. -tit fTf5v SSrjT. V'3iiil7"i''h' ""'rr.VvJH tvTriv' ' "i h;;j" wir K.l . ft, A.j.r- vU -Ay . ' j. TI ,ii ' M" ' vptvvltfTrBi, ri W. F.5&W tftfp; WV ili' yPHl lpf CAPITAL S500.00000U u&SS'Bi II aUKHLUSltAKNtUJ II fi?' ' h& ii C9 nnn nnn nn 11 &vrwt irAV-m f-i-wwew-.ww fclH feP RW TnlrlJ' HAVE YOU looked ever your Will late ly with a view te revising it under possibly changed con ditions? A Will made long age may net be at all in accord with your present wishes as te the distribu tion of your estate and per haps contains previsions which today cannot for one reason or another be carried out. If your Will is de posited with us, it cannot be lest or misplaced and is always easy of access upon presentation of our receipt. Consult Us Freely Hew Successful Men Invest Their Meney The Common-sense rules of investment that have guided thousands of successful in vestors arc set forth in a new financial booklet' just pub lished by S. V. Straus & Ce. The Heuse with a record of 38 years without less te any investor. This Booklet "Common Senc in Investing Meney" will be sent free en applica tion. Write for it today. Ask for BOOKLET 495-Q S WSTRAUS &C0. 'tiiSXIli IK) ln(OT."34T9 Stock Exchange Building Philadelphia Telephone Spruce 56S8 38 ye&ra without less te any investor A . T. !W W: ffx rraf posit burii xbil - Ten - Year Nete Yielding 8.60 Net earnings applicable te interest charges en the total issue ever five times requirements. Company has large number of customers lo cated in one of the most prosperous districts of the United States. Value of property and volume of business have shown satisfactory in creases. Write for circular Bonbright & Company 437 Cheilnut Street milts et T Jehns Trai 'Vi T3 K- Philadelphia New Yerk Drator. Specialists in OHIO MOTOR. RUBBER AND STEEL SECURITIES COMPLETE SERVICE In All Ferms of Investment Main Departments Investment, Brokerage Acceptance, Liberty Bends Foreign Exchange Statistical, Ohie Securities Extensive Private Wire Connections M 17 Members of New Yerk and Other Principal Stock Exchanges OTIS& CO. Investment Bankers CLEVELAND Njw 1 nrk llnelnn Detroit CI ii rln nut! Cnltimlnin Teledo .Mren Yminrtm n Ilrrurr Celnrailft Springd Amcr. (ias. & Elec. (is, 2011 Liike Superior Cerp. 1st 5s, 19 14 Int. Kdlsen 5h, 1922 Salmen RUer I'r. 5s, I9,V West Pern. I'r. lis, 19.r8 West. Penn. Pr. 5s, 194(5 B0ENNING, GARRISONS CO. STIKK KNCHWIiK IU'IU!N(1 IHrrrt I'rhnlc '1 r lnhtif te Nn erk Mtiulirrs 1'liMn. Merk l.'irliumr ' .' ,. Vr Hecirmmriiil fur Immlment WATER POWER BONDS Ne labor troubles or cml nhortnffe Peana. Wafr & Pew'r lit M'g Si Shawinigan Wal'r & Pew'r SJ2i JosepKW.Gress &Ce. 1421 Chestnut Street Correspondents Aid red & Ce, raw lc$ )- h 1M ru r! n4t i thV MARKET PUT UP A BETTER FRONT Little Evidonce of Recent Heavy Selltng for Tax Payments Tomorrow New YerUi Dee. 14. Today's stock mnrket put up n much better front nnil while the operations were mnrked by cnniide.rnble Irrcjeilnrlty Rains exceeded declines. One of the mere striking de velopment wnii the conspicuous absence of the rerent heavy liquidation for tax payments. Apparently these require meats were completed yeaterdny. Con trary te expectation, there wns virtu ally no "cash" selling nnd what few soft spots were uncovered were con fined te scattering parts of the list. On the ether hand, some of the recent hard -pressed speculative favorites made MibstutitiM rebounds, disclosing uncom fortable extension of the short interest. Although the tone of the opening mnrkrt was uncertain there was every evidence of organized support te check further aggressions en the part of the bear contingent. There was some be lated selling orders te crop up during the early trading but here was no signs of the heavy selling pressure, witnessed in the recent sessions. The reaction ary party iiiihIu an unsuccessful con test of the ralllts, although it did , succeed In uncovering weakness in some 1 of the meter specialties, miner steels, i centicrs. Sears Roebuck, some of the sugar shores anil People's Gas. Most offerings, however, were freely absorbed and finding they were making little !irailwn there was a generul shifting of I position in the second hour, which was i lOIIOWCil UJ Ullininiea rrrnvtura uii I along tlie line. The oil group, which constituted the weakest feature of the preceding ses sion, led the reversal movement at ex treme gains of '! te 5 points. The shipping und equipment shares and the rnllreuds also made substantial upward progress. Central Railroad of New Jersey recovered u large part of yesterday's 15-peiut less. Hut all the rails did well, with Reading the ac cepted leader. L'nited States Steel was another pivotal point, and ita elevation above 71) was followed by a further hardening 1 of prices all through the list. The re covery, furthermore, was given addi tional impetus by the maintenance of 7 per cent call rate. The supply of funds was net everplentlful, but was sufficient ( te meet all requirements. The general list rased moderately before neon, but ' In the main the tone remained firm. better absorption IN LOCAL MARKET Continued Heavy Selling in Scattering Parts of the List Liquidation en a further heavy scale continued in scattering parts of the list in today's local market. There was a much better absorption and In conse quence, price chenges were relatively unimportant. The only wide range oc curred in Electric Storage Battery which hud n spread of ever 2 points between 03 and W, landing at the higher figure. Dealings in I'nited Gas Improvement continued en n fairly heavy scale with the stock equaling the low of the year at 18. from which it rallied te 28. The changing of handM of a block of 1000 shures of Lehigh Navigation at 70 had all the earmarks of the new familiar operation of establishing losses for In come tax payments. Transactions In Pennsylvania Rail road were also unusually large between 40 and 40 &. Philadelphia Electric shaded te 21 V, en what appeared te be celling of se-called tiredhelders. The preferred continued well sustained at 27Mi. Further moderate liquidating .ales appeared in Philadelphia Rapid Transit, which )ielded te 14. Union Traction en small sales dropped back a neint te .10. thereby forfeiting all the guin made en the Superior Court deci sion upholding the validity of the rentals of the underling P. It. T. lines. Ametican Ship and American Stores were offered freely, but were each well taken. American fSas in odd let trans actions made a new low at 28. Chicago Detroit Philadelphia Stocks 1:18 Net p. m. ciigjr. 40Vi Hllh at)0 Am Strs.. 47 1000 Am Ship & Cem Wn 10 Am Ces.. 28 fi.'l Am Rwys pref.... 18 lOOtAtchlsnn. 7HV, Lew 20 Hj 28 18 711 S.V, 1 31 1.' 10 Vi 113 0 28 1 18 .. 711 1 80 1 4 .. 31 10 V4 1)4 13 12.. 28 t.m !iigar. 80 2.' Am Pipe. 20OtII & O. ."lltCuhan C, 4 31 "J, Sugar . . 10'a M)4 I'.lecSter. !I.Vs OOtfien Met 1.1 13 loot I n Nickel I2',i 12 M."i I Ce N A 28V, 2Si) a.SKev Tele pref .... 20V, 20- 220tK'iuiei'et 17 17 110 Luke Sup 8V S'i 1031 Leh Nnv. 70 70 40 Leh Vnl.. 52 M 200tMen Sug ('. 0(1 intMldvnle.. 30 K. 30l.j lOOtNer Pac. 74. 7 Pi ll Penn Cen Light.. 40 40 1744 Pa It R.. 40U 40 12.1 Pn Salt., till 0.VS 15 Ph'.la C rum pf. 30i; ;n 1751 PhilaKlec 21-V4 W 107 de pref. 27 27 825 Phlln R T 14 14 17tRay Cens 12 12 tOOt Royal Dutch.. .13 53 lfltSI.&H W 213, 21 7150 Tone Mln 1 '. 1 'it 105 l'n True. 30 30 1JI07 I' i III. 28 2.S 12 I'ni Ces N .I...170 170 20 . . 17 s 70 .. 52 (1(1 30 74 10 .. U) (111 30 21 . . 27 14 12 r.ri va 21 -i :tti l 170 .. 200tCtah Cep 50 50 r.e JOOtrHHub. MVi 04 04V4 l-ji WKitViuiniii'm an nrM naavj i!." Wnr I AS 7 7i 74.. iNet rhanae made by romparlaen with Uat nit) en Nw Yerk Mt.ck Kscnmifr Kalea In IKIM1K 11.1 Net lloen lllnh Ixjw n m chae lllnh l!W V1 lll'll 'J 01 JH.IWr! IHI"J l"l?4 "H '-' I.eliiRli Nnv cenn 4!'. fi41ti 8l'j 84 Vi U !1 I,c1iIkIi ViiI aim Us ..1011 UKI 101) .. 'i Mb Howls M'ik .... M).W) 81I.MI 80.80 .1" .'Mi 2i l'.H... 8.1.II4 81.(10 84.110 .41 "7.20 .'Id 4,4m. 88.00 87.50 87.74 .1(1 HI-20 4tb 4Vi 8.1.81 8.1.10 8.V 40 .4(1 .111 11-10 VIp4 Oi'.74 0.1.10 0,1.20-. 20 loe .ie nH.. 0.1.24 en.22 nn.22 . 02 2.1 I'nc rower . Meht .In 78 78 lOIIiilu lClec Int 5c... 80V. 50 78 SO CO 1 12 Pub Scrv 0 09V- 0Q iJVElrflNa PUBLIC LBDaER NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS niv, In t 1:80 Net Last Chi. 26V4 - V Salts tee 100 300 noe tee 2100 tee 1200 100 1500 1000 1?00 400 2000 100 High Adams Express. ..... 2 On t.ew 3W 15H MJ4 !: 28H sm 43J4 47 57 23 79 122J4 8J4 ten 7K 115 7 43 f4 39 30 53 J4 79 07 Ji 8H 8Ji 39 8l 89 30 Ji 84 100 8Ji 97M 110 Ji 87 107'4 02 Vt 02 Ji 33 54 054 37 5 18M 9J4 78J4 74J4 5M 105J4 53M 11J4 10 85 Ji 30v 23 38 107 105J4 2H 101 'A 51 BH OH 3H 80 4K 8H 13 H 01 21 43 lllji 38 87 190 25 H 72J4 my m ty 17 25J4 38W 64 J4 08 H 83 23 M 55J4 G4 2Sl 18V 48JS 20 H 25 Ji 10 5SX 40 34 Ji 0t 77 V 18H CO 5J4 05 29 81 84 M 26 19H OBI, 26 15 08 218 1J4 10 15 Ji 52 HJi 17H 12K 50 71 85", 10 M 13J4 tJi 52 32 J4 71 64 HS 81 Jj 118M 3J4 12H O0J4 60 70 Ji 30 73 J4 25 10H 14 31 15 50 7914 9J4 84 H K 30 3H OJi 10J4 45M 95 U'4 48J4 12Ji 80 M 47H 21J4 31Ji 4 3Ji l6Ji .. Advnnce rliimcly.... n 4 AJux Tlubber 2!4 .. Alaska Oeld Mines... .. Allehgny AW OK .. Allied Chem A Dye... 45J4 4 Allls-Chalmers '!. 8 Am Agrlc Chem H' 4 Am Dank Kote 43H 8 Am Dcet Sugar 40 Ji 10 Am rtesch Magneto.. 57 Ji . . Am Can 24 7 Am Can pf 794 It Am Car ft Pdy H4 7 Am Car ft Fdy pf . . . . HVa .. Am Cotten Oil 17 e Am Drug Syn 1M 0 Am Kxprcsfl 118 ., Am Hide ft Leather.. 7!4 7 Am Hide A Leather pt 42i 4 Am Ice 30 . . Am Intcrnat Cerp . 37' 3 Am Linseed M' 0 Am 'Locomotive- 81 .. Am Itndlater Ce H4 .. Am Safety Razor .. Am Ship A Cem H 4 Am Smelt A Itef 40 Ji 7 Am Smelt A Ref pf . . 81 8 Am Smelt See A 80 3 Am Steel Foundries.. 31K 7 Am Sugar Ref 0 7 Am Sugar Ret pf....l00 10 Am Sumatra Teb.... 8Ii 8 Am Tel & Tel 08 12 Am Tobacco Ill 0 Am Tobacco pf new. . 87 H It Am Tobacco D 108 7 Am Woolen J4 7 Am Woolen pf 92' . . Am Writing Paper pfS4 .. Am Zinc Lead A Smlt (4 4 Anaconda Copper.... 37 H . . Ann Arber p' 25 4 Asse Dry Goods 18H .. Atlantle Fruit OH 8 Ateh Tep & Santa Fe 70 Ji 8 Atch Tep A 8 F pf... 74 .. Atlanta Dlr A Alantlc 5Ji 10 Atl Gulf A W I 8 S.'.HO 5 Atl Gulf A W I S 8 pf 54 .. Austin Nicholas 11 'i 3 Aute Sales Cerp pf... 10 ,80 naldwln Locomotive 88 .. Bait & Ohie 31)4 1SH 3IJ4 1 OJi 44H- 29V4-T 5H -51 J4 33J4 79 -124J4-8J4-16M- Yt '"J4 3 H I 1J4 H ' H 1700 100 100 tee 400 200 4200 100 1000 100 1700 2100 400 S00 100 000 2)00 aoe (00 noe 700 200 800 7300 aoe 800 aoe 1800 tee 200 300 3000 700 400 1700 300 500 100 13100 4300 100 7J4 - 115 - 7 7 - Ji 4X Ji 39 37'4 J V 39 -83' -69 -31 H 86 100 -88Ji4-98 111 87H4-107J4- 1M V4 " "v I V X IS Ji Ji V Ji Ji l 3'4 "l4 Ji H "'ji ' V 02K . 33 J4- 6J4 37H-T 25 18K 9M-78J4-74 5M 110 4 64 11J4 10 88 31J4 23 -30 107 105J4- " V "m i . . Harnett Leather 23 200 2.80 Barnsdale Class A. 30 loe Barrett 107 eoe 1200 300 4200 200 800 200 100 300 200 700 400 1100 2800 100 2700 2800 100 350 200 2500 8200 300 500 500 4200 (300 200 2800 100 8100 1000 2500 3900 1500 : 100 1700 500 , 4000 300 100 100 200 1900 tee 100 1100 8100 8 Barrett Ce ctfa of deblOOH .. Bethlehem Meters.... 'Ji 8 Bethlehem Steel 8 t(102y4 S Bethlehem Steel B... 575; .. Beeth Fisheries SJi .. Brklyn Rapid Transit 9Ji . . Brklyn R T ctfs of deb H .. Bruns Term Hi 10 Burns Bres 80 H .. Butte Copper A Zinc. li .. Butte ft Superior Cep 9i4 .. Cadde Central O A R 13 H 8 California Packing. . 2 .. California Petroleum. 23J 4 Calumet A Arlxena. . . 43 10 Canadian Tnclfle 113 .. Central Leather 38H 7 Cintral Leather pf... 87Ji 8 Central of N J 191 4 Cerre de Pasco Cep.. 28J 10 Chand'er Meters 73 4 Chesapeake A Ohie... SS's . . Chi A E HI Kq T ctfa OVi . . Chicago A Gt West. . . 7W .. Chicago A Gt West pf 17V4 2M 102'i4- 3'4 52M4- 1H 3M- 9Ji Hr 394 4- 804-4M-8H4- 13 M- 01 -23X4-43 4- 112 4-30H-f 87Ji- 190 26J4 73 -6614 17J44 2714 4-40fJ-t-64 J4- Chicago Mil A St P.. XV Chicago Mil A St V pf 40 ? Chi St P Minn A O... 04J4 Chicago Northwestern 70 H 70J44- IK Chi Pneumatic Teel. . 03 03 24J4 -28M-18-4-48J4 4-20M4-25 J4 10J4 4-534-48 - :4ji- 6J-4- 78 4 18 4 60 -5Ji-7 20J4 4 '3 -r - 19H-6J4-20 -15J4 . -r U4- 10Ji 15J4 5.1 4 WV4 4 18 -13J4-T 50 - 72 -85'4-10K-13J4- 2 52 - 35J44-73M4-54 -88 8214 119J4 4-3K4-12 J4-00J4-60 -70-36 - 73 -r 35J4 31 1 50 80J-r-0J4 81H C'H 30K4- 3It 9Ji 10J4 45K 49i, Chi R I & Pac 34V4 Chi R I A Pac 6 pf 58J4 Chi R I A Pac 7 pf G8'4 .. Chile Copper 28V4 ,50 Chlne Copper 1RH 8 Cluett Peabody 48J4 .. Coca-Cela 20H 3 Colerado Fuel A Iren 25 '4 1 Cel Graphopheno. . .. 10 J4 8 Columb Oas A Elec 53J( 4 Cel A Se 2d pf 40 4 Cemp Tab Records... 34J4 2 Cen Interstate Cal M 0& 7 Consolidated Gas .... 78 3 Consolidated Textiles. 18 7 Continental Can CO 1 Continental Cendy .. 5H 4 Cern Products Ref. . 07 1800 3. SO Cesdcn A Ce 20A 8430 8 Cruclble Steel 84 100 1100 700 310 100 2310 710 100 000 300 300 700 3000 2500 100 1300 200 100 400 000 5V0 200 5500 ene 200 100 300 1789 10075 32200 100 500 100 3200 2400 2500 2100 200 200 200 100 000 1100 100 100 1,00 1200 700 200 tee 4110 1300 inoe 2.100 200 200 1200 tee 400 100 100 7 Crucible Steel pf 84 7 Cuban Amer Sugar. . . 28H .. Cuban Cane Sugar... 19!4 1 Cuban Cane Sugar pf 86J I Davisen Chemical Ce. 28 t.8fl D'bcers Ce 15J4 0 Delaware A Hudsen.. 90H 10 Del Lack Westi'rn2I8 . . Denver & Rie G pf . . 1 Deme Mines .. i:ik Hern Ceal S Entllcott-Jehnson . . . .. Krle .. Krle 1st Pf .. Erie 2d pf 8 Famous Players L. . 8 Famous Players pf . . 1J4 1014 ISM 53 1'iW 18K 1H 51 'i 72 10 Fisher Bedy 854 .. Flsk Rubber 10 . . Freeport Texafl 13J4 .. Gasten Wma t Wig.. 2 2 Oen Am Tunk Car . 52 . , General Asphalt . . 8 General Asphalt pf 6 General ClKar . . . 7 General Clear Df . 35 Ji 73 Ji 54 88 7 General ClKar def pf 82!4 8 General Klectrle ....11014 .. General FJectrlc rts.. 334 1 General Meters 6 General Meters pf . . . . fl Oen Meters deb 6 . 7 Oen Meters deb 7.. 13 H 66J4 0U4 ?04 3014 7a Goedrich B F Great Northern pf . Great North Ore ctfs 25 '4 Green Cananea Cep Guantanamo Suk Ce. 30 14 . . Gulf State Steel 31 .. Hendee ctfs 15 HemeaUke Mining ... 50 . . Housten Oil Ce 0H t Hupp Moter Car 014 7 Illinois Central 81 H oe Indlahema Ref 4 Inspiration Cen Cep.. 30fc . . Interb Cen Cerp . . . . . Interb Cen Cerp pf. . . Internat Acrlcul . . . . 5 Int Agrlcul Cern pf- 7 Intl Harvester new. . . Int Mer Marine. ... n Int Mer Marine pf. . . . International Nickel. n Inter Nickel pf . . . . . . International Paper . .. Invincible Oil Cerp. . . Iren Products . . . . . . Island Oil Jewel Tea 2 Jenes Bres Tea 3M 914 10 V4 45J4 054 12 40 ! 12H 80 Ji 47 H 22 3l's 4K 3ii 1K Ilrcauaa et the rrlppli-d llcktr nrvlca the above quotations 534. or 126.16 year. Financial Briefs The reported plnn of the Itejnl Dutch Petrelnuin f'e te Irsue new Hteck ):a heen poiipened due te unfaNoruble mar ket condition!!. On the sale of OOO HhareH of Texim I'nrltlc land truat certificate)! yesterday the price lirnki- US pelntn net te 210 The lartf lem In this Ib.hue w.eji the cu .n.iintive reflection 111 a relatllv Inac A shan decrease In earnings was shown In the annual report of the Cana dian Car and Foundry Ce. for the year ended September JO. Issued yesterday Net prelltH liefore allowance for BOV ernment taxes were 163H.397. equivalent te 17.19 a share en the 17,600,1100 pre 'erred stock, airalnat $1,887,634, or 'J5 10, In the preceding year. The number of stocks, both common and preferred, traded In en the New Yerk Stock Exchanire yesterday was 405 Issues, a new hitch record. tive Bleck of the Hteady market decline In reiient week This lsnue Held at 420 enrly In the year. Thv a erase price of twenty active Industrial stocks declined 1.68 per cent jpHtrrdiiy. ebt.ihllshliiK a new bottom for the vear ui 70 18. while twenty railroads declined 1 12 ptr cent te 71.70, which was also the luw li vel of the. year. Ker the (pinrter ended .September 30 Whlte Oil Corporation rejwrtB net profits, before depreciation and federal taxes, of (1,300,734, equivalent te 12.07 a chare earned en the. 630 0011 sharea of capital Hteck of no par value Ker the nlne months ended September 30 cor poration report net profits, before de preciation and federal taxes, of 13,621,. ins, equivalent te 16.69 a ohare eftmed en the capital stock, The Canadian Car and Krjndry Ge's annual reiert for the year ended Sep tember 30, shows net prellta. subject te ftevemment tnxei, of 1639,397, equal te 17.19 a share earned en the $7,500,000 preferred stcek, ea oemiwrtxl with 1,887, Raw Sugar Market Easy New Yerk, Dec 14. The raw market continues e8y In addition te the sale of COO tens of IVrua at the equivalent of 4.7tle, duty paid, sales of 10,00 OhiiKS of Cubiis from prompt shipment were made te a hlladclphla refiner at 37ic, cost and freight, equal te 4.89c, duty paid. Importations en Monday Included 21,100 baRH of Cubus te the National Hutrar IleflnlnK Ce, New Yerk, Dec. 14 Arbuckle Hros have reduced their price for refined sugar 26 points, te SVic, for flue ranu lated, prompt delivery, less 2 per cent for cash. II. II. Hewell & Sen have lowered their nrlcn 26 oelnts. te 8.60c. for tine trranulated, less 2 per cent for cash, as has lining Ce. The sucar in the lias been cut, - PHILADELPHIA, ,H- lh .. Kan City Southern... 10Ji 4 Kansas City Seuth pf 41 4 Kelly-Springfield Tire 35 3 Kcnnecett Copper . ... 17 J4 1.20 Keystone T A R 7 6 Lackawanna Steel ... 49J4 . . Laclede Gas of St L. . 41 . . Lake Krle A West. . . . 11 H 1:30 LRftt Lew 16J4 40J4 35 1M 6 4flH 41 11H 60 101J4 lt5i 10 Ji 57J4 43 15 J4 4 3 'A 101 15 11 J4 30 V 10 Ji 68 H m 3M 16, 36 50 14H 28Ji 45M 106 J4 16 -41 - 35 - 17J4 7 4914 41 11M4- 62 4- w 300 7 Liggett A Myers pf.. 10114 300 3 Leewe Cp 16H 200 ..Left Cerp 10 J4 100 0 Mackay Ce 67J4 300 7 Manhattan Kiev guar 43 Ji 100 2 Marlln Rockwell .... 15J4 600 .. Maxwell Moter lBt pf 5 100 .. Maxwell Moter 2d pf 314 16500 12 Mexican Potreteum ..165 lOfle 2 Miami Copper 1614 3700 l.fle Middle States Cern... H 4100 4 Mldvale Steel A Ord.. 30 M 100 .. Minn A St Leuis 10J4 200 7 Minn St P A St S M.. 68H tee , , Me Kansas A Texas, , 3J4 200 . , Me Kansas & Tex pf 4 2300 .. Missouri Paclne 17 Ji 1600 .. Missouri Pacific pf... 36Ji 100 s Mentana Power 60 200 .. Montgomery Ward... UH 100 3.60 National Acme 39 Ji 1000 .. Nat An A Ch pf ctfs 40J4 200 7 National Biscuit pf..,108 100 7 Nash Chat A St L. ..105 100 .. Nat Cleak A Suit.... 27H 200 .. National Cen A Cable 3y 300 e National Lend 68J4 900 l Nevada Cen Copper. . 8H 200 0 N O Tex A Mex 68 100 ie New Yerk Air Brake. 81 H 3000 s New Yerk Central..., 69 100 . . New Yerk C A St L. . 53 500 2.80 New Yerk Deck 18Ji 11500 . . New Yerk N H A H. . 17 100 l New Yerk Ont A W.. 16J4 1000 7 Norfolk & Western... 94 H 9500 7 Northern Pacific 7K 100 S Neva Scotia SAC... 33J4 100 ae Nunally Ce 12 101 16H 10J4 87J4 43 15J4 4 3W 165 4 15 -11M 30H4-10- 68J4- 3J4 4- 3M - 10M4 36 Ji 50 -14M JSJi- 46V4 - 27H-3Ji- 6B4- m 57M- 81H- 00 T 63 - l.H- 17 T 10J4 94 4 75M 33 -12 -10 3- l 25 '4 1 121 - 14J4- 47 4- inj4 . 40J4 . 37M . 7 80 -3014-10 4 10 4 34 r 29 70 -10h 73 -10J4-80 4-6014-31 4 12Mt 70 9a 4 101 1894-32 105 27 M J4 68K 8H 57 M 81 K 08 83 n 1014 16J4 9314 74 W 33 12 10 SJi 4 35 134 14 Ji 46J4 16J4 40K 37J4 75 70 Ji 39 Ji 7J4 86 35 10J4 16H 34 39 H -.0 10Ji 13 10 70 56'4 30 J4 13H 70 95 100 Ji 48M 31 J4 8014 31J4 11 J4 80 H 62 51 Ji 7 6Jf 28 00 18J4 00J4 52 12 V 18 28 31 Ji 32 .1 13W 0 J4 01 J4 1SJ4 5 37M 23 Ji 0514 22 Ji 18J4 57 G01 W2Ji 27 25 40H W 12 K 42 y 0 7 41J4 17 38 12K 40 7 36Ji 05 20 112 04 Ji 31 100 05 195H 0 52 10H 04 H 02 10O 31 78 105 40 0 35 20J 8 7 1914 7H 24 68 H 84 04 14 4H 100 2.60 Ohie Bedy A Blewer. 10 1000 40 Okla Pred A Ref 3K 600 300 100 300 200 100 100 1000 6000 100 3500 400 100 1000 200 3100 300 300 100 2000 200 2000 300 1000 1000 300 600 100 1000 1600 3000 100 100 3500 7500 100 400 100 600 100 C000 200 1200 9600 000 2500 100 600 3000 100 700 400 100 4000 400 100 2500 0000 13400 6200 6000 000 05 1100 200 100 4500 ll'.OO 700 200 200 1200 6200 2400 10500 900 600 3000 200 100 300 0700 600 400 100 100 600 100 4000 1800 2100 3300 200 1500 27400 700 4000 200 87OO 1300 600 1400 1700 100 1200 400 tee 300 100 000 000 200 1200 1000 100 4600 400 400 . . Ontario Silver Mining 4 2 Orphcum Circuit ... 3514 8 Otis Klevater 124 .. Otis Steel 14J4 3 Owens Bottling Mach. 47 .. Pacific Devel Cerp... 10J4 5 Pad de Gas A Klec... 46i .. racltlc Oil Ce w l ... 37 K 0 Pnn-Amcr Petrel .... 78 W 0 Pan-Amcr B 70 J4 S Pennsylvania RR.... 41J4 .. Penn Seaboard Steel. 7M 7 Penny J C pf 86 .. Peeples Gas Chicago.. 3014 .. Peoria A KnBtern.... 10 J4 .. Pore Marquette 16J4 3 Philadelphia Ce 34 .. Phillips Pet 29J4 7 Phillips-Jenes Ce pf.. 70 .. Plcrco-Arrew Moter . 19H 8 Plerce-Arrew pf .... 73J4 .. Pierce Oil 1054 I4 V J4 2M Ji Ji H J4 5 1 Pierce Oil pf 80 Pitts Ceal snji Pittsburgh A W Va . 31 Pend Creek Ceal .... 12H Pressed Steel Car.... 70 Pressed Steel Car pf . 95 H J4 1H Pullman 101J4 Punta Alegre Sugar. . 4DV4 Pure Oil Ce 33 Railway Steel Spring. 80 V4 80-4- J4 1H .35 Rand Mln Am Shares. 21 J4 21 1 Ray Cen Copper 114 4 Re,adlne 83K 2 Reading 1st pf 52 2 Reading 2d nf s .. Rebert Rels & Ce. ... 7 7 R Rela A Ce lBt pf . . . OliJJ . . Remington Typewriter 29 0 Repuhlle Iren A Steel 61 J4 .. Republic Motertruck . 18J4 . . Reple Steel 72 .20 Royal Dutch N Y.... 54J4 1 St Jeseph Lead 12J4 .. St Leuis San Franc. l' . . St Leuis San Fran pf 28 ..St Leuis Southwest.. 22 . . St Leuis Southwest pf 33 1 Santa Cecelia Sugar.. 3J4 . . Saxen Moter 3 . . Savage Arms 14 Ji .. Seaboard Air Line... O14 8 Sears-lleehuck 93 .. Seneca Cen Cerp.. .. 17 . . Shattuck-Arlrena Cep 54 74 Shell Transport .... 38H .. Sinclair Oil 23K 0 Southern Pacific 9714 .. Southern Paclne rts.. 22 H .. Southern Rail 20 H 5 Southern Rail pf 57 20 Standard Oil of N J.. 608 7 Stand Oil of N J pf..l02J 4 Stewart-Warner Speed 27 4 Strembcrg Carb .... 25 7 Studebaker ... 41Ji . . Submarine Beat Cerp 8Ji 2 Superior Oil Cerp.... 12Ji 8 Superior Steel 4214 4 Termer Cern A F "A" 30 .. Tenn Cep A Chem. . .. 7H 8 Texas Ce 42J4 .. Texas A Pacific 17 ? 1 Texas A Pae C & O.. 30J4 .. Tidewater Oil rts. . .. 13 0 Tobacco Products ... 50 Ji H- 82M 52 55 4 1 - 604 4 29 61 18 14 . 1214 . 10-. 28 f 22 -33 3 3Ji4 13H- 0-4 92 -17 5-4 38 12J4 20 57 2'4 4J4 V4 3 3 V J4 H H H '4 1 J4 J4 Ji H J4 M 2H ' H !i H H Ji 608 102 H 214 3 Ji 27 25 -41- 8M 12 "14 30 - 714 42 17M 38 14 H J4 14 H V 1J4 J4 3 J4 M V4 2 1J4 Hi Yh Ji n v l'4 Ji i 1J4 "h " v J4 1J4 "j4 14 V V "J4 '4 J4 ' Ji H J4 '4 H H H H 13 50 05 -21 114-4 -r - 100 -05 107 17H 65H 014 100 - 31 70H 100 50M 9 - Transcontinental Oil . 7H Transue A Wms Steel. 3BJi Union Bag & Paper. . 05 Union Oil 21J4 Union Pacific 11414 Union Pacific of 04 H United Alley Steel.. . 31 H United Cigar Stores pflOO United Drug 05 12 United Fruit 197 . . Unlted Rwy Invest. . . 9J4 3 United Retail Stores.. 83J4 0 U S Feed Prodects.. 18 8 U S Ind Alcohol 65H 8 U S Rubber 64i4 8 U S Rubber lBt pf....l00 fl U S Smelt A Ref 31J4 BUS Steel 70H 7 U S Steel pf 100 fl Utah Copper 50J4 .. Utah Ser OJi (1 Vanadium Cern 30J4 4 Vu-Carolina Chem . . 30 1 VUaudeu lnc 8H . . Wabash 7H .. Wabash pf A 20'4 .. Weber A Hcllbrener. 7W . . Western Maryland . . 10 Western Pacific 25 fl Western Pacific pf... 68H 7 Western Union Tel... 84', 7 Wesllngheuse A BraXn 04 4 Wtstlnehouse K & M 41 . . Wheeling A L K 014 . . Wheeling ALB pf . . 15J4 4 Whlte Moter 34 J4 40 9 15 34 ISJi 37 sn 32 39 JJ4 mi 0 32 UV White Oil Cerp. . 15H B Wilsen A Ce. ... 1 Willys-Overland . . . 7 Willys-Overland pf. 37J4 n 3214 41 W 0 Worthlngten Pump nx-ilMUmd. ure net nuariintec.l na iilmelutily correct. a share In the precedlnB NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Nmv Yerlt, Uei; 14. The peer Hratil entiles acnln inllueiieed prices in the lenil cefli'i' futures market this inernint;, resultine In an nnenine lie- rllne of 10 te in points, which carried Murrh off te 0.7.11', or te tbe low point reached about the inlilillc of Inst Octo ber. Trnile commission houses sold with offerings also from wattereil trade sources. There seemed te be n little de mand for tlii late months, this buying bclnB attributed te some extent te In vcHtinnnt buyers. During the lute morning there were no fresh developments In the market, truding continuing ipilet, with prices slowly working lower, though somewhat Irregular, Ne hpeclnl ruble licit been received from Santes up ti midday, hut advices reported no Important in tin- primary markets, jp fnct, a further disposition was shown by shippers te make, sales nt concessions, hut even the low offers hnve recently fnlled te uttrart buyers. en Cleae March nsuuuii .May T'jnf, un July 7 AH (tee Hepttmber 7 S7Jsu the American Husrar lie- DAR SILVER , Bar HUver was j lower teUay at tOftd, price, for refined beet M chlsan-Ohle territory te ,ie, , TUESDAY,1' t)EfC5BM6ER U 1920 HIGHER PRICES ARE , Net Chge H H Ji Market Tene Generally Firm te Streng Whalen Stocks In Supply 1 .. - f Ji 3J4 - 1 New Yerk, Dec. 14. The Hrend street curb market showed a firm te strong tone, generally, in today's trad ing, with the majority of stocks making fractional advances. There were some weak Issues, however, the Whalen stocks being in supply, United Retail Candy selling at 8 and 7. and To bacco Products Experts declined from 7 teO. Canada was again a peller of Inter national Petroleum, nbeut 5000 shares changing hands in the first hour, from 15 te 15. Hercules Paper wn also heavy, selling nt 1G and 17. North American Pulp held firm with sales at 4 and 4. Hwcets Ce. was steady at 2 and 2. United 8tutcs Oil, which was steady In it initial trading, reacted te I). There wus a small amount of busi ness in American Writing Paper at 4. Aetna Explosives sold at 0. ' 14 1 li X 2 w H i 1 1J4 H 1H Ji INDUSTRIALS Hllh Acme Ceal Aetmt Kxpleilvci . , . Iirlt Amr Teb coup .. 1 Herculei rnnr Amer Writ rarer Mercer .Meters North Amer I'aper I'eriecllen Tire Itaille Cem ltuitle Cem pref . . II I Iteynelds (new) ii j jteyneius prei Hey de France .Stand Ons L Elec .. .. Stsnd (Jaa & Klee Dref. Hwectfl Ce 2 U H .steam 1 Utr.ted I'let l'red 1 United ltet Candy 8 I'eerleas Moter IN KTANMAllI) UILH Stand Oil of N Y 34314 343 INDKPKNDENT OILS 2'4 313 Allied Oil 10. ArkHtiHKB Mstursi UBS lloeno UII lloaten Wyoming Carlb Synd Cltlr Herv "II" ctfs .. Cunlilni I'et Dcnw Oil lllk llasln I'et Knrlncern Petrel I'eJernl Oil Itudaen Oil Int I'etrel Kny County C!n Lance Creek Marncalbe Oil i 1 a .Merrltt Oil 11 Mexico Oil Mldweat lief North Amer Oil Neble Ohie Manger Omar Oil Producers A neftneri Itynn Cens Suit Creek Tred Hlmms I'et Skelly Oil Un Texan Oil IK . Victeria Oil new .... WeMern Htates Woodburn Mnunl Pred 1W ' IB J4 1 l'A ' U S Oil 1V MININO Alaaku 11 r Columbia i Atlanta 1. Ills Ledge " lloeth 3 Ilonterr t Mentana 42 Caledonia Mining 17 Cnndelnrla Mining 12 Cens Vlrulnla 3 Certei Silver 04,, Creaaen Geld 1 H Dundee Ariz 1 A Kureka Creeaus 4 Eureka Helly I A Oeld Cena Oeld novel 2 (leldlleld Florence 13 Oeld eKwHtiHK 2 Geld Bllvcr l'lck 3 Oeld Zene 20 Oreut llend 1 Kmma HUver lteclu Mining Iren Illnaaem Jumlxi Kxtem-len .... Knox Divide Leulalana Ce MaeNamara MacNamara Creacent AUaradn Marah Mining 7 Mether I.ede tin Nlplaalng IVi North .Star 6 Ophlr .SlUer -h -12 I'lince con ft Itay Verd 1V4 Ilex Cens r. V 2W w V SJi iji 1M 1 Itocheter Mlnea H Jtepe Oreup Ban te) Mllver Kln Divide Stand .Silver Lead Rurreaa Mining Tonopah Itelment ex dlv. Tonopah C'nah iley Terr-pah Dllde Tennpah Kxtenalen Tonepah-JIm llutler . .. Tonopah Mldwny Tonepaii .Mining . . . . Tonopah Mlzpah H li 7J y H H 1 1H y 2 l'4 IH H IX y 'in Tonopah Mentana Tonopah rteacue Eula United Eaatern Vlcteri' Weat End Cena White Capa . . Wllbert St Croix Amer Tel fla. 1052 Amer Tel fij. 1054 Anaconda 7a. 1850 Anacenun la. iviu uu lleth Hlnnl 7a IMS Can Northern 7b 011 Cant dun 8a W) iietn Ca Cena Nnw lla.vpn 4a Ml Stmbeard 6s 44 Seara lleeliuck 7a 0414 .Sinclair 7Us 00 Hnlvay Ra eni Heultiwnat Hell 7a 02'i Bwlft Ce 7a 01 . Union Tank 7a 100 Wenlcrn Klec 7a 07T4 Dennmrk Ra 07"-i Norway Rj 00H D7 Ji ii 30M- 2 30 .4 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chlrace, Dec 14. CATTLE Hecetpla. 1(1,000 head, llolejrnu. bulla, attarty; aroeil snd chelie f r, 7.',fl; ealvaa, ateady; beat enlera, Jin, bulk, intin lifi. cannera, vrc lower meatly ia.sntitt.AO, prnctlcnllj neihlnx ileli.v en nil ether elneaea: murket 8Ji- 714- 20 7W-9K-28 08 84 01 41 J4 J4 w 14 loeka weak te lower. 1IOUS llerelpta. 68,000 head Meatly, 40c te 60c lower than yeaterday'a Average.; part lead early, lO.L'S. practical top, 111,15: bulk. n sewn 10; plica. 2Sc te 40c lewer: hulk deatrable, HO te 130 pound plaa, 18,80 Uf Ki HHKKP neeelnta. 13,000 head Ne etirly aalea choice fat lamha; hertvy yearling. 110; heat fat ewea, enrly. III 7,',, feedera, steady. H 1H 1 li y K 'a 'y I'lttabuncli, l'n,, retpta, lTide heuil. 10 10. heny and 11(1 40fMO..M) Dec 14 neon n. HlBlier Heavlea 110 lluht yerkers nnd pla, HltKEP AND I.AMIIS rtecelpla, BOO bend. Steady. Tep aheep, ffl, ten laniln. 112.75. CALVES lUcetpta, 75 he.id. Hteady, Tep, 116. B0 Ksat Buffalo, S. , nee. 14 CATTLE necelpts. I17B bend Dull CnHea. recelpta, '.'Se head. I'lfiv centa hlicher. 14 111.50. 1IOOH Iti celnla BflOll heart. Slew fun r.iie lower lleuvj 110W10 10; mixed. HOW 10 -J. yerkeia, 110 '.'510.60; lUht yerkera, lliiBiHrll. v; lin.7.1ll; reusha, 1S.23W 8 r.e ainsa Wit 7 BO BllEi:i' AND 1.AMUB Recelpta, 2000 head, htendy, unchanged. Kuat HI. IuU, III., Dec. H. CATTI.U . llere'Iita r,30l) henfl Hleera alnw nn ,n,lv aalea, neernl leada of choice yenrllnica here; irv. .-(.Tiy puira 01 ann ptun anil cunncra i steady Hulk rnnnera, 13; veal eaUea. top, iu or 11 nimier; bulk, venlera, UlWll 76, lln(!S-ll.,(elita. Ift.ROO head. Hlnw; 40, te r,0e lower thnn ealerdy' average Ten (U.nn. bulk in I.1O9.40; packer ewi. BOc te 7Bc lower, plica, SBc Ie line lower; quality, meat Boedi packer buyera doing little bidding around Sll Hlll'.El' Ilecelpta, moo head. Active and atrnne. twat lamha BOc te II higher; ewea, ateady te 2.1c higher eihera, ateady. Tep laml.x. JI'.'. bulk 11 1 eMl. B0. ewea. ten, II 7B. bulk. 14 2.1W4 B0, quality, medium ie tfoed. Dond Men's Club Meets Tenlpht The December meeting of the llend Men'H Cluh of Philadelphia will he held In the Hntcamere room, Hetel Walten, nt 0 30 o'clock tonight The snenkcr will he Terry II .Strassherger, of New Yerk cl'', manager of the securities depart ment of tliii American Kxpress f'e , who will speak en securities of foreign gov ernments. private changes Open 7,i4tB 7.4S4D 7.7174 RAILROAD EARNINGS UT. LOU1H.HAN KltANCIHCO lfl'TO Increuae In Londen October greaa tli.Rnil.Mlt Net eper. Income.. I.Oeii.iib:! Ten mnntha' greaa,,. TMnu.eiA Net eper. Income., 3,201017 Decteate, ll,Hin.77N ll'j.lllll 7.07i:834l RECORDED ON CURB 1:30 I.ew p. m. I 1 li UK n 12 12 , 12 17 Hli 17 :::::: i ty :::.::i '"'lVV'. 31 31 31 ' ion 100 100 3!4 .1'i SJi inu 10 S l(li 32U H'-'H KVi K 21J 2S ft ft VI lBVi 1SJ. 10 17 74 7V. tv 1 r I X ' 8 Vi 8 31U 31 J, DIH I 1 1 1 7fc 7ft 7. & JJ -it 4 iu yi It) 1R 111 1.1V. 13 131 F 1 11 11 114 1H IV. .144 143 11H . 2H 2 21, " $ a & - . 4S 4'a 4S 1- : . 11 11 11 ' . 274 274 274 . (IS n , , I" ' i H J jp7.Tn7r,7T7777.-,T77m? 1J lVt l'JVi llll ' 11 ll 1 I''' I 17 17 f 12 12 I 34 UK I 02 04 It JH l'i ii 114 l'i 43 4! n n lli 13 13 III Fi F li : 20 20 11 r 1 1 I : 434 4A 4V4 4V4 : K U l n r. r N 8 8 i K K H in in in I ' 7 sit no 7V4 74 r, g A A A " 1 U4 A 3 8 H TIT TV . TV III s n r HI Ill I J. A. II : 2 2 2 J 8H H ; eunsuPEtv w 1H ilrV 1A . SERVICE IS 1H " 1 1 I : . ... 10 10 in I Lewes Paddln h r ' i ArwricanQirrcncy 777 . ... 211 20 20 11 .... 5 0 R 111 ji ji Tn 7 7 7 111 1 1 1 (I V4 4 III IIONDS III ' nut nm 0414 III 1t1 i iVi i' " iu vu ' ' 044 044 . finvi 00 en nii'J r.n .1:1 . 4R 4.1 fl 04 1144 fill 0S v'1 02T4 niH 014 ine 100 1171 7: 07VS n What a Big New England Bank Writes About Credit Insurance A leading New England Bank, has just written tnc American Credit-Indemnity Ce, as fellows; "Regarding Credit Insurance, would say that we believe a merchant or manufacturer shquld insure his accounts receivable for the same reason that he insures his merchandise again6t fire te guard against less. "Almest all merchants suffer some less each year through failures and this normal less, of course, cannot be insured; but at times, under abnormal, unforeseen and yet con stantly recurring conditions, such less may become great, and even embarrassing, and ordinary busine8sprudencc should leada mer chant te provide against this contingency." This bank makes it very clear why they en dorse precautions that prevent, else pay, bad debt losses beyond the normal, which the American's "Unlimitcd-Intcrim-Paymcnt" Policy does. Manufacturers and wholesalers, it will net obligate you te write or phone for the full particulars. Payments U Ptlieyhtldert abtut $10000t000.0d AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E.M. TREAT, meiidint IIIUIS BIANDAKO UrtUMITID rOUICIM W. J. Merphjr, Manager J. McFadden, General Agent Mutual Life of New Yerk Bld. Philadelphia, Pa. WHY CONDUCT YOUR BUSINESS ON "HOPES" AND "PROMISES?" THE "LONDON" GUARANTEES YOUR CREDITS T TNLESS your business is all cash- in-advance, you need credit in surance. The present times are tee unsettled and credit ratings are tee uncertain for you te be sure of any of your accounts. And collection agencies give only "hope." But when you carry "Londen" Credit Insur ance, your credit worries are ever. Yeu knew you'll get your money en covered bad accounts, and you krjew when you'll get it, whether we collect it or net. Don't wait till another account becomes bad or times become mere unsettled. Write to day for full particulars of our Credit Insur ance Policy. Asking won't obligate you. AT YOUR. SERVICE LOiNDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY LTD. R. A. IRVING, General Agent Plinn T Jim Via f J 4016 PHILADELPHIA, PA. ilalaUnaJ)M aamafcaaj w4UtMimmmii.M. Made in Philadelphia Thousands of Baldwin Locomotives In operation en rail roads and by industrial companies, net only In the United States, but everywhere throughout the world, are continually exploiting Philadelphia as a leading1 American industrial center. As the builders of these locomotives, we, as Phllndel phians, are also proud of the fact that we have been of se much help In developing industry in every part of the world. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS PHILADELPHIA Bend Salesmen Wanted Investment banking firm, members of the New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges, will have an inter esting opportunity te offer two experienced Bend Sales mere after January first. City and upstate territories. Replies in the Strictest Confidence. B 325, Ledger Office Statistics Shew That Most estates of $B000 or mere are dissipated in a few years where there Is no trusteeship. We assum the responsibilities of a trustee, which assures the future of these you wish cared for. A con sultation with us may set your mind at ease "' many of your financial responsibilities. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO OF PHILADELPHIA Bread and Chestnut SU. Established Eirtiteen Sixty-rune mjn t .c...... a.t.1. in ..mi. mm ii ii i. u iJ 'X :& Jack i 'a match I itt a tb nli Nevy li 1 T W-m. ' r s I" "llfcu-1. 1 vV- zr- Jr . - i '... "j Ar ' (