T '"?' V iij ..? V 7r lrr '. H4' v KsB iTIfil" l:. iM . (If. 1U- 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1920 LA SITUAZIONE NE RIGUARDI Dl Fill -II Cabinotte Italiane Discute I'Aziene per I'Attcggiamonte di Gabriele D'Annunzie Published and Distributed Under I'RIUIIT NO. 341. Autherised by the act of October (I 1M7. en file nt the. Vosletflca of rhlla delptal. P.. A s nrnIlBJI0N. I'nstmatter dener Tlema. 14 illcembrr Al Palazzo Vimlnalc. evi ha wIp In Presiilerua del Consiglio ilei Mlnistrl. ha nvute Iqoge una, rlunleni ticl (Jabinctte per samlnnre In srnve Mtunzlene nel rlnuarill Ielln qufxtienc Fiumano. Le scclutn c" dilrata parcrehlc ere 1 nssleurn 'he II Coe'IrHo iM MlnUtri bbln unenlmementp ilclibernte ill oppersi In (iinlilni niiitilern. nnehc "roliltarmentp. n niinlungup snpruflazienc A abbin coner"tnte In nropeMto le dlrhlarazlenl da farsi In I'arlami'iite II Gorrrne di (route all ntteKRin mente Irridurible dl Gabriele ITAnnun ITAnnun lie at treva In una tiniizlene delle piu rduc, ma tutll renflilann che 11 rrenl riente del Coniijlle On Uinlittl nuscira a trerure una lolmlene nl grave preblcma Secondo dipaeei giiinti da.ara al ilernale 11 "MeHiagKere." l'AinmirnRlle Mllle durante una centVrcun con jut jut ienalltn' pelltiehc ilella Dalmaala. avrebbe dlehltirnte la mi ferma dc dc elslene di rimanere (cdele al Sovreno wl r11 enllnlilel (Jovcrne lt.ilinne e a detorminnzlene di opperi nnclie con a ferza a qtiftMnM ( praffnrlene da qualunnue parte vengn In nitre parole l'AmniiraKlle Mllle e' pronto ad im pcillre eon la for dilb .ninl egni ten tatlve dl sbarce da parte delle terze dl D'Annunzie niiI territorle dnlmnte. Netlzie Riunte dalla Dnlmazlu ad ultrl Rierna'1 annunzlane che numeresi patrietl dalmnti hanne iniziate un ede verse l'lHtria. per non rimanere otte la denominazienc jugealnva. II Giernalc d'ltalia pubblica un (lis (lis (lis paocle del aue corrlspendento a Zara. uel quale ' dctte ehe or a i Dulmati aen guardane piu' ere Rema, ma verse Kiume. prevalende Kcncralmcnte I'ldea che reme D'Annunzie ha snlvate Flume, snlvern" anche la Dalmazia. Tra le veci oho correno in Dalmazltt Ti c' quella che D'Annunzie sbnrche rebbc un centlnneuti ilelle one ferze a Pebenice, di ml fnrrbbe la sua base d'azlene. ed eeiiperebN' poi tuttc le tunic xtnhillte dnl natte dl I.endra In questa ipetei si verrebbe a cirnre una ' Ituur.iene irreRelare rntre In "situailene tlella Dilmazin, dalla quale potrebbere Rcaturlre gravl compticazlenl. Ccrte' e' ehc rc D'Annunile sbarchera' ties ' Hiine g! fara' fuoee contre. Altrc vecl dleone che D'Annunzie per ' II memente si nitterra' da (iiinlHlasl sbarce nella Dalmnzla, non volende dare alcuna ragienell coelenc nl juge- i slarl. era che nl rlunUcc la C,eitltuente. ' D'Annunzie in queste memente segue ' gli nvvcnlmentl del Hegne Serbo-Crento-Hlovcno e tende a faverlre 11 proecse i della dlsgregazlene, sperattde che I serbl ' non rluoclranne ad lmperre it trnttste dl I Itapalle PARIS OLD MASTERS FAKES, X-Ray Shows Famous Paintings Made In Last Century Paris, Dec. 15. "The Hat Child." an alleged fifteenth-century painting in' the Leuvre, which has been pronounced genuine by the werld'H greatest experts, was revealed en Monday te be fale by Vret. Andre Chcren, famous iadlo iadle grnpliist, before the Academy of Scl curcs by the use of the X-ray. The X ntys revealed that the picture had been painted ever a canvas prepared in the last century. Other famous "old masters" precd fnlte included Van O'tudes' "Drink ers" and Engerbrechts' "Crucititlen." BAY STATE CHS I RND11IN Candidates Fare Badly for All Offices Except for Scheel Committee SUNDAY SPORTS FAVORED It' the Associated Press Bosten, Dee. 15. Women candidates except these, for school committee places fared poerl in the municipal elections held in sixteen Massachusetts cities yesterday, according te delayed returns which were completed early today. This Is attributed in part te stormy weather which kept many voters nt home. In Attleboro Sirs, l'liza Daggett, can didate for major, received only eighty four votes out of a total exceeding 5000. There were thiec ether candidates, and Mayer Philip K. Ilrady was re-elected. Sara Clark Mendiim, llcpubllcan can didate for alderman In Webtirn; Mrs. William II. Klrby. candidate for alder man -at-largc In llcverly, and Mrs. Arabella W. Wilsen, who was en the common council ticket In Maiden, were defeated. Thirteen of the cities voted te accept the state .net placing boxing under con trol of a state commission and te permit amateur sports en Sunday afternoons. Six showed themselves still In favor of licensing the sale of Intoxicating liquor's under the old local option law, although the law is without effect under national prohibition, and the same six, Bosten, Chelsea, Lawrence, Lewell. Revere and Worcester, voted yes en, the state act for licensing beverages containing net mere than 2.75 per cent of alcohol. These voting no en these acts were Ilcvcrly, Kverett, Lynn, Maiden, Med ford, Melrose, Newton, North Adnms and Woburn. Attleboro voted against license, but did net vote en the 2.75 per cent beer and wines. , The boxing act was adopted by Attle boro, Ucvcrly. Uosten, Chelsea. Law rence, Lewell, Lynn, Mcdferd, Mel rose. North Adams. Itcvere, Woburn and Worcester. With the exception of Medfeid nnd Melrose, the same thirteen cities voted jes en Sunday sports. Ever ett nnd Newton, which rejected the box ing act, favored Sunday sports. Maiden alone of all the cities rejected both prepositions ItJsW iCm 1 rT4.1 ft ' KEKIBiK ( . im &Mm mwmv "1662 c A 'nneunctnp 4 V MIM 'fwlJIM mgJSfirtruuTj-jMTru '- Special Oldsmobile "Shew" all this week DAILY AND EVENINGS featuring the new Olds Four Don't Miit it LARSON OLDSMOBILE COMPANY 800 N. Bread St. zruTJirLnjznsurnsvTj-Lrisz "Th Guaranttt U the Bank for Mm." When Ye Indians Iwsudht TN THE earliest days of the settlement Mrs. Chandler arrived in Philadelnhia with eieht or nine children. Her husband had died en shipboard, and se indigent was she and her little family that even the Indians took pity en them, bringing them feed and ether presents. Certainly this incident affords a compelling illustration of the need every man has of laying by money for that possible "day of disaster." . Get in the habit of putting by a little of your income each week in our Savings Fund Department and se guarantee yourself and your loved ones against future want. GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 316-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET 1413 CHESTNUT STREET 9 SOUTH 52D STREET Ew EXTRA Today and Tomorrow Diamond Rings $5 ,,$375 ," UMMBBMBBBMBM .'- - m He Cheney I li '.si iiirrrTrmiti D Hijl IS e ' f"""j hIt"I"T'!I I llll Mil ' I ft I I MODIL (.0 6 OI1EBN JUKI O N B 0 THE CHIMEV f E K I O O STYLE CAllNETt I I E H-K. xilhl It K neliil H K willft geld rlnu, rl khIiI tniir.r mIiIIk e I il with senulnr l"n"i rlnc oclniten rln. IIUP Mlir 1 dlf IllUf diamond ujimnnd. dlnnmnd. $5 $15 $38 Qlftertr nur aluiilinn unci prltr nf Berne nf 1 1n- "Slnxtr-Mnnr Dlamnnd Rln" te l tifTrrrd at Ihli ul : Ladies' Rings Gents' Rings aluatlen Our rrlrr .ilnithin Jur Prlr tIKX (Ml IfX.'A (AMI en v;s 4I.1.0O 3i .VJ.OO 340 SOO 00 TCMl 3!') Oil -3U moon me 3M.mt jjj tlio.eo nxi :tii.(xi joe 113.00 us aniiie in Itft.nn Hi j-ui en ivi II!) mi in sei.iin t i.i J 01,011 r,i IKH.llO uj HK.IKl VI n. 0(1 15 HH INI l.'i nil no ten M.en M i.n iki be m.nn ij.ioe un Jll.OO ll nniHl ;-i m (hi i h:. no s is no in in no je IJ.nn h 60 en te jnen ..urn ;j II - K xilnl Milld ilii i - II- h .elid Enid l.rj """' '"' hll, told mnnil fctutld fctutld tnelli rliiR. r, r I ii k . fl"C ft uilli II f u ti I Kill M uenllliriii (lie nlrrl blur hlur rrl '" " It i i r r dla- a ii diamond eiuniU loe illuiniinil trr iiieiiik $225 $375 $150 Mall Orilir. I'lllrd I Hi: flalncur I rri lleffiDSWATCHESrf COR. 8th & CHESTNUT STS. 1817 MARKET ST. 999 MARKET MA, -THNKi: STOKKS OVUX EVEM 11 Cheese your Christmas Cheney Sarly A practical gift, yet breathing refinement and elegance. A gift that all the family can enjoy, and a gift that will become of increasing worth. , Fer it is true of the CHENEY alone that "The Lenger Yeu Play It, the Sweeter It Grews." Within each CHENEY cabinet are enshrined acoustic principles never before applied te tone reproduction, improvements upon old methods which give te the CHENEY tones unrivalled in sweetness, beauty and richness. The CHENEY gives piano records the very timbre of piano tones, keeps all of the parts of an orchestra record in perfect balance, maintains the purity and fullness of vocal records which characterized the original production. Needle scratch and mechani cal noise are virtually eliminated. The CHENEY plays all records it is a master piece Te really appreciate it, you must hear it. Priced $125 te $1800 Cheney Sales Corporation, 1105 Chestnut St. rllAMOM view or TOKAL IUT1H The Tenal System of The Cheney The lone adjuitcr, reiireihuer, eene arm, acoustic threat, orchestral chambers and violin resonator are ex clusive uith Tiie Chimv, pretected1 by basic jatcnti. DISTRIBUTORS i 'I lie Clicnev I'lieiiOKrnpli ma) lie heard nt the warcroeiiih of the following dealers: Strawbridge & Clothier Estey Piane Ce.. 17th and Walnut streets K. V. Martin, 22A Seuth ."2d street Bredy Bres., 12-11 West tlirard menue I'erstcr Bres, l.lfil Mnin street, Manayunk Starr & Mess. 3635 (ierranntewniiciuie Phlln. I'iane Ce., 'J929 Kensington avenue W. J. Stiver & Ce.. 01 West Chclten ae Germ't'n Phlla. Phonograph Ce.. G3G Seuth street P (traebeldinger, M41 (icrmantevtn avenue Henry .F. Hrewn. 4615 North 5th street .1. Dallen. ?1H .North Frent Htreet Jehn II. llcaten Piane Ce., 528 Market at., Camden L Lit Brethers Then. Presser Ce., 1711 Chestnut street Blake & Burkhart, 1 1 tit and Walnut strcctn (icersc B. Davis Ce., 3930 Lancanter avenue I.. II. Conlen, 758 Seuth 2d street K. M. Oeldmnn. 904 Walnut street M. I'. Hnll, 2626 Gcrmantewn avenue Phila. Tnlkinfr Machine Ce, 809 Chestnut street Tompkins Piane Ce., 5147 Germantown avenue Zigmund Kitty, 161 West Girard avenue Glebe Talking Machine Ce., 5551 N. 5th street M. B. Blakemere, 2024 North Bread Htreet F. Haimbach, 2645 West Lehigh avenue. fe- -n iih',i.aij " .1 M. . 1 I 1 m 1 . r. .. I Sen d for Art Calnleg, 'JST77 lfa - !. . M f. m 7 fi rmtr" CONSTANTIN E AND FAMLY VENIC E Trip Frem Luoerne Made With out Incident Will Sail for Athens Today WILL ARRIVE ON SUNDAY lly tlie Associated Press Venice, Dec. 15. Fermer Kill Cen etnntiue 'and Queen Sephie of (ircere, ' with their children, arrived here early thin morning from Lucerne. In the harbor the Greek cruiser Aver off nnd n squadron of smaller warships awaited the hour when the king would go en beard and depart for Phalcren, the pert of Athens, where he Is expected te arrlve en Sunday. tVUn Iflu frnm t.mprnp In this pllv was made without Incident, Constantine knd Ills family remaining in tu.c seclu sion of their private car during the en tire journey. When the train reached Chlnsse, en the Hale-Swiss frontier, Inst evening, the special car In which the royal party was riding was detached from the regular train nnd coupled te another train coming direct te this city. The car en which a number of news paper correspondents were traveling was left en the original train and went through te Milan. A iutnber of pietnlncnt Greeks, among them I.anibres A CoremilnK, Greek minister te Italy, were lierc te greet Constentlnc upeu his arrival. r PILGRIMS' BONES EXPOSED Removal of Canopy Frem Plymouth Reck Reveals Twe Skulls Pylmnutli, Jlliss., Dec. 15. The bones of some of the Pilgrim fathers wete exposed for a time yesterday, when the box In which they have -been kept was taken from the canopy ever Ply- month Heck, where It had rested since 1SS0. The records de net Identify the bodies, but the two relatively well-preserved skulls and ether bones found In the ceflin nre reputed te be these of members of the colony who died In tlie first winter. The canopy Is le be removed and the rock reset under conditions that will bring it again te shore level. -7sr Fer the Children's Christmas TIIK TOYS Any bev will Ket ntfiuure nml In Mructlen from ft Lionel Kkclrlc Train Oemplct eutlUfl or extra equipment of l'asitenKcr. lMillmtin nml Oluorvntlen Cenchen, Freight Cam, Track Station', Switches, Semaphores, etc Hversthlnff for ii complete miniature railroad lestem. 'I UK TItKt: livers' Chrltma tree should Ueilrlcally Hunted tieth for safety and effect A ftrlnir of colored Mazda lamp or fancy IlKures, leprestfntlnc birds, nnlmaH, flewers, fruits, snow man, etc , will make the tree really distinctive. s nip Alnednn nf nrnrllenl nnd m.r.fnl lv. I . l 1 1 1 c u I (litis for every member ut the family Frank H. Stewart Electric Ce. CQJ01BU 37 and 39 N. Seventh Street nSniiSi Kg ' 25 te 50 YOU SAVE 25 te S0 IB Bl WnTlII II Alrplnnes n te M.00 r w HffluHf UfimlmB MUmntrW aii niiucni be".. i lu HnHillllaiH IUIdI III BnTwffl ,l8 Vnlue He- 7CeSiV' f ffiJul (IIHlByWull IIEllllJrllIlllJ71lll duced te s) s- ' nfllfl I IWlfflAMi QKSM nMUfVU iu i - r l KfMJui Mr. rJi'W I mffi. CS5 KlectrloMelnrictur. e5) M1 "'a SS ilmTlIII!nnJr!fl!ilW III luMnl!lr1 Ml vlu',er" operate It. lk77l 83I In RfmlliffliillSjll S7 K( Clenal xuetrle Trln, r jw. iVUrnSSiillliiji liPVlffl ,,JU OemtiUt Xloea te fD.UU ' TL "JniBH I Inunnffllil lailllllll VuffiRM -3i vnbrak-e sij ilijrjV.jJttH II jjKn TVi llllll i TjBtnfiy u'',' pttmn Polls Jl( flul fr"""" II lllfflll Ifl B rewHBafife.1' Open Kvenlnis fiSSSiAtV Hr-'l L jJH I 11 WW " TiyJw II VWraSgW Special Discounts kJ3SVjCgre KjsSTJBfjIln II liliS Im IhwIHU 'P te Storekeepers k- H Bfflffljl U uUhIH HteHlll RUDOLPH TOY & K0VELTY CO. ipg ill IwHIIH' 60 tAay, BTBBT j .. "i H ' ' J 1 iPirliiiiM B 8i I Islflll i t Ml) njiiTiifBiMirM-.SiBv tvHH Jy-tmwf ff VHtffffimniffffiiW fmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MJEC 1 What would truck fleets de without gasoline? "An army," said Napeleon, "travels en its stomach." A truck fleet travels en its gasoline tank. Beth are vitally dependent upon their sources of energy. Gasoline makes a truck a living, throbbing, business moving factor. The lack of gasoline transforms it into a mass of useless machinery a monument te idle capital, less of trade, shaken prestige. That is why far-seeing large users of gasoline are as deeply concerned with the dependability of supply as with the dependability of performance. The big majority of them use Atlantic. They knew Atlantic. They also knew the resources behind it the facilities for crude oil production, the equipment for refining, and the service for assuring deliveries ever a long period. Atlantic crude oils arc conveyed direct by pipe lines te Atlantic refineries situated right here en the ground, whence the refined product is delivered by tank wagons te consumer, service station or dealer. Ne danger of interrupted overland transportation! This is the time of the year when forward-looking concerns using gasoline in quantities are, or should be discussing with us their 1921 supply. ' ATLANTIC GASOLINE PutsPepinYeur Moter Tl-lli ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY x uuuueipnia i mtiTyArv HBHff "i mi iBTTrn" ' il ' . i ?, -TB",-wr vm inifn i -rtrmm rfSflfiP"'" , '.. -r& 1 - - Jtiimmif'f "