'; 'l- n..'frttv t , . EJ,?3WSdr , jirnritesmtWjlrl - T-"ifr"ws?pjpr?r-' J L- -- .- --'use 'v- i -'?-'f-'Ev1v'y'"'""l V-1itfFrfcfl4lT.-r S!3ftTr'' i IS -Artt f EVENEtfG PXJBtIO LEDGER fHILADBtPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 .AVv,,i MLOSWG GRID TEAMS DO NOT CHANGE THEIR TACTICS THEY CHANGE THEIR SCHEDULES'' &U' .'' tt -r - U- k M p y w ;s''95f If If i I 1 Jr w -'TmM irti K liMV 4t .S fi SfJl. t kW. m; PUNISHMENT OF CROOKED PLAYERS g?M S FANS' UPPERMOST INTEREST AS , ANNUAL N t ,T. XVVBU.ennl leaKiic opened iu meeting in New Yerk Frank took lets 1 Tij, J' uul ",rre "ns llt,lL' interrst j ui-eut aecmed te PflTr nhnilt flm tffitln j ,. - . . mi limn; tUi e cluu ,n th0 lui;l P'-H'innt race. Fer the llrat time ri JH"18 "k"11''1 t0 ""- background. it -denr el(1 l,l,b!lr '' interested In vvlint 1 te be done Te purify the speit nnd hew the ela-uters are te be pun tirZ. A "aw!bnn Ket in bl"' 'n"1' M nfter the pillow llfteri no ii B.pcecnM '" the Chirace grand jury, and new the "yolk who pny the freleht wmit n limm imf i- in i. .1,...,, I The elcht memhprM nf rU t.it v.. f, 1 a - . ...v nitii. ,ivx f.jient. Others have voluntarily rctlied. nacr suspicion and JUHt what will be done te tlieiu per pns la the big rjuentieu. .Indge I.andU will cendiii't mi VlTCRtlfffltlnil thin wtntftf n.wnwlli. n fl ....... .!.... E ( ar a long time the bull pin) cm v-tway with plien.v ntuff nnd there has nc namcH of most of these are known t MntaJ a 41 1 I l.,l i i m , " '- iuru "is" cominisiienir. ! it is probable that nrieiin forms of punlNlimcnt will be aetcd OUt. Seme will be I'Xnellncl. ntluTs nniinenilMl fnr Sliert periods, according te the tiature iue siKrt must be purllied this year and the mag nates, te protect themselves, must clean out the suspects. In this the pin) era themselves should aid. It Is their (amp and, like the magnates, the) must protect them elver 'l lie major leagues nrc experiencing some difficulty In getting together with Uw miners en the drafting of pla)ers. Twe years age this was abolished at the re quest of the miners, und while it helped n few, the mn mn Jerity suffered. Hlg prices nere paid for players Inst easen because of n scarcity of talent, and some of the clubs made n big profit. However, conditions have re turned te normal and a new deal Is dcsirid. ACCORDINO te the neie agreement, ichich has net been adopted iy the mmeri, Clam A leagues icill receive a maximum price of S5000, Class 11 SiOOO, Class C $3000 and Clais 1) $2000. This is an increase ever the old prices. Meran Boosted for Carpcnticr Beut Tlin (ieddess of( Fortune bus been kind te Frank Mernn. This swashbuckling heavyweight, who at his best is only an erdinnr) iighter, has stepped into mere soft pets than all the ethers in his profession. Last week he knocked out Jee IJecKett in Londen and Made such an impression that the Ktigllsh are trying te arrange a match with Carpcnticr. Frank new is in a position te make lets of money and the blonde I'ltts kurgher nil! overlook no bets He leis te be placed en xhlbitien and offers no resistance when being lionized. Meran hns had a vuricd career Several jears age he was working under Dan McKetriek s management and took a trip te Furepe. He was n second -rute battler at the time, but a rough and rugged fighter. McKetriek thought be could arrange a few matches with the perk and bean heavyweights and make enough te pay expenses. Joe .Ti-anette also was in the McKetriek stable and Danny was anxious te have his man meet .Jack Jehnsen for the. heavy weight championship. However, Jehnsen refused te have un thing te de with Jrannctte, but consented te n match with Meran. This was geed news te Francis Charles, and he. acted Im mediately. Instead of training for the bout he rushed back te America nnd joined u theatrical troupe, where he was billed as the challenger for the championship. He remained here for a few weeks and then he crossed the briny. When he left France Meran was just an ordinary heavyweight fighter When he returned he hud man) new suits of clothes, carried a cane and had a valet. Jehnsen and Meran boxed a twenty-round draw, but LA SALLE ATHLETES I Travel te Annapolis for Scheel, Came, but Face Varsity When n preparatory school team takes n out -of town trip te play nnether school team only te find themselves facing a college quintet before a big crowd It is fntal La Snlle Preps feel that way about it In some way An napolis get the idea thev were meiting a tig college team when La Sil'e ath tiled n game When the Lu Salle ath letes visited the Naval Acadeinj tin) had the surprise of their lives. It was net the AnnnpelN Club nor the Annapolis Preps, but the varsity team. The rnult was au overwhelming Ticterv for Annapolis. Manager Jeseph Tagiif explninnl that be dhl net arrange the game with the collegians, but it was tee late The crowd was en hand, the team was there and the game had te be plaved The next time La Salle arranges a gnmi Ir H.tll nnt Im ti'ltli n rellpL'n nilintct Te- morrow La Sullc plavs at Wilmington, nnd it is a game wltn tlie nign s. neui team this time On I'riday La Salle will travel te l'arkisburg High for u game Jehn H Williams mptain of the foetbull tinm. wns re "Ml ihct, d pns Irlent of the Fp. -copal i idemj Ath letic Assnclntinn Carina Cnrdein. all round nthlfte liud aitive in the unions school societies, was clei tc ! vice priM t"&. 1U" I"10"" captain "f tin basi balT team wasclectel .rerc tarv The executive itiinnuttec was also elected Illtti'iiheuse and Celesbur) rep rcscntini: the Htuilent-, ami Mnei i HA AC DDDKTT H ljllc liiljL1 nnd MfCaitv the fiuuit) Just at !",& an amateur pre teiirnev s inllar te )ent sports are it low ebb at F is that held In New erk and ether dis nl Tin- Deiuin.. Club pi its it- trhts lhe ire and lemHiy,' nmateiir tie present cenn . Tlie Iteiuinn i lull i nlnr nt nt tl.i Id Hi mic next i in siiuv nit. i MH.i ...I,... .. II... Il,lllllhlj IIP.. 1,1 III Jl mill liiiiiii "1 mi em'i.." nffatr Chillies Hin lie ma mini i of the track team is niranglllg Ills selnM He of indoor mec ts. YOU AUTO KNOW'' There lire f. r il t thlnifn t, ! ii inched a Ov im rd nnd fhT?; -d :, ' ""aru.-u":,uu:.,ni J-r-3!'errt,1fl-1,,ltIt,ia " " " I Vntlfn in cn n--d" tu ktmn that 'h derflll idiiiatien fel the aiunteuis like tiattcrv i. rhu.-irir nreperlv thit the n I .v) fhe pros lire for u M heme like tii,rl I n 1 mi It will Kin ti uuh and n.n tee much ne Kvery lilt , iIuhiI n ut i it n n i i 'i until th- tar l In i rf-. i winking urdu Ilrukes mljiixlrfl unnmly nhl'h mav iiune "ne t n le held whim the ether sl'p ire I l.el I j prutll'e Ml Iddlnn- A very lla-Iit twlat of ihi .ti'ilm h 'I Jus an the brake 1 aiipllid In praetlral'v aure te cauaci It If h lhe wll-nl In In th front end of the ear the r-ur heil (li nked te hKH limine tlie I net inn'ish welvht te 1 ild them dnwn t he riir end ne overload-d It Is n must 4 bi d "luce tin weliiht itlvea momentum and makes the tar try te iiievi nreund, A rapid ant vcrv . ronemh il iva ii re ralr a ideu out reneleti in ilmpiv Uu Inw un the Injured part th ordinary wire b It lac ne A aoed rnialr Jel- -an esallv be dena In almut flf'm n r tent mlnu- iMOceeillnv iik fnllnna rtrst rut aiay thA a ruiiixir areunu ine inem-iiu he ou ran end tnt incint one nrn or m im ime n'-n r,nltv nf the "wound ' Jei-end with a imit he.tnln or aSarn n ill pun h u ajfflrlent numh-r of hn'ea areunl 'he id n f th, in' belnir enreful .' e' Ih m lul llstiint vt net ten rl0' I B'lhT Nril ar. up tne cut wltli the n-ire lining: Jual in yuu vnuld lac an ordinary bll hut In h a csaae allow only en atrand threunh each hoi he aim very careful te equal i ai murli aa pi.lble ne leniien Dl iii wiir ninim, a uuuuie ew of vrlre Isclnie dm ever the ether) will is mt much atrenser than a alncla one. PInallv plac pieca or carapeara tatlujr. inalda of the caauv ever iba lacai Vatt, a tb Inner ;up vannei oe injuroe. L. MEETING liy ItOUKUT W. MAXWICLl, Nperl iAlller livening Public loiter In the conclave country, but did tellj. -.. fl,- ,!......... ittnv wi uc iiiuuve ...... ...!..- i-.tt. ill,- llliut'l Hl'llll- There are mnny hnc hecn gettms been no comeback. and will be pre- of their offenses. Frest-Bitten Divots en Wintry Links -Uy SANDY demand for HEHE is a real ninntnit-.n.n tml f .YintfVinu nvnlllftlnn .. t i .1.1 i. i ..... i or otherwise, in this cltv, and a pre- ' pesal likely te he laid before the annual mm tint nf tliA rllfitrlef rmmiplntinn Is that definite arrangement be made for Mii-n (ins during me coining jrur, Vnrdnn und Hay brought out thou- I anils which in their three-da) visit liere. was te he expected, tint every ether match between the Ieta's, ler en tertainment purposes en!), never failed te d aw u prosperous gallery. Lust Sat urday's match at Whltemarsh wu. the he-t nrgumint for enthusiasm ever such u mutch we have seen .Inci Iliirkc auil Muurie Tnlmnn, Phi adelphia breil pros, pla.vul Woedv Piatt and (Jeorge HelTner, Pliiliidelphia amateurs, in a driving t)i.anl, whlth cevcrid tn ceuise with snow, innde It s'eppv. mtiddv. slushy, old eud wet for the surprisingly large galler) which stuck with enthusiasm through the entire round of eUhtri ti h ci i.Hst. yeiir u unit. i. i me sane lime, ,, n lllr.u llKe ,v Wanr,rB .. en of .vear at distant Philmont, plaved tu i th e. Id Mimluy arfalnst the .v: i" smith rain ami ield. held the same intirest. i',""" 'hv should he .,bii te n, kin any The professionals pn.ticularj.v. uf tbt- n'?0nu,.H:,,'tlViun.ft bTl "A'iSi district favor such mal' lies 'I heir claim dui from the Indumrial l iue '"cuiu for )eers has been that they don't get enough (hume te play, that life for ' ,1 1. ..!.!.. !... .nnt. I...I, nl. im-ui i- iii'uiiuk "iu ir.i.ii, ivnui, "-uLii. iThev wnnt a i hancc te try out theii tlneries te build up their game b) competition, uiiil te "get out nuietig 'em ' Y ill e.i n't bliime them. Net Se Geed t The -hew ing of lciuil luofessleiials lit tin iiiti mil di n in Teledo when net a heiin distrli t pl.ivei untitled (aside from I'ltpenre Hackney, Atlantic Cit) . is nttril iited In the mam te lack of prncr f Thev had te iumii from n seasmi nf tun lung te a "hurt stretch of ii'nving nguinst that field and It couldn't be done. '1 he m position nt present is te run if 1 ' lub i liter the teiirnev ll'imi and- home ceiitcits are lilnjid with ntlii r i ii i I i II . I t simuni purs m um- .iim.hi. im n.iu.i- ciuv uneriienus or .-siiriuii)" mm iiuiiuu - threuelmur the eatti it s rather a round lebln .ilfulr which can he com cem prrs(d or struiu out The lust two pairs pl"v fr the title. It gives the pros a chame te tour tie leurses, te meet the best talent of tint ,1 fii t nml ih fl fine selihen tfs that n Philadelphia as are the simmi pures. All that seems te be nercsmrv is t get together fr definite preciduie. At n meellnlt held J'rldiy nisi t In tre Tli ca leiee Geercte Herfie m tie prln llpal "leaker The kev-mle ff 1 la aih mum tJe you mind With hla hand Mrinlv lenc ik lhe vvl'd ii-err.e hn K'aned i.t ha ajd'eir,. nnj lieitl n wllh th'ee werde reup, nf Ii iura later he waa atiii ripuat Inn hla bin Idea Maurle Tulmin, pre at Whltemtrah waa present te makn a pet ll-n' pre fnmnnal ireifera nf tha dlntr.el I H"r u lienrlnic at ile in"-lln" of the Steve 1. ii ki e lalman'a ait went h!K aa he Kae if a militate: air by dreenlna1 up In a (i rrnin 1 eimet nnd mnuliaaiilnir hla pelntu with n hirta aiber In thla inannar he etcaped violence llerliert II, Newton, the veteran local tour nev rejrulsr fa wllllnir te back up an ai ai lertlen that h wU win three hnlej from jin vnlfar Dro or amateur In thla dlatrlct He peinla te a 3 33 flnlah at Whlleinarah ictntly aa the baala of hla claim Frank C. Ijoenanl la an Invariable part of the Kallery when thera'a anythlne blir Kelnit an In the way of A urelf match, II braved th anew aa a matter of courae, te aea Jack ilurke and tnt rtjj J". Jho reur-iinii match i thfl feui jier fiuay, uem Friday. xtr enara .inaKeji te IS STARTED of punishment. He returned te this nothing worthy of mention until he was hooked up with Jim Celic), the best motermun New erk ever had. Jim was en the read te the championship nnd Meran socked him en the chin. Anether bout was ar ranged und ugaln Meran wen by n knockout. These two fights netted Meruu a tidy sum und placed him in line for a bout with Willard. lllg .less te.ved with the l'lttshtirghcr for ten rounds winning ensil). Frank, however, received something like $;t0,000 for his work. Then he hit the down grade. Little Jack Dillen knocked the da) lights out of him in Uroekljn, he was stepped b) Fred Fulton in New Orleans and later boxed an eight-round no decision affair with the plastered plasterer iu Newark. His last bnttlc was with Wild Bert Kenney, nnd Wild Hert gained the popular decision, MORAN war through as a fighter here. Hut he steps en a decp-scageing ship, lands m Eng land. Knocks out IhcUett and tin te has a chance te meet Carpcntirr, And the bankroll is getting healthier all of the tunc. A lucKg guy, this Meran. Landis Must Decide This One NOW that Judge Kcncaw Mountain 1. mulls has dis covered his power and holds the title of Commis sioner of llascball, his troubles arc about te begin. HP will have te decide many disputes in regard te owner ship of pla)crs and this is net a sweet job. There arc always two sides te the disputes and the losers usually believe they received the worst of it. Harney Dre)fuss still is howling about the less of (ieerge Kislcr and Charley Cemlskey is positive he vvns bamboozled out of Jack Quinn. Commissioner I. audit probably will have for his first ruse a scrap between Clark Griffith, of Washington, and IJarne.v Drefuss, of Fittsburgh, regarding the owner ship of Fdmund (King) Miller, known as the Ilabe Ituth of the Southern Association. Miller's name appears en the reserve list of both clubs. Miller played with Little Heck and was sold te Wash ington for i ash nnd a few pla)crs. It Is said that Griff bent some damaged, spavined athletes te Little Heck and this caused Heb Allen, president of the club, te sell his star player again, this time te Fittsburgh. That's the dope en the case. All Landis has te de Is decide It. This future Washington or Pittsburgh star busted nineteen home runs last year, establishing u new league lecerd. On three different occasions he socked two round tilps in n game and made such n hit that the Little Heck fan took up a collection one day and presented him with $7S. That showed his work was appreciated. Miller once bchmgid te Detroit, but never Insted long ejieugh te see the Ferd city. He has a brother Halph, who was given a trial by the Yankees last spring, but was shipped back te the miners. Halph is a left-handed pitcher. TtO.VL'-HUA' kings in the Seuth have a halnt of mal.int geed in the large show. Date Robert Robert eon, Baby Dell Jneobsen, Vrtd Themas and Jee Harris were noted fence busters in Dixie, l'crhapi Miller will have as much success. One Way te Be Successful THH best way te have a successful football season is te drop all of the hard games from the schedule and play the easy ones. Thus n let of victories will be wen ever weak, second-class colleges und ever) body can point with pride te the brilliant record In ether words, the spirit of competition is being shoved in the background, se the teams can win nt any cost. Victory ilrst then the game. CopiHehf, 10t0, bv I'ubHc htiXger Ce. MrNIItLICK- hets iiinpiiDtd u part of his Intrni; atudy vi uiu Knme . ''"'"'s "re r int- made te tiltch tin Senater jRme, s iiemj wmtimer.h. .nd t,i tw. rien. ualii In a locktr.ieom choral Me for tn nprinrmnf There Is mu-h dlirulen ever th rr.aMii merits uf Held n nr.irm boemii'!f""uMHda mi inme et Tiie rrien .. . friftlflnv nrnnirfltUn. K... it a f "J"1'.'' 5Uny Improvem-ntu nre rmteni- , -..,.., ui n in iir.iv mai me iirunt tin .... .. ,. ..-iiit.Mi nituc. iwr i"emu urn'' peiklnir et iiinrtd, old-timers rfmii t mt innrle luttlr plujrd b Dr s-umu. Holten wni-n ht) Dlieeil numlii-r cm In the Huliurnan earn nutrhey for Krunkferd Members were in th c.ubheUM makln ni rrj eer an ltn point l ul en Mi-rchinttlMc viheti each a.le eii counted enlv Dec IIj-en re inilned te b- heard from With the Dribblers Minuspr Crecliitu and hln llilrnlan I mh til he In nrliue cerdlu. n en next -Hiurdij when the tackle th.- IKthlihem su I ,. .n In a ,Nt ma nip ram- en their lome Kreundu nt Tutntj-nfnih mm ci, ar. fit id etri-ets '"", '.'!, i .i" ."v mwn "iiflid with '' - '"W it." .n. uiiii rj Rhriu Ime 1. 1 - neatien Andy in aeme of then. mn,.... te I 1 111 rr In V,... vni. ... C .'. Jersey dlatrlct and n-e thu Intcnat our there llurnit la cunnldT-d one of thn I.. at h s -tan, d up wi'h a iam that la rnieli ever In aitten ' If ever u sne-t-er fin rerrip, .. ovation for hi. h .w na- Utt.e Hud uph of the ve f nd. n sher., ur. did c. I hla en Hjndu wt-n Ih win I w.-l r I flv f the x win. nlnu Keals ina rcc rd for one day "niK-irr li Kenilnatnn wnv Ii aelnr heii. Jhim .i er Hur d .y thre kum' n " In n iKdliuj of fcur n jure, und each hud c.e te a thiuiand nm-l.iter It liwkrcl striuute t. .ee the mamirement rushln out HUh.tllutea In ,ercer Kame Oka ""','!":," v1? J,"'l ''w"'n n" 'rni.n. und lli fit Wrnnlca eleven It huwiver ,n "xhiblilen mutchia put morn Intereat In th" Jim Unlfemlen, who -urler In the aeaaen waa br nsliig the hlehc.nl urad- of a re"r t ama in furllrnten f i i xhlbitien Ka-nta aii in. I te I riv. lial a, I Intireal ever since ihey atapped Hunday ball at rurdlnuten i her in Jim th .Ih will i0 return when your fnvnrlte puatlma will ualn bloom out tin r Kvery one In the Induntrlal Imrue la I'edriK ; forward t,. naxt Hatunlay when the Iloh fnld i resent dnul I" ehnmplnra meet the I lelahr larn team for the airrnd tune If the yiirni-ra can ataln tnka the llammerk Mak la In te v it 1 ieka llku thn- cup will no diwntewn thla aeaaen 'Tessing the Maples" I.ddle Iled who formerly toppled the bl i " i ' r i ii vnrimi 1 i eai. le n ih pln mer out et Ardmore In an Inde pendent -imie I he talr ax rnntlnue t rtraw n l.,.. irntterlri," up nt the Centa All-y en Monday 'jriiuia ii.'n hip i.amen r nanciai L,eakruera t ..ir lur lire uji-h ever v i-n ih i. , n in r flin ni'r ri f. une intireatlne kuui are new beinir rluved In ih many lensm and never have the teiuna b' n mere bunched for the flrat place aa im are in uie prejieni time (. erae Muaa la ki ttnu tverythlna' In ahape i i un an- uui newnna iturney en mt Key s' n Allen. Ne d-flnlte datu hue been net aa et Any one ixin lm Hhletda lately? Why dee la e'lll krnrkini; the blir beya uvi r around the dnuhli rentuiy rlsht alenr en the Keystone Alliya lh Olmbel Ilrea ' I-earue haa triple tle running for lh top rum and from th way m.i jiuv nve nav4 neen jreinr lately tney Did fair te r rap off with the hlih honor Timim Pari, J new ban r ,l Ii fld and teuned the pins laat wrek for a ITS Ke,ip un the work, Temmy Allheueh the bject of the nmi la 300 you have a Ions way te se yut The Artliana will held away en two of th local alleys tomorrow ev-rntnr, Bectlen A and II Ulilntr their roll off en the Keyatene while Hectl in C will tepple ttum ever en th Ter minal Alley Hike Ilynei had a iroed run laet week. II started off with 180, then 200 and flnahed th ?liht wlth( toie of 223. AIN'T IT A VVHEM YOU HOvJC 5TRUt3r3LED WlTH A DRESS 5HIRT COLLAR. IOITM about Flvjfi MIMUTCS I Te .SPARC V,rJD Yeu CORSE METRIE, OVER Vf "VS ArJO aeen' s&fflk JlSpigSfc UNDER IN FIRST B Y CHANE Y Milivauhccan Has Eight-and-Half-Pound Advantage, Still Bah timercan Scores K.O. in 2 Minutes 35 Seconds y LOUIS CIIAIlXnY Mrmii: came all the way from Milwaukee with n let of excess avoirdupois, five pounds mere than that stinulated for his match with ficerRp Pheney nt thcOlympIn lnst night nnd elsht nnd a half pounds heavier than the nnltlmerean. Put It didn't mean anything, fleerge stewed nvvay Charles In cxnctlv two minutes and thlrty-flve seconds of the epenltii; round. A right hook en the point of the chin, preceded bv a left te the body, spilled Metric with his bend en the lower rope out of the ring in his own corner. The Mllwaukcenn opened his eyes ns Referee Slim Iirennan started te count nnd it looked as If the westerner was about te cct up. He chanced his mind, though. closed his eyes again nnd Prennan tolled efl the necessnry count for it knockout. Hence there was no need te put en the rcmnlnlnc twenty-five seconds nnd seven rounds, ns it was getting late anyway. Aecerdlne te Announcer Jee OrlfTe. Chnnev had agreed te take en Metric providing the latter came in under 1.18 pounds. Metric weighed 143, but rather than disappoint the big crowd the Bal timore knockereut decided te go through with the mntch, despite the fact that Otergc himself tipped the beam at 13 I'd pounds. VIaIJ'.. l.n.. lnl- f-l.,- ... a! l.lu ill III.; -n mini lll"V ItlKlli un-. in, i in' first here. He boxed nt the National Club in 11)10 against Pnl Moere, nnd in that contest (shaped up as a rugged hnttler. Against Chancy, however. Metric didn't hnve n chance. Several bnd.v punches made the Mllwntikcean wince nnd apparently took all of the fight out of him. A strnicht left Just before the knock out caught Chancy en his right eye as he charged Metric, nnd this punch by the westerner opened nn ugly cut, caus ing bleed te trinklc from the wound. Marring the windup, the fans were given a let of action The ether four lwuits were evcnlj matched and hard fought, with the possible exception of tlie Wliltey Fltrgerald-Splder lleache contest from which interest was somewhat taken by the lattcr's inces- sunt clinching. Keachc's holding tac tics and Whltcy's aggressiveness en abled the West Plilludclplilans te re turn a winner. K. O. Circus, of Pittsburgh, nnd Prnnkle Ittcc, of Ualtlmere, put en a Jack Dunn IS'eiv Virtual Owner of Baltimore Team Ualtlmere, Dec. 14. While a New Yerk trnin steed in n Pliiliidel phia station ncsterday Jack Dunn, president -manager of the Ualtlmere Internntiens, completed u transac tion with Hddle Cellins, second buso buse mnn of the Chicago White Sen, which made Dunn virtual owner of the Orioles. In exchange for n certificate rep resenting seventy-live shares of the club's stock. Cellins received a check for $0r00 and Dunn, with ether re cent purchnscs, becomes owner of 1000 et the 12.'0 shares Issued bv the club, which he has managed for the last fifteen years. BATTLE TO A TIE West Walnut end City Troopers Fall te Score at Indoor Football In the Indoor football gume ut the Pirst Pennsylvania Cnvulry Armery, at Thirty -second street and Lancaster nveniie. the West Walnut eleven, of West Philadelphia, held the City Troopers te nn 0-0 tie. In two previous games the Troopers have been victor ious holding their opponents scoreless. Johnnie Magulre wus. as usual the star of the game but he was Injured In the Becend period and knocked out t i ..rniilv lie had te be taken out of the game and when he went hack In the thlul peiled he v,"s ll0t In K"0'1 condi tion and his fumble cost the Troopers a victory. rei.i.r.ni: iiaski.tiiai.i. tenkiIit HKli.llTMW HAM. SilS I'. M, PENNSYLVANIA Tit. DREXEL INSTITUTE Venn Frishn. v.O.-.J .f;.I7 V. . itrsrrrnl t-e.n. ml. no ut Clml'iTx nnd A, A emcV. lanl.lln lleld Aclmlssren. BOc. ArniTOItll'M A A Slith & nrewn NIs, KINKillT llllllllV 11V1 Itl.TT Vd TOM SIIVHI 1 8elVl""nnVll v I'hllii Joe Welling lll.llllll TIIVI Ml WtKI.Y S OTIII.lt ril.i.iti ihhiib ICE PALACE MAKv'r.tTM. ICE HOCKEY Quaker City vs. St Nicholas Friday" Night neeemlirr 17, nt B o'clock I)r JI lluaker City va. Vale nee. 22 Vide V St. ruul's Nrhoel Tickets en Hal at Ice I'alace and Hpaldlnga CAMIIIUA ATlirJSTIO CMjn ItKNHlNtiTOV AND HfWKBHKT Willi IcClesker va, Veunr Tem Sharker JKIIIAV I'.Vll.ll, lll.i;. 17111 uaiifeik uuyy ivum GRAND AND GLORIOUS PEELIN? AMD VOO eJt!A.V AMD Ybu Gtf RGTl IM THU PftCE THliMC-n amD CuRae vje A-- OF f SUDDEts The UTTUG COULrAR BuTIOisj SLlPi ITHROUOH WEIGHT, PUT II. JAFFR great slugfest with the former finishing second best. They socked, rocked and smashed each ether all around the ring, hut Circus tired In the last few rounds and Hicc was able te come through en top. A lie Attell Goldstein showed n let of class In defeating Jack Perry, local bantam, and Temmy Murray was a victor ever Willie Spencer. Scraps About Scrappers Veunr Tem Sharker will re te the pet after a short hty-eff tentftnt. when he meets Hebby Ilirrett, et Cheiter. at the Audi torium A A in the atar bout of eleht rounds Sharkey le being lined up for a let uf work by his manager, Dr. J. J. Hhnht Hei O'Donnell va. l'hlladeli hla Jee WelllnK will be the aeml nrnl In tne ether numbera Johnny McCabe boxes Harry (Kid) Krne Johnny Paxaen meets Yeung Lew llaker end Jee Kelly faces Willie ltcynelds. Willie MrCleskey will be Yeung Tem Hharkey'a second opponent of the week, when they cet together at the Cambria Club In the alnr bout Trlday night. Bharkry also Is matched with Joe Jnckserr for Christmas Day. Jee Jacksen' bout with Johnny Clinten, et New Yerk In Dosten, scheduled for tonight, was called off. ritinny Krumer boxes In 3Iltwauke tonight with a loci! lad named Schamzler Thli Olaasnian, I.ew Tendler and Clem Clendmun took the trip West with the banti paw. Johnny Untune la getting himself In geed t.hape fnr his bout with Allvntewn Dundee at the East Germantenn A. C. en Thurs day nlijht Krausa la matchmaker and p-e-moter of that club The remainder of hla riregram fellows. Roundy Donahu vs Cliff lent. Johnny Deugherty vs Trcddy Miller, .tee llradley vs Willie Itejnelds and Victer Warner vs Battling Anvele. Khl YVIlllums nnd Ilattllng Leenard each has posted S'U for weight, 120 pounds, ringside, and nppenrnnce for their eight round bout at the National Saturday night Neither aheuld txpcrlence av trouble mak ing the weight Jee Kennedy will put en his first show at Watsen's A C Hearting, tonight. Johnny Mealy ns Htanle Wlllla will be th main mix Cither bouts Jimmy Jerdan vs (leorgle rtevnelde Willie Mien vs Yeung Tnekea Iluy )'.MiilIe vs Yeung Tem Hhor Hher Ue nf Manavunk. nnd Buttling Angele vs Ilattllng Deemer Chirk Mmler. the Scranton welterweight Is a terrlnc puncher Several years age th up-stater gave Penny Leermrd a hard bout, showing a great body attack On Chrlatmas Pay Hlmler and Ix'enard will meet ngaln In the star number at the Olympla Club TEN GAMESF0R HARVARD i Crimson and Centre Will Play en October 29 I Cambridge. Dec. 14. With the con firmation of a date with Centre College for October 20 llarvnrd's varsity foot ball schedule for 1021 is complete. Har vard will play ten Instead of nfnc games next fall, opening the season with n double-header with Uosten University and Mlddlebury College. Pcnn State hns been returned te the pin j Ing list after several years' absence, and newcomers en the schedule nre In diana and Cicergla, both of which will piny in the stadium a month before Harvard's final game with Yale. The only eiiiiic awaj from home will be thai with Princeton en November fl. Penn State Dreps Patercen Srrttiilen, Utc 14 l'attrien has been diepped from the I'enn Htate Ilasketball League This artlen was taken as a re fusal of the club te pay 'he fine of tlOO Imposed for Ita failure te nppsar In Wilkes flarre en Tuesday night of last week, ns well as lta objection tu furnishing a bend cov ering the financial less suffered b Wllkcs Wllkcs Ilarre because of the disappointment Hunting After Soccer Games The Hunting social sotcer team under msnugement nf Jim King will play Sunday succer gamea at home nnd would like te bear from teams affiliated with the Allied league Hunting Is runner-up In the third division. Allied league of northwest section James King, Sli.'a Alfred street I'hone Tiega 8230 between 7 and H p m (.fiVsS THleC-n Va 5Mfik il-yis wmmi L"Z7 Gifts for Beys Just the present your boy wants. Sweaters, pure wool, pull-ever, $8.50 Mackinaw coati, 12- te 16-year sizes, 10.50 Punching bag with platform, complete, 9.50 Punching bag gloves, pair, 2.50 Boxing gloves, set of 2 pairs, 6,00 Exercisers, nickeled spring, 2,50 Feet balls, 1.25 te 10.00 Feet ball jerseys, 2.00 te 5.00 Feet ball pants, 3.50 te 6.50 Soccer balls, 3,00 te 12.00 Soccer shoes, 6.50 te 8.50 Basket balls, 7.00 te 16.50 Ice skates, 3.00 te 8.00 Marshall E. Smith & Bre C. en 0.L e& L .. , a ' "' "v '"" va iB " v"""" new vu wasiinai dl. )V'l BCiew Clia UACGBATe VOOR THUMBS OH ' H H M , AIN'T T A GPi RRAhlD AND GLOR-RR-EG-YUS FEELIN' HIS MIGHT Referee and Judges of Beut Will Net Be Named Until 7 P. M. Conditions Cevering Championship Beut CONTESTANTS Jack Dempscy, heavyweight world's champion, nnd Ttill Iirennan, of Chicago, Nl'MUKIt OF ROUNDS Fifteen, with decision en points by Judges nnd referee. PLACI? Arena of Madisen Square Harden. COMPENSATION Said te be $100,000 te Dempscy and $.15,000 te lliennan. JCDCnS AND RnFEItnBS Te be announced when they enter the nrenn. TROPHY Diamond studded belt emblematic of title, te be pre sented by Promoter RIckard. RETTING Three te one that Dempsey scores knockout within the limit. New Yerk -c. 14. The stage Is all set for the heavyweight title com but tonight in Madisen Square Onrdcn, and all that remains is for the gladia tors te den the gloves and answer the clang of the gong. A peculiar situation exists regarding the referee and Judges of the bout, who are te give the decision. These will net be named until 7 o'clock this cvo cve ning. They have been apneinted, but the promoter does net want their Iden tities te be known te the general pub lic. This Is regarded as a precaution. Except for some warming-up exer cises jesterduy Dempscy nnd Urennnu ceinp'cted their -work. They have been trnlnlng for ever five weeks for this contest and both express the usual con fidence. Dempscy In his finnl training Im pressed nil with his wonderful condi tion, and Iirennan appears te be In better condition for this contest than he has ever been In his entire ring career. There is much speculation nn te hew long the contest will last, and while many arc et the opinion that Dempsey villi step llreunan In from three te four leumiM, tew showed a willingness te wugcr en n specilled round. A majority of these who vmirr nn pugilistic contests have been content te put incir money en n Knockout by Dcmpscv within the fifteen-round limit specified by the Walker law. As show ing the trend of opinion en the out come, many wugcrs have been placed al three te ene that the champion steps hli opponent within the limit. Dreney Easily Deate Herman iAncMtrr. Dec 14. It was Lancaster against Allintewn lu every ene of the nve heuta before the National Athletic Club The wind up between Tim Dreney. I.aneak ter. against Johnny Herman, Allentown went the limit of ten rounds, with i-onera easily going te Dreney, who hed Herman groggy In the rtfth and aeventh rounds and saving himself en the final rounds bv continuous clinching ' Reper and Walker Matched Hciiisaa City, 5Ie Dec. u, Negotiations have been completed for a ten-round contest here December 80 between Captain Pel, llAn, Vie.. WW, ,hl nf alt- A. , "" n.llllnniirv I'lil, am.l II... u ,,,....' t'ertes, und Hugh Walker,' Kansae City, ....ut. .w... f of Schuster Beats Rene Trenten, live H Dine Schuster of North Trenten, outfought Joe Itene of Chambersburg. at the Arena In a ten-round wlnd-un which wne In the form of a re'urn match, llene having beaten Kchuetnr two two lent "" "" . ":sier uesien ills opponent In .1 nf Ih. ,.n e....,.. .. . .!T." i, .. ... ..w ,,, iuuiiu, uiiu was te . draw In ene ether. entitled 724 Chestnut St. i . DEMPSEY DEFENDS FEW GOOD PUNTERS PRODUCED THIS YEAR Valuable Offensive and Defensive Device Rather Neg lected by Grid Athletes Iirennan Could Get Worse Than He'll Get Today Hy OHANTLAND HICE mc night piay be bitter for tne for you Yet never tee'd shrink from its gloom, I knew, I Vthc sheltering skies stayed blue Andsthe softest leinds of the spiing would blew, With never a shadow te cast its spell In the Land where the Little Children diccll. The way may be weary for me for you Iff never we'd turn from its path, I knew, ft only the read held nothing of rue, yf hurt and heartache, of pain and wee, J hat wanders away through a dream spun dell In the Land where the Little Children dwell. The flowers may wither for mrfer you Yet little we'd care where the cold wind otews, If only the violet's rain-wet blue. The white of the lily, the red of the rose, Would blossom forever beneath love's spelt In the Land where the Little Children dwell. Old dreams may have vanished for me for you Yet little we'd sigh for the whims of fate, If only the Christmas dreams came true lrnrre the star-eyed toddlers watch and wait Fer the night where the Watchman can say, "All's welll" In the Land where the Little Children dwell. T "-. -Lis vvc 11. C Last Call The best beck c saw this last season was Geerge Glpp, of Notre Dame. The best line man was Stan Keck, of Princeton. The best punter was Schecrer, of Princeton. WHICH also makes one wonder, even this far along, why the season produced se few geed punters. Just why this valuable offensive nnd de fensive device should be tossed into the discard Is another of the amazing mys teries which crowd the marts of sport ing life. The World as It Is , ONE man dies in the ring, one out of many hundreds, and thousands clamor for the suppression of boxing. Ten million arc killed In one war, and many of the same thousands laugh nt the idea of stepping war. Twelve people were killed at football this fall. Hut football In turn has built up the health of many thousands. As we recall the Shakespearean ver sion : "Each man ewes Ged a death." And we have n hazy idea that sooner or later each man Is going te pay this debt, If he never pays another. A Matter of Geography ".TS VIRGINIA In the Seuth?" nsks a reader. "If se, any judge that falls te nut Jimmy I.ench, of V. M. I., en an nil-southern eleven Is worse than crazy. Leach wns a better football player than Flowers, of Georgia Tech, or McMillan, of Centre. He was easily the greatest back In the Seuth, unsur passed anywhere. He could kick, pass, crash through n line or circle nn end. In the nine games he played he scored 210 points, including twenty-six touch downs. He carried the ball for 172.'! yards and hurled forward passes for 41H yards. He made seven runs from fifty te eighty-five vards, several against Pennsylvania. He Is one of the greatest broken field runners the country hns ever seen. I.ench. of course, deserves n high I IvM ll vA W swagger of men's styles. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Distinctive Heuse Slippers MMhSavl I Heartache or Happiness ? M Your children will go te bed en Christmas Eve jjX with the hoefbeata of reindeer ringing in their gj ear and the knowledge thnt the break of day will VS find a gift-laden 'tree uwaiting them. Fer such as Jrt these, Christmas is a long round of happiness SC joy piled en joy and toy en toy, $fl But what efthe ethers the 12,000 children of jSs Philadelphia' peer, whose heart are tern by the if fear that Santa Cluus will pas them by? 2$ C Are they te get no closer te Christmas than the jT window of the treasure:heuee that line the streets V$ of the shopping districts? Are they te nwnke te find their stockings filled with nothing but holes) et Are they te have only heartaches, while ether K children ure overflowing with happiness) CVj Help these little one te have a real Christmas, if They need se little te make them liunnv. Send them the toys your children have discarded, the books they leave read, the clothing they have out eut out geownor money se that gifts may be bought. De your Christmas helping early by sending gifts or checks, te tlie Ledger Santa 6 1 2 Chestnut Street plncc en nny all-Heuthern team. It may be thnt he is fully as great a back as any one In the East or West. Dut this Is just a matter of guessing, as most , nil-star selections are. l TUB worst that can happen te Bill1' Rnnnan Is n crimson gobbeon, plus the loser's end. And n whole let worst than thnt can happen te a whele let of people. CopirteM, me. AU rlchts rtstrvrt Sports Served Short Nashville. Trnn. Jehn II. Ocntry. 3 00tt, one Pclne champion of the world, Is dead ut '" e. "n ine norae nvaa until Jan ury f- he vvuuld have been thirty-two rears' New Ynrtf .Piftv tiiM . Mt .,... mounts for the American team which wllil compete for the International pole cup nt ' Hurllngham. England, next June, wera nt across the Atlantic te Londen today en the n.tniii,iiiii viu iunn eiaie. t. .v V,rkTh.?. metropolitan district et.v, thft Amu Uiip iih .iu iiku. ..... Ilj i?-' ' . - ,v"7-;r" J,-"" " w'"w" iuiwuncea to day that the New Yerk stata boxing cham pionship will be held nt Madisen Bquare Oarw den, January 3 and 4. New Yerk The Columbia University crew has voted unanimously In favor of making Uie course in next year's intcrr.olUirle.te re- KJi11- ?n .th "'"'i.l rlv,r feuf m'l lentr nstend of three. The recommendation has been sent te the beard of steward of the In In In tercolleglate Rowing Association, Stanford University, Calif The Ohie Ss.-KT. .,n.ttJ,,n' w';rn Conference " I v.. ....,,. ,,,.,. ,,i i, aucsis i uianrerd unl- KI1 V'im.br. 23 nd w"' Practice, en L'a"jnferAturf n, route-te fasadsna, tf '.he ih,r.! wl" meat ,he champion University of California team, January 1, Lincoln, Neb. In cnnflrmlrur th dispatch from. Pittsburgh of the agreement te taU the Ivebruakn football team te Pittsburgh for a game next fall. Vna W. Lushrlng. No Ne No braske. Mhlctlc director, said It will be th policy of Nebraska te enter Inte a contract for an annual game with oemo Eastern team, either In the East or en the Nebraska, grounds, inriinnu, ure. cnargea made by 8am Langford, Negro boxer, that Tiny Herman's gloves were 'doctered1' In a recent match etween the two hsre. will be Investigated by the Portland boxing commission, it a meeting called for next Friday cvsning. Vancouver, B. C. "Newry" Laloeda, called the "Babe" rtulh of Canada, ha com pleted his summer lacrosse season her and departed for the East te play en Mentrtal'i hockey team of '"(lylnr JVenchmen" In the National Heckey Association race. Mpfliltllle. !. Arthur Kramer, of Moad Mead vllle. haa been elected captain of rh 1931 Allegheny College football team by the var- , slty plnjers. , ' Morrantewn. XV. Vm, Af;r two weks of practice, the West Virginia University wrestling team is In fins shape for the sea son, Mere than thirty men continue te re port for the workouts. Morcnntewn, W. Vr. "Tubby" Metntrye. head coach of the West Virginia University ,, football team for the laat nve yean, will frebably coach the 1031 football squad of ' Icnry Kendall College, at Tujs.-v, Okla., ac cording te reports here today, Morgcmtewn, W. Va. Athls'.le authori ties at the University of West Virginia haVe rrcslved word from Franels Stadsveld, former star University of Michigan basket ball player, that he wilt arrive here Decem- eer iu te start work as ceacn i of the basket- ball squad. Pittsburgh Adelph Mousseau, former member et thn Itayat Canadian hockey team In the Ottawa City Ieasrue. will be a mem ber of the Pittsburgh aquad. according; te Joe McCermlck, Pittsburgh manager. Motls Metls seau haa besn working- here aa a cabinet maker Fittsburgh ts a member et the United States Amateur Heckey League. Ilalllmern The Teledo Association bate ball team has been booked fnr games here April 2 and 3 with the Ualtlmere Internn Internn Mertals. The locals will play the New Terlc Americans en April 8 and the Phlladslp.il i Athletics. April 10. both at Oriele Park. CtevlsJicI Negotlalleno for a foetba'i game between the Ka.at Tech. of Clevelancj nnd Haverhill. Mass., High fchoel elertni have been dropped. Imported Scotch Grain Semi - fancy Brogen, heavy double soles. Picked by younger Philadelphians as the newest and most Qaus Club Philadelphia V I l M-... 1 1 i' r V J h f jn - --- J"P-el-k I . j s - s& tf ... - .j -