'J.-4 i V V f ' 11 v -.- N EVENING PUBLIC trijDGEK- PHIIDELPHIA', WEDl;TEgDAV,:PEOEVIBEB 15, , 92Q T I!: A if TOiM FS MYSTER Y STOR Y ny riiiur teancis newlan Yesterdays Mystery Solution 'nSiL' " hUW " fl TUB cbs( of "Through Deuble 1 Then come the prosecution's turn ler ri t it Y....i- t-ti rrhiittnl. Tim tntiltnr nf thfl DcrWTU ; "ran, iiiirvry minis miner " ,, ii it i , ,' ,. j, i "i ri In Grant V.Sweycr'B leather 6tipcn,leri1,",11,,"f- ' "' cl "V". .kii 'V ? the method by which the stolen geld juices. ns called. He testified tlmt trs were taken out of the subtrcasu- " ,,""'r") "u " " " urj, mreujfn mc minding m u n. in. uiui : It will be remembered that none of nl nc ln """p. '"."'""VT . xne etner cmplejcs were leather sus jendfr. i A bar of geld Is net bulk.r. Nut It Ib cry heavy. That wn why the deer cunrd had stepped einnleves with henrv packages a they were leaing the build- j leather suspenders have no elasticity, "jrhlch Is the reason they are net com cem com imenly worn. Alie they are exception Sally uncomfortable en het days. But jthey would be Just the thing for n vnian who wanted te conceal an unusual- fJ MIB'J UIULIC ,n u iftCl 111 1111 the morning of April 21. Following this, Harvcj Hunt took the stand. "Mr. Hunt," said the prosecutor, after the crime Investigator had been sworn, "will jeu tell us please what ou found out In the Dcrwyn Iliilldlng." "I found tlmt en the lloer where Sklddere bad hit offices that the steam pipe ruus behind the mall chute n couple of Inches below the slot through which the letters are mailed, and thut it heats up the metal sides of the chute until they are painful te the touch. I also found some cummv substance adhering trousers without causing them te sag te the inside of the chute at Uiis point, f roeked damsels with the Intriguing bass voices were masculine had she net leaned a riding costume and evening cape for their adornment? Hut, deep In her henrt nhe felt that If Link would only wee her with the ardent gestures, glances and speeches he put forth In this ntie of lady-killer, she would capltulate utterly and be his ferccr. Yet Instinct whispered that with the fall of the cur Fountain saCa man and n girl engrossed In conversation. Aroud the evening cloaked shoulders of the girl, whose face was hidden against her companion s coat, rested th man's arm and the man was Link I , . Ha Lincoln Howe was continuing hie part of lady-killer' Unresponsive te l'red'n snicker, she passed en. her head held hlifti, yet managing, In the way tain the fiery ltomee would, llke a be- I that women have, te take In ever vlsl UIO UCIRll OI 1-iinK B HKlinUIlllll. Arrived at home, she dismissed 1 red somewhat peremptorily nnd wandered Inte the library, where a glowing flre still burned In the grate Suddenly sne bofiune aware et voices wltrhed Cinderella en the stroke of 12, become again the bashful Link with whom she was familiar. It was en the way home after the dance whlcn iraumenauy followed me sireuea Teggy through the ,.1 n v a campus with Kred, who had been her i nnd footsteps en the veranda nnd I)lll's ccert, that a sight met her eyes which whistle. Perfunctorily, she responded made her all but pause aghast. Seated "Pegg." nnd Lincoln's volce was en the marble bench by the Memerial most disconsolate, "I made your brother frnf mA thu ttin In nlnln before I leave town. He nnd I cooked up that llttle scene jeu saw, te te mane ou I mean er It was only Billy and I en the bench I" . "Oh." said Peggy thoughtfully. "Oh.' Then she grinned a fetching little grin. "Who did eU think I thought It was, wearing my marabou trimmed ceiling cloak nnd number eight shoes!" At that moment, "I'm cold I" called n plaintive voice from the sidewalk. "Cut It short, you two!" It proved the Bpur that Link needed. "I'm leaving town because I love jeu!" paid Link desperately. "Don't go I" whispered Peggy. And he didn't. Next Complete Novelette Seuth Seus nnd the nsrkers wand betray the fact Nene of the empleyes thought any- fthlnff of Hweypt's leather nitanm1ra -.-..-. . . u. .,.....,.,.., and scrnned some of It away "la this it?" asked the prosecutor, holding up n piece of paper containing because, like a wise man. he were them some Kern pin trs. Hunt answered affirm- an me time ana uiu net cennne his use ativcly and it was passcti ever te tuc ei inem te luese occasional days en Jury, which he walked out with a bar of geld uut tne eve or iiarvev num. sr.. trained te observe the sllshte.st iinei- frplaincd trifle, spotted them at once. XXVI 1 j Can you solve this problem i.ef- J THE GREEN ENVELOPE rpHE attorney for the defense wared C-- the green envelope dramatically. In fct, he rested Jiis case en the green o-tnvclepe. y 4 He recalled te the jury the testimony of the postman. This postman rcmcra- fbcred taking the green envelope out of jthe mall box In the Derwjn Building in Jthe first collection of the morning en April 21. He couldn't forget that green envelope. This was at 7 a. m the .same hour at which Samuel Sklddere ihad registered at the hotel in New tTerlc. The postman was also certain that the fletter had net been In the box when the made his last collection en April v,20, nt 8 :30 p. m. He hed felt around Inside the box very carefully. If the letter had been there he would have 'taken it. "New," sRld the atternev for the de fense, pausing triumphantly, "while "we uilrnit that it would have been pos sible for Samuel Sklddere te have mur dered Byren Burdin in Centeriille nt 0:15 p. m. en April 20, and te have been at his hotel in New Yerk by 7 a. ni. the next morning, you, gentlemen t of 'the Jury, knew that it is n physical Nntr." rent nucd the prosecutor. "gentlemen of the jury, jeu hnve the green envelope. Will you examine it te see if there is any similar gummy sub stance en it?" A surprised murmur of I assent came from the jurymen 1 "And what conclusion would you draw from that, Mr. Hunt?" demanded , the proecuter, as the ntterney for the defense leaped wildly te his feet, splut- tcring objections. I "irAat eonnrch'e'i cn you ice fccficcen the green envelope, the gummy tub stance and the steam pipe which heated the mal chutef I The anstrer iril appear tomorrow, ' THE DAILY NOVELETTE Trimmed With Marabou rij- cLUiNen t. srintnv Tes. Billy I'm dewrhearted" impossibility te leave this city any time iter s:ie p. m. and get te Centcrville "In one hour, even by airplane. And the prosecution itself has established 0:15 kp. m. as the exact time at which Burdin "was murdered. "Therefore, I submit te you, gentlc- tmen of the jury, that my client could net have mailed his letter here after J8:30 p. m. nnd we knew that It could tnet have been dropped ii the office bulldlnc chute hrfnrt that time nml becn in Centerv!ll in time te murder , nll''- adhered te hlu mind JBurdin at 0 :15. Therefern It mitsf hnve making her Jeale j ;been Bomebedj else who committed this Jfeul crime. As reasonable men you can Ide nothing ether than bring In an 1m 1m ?xedlatc verdict of acquittal." f The attorney for the defend ended ziis plea dramatically, standing motion Uess with his jaw thrust forward, bmil ''ing in the assumption that he and the j Things You'll Leve te Make t I tmbYeideredVeil Veils are being worn en all sorts of Bats and for all oecaslons. Te wear wlui . a .'!lm,pIe 'urba". make an embroidered . vel like the one show n Any plain mesh iell serves as the foundation With flne worsted of jour faterlte color, make three rows of running stitches In and out .the mesh, te form the border Just j above these stitches, run the worsted In J and out te form small circles H careful net te pull the worsted tee I tight This Ib an essy way te make fan exquisite embroidered veil FLORA. Lin celn Itbwe tapped out the contents of Ills pipe en tne asn tray nnu sai glower ing Inte the fireplace "Your sister will have none of me. and I'm thinking I'll make a brcuk. Staying en won't help matters and It's tee tantalizing, seeing her almost dallj"." Billy was sjmpathetlcally silent for a moment Then he exploded "Girls are the devil. Link! What Teggj can sce In that long, lean, lanky grastnepper of a Fred Kerbes gets me' Loek here, Link Peggy knows your sun ries and sets In her and all the rest of that slob stuff Did you ever try making her jealous. boy?" Lincoln shook his hesd "I'm nfrald that kind of a game Isn't In me That s mero Ferbscj's stjl" "Exactly '" cried Blllj ' And see hew the girls fall for It Vella' But getting down te brass tack" old man ou won't pull out before the big show "' "yes," be premised Ulllj , "I 11 staj en for that. And then no mere college In mine' More than college careers ha been nncrlflced for women," he added sententteuslj' A few moments later be mse te go And as he took his waj- down the path from the home of Prof Manning, the father of Billy nnd the unattainable Pcggj', his thoughts reverted te the re cent conersatien One phrase wilh- Ler trj New nni'bedy knewlntr Lirk Itowe ought te have been well aware of the fact that he had been- born girl-shy. On the ether hand Link sldem cniiw away from her prcence without cursing himself lnwardlj for the brilliant things he had net said, for the little conrsa cenrsa conrsa tlenal eperlngs te further intlmacj N- nau missea jjut l'eggj-, wise te tne avs of college euths of eerv kind I knew te a cresed ' t and a dotted "1" the place she held In his eung affee-1 tlens, jet withheld cruellj ecr bit of encouragement "I'eggj-" burst forth her brother with the tactlessness of combined jeuth and mascullnltj-. 'I wish jeud cut out gad ding around with Fred Ferbes' Dad wouldn't let jeu marry him snd be. sides, why can't jeu take up with a de. cent chap like llke Lincoln Howe f r example" Peggj- steed Angering her furs and regarding her brother with scornful amusement "De jeu suppose my dear, Blllv 1 am looking for a man who Is scared te death of women she de- manded, Ignoring the tlrst part of her I brother's tirade Strange It was that se reticent a eeul as Lincoln Rewe could act let suili' na the case On the night of Ncer Again, Wide ' Pecgj gazed across the . footlights m stifled nnd enthralled ' True, she knew that the wonderfully mil Make Your Hair Beautiful and Fluffy DTFGS D&qSH&IPOO CREAM Net Sllrkr nor Orra Ter Self hy Drue imtl Department Hlere. B1EG MFG. CO., Inc. 031 Ctmtnut St.. 1'hllit. 25c tfa-a. VIH 1 1 'IB Open Saturdays T'nHl Fic Give a Lamp They enrich the home Lend beauty te the sur roundings Dispel gloom A comprehensive bhewmg of lamps in wrought metal, mahogany, cloisenne and alabaster. The Hern & Brannen Mfg. Ce. Mah'r te the Critical mid Kxactimj 427-t33 North liread Street I .Sierf Walk Mevi X'liomebuc 11 A New Gift for the Chap who '7a? Eccrylhuuj ' Companion te his safety razor feeds soap as it lathers Vlliv Itr "an tti LATHER BRUSH B if 'fd . T Wm m ii",d b HaLLHBLS&dtaBKnK M "Saves six operations every time Yeu shave" "ti Guuranieetl Je DE LUXE BRUSH COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. W7?Z Cheese Jewelry Yeu Don't Need Cash J tider& JIIC J?Mm On Our Easy Credit Terms you secure at once any of our handsome rings, watch- breeches, la vallieres, pendants, etc. Pay as little as a dollar a week. We trust jgv jm & Call or write for free book of M Tgjw" H gems- Ph'"" Watn,'t 261e- g gl Sgaifiail8!ffirfMgaiCiia Green White Geld Bar Pin, 3 H ygpii.ll.aVaTiHTireTgM fine diamonds, hand pierced jM f'lB -afHP Bill Handsome i23&fFG6& JpOO.UU M tvVtM v-' . Finest werkmnnship. j)05UU JJIyar k'P H LarRe selection riatinum Wrist Watch, studded ll ivfir JeL A11 Pkt'num of Se,ld Ge,d Trith diamen(1''' HiBh Kradc mert- a '1 Wb LaValllere, SiRLelSjf'' ment' $200.00 J ftfWL f 8 flne diamonds, $5.00 up . i n ntsxwi f $150.00 b; - 511 -jjjr ail all i lflI'nMlilHni'" Viuate WvmbW" fSKMfl aAVONliV A DOLLAR Weekly IHHjlMMMaiMaaapmaMMpMBjBnaaMpJMMn mmFmw3r& ""tmMlIK tMilaKfvlaiiMilil H KBBJWF vk$m b ibiTi aaaaaavMMHi9a1iiaaaaaaaaaH VsaRB. J fKBBiBSmEuE& ILxl ChHstmas Ip. I Si I xt, s: KH flHfBHRR n, I that u useful' H TTPllpMiiH ii What shall we get him for Christmas?' ' M "AKE your Christmas present something he will be glad te have something that will fill ii real need all the year 'round. Nine out of ten men, for instance, vtll tell you that their faces arc tender or their beards are tough. This is only another way of saying that their razors pull and scrape that nftcr shaving their faces burn and smart. It is rapidly dulling blades that make shaving a daily discomfort for ,co many men. What mere welcome Christmas present could you give such e man lhan a razor that sharpens Itself? Built right into the frame of the AutoStrep Razor is a simple, efficient stropping device which quickly sharpens the blade. It renews the edge in n few seconds, without removing the blade or taking the razor epart. AutoStrep Razor users are guaranteed 500 saUsfying shaves from every dozen blades. This unique razor is a Christmas gift a man will enjoy day after day something that will mean real shaving comfort every morning of his life. Make your gift this Christmas an AutoStrep Razor. Ask your dealer today te show you the many different styles of AutoStrep Razor outfits from the folding pocket kit te fitted and complete traveling sets from the standard set at five dollars te the sterling silver set at twenty.fiv. AnteSt -si rep itself Saves constant blade expense Razor larpens On rareri, strapi. lila dm. lc, hereafter manufactured by us ive shall apply t li trademark "Valet" in tdditlontethetredemark "AuteS trap" ae an Addition! indication that t hy ara t ha itenuin products of the AutoStrep Safety Itater Ce., New Yerk. V MTOWilllM c c GEN -. 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