Itwwra v$r " l.S" " v n ' ' I;fUN is. 'IV 28- EVENING -PUBLIC LEDGEEr-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY; DECEMBER U 1920 , k X Jl's V 'A X V Xfl$Jt&&9tVESt it, ' m p ri i I' A APARTMENT HOTELS Frentcnac Apartment! bread AND OXFOnD 8Ta Twe, S and 4 room apar'tnents1 nH rvlce and .Itctrle lights. HOTEL CAMDEN. 2d st at Penn Cnmden N. J , A n Inut e wn li fr n. f i r g an Cooper Square. Just opened n (ru y first elans hotel, with ISO room nnd ?u hath. dally, weekly nnd menlhlv rates n res taurant with real home cooking Is con tucted. Toli-pheno Camden 1"0 THE DELMAR-MORRLS AMERICAN PLAN ctieiTEN avi: and Mounts bt y OKRMANTnWN TlIE LITTLE HOTEL 52, .S Ilreail al A weed place te Ilx white In Philadelphia HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS CENTRAL unfurnished housekeeping apart ment. 220 8. 4th st HEAL P STATE FOP. SALE cit 1818-20 Spg. Garden St. Frent 88 ft depth 2(17 ft te Iruttonweod st . 2 4-tery brick buildings large, light, airy rooms stesm heat electrlc light. Suitable for Institutional Purposes or Apartment 1818 equipped wlih brick fire-tower, 2 story brick illterlutn nnd dining room fronting; en H"t nwoed st . terms attrac tive, well tlnunc d 0.FERCY FO, 2521 Olrard ule. iHMmDrasrakUiiriiTjniiiniii ikiumwhi mm Xc are represen'lng m-iny Phlla- H " deiphla corporations estates and Individuals In the purchase, sale and leasing of their central real es tate, factories and mfg bldgs We will t-e slad te represent jeu giving Jeu the advemage of our sears of experience and nrge organ zntten SMULLEN & BARRY Dread and i heitnui tl brt) Hide ) gj EiarajiEi m mm irai wii m m, inn irirain i no Kensington & Allegheny Avenues BEST LOCATION IV NORTHEAST FOR PL,S AND PAH nCl LARS POTTS & THOMSON 2j21 rilANKrORD n. Member Philadelphia Heal Bala e neard VACANT 1430 IV Terente st If .ou are InnKinB for a. beautiful and cez h ime examin, this Be. finished 'n Wilto and mahepcn and Bwl papen. small ami of ca'h required SCHWARTZ, 26th Above Lehigh SB AHCH ST. rie story let ,11x173. will be sold cheap for quick sale 410-418 N Trent it jnniO uh make a,r'G. C. SEIDEL & CO.. INC. S. E. Cor. 1th & Cnllewhiil St. 1929-1937 Westmoreland St. Kear T.ea Statlan J sterj urick pnrch neuses 7 -oems and bth geed elder pme S4U0U e DONNELLY & SUESS Inisn una fitn aves 1313- 315 WEST LEHIGH AVE. Twe des r bio 3 story brick per h dnelllnss ach 0 room and bath, het-water heat sas nd electrlclts adapt d for apartments DONNELLY & SUESS 1 enign ana Otn ae 1MMED. POSS. $7200 Werth Kith st nb Susnuehannn 1J rooms I and rath ucei'.ent location for store RHOADES ef.q"riMNVA I $100 OM.V cash required balance In month ly rent paimems eni s.nuu cneapesi heutee In Philadelphia 2113 K Diketa st (near Delgrnde nnd irk t fl r hih n ' enlenees. excellent condition, let te rear I Street fti2 C h stnut st .ecnnd fleer $800 WILL BUY . rooms an 1 bath tsnees li me,l i m modern J st home H elec lli-llt ill renen- ' 'q h & M ilei st H.J.FASY, 18th & Thompson Sts. 2J10 .N 2100 N 111 E J1T11 Or h w ht . i '.ilth 0 r tilth ih' I h Lehlih 14 rs h w ht Ci. poss W ht e, C elec J t h WALSH "IMf Diamond 7926 1400 HLOCIC UeuMer et 3 sty side ard 12 rms and bath steam heit elec laun i dry tuhs immed pessessl n l,l flnanre H.J.FASY, 1 8th & Thompson Sts. VACANT OPAL Ab. LEHIGH I flrit hnuse 7 rms Uundr xc lnt nl rM trle runnlngr-am Itenall ab U h ikh All N 17TH ST J st 1J retms & bath Immediate peeiiilnn U ftnan n H.J.FASY. 1 8th 5c Thompson Sts. 1410 N OPAL ST J st ti rni 11 1 t uh immediate possession Jlne sh n e H.J.FASY, 1 8th & Thompson Sts CORNER arant 117 L Tieji-. t rv 7 rooms perch newh r nevat d laLrlt'c- iiSOO lfl flnan e blllier .1.3 .N 11th Hsmend 6hl5 $100 ONL1 ash req ba in mth ly r nipZ mens 3121 mbT et enl H700 7 rms exrl cena t 11x70 f K2 Ch--tnu .1 fir 27 W jEDOWICK ST A bargain for quick sl 3 sterj p irch fr nt U M.NER 31st and Yerk VACANT l'r war prl - tl'm) cash JsTif mertgaae n 1 ems and tsthnem 070 N lBth st ft T Nt-V N 1111 N 'Jll h ItL-NT wiTi purehase .4U7 55 drntz it- newly papered and pal ited a'ant PROIVN- h FRENCH. 110 Lin en Hldg 1212 ERIE lai 10 rm til 1 hath in" i neighborhood where aluej rm te Imp Heward D Wllsin A Ce 21 r, rnmitmii STORE and 10 rm. avrg J713 Kensinsten av Oeo L Karnes 1201 1 hestnut st N BTH bT DwelMn with .tnr. front Appl J E flmkin no N sth st JlROAD ab tsusquehanna Let llxliiO ti) Carlls e will finance leer jlne .y nth i4 RICHMOND bT i sty btk de 14 r. 2 baths Edw H llollewa .rtai N ;3 1 lBSfl OIVAT T -1 rtv rlr J-,0')0 E G Halloway 2021 V .Mil PI imnnd HIP 20 2 STY Ih uses 0 rms 4. bath exc. i.d In Kenlnten laerlflcji Is, n .'Uin N' yn 03t N 33TH -3 sty H rms, 1300" 'H )"i ''n .l'f) possession N sth. SEND for sal J Fletcher lilt N' W section .1)2 W l-hlh ive Jehn soed 29J3 COLCMPLV WE ler near Plik "30Q llrew n.pine Olenn 1117 1 1605 OXKJRD-Le - llthts flerrs fln c nd M enn 1117 ha r 1 w id i'f lumhia 1427 N 17th U .' I lthn b 1 iv , r heat bar.;" In CI E N 1117 Celum) ia JAHIC abl 1 elum I n 3 baths tu d loea fine c rder Ol.nn 1117i ilumnl 1 480 til TNl r Al "l7un l.t.ry dwelllns 1 irl ' )2 M Daupin st 412 N MOIL r I if rne ni d ah" heater 22'' "" ' 11.' W Da jrhln it HMS bargain J baths lit l'lvIT tanoe m a 1 tf fi 's N' 7D 2"'h ,1 Me. Ilutldlng I eta raeterv sites , LAROE TRACT op OltiirviD NORTHEAST SRPTlnN' ram neD rnnsi v ,r POTTS & THOMSON 2521 rilAN'KpnRD AVE NEW MODEMS' II'IODATI. OITIi t I IIDINC, ( FNTRAI.I Y 1 III ITED J LEE PAITliS' UNcni.N m de sp1Li K -;fl lluslliees Preliertles nnd stores 1007 SPIUNU i.AHDbN - lhr-et,rj ,tnre ane upper n "irs 1 -.'" 1 rife t iu'hi MYERS II'IIIH ltlDi.E 1L Klfll 108-110 WAI N'l 1 steam lit it 1. hT J siv an I 1 as. n . nt iv is . si ,n jag 000 WFSTNEY .01 Lit ttv 111. ir I'Wterles UnrchmisiNs. Mfg Floers FACTORIES FOP si,i prom .11 noe auuare re 1 iu jiei "'in siuure r et in va rleus s-ctieiis of 1 h ad' Itihl.i some with railroad sidings etheu with riverfront ttvr with both wnter nnl rallr 11 I vv , ting hat few areas of n ui spbl. f r r. nt in various sites In different si tl ins 1 I1ES TEH U lUMlsriv n.i v-nesmut st FACTORIES AND FAt TOItlT SITES Everywhere In Philadelphia Ltil'IH S OINSHURO 1201 Ch' smut lNDUHTIUAL PLASTM wanheuses rail. Tla sts read stiii river muiiHse JAMBS I- STEVENSON ,t HON B.2-824 Land Title lildg tlarnges 1 K. COR 2IMh and Yerk .s iltal le u g7i ragei het wnler heat elec 1 ,1 an, 110: prlce $2(1000. first mlir $1. 1011 seienri intg. $0000 iJOitle A Menkln, 4711 N Uread Wjemlne 1Q7V. l . ... Al.!,4JrMVe4msBl)I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE mkst Philadelphia Ideal Hemes of Stene 49th St., Pine te Larchwood They embody your every wish for comfort, location, quality and beauty. We could net duplicate them at the price at which they are offered. ROSE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1 1 12 Widener Bldg. spnuru sea m and lluelllnrs 2749 GERMANT0WN AVE. In the superb buel less location nf Urnin Urnin ten and LehlEh choice prepertj appl en prenilss w uicfim bB K" hi hai b en nnvp CENTRAL. GOOD CONDITION H'lti r nt Early Poss. 1509 Spg. Garden rrlce 11.' ion ilent biiflnei ur , ,n H J. Jll.lHTrL32TJ lltdse ,v, WL11AVI. laic I t of excellent buslnus lecattcuis alone . i s K.nsltiE'en ae TOHN T DOYl I' .73l K nslmn0 414 W DMI'MIN -iilts'l f r "alinr reed lt:atlen WAT M-'W J'auphln IvnOTJ rvt'TOIlY for sale cheap p "rig ledger Office . m -r pi w 11U.UH ri.. inittSETi 43th & WALNUT STS SennenfelcTs Artistic Hemes Offerlnic of net twautiful two Hter pumlJetnched h me tl All medrrn apreintmnt8 idfal locution Sun rarlnm i tt h Ilanlweal Fleer Klght lloems Te llathn Shower Pintr Launrfr nulla''1 Hnm llet-Ar II Rl-'t t lIut-v.AtT Hfjtpr nit-ctrl Kv lurbitfe and Vilet 9crlc I arr our Inpctlen Is Hnifr t 1 LEVICK & WOL.DOU 707 WALSI T '-TIU "T illi!lill!l'I.illlllllllli11,'!IIMII!!l1llll!ll!illllllllil IU!!!IUIII'!I!II lllil l!ll S g g p CHESTNUT STREET . BUSINESS OPPOini NITY We arc efferlrg sflcrnl 4 ster .rml detached prepertlis en t. h stnut ct ieer 40th deilnhle propos tlen for lenrdlntr apirlnints or professional nffic". e- cejll li rT I J Is. nn rte ' i bmlniss prepertlu prices ran.e from MO .100 te J12 500 WM.H.W.Quick & Bre., Inc. k 40TH ST i-wini in utwwm Ti'iumwiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiii mum b i 'iiii 1 4903 WALNUT STREET I 4905 WALNUT STREET smtdtechcd m df n r having 10 rcems ind J batb Jtnc n 1 EDGAR G. CROSS If 1411 1 Al N't T ST Wfiiiriinii iiiiriiMiiiiiiJn'iiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiJii'liii m iMi REMEMBER Stands for All doed ' c R CROSS S s That s REAL ESTATE E cer 59th in1 Larch weed ave SUPERB LOCATION FOR DOCTOR or DENTIST CORNER PROPERTY One of the Best in Wet Phlla. fi mprtslns; I up ' p l) 111K li iLfketplntf tin) nt vltb 1 t inn invltinv ipnrtmenta .mte acallt Pr r M 'H2 Lidver i IT I I' 1JI I'll 4741 an 1441 S UN Till -'43 l-i -s." 1 I ' -. n sen 1 li. I 1 HI I v lid n ir ic t Ql I k in-hsslON wi'h Raratft.) h rd us tlniir si I H u ,1 Kl 6009 COLUMBIA AVENUE Mk.ItIlIU k I'ISI ilf T Mud AD0LPH B. CASPAR fiiTIINP I N-H'iUNI AlE 315 Wynnewood Kd.7,1V.h M;J rn .Istui) sem 1, t ,. hi d rennated H r nits I'D 1 1 1 f irnlKiied AD0LPH B. CASPAR ,"";:-, ;', HAI I WE Ihrve stv heml letarh d "vg J bllhs llvlnu hll elec K-is kltrh attrac restri tel nsldenial surr 1 us nv te srnejie in i-. "' "- Eugene L. Tewnscnd tO irliyJI. in iv ' rre Mi; ranj pjSS lth Illlte uve MuPIIl.N 1 stur P' rch rrent dnelllng het water heal ele ights hawlwoed floors nveolerrt 10 ur I nes we will linanee iur chaier MMHVN WM.1UN 1 CO .N E cer Ilreail an I ' hestnut eve Richt In ,4U. " N '? ' '-T rm UVL jibiii te ,, rC(j newly rnjiatel nrr ituht t't'lllvKlvlfvilw ni Nil I ir Bain THOMAS. J3J W I-hlKh eve FINEST 4 T 1r sjm home f r th menej "0n the marlct t day r adv for "cuiumy has been r m dl d thnmeheut 1711 Wundl ind j U 1 unite c O.'d and Uoeiiiund iivm SLWIY bult J t irv h une with Kiiruti 1 b ilroems ind bath must sell thii. 'ii w 1 surlh' mini hit, 1 "a e n In 1 1 1 sMi 'I LV 4 ill Market st Ph Preston 27SI Hi il SL i r sale near 'Uh nnl Market , 1 IH I l'l'ih hall n v Iv lalnte,. ,, pen.r'd rrii 43'i'i JKnn issh lluir'i'liii 112 N in h t CORNER da ll.'d Webster sts .ntlrel) m 1 fn nt A liark n r-hes K iragi bill ra' rlnre owner irust leavi .ity Prud ntial Hesi'v I'. In IJjs iinthst Helm t 1 mil 31101 i 1 IIFsTSI I ST Sui'able for at h r t in nt or fr.ternitv will seil singly or 1 geth r Iminrliit i ! m J I.LE Pa I ION 1 in e n iv in 3-sT1 "tore i ants 234 S enth st big sac rifle, ewn.r must mil ill) Prulentlii Realtv i e lm llis HOth st n. lm t lOf n 4301 V l.s l ill -I i.iv v v r. prep , still) per. h front toss Immeil , uule l Helm nl I'1"' 111 FOL"ir nr la'snt il rooms gid n I li r prl . I ll no " UllJIRlsi iji iM-NTr vvlil nunliaee 1si Asihi st nat r I nnl palntel vauint i tirsf II II" I Ini ln IIM 1 HREF sTi'RY 'or with nil mi i imi i i in. ntell. 1L "111 ' 41 N 'n I I Ultil I s' irv rner lit.sxl'u mi r rltli e iiJHH lai'jf r.l av linim m t lllTTltAi H HT --Will s. n t,, , I- in Ire Trnsl l e Rjn ml l.'n 'dill MA I'll IS AE" Illilll I i I'i.i 1 l "i 1 Mj R " 0 It x i si THREE srv p at Qll'e wlih all in 1 1 ,i ei iiwn. r 41 N "oil a. lliMlillngL" I aeteri xites I Ir it-Ts FIU.IEIl'TEItlMf B epp in siicraineni Cliunh 7 rooms het aat li at el cine esn iieiu r.-,.jin uwner leaving c ti will s in lllce ler Immediate sale j w. dmae Ce , 02d and Woodland ave. -'vlmeavsaseVt a tPGLSfiMfilrJi, mmluak WW HEAL ESTATE FOB 8 ALE WEST I'HILADKI.riltV Semdeticliei rtenn rooms and bath elec perches diti ' $13,000 Femld'tneh' I e II nc 10 rooms, tith Klnl.ti 1 i w lilts nnd mahog any Pre eeeten location, very eenif-l nt r ("ewlck station or Gtn ae car f ires schools ete $16,500 SnMdtnrh" 1 p t dilMnF. with pAreu- floors rxrellcnt conditien: "i Iirr let V most convenient and ( n' in I r"t'nri DESIRABLE CORNER D'tae'iel lvelnir a fne cetner property with irarase LHInsr rcem with epr-i fire lrreed p rch dlnlnx -iran brenkfn re m antrj kitchen: 1 bedrooms 2 hath, en ecend fleer 3 rooms an I I -vth en third fleer, elec het wnter h-i' ""in t floors S. C. T0URIS0N O'l ItOYPft TT Germantiwn Phene Otn 309 Otn 4431 SINGLE COHNER STOVE AND SHINGLE DWELLING INCLOSED PORCH SOUTHERN EXPOSURE la nun let and rtNi: nnL'iiuKUY PRICE. 35,000 i.mmi:ditk pes!-i:sinv I Irst fleer HMng hal Ubrarv d'nlng room k tenon larse pantr nnl laundr, eerend i Peer 1 room and modern bith third fleer I rooms and hath MODKIIN i,THr r.illAi.i- rnn e .'liu wnlntn screens utTd storm nh "inch! le.l N brnke- y r terms a liire Onnur M H3 LeUer fifflce One of the Fnest Locations in i.ernuiniewn er ntlrac.tle new houses n llrrlnprr place oppesit,, Crliket Club I. tween Mnnhelm i.mI ( lrer its tnclni ..rire etjte Piri l '. I.- '" . !"?!" iTTrar - - - - ;--- . "-v uiiiiis inthi e m nvNDLK i q 10.T, ;r4"- 42"t UVtM T Nln room Lath i,.ji.. nfijit sulen s?',0V:nV"'K!S Ft-'"T nuiik s.iV ni t "-. ',' nimmnun n llAIUiAIN si, rooms and hnth deeD newli renentrd only J27i" Inuulre Mentana t or phone Spruce 4114 M"" let. 111 V I HI11 Tl.M-U.l,'i"v,,N' f,r-H rooms 2 let .ItxJin mm rl no., rrt..T. eA. fciirifcc. owner will m rlflte for nulek .ie .1 l) PEANL ''ill rjirmttewn me stores nnd Dm nine ." . iii.nii4jjum al fc store an I W;1, -, windows finest business ""lien suitable for am km I fbuslms l 1 se 1 r, a.mal U f ir 11 , ,' HE" IV DKANP "114 i.mjimiwnj); IO('N SEMIDETACHED STONE HOUSES KMrMpn i-sif 1 ,-sjr-i wiLigrVCjK fLALt II NiJRTllT N f)l D M,HK R. , I D be s.ld b.; I r Ir .t the a,., hnut H ll. ' I ,1 I i t 'nun Te be w lthn 111 win i esun s 11, n for tie 1 rice. Jhe imlul 1 r ns ti, 1 (1 iuth hardueidfli rs tl r unlinut h t-wa,r h'nt Incl se 1 In 't 1 p rch ulsj toilet bastment wlih li i' vr of lei piik r- eft te jour selec and laumlrv sn-icleus karat; lnc and fW'urn tlen Ileut." J4 win taKu u dlrert j tres h sample house Asu t en premises H. FREEDMAN 1 N 1-TIf .ST 1 1 no u nnlnK .J17 1700 Bleck N. Warnock St. )Hcten 10th and 11th) i r nnfeld Arttntle Hemri I fflrmi te Hull rurchftiir Ki4h heT. contains 7 lftrpe 'f'ftsjrfu rooms and a compUte ti tith with separatu tlte ewei t Id m found In this price I rnpri. nir imeuii nc r threuicn it lit tiuultt tldhtlnv nnl h a it t flxtur x Olasi Indus d i ' hntd I' i M Heattd Kardf, Mr nt rempl t bem at th irl t ff rd In th" nt r snctl m W vant ou t pxainln fur nlnh! Sam,v lliua 4T I li War WEISMAN & MELGIN I'll I N I r . I si v met '.I lulllv Itli ileiial hi rvitnis en llr p i s ue I I Ir mis with n I II 'li. irters lard r m s'uirs a till 1 iw n i run p isses.i n rin mi t I t i in ft v ur n . m I ii net t la Ni ITn tl r uh DM lis 4 IIARI I K N llriad lli h7l H7. 1010 WIOMIMI AIL - heui Li..., 1 r nns liastrnint ktjrage ri em tie lath r i m panti) hrfrdwuud tloern unl up te dat. threuhiut bargain or will r nt Phene Oik I ieAii' . u v GASOLINE ALLEY V (ii.itM x.vnm n ' -i ' limn 1 Mjm I $9750 i 1 Bern detiehri rtenn dnclllnir: 10 'H rooms and hnth else fine condition; I i perches diti ' . g I itt IVALT' JUST AS I T&LO N. (2T C-?A.N HER UP AUD OVHAF. VOUR DtAdNOSlS, ) ,Tt UAa . VOU-SHES DEAD I SOMFnMES 5SJ OFF SHE RJCS LiKtT A J STm: gav W l5 HABIT, AVCRY. She rsjn? te milcs and JemepmesI Sl kitten ix ( &e yey notice she Yr WIFe BED I bue Cums ten Bur every Se 05TmJ MhMfiAfeJ &h V bn ? eT ,M fK0HT V WIVIN& "his CAe J n. wiv , ) -.IMI V ll i v ' i. Xf V-ri - - - hhuw s yy Le-- ( . --t t. hbMbi l i)--i, r n cr MIiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiBHejHI9 s -e" - liB llllPsMlMllBi iBi)ij l-IMIMIMKalMIMIMIMKaIMIMIMIMIMIMlBIMIMIMIMBa-sl ,s iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiKiHB BHaHBBHi - - -vy" J.rH mmmm"mmm. , i , , B,M1 Inti -t-(-it-isWi''' - -""" . -rr--rm iJJKii!l,f. -j-lli-ra--- sdllllMi un .m-... am'-,rTf-ilTTrrfrtl--ia-i-t- f"VrliiF''"" iT sisss,ee-qaip5s - - r "" ''mvuVS!fWVJtrstiimtmirraamm tTtlVT -aa-eTJJ-a-saac-:.. r V, At sM-raei-... . .-i . aaeaaa .a-Jvv..CiiiI.. ,7 .ZBuSBJi..'. .2 .Vs.'-i. HEAL ESTATE FOR BALE pes-ahi i.v iMA- simtmnAN WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED In jmrchiiBlnfC NOW In the Suburbs It you could nnd Just what you want at YOUR PRICE. We otter tlie finest selection of homes In nil of Philadelphia's principal suburbs and solicit an oppor tunity te show you "your kind of a place." Vetir Uiquirv W recciva prompt attention SMULLEN & BARRY I.OOAN 1027 DUNCANNON AVE tcer ) 12 rooms end bath garage, het-water heat, elec ti..i. tit Knn inn llnnrnnnnn axe. lj moms', bath, modern. $11,000, 4021 N.lllh st , 8 rms and b. med, $10 000, 4011) r tilt, mt T ema ami ti . SiPUO I Oils "nt M" ,,. .. ., .1. Jillu A 11 . JjUinniOlO Columbia av HiMl, SACRIFICE 5025 N. 9TH Twe story. 7 rooms garage, Inclesed, heated perch only fvioe former price $1. '", SIL11F.R 'JISI N nth Diamond 0841. TACONY AC ANT 0100 Vnndjke, $500 cash re i.. II rms bath, nil corns perch front, '.ad be financed CAMERON. 2811 Kensington TIOOA 0lPaWlK,nd"afiafnS'7XmUnann"c'er MEIXNER cSman ok iam: U-ltOOM HOt'Si: tIAKAOE ii iiemt oaiiaek 1 are. i 's l.tween II H ami Yerk read C 1' l'KTMtH SflV '1"S CHlTNt'T HT tkn nsj.via srmmiiAN !lllllllllll!l1l!,ll!lilir!!lIlllUHI!!IIIIIllinlillll IIIIIMnili ELKINS PARK uiffiiiiiiiigiiiiwiuiiiiHini! An cxcetMenal offering In this le- catien ii thli detached home near rn n and treIUy Centalni n hamber. rlcetr cltv hard- .oetl noere int." '-" "-,'" --.; PaUllIUI niirtut' .i, An opportunity te buy prl e w ni, urn T Pfnnslanlu suburban home 10 mil. s en- m PAR 3 story. 0 rooms, both deep 1 it for B.ird.n D miles te station. 4 minutes te trellej hlBh dry every con cen enlenc ldil nelirhberliO'Hl and . lycat'en. owner has left de and prefers e sell rather than nnl M 110 Lidr Office UI. jH (Hl( Convenient lotatlen. 0 rhambera i'."t,h,Vrr,l;TJ-,lnTf,,r-.tLAND Dsla Pa (Willi) new c I nlil home rad for occupnne ' 0 chain) .r 3 Iwths corner wVl?TKH s si'TtirRl.VND Hala Pa DRII A Christmas Present IIu n hum' Im ) v-tlntr satisfaction Oil new suburb in ill' ''rj. v n.rmv HWOl'E A SUN 810 MAIN DAIUIT 1 OLMVM IIOOMY. well built house excellent condition modern, coeienknccs, deep let irarden. Karaite enlv JSllOO trolley via Darby or II Slid O. H 11 ini P-ilrhrether. Eolsem Pel 10 or phone Snruee 41 It tll.LNslDK KEROl'SON tract Larce lets S.j te $210 me with SrrlnKlleld watur Kas and .lee l'cht easj p.iments guarimteed title, send for loeklet PEIUlt'sON Trent and Yerk lllllllLAMlPAKK MODERN DM ELLINO 5 mlnuti s from 00th st terminal, llvlnc room open flreplare. dlnlne recm kitchen 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, attic het-water heat gas and electric, price JDG'iO. flnan-ed smill amount cash Oeqrge L Barnes, l.'Ol Chestnut st Walnut 4013 MERION MERION A medernte priced h mil In this popular suburb read) for Immediate occupane . 3 cham bers 3 baths storeroom, Urge let delightful un 1 con venient location with south vv stern expesuru. eue ttrms WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 02 MORRIS 11LDO M mbers Phlla Real Estate neard NI Allt.Nil completion bungalow etyl hnnil rs 2 laths gari).e llAlAritS SCTIIEItLAND Hula, Pa NAitii;.imi i SUBURBAN HOMES AND BUNGALOWS Te suit jour especltl need nail) for Im medlnt. ercupanv fr un $ turn up JOHN A. CALDWELL NARDERTH PI IN us ph Norbeith 017 Offli-e ph 1733 NARUERTH 17 Montgomery uie d tarhed, het water heat electric llthts pnssessl in; arge garden let SOxlOn or i ri asnnable CARPENTER 5c WILSON, INC. OJD AND MARK! I s ps Nr.sIIXMINA PUIS FEIU1USO.N & bung-luvv sites large lets $7 up nar station and i reek mile Lin coln HiKhwa line touting A bathing, 17c iR ad Tirm east pwu nta kuir title, srd for booklet t FROl si is Frent & Yerk . I'l.IHMl m 1 1 1 l-i-ixr 1 1 1 1 1 1 P PELHAM Ii.fllrftblA all st ne ril n In this dfimhtful a tUn t, charnbrrii ii Nithw cl' trie it rntral plant h it fleer. modern In c.ry par tlrula,r cenvt-nl nt te train und trellf PUICK $in -no WM. H. WILSON & CO 700 01 02 MORRIS DLDH Mimbera Phlli R'al Estate Reaid 1 J-l tUiUiliiii-'J-i-l-niJI 1 1 1 ' ' l ' ' ' 1 1 1 1 ni ult Nails the Difficult! Wc W lit wit n 3 uhrilliherV tjj ni i rid prl e H EfSvI : X & M ' ' . ' - ., ' mz, j mH, HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE' ruNNHVi.vANi Rummnw, WANK WAYNE Beautiful Colonial Heme! cen tral hall. llvln room with own flreplaee, sun parlor, 2 tiled baths i newly papered and painted! splendid conditions Reed let! attractive price for quick salei early possession. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 7OO-01-02 Mennia blde Members Phlla. Ileal Estate Heard WYXNEllKMi COItNEn PIIOPRIITV. -Ktene house. v Trl,!e",t0,P?.r,a?,' "i"b " MAl.TLIt 8 StTTHHIlfAXQ Hift .mv JKItSKV SlUitimttv IIIKMVN'W MILLS RIGHT IN THE PINES and rM h0,m" wlth.3 ",lhs' inclesed pet dies e."1!1 ,clty "'""ilrnces. 1 acre rl?e '?neiR' ,net". P O. etc . sell at low V.VSTa, "cl 'urn . Immediate iess . photos IHTnilS & SON 1108 I.HIISI'NIT HT Pim.V IMlniONTOV ;'u.".AS u:. rA.nM und-r euimatlen within I cily 'lmi' Hammonlen. N J . 8 room frame house tarn, chicken homes jiach. pear, apple cherry and plum trees, slrnw 1 1 i c"' raspberries blackcaps, u-rapes horse and wagon and nil farming utensil . for snie cheap, great bargain, will sacrlflce . nm in llammonten N J iinnuFSTOwx TRACT OVER AN ACRE Three fronts, new with tax exemption for 5 J.?..,". '." wer'h whlle te build our bem PETERS & SON H0S CHESTNUT Sr Pllll.A ALSO A TRACT OF 21 ACRES NK.V .IERSEY sF.XSimlti; lilllClC HOUSE, 0 rooms bath, perches jerd, 3 blocks from Chelsea beach hetuts: price $4.'30. all expenses Including taxes and Interest en entire purchasu prlcu, $310 early uu can let out 8 rooms for 1 months for $300 E. KOIILER, Humphries WdS , Atlantic City ; riOitii) FOR SALE RY OWNER One of the llnest estates In Flerida, beautiful wnter front, eierjlhlnn modern abundance of frjlt won derful bargain nt $140 000 Address 1lnd 1lnd aer (1 X Michigan ave . Chicago , I'ESNH1LVNIA rARMM CHESTER COUNTY, HISTORIC 11RANDY WLSE FARM. 177 ncres. of which 0 acres nre permanent meadow pasture, 1. ncres old timber, 2S0 bearing apple trees, levely old stone and brlclc house, 12 rooms, bath, nestled amid old treis, tmant beuses spring beuse large barn nnd eutbuildings: lecaud Vi mile from station nnd surrounded b people of culure. 22 000 I have n farm for every buer J M Freneflcld Wnne P.i. ISAROA1N 00 ncres. 8-room stone house, cement cellar, bank barn for 30 head, nu merous outbuildings, woedtnnd. 1 mile te trellej , stock crops and Implements, $b300, half rash HAPP & SONS DovleBtewn. Pa. FRUIT FARM 1(1 acres, of which 10 acres nre tearing apples, stone house, 8 rooms, bath, brn. sprlngheuse. wonderful levvs; half mile Pennsylvania, $10 COO. I hale a farm Railroad station; for everv buyer J M FRON'EFIELD IVav ne renna 100O ACRES. Ocean county, half mile from railroad station, large quantity old growth cedar land, excellent for farming when cleared, only $12 COO WESTNEY, 203 Liberty Bldg. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT SUNLIGHT FACTORIES Twe New Twe-Story SALE OR RENT 30 000 Sq Ft 27.000 Sq. Ft. atsam neat Electriclt Elevators Sprinkler systems Light four sides Drivewaja en all side. LEVICK & W0LD0W 707 WALNUT STREET Member Philadelphia Real Estate neard Facterlis, l.nrclimiscH. Mfg Floers Factory ant Warehouse for Sale or Rent 50,000 square feet Twe clevntore. Steam heat. Apply 240 N. Frent St. 1 block from P. R. R. 1 block from B. & O. 1 block from wharf. 3 blocks from P. & R. 8TH ST near Callow hill l-etery and base ment about 7O00 feet, geed daylight, steam heat frelght elevator, high ceilings, driveway en first fleer, close te railroad, suitable for manuf icturlng or storage, will sell or rent easy terms OUHRMAN. 1211 ( hestnut Waltrut 204 REAL ESTATE WANTED Factories ia nrcheusew Mfg. Fleer WE SPECIALIZE In the Hulling and rtnllng of Industrial proper!) If ou hale u fne lery or that you wish te dispose of we will be kind te examine It We can furnish the nanus uf a dozen large cer orations which have round our services sat sfactery In the last icar A tmstal nr a phone call and w will .xamlne your prop erty at nnte CHESTER D Ilerr.NLIl .Merris iiiug leicust .'li.'i HEAL ESTATE WANTED Fnelerlcs. Wnrrliensrs. M'- lloers WE DESIRE the spc flcatlens of ''if-'prl""' sites and warehouses, which wn lintulle ox ex ox cltialvely frem an Industrial engineering and manufacturing standpoint! we arc. net real estate agents and de net accent exclusve agency. J. ALAN MIDDLBTON, 002 With, erspoen Illdg. Walnut 2403. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1231 MARKET STREET UITIHl FLOORS Desirable Mcrcaiitlle Salesrooms or Ijiisincss Olllces Excellent Display en Murket St. Ilent,. l:lcctrie Light Term Lense Mastbaum Bres. & Flcisher 1424 Seuth riinn Snuare, MANHATTAN BUILDING COR. 4TH AND WALNUT h the heart of the InirirB-n"' .fJnW. clnl and shipping1 district! all outside daylight offices , . One entire office fleer can be lacd by responsible firm! about MOO square feat. Alse 1000 square feet building new being renevnledi new e leva ters, plumbing, etc . nnd generally being put In excellent condition WM, IJPICIN. 120 Arch st. IIASIL 8. WALSH BOO Walnut at. rffllimilMIMIIIIIimillllu-lllIfl IF IT'S CENTRAL! "- I I Come te us en our "'lliyMe, , jintfl wp nit,--.!r .'"nLnVi: nble I.OCATIU.-ND inniu. phla. Thata here we r-lai1lnt Harry C. Licberman & Ce. H -ne. .T.irc1- CH. "CVmlrnl Lceslnu a Seeci'altl" Pell Ke stone tyvrnst 401-401 Rare 3011 OFFICE SPACE AHOUT SOOO SQ FT. NEW MODERN AND EXCLUSIVE OFFICE ITLDO. 10TH AND SANSOM STS. seulhwes'ern cla Until exposure, will r nt 100O 2000 or 3000 feet $3 PER SQUARE TOOT J. LEE PATT0N LIS'COLN BLDO SPRUCE 7262 THREE NEW STORES 1338-40-42 VENANGO ST. W1I I. FINISH TO SUIT TENANT FRED J. SCHAEFER 'J20 Chestnut st Walnut 1810 102-104 N. 3D ST. third and fourth floors. nil conveniences, new elevator; steam heat. Immediate possession. 115 N 3d at Becend. third and fourth ne?r. new electric elointer: sieam heat u.5 Arch st., entire second fleer; imme diate possession. ;; LV or' 3d, nnd Race ets . basement, stores and second fleer. O C SEIDEL A CO . INC. e n.. cer je nnd Race sts "SPn.? "-.? Ser. 4th and ?sfcT isjsrf -d c! r-rcsra; Arch M or !,. Syr.i;.",en"(g.?;..?T fcalevt. 21 minutes from c ly. same block .nln"en: '"r",1"" or unfurnished: b season nr en yearly lease, n 801 Ideee re TL n t-irnttet, .. rrMTriii" ixe?Ayi..0" RENT CENTRAL. GOOD CONDITION SPRUCE 4SR4 "!a?, "LSF-mSS"" e-10 tf'iafiSiTS: CJ. C. bEIDEL & CO. LS'C " L cer 4th and Callewhlll '.ts V','l t'er.!" h, w, e,cr ,'"m leaseT .vaiMi, ,jui ad. Lehigh "';'nm,?,na "l.". h,0- :-i.''rJe ...hi." het- .IAD n' rT-C'A'v.'.S'.".":""' 'UD. - " "''"' "" itl'lge an. SUHB 00f?E;? wfr,-js?.. ."'. ST. FllhVrt -RS8 " "'" 'NUT UROAD AT ERIE AVE Large corner B wrA' VW u?""".. "OWAIID .7-ien ' ' "r'""ntettn He TeY' ,'hS,r' ?.??" w" "ncl. perch: ft Katam.n. 3th Vnd Vln7',,B"qLe. A's'g.'S '""."SH "rlH.HT-D.l.n. eve-r 8CHAEF EI "' ilSrSZEF ? erc STA13LC for 10 heraea '2 ptery 17x70 niiit MODI. UN n-room house, rent JT 1- - ELLIOTT 1112 Chestnut"? Vl?),.e.L0eJ 3 11 2 N .MTH. $00 per me. 7 ZZh Schwartz -.'Ilth .lM)i. Lehigh Dla (MM 13 ROOMS s balhs, 22d nnd Pine iree.,1 ." dltlen MERTON OREIMS ll,?;;,?'0".. I) R.MS . bath ever real est A It " long lens.; $101) per me T.e Hthil)l,,m0d' C"'Hi,A.I.Cr.1.0.lh P"r CallowhTlirsTeim".1. ..,-.... w-nii-)) nl ....ii- i.iiiiiiniiiK Mnitli ltlis I't Hr.ez,. aie 2fV. N J,,(,A.P 8T "no 3H1J v llread at' Edw. n lln nt... .in i, m n . I'feau al. ' - s ..Hi st 8 RMS. bath nr 7th A Diamond $30 will glve lease. iBen 2100 N' ih .' ' '" S0i',ii?il"Jl?o,i!n..:.Tlea nvTiecT-. " " "' -mu m Bin at. niislnws 1'rnnrriUa ,vn.l Seerrw llllillllililllllltllll!!lllllllflllllin,.tii 1733 CHESTNUT STRFFT STORE WITH MEZZANINE IUST RENOVAIl.n Min.Tinnin I TIVE SHOP ON IVKSf I'lVVir. M Nl'T ST S S C. F. Simen. II2S. 16thSt. 1 fti!iiiiiiiiiniiiiii,i!iiii!iiiii,iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiijifi If'lH 1228-30 RACE ST. 3 STORY HR1CE Ill'ILDLNO WITH H 8100 SQUARE FEET i Iffint nml u1 r,i,. iii. . ... 55 Penna. Ce., 5 1 7 Chestnut St. I lllllillllll1!!!!!',, I lllf HllllllilMinuitJiWlllllil'inniiiiini iniiiiiucm.imiiiiii ,M iiiiimiiiii ----- iui, IH llUlllhllllllllllllllllllli,,-. Furlerlrs. Marfheines. Mfg. Floers 7600 SQUARE FEET H In manufacturing building sullable 3 H for machine shop or heavy storage H I C J. Mitchell Company 1 j CIO LINCOLN lil.DU 6 riiiiiiiiwiii Willi! n n iiiira THREE BleliY mill property containing eier 43 no.) hq ft with complete pewr"? plant, sprinkler immediate possession, lo cated North Phi adelphltt very low rent CHESTER ROrr.N'l'R 1421 rhet,r.t t XiiI.le?e,.!l"T,".'?f.t.!"t "?" "fcent i . . ' , ' , " uunuintf Hieam heat ...n. - iiiive outers i auriMin 14.'1 Chestnut st 1214 ARi It M - Iwn melirn floors earh containing ,"000 square fe( t eac" r m c.itKLS'Fici.n & co un nun i iiewilliu SIS 1OO0II bQ rr fleer space, with pewerriTne of the best locutions n Kensington will divide O N'elll Hros. Heward and n4f "is' OFFR'ES rer rent. Shubert Udg isea Uread st s outside light. Immediate pos. CENTRAL bright offices, also rooms for mamifiielnrl.ti, O'lA u , i. . - "' ......-.-.u. ,.. .... ,in Blt By KING wiiiiniffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiBiiuiiiumiiiiu REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY llnslnes Properties nniL Stores 'LET'S TALK IT OVER1 24TH & WALNUT STREETS- 20,000 feet concreto building; showroom en Walnut street; Railroad Siding REYNOLD H. GREENBERG 1421 CHESTNUT STREET OITlCna, I1USINIMM nOOMH. KTn, rKNNBVf.VANIA stttin-... uiiminmuiinimtimmnnn!nm!Piumiinntri!iimiinnniHn!!nirnnnnm!ni OUTSIDE OFFICES Sun and Air. 210 te 0000 sq. ft N.E. COR."l0THAND CHESTNUT STS. J. C. O'CALLAOHAN H2i t.-nestnut st. niiiiiHiiimiiffliininicf Kiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiijiiiii;iiiiiiiiii:iiHiiiciii!iMii;iii!;iilIjimiiiraii 134-36-38 S.4TH ST. 1300 SQUARE FEET WILL DIVIDE TO SUIT IMMEDIATE! POSSESSION Mastbaum Bres. & Fleishcr 1421 S. PENN SQUARE mniniiiiramminiiiiiii VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut St. Several Dcsiinblc Oftlcrs for Rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1BT1I AND CHESTNUT STS. OFFICE SPACE TO RENT 22,300 square feet: strictly modern; service, flrst-rlass, llread -t i squire nnd n, half from City Hall, possessing about May 1. P R02 Ledger Off WILL dlllde office with desirable part). steam heat, geed light. The Electric Weld Ing and Ship Repair Ce. of America. 320 Walnut st LARGE OFFICE for rent. $5 per month. iippiy iiiih iv. nread st DESIRAHLE outside office rent reasonable. Betey Uldg . 1701 Walnut Bt. . Stores IK RENT-STORES 4-6-8 Se' 60TH ST. Adjoining S W cer. 00th t Market Splendid location for ewlry gent's furnishing3, candy, waist shop. etc. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 13TH & CHESTNUT STS minnnn9i!innii!ninniii!!iiiiiiiiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii'L'i STORES We have for rent n number of deslrnble CENTRAL STORES, suitable for retail purposes, also for wholesale and Jobbing, situated In the heart of the business dis trict and at rraoemblo rentnls Fer in formation see LANARD & AXILBUND "LEASINO SPECIALISTS" DENCKLA RLDO . 1 1TH MARKET 110TH PHONES HELL WAI. 2201, KEY.. RACE 1412 ONE of the best business corner stores te rent, near 00th and Market Haseplan. ll'j N nmh st Stores and Dwelling UROAD ST . N-. 3913 Large store and dwg , suitable ter any nusinesi ucrger, 1UJ0 N nth st Phene Diamond 771)1 J Stable STAULE for 111 horses J sty . 17x70. suit unv business McAullffe SIS N. 20th St. Warehouses WAREHOUSE SPACES te suit of 2000 sq ft per fleer or less Ap ply t) W. cer. neach and Drewn sts.. or A H rilVSER HUB Sansom m,i;si I'liiLiDEi.i'im N W COR SOU) und Washington nie Nlre-roem dwelling and stere propert . ex cellent business opnenunlts flREENWEI.L DORS'AV 422 S 32d st IIJ1 H 51th Bt ll bejrnems) . $5330 H2S Wjnnewoed read 13 aler) 1' baths) $100 Lambert & McDermott '" ..'i1,'."' 4044 OODEN ST 7 large rooms nnd bath, laundry, electric light, newly pa pered, rent $41 E J ELLIOTT 1112 Chestnut st PRIVATE garage te rent near (Iuth and Market llagnplan 112 X OOtli at. fiFUMASTOWN OTN 7 rms and both, med ; rea rent. Kushln & Katttnan 3th it Pine Lern 1816. I OflAN 4700 BLK. N. WARNOCK ST. (nr.TWEEN 10TH AND Hill) Twe story modern homes, some with zninges. het water heat. electricity, hardwood floors throughout. Inclesed perch WEISMAN & MELGIN 1941 N UROAD SI WYO 4H0I WE OFFER a iliuice list of 3 nnd 4 bedroom' llOUses, u ion nun liumKr. ler rent nt $15 and upward DALLAS 4 HARTLEY. INC 470' N Ilreail Wve 871 87J SEVERAL desirable home IS. e ,,.,, ll seme wlih Ba O. HOWARD iinnnl'v 140H Tlelfleld ave 11c HAVE for runt 4D2J Icranklln ., . ts per month Mburlce Llcinan, Colonial '.... 11M- t,riir.i 77X ' -ulu"ll QK l..N E 081d N SYDENHAM ST lour bedrooms, breakfast room, tuns at nnce, $7.1 mehthly Wlin sillie.'.i. w .' e ' "iii'i'lD 0 llAltl LEY. INC 170' N llread wiu ,7i.s7 PKNNSILVAMA.S I! lit lt $130 11 month for winter or lengtr, lm. poss wiill-furn slone Cel dvvg , u chain.. ' baths, 3 llreplaris, also one at $100. Chester Osberne i'. iu'ZT ,'., AUCTION SALES PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE OF THE Entire Machinery, Plant, Equipment, Real Estate and Buildings OF 'HIE WILIUIO CO . INF , FORMERLY OCCUPIED 1IY TROY KNITTING t" 1" UE HOLD ON l'REMISE.S 738 te 744 Pawling Ave., Albia, Trey, N. Y. On Monday and Tuesday, December 20 and 21, 1920, at 1 1 A. M. .e.v.. . "v c00-s ' I'RIEDMAN TIONLER. WILL bELL AS FOI.LC .Mill t HON. Al t NINE SET KNITTING MILL. l,iUlii 1 te liiiiill. .ptteii, wool and .Merine Spring and Latch Needle Machines, con plite d)e livui.1 I hlladilphlu Drying,. Klander Woldeti Dyeing Machines, Kerr, MlracU'l mid dytlng kettks. IWlhl'IMl ROOM 10 Llndsey i Hjda Twisting Machines, 3 i Ring 81 V 1U0 epinille em ll Card Roem Machlner) J Suth Smith Curds, 40 In, Complete with Hrawell - D'" Feeds U Uirker Cundenser, 4 Hits Dails & 1-erlur Curds, 4b" first breaker and 4U" HineMi lumplete wlih llruinwill llntea Feud & Darker Condenser, 1 Set Davla . Ferber CarJ ' Complete with llraiiiHell Hates Fied and llarker condenser! 1 Set Hendersen Card 4SiW with Metallli llreast llramwtll & Hales ieidi J Deffer Darker Condensers, 300 Spw'' 0 Davis c I erber s Mules. .'Mi nplndlu loch leinplete, 00 Knitting Machines, Stafferd Helt Snider 1 llnr make. J1 Olie llubblus, SlnUliK Roem 1 leUr Cene Indtr 30,100 splndlCJI 4 Knitting Tables, 2 anl Ollnders llumpklns) U liradferd & Tompkins Winders, IR spindle each! 000 Jaik llebblml lh Piune Imtcra .'J .'I, JO .12 and 40 Spltulle, D Skein Winders. 32. 80. 40 Splndlt. Mien maki 11 Campbell & Hum 'lablis, 30 Rib Knitting Machines, large and seilll MUUiInu .Maililnery Daild & tlessiier UO In Dails & Feruer -Sapping Machines, 80 WJ 1 ,s hldiwhul . Stallerl fc Helt Knitting Machines, sizes as fellows; 20 In. dials, Ml1 0U JbOH Jillti il ul 18 in and JJ". 10 F.lMtrli Mulers I loll p. u 3 Phase Crmker i Wheeler, complete! 3 40 II. ft I Phase CriKkir r heeler ci , iniileu J -40 It. P., 3 Phase Westlngheuse, complete! --' II p J Ph 1st Westlngheuhe leiuplite, -,i) 1100 ft II. King fri.iii ii 111 in wide. Pulleys. Shafting throughout entire bulMlel'l ",00 hewing MuihliieH I 11I..11 ri'ilils Ovisleik. lluVten Stay 4 Cevererg A Metropolis 1 ul.intli tnaililiies nun Pumr Tables. ' K "iirs. Entire Mi' Him Sheii- Drill Turnlni." Lathes, Circular and Dand Saws, Kerita large uuintlt) 1001s en Dlllce Furnlliiie and Futures 1 Coinblnatlen Safes. Rell and Flat Ten Desks TTI ivrlUr-.l'lllriB "? 'I ! "nU WaUhinan'a Clocks" Patferm UtalVa. SL?". Ac.?. K lories 1 Isbklll Engine, 150 Hersa Power! Heller und 1 Illewapr vieli l'limei Ml tltiiiralur. Heisting Maihliies. Hand Truiks eU . Vic. "leweri Feed lumps F..S1 IRE PRIM IMI PLANT 1 am & linn i.MiiiH win lie errerel ut thla 1 ur V,Vft,Ts.1i,rlLCr'a,,3 ui"1?.,0,n 'Premise, Jill lAlAli M PJ. 1 Clll AHOVE PLAN'I AM) 1IUILDIM1S WILL 1. N'l II. DAY OF HALE I) A. M TO I P M IT"- UIII.VII . . .1 ... .... .1 e. r-siiAi, rviii ji'ii -iii Above plant Is without n doubt the largest end most fully eoulueed plant evtr elfeH public auction, und will be sold In aultubie leta for lmined?Jl. Mmevil and -' Brest Intcndlni." purcliuscrsi also, must be seen te be apDraclaUii r,m0viu' "na COON b WIIBDMAN, , AUCTIONMIX. ' , m r " MtMlkf REAL ESTATE FOR .RENT CITY nnslness Properties ana Slere. 200 nieOCK N. rlTTT mr ADdVD DUNCAWOrAvil Tsrrace. front. Inclesed I pereh -.. interchangeable aash. paraitr! a!2? and ba,n,.hm. laundry, ahed; lets lsJui ftTVri $75 tier month! 6-month leases " inywher.' Take N "ii ?'.? 'n 2iVrH 6 th i ' W IVPir.TeT AOENT OM pntiViViiAv H i3 - - . in.inn1fl ll MW1II111M DUNOALOW. B rooms, pailly furni.h. 7 acre garden nnd truck patch.. ,?l! 4 ,..u... . ...I.. .. iinicn: aiitni.if rufck patch. "iW.1.. ..ell... nnA .enln. .. . II"'"' ... ..., 1.1 aie. Owner, en pretnl 0T3tllR00It VACANT 0101 LebanelPTlTTT-, rooms, tile bath, garnse. i..' -. ''ery, rae. tnc. Peres noers. hid per me. Isen, th a rill ni. " NEW JKItHKY miltitm.rS" CAMW-H trsin ninvTT,....! . - Apply 410 Chy.i.-rur.Tamd.'n.'r?5 FOR RENT FTTRNISHET)' i)iT rillLIDEl.Pitri 1780 N. REDFIELD rSO N. REDFIELD ST-r)...i.. . " Adelnl, n Casper. Oefh-rLanste. MORTGAGES -..-.e,-. RANTED FIRST MORTGAGES ,0N LA.!n'E-DORr IM MEDIATE S l "1TI. EMENT FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 018 WALNUT ST. il.iimitmt siiii",Mi,iN,n,iH.,,MHH . iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriniiiiiiiiiniiii ED'ISKi i s -... . . a iVI U IN h Y 1 I "OH i TAMFn MnRTP.APCc 1 F. r VON HFF .FPNctcim I tj 1714-31 REAL E.ST TRUST L1.D0 I cl -- --" --as 4uu l ll a .ii k sttiimiiii i i unii. mi nun iu u i u 1 1U41IHJ u 1 1 1: .ii 1 1 1 u jj i Miuru i ii ann iiiji PUJiiaHKmrr-tr-aSi $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN rnnaeT.en,rVn,?,menBgn,ffi 301 Dnllev Hldg, jjis Chestnut .1 hOlfjee. r,2,l n,l i:e?,H,.. Funds for 1st & 2d Mortgages MAURICE H. MATSINGER uX1Ve'i,iAT,":.M SAFE INVESTMENTS First merlgssTTel lihll.rtelnhlD ,l..elll,. i.L.r.-J.l'" 1 per cent Interest en the investment: the mis nnd trnrrafer a'e guarantted without sii. expenses or . charges PEJIREnTON kZ TATKS wia Harrison nidg " M NOTEOVMOrtTOtfJB TO Immedlnte eottlementa. $1000 Unsettled ejtate lean . liulldlng assoc'alerrfiiads DEMPSEY CO 27 S 10th s funds ren-rm$gp,MpRT3Am- P0TTS & THOMSON 2.121 FRANKFORD AVU $50 5S? !V I.r'5- ImmlMi TO bought Cash at once. $2000 EDW. 1Y1. MOLL l2)? titti $100 nOO TO IOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGEI Walter Tevnsend 71 1 rllOZER ni.DO PHONE SPnurie na( I HAVE SIX $11011 te $1R0D fund, for lm. mediate Imcstmcnt. DELANY jj 1 Bread st Bpruce 58 " vilTll nr mortgage te rospemihio p.0ei! Immellale settiiment. menthlv piMiient. I Olsael. Ilth nnd Erie 11UILDINO ASSOCIATION menev te lesn en first and second mortgages If j virj I.KIX 2H0J W Lehigh aie ' "'" MOltTOAC.E money for Phlli rral estate Otn I Installment and building loin .V. Iv. ner .'.'d unl Clearfield TO PLACE A MOlntlvep SEE MAURICE I.IOHTMA.N 201 Colonial Trust Hldg S riKe 1177$ I IfVE cnnsldernble funds In Ini . t ,0. frsl nnd record merlgigis EVLsf PERRY 0118 lllilxe aie nnsberniish 1 111 FUNDS FOR CITY MORTOAQES ADAMS 2710 OERMANTUWN AVE I HAVE $.10,000 for first and second mert. gages. liv or country. II 301' led iff MORK1AUF.S in amount from $1M)0 up. H Heward Moere Commercial Trust HI g. MORIOAUES We can Place them quicmyi try lis Lakeft Pres . 3.'2 Market it MONEY TO L0A. lEED MONEY? We will 'ean money en salary or furnlluis te reliable people Ne hpnest employs re fused Courteous treatment te all D. D. DRAKE 400 chestnut st. -READY MONEY- DIAMONDS WATCHES A JEWELRY. United States Lean Society 177 NORTH PROAD 211) Market 2548 Osrmantenn s AUCTION SALES OUS, ON AEOVE P11KMISK1 VALUATION $300,000.00 sale all the buildings, also "O acres of Ui or at Auctioneer', limce. "" T ELEPHI)M)'i I'lUll leifl HE OPEN FOR INhpfetiiim VTmi NOI " ,ftBl l-CON FROM nv" ..An. lira iviiiiim .IHMMr . (us El gmggggggglgggggggSijflifjv fgii j Xs-W