b i f'u '& , r.K fr' fc,' y A . i. " fl. 'l' THROUGH A WOMAN'S EYES Dy JEAN NEWTON Smile On, Girls, but- A very Intcrentlnp: lrtw milt jl " tried In New Yerk city. It Is botween n motion-picture producer nml a well known wemnn star whom he h "Ulne for breach of contract. With reference te the charge of general obstreperous. neM made against the defendant, the iuthte took occasion te make this re- r .... . nrri ...f nlA rnirnlinnre of tha toot Hint from time Immemorial such bare been the troubles of the im- nntanrln with the nrlmtl (IOHnQ. And that Is why we hear men say that thcr de net wnnt te de business with women. Fer there Is no doubt tnat nil of us arc poorer In the respect of it. i fu..-. .wnt1 rt nrttntinf et flirt UIO UUHHIIB3 wunu m.-vw -"- unties of such prima denna and some . I - . i f..u ...l.w aI na tf.s.l.f.1. women in duuiih wn mi ...uft.. ther thfnk they were such prima donnas. New n prima denna may be unbusi nesslike, may bring cequcttry Inte her liuslncs dealings and get nwey with it. IJut she does net benefit by these tnxflm. On Ihn centrnrv she gets by In spite of them, and only because there are se few real prima dennni. And eieii Impresarios will eventually threw up their hnnds and tear up their con tracts. It has net been of any lasting bene fit te nny girl te bring her sex Inte her job or her business. Hut It has re sulted In leit positions nq well as lest respect and ether humiliating experi ence. f)n tlin ether hand the girl who is "strictly business," who puts herself en en equal footing with her male as- j aeclatcn, who docs net expect or seek te get anytmng en any einer eam, mie is ready te give and take equally and I'qilllllUI.Y 1H1I IIICIU te pum w ftu . added respect that comes of being con-1 sldered n rarity. I This does net mean, of course, that vc must resort te such extremes as a pretty little plrl I knew. In her desire te be "strictly buslnc-w she thought she must leek old and plain, and she did this cry effectually with goggles and a ridiculous coiffure! It does net mean that girls should Withheld the unaffected smiles and the youthful cheer that bring sunshine te an office as te every ether place, nor that they idieuld seek te Inhibit tha charm that comes of jeuth and beauty. We hear much about men In business being mero willing te de things for n young girl with a pretty face. Of course, they nrc and se Is everybody else. &e smile en, girls BUT: Don't try te substitute a smile for the goods you nrc supposed te deliver. Remember that no matter hew sus ceptible u man may be te feminine clinrms he clew net want them and very rarely will permit them te Inter fere with Ills business; that if he had a dinner encasement with teu and von kept him waiting te get that perfect wjive In vnur hnlr lip mlfflir. tool mm. prusated but never If you kept him waiting nt tne euice. itcmemDcr that when there is work te be done he wants you te go (.boulder te shoulder, and that no matter hew beautiful your cyeB may be he does net want them rnlscd te him when they should be en your work. He member, tee, that while a pretty pout may de wonders with a sweetheart or with a husband, it Is out of place with a "boss." That would be bringing sex Inte jour Jeb instead of the dignity that makes a businesslike mien. Remember, tee, girls, that even the wrong kind of man may net act like the right kind of man with the girl he works for him or with him. But if she by ever se little lujects her sex Inte her business she Is laying herself open te humiliation. Se, smlle en, girls. But, as woman te woman, de your Jeb and transact your business as man te man t (Cepyrliht. 1020 by Publle VtAatr Ce.) Malting Mere Meney The Olrl Wlie WnnUd te Knew -lvn vAm iitrn. Mhn Ii, of Philadelphia, completed Miss About twelve . ..... A ..., w & ....nuu.t'i.itt, wiiifiici iicr ceurse at n local business college, a mend of hers suggested that she drop liaa Just completed a series of experi ments leading toward the mnnuractura of a synthetic turpentine. Even a Kir who wus Just out of school could set the value of such a discovery, be Mist Fitch accepted the small-salaried pesl Hen of keeping the books for the com pany which was then In the process of formation. Tnere was plenty of, spare time- con nected with the pest, but the business college crraduate preferred te put It te hotter use than the reading of novels or the making of lingerie. Bhe was Inter ested In the work that went en In the laboratory nnd she was frank enough te confess that she wanted te knew every thing that went en In connection with the new nrncefis. Mr. T)lnti .im- t. lect and, In a few months, the "book keeper" was nlse qunllfled te be nn ex pert assistant te the head chemist. "There wasn't a pe nnlni ntmtlt til hUfil ness that I overlooked," Miss Fitch ad mitted later. 'The whele thing fascln- nieu me no mat i even uncu m iicii iuu the wagons In order that I could say that I knew, the whele tiling from the ground up. I felt that the tnuch-dls-cunued Vemin's handicap' In business was nothing mete or less than a Jack of Interest In anything- outslde her own work nnd I determined that I wasn't going te be guilty of this." As was only te be expected, Mlra Fitch was ndvanced as the new 'com pany grew and, befere many yearn nnd passed, she was made nil officer. Today she holds the title of secretary-treasurer of the concern and nlse acts us general purchasing agent And general manager of the salesmen "Thanks," us she puts ii, te me laci mat 1 never ininaca chance te learn something about thi work that was paying my salary." Tomorrow A Doten flrapefrult Seed GAS Soldering Furnaces and Acellance! hUnd Foncj.TAr.eapB U D. Bcfger Ce., 59 N. 2d St. Dell, ilarket $H Ktwien: Main j0 eurSTORE ORDERS ARE AS GOOD AS CASH nnd ensbla you te buy at thi depart ment and apeelalty -teres ou prefer. Our terms are ba.d en the length of rredlt--ari fair and moderate. Write fi. full Atmm Marriett Bres., 1118 Chestnut St. i . I t&isi$5fe 1 The Stere of Personal Service 1310 Chestnut Street Wrappy Coats of Belivia Richly Fur-Trimmed With Australian Opossum ).00 I'M T 33 iVyVI 5 s ylffl 48 Actual 75.00 Values An exceptional opportunity bearing tribute te our pro pre grcssive lower-price policy. The Belivia, is fine quality hand somely silk-lined and" warmly interlined. All sizes and colors navy, brown and reindeer. Large cellars of selected Aus tralian Opossum pelts. 50 COATS ONLY THE BLUM STORE 9 A New Organization With 'an Old Name ' Bldteflfiregfc Made with Pasteurized Milk X HERE'S a certain deliciousness and delicacy of flavor about FREIHOFER'S BUTTER-KRtJST. It's the different bread with the distinctive taste that ap peals te the appetite. The reason is BUTTER-KRUST is made with Pasteurized Milk. The use of Pasteurized Milk is only one of the many features which have made BUTTER-KRUST the real home bread. Everything that gees into it is absolutely pure, and it leaves the even te be wrapped and stamped with the FREIHOFER wrapper that stands for Quality. Big BUTTER-KRUST is 13 cents at your Grocer. Delivered fresh twice daily. The home folk and your guests will appreciate a leaf of BUTTER KRUST for dinner. r$$SSl WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE ML. i ii WANAMAKER'S tM ight and Smiling With Wanamaker's Dev A conveniently arranged store, all en one fleer, specializing 1 A- Jl je -d- A. 1 A A. meaeraieiy pneeu guts 01 uiiquesuunauie quality in Weel Scarfs for Christmas as.4? f. tli lr . I r Xl $4.50 CfljPP Warm and cozy gifts thnt nny fem inine member of the family is euro te welcome. A surprising variety of charm ing scarfs, moderately priced, provides a .vide field for choice. They're of brushed wool in plain colors, heather mixtures, block checks, diamond checks or with deep borders. Turquoise, French blue, rose, reindeer, emerald, brown and navy nre some of the colors. Straight scarfs, $2.10 te $4.60. Scarfs with belts and pockets, ?4.60 te $10. (Central) Delightful Fragrances in Pretty Bexes 50c te $7.50 Toilet waters nnd extracts in the most refreshing and delicate (scenta of Individual flowers and bouquets lend themselves ad mirably te Christmas giving. Various extracts are 60c a bettle and there are many prices in between that and $7.50, which is for a set of extract, toilet water, talcum, sachet and face powder. (Cheitnut) Fer Children Who Wear Bare Knees these pretty wool hose were in vented. They are in soft heather mixtures with colorful fancy tops that turn down just below the knee. Any small boy or girl wear ing sizes 8 te 10 will be delighted with a pair. $3.50. (Central) Colored Dotted Swiss, 60c a Yard A dress or blouse length as a Christmas gift will surely be welcomed. It is 36 inches wide. Orchid fc Copenhagen Mabe Light blue Rese Black (Central) Silk Negligees Make Delightful Christmas Gifts and what fun cheesing the colors! Seft nffnirs of soiree satin are in the most fascinating changcable color combinatiens: Copenhagen and rose green and violet blue and golden brown violet and gray. They're cut quite full and arc trimmed with narrow rufflings. $11.50. . Anether pretty negligee of satin has little clusters of French silk fruit en the pock ets. $16.50. Charming Bed Sacqucs, $5 te $10.50 They start nt $5 for a dear littln hnm.ititphprlrf nfFn?r nf crepe de chine and go te $10.50 for very lacy sacques. Between these prices arc sacques of crepe de chine, satin and Gcor Gcer Gcor gette crepe all wonderfully pretty. Pink, sky blue, Copen hagen and rose principally. (Central) Handkerchief Specials Duplex Chamois-Lisle Gloves Women Have Been Telling: U That We Have the Best Aertment of Duplex Chamois-Lisle Gloves in Town $1.05 two-clasp gloves are in mode, gray and white with plain backs. $1.75 two-clasp gloves, In white, chamois, cafe,au lait and black, have spearpeTht stitched backs. $2 slip-en, five-button-length glevc3 arc in chamois and cafe au lait. $2.25 trap-wrist gloves arc in white, chamois and cafe au lait $2.50 strap-wrist gloves with cuffs a little longer and wider than usual arc in mode and grav. $2.75 eight-button-length mousquetaire gloves, in white and cafe ou lait, have spcar-pelnt-stitched backs. $3 strap-wrist gloves with flvc-inch cuffs arc nuitc unusual: in whifa wdii -.,.. breidery en the backs and gray gores in the cuffs or in white. (Central) mode with Beautiful Ribbons for Christmas Bags Heavy with embroidery or gleaming with geld or silver brocade, some of the ribbons leek as if they might be old Oriental treasures. Others are in tones of green and brown or lovely floral patterns in the darker shades. Widths Vfirv from R innhna te 11 inches and prices from $2.85 te $8.25 a yard. Of course, it deesn t take nearly a yard te make a bag! Exceptionally beautiful rib bons, 11 inches wide, have just arrived. $6.25 and $8.25 a yard. One might make the bodice of an evening dress from nbeut n yard and a quarter. (Central) Women's Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 25c each 2400 of these sheer white linen Ttcrchicfs for gifts. Men's Initialed Handkerchiefs, 50c each Geed linen with hemstitched borders and neat initials. Women's Plain White Linen . Handkerchiefs, 18c each Of geed quality they are especially nice te embroider or initial for gifts. (Central) Jk, Women's Pink Crepe Pajamas, $2 Gay affairs of pink crepe have bluebells scattered ever them, and arc trimmed with blue stitching. In one or two-pieco styles the latter with a dear little jacket of unusual cut. Nightgowns of the same material, also $2. (Central) Frilly Party Frecks for Girls of 10 te 16 rnnrifn.TJT1 ""IS duJt' W te sparkle en Christmas morning, give her a party frock such as one of these! i, , "r e left' ,p,alc pink chifren- nn( ch dress is made with rihhrU5hrn th? mirJ' aU Lpeints ant? cdcd with pink a n MJ?F 'H , . en the waist and sleeves" Oh, any m. w .uv a itutn J1KO iniSI $20. Twe Net Dresses at $7.75 Beth are of white net, in sizes 8 te 14 years. One is trimmed wi ith lace and the ether with pleated net ruffles and both have pin S blue satin ribbon at the waists. v Other White Frecks White lawn dresses nt $4.50 and sheer white organdie at $5.75 are prettily trimmed with lace and tucking. Sizes 8 te 14 years (Market) Pink Silk Bleemers Favorite gift among the feminine members of the family Ntw bloomers, amply cut and carefully made, are marked at pleasantly low prices Plain pink satin ones, $2.50; with hemstitched ruffles, $3. Satin bloomers, edged with lace or finished with two rows of elas tic and three of hemstitching at the knees, $3.85. Pink crepe dc chine bloomers, $3. Cotten Bleemers, 85c Of pink or white crepe or sateen. (Central) Women's Tailored Silk Blouses Striped Tub Silk, $4.50 They are in white grounds with many pretty combina tion stripes or gay candy stripes. Dark Striped Satin Blouses, $4.90 The satin is of exceptional quality and the stripes are the dark, rich combinations that women like. Either style can be had in sizes 3G te 4G. Beth have uuiiuia iu uu worn nign or low. Suitcases Are Really Practical Christmas Gifts $4.50 black-enameled cloth suitcases, 18 and 20 inch sizes Suitcases of better fabric, with a dull' or bright finish, are in sues 18 te 22 inches at $9 and $10. S6.50 suitcases, 24 inch, arc of black-cnamclpd cloth Other large suiUases with sewed comers, geed linings and strong handles are $8, $10 and $12. Hat boxes te match are $9.50 te $20. Tan cowhide suitcases, 18 and 20-inch, arc $12 and $13- 24-inch $13.50 te $25. ' ' (Market) , - (Mnrket) Bath Mats at $3 Geed, thick bath mats are 44x 26 inches. The mats are in five different patterns and there are plenty of blues, as well as muts of rose, green and blue-and-tan combinations. (Central) Hit-or-Miss Rag Rugs 24 x 36 inches, 75c 25 x 50 inches, $1 27 x 54 inches, $1.25 The rugs were woven en hand looms and have sturdy warps, Colorings are fresh and cheery. (Chestnut) $5 Will Bring Christmas Music te Your Heme And think of the lev nml ni.ic...n i.t . ... .. .. there are young people around,- they" will want XcT i,.E members of the family will en joy the quieter selections. All of these are pessible en L'Artiste Phonographs -the best phonographs we have ever seen for $00. L'Ar L'Ar tiste is strongly constructed and honestly made, throughout Its tone is clear and pure, the all-weed amplifier eliminat l"K completely ull unpleasant metallic sounds. A modulator, which can be regulated while the machine Is closed, ennblcs you te play a record as softly or loudly as you please. L'Ar L'Ar tiste plays all disc records. $5 Down and $5 a Menth make it easy for any ene te own ene of these excellent phonographs. If you prefer it, the first $5 may be taken out in reAwlu OKeh Records. SI. A nnnkle.i7-j and include a variety of instrumental, vocal nnd dance records. f?tZX afBB Certainly Seme Feminine Member of Your Family Would Like a New Ceat ter Christmas Fathers, Brethers and Husbands, Take Netice! Can you think of a finer gift than one which will mean projec tion, warmth and comfort all Winter long? l the ZoirietZ meanS-and Wannmaker coats satisfy Between $45 and $69 SS fa wifde.ranKe i 80d practical, serviceable coats of such excellent materials as Belivia, tinseltene, pole cloth camel's hafr velour and silk plush. A great many wi hcellars of racoon Aus trahan opossum, nutria, skunk opossum or scalene ATra EvJi' coat is lined throughout with silk. ery Tlle ll-reti elr4-U.l ;.jt-i 4,111. 11ACI.1I . IX -- ILT fT U XIIa.naaII .1. v and brown. In r.r.'i'T ' V K ankln or navy blue Between $69 and $149 you'll find a splendid assortment of wraps and coats of the finr All were originally marked a great deal mere. . (Market) ATI MT etH iXX 1 w m $45 T Women's Comfortable Slippers Are Sure of Christmas Welcome $2 Pair Oxfa'-" """"" "" '" """ inm- "" . -W blue . Oe tc n SxtrilL'f""1' W in rose, pff. taune. .v. ...... .., u-. ing, have leather soles and &.' S" innt meny wemcn wc about the house in the morn.' C9 P ' with At""" 1""'"s' ' """ 'J". P'-k. d ,. h.v l,.1,k cults rlgnJ saw ra-x jas-sss. wf&xz. -, v . v '"" lur ner rreity Boudoir ifQjc S I I r.iA..... v rn T' ji mj . n h r v A jr .3: be. T ' l Ai V (1 m .n w t' '1 ii -w e- rii , it a n i i i 1 v. Jt. 13 in i in ' v V '1,1 M i T ,X x ' , 1 (Clititnut)