;j7awj-r ' j W W A ss I n TV fcl Si n ei J I! EVENING PUBLIC LEDaERr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1920 f ' - ) i ' .ii.i ...,-. Order your special gift boxes of Huylers today THEY will be packed fresh and delivered te any address in perfect condition in time for Christmas By ordering new before the stores arc crowded you will be sure of getting for each person just the box and the assortment you want, most attractively packed. We shall de our best for last-minute customers, but frankly our salespeople can give you better service new. t A 'PHILA1 PHILADELPHIA $2.50 per pound 1320 Chestnut Street $2.00 par pound $1.50 per pound atefe Fer Thursday Stere Hours, 9 te 6 We should deliver a hundred and sixteen thousand pounds of Candy and Conserved Fruits for Christmas. Gimbel Brethers MARKET CHESTNUT rt IK2HTM ' NINTH Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1020 Daintiness, real goodness and wltolesemeness keep Gimbel Candies foremost. ., , Fer Thursday t$??? S OUR NEW CLUB IS NOW OPEN iw?-fra SB! iJ & mask -?zzr lW"i( ! flOV w iw.. :w Ail, wr v' I "Will start .you inOURv CHRISTMAS BANKING CLUB Start eve7jj member er&purrarniiv & in the Club WEST END TRUST COMPANY Bread Street and Seuth Perm Square Capital and Surplus $4,000,000 tlU Tf' jiBPy BEL Cheese the Christmas Gift Frem These Pianos and Player -Pianos Of the Bankrupt Stock OF THE International Piane Manufacturing Ce. N of Fall River, Massachusetts Sold te Gimbels by the Receiver 295 Fer Brand New Upright Pianos The need for music in the home is insistent: by the same token every home should supply itself with the very best instrument'it can afford and it is especially true that the better the instrument the mere the en joyment. This sale of the bankrupt stock of Pianos and Player-Pianos is particularly apt in two ways: (a) A better instrument than the price would ordinarily pur chase; and (b) the opportunity te Make a Chrittmai Gift of It Terms are very easy can be timed te meet income dates: and the First Payment may be very little. MESSRS. GIMBEL BROTHERS i Philadelphia l Without ebllBatlnsr me please rive me fuller Infer- matlen regarding offer en Pianos, Player-Pianos J Kama $ 2 Address .,..". $ K. T.. 15.1K.?(1 X wiiMrv Player-"ianes at Olmbeli, Hardman Kail, SeYtntb, fleer, Alie Bnbway aUore. 88-Nete New $395 Beth Sterling and Plated Silver Prices Revised -Net only te meet today's lowered prices; but "anticipated prices" as gauged by silver experts. Sterling Silver Tea-Sets New $226 te $600 Were $305 te $800 Five-piece Sets. Plain polished; elaborately Engraved or Butler chased designs. Beautiful shapes. Sheffield Yes, Real English Sheffield Trays and Waiters New $25 te $66 Were $33.50 te $88 Oval and oblong Waiters and smaller round Trays. Beautifully engraved. Plain or grape-bordered. Silver-Plated Tea-Sets New $45 te $75 Were $60 te $105 Reproduction of Sheffield ware. Plain, engraved or chased. l'"ive pieces. Silver-Plated Shaving Sets New $12.75 te $21.50 Were $19 te $32 Mirror-en-stand. brush and cun. Gimbels. Kirst fleer Conreid Phonographs Reduced te $S9 A change in the grill work brings the change in the price and at the very opportune time of the year, when it can be A Christmas Gift te the Heme And it can be enjoyed while being paid for small amounts monthly, and the First Payment may be as little as If inconvenient te call promptly, a postal or message will bring further particulars. " Gimbels, Hardman Hall, Seventh fleer, also Siibway Stere $5 l!4?i4? Save $1 On These Fine Full-Fashioned Ingrain Silk Stockings at $2.35 The heavy handsome quality gift-seekers are asking for. Ingrain means dyed in the yarn richer, mere brilliant, mere steadfast colors. Lisle" -lops and soles. Black.. Gimbels, First fleer Gleis Finish Paint Flat Finish Paiflt, Try this test yourself Rub rout (Infer orerdirt reeitfsnr tlett paint. Jtnilt net eare a mar. Then note the tmudte your Infer 7r en thtpenui tutttctel fimt Ani.npatnf. if Why flat paint collects dirt y ALL dull-finish paints have a rough, porous surface. i In every square inch the microscope shew3 thou JL JL sands of tiny pores and crevices. These countless little holes collect dirt. That is why, when you try te wash flat paint, the result is seldom entisfactery. The tile-like finish of Barreled Sunlight, the Rice Precess Mill White, even when highly magnified, is smooth and solid. Its glistening white surface is highly resistant te dust and dirt. After years of service, it still washes clean like glazed chinaware. Today thousands of factory managers are finding that Barreled Sunlight will remain white longer than any ether gloss-finish mill white en the market. Our exclusive process enables us te make this an actual guarantee. Flews easily from the brush. Won't clog a spray, as it contains no varnish. Sold in barrels, also in cans. Send for free panels se that you can make the test hewn above also our booklet, "Mere Light." Fer shop and home, tee Barreled Sunlight, is ahe used in countless institutions, stores; garages, small buildings and in rooms in the home wherever a white tile-like finish is desirable. It is much cheaper than enamel and easier te apply. Sold in gallons, half-gallons, quarts, pinli and helf-pinU. U. S. GUTTA PERCHA PAINT COMPANY Providence, R. I. Sale of 7500 Men's Mufflers Slight Weaving Defects But the Mufflers are thoroughly givable! M QCf PAUJ $3.50 te $2.65 would be $6 te $7.50 if "Firsts." 3.25 would be $8 te $12 if "Firsts." would be $3.50 te $5.50 if "Firsts." Boxed if for gifts and they are nice te give! Gimbels, First fleer. Ninth Street Tomorrow Sale of $5.95 te $15 Silk Waists at $3.95 , Quite the most wonderful values Phila delphia has seen in years and years! If it were fair te the maker te tell the whole story back of this buy-out-There wouldn't be a waist of the entire fifteen hundred left by neon! Every Favorite Rich'Silk Beautifully Cut Exquisite Details Every Size Including Extra Sizes Details in tomorrow morning's papers. Gimbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer. ir. ... . . -... mi w, ;, mil i wy TTT- Sectional Bookcases f'Ct- or a ''fc''me' Here are Book Beok Boek VjlrtS cases that can "grew" with the need for mere book space as one accumulates books and mere boeksl "Units" at $7.50; Tops and Bases at $4.50 each; as pictured. Other styles at $8.50, $10 and $12 per "Unit." Gimbels, Office Furniture Section, 3 "Units," with' Tep and Seventh fleer Bate complete for $31.50 Women's Blanket Bath Robes With Huge "Extra Warmth" Cellars Special at $4.95 The huge shawl cellar rolls clear te the waist-line. Silk cord-trimmed. Pink, blue, rose, gray and lavender colorings. Crepe de Chine Negligees. Breakfast models with yards and yards of wide lovely Marget lace and tiny frills even the pockets and "hem" are of lace! Pink and blue. At $18.95. -Gimbels, Second fleer Weeden "Choe Choe" Trains Fer the Little Tots Special at 50c a Set An engine and two freight cars at 50c ether sets Specially Priced prices go up te $5 for wooden trains that the, little people can build. Diving Submarines Special at 95c and $1.65 Each Turn the key, release tie beat in the water and eh the joy of a dive se rea'istic te the youngsters. Special at $1.15 and $2.50. ($2.50 model pictured). AdLwrjj 1 5pp Mechanical Beats at $1.50, $3.50 and $4.50 "They sail the ocean deep" all kinds of steam ers and ocean liners for the little folks. Barreled ! Sunlight Sri in i ini-itm d tv. r, ua wm Wireheuie stock In PhlladilphU U. S. CUTTA PERCHA PAINT CO., 1003 B.iley Bldg., 1218 Che.tnut St. Sold at retail by Slm. Drur Company, 13 S. 13th St. E. F. Heeper A Company. Trenten, N. J. Saat A Fabtr Ce., 2008-10 N. Frent St. T. Crana A Company, 115 N. Maaaachu- jn... A f.llll.liMm. 12th A M.rrt. Sta. aatta Ave.. Atlantic Citv. N. J. Chaa! Bend Company. 617.810 Arch St. Ceerte C. Felker, 9 S. Kentucky Ave., The O. F. Zurn Ce., Z7Jt in. Uread St Special Chlld'i Blue Enmmel 16-Placa Tea flat, at S3.B0. Special Ben of lVrala Tnxnt tnr 'at 35e. Four chain and table. Special Bex of Tree BaUl, 10 strings: asserted colors. At SI .IB a box Smaller site, at 91 a box. Special Mechanical Automo bile at SUB. Chauffeur Included. -Gimbels, Teyland of Or. Fourth fleer Sewing Machines Christmas Sale $35, $39, $43 and $53.50 A Necessity in Every Heme Ordered quite some time age for Christmas business, but when time for delivery came several lines were short. The factory filled the order with the better grade machines. Convenient Payments of $1 Weekly Alse Demestic Sewing Machines and Leasing Cabinets at Big Reductions Singer Sewing Machines, $39 Fleer samples, geed as nev, crlcpd anav below thlr refruiai. prices $10 te $15 allowance for your old machine toward the pur chase of a Demestic Electric Boudoir Cabinet. Olmbele, Te art h fleer and Bub-tray Bter. In the Subway Stere $1.50 Owe. A. Cllllniham, 260 S. eetli St. Elmer E, Ces, Camden, N. Atlantic Cltv. N. J. Calay Hardware' Company, 8th A Edfe- ment Ave., Cheater, Pa. Bamberger Rebblne, WUmlaften, Del. Mether, Daughter or Sister Will Appreciate These Felt Slippers for Christmas, at A special purchase of the nevefy slippers enables us te sell them at this exceedingly lev price. Ribbon - trim med. Padded soles. Alse Boudoir Slippers with leather selts and heels. Juliets with contrasting felt cellar. Bye, brown, gray, wine-color, lavender and red. Sizes 3 v(e 8. Fine values at $1.50. ' Alse Misses' and Children's Slippers at 51.50. Gimbels, SuUvay Stere. Givahle Cut Glass at 25 te 40 Percent Belew Regular New mitre designs. And combination of floral and mitre patterns. fi'lf' ffm Dainty Clear Glass Tumblers 15c each or 75c Half Dezen Cut with rose and foliage. Three sizes. Gimbels, Subway Stere. 12-inch Celery Trays, S1.95. 8-inch Bowls, 91.05. 6-inch Nappies, $1.25. 12-inch Vases, $3.95. Competes, $2.95. 8-inch Bowls, $3.95. Scores of ether items, such as Ben-bons, Jelly Dishes, Sugar-and-Creanis, Mayonnaise Sets, at $1.95 te $18.50. Gimbels, Subway Stere. $4.50 Full and Fluffy Marabou Neck-pieces ) A Special Price Trimmed with row of ostrich through center. Seme are edged with row of ostrich. Excellent value at $4.50. Just About a Hundred Fur Neck-pieces $23.50 and $23 Few of a kind fox and wolf. Taupe and brown. At $23.50 and $25. Gimbels, Subway Stere. $6.50 i Women's Gauntlet. Gloves at Of washable capeskin; strap wrist; brown and beaver. Women's tan kid Gloves, strap wrist, seamless, knit lined at $8.50. Women's Kid Gloves, ever-seam and pique sewing, ranging in price from $1.95 te $4.50 a pair. Men's Gray Mecha Gloves, warmly lined, h A AA strap wrist )Jr.UU Children's Knitted Gloves All sizes 38c pair. Children's Astrakhan Gauntlets, tan and gray 1 (t QO -Gimbels, Subway Stere - .. hi lnwi 1 1 1- i - 1 r . p-, , . -m tjrmi ii i ... -rretss: -' :srzr- .,' jl J SJ , '1 JlT . V rm - -ia- irtfMrrr'.ivf i'hii ii) iiki i ii ii i a"1fce)e. W ,ii3!SSf1 i iiWJIS9aW45WVl V "'- 'WThIh r bEbIIIIIIIHbv ii iiWMaliiillllfi iiiii kfr.L ; X . &, . - ri. - w ! jJtl&lk'a..i, I i , ., ,:rm in 1 1 i ,.g,ar, , i , "--'( i aju..fJ.iJft Etft.L.ftWU ail ..- .. wiaL MmMsikWm!SMmmsm