Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1920, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17

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    ' mSd) PUBLIC ' EPOEPAa3EEBfe-PNEfiPAY, ' bEOEMBEti, 15, 1920 "
jVM? '
Savings of Half and
Wonderful bale or
Women's & Misses' $18.50
te $25.00 Cleth Dresses
ear for $9.75
Of course, you knew very well you couldn't buy. the material alone for that
price but wait until .you see their tremendously smart style !
Weel jerseus and veleurs, in be coming straight-line, long-waist,
ceatee and tunic effects
braided, embroidered and beaded in most attractive ways ; finely finished in every
detail. Wonders, every single, one of thorn ! and the value opportunities of the
year !
Sizes for Women in
Women's Department
Unusually Smart
Pongee Blouses
One of Which We Picture
at $2.95 Each
The blouse shown has a becoming polled col cel
lar, a smart little vest, tucked and button
trimmed, and lenp sleeves. Many ether geed
models among which te cheese, with Peter Pan
or convertible cellars; trimmed with tucking
or tailored.
A Dainty Blouse of Crepe dc
Chine Pictured
' An unusually becoming style, with a tucked
vest and tuxedo cellar trimmed with inserts
of Vcnise lace; trimmed with Vcnise edging.
In flesh color and white.
$5 and $6 Georgette Crepe
Pretty blouses, trimmed with lace or eyelet
embroidery, tucked and frilled. With round,
6quare or V-shaped necks. Seme overbleuscs
included, in combinations of georgette and vel
vet; these in all suit shades. The mere con
servative styles in flesh, white, bisque, navy,
brown, taupe and black.
SNELLENBURflS Second Fleer
Tomorrow We Will Place en Sale
a Special Let of
Women's $5.50 Kles-Fit
Silk Petticoats
at $3.95
Every woman knows the worth of a
Kles-Fit petticoat the trim fit, the geed
style, the serviceability of it. These are par
ticularly geed, made with jersey tops and
messaline flounces. In wanted colors. Seme
novelty effects.
Women's $5.95 Extra-Size d A J? A
Taffeta Petticoats p4.0U
Well-made petticoats with attractive
flounces; wanted plain and changeable colors.
$4.50 Taffeta Petticoats J5 g(
Of geed quality silk taffeta, tyOOs
with shirred flounces; in plain and change
able colors.
$2 Black and Colored Sateen
Neat pleated flounces.
SneLLENBURCS Second Fleer
Beautiful 12-Piece
Imitation Ivery
Toilet Sets
Special at, $1350
sets, consist
ing of dainty
cream - white
comb, hair
brush, cu
ticle k.nife,
mirror, hair
rcceiver, puff
box, 2 salve
jars, nail file,
buffer and buttonhook; all of exceptionally
geed quality; packed attractively in a large
gray box with' the new jade lining.
Toilet Goods Section, First Fleer
Fur Cellars for Men's
Overcoats .
Very Fine, "Giveable" Kinds at
Lowered Prices
Styles which may be worn en overy kind of
overcoat. They'll add tremendously te an
otherwise commenplaco garment and at these
prices they're exceptional values.
$35 Pur Cellars, Special at. . . .fJC
Of natural, ?eal or taupe nutria. N5
$45 Fur Cellars, Special at. . . .,
Of Hudsen seal (dyed teuskrat).
$60 Fur Cellars, Special at. . . .d i f
Of plucked or unplucked and PTT 1
seal otter. bNELLENBURflS Third Fleer
Mr nlrTt I ft A
P 73 J"l itTW ft'
V V $5.00
Mere for Yeu in This
Sizes 14, 16 and 18 Years
in Misses' Department
Cltoese Gifts as Practical as They
Arc Attractive Among Tltcse
Fine Specials in
Dainty Lingerie
$3.00 te $6.00 Silk Undergarments,
$1.98 ia $3.98
Beautiful crepe de Chine and satin en
velope chemises in several pretty models,
trimmed with lace, Georgette or embroidery.
$1.50 te $3.00
Camisoles. .
98c te $1.98
Dainty little bodices of wash satin and
crepe de Chine, in tailored orpace-trlmmed
$1.25 te $5.00 QOrr te $.2 OS
Boudoir Caps. . 0"t $0,70
In lace, satin or crepe dc Chine be
many fetching kinds of them that wc can't
begin te tell you about theml In all the
prettiest boudoir shades.
$6.00 Silk Gowns.
In two styles lace-trimmed or with
dainty medallions of embroidered Georgette.
$5.50 Philippine Gowns. . . .
Of finest nainsoek all new, fresh mer
chandise fresh from their boxes; exqui
sitely hand-embroidered and made entirely
by hand.
$4.00 Fine White Nainsoek (J') AQ
Gowns p."0
Very pretty gowns with lace trimmings
in elaborate effects; beautifully made.
SNELLENBURflS Second Fleer
B. & J. and Other
Geed Makes of
Very, Very Specialty Priced
Attractively dainty garments, hooked in
back. They're made of finest heavy brocades,
silk brocades, silks and satins. All sizes 32 te
$1.50 Bandeaux, 85c
$1.75 Bandeaux, $1
$2 te $2.50 Bandeaux, $1.25
Brassieres in all Leading
Makes $1.50 te $4.50
Lace or embroidery trimmed, hooked in
front. Splendid models.
bNELLENBURQ$ Second Fleer
es0 $ 1.95 "a
for Splendidfy Made
Taffeta Umbrellas
j!6-inch sizes for
women, with silk
cord bracelet
handles and hard
wood or Bacalite
28-inch sizes for
men with Prince of
Wales or opera
Made of closely woven
American taffeta tent..
L. ten) evcr sturdy para
gen irnmcs. Clese-rolling;
guaranteed water
proof and fast black.
First Fleer
M WEDNESDAtTlinO. IB. 10JO Meri. T Ttr A. M. Clene t r.,M. M
Tey town the b airy
land of Happy Children
The Busiest, Most Fascinating Place in All Philadelphia,
who HimrtrpdR mid Hundreds of Wonderful Toys, Dells
and Games Are Waiting te Entertain the Little Felks
Where Grewn-ups Will Find Assortments Better and
Prices Lewer Than Anywher e Else in Town!
Santa Claus Has a Story Boek Ready for Each
One of His Little Friends
Dells Wonderful Dells!
We can't ten you
about thorn all
but we con tell you
te ceme and see
them for yourself.
Every kind you
could imagine
and thou semel
Hundreds and hun
dreds of them.
Special JZn
Tey Carpet
Special at
Tea Sets, Special at 39c
Tea Sets, Special at 95c
Tea Sets, Special at $1.35
The Kidphene for Beys
and Girls, d: FA
Special at.... W.OU
9 ff
Gneme Flyer Aereplanes",
95c $2.50 '
Tey Electric Aereplanes,
$6.50 t0 $15.75
"Paris" Express and
Daisy Wagons
Special at 95c te $7.50
A practical, scientific phene
for boys and girls Consists of
2 telephones, battery, wire and
connecters. AH ready te be
set up and used.
Shoofly Rocking Horses
for Kiddies, .. Aj ajj
Special at tyOye
Instructive and amusing.
Blocks, Special, 65c
Blocks, Special, 95c
The Retacar for Beys and
Girls, Special, $49.75
Substantially constructed
better than a bicycle. Fer
children from 4 te 15 veara
I old.
Women's $9 te $ 1 3.50 High
Shoes, Pumps and Slippers
n f
V.l A w
High - heel shoes in
black glazed kidskin.
Military or leather
walking heels. In tan
:alfskin, mahogany calf
skin and black kidskin.
Lew, fiat h e e 1 8 for
growing girls in tan
calf, mahogany
gunmetal calf.
Evening Slippers in Silver Clet h and Black Satin, With High
or Lew French Heels
Thee Tics in patent colt, gunmetal, black kid and black satin, with high French heels
Black satin Thee Ties with low French heels. S Me13'
Patent colt and gunmetal, high instep ever-gaiter Pumps, with high French hcgls
Men's $9 te $13.50 Shoes
An assortment of shoes remaining from our recent large sales; net every size and width
In every style, but every size and width in the let. Mahogany calf, real cordovan and tan'
corde calf j mostly straight-luced English models; smart, snappy patterns.
bNELLCNBURcS Second Fleer
Beys' $5 Weel
Special at
A half-price let offering
splendid gift cheesing.
Sturdy sweaters for boys
in shawl cellar and V
neck slipover styles a
mill clearance at less than
cost of waking!
Of pure worsted, hard
twisted yarns with merino
back. Navy, maroon, dark
oxford and seal brown.
Sizes 6 te 1C veara.
SnelLENDURGS First and Third Floers
Fine Embroidered
Bed Muslins for Gifts
All Lowered in Price
Hemstitchcd and scalloped sheets, pillow
and bolster cuees of excellent quality muslin,
well made and beautifully finished.
$4 81xD0-In. Sheets, $3.00 Each
$1 45x36-In. Pillev Cases, 85c Bach
$1.79 42x7Mn. Bolster Cases. $1.50 Ea.
- m m m
Children's Rattan Imported Chairs and
Rockers, t5 TC C7 OC
Special at.... N).d tD.O
Rattan and grass rockers and chairs In a
variety of styles, all roomy and comfortable.
Strongly built.
Autewheel Ceaster
i V
'Reller-bearing wheels and a
brake. The box can be re
moved with a single twist
and makes the wagon int. a
platform coaster. Sizes of
bodies as follews:
14x36 inches, Special,
$7.50 fc
16x38 inches, SpeciaT,
Automatic Reversible
Ferry Beats, Special,
A real, substantially built
ferry, will travel 80 feet if un
obstructed. Reverses every
time the beat strikes an ob
struction. Automatic Reversible
Trelley Car. Special,
Similar te ferry beat.
Wagen Building Blocks,
Special, $1.95 Set
bNELLENBURflS Fourth Fleer
calf and
Jewelry Gifts
Fer Men and Women
Sterling-front Belt Buckles at
Goed-looklnc nncrrnvAil nn.l?t I I II I
chased patterns, attached te sturdy
leather belts.
fttitJlM. iJ.'-ujihjutj
French Pearl Bead Necklaces frl nr
u: soft, beautiful sheen; 18-inch jJl.VO
strands with geld clasps
Sterling Silver Flexible Rhine-
stone rt a cm
Bracelets $4.O0
Set with stenc3 of un-
11 mi n I KI1IIam.. 1 i
ful Cftllei-ir niiv.ntl. W
equipped with safety -5?
isHEl i FNUtlRfjS
r irst iioer
pi IWWBwr "gjLAv,
-- Tai. I IV
! i
v r '''
iyigftjlj '
I '
Juniors' & Girls' Wearing
Apparel for Christmas Gifts
Everything Frem the Finest and Daintiest te the Most
Serviceable and Practical Kinds
Priced at Exceptionally Generous Savings
The Prettiest of Wash Frecks
for Girls at
$2, $2.95, $3.95
and up te $7.95
Scheel frocks, everyday frocks, party frocks!
Frecks galore, and every ene charming! Plaid
and checked ginghams and plain color chambrnys
in scores of styles, stunning piques, line poplins
and dainty, voiles. These last are particularly
lovely, trimmed with hand embroidery, guimpes
and sashes of organdie.
Twe Styles Pictured. Sixes 6 te H Years
A Special Let of Silk $.95
Dresses for Girls. .
Novelty plaid silks, taffetas and satins.
Trimmed with ruffles, sashes and touches of hand
embroidery. A splendid assortment or styles
all geed quality and wonderful values. Sizes 6
te 4 years
Juniors' SGiris' Navy Weel Serge
Regulation Dresses
$5.95 and $6.85
In straight line and middy regulation styles,
all, with braid trimmed cellars and cuffs, with
chevrons and ties. Exceptional values. Sizes
6 te 14 years.
Your Christmas Present te
Yourself, Sir
the fine kind of overcoat yeuvc
Buy it NOW at the splendid
savings offered in this
Great Sale of
Cheese from the best of domestic and im
ported cheviets, meltens, kerseys, tweeds,
friezes, novelty fabrics, fancy and heather mix
tures. Styles without number, for both men
and young men!
$50.00 Overcoats,
$55.00 te $65.00
Overcoats, New. . .
$70.00 te $85.00
Overcoats, New.. .
$100.00 and $125.00
Overcoats, New
New Suits
Fer the Holidays
At Big Reductions New
$35, $40, $45, $50
All reduced prices. One-, two- and three
button form-fitting models in single- and
double-breasted styles; also sock coot stvles.
In geed quality cheviets, cassimeres, worsteds,
tweeds, serges and novelty cloths, in grays,
greens, browns, blacks, blues, fancy mixtures
and nev61ty effects.
Leng-Trousers Suits for 'Juniors,
Formerly $45, $50 and t"e CTA
$55, at 3ZO.OU
Remarkably Lew Sale-
Prices en Trousers
Serges, Worsteds, Flannels, Cheviots and
Cassimeres, in fancy blues, greens, browns,
grays, stripes and novelty mixtures. Size 28
te 66 inch waist measure.
$8.50 Trousers, $4.95
$10.00 Trousers, $6.95
$15.00 Trousers, $8.45-
$20.00 Trousers, $10.45
Holiday Specials Frem Our
Oriental Upholsteries
Greatly Reduced
Beautiful scarfs, tapestries, Mandarin
skirts and embroideries - hand embroidered
anti uesVCn P a"d Sme rarely bcautiful
$398 Table Runners, $2.98 ea.
lt'$ labe Runners, $3.98 ea.
$5.98 Table Runners, $4.98 ea.
$4.98 Pillow Tops. . . .$3.98 ea.
Round and Square Table Cevers
$3.48 Cevers, $2.98 ea.
$4.98 Cevers, $3.98 ea.
$7.98 Cevers, $5.98 ea.
$8.98 Cevers, $6.98 ea.
Mandarin Skirts
$15.98 Skirts, $9.98 ea.
si9H 25-)0SkIirts' 519.98 ea.
$12.98 Hand-Embroidered Os ic
Table Runners, ea ipO.VO
$4.98 Beautiful Nottingham
F j n e quality
Nottingham bed
sets, consisting
of a spread and
two pillow
shams. Hund
8 e m e designs,
resembllnir renl
lace. White only. SNELLEMByRaS Fourth Fleer
Raincapes and Raincoats
for Juniors and Girls
Raincapes, $2.95, $3.95 and up te $8.95
Raincoats, $5, $7.95 and up te $10.00
Seme have hats and school bags te match.
Sizes 6 te 16 ycare.
bNELLEHBURgS Second Fleer
Our Custom Tailering: Shep
Will Make
Men's & Yeung -Men's
$60 te $75
for $43.50
Choice of finest line of domestic woolens;
geed patterns and colors. Season's beat
styles. Workmanship and finish the finest;
linings, trimmings and findings all of the best
A Geed Raincoat
Is a Fine, Practical Gift
for a Man!
And the Raincoats in This Sale
Are Extraordinarily Fine Values
Raincoats of rubberized and gabardine fa
rics and of double texture materials perf5ct
jy spienaia garments, geed looking, serviceable,
and rainproof. In single- and double-breasted
models, plain or belted. All seams sewed,
cemented and taped. GUARANTEED.
In Tan, Blue, Black and Gray
$23.50 Raincoats,
$25 Raincoats
$35 Raincoats
$45 Raincoats
$50.00 Gabardine
Beacon Bath
Rebe Blanketing,
85c Yard
In best colors and patterns the finest
blanketing for making robes and sacques.
Cream Celer Weel Flannels,
98c, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 Yard
$1.98 Embroidered Weel Flannel,
$1.49 Yard
Fine quality all-wool flannel with embroid
ered or hemstitched edges.
49c Ameskeaff Outing Flannel,
28c Yard
Plain blue or pink outing flannel of excel
lent quality.
Weel Eiderdown,
$1.25 and $1.50 Yard
in u maH"Jff bath robes, sacques or quilts.
In white, pink, blue, gray, rose and red.
Viyclla Flannels, $2.00 Yard
In plain cream colors and nrettv striped
Pattcrns- SnELLLNBUReS Ffrst Fleer
There's Net a Man But Would Like
te Get
A New Hat
for Christmas
All Our Men's $7.50
te $25.00 Fur
Reduced te.. $5.75 l $15,75
Fine for these who like- te meter,
skate and indulge in all winter
ports. Dig variety.
Our Entire Stock of Men's
$8.00 te $25.00 Velour Hate
te $15.75
In smartest stvlcu of flm ..,. ....
wanted colors. u """
bNELLFNDURflS First Fleer
r i
. JL
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