iv"' jwrtf' 1 " it I1 riwt"7 - !... . wT.WR3?!' Y" tyWssjfiW ' h- tl 'IS EVENING PUBLIC LEDaER-PmLABELTtelA, TUESDA, - DEOEMJBER '14, -1920 3s tw NSTANTINE NOW WAY TO ATHENS i Sunday Hint Reign Will Be Brief V. vl Sfe'J wmtij tlic tliretic of (Ireccc, smy (J?non tlln- pntelinn te tu'WHpapari or tills pity. Thi I rnrrosiienilctits ileHarp tiiey obtained I till Informiitlen from "n pprsonnue l rlim-l) I'liunrrtcil with (ViiiRtntitltiP." is uiMitpi .1 siiMnc t lint tutor 11 nni'i i rvnl ('(iintnjitdip will nnilloiite In or of I'rlnep (Jtergp. Duke of hpnrtn. n tiikiii!.' t Mix reiirw CenMMitlnP. It IN nssiTtPil. will bp the Impression Mini lir. I nntlm- in nivnrflillirp ultll amlly Due at Creek Pert ',', "" fhr ami net nriciiing te these l of flip Allies. Tills iIm'InIeii whs rendu il nimi' representations from OpiiiPtiliM Uhnllis, tlip (irpi'k prrmlpr, who is snirt te Imvp pelntpil out that (irpppp weiilil bp In a rritlrnl pltnntlmi If oppespil Iit Hip irent powers. Athrns, iee, H.-(Uy A. I ) Ad mit nl Coiinilettritl. fernipr ipgcnt of Ori'we. nnil (iPHPrnl l'nraskeviipoiiles, fernipr eeimnniiiler in -chief of (Srppk ferees en tin1 Sin) run front, sulhd for Marseilles pstpnlnj. T TO KILL EX-KING , H' jie Aseclntil Press Switzerland. Dee. It -- It I enMaiitmc of (ireore, p nnil tlte etlipr members of rtv Wf hern tniln en the ward jnnrnpy te Athens," without Ml, They were plipprcil nt the Or ft't-rent prnvul. et haying n pnsspert, CeiiMiintim MSfh !. .. u..,.ntrtl .!.... ....n.. k,. ' ,ti II u n,v. mm Hi'i inn. in ,., Bwim Government te enable lilin te we' frontier into ttnl) Thft POPE RECEIVES MERCIER Meeting of Pontiff and Belgian Pri mate of Most Touching Character Kenic. Dee l.'l.-flW A. P I Car- llnnl Mprrlcr. prlmntp of lldcitim, was Vn royal itinrtv heiinlpit the trnln t40 o'clock nnil It pulliM out for Vpii- i meetlnc o'clock, ns scheduled, without I most touching I'lmrnpter At VpiiIpc, t'eiiHtnptiiip nnil Aftpr the cardinal hn m at i Went, Others irlll tuinnl lh lircpU imuIjim 'tell and 'prepppil te Orpppp hj '-'ii rmepni of his suitp, with thPtr inni ihKlA 'ffnlin tn Hrltliliut Itnlv rt Inte this wppk thp will Imnnl n rchant Milp and Ktiil for (irpprc All Xaie OWnul li flip klliir nnil liU tn. yer hnd bepn spnt nwn I Jfhalcronen Sumln.v. Imvlnc jilrkpil up Pnncp' OreritP. IiIm phlpst ou. mul tlip Orcelt council of minieters off tin- Nlnnd 1 Melea, Plnns for n triumphal prou preu ttta from Phalrren te Athpns hnvp bnn Made by the (Jrppk Oevprnmcnt it'rppplvpil hj 1'epp ltpiipdirt leilti,, the IipIwppii Hip two tiPltiK of n d kissrd thp pepp's timid, Hip pontiff rnlsril liini nntl iMtihracPil him DitritiK tliplr tnlk IIipj repnllcd tlip viplltudps through wltlpji tliny hnd Kn"p during the hint mIx pnri nnd ppluiiiRPd pxprpssiens of liepp for tlip rPRPiiprntlen of thp world. AMOSKEAG MILL CUTS PAY Shutdown Over Holidays Announced. deduces Wages 22i2 Per Cent Miilirlip.stir. N. II., Dpc. II H. A I1, i Tin' AnmkeiiK MniiiifnrtiirtiiK Ce. tedni nniiiiitnrpil n tru-dny nhut down I'niiiiiiPiirinK DpcpinbiT "-, nnd IPrt8. Dpc. 14- (Hy A. 1 )Twe Orrrka cnrrvlnc niiniuierts for I.iuprnp' n wnup rnliictlen of L'L'U. npr pent nd In posspusien of bombs linvn Iipimi Werk will bp resumed under thp new arrested at Milnu, mils n d'spnlih tuiwnci i-rlipiliilps .luniinr) .'1, thp cettnu the Matin. It is bpllpvi;d in the Itnlinn division working thipe ilnjs n week us city, the dispatch ms, the ihpii had ' nt present, nntl wersfpil ilp(iiirtnipiits, plotted te nttpmpt tn nsxnsKitiutP for- I whieh 1iiim lieen idle for f.eprn! aer rsing uenstnntinp if uipppp. inimths, ipsiuiiIiik Rrnilimlly. Tlip mills Cenntantlnp will net rpmnin lone en cu 1 l.'l.titM) peixii. I ' ' g Exs&jisite Lamps - Nl B Delicately Carved Crystal, White Jade, 1 i llw'fi Amethyst, Carnelian, Rese Crystal and Jj j W &" Green Jade, for Boudoir, Desk or Bedside B tw 2& Shades in Artistic Harmony. Jj "j 'SIN ir cs. c m m 'mi I IteiuarOei.rarmciMc. 1 HI v . ,.CHINESE OBJECTS OF ARTa M M W i sw LAMPS AND SHADES p iff I i 1 , f ANSWER THIS PUZZLE Win Ferd Sedan or $800 i. WHO ARE THEV? i fasec m roce mania m. ArOUfflAOASJEaK (2fUN MUST 0BA1H ffirWXEACUTRCIB. AIHS BEN CRW A BAD HEART NEVK WE BABY WCTASATIMRAT l PREACH AUCWN tc cer hiL I we-i Efc3 N.fO-CS P?JvWH?W (tue Sj m wHr3Ers V'i 'Hill W " J3i Th operator of thfi meYta machln in thta theater decided te play a Jeke en hi nu!' nee, e lie threw then re-urranctd "MetId" players' name en the pcrcen Te boIte tn metis Ftii le. alt you are required te de la te rearrange thn letter, se that they Trill spell the correct ncter'e or actress' name. Me. 10 Is Charlie Chaplin. If you can guess all ten you can win KORD Sedan or J800. Probably you knew the names of meat of the famous players, nut just . te refresh your memory. ws mention below the names of a few of th meat popular "merie" ' elayers: Charlie Chaplin. Charles nay, uary I'learera, Themas Jlelithnn. Duttln rarnum. Theda uars, DeuilKb F&lrbnnkr, Blsncns Oweet. JIahei , . Normand. MarRUrlte Clark. Tea-I ITIi tr. Kan- WburU Wallace Held, Seierly Bayne, William Farnum, Alice Brady, Qlerla Bwanaen, Anita aiewaru ONLY 185 "POINTS" WINS AUTO Fer each name that you arranee correctly, you will receive 10 "Telnta" toward the FORD Sedan, or 100 "Pelnta" In all if you arrange nil names correctly. Yeu can sain CO mere "Points' hy "Quallfylne;" your answer. That li. by prev-Ina- that you have shown a copy of our paper The Rural VII te five people. Tns tlnal 26 "Points" will be nwardcil by three independent Judges en the neat qeis, style. Handwriting, and spelling of your atisair. The answer galnlnu US "Points" (which la the mailmurn) will win the FORD Bedan, or J800 In cash Second highest will win a ItOO phonograph, and se en down the list of 25 big prlies In casa of a tie, both winners will receive same prlas Bend In your answer TODAT Ai neon ns your answer la rectlved, sam ples will be sent FREE, te assist you In qualifying. Kt COSTS NOTHING TO TRY YOU CAN WIN, Ten will ret be asked te auUcribe te The Ruril Weekly, nor spend one penny In order te win We have given away ever I'O autei. Yeu may be th next lscky winner Write your answer te Hie Puzzle en en alde of the paper, nam and address In upper right band corner A ou can w'n Answer the puzzle new. Tfce Puzzle Man, THE RURAL WZEKLY, St. Paul, Minn. L- UN C0MPL0TT0 IN FAVORE Dl FIUME Truppe del Gen. Cnviglia Avreb- bere Tontate Passare in Massa a D'Annunzie PuMlehnl nnil Plrtrlbutnl Under PIlItMIT NO 311 Authorized lu the art of Ootelr rt 111, en flli nt the Pnamftlre of Phlln tlrlphU. Pn M ItfUI.KXOV t'netmnter ileuernl Itenin, 111 dii'pmbrp Cerrp voce elie ln stnte cpopprle tin pompletto tra Ip trtippp dpi (iPtiprnlp ('iilt?llii. pIip or er I'lipti In 7.0 ti ii il'nnnlstirle p lu linen del blorce dl ritimp, tetidpnte ml nun dlser- zlenp In mnssn ppr oerrcrc nd InRTefwrnrn Ic dtp dl D'Aiinutule. II coninnde ctolle truppp anrebbc In innne dclln prep dpllt peiiRlurn rd nvrpbb prpe gin' piiitkIpI provvptll prevvptll mptitl iirr farln iibnrllrp. HI dice clip In cenKPEiiPMin ilelln HPOpprtii II (Icttp tnlp CiuIkIIh xl repe' in Abhnrla, do de metilen, ppi cenferlrp liiiiKninenlp en i I'emundnntl In sotterdlne. Intnnte sptnbrn clip II (ltiprne Itnl Itnl iiiue iibblu tlcclne dl liilnrp tin iiltlitin liini it IVAnniin.ie, ciiii In niinneelii ill prerptlprc ad tin'nlnnp tnllllnrp offrti effrti nlvn pontre I IpkIeiiiiH dl I'linnr, ipin ipin lern In Uprrpiiii iIpI Qtinrnnre non veglln rlpoiiesepi-p II trnttnle di Ka Ka pulle, llnnw. 1.1 dltPiiihrp II l'rlme Mini Mini tre Onn. (Ilellttl hn errI stnbilt ppr turn rlunleup del ('onslRlie del Mitilstri rhc nvrn' Iiiore ninrtcdl' tnntlinn. nlle spope dl ceiiNlilPriirp rattPRKlnnionte da prpndrrHl rplullvniueiitp u Mirk' itn itn tiertnntl rose ern prndcntl. lip pprlmenlp pur reiiiinpinnrnrp il spfte ppntennrle iIPllil mertp dl Dante snrnnne trnutp In Hnvrnnu iipI pr6Fltne KPttpnibrr. KPConde ounnte c' tnte dp- I olsen In una riiinlmip e slndnpl dcllc rlttft'ItnllniiP. lim campann in bronte Pd argpiite, ill dlupgne artUtlce, sare' pln?.?.ntn neprn la tnmbn del poete e tliirantn la nettc Kara' Ktioneta in tiipineria ilt'll'liiiiuertiilp arrltterc. MenslRnnr Carle Itpaplghl, prefctte pentpllclif dl ccrltnnnip tiresite II Vatl piuiti, ha nggl Kpt'dlte gll Invltl ufllclnll a tntll I cardltiall per purteclpare ad tin fohaltitero spgrcle ehc avra' luoge Rlmnir inuttlna, IVexpiiIpiiII da ParlRi kohe arrlvntl, errI, In Itenin Up ChrlMlnn p In Hrglna AlPRsamlriiin til Danlmiirea. riirenn rlt'pvntl ulla ntii7lenp dnl Ile Vlttorle Kmaiiiiplp p ilalln Heglnn lllenn con i tpuill l recatenn al 1'alnzre tlfl Qulrl mile. Dlhpacri gliinll daireianda pegnalann pIip Ip lphtftleni tllplematlflip tra tpirlla liir.lenp t In .IiiRti-slavIn senn tnte rotte p phc reinnda hn riehinmate II kiie Allnlstre n Ilplgrnde rd ha pongptlate I'lnparleale d'nffnrl sprbe ppr I 'Ala li'tiiiinitc p' oeiiRPRtiPtuu. upponde II Mlnlslre iIcrII Ksterl til Olantln. dl una Kprlc tli Insultl nll-lndlrlr.70 del Rovprne elandpsp. lu retturn c' ritPtititn Roltante remc tin illploniatlpe liipldrntp p nnn nl nt nt nt tpiidone censpRUPtinp. BERLIN HATES TO PAY CASH Requests Allies te Change Present Clearing Arrangement IJerlln, Dpc 14,-MIly A. 1.) Npro Npre Npro tlatleim hnvp Iippu proceeding for emr limp betwppn tlm (Iprman nnd fore gn Revcrnnipnt. with the view te changing the present rlparlng arrangement by which nerman In obliged te pay her nietithlv debt balanre In rnfli, cnyij a f,cuit efflelal statPinent lesued here. This arrangement was made tinder a section of the Vpr.salllPH trpaty. Owing te the magtiltiylp of lhe pny tupnts which hnvp bpen made recently, flermnny has rntcred Info communica tion with (Jrcnt llrltnin nnd France for the purpose of devlMng a tiiiierptu method of spttlpmpnt. Thp negotlntlenti have been without rrnh.lt thua far, but, arc net yet terminated. "In view of th'lH," thp ntatcniPiit ndtlH, "Hip nprmnn clearing office ban lieen Inslrnctpd te notify the clearing! offices of (dates concerned thnt for the present thp settlement of accounts In the form hitherto preserlbcd cannot take place." . Seek Weman for Kidnapping New Yerk, Dee. It. (Hy A. A woman, posing ns n chnrll) Babv V.) worker for n newspaper. Is nllegptl te hnvc kill napped Geerge Chailps Mulene, pIpvph month did lefnnt, here yesterday, the. pollen rppertetl last night. v'The wbrnntl uillcd nl. Hit' Mnlene home, nocerdlng te mil' of the elder chlldrpii, nnd van Islipd nflen being allowed te tnke the boy en a 'shopping tour. V A real practical Xmas gift Make your gift this year one that will be appre ciated every day in the year one that will mean economy, comfort and labor saving. Our assortment of appliances is larger than ever before and all at very attractive prices. Prompt and courteous service and immediate delivery when desired. A few suggestions Gas Cookers $19.50 te .$26.50 Square Gas Ranges 29.50 te 55.00 Cabinet Gas Ranges 59.50 te 192.00 Rcfngeratore 17.50 te 190.00 Kitchen Cabinets 65.00 te 83.00 Oil Heaters 7.00 te 20.00 Gas Heating Steves 1.95 te 37.50 Gas Irons 4.50 te 6.75 Electric Irons 5.50 te 10.00 All standard appliances, guaranteed te give the utmost in satisfaction. Three Stores CENTRAL N. E. Cor. 13th & Arch Sts 10Z6 Arch St. VJ1S rTJTl sf .1 il H lu I IM a 1 1 ir:i'j i q a my. j WEST PHILA. 263 Se. 52d St. sflMfciTll 1"Tfl XJ m-. L 11 W 111 n iiili SI s: mi .il s 1 Hzw 'fill IE III II 111 ni NL M ! 11 Sam .nr,.!1 ' J iHijiwI ft J i 1 THE COMBINATION SET known as Ne. 00, Is: Gil lette Razor, Shaving Brush, Shaving Seap and 24 Shaving Edges (12 deublB'edged Blades) all compactly contained In a handsome Genuine Leather Case. Razor triple silver plqted. $7.50 ehave illette for his Christmas morning snave Be sure that he will. Ge today and pick out his Gillette. He will appreciate it en Christ mas morning, and every morning for years te come. Constantly reminding him each time he uses it of some one's Christmas thoughtful ness. The Combination Set, described and pictured above, is one of twenty dis tinctive Gillette styles from which you may select. As a thoughtful, inexpensive remembtancc, buy hima packet or two of useful GILLETTE BLADES. ttPQX Ne Stropping- Ne Hening HP 1 1 le tie BKrfiBBBBBP,-' ITKJnUJU SPUD -WMBBBBBB' 'si "'swiiis ins. vt WORLD OVER for thm cem.nf.nce of our pa(refi the .(r. nl 1026 Arch Sl.tcltl bt open v,ry St, tMning, ami ft W. Phil". (r. en Hen., trl, and Aer. .inine. Canadian Factery: 73 St. Alexander St. Montreal, Quebec New Yerk Chicago San Francisce Londen Paris Milan Madrid Brussels Copenhagen Amsterdam Geneva Buenes Aires Sydney Shanghai Singapore Calcutta Constantinople Pert Elizabeth Rie de Janeiro Tokyo if A Real Bargain WPjB Mifcaiii r ffiiMHsHBfnBsss -fsWIssMrrT BjfBaiBilMSaBBsKMssBCTw BwrilTOIBsfiia JbtSEEB This Handsome Living Living Roem Suit r-pHIS 1 handsome 4-picce living-room suit, consist ing of Y-it. anvenperc, arm cmur, nreaiue chair and steel covered in tapestry. Yeu may cheese Any Tapestry in Our Entire Stock Several patterns selling at $6.50, $8.75 and $9.50 per yard. . , . , We have n large stock of coverings and will close them out in this sale. This suit is filled with choice Louisiana 4X mess, sterilized black hair and white felted cotton. Rqunding or swell fronts, full spring edges, spring acks, spring arms and loose spring cushions. The workmanship and general construction of this suit is of the very best and backed by our guarantee. Entire Satisfaction or All Meney Returned Our reputation for honest dealing is known te the people of Philadelphia. This suit gees en sale as an tienest advertising preposition with us, and this whole sale price is even less than in prewar times. People having in mind the beautifying of their homes and have been awaiting A REAL BARGAIN will find in this sale an investment never before offered n Philadelphia. This handsome suit would add beauty te the best furnished home. On Sale One Week Only 19bi Davenports made any size. Ne extra charge. Small 'lepesit will held suit for future delivery. Free Aute Delivery in Philadelphia and vicinity. Yeu can save money by dealing with us. We Are Manufacturers and Sell Direct. We take pride in our work in trying te make every piece a sample. Smith & Brodhead Manufacturers Custom Furniture 913 Walnut St, de you weaf false teeth? mm MttOk f CREAM lr ifrMwh CLEANS FALSE TEETH madtby THII.D, CAULK CO. Minera .ualawaxe iorer.ro. cmaa Yeumay think your plate is clean but de you knew that erdin ary soap or teeth paste can net take off the tough germ-film and the tartar? De you knew that pet cleaner and gritty soaps ruin yeurplatc? De you knew that Caulk Den ture Cream fa the only pre paration that cleans false teeth ? De you knew hew much mere comfortable your plate will feel if you keep it really clean and oclerle free from tar tar, grease, germ-plaques and unclean deposits of any nature? Use CaulkDentiu'eCreara then notice the ddferencQ Buy your tube te&y -at any cLnistei'C Gaulk DENTURE CREAM cleans false teeth (ls. A: v it; k is If ssmfmm SSHuy.r... -iJI. -M Xtssi -- I sV I "- ''' tt, . . , ''iufTitummmm jW"ysSjj