a ' 1 IV V ' ' .' .' r -'i "I' F.,n-"M TWWrTV'MmZrZrJH- V 'S "I" sr -t V,'iV ,MS M . A .. .. PUBLIC LDaEIPHIlpffitaOTa WEDNESDAY, EOEMBEB 15, 1920 EVENING wmrMt&H m 11 11 DREAMLAND ADVENTURES "The Magic Artist" Uy WAODX CHAPTEH III The Deer en the Hill IfT DON'T bellcve there In nucli a thlne ei a rabbit srhoet," uatJ Vew, which ehewn what a senelbie llltle girl she we. "K-n-nelther de I b-b-btfleve then is such a thfnir fta rabbit (thOBt! H-b-but where In the world did that whlte rabbit no that I shot?" stammered the Olant of the Weeds, who was se upset by the way the white rabbit had van ished that his teeth chattered. Vttwy shook her head. It was a mya tery te her where the whlte rabbit had none without leaving behind a bit of fur or even a track In the snow. "Woof I Woof I My hunting nose tells me there hnii been no real rabbit here," barked Toddle .Pupklns. snlfflnK around the tree where the rabbit had been. Tttay nnd the Olant of the Weeds' looked up In the tree te see If the rabbit In nema ntrtuige way had get bnck thfre. They didn't rec the rabbit but they did oee something that mode their eyes open In surprise. That cemcthlng vras a pert white squirrel peeking at them from a crotch of the tree. Up came the giant's sun and bang! bang! he fired as feet as he could pull the trigger. ' Down dropped the squirrel r.n If shot dead. "Oh. the per llttje squirrel 1" cried Peggy. "Woof I Woof! I'll gee that whlte iiqutrrel I" barked Teddle Pupklns, plunging Inte the snowbank where the pqulrrel had fallen. But, strange te say, Toddle Pupklns didn't And the squirrel. Neither did the Olant of the Weeds, nor Peggy. They found only snow In ihe snowbank, "uiewhllllckere, there's something wrong herel" cried the Olant of the Weeds "First. I sheet two whlte rub; bits which strangely .vanish. Then I sheet the white squirrel, we see it drei In the snowbank, and when we get here we rind only snow. I can't understand It, but they say ghosts are always whlte ' uuu linve u iJuasiiiiK j vfc ...... .. ...... ' Peggy said ngaln that oho didn't be- I Kama In knltri "The Indians tell Queer tales about animal spirits," whispered the giant. "De you suppose this can be tha Happy Hunting Ground of the Indians'?' "N'-n-nonsense I" answered Peggy, but ae she said It her volce shook as much as the giant's had. "Woof! Woof I I don't smell any ghost traeks," barked Toddle, frisking about the tree. "But I de smell the tracks of Billy and I don't believe he la far away I" ..... "Oh, eh, perhaps the rabbit ghosts and the squirrel ghosts have eaten Billy up I" cried Peggy. "I t-t-theught you didn't bellcve In rabbit ghosts or squirrel ghosts," stut tered the Olant of the Weeds, looking around an though He were much afraid. And ns he looked nreund he lt out a shout and grabbed his gun. There en the hillside oteod a white deer with black horns and a stubby black tall. "Anether ghost I" yelled the giant "It leeks mere like a. stutue," Rasped Peggy, for the deer steed very, very quiet. '"I'll neon nee, If It ta a uheut or a statue I" declared the Olant .of the Weeds, aiming his gun. Bang; Bang I Th erlnnl'a nlnl nr M .MtA anil tstl flA nnd I'eirgv expected te see the rteorelther toppie ever, or go daaning ere tnreugn the woedn. It did neither. It just steed still, ns It had steed befere. "You're right I It Is a statue," cried the giant, and he started up the hill toward the deer. But suddenly tha giant steed still. The deer had begun te wag Its stubby tall as If In friendly greeting! What de you think about the whlte rabbits and the whlte squirrel? De you think they were ghost rabbits, nnd de you think they gobbled Billy up? And If they didn't gobble Billy up whero de viu think veu'll find he Is? And what about the white deer? What de you think It te going te de In the next chapter? HOLMES Improved Air Cooled Guaranteed against any trouble (hie te Improper cooling. THE HOLMES AEHODUCT makes thle guorantee poe-clble. v w x kw j;i NX Coolbaugh-Macklin Moter Ce. 3723-3725 Walnut St Pre. ten 3504 un THE STURDY MASTER OF THE ROAD Stutz Talue Is a definite quantity. Stutz has nlwayu been built up te a standard, never down te a price. S. R. BLOCKSOM MOTOR CO. 067-9 N. BROAD ST. XG IP Personal (jtfts Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens, Auto Aute point and Evcrsharp geld and silver pencils, pocket knives, leather wallets and card cases gifts always well received and long remembered. They ar here in varied assortment. Priced froml.OO'te $50.00. Come sec them also our display of ether gifts en the second fleer. POMERANTZ 1525 Chestnut Street & (ni U'iirmn Ttn loeic Leaf Peclcrt MemerinJum BoeVi ire In various Ex,f,,!t"?,P' llici and itvlri. TM. na,ff,.it.. ...f.. r 1 'i. ". Tr pie Sill KdV... ahteti it $5,00' """ 11 "MORE PIWER TO START AND LIGHT YOUR CM" ' you Drive Your Car This Winter Be sure te have a powerful Prest O'Lite Battcrj- installed in your car. There is a correct size for every car. mS LOOK FOR THE GENUINE SALT'S LABEL IN EVERY COAT HvP"fll YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE CHARACTER .OF these Salf8 Fur Fabric Coats Net in years have we been able te offer such sensational values at these prices. FPANKFDFR Eleventh and Market Streets Any one of these "SaWs" Coats would make a wonder ful Xmas Gift. Hundreds and hundreds te cheese from em bracing all the Fashionable coat' models and styles. Extraordinary One-Day Sale Thursday I r awsi'' msmk'mk. Aw'i x (fill I ". n&SbJV L mmkitmscsm ammmfm , BSSEsBt' Ik - 1 m AmmmMK9 7 jiiiiiHiis lmv wmmimnr , r- ,imm s wrh d ft h wif flit fst" r w-. Just at the time when women want one of these Fine Luxurious Garments that se resemble ReaLFur, we are in a position te offer them at practically one-half price. 2000 Salt's a COATS 30 te $45 Coats at $49.50 te $65 Coats at H liBv. An opportunity te get one of these rich silky Plushes at less than the cost of an ordinary cloth coat At $18 flfi R-TRIMMED RICH SALT'S il tpid.UU PECO PLUSH COATS m jaunty sports and -length models. Clever styles with fashion's newest cellar and belt treatments '(O(y0 Every coat nicely lined. A f fc O K fid The deeP rich Pile of these At $&D.JJ SALT'S PECO SILK PLUSH COATS win amaze you. They vie with fur coats in appearance and cost only $25.00. Trimmed with contrasting- fur cellars and cuffs; some with deep fur borders. Fasluenable Ml length, short and three-quarter length Gar Gar mentshandeomely lined with imported Venetian and Sel Satin arid warmly interlined. FRANK & SEDER FIRST FLOOR 1,r " 1 BmiSmm I 9 'B .-V m . m ' I 0 liin itai I 25. Wf I Loek for Additional Frank & Seder for Thursday in Other Salt'sSealskinette& Bchring Seal Plush COATS at ,l. . n i.i r.' . . . Price ciSTi S(lmmette flush, Yuken Seal and ieal Plush Geatstrimmed with Moutton Rac coon, Beaver, Nutria and Skunk Opossum; richlv silk-lined throughout. Loek for the label in every coat. 1 39.se.$50-$7S-$97 FRANK & SEDER FIItT FLOOR s tf- 1 1 i Emm f I !-l l v MJJ H 1 lESSI I U iBEli I VMBMljIJMHMlMAESrH , BHHI 1343847 BwSL St. H rapers tA. MiiTAVQ- "--' - - .