iim In New Yerk until early Tups- Way marnlng. In all that tim Ilirten- ?'ftcln received cutH for his absence f'ifrem classes, the faculty refusing te 'aacus him despite his Inability te at- etend. " As a matter of retaliation, the eopho eepho eophe Jnores kidnapped Herbtrt Blughara, 'frtshman class president, last week te 8 jrerent him frum speaking at the class ''tnneker and although he escaped In time ''for the smoker he missed about u wsek's class work. Ji In consideration of this and the nt- 0 tftude taken by the faculty, the under- graduate council decided that a oentin- Jaucc of such episodes will only wrk trouble for the leaders of the clasfet "and will net accomplish unythlng. -Therefore It passed a stringent mean- '''ten absolutely forbidding kidnapping "previous te any function ether than authorized class fights. The resolution 'reads : 6'-' "Resolved, That the undergraduate council, in an attempt te fester geed Conduct en the part of the student ' body, absolutely forbids the kidnaping 'r abductiag of members of the various classes before any function except au thorized class fights, und that such kid naping shall take place no noener than thirty hours prier te 'he fight and shall cease one hour before." TURN OUT EXPERT CASTING ; NEW FRATERNITY AT'PENN I 'TO'BE INSTALLED SATURDAY V i ! Alpha Phi Delta te Become Beta Phi of PI Kappa Alpha Saturday will see the first Installation , of a national fraternity at the Untver-1 slty of Pennsylvania elnce 1015. "Th organization receiving its charter at that time is the Alpha Phi Delta, for five years a prominent local at the Uni versity, which will become the Beta Phi chapter of the PI Knppa Alpha fra ternity. Announcement of the installation was made In tht Pennsylvanlan, which gees m te say that PI Kappa Alpha Is una of the last big, Eeutheru fraternities te come N'nrth. It has chapters new at Rutgers, New Yerk University, Pun State and ether big Eastern colleges. It wus founded in 1W8 at the Unlver- ltv nt Vlrffttiln nm! rhe PennSTlvnnln ! rhnnrer In In liji rtfrr. second Tear. The laRt fraternity te be nationalized at the University was Theta Delta Chi, which received its charter In IMG. The installation exercise of the new national will take place at their house, Thirty -ninth and liecust streets, throughout the day en Saturday ana will be followed by a formal banquet at the Hetel Illttenheusc Saturday night. The speakers at this occasion will in clude .1. Lorten Francis, general secre tar . und Heward V. Carlough, district princeps. Members of Pi Kappa Alpha from Itutgers. Penn Stalf and ether neighboring chapters will attend the ex ex orcises. 51 YEARS MARRIED EVfetTOO? PUBTjIO ItTjrDaEIPHfrJAbEtPHI, WEDNESDAY; "t DECEMBER i20f Jehn W. Kephart, fleerje he lieutltller, 8. 8. Lewis-wlIHam Dfaper Lewls, FINE CORN SHOWN N BURLINGTON CO Prediction Made That District Will Be Great .Frurt .Frurt Preducing Center STATE EXPERTS SPEAK Best giants First, Allen Henry; sec ond, Geerge S. Dantz. Bestt Urcen Mountains Geerge 8. DanU. Best red aklna First. Edward Rogers, Mcdferd i second, David Reberta, Moercstown. Beat pink eyea Hareld Herner. ..,. -.- vr , I Mr. and Mrs. Isaac K. Archer, of Barrlngten, N. J., Celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Isaec K. Archer, 'of Barrlngten, N. J., arc celebrating the fifty -first anniversary of their wedding today, In their home, en Ashland ave nue. Mr. Archer was born February 10, 18-13, making him seventy-eeven years old. He served In the United States navy for three years during the Civil War and saw many of the naval fights. He was aDnelnted te the United States rtistnm lintm Hervlee in Philadelnhia 1 Moorestown. in 1800 and retained that office until' Dantz, Columbus, ribbon Mount Helly, X. ., Dec. 15. -A prediction that within a few yearn Bur lington county will be one of the most IntensUe frult-preduclng centers in the East was made yesterday by nam R. Holcombe. secretary, at the annual meeting of the Burlington County Beard of Agriculture In the court house. He said the fruit section of the county ts far greater In extent than nny ether fruit area In the state and the plant ings In prospect among the progressive fruit crewem are going te make it reach the pinnacle that he predicts. In the afternoon there were Institute addresses by W. II. Martin, of the State College-: Alva Agee, secretary of the State Department of Agriculture, and i. G. Schermerhem, of the State College. In the evening the annual banquet took place. There were covers for 2.V). Assemblyman Reberta was the and "Beb" Seeds, of Blr mltighitm, Pa., was, the principal speaker. The corn and potato shows attracted much attention. There were fifty ex hibits of con, and twelve of potatoes, all of exceptional quality. The pre mium winners were: Best ten ears yePew dent, any variety First, Geerge T. Reld, Mount Helly, silver cup; second, Geerge S. Dantz, Columbus. J2.50; third, J. Her man Croshaw, Wrlghtatewn, ribbon. Best ten ears white dent, nny variety First, Harry R. Holcombe, Vlncen Vlncen tewn, silver cup; second, Ieenard C. Vllklns, Medford, $2.00; third, Geerge S. Dantz, ribbon. Best ten ears white-capped yellow dent First, Jehn Black, Mount Helly, silver cup : second, Fred Llpplncett, ?-'.ru: tniw, jenn u. SHIFT CAMDEN MEMORIAL Hall Honoring Soldiers Can't Hava Cemetery Site t Camden's prepBed memorial hall will net be erected en the site of the old Camden cemetery. The Joint memorial committee, composed of ceuncllmcn and members of the American Legien in Camden, reached that decision when City Counsel Bleakly declared the deed te the cemetery prohibit its uee for anything but a cemetery. The committee has decided te arrange for the purchase of the property en the northeast corner of Broadway and Ben son street for the erection of the hull. DINE WITH GOVERNOR Members of Revision Bedy and Others Are Entertained Harrisburr, Dec. 15. Governer nnd Mrs. Sprout last night entertained tbe members of the Constitutional Revision Commission, state officials and many prominent in the commercial profes sional and social affalrn of the state at e dinner at the executive mansion. The g-uentb included: Majer Lynn G. Adams, William D. B. Alney, Geerge H. Alter, Geneml W. V. Atterbury, General Frank D. Beary, E. E, Beldleman, Hampton L. Carsen, Clifferd B. Connelly, Jehn P. Connelly, William E. Crew, Jehn Crexer, Cyrue H. K. Curtis, Jehn P. Dwycr, Colonel James Klveraen. Charles II. English, Dr. Themas E. Flnegan, Jehn S. Fisher. Edward J. Fex, William P. Gallagher, Spencer Gilbert, James Gay Gorden, Charles Heebner, Colonel Oliver H. Hurschman, Alba B. John John Jehn eon, Jehn P. Kelly, H. M. Kephart, vr-- si r.t til!. 1I..M u Xa1 l ante j, .nwOTinini 1""(, "' ."',' Devltt. Dr. Edward Martin, Mrs. Jehn O. Miller Themas L. Montgomery, A. P. Moere, It. L. . Munce, Geerge B, Oliver, A. Mitchell Palmer, Geerge Wharten Tapper, Gilferd Plnchet, Samuel B. Rambo, Frederlk Rasmussen, James II. Reed, Colonel Charles A. Reek, B. B. Sadler, William I. Bchaffer, Alexander Simpsen, C. A. Snydr, William Kerper Stevens, Themas W. Tempeleten, Arthur W. Thompson, Francis Newton Thorpe, Chester J. Tyron, Jehn A. Vell, Mrs. Barclay II. Warburton and James V. Woodward. Alexander's Wife Qets $400,000 Athens, Dec. IK. A court deoUler has been handed down autherising Madame Manes, the wife of the late Klnf Alexander, te enter Inte Imme diate possession of the fortune left by the king. This is estimated In value at 2,000,000 drachmas (about 9400,000 normally), and consists almost entirely of menay and Jewels. 1014. when he resigned and moved te Barrlngten. He served under Collec Cellec ters Cooper, Reed, Themas. Hult and Berry. lie Is prominent here as is. Mrs. Archer, who was born in Reading Pa., August 4, 1814, sh being seventy. six years old. I Best single ear In show William E. Shinn, Columbus, $1.00. Best basket late crop giants Allen Henry, Mount Helly. Best basket late crop Green Moun tain Hareld Herner, Mount Helly. Best basket cobblers Allen Henry. 3000-Pound Piece at Navy Yard Judaed Fine Achievement A .1000-pound steel casting te form a , submarine engine base, was turned out j yesterday at the Philadelphia Navy , Tard. The casting Is considered by experts te be one of the most difficult ' accomplishments of the kind ever at tempted In this country. The casting, which Is part of one el the new type American submarine engine designed us a renult of careful ritudy of naval engineers of Deisel engines taken from cuptured German i TJ-bouts, is said te be most remarkable from the fact that it is mere powerful j in its comparative lightness than thn 7000 -pound iron and bronze castings of ttWrican type engines of the same size. The foundry at the navy yard is con- . Hidered the tinfst equipped one in the I United States and the only plant where Buch a casting could be made. The machine, work, finishing and assembling ' is being done at the Brooklyn N"av Tard. Extreme lightness, coupled with the aTeater power of the Drisel oil-burning ' I engine Ls said by nuval engineem te been the secret of the (Jerman I - acknowledged superiority ever tAe undersea battlers of ether nations. Hj UNLESS music has flooded your life with sunshine, unless you've provided your fam ily with the means of music at all times, you have net provided well. Hurry here for a Piane, Player-Piane or Victrela Easy Terms G. W. HUVER CO. Victer lUrerdi itr svn tvcctptable xlft 1031-33 CHESTNUT ST. Open Kvrnlngs Till Xmi -HOME OF SERVICE- I In the Morning Before Scheel '"PHE most delicious breakfast you wan give your children is a bowl e: r.ce, cooked se that each grain is ylump. tender and standing alone. Sprinkle with iUKr and cover vrith milk. Then hear the youngsters iieller for mere. It's the most healthful breikfaat you can give thtm, tee. Rice sup plies strength te growing bodies. It Hustair.s their energy through hours c: school-work and play. It builds bone and muscle. Rice is mere quickly and easily digested than any ether feed. Serve rice js a vegetable for dm cer and supper. It is delicious with all meats, fish, and poultry. Eat it as you de potatoes with gravy or butter ever it. When served with tomatoes and grated cheese as a sauce, rice makes a complete meal by itself. There are ever three hun dred tasty ways te prepare rice. J5at it every day you'll enjoy it. By eating rice, you save money. It is the most economical feed you can buy. One cupful makes enough for a family of five. There is never a bit wasted. Any that's left ever can be made into a number cf ap petizing dishes. Rice is the best feed grewr. in America. American rice Is the firiejt sn the world. This is a Master Recipe Thr south, famous for appetising diiltai, givn u fie bttt recipe for cooking ricm. It it te maty, that anyone who fellows fie direction! can cook rice tucctttfully tht fb-tt tim thtty try. V.htr. rue thoroughly in ;. trlntr. Ut fc ccep fer'Illn ' Ifitcx'trt kettle. Te fsur rjr of belllnir truer aM one level tekpn.n (ul of Thfn til one cup e( wthed rice iu ulewl rtter centlnute te boil. LU r.f ..nienkilr wlh fork, snd ihtke kett.t 40 thit no ktr.-.e: etlck te bettcrn. I) at tt.u i imperunt serer irtir ti fite. ZJcii ttnt r.-.lnutei. Then pour TJtef e(, 1( ny, nil puce in open even where ! Till linlih swell ing riiiieut Dumir.K. f.acii iron mil attnci tlene, plurr.3, tender, i.nj delkleiij. Cer.eult ir.y ittndara oei book ei a rii:nler j! tt:e'. .ent recipes tcr rice. ASSOCIATED RICK MILLERS OF AMERICA, Inc., New Orlean., L. EATRICE iHimm ii f irsi i -ii is ii i ' i i ii i m ii i i - - - - ii i in linn i 1 --- - - , , af i THOSE' who meter in the Cadillac are mere im pressed every day by the keen satisfaction they ex perience in .feeling that their pleasure will net be marred by some mis-, conduct of the car. CADI L L A.C W NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street u 3 R 1 " a :; BillEllliniE i 3US3!E55 CAR Dedge Brethers Business Car continues te prove, in actual use, that it is an economical car. It is economical in its current cost-per-mile and ever a long period of use. It vifi'll pay i te vjit u3 und isiamine thi car. the haulage cost is unusually low THORNTON - FULLER AUTOMOBILE CO. Parkrray, East of 18th Street AUTHORIZED DEALERS CharU McCeurh, 3737 Fmnkferd Are. Ln. J. Zensie, Dryn Mavrr, Pa, Rittenheuie, Moter Car Ce., GerDiuntetrn J. H. Swope, Darby, P. SpntMi 1040 Erneet Jenei, JenUintewn, Pa, Geerge W. Deran, Ardmers, Pa. Fred L. Hawk, Lanodewno, Pa. Geerge A. LaiUe-y, 3433 It. Breael St. TIBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlSBlBlH II .. . . . . . . . ' iinai iMMeWTrrm i r ----- -" J . , r i!QlZj'j' if t f n''Tnifr - - r i - -1 "" ISSJtjt-L' T TW- - MtaBtai 8 mi LEADS BURQUR BAND Pretty Maid Obtains Employment In Wealthy Hemes and Aids Thieves Chicago, Dec. 15. Police have un covered a $100,000 burglar band whose lure and leader is a beautiful girl of nineteen, who gains employment In wealthy homes and chloroforms the chil dren nnd etner occupants while her asueciatfB are robbing the place. "She has n Madenna face, a Mena Lisa Bmlle and grcrit, Innocent blue eyes that disarm all suspicion," eatd one of her victims. She would apply for a position as maid and her appearance In such that Hhe was generally employed at once. In a few days the house would be robbed and the "maid," frightened badly by the burglars, would resign and return te her "country home." The robberies at the residences will average $2500 each and there are many of them. ? ? 7 San Francitte OMcaoe Xtw YerJi THE ONE QUESTION when In- teUigcnt people meet: "Hava YOU read CAIUS GRACCHUS By Odin Gregery?" (2 everywhere. Cenl & LlveHcht, N. 7. PABCEL TOST Barter Scissors, Clip pers, Razors and Mani cure Scissors. Aim Bft RMor.BtedM ntnretati Filbert Grinding Ce. ' 1820 FlLBKnT ST.1 ' ' Sure Cure Fer All Chrittnii Shtpplnt Wrri Olainends, Watches and Jewelry ? UACC 33 Seuth C IllUdd Ninth St. PROPERTY OWNERS ATTENTION SAVE YOUR ROOF BY neplrlnt Hqnll rMhndm and plnttla root re nfit. Will malt an rrrtlMtlnr repair. Ij rrei rxnilre killed labor. Anr ptnen con Bpplr It. Tackrd In all (lie patkacrs and gMalnabt In all relm. Vtti br the V. ti. Oeinmmfnt and Uric mfin, te re pair reefs of all kinds. Guaranteed for 10 rttn, JAMES F. LYON'S CO. 18 H. 1T1I NT.. riltTA. Ilieiif Murkrl 3S8S Here Npelett erPIpcHcatlng Systems A Syitaxn for Vitrr Heme cons PATMRNXS XV DEBIRED Kerr Engineering: Ce 4561 N. Uber St, BELL, WTO. 1S14-W. SAVE $4.20 (Our rtarer Use the Genuine GILLETTE Qsalltr ana mnlah flcnntd Olad iU A Complete Set A w JSir a Real Present Limited aueji. tlty razera te ba oelo nt this prlet. SVe reserve th rlcht te ivnd menev tiack en all errtres re Ived tee late. Send coin or money order. Addrene ltrnle Novelty Ce. in . etn St.. ynua. V- PAKOEIt XOBVilfiy, C A . I K7- . yt eicei uigraTca.nniunaV4rdl riniri ...ii nn . ai m3T "."' srlnUd en, 11.00 and fl.SO de. pielj 113 Wml Merniwniilny Ttiiu, "gs't I KN VELOfEl EZRUEVIHSOHr' 28 Seuth Cth Street Ttien Lembard. 8879 mil. rhene Main Mil D rXUIa. PAPER IHOt PATENTS and Trademarks Maraa. writ, phone or call for lnfermaHrn., WilUamHert & Williamson IRS ARCII ST., FITtLADRLnnul Dallr B ta Bi Men. and Than, Ere,, y , t REUPHOLSTERINC Of tht, Hlatiav nj. nfQGn.innunr. renn nrer. wia .parie aaaaBuBW ureara laaert for an parter fnrnltara at ataat JTaernrera prices. BJtp eorero te erder er- Qudktr Ctt; BiD Lnabard 4(M UphelatcTfcf 1ESTWJTS7 ELECTRIC TRAINii CemnMe with Imeara, S cars and track fS.Se Tree LUhtf. H of ... 1. r'er Heme Current .: ! Rwltfhf MJ te MM Traeka ........... 10e tee Tunnels.... ....... let i ta Tranitermen .,.,...... 3 and t Humaiera Me, , tj; Trail Car ......... . - . ,, js, natterlM cemplet. Steeb Lionet , Train, He. All at tirnnlne Reduetleni, Opcj KtmlMD. ErtabUihM frar. CANVAS COVERINGS BELOW COST ' 27,000 M. f..f new hf'Jr tfnraa In all ultra at fle KJ. ft., aeltable for beat eeran perth fleer carer, nlae eentracUr'a n td marMnrrr cerera. 000 Weel Canraa Lined llreait ApTOMftr "BejrIeaTr Waterproof Hene Carers irlQ, trOirr name heaslnf, trace carriers, con pletei rurelar price. S0 ralej, at W,i5 t 700 Men's hearr Canra TeUew VtUr. proof Waaher Aprena Mth donble frenti ttt. 43.00 for W.00 ea.i larte alie. VaVUTeMI lU Ull TT1U1HB, IVf Mil t'Urpwa, Barnett Canvas Goods ANSWERS TtrK COVKRINO QtXFSnOK Manufacturers il N. 11th St, PMIm Pa. THE STAGE Best-Paid Profession in the World Today If ren bars Uleat whr net drrtlce tt and awMd a life of oemnonDtaeet In underpaid TrertrT Master the teehnlga and rear sdranoemect is ftier and awltter. Classes New Forming enter paraenal direction of prefea. elenl RreaCnar predaeera of national retratatlea. Singing Stage Dancing Elocution Dramatic Art Menleal cvmeSr and raedrrlll acta written and etairrd. Special Imtrnttlen Cenrae by MU Lillian Productions, Inc. 708 Keith Theatre Bldg. Philadelphia, P. i STEEL LETTER STAMPS Hpn3!l eet of itrel Itlttr stumps, "A te "'' and numbers "1 te 0," vtft Uftt.l h,aa. k.. e.iclied In neat weed eaae. ju.T-. iae in;mr for itamplng your name en toeln or WoeJ. rr,.l m l'lber. ' "' l,,.-.. ."..i.rrr "."-:" ar ni-AI IKI1.1-J, ,70 (Parcel Pout 10e Extm) 214-TON "SIMPLEX" AUTO JACKS Deuble act!!?. 71.Me T;".1'' for expert te ItUMla. but the drop In rerelim exch&ntn rates forced the mnnufac mnnufac turere te encrlllee them liere. Unueutl quality, IteruUr IS. A ftrr left et 14.70. ' (Parcel Pnat ise eitr) C B. DRAKE, 23 N. 10th St. v55eKsji vj y xifZEMZ-im fsHK iBl' '& ',e3bw v . '.fcSBf . & I uen iracK nus With Your Teeth s v. ' EYES EXAMINED FUEE NO DROPS USED T kawlr SPECIAL GLASSES FOR $1 THIS WEEK v 1 VAI.CK as.00 All pre.sorlptlenn flllixl nt a caving Mios&Jsaireon,he MYERSON OPTICAL CO. S NOrtTIT TH CT wttmOpte Meb. & Sat Eti. Till ' P. U.-i S kaaHPiBt IW-aiSRA iijai . ! tfv I ' ou 11AVK dnmazed them ltr R by neseltct or inleuee XI My Painless Dentistry will restore them te original vi dltlen or provide new ones n I'M e erlcinai. uxamiimnuna i.-vr. W "HI r dltlen VC as the i FILLINGS eUC te .l.UU 3&3sr2m v euc te $x.uu tSmtSm I DR. HYMAN WmM I 9th and Market 5jbJ AND DRANCIIKS " JM RECLAIMED OILSKIN COATS TO SELL AT 2.00 Tbeee oe.t were purvbne4 from the (,of eminent, Sllehtl nrd. but In t v e r j oed ioiiitlen 3f n OXhlitred te be y ery itreni und well niHde. S i) a e I a 1 1 y adapted for out of - deer wrrvr autome t.lllnt. fnhlni, met en'Tclliit. Policemen and r.UlrenJ men shouldn't b e rrltlieut one. Parrel pet prepaid. 1 in erlerlng n I v e chertt meufturr mrnl. If im satis tscterj reur money re funded. Keystone Canvas Goods & Flag Ce. 1012.14-16-18 Filbert St. Philadelphia, Pa, 60,000 Pairs Reclaimed U. S. Army Field or Trench SHOES In Geed Wearable Condition SI .95 Nene I'arcel Pest Hei1 LXit tit mk fif ffm Nene y f" jttL. C. 0. D. L-W& With or without Heb Nails Purchased Frem U. S. Nv" 80,000 Pairs Crcnuinc Leatlier Half Seles I 50c n Pair hend Pett'l All new. nt '' 1. ahee. ,, larae quantt'l3 '4 deaUm, Army Trading Ce. 303 Market SU PliHm W- '&iC , --Li-. -J .., v rjjt 'xmawim''- ' "wESZr. Vmm i4--- . .fcjftwiUi.L .-. ... i . , ..,,,., nMfc rv )4f '" ". ' . -"- ' r i - .we V-temw'Mm-'siw ' ' VC Z:iwT.wilfmL