Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 14, 1920, Night Extra, Page 26, Image 26

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    iiTiiiiiniilt-- ftit ttmiiki AssteWm
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i ?" Sfi .
llA'Jl n.) I R. C.
K At 4 8.
'J i ,rJB'5 i .
: '
Public Utilities'
'ltd by Thousands Eery where. Ask
' ...... n.i. t.f -
;wi nan u uanKcr, ur vvrtic
Meedy's Investors Service i
35 Nuin Street, New YerV
PitliJ.1,11. Clit.
Says They Bought Real Estate
Cheap and Expect Big
riNANfl U,
tuj: riiiiaein.riiiA national
Philadelphia. December 10 tnen
Tha annual election for director win be
held at the banking house- en Tucdnr, Jnnu.
hit 11. 101. between the hours of 12 neon
And 1 P. m.
A special meeting of the stockholders hut
alto been called at the same time and place
te tias upon such matters as may properly
com before the meeting
O HOWAHP WOtrt: Cashier.
Annnill Meeting.
"-' Chestnut street et of llrnml
Philadelphia Dicember 11 1020.
The Annual Meeting of the ehnrehelders of
this bank will be held at th" Hanking Heuse,
n Tncidar. Januarj II, 1021. between the
hours of 1! o'clock and I p m.. for the
altotten of dlreoters te rv during- the en-
Ily tlie Aseclrtted Prc
Hwlln. Pec 14. Or. Pniil Marcu-e,
n Gcrmnn authority en taxation, In nn
nrtlcle contributed te n forthcoming is
sue of Transatlantic Trnilc, the official
organ of the American Association of
Commerce nnd Trniic of Merlin, says the
complaints of American investors in
Oerrhan real estate that taxes nnrl ex
penses en this property exceed the in
come by far is net due te the German
tax laws but te the economic situation,
which has gene from bad te -worse.
Ceiirernlnc real estate Investments by
Amerirnns, which liave run into the
billions during the lest two years, Dr.
Mareuse wivs
"He it remembered that while the
n...... mi.pI .1t.i.i.wl (mm titpntv
three cents te nine-tenths of a cent, the
nine year: ana te lane action uren a pre
w,aaH amendment te the Arttcl s of AmnecIa.
tlen by ub.tltutlns for the second .sentence ,,, , ,.,, i.t its vnlu0
61 Article VI which iiuw rrnus ns luuewe .......... .- iA in In
The directors snaii nae power te elect a i ceH ter, 'iij . iv or -v i-i i-vt. ,
Mee president, who shall also b a member . iireclfttlnn for lack of iriiairs iltirinK
Letters te the Editor
f th Beard of Directors vnd who shall be
autherised. In the abs n or Inablllti of the
re.ldent from any e-ius te perform all
acta and duties pertaining te the office of the
raldent. except such m he president only
U autherlied bj law t perform nnd te I
elect or appoint h easnie- ana surn ether
fficsrs and clerks as mav be required te
transact the business of the association, te
fix ths salaries te be pild by them and con
tinue them In efflcc Jr te dismiss them as
In the opinion of i majority of the beard
tb Interests of 'h association ma dtmand
' the follewlnr
The dlreilers shall hae power te elect
ana or mere vice presidents he shall hae
uch powers and perform ouch acts and
Sutle a the dlre-tere shall direct te li
law te prferm an 1 1 elect or appoint a
cashier Ind such ther e-lcers and clerks
.. may be r-eulred a t ansact the busl-
01 ne '.'"""" '""....y: .--
the war Thus a house In Tlerlln worth
J00 000 geld marks in mil whs etui
worth iibttiit 1. "0.000 geld marks in
11)11). but the American investor, in
stead of pajing ITiO.OOO geld marks, or
S37..ri00, Ixitiglit a house as cheap as
$2000 nnd he complains thut the in
vestment does net jield geld dollars.
"The inceiiu taxes, which apply te all
forelfiierq hnvinir resided in Germanv
mere thnn six months, exempt only a
snlnr up te lf"0O marks, the man re
ceiving 100,000 marks a jear being
compelled te pay .'W.112." marks. The
law takes mere than .") ptr cent of u
million marks eurl income and tne
te be paid te- them and continue them In percentage increases alee 1,000,OOU
mee or te dlsmls them as In th opinion I . ,,
Sfmalerlty of the beard the Interests of I'"''' , . -
?h oclatien nla d-msnd Thee figures apply te incomes from
j wiiijtAM iiviiDT uny setircc nnd oeuntrt , but Dr. Mar-
' s'h'er. cusp pniuts out tltnt the German law
S37tiii. MANAWNK ntieai, INK provides "for treaties te be made with
vS7 rhlladelphu Dec , 1120 ..ether countries exempting un income
Tbe.niV,fathta'p..Sil wm Whew l 'a? th' derived from sources within ueh court -SlnWni
Heu-e ce'ner Main and I iverlnV ' try en the sole condition that similar ex -tnetii
Mjnayunk . rhueiphia en ' Te-J. ccptiens be granted German citizens
iwS"1d1l,p " ' andTe? th. n'a.en ' residing in the ether countries."
Vauclaln'a "$6.40 a Week"
Te Editor of IA Kvenlni? I'uMlc Ltdetr!
Sir A fsw remarks recardlna Samuel M.
Va'jclaln's recent article, which appeared en
the editorial pas of your paper December
10. under ths title, "Ltvtnr en 18.40 a
Mr. Vauclaln states "It Is ildlculeus te say
that It cannot be done." and irlves himself
as an example, haln had the experience',
but when? I am positive there Is hardly
one fair-minded person In this part of- the
cejntry who, after readlrur his article, will
net aaree with tne in saylna that he talks
ridiculously and foolishly.
He says It can be done, but he falls te
tlve us facts and flanres as te hew. I am
afraid It has been a long- time slnea Mr.
Vauclaln had his experience of llvlnr en
18 40 a week I wonder If he knows tne
present price of coal, butter, eats and all
ether necessities of life. "People ara net
really lWln newdays. they are simply kill
ing themselves." he states. He forget te
add "trln te exist "
rte tells much about the average weekly
waje paid by the Baldwin Locomotive
Works, but It hardly means anything te most
of us He adecates marriage en $6 40 a
week This Is a real laush, and Is tee
ridiculous for an one te try te comment
upon I remember eeme time age he advo
cated a ten-cent flat fare for we Philadelphia
car riders That would surely make the 10 40
leek sick every week He evidently does net
uae street cars and forgets that the working
man must, although he suggests we should
WTh' only real adlce he gives Is regard
ing the "movies," when h- says they would
net b. missed This Is a fact, because the
most of them nre trash and t Is a waste
of time and money te mr mind
Ve doubt Mr Vauclaln Is a thinking man.
although by this artlele one would never
think se, because te m way of thinking the
article li very peer, and I de net believe he
"in a position te knew really hew much
t ccstflte live nowadays At least, his state
ments a?e net in accordance with condl cendl condl
ten, of the Pn0it ,. rAUnKLL.
PhlHdelphta, D-cembcr 11. IP".
The Policemen Thieves
' Vlrl-f h'sTe" Mr" J J
,te7, of eeeral policemen he have been
called te account by their department for
having been cngagea in v" "---'. c -res.
It remind- m. '.'"','
S ensaKru j - -"-
llsh Government,
and the necessary
make money and ne n.'.'-''-.-'-- -- .
Letter te the Bailer should, be m
brief and te the point as possible,
avoiding mnythlnt that would open a
denominational or sectarian discus
" Ne mention will be paid te anony
mous letters. Names nnd addresses
must be signed as an evidence or
poed faith, although names will net
be printed If request Is wade that
they be emitted.
The publication of a letter Is net
te be taken as nn Indersement of Its
views by this paper.
Communications will net be re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
east of Coudersperl. Pa. Beautiful and
fantaatle Ice formations nppear during
spring, summer and fall, but melt en ap
proach of winter. This Ice Is net mined
or 'manufactured. It Is a wonderful freak
of nature and Is visited annually by
thousands Coudersport Is In the north
western part of the state In Petter county,
and is reached by the Pennsylvania Hall-read.
place in the United States. A tempera
of 123 degrees has been observed.
"Maner" or "Manner"
Te the KdUer of A Sttning Public LtAerrt
Sir I have seen frsauently in tne vv"
the expression "te the manner born, espe
cially among eontrlb-iters relating te tne
country. Should It net be "te the manor
born," for "manor" has reference te an
Inheritance, such as "manor house. Am
Philadelphia, Nevsmber 21, H3-
In "Hamlet." Act 1. Scene 4, occurs these
"Ay. marry Is't.
Put te my mind, though I am native here
And te the manner born, It Is a custom
Mere honored In the breach than the
observance." ,
a. I... imln.l that In this case
"""""--"""-. ..., h
Philadelphia, December 10,
for forty years, and the Etisike Pcw-te
Litxira ever slnee Its first appearance.
W. P MeaitATH.
Philadelphia, December 10, 1020.
The Extravagant. Helpmate
Te the Rdlter of the Xtenlne Publle Leieef
Sir It appeals te me that a meet Im
portant thing for all families te conslder
at this time, when tnere is a maraea "
clal depression. Is economy wherever It l
I go into SO ninny
Legal Holidays
Te tht KJlfer of the Kvenlna PubUe Metv
at - ... .aw., fn .Tnhn T Potts In
I the People's Torum cewmns en December e,
1020 de you understand the question, Are
there any national helldajs In this eeun-
Itry?" te mean the united etatesi " "
I . '... .... 1.1. .11., ..nlaln hrlnflv WhV Nl'W
Year's Day. Washington's Birthday, Un
coin's nirthday, Fourth of July are n
national hMldays7 H JA0NE9'
Illoemsburg, Pa,, December 8, 10.0
While the days named nre celebrated gen-
erally by the nation, they are t"i
t bb
What' the Difference?
Te the Editor of the Kvenlnp PUWa Ledgir:
glrWlll you kindly ask your readers te
.. ... .... -- .. ..w.. I. ., irrnrence be-
tnina eui ir u ..i - -",-.". -j..-1 :."- .V, ......m i,. ..lled "manor," be
tween six dexen aexen ana . '"T ";;",'. ( .W variant spelling
cu. me . ii " ---'-,. . ., .n
of the latter. Dut tne w'"k ", "'""r"
favor "manner" as used, for ln"tn
Pwlnburne In the sentence "He has net the
eye and nerves of ,en te the jnanier born.
Inihls case th- phrase refers te one haying
a lifelong acquaintance with given IUe
and customs, regardless of whether thej ar.
associated with a single locality.
Poems and Songs Desired
utaatHla In ftv. helHS.
h.Ma. ufhara T And the housewife complain
ing about the high cost of everything and Rnd net natenal holidays, state l'11-,ur's,
th erndnal decline In the Income, until It . . ,,..en.i legislature having direct en
Is almost Impossible te make enns mni.
The husband Is struggling te held his own.
He graduallj sees his former Income llp
plt.g away from him. and te overcome this
he does mera work himself and spends less.
He practices economy Sut when It come
te the home, he finds that his expenses
there are Just as great as they ever were,
and that his wife Is net willing te de
anj thing toward economizing.
I have often been nmaxed at the In
consideration of women for their husbands.
They see them struggling te keep up the
home Th- notlce the worried leek en
the husband's face when he has te meet
the U-mands of the wlfe for the money
with which te conduct the house. He
doe net give It grudgingly, but he Is won
dering; Just hew long he Is going te be abls
te keep It up before he has reached the
end of his rope " ... ,,
What does the wife de? Is she willing
te meet the situation? In the majority of
...a. aha la net StlO IS l0th, tO DlSkS
no mum iim..v
HIIU l.ufc h.nvii.1 ..... . ..
their observance New Tear's JW " ""
observed as a holiday In MMcnu""" !..
the District of Celumbia: wnceins n .-
is observed only In the North, but Vh'n,f;
ten's nirthday and the Fourth of July
are observed by all the states.
Chinese Film Acter
Te the Kttfter of the Kvenlna PuWe Ltdoer Ltdeer
Sir rieaae state In your People's nm
what dim actor was once a general In tne
Chinese army. L L.
Philadelphia, December 0, 1020.
Teu no doubt refer te Bam Kim, who,
after a varied career, laid aside the sword
for the grease paint. He was educated
In China, Korea, Japu and America, lie
has played Chinese. Japanese, Hindu and
Indian roles He has appeared with Pearl
White nnd Hetcn Helmes, and also doubled
for Heudlnl In one of hi pictures He is
unusually tall for a Chlnamsn, belnlg Ave
feet eight Inches In height.
f ur ether business that ma come before
the ""tlnf,rtCVF. 3 MOlUtiq Cashier. ,
Philadelphia neceme-r nun. i;e
Seventh Ward Women Voters Meet
Women voters, Hepublicans, of the
Seventh ward, will meet in n "get te-
Th. Annavl Meeting of the Stockholders of gether " conference nt the I'eirce CCIioei,
thl Hank for the eleti.in or uirectcir. nr yj$ l'ae street, tonight. J he speilK
fcn'dVni'iary' ,lhHhUa1k!:n.,: , ers will be Mrs. William E Unjel-
Hank for the eletl.in of Director, fir M l'ne street, tonight
bach, member of tire Heard of Edtica
tien. and Mrs. Snmuel 13 Jcett, cnair
. 1 TT 1 .. .1.. C. .!. .. A
-rill- ANNt'AL MKETINO Or THE .nil" "i uic .-.-vcui. .....
tain Kide. who .. "-:-. -n . .hP
Rna jn -
funds le te w
a. a. a. -A nmTI HVFU V V V
The PU.nl.hmentrt.oute b'met severe
Who Is Entitled te Property?
t ik. ..tt.-lif..r arrlfie-s
Just R8 much money ier cmuien. due . -v
. . . i..i.kt. uha la n wllitnir i
te havVh.r friends knew that money has Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger,
become a llttle t'ghter witn mem s..
must have Just as much assistance In tne
way of help about the house te nave her
from becoming tired and looking worn and
faded. . bae deee net attempt te practice
ecen6my In the purchasing of feed. She
must have her box of confections, her Ice
cream and her ett-er delicacies Just as fre
.hv a. before She cannot see any
iiSSnn 12 o'clock neon and 1 P
K S KHOMKR. C ashler
M.Mr. if t ie rniianeinnlit vinnu.
e.aenrers 3IntUai I iri iniujmirr vwmimny -
iTiTi be held at the n'ce or tne Lempnm
?,'l Commercial Trust. Pulldlig lVI.lt,
Jiinarr 14th. 1931. at 4 o'clock
""""lUCHAKD H MTtrtlS Sec-e iry
, Dlvldeilde I
chasTfTneble oil & GAS CO.
Tulsa. Okla.
Dividend Ne. i9
1n regular quarter, dlvldenu of S
atn te paid en the capital stock of the
January Sd. 1831. te atockheldr-s of record
Bacember 15th. 1020 as srewn en the Iweks
f the company
J Y LAVICB Mil 8erttr
"" riiTLni.LPiu finnck co
ivK.ir.iiTMAN niuniNu
The Directors have " clared a r-gulvr
nat-terly dividend of S"r en the prferrl
A" stock 14 en the preferred ' B stock
and 10c p-r share en th -emmnn -lock pa
able In cash and an extra dlvld-nd of 0 2 3Tr
em the common stoek raj ible in rommen
2ek. all dividends payable January I, 1031.
stockholders of re. erd Dec-r-ibr 16 1H20
"" Chaelis end certtflfates representing stock
Jl-idsnd wi' h mail- I
mr: pknnsma vnia 'evii-n i ok i-
BV 1N(. N11TII
r.ember II 1J.1
Ittt Bea-i of D re t rs h. this 'v 1
land a regular quarter , dlvid-id of neien
per cent S? OO tn-r .harei, pai ib'e lanu.rj
I. 1021 te sterkhelders f n-t rl a' th- us
f buslnes, JJ'.Nlr;"R .r
TP"i -r
If Yeu Ever
Study Stocks,
Get This Boek
Ol'AIl NTKK 1 IN tNt h Till 'T
314 t'hr.tnut "t I'lilla . Pa.
The Directors haie J-tlared th i ruin
uarterly dividend nf 37e ! ' lar n tr
ereferred stock, payable January 3. 10JI t
gtockhetd r f record Je 1 11'. 1 a
will te mail-1
PAT L K' IH1I. - i-
n.p.m . I -'
WJ arri equipped te de the
work at your plant and ive
you the expense of lung tie-up
Phene Wel 1S1I and V! i n 1144
XI2-222 3.QARICN ST.
i, &) L MflCHIHEW
" ! 1 1jV"
COI.U. ." TIT-
, a . r' -t " iasiaWari n r i 'i iiiMirrn-rrTnTTrrT
It net only points ,
out the main facts te
consider in selecting
an industrial, oil or
mining security, but
also analyzes nine
different stocks
which are new in in
teresting market po
sitions and discusses
them in a clear, im
partial manner.
( all phone or w-ru
Ask for Ne. TU-316
men of mis " ' no doubt re
Kldd These policemen n a., .hem.
spensible te some one w no .
and It seem. "f ,ud ."report were
tenants te whom . ,, un.
net aware of the charar ter Tf0pW-B
der them. A" . "'i -oe little attention
Forum recently .wted. oe Wl ,, of
Is paid by the city in .riicwr They
r;rgrnl0cerk,am rf and pr.llegc..
erthfrn'. ZTL1 ceUctVn.
them te suspicion r.
It Is. thcreiere. r7 -"-- wlth
n te beoemo a win ij . ,t car.
i man te beoemo
I It
.....,! i exerc b.u in " . ..rt
merl as te their honesty, se"""
Thl, is quit, a "'': .Sfp.,,,4 te
examination ui ""' " "' "T cOATES.
undergo e ie-0
Philadelphia, December 9 l-u
Sheep and Goats
Te th. Editor of the Evening Public I;'J'r-slr-Th.
Philadelphia and West Chester
Traction Ce deserve, a vote , thank, .nd
PUDUC reces.""".. "-;--, .,,.,
,,le In whlcn sh- could possibly cconemli-.
She Is tee lary te leek.
This Is the reason why se many men ars
finding It very difficult te get en at this
time, as In all times, when there Is a panlckj
condition prevailing, and business becomes
stagnant If only women would be rea
sonable, and when the find that the hus
band b business requires the practicing of
mere economy, they would go about their
house and sce lf this Is possible, would leek
te the table the nmeunt of help em
ployed, the amount of heat and light con
sumed, the husband might frequently be
able te tide himself ever a panic without
being compelled te "go te the wall."
Mrs W L D.
Philadelphia, December P. 1020
ci. t ahnuM like Information en the fel
lewing: "Three sisters buy a property, each
putting In the same amount of money. A
deed was made In the three persons' names
t. .. .. .tated In the deed, lf one of the
three dies the property reverts te the two
remaining, and when one of the two dies It
reverts te the one remaining. There are
ether Immediate heirs Could they lawfully
,.n,n in for a. "hare of the property?
S E II. I her.
Philadelphia. Nev. 28. 1020.
This -appears te be a case where title bj
survivorship being prescribed In the deed of
conveyance, It operates with complete legal
effect arneng the Bisters. Therefere the
"ether lielrs" would have no claim en the
property. Ordinarily In Pennsylvania title
by survivorship Is only where husbind and
wife are mentioned a Joint owners In the
deed. On the death of either the hUBband or
wife the survivor takes the whole property
If the previsions of the deed are ob stated
In the foregoing letter, the surviving sister
will take the whole property and be able te
dispose of It In any way she pleases without
regard te ether helra of the deceased sis
ters ,
Twe Corrected Verses
Te the Editor of the Evening- PuMle ledger:
01. t am a.nnlnrr two. corrected verses
of "Bryan O'Lynn." which you recently
tirlnted. 1 am English, but my wire re-
. . l.a. t . BAnSjak
latlens nre ail insn, se give ....... -"-
credit. Bryan O'Lynn was an Irishman,
net "a Scotchman born." The corrected
verses are: . t .
...... n ri'itn. aa an Irishman born.
He lived in the time when no cloths they
were worn,
And as fashions walk-d out e Bryan
walked in,
"I'll seen lead the fashions," says Bryan
Benn O'Lynn waa wanting a cost.
Se he Just took the skin right off a goat.
Buckled horns 'round his walt, right under
the skin, ...
"They'll etlck out Ilk. Pistols savs Bryan
West Philadelphia, December P, 1020.
Wants "Told at the Club"
Te the Editor of Ine Kven(ntt Public Ledger!
Sir Can you or our readers give me
the word, te the poem "Told at the Club"?
Twe lines I remember are!
"And we're going away te a brand-new land.
And we're relng te .tart brand-new."
Would greatly appreciate your printing
the above If possible. MBS. M. IllKY.
Philadelphia, December 8, 1020.
Was ths doffing anon of bXby gear, 1
Or donning the Jaunty kilts of Bray
That,marked one mother's year."
"And the earliest deubW I think It came
When a boy In sailor blouse ana cap,
Orew ehy of stealing from romp and game,
Te re.t in mother's lap.
"Later, I knew, a pang was mine.
Te put that braided blouse away;
Fer it looked se childish amid the line
Of college lads one day."
"I remember a sob within my threat
When pinning, with fingers a-ahake the
These college colors upon a coat
That at last was a man's In stylet"
"Teu see, my dear, hew my boy had BTOwn
Babe and toddler and sailor laa.
That I nursed and taught nnd called my own,
Were fled and 1 was net gladl"
Tet net In vain had I hoped and prayed!
Medals have garnished that college coat,
'And honors are his whose mother awayed
Ills earliest freeman's vote."
"thrMhey that honor, own prier claim,
Belence and 'Ism' have their meed.
Se the mother.' heart, loving en the same,
Wakes te a dally need."
"Je be one 'mengst many, who once wa. all,
Is what It means, dear: and why I say
'Cherish hours you may net recall.
Grewing up Is growlec away "
Margaret M. Halvey.
Questions Answered
Specialut in New Yerk
Curb Market Securitten
Widcncr Hldff.. I'hila.
Phenes: Bell, Locust J7.'!0
Keystone, Race '221)0
Offices in 8 Principal Cities
Direct Private It Ires
and better de-
Te The Pacific Coast
and Its Winter Resorts
f,e e- Return In the ft am continental Reute through the
Canallan Pacific Recktej thu marvelous ( hristmat
Fairyland. Sleeping ami dining car iine.rcfl.'ii for jcr
t Ice and comfort compartment observation cars, etc.
YICTOHI, B. C, lhc(.ariieit(.ilvef Tanada, neillesmiilut verdant
islands, jutt arress the blue waters of Juan tie I ilea. Il warm, open
rlimalr.iplctidid drives anil tiarkwav,gelf reurie,!piiru.fifhingand
beatiiip. combined with the delinhlfiil hefpilalitv of the Enipref Ho He
tel, male it nn exceptional!) attractive reert for ihe winter tenrlM
VANCOUVER, H. C, lhegatewa totheOricnl.ncennertedliv steam.
ihipwithiclena; almliv steiimhipnrrailvulh rallleand ether I's I's
JficCeiitcilles 'S am otiverHetel of inelrepnlilaiistandard. overlooks
ibis Aladdin City where WeHern enterprise vie wilh the glamour
f mountains, canyons, big trees and the jparklmg i'arifie.
Frem Coast te Coast are Canadian Pacific Hele's
Qutbtc Montreal Winnipeg Calian r'ancotr.trVtctena
Canadian Pacific Railway
Fer full Information, inll or write for four P-13.'
CLAYTON, City Pass. AgU, SM Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
new c.rs have no compartment r..j...- -
sme'ier. As its cm t- jp Th0 car
shops we find an Improvement The par
tltlen te separate the smoking sheer i from
the nou-smeklrg goat. 1. no lone" there
Th s improves me "f -- .,"."
terler It makes for comfort. lnl'nc" I
economy, common decene
lli.'iir.w . . ...oft
Philadelphia, uecemeer a. "-
Free Transportation for Pupils
Te the Editor of the Eitnvig Public lOtr-
Sir I thln, new that the PJblle IB :
compelled te pay eeven c-nts e"0 and
the Transit Ce ha, had several ml! liens
added te Its Incem-. that free transper
ta'len should be provided for all pupllv
i who are miner, te ai. scnoei " "
PUT cannot bar this expense I think
the cits and state should make an af
proprlatlen. A parent Is forced te send h s
-hlld te school, and then no p-ovllen is
mde te cover the expense ".
I PMiadelphla, December P '020
Believes War Necessary
T , the Editor of the hvening PutIu ledger
Sir In the opinion of the ur reigned, all
attempts te abolish warfare amerg ths so se
called clvlllxed peoples of the earth are
hel y futile War Is ret only a necessary
institution but one of the premiere laws of
nature If humans re a.leed te propa
gate without hindrance In a few generations
the world would become se densl pepu
lated that general starvation mm' ensyc
due te a lac of ground ,pacc en which
ie cultlvate suiriclint nourishment te prep
crly justaln aJI. Dlecas- would he ram
pant, because-In their v ewded . ondltlen
the people neud becerrn as pre te 1
I h-alth Man would degenerate Inte a
I rlsmy a ereak.lng because the gre.t r the
quantity, the lower Uie quality in another
I Inexerable law of exleter e
Therefore te avoid tbise conditlera tr-r
I I. Instilled In the humsn system a certaH
I irrltnhlllty. a desire te destroy, which everi
I new and then manifests ltslf In the form
of wars between nailers
Viewing It from anetb.r angle, t ar '.
also desirable as an excel er.t moral cle.ner
It stands te reason that wWedn-ss u
creases with n imbers and thaf. the m r
persons arnlhi.Mel the mere sin Is d
streyed Muss murder majuersdlng under
the name of wa' in ur ..veidable and the
League of Nailnns Is bound te be a failure
Philadelphia I'-' ember 8 10JO
The Industrial Depression
Te the rditer m ih ' ening Pubic Ledger
fijrI .g e te take adantage of
your renp s i eruni in uruer m "i'i"
th opinion of larteus men whom I hae
i ikl ) In r-fereni-e te the Industrial
depression at this tlrre
Th' a- J mpiers ennui-i - i
gether ard n-t-inl of laying some of the'r
enw ' tT an lndednll perlnl gl
all werkmn a day or two off a week un'l
business Improves th'rebj giving all nan In
a ha f iaf wht h Is mui-h belter than non
VM h nch a plan all labor could be asilm
b f 1
I urn enrprlied that erganised labor does
ni airial- siKh a r nn thir-by being of
,, ,, 1-n-lt te the mi-inbera
.k,. tin e for the A V of L
tti i g geed
Tf the hur hs would also c)t or tr s
h anl et such small things ai speechless
ajrdavs etc ali.ne for a while they weu 1
,. t.i. Hi g the correct thoughts of i hrlst
11 . .... ... . I.. nt l.atnir l
wlw I b i"i. aiivitci.-'. .'I- ', -.. - i
j u broth r i keeper
Sew i. fellow wergers al together I
1 et us aulin" surh a plan live and let live
-anl vve II all be able te w,athcr th.
et nn
Coudersport Ice Mine
Te the Editor of the El ening Public Ledger'
Sir I have heard that there Is an Ice
mine, which freezes Icicles six feet through
In the summer and melts them In th
winter. The mine Is situated nt Couders
port. Pa , and Is supposed te be a natural
frealt I wejld be very thankful te you If
you would print In jour Peeples' Forum
whether this Is true or net, and If se hew
I could gt there by train P. T. It.
Philadelphia. December n. 10J0.
The tee mire referred te la called the
"Devil's Ice Bex." and Is located four miles
Death Valley
Te the Editor of the Evening Public ledger:
Sir Somewhere In the West le a place
called "Death Valley." What state Is It
In. nnd why Is It se called? I
Philadelphia. Nev. B. 1020.
Death Valley 1. a norrew valley between
the Panamlnt and Funeral mountains In I
California It Is traversed by the Amargosa I
river, which Is usually a dry channel, though
probably It wsb formerly full of water. The i
level of the valley ! covered with salt, sup- '
posed te have been brought by the torrents
from the surrounding desert and left en the
evaporation of the water. Death Valley
Is considered te be the hottest and dryeat
Margaret Halvey's Peem
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir One of your readers asked for the
Inclesed poem. 1 am able te accommodate
Philadelphia, November 20. 1020.
A babe en n weary mother's knee,
Active and bright and eager-eyed,
"Oh, for the year bringing rest te me.
The year of hi prime she sighed.
"Nay, de net wish him grown, my dear,"
A gentle granddame paused te ear,
'Ter truth IS truth, the' 'tis hard te hear
Grewing up Is growing away,"
"I steed betlm-s. In the self-same plaee,
And dazzled, tee, by the far-off glare,
Sighed for the etart tn that life-long race,
Wherein my boy should share."
"Te me as milestone, upon the way.
Londen Music Hall Seng
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger!
Sir I nm sending "Sutan's Sunday Out,"
a sung In the Londen musle halls some
sixty years age. It wa recently requested.
We.t Philadelphia, December 0. 1020
Oh I shan't I be delighted Just,
When Sunday comes, I knew,
I wish It would make haste and come,
It Is se precious slew.
Ne doubt jeu all desire te knew.
What It I. all about,
But the fact Is that next Sunday
It. Susan' Sunday out.
Ohl Jlmmlny enky, blew me light
I always danee and sheutl
Fer I'm never as happy as when
It's Susan's Sunday out.
My Susan she's a chambermaid,
And lives In Belgrave Square:
She's eyes like doe's, a turnup nose
And a magenta head of hair:
She's often taken for the quen,
As we often walk nbeut.
And It (Ills my heart with great d-llglit
.Wheh It's Susan's Sunday cut.
The missis snd the little ones,
Just new they are out of town
Se of course ie .tea with Susan,
In the kitchen I alts dewn:
The gev'n'r he can't come down stairs,
Fer bu'a nlwkvs ret the geutt
Se sometimes two or three day a week
It's Susan's Sunday out.
And all the loose tobacco
She finds in empty Jars.
She gives te n. and oftentimes
A bundle rf elgars.
She says they nre her perquisite.,
Which In course I doesn't doubt,
And don't 1 Just blew out my kite
On Susan's Sunday out.
She's set an eye te huslness.
And already la beginning,
Te be prepared for rainy dajs
with lets of babr linen!
She say It might be wanted.
And of that I have no oeudi;
Fer married we Intlnd te be
On Susan's Sunday out.
Little Peem Supplied
Te the L'dller of the Evening PulUe Ledger!
Sir In one of your last week's 1"H
a lady asked for a little poem entitled "A
Bird's Ne'et." The sender learned the earns
In a British school about .seventy year
age and with pleasure sends it, but has
forgotten the author's name. W. O.
Philadelphia, November SO, 1020.
H wtns my admiration
Te view the struclure of that little werk
A bird's neat. .....
,..!, i, well, within, without.
Ne tool had he that wrought
Ne knife te cut, no nail te fly.
Ne glue te Jein, no bodkin te Insert,
His little beak was all
And yet new niceiy iini.ueu.
What nlee hand, with every Implement and
mean of art
Could make me uch another?
"Dally Reader" If you will nole at the
head of the column we state that all re
quests must be signed with the name of the
writer Had you followed th rule, we would
have been able te have jenT you the poem
you request, as we cannot reprint It. Plea.s
send us a stamped-addressed envelope and
we will mall poem.
"Cella" asks for a poem which contain,
the following lines:
"Why, right out there In the orchard among
trie fairest there,
t had a nice young apple tree Just starting
In te bear."
The Teeple's Forum will appear dally
In the K-enlng Pubic Ledger, and also
in the Sunda? Public Ilfr. Letter.
dlaAiBsIn tlmelv topic will be tirlnted.
nVell K rwieVlM poems, nnd nuestlen.
of gramal Interest will be answered.
ls 27ie value of J'requent rereenai veniact --h
in Business In Incontestable. New Is an Ex- "H
cedent Tims for a Umlness Trip te Europe.
Travel en One of Our Sleamers. .Accommoda
tions, General lpjiedilmenfs and Cuisine Aic
x, MFC. CO. c,
D forty nvtn
Passenger and Freight Services
VASC0NIA ... Philadelphia te Liverpool
K. A. VICTORIA.. New Yerk" Liverpool ...
.Dec. 17
.Dec. 18 Jan. 15 Feb. 10
.Dec. 23 Jse.20 Feb. 10
.Dec. 24
.Dec. 26 Jin. 22 Feb. IP
..Dec. 28
ai lljWjllaaUaaaaaUaaUl JT ,aaKB?BBJsMaaaBaaa.M'Sj.'
IMPERATOR New Yerk " Cherbourg and Soetktmpton
VAUBAN New Yerk " Liverpool
CARMANIA New Yerk" Liverpool
CALABRIA New Yerk " Gibraltar, Naples, Fstrsi, Dubrovnik & Trieste.
INKULA Philadelphia" Londen Dee.31
VERENTIA Philadelphia" Liverpool Dec. 31 .
CAR0NIA, Mediterranean Cruise -. . . . .Jan. 15
COLUMBIA New Yerk" Londonderry and Glasgow Jan. 15 Feb. 19 Mr.26
SAX0NIA New Yerk" Plymouth, Cherbourg and
Hamburg Jan. 18 M.r. 1 Apr. 12
VERBANIA ....Philadelphia" Londen Jan.22
PANN0NIA New Yerk" Piraeus, Dubrovnik snd Trieste... Jsn.22
AQUITANIA New Yerk" Cherbourg and Southampton Jan. 25 Feb. 22 Mar. 22
ALBANIA N'"... New Yerk" Plymouth, Cherbourg & Londen. ..Feb. 1 Mar. 15 Apr. 19
SCYTHIA ... New Yerk" Liverpool Mar. 5 Apr. 2 Apr.2J
CAMER0NI A '" New Yerk " Londonderry and Glasgow Mar. 5 Apr. 6 May 4
MAURETANIA ...New Yerk" Cherbourg and Sonthampten ....Msr. 10 Apr. 7Myl2
List f Later Sailings On Reqneet
The R. M. S. "CARONIA" will sail en January 15th
for a seven weeks' cruise te the '
The most tempting opportunity te make this trip a
and an itinerary planned with only one aim that of
the passengers' enjoyment and comfort.
OFFICES: 21-24 State Street, New Yerk
Passrngrr nnd Freight Service.
Passenger Office. 13(H) Hlnut Ht., rhlln.
Fer later saltlliSH anelr nt
Freight Office, Bourse flldg., l'hlla.
New daily trains : Montreal te Vancouver and Terente te Vancouver. Unaxoelled Equipment, with Observa
tion Cars. Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Prince Rupert. Dining and Sleepwrj Car Service
that wHI make your journey a pleasure.
Slop-ever at famous hetels: The Chateau Laurier, Ottawa; The Prince Arthur, Pert Arthur; The Feri
Garry, Wlnnlpeg; The MacdenaW, Edmonton. Travel te California and Pacific Ceatt peinte at leaatene '
way threufjh Canada thle year. Every assistance rjladly Qtven In planning your tour. Write or Cell
A. B. Chesm. Oeneral AeMrt, Pssmmt Dsparbnwrt
1270 ttrettnray, eer.awa et, r
te de BOH.'1
I .x"- .,g .. .,,..
Aj'aa -i- ,."' usf iav"i
"V Tfr. P.W- 1 riTa-a-M M-gS-aaaaaaaarfTT J " MJL .
1 l l ,irrttt I
H few- n
jj - - - -Ilium I,,), m Ja-issSMmSaSe-...a IIIS ajai
,Ti.fir cm. i. webmupa HKitMirnA
:j-mu DPDMTTnA
Ar AmPTiicaiv Plan.Het2l
WinMtyefVW OASIbIE. 4
CAPAcmr oeo. Walter JLBazgr
TO! It1"
iiilllllllllllllllllH '
Always upen. Always ni.dy Term moil
srate Phene or write. M t aUh Dunea
HntM Rnscebel "6UtucKy ave. Return
Metel uosceuet Eie,llett uble , s0
ana up weekly. Phene 117 A B MARION
Westminster K""r ve nr beh.
i.iev ie si pnv esins,
running water C A Kepp, Owner t Prep.
r, 1J. I'EKKV, Gen. Aat,, Pass. Dept., 1231 Brendvrn.v, New Yerk Cit MlfHS
"Th rrl of America"
Central Ticket OfTic.s
t all Principal Rail,
read and Steamship
Lines In St. Charles
Lebby. Illustrated
Felder e n Request.
V' A
Walurt&tiirylcuid-ZteBya liomNewYerh. ,
Jein the many chirmlng American families who spend their
winter vacations In heautlful Hermudu Here nu r froe
from the no. Ice and chill winds of the North and In a
eualnt, old-world setting of Incemparshle loveliness ou
may lazily rest, or play your favorite sperta of golf, tennis
riding, driving, meter-boating, sailing, bathing and fishing or
dunce at the gay parties at the many mellern Hotels.
Ne Passport nequlrrd for IlrnnucU,
Hpe.-lal trteamshlp Sailings and Prominent Hotels Open In Dec
Ine sailings weekly during l.tu. Yeh., Mar. and April vln
hitfe,. hwltt, liei.uir, i.rirw niramers
t. K
'Fert Victeria''
S. H. "Pert llnmllLnn"
H.onOTensDIsplacenient, ll.noOTensDIsplscement
yalllng from New Tork Sailing from New Yerk
Uec. 18, 27, . Dee 13, .2
Jan H. 15 22. 20. Jan B, 12. in .0
acnif for Descriptive i4iieraiv.rc in
One af America's leading hotels.
Accommodating ever 1000 guests.
ALPHCD 8. AMIR e CO., Ltd,
,J Send for Descriptive Literati
"-te255!"2- :i Mlillrhnll ht.. New erl
i ;jVr I'lirnrss. Vtltliy Ce.. Ltd.
I -'iiiij-ltiiMrs. lililr . I'lilln.. Pit.
Philadelphia te Rotterdam Amsterdam
S S SHORTSVILLE (U. S. S. Beard) Leading-
S S WEST POOL (U. S. S. Beard) December 27
Rotterdam Philadelphia
SS HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Beard) December 10
S S EASTERN SOLDIER (U. S. S. Beard) December 24
Philadelphia San Diege Les Angeles San Francisce
Portland Tacoma; Seattle
SS PLEIADES December 22
. j
San Francisce Les Angeles San Diege Philadelphia
32S Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
LOMIIAItl) 0840
Cemnugnie Generale Transutlanlique
limnril and Outwnrd Pant Freight Steamer
Regular Service
SS "FARN WORTH," Antwerp & Hamburg Dec. 16
SS "ROUSILLON," Le Havre & Berdeaux Dec. 20
S'S "ONTARIO," Le Havre & Hamburg Jan. lB.'Zl
(and such ether French. Atlantic Pert, as cargoes offer) '
Te Lead Pier 56 Seuth
I'ur Rates unci Snore A pub
i GEYELIN & COMPANY (Inc.) Philadelphia Representative!
I 108 Seuth Fourth Street ,
, Lembard 11(11 Main tlBO I
At (IHT. (I
ii i in' a:augusta
Ueliitiiilul ler a winier vacuum
rtnww ntrruhinkR ittl, -
Twe full l hole ceutes-ln splendid condition
r r. TRUS3ELI, Af.J. ,
nilKKV f'OVK hfltlNllh, 1-l.A.
.-. ri -. Unrlntl. 1't-nrlllk
rireoreof hotel with med Imprevsin'ts and
con Het sulplie-inairiiesla springs and ,
Vi.a'i eeifi bathing csiinei tennlsi hunting.
Rati D per diy upward, with meals. Hum.
The Ideal Winter Resort
HOW IS & TWoneQEn, Managers
Dtraetlr en the Harber. Aoeemraodates tt
Reached by Oteamer nf Furne. Ilermat
Line. VThltsiMll Bt N. T.
Ter Iloelilet of nlltlDA 1HHT COAST
Ivwerti, write StJ Otb Alt., New Yerk.
Freight Service
nv.j Wound Ulenwer rr3, nmiti.l ICeat Bound Slrainer Bast "",
Sailed Went Islete Jun. 15Jan. 15 West Tegua Feb. 28
Dec. 20 ArtlgA Feb. 1 Jan. 27 Bruuh Mch. 5
Jan. 3 Lehigh Feb. 15 1 Feb. 3 Ynlza Mch. 15
Tr Bate, etc,, App! t
13G S. Fourth St., l'hlla. Phene Lembard 0701-2-3; Main 3202-1
1 'T I "- fl V r3W! 4 -.4....-.J.'L-. 1.-... ... h1Mlrt,.T.jMMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.l.., ' " ' f ' ' L V ' ' I ' I ' W Wi Bl M I Jlll MP ' I I I I WlsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW