:nFAi)ifi!Niiinrn Ulu, w..,JV,iL.i ' I MOTOR CRASHES "11 T.TT 7 -f; r rrrAV 'f-tv.-s Wif' llU'imwilllHi it', hi n I W 72 ...... xfirv . Tr'i;r?sr,iira(T i i'jt r,TA.M-.fl W"i ! jtniim-i '. Jrtifj! ..J' rs5ff,5r rrr rfvn i-.trtii(j'' t.- r - "uite ""Trw;?; rrj3jrfT?T TT "I I -" H " '' i ' '"'IJIi')i,'"ll,i , v' ' riet.ljiwiJr- M-y.,li Man Killed When Cycle Hits Curb en Roosevelt Boulevard. Ten-Year-Old Bey Dies THREE IN ONE ACCIDENT Three men .were killed and eighteen pcrjein wcre Injured In automobile nnd mclercjrlc neeldeiits within the last trrtntr-feur hours. - A tcn-ycar-eld boy died ni the reult ef Injuries received Thursday. Jehn Djltcs. seventy-five .yenrs old, ef 2002 Tulip street, died this morning In the Women's Homeopathic Hospital from a fractured skull received when th automobile in which he uas riding ii overturned In n colllHien near Sev enteenth nod Huntingdon sttcets Sat urdny night. Dykes was riding with Hewnrd Brooks, thirty-five years old. of 2001 East Clearfield street, the owner of the Mr. In front of '.'(110 North Scion- .....it. .I.A.t 41.11 .1.1 f n.T.nl.11.. afw.lj.tr n mtA.i.r-lft mill tnu mrnrf lit tin.1 t.tt.t.(n- both men undernenth. Ilroeks , scaped idth slight scratphci and bruises. Jeseph N. Fisher, of the 20IO ad drrss, was nrrcited as the owner of the motorcycle, which was said te have iffn unllghtcd at the time of the acci dent. He was held in S.'OO bail by Magistrate Oswald yesterdny te await the result of Djkcs' Injur. c;k. Killed In (icrnianleun Injuries received when he na struck lir the automobile driven by Themas Corcoran, of 48 Knst Jehnsen street, -caused the death jestcrdny of Henry R. narremore, sixty-five jcars old, of 117 West Upsal street. Bfirremore was struck by the machine driven by Corcerai) yesterday ftcrnoen as be was crossing Jehnsen trcet near Gcrmnntewn avenue. Cor coran placed tbe injured man In his ma chine, and rushed him te the German town Hospital where he died later in the day. Corcoran was held without ball this morning by Magistrate Ten- mnr trt OWn.f iYt OA. tnn rt ttirt nneinn HWin J U( v VU U1.IIU1I Vi, H(U VU.UIICIi Twe men and one woman were struck and Injured, one of the men fatally, yesterday, en the Roosevelt Boulevard. They are Alfred Lawrence, 244 East Indiana avenue, who died in St. Luke's Hospital from injuries received when a sidecar motorcycle In which he was a passenger crashed Inte the curb en the boulevard near Sixth street. Edward Kecllncr, driver of the machine, of 3012 B street, fractured his skull and re ceived miner injuries. The ether boulevard accident occurred ,in Mrs. Annie Schaefer. :.S30 North -.- -.--.( md l"i"'i IJ II VIII IIIU" chtnc driven by her husband nftcr their car had collided with a machine at Ris ing Sun avenue. She sustained a broken jaw. Theodere L. Svkes, of Itoeseielt boulevard nenr Right. i street, and Frank Schaefer. husband of the Injured irnninn, were betli held in 300 bnil to te dn by Magistrate Trice for a further hearing December 20. Three in One Accident Mis Kathr.vn Maxwell and two chil dren, Paul Story Illey, three years, n nephew of Miss Maxwell, betli of 6.00 North Twentieth street, nnd Dorethy Tinder, three years, n niece of the in jured woman, of Twelfth nnd Diamond Hreet'. rercived injuries about the head and body last night when tbe automo bile in which they were riding struck n trellev nt. Pilrk nvpiltlh nml ItnnnMi. street The injured were rushed te the iir.. - treatment. I,0mCOI,alMe Pltal for l Blfeintt tt . .Seuth ThlrtV-Tlxtb iC .!". . ft ei injuries sustained n,t r i, T " when run down i... , r -Thursday Jhe remf.tn.rf I'JS. 00J)cr. ?'Pltal, of neundracture of ,ie lnffl immm .1.1.. "v;".' ,,,r "il nnu hru ses. Th ii ier (, EVKSftyft ,PTJBLIC t mDd'ER-PHIIABELBHIA-, MOOTSSY, DECEMBER 13, 11)20 iriva. e . 'IV """ nru ses. The mernlne le ;; m"?' 1" ' this Walter mrri;7?oVty.'uVirer?8ane,d bS e, ,", f S-A f,,?han J? $ n JI 1 W SUNDAY'.- New Yerk WrTax2l Cts Additional SPECIAL TRAIN Direct te Pennsylvania Station, 7th Avenue and 32d Street, New Yerk, leaves Bread Street Station V.'eit Philadelphia 742 Ai T Ay i" N'erth Philadefphla . 7.37 4J Sie Flyers Centult Agents Tickets en sale conimcncle rrlday rreetdleg excursion. b'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' BThe I f Reef Tax. I GOOD MORNING! 5 Have you paid all your taxes for 1920 city, state, federal, and reef tax? Yes, we mean it your reef tax! Yeu pay I it every year in the form of fire insurance i premium. Many houses', you see, don't have tin reefs, and when Ihrv catch fire and burn, veu and all of us must help te pay the less. Use tin for all reefs and reduce reef taxes r 1 eurse't ftncl your ; Whole liciehberlmnrl. Ask any reefer te "anie the best brands of reefing tin. If he men tions NU-DURA-TIN. J'eu're safe I "b mi'taj. ci.m or rmiA. 65 AttCH BTItlJUT pBS RitV. .. . . . A A - jfJlliMlMinniiimmimimiMMM." SPWia eeph's Hospital. U3 ,nk t0 Ht" J- InJiirtt1 tn rvin.,u.. rifteen-ycor-eld Sebsl Scehuna of 1. ue sScfSL'v"'.?'" ,,,tTn !: 2 ."te.".!", "' "4 North Yew- T at a"Ter, was at rested. J. A. Levering of Hndden Helghtu n eaUd sltt mT ' &"' nreati street. WoIIeck was taken te t ,U 'ill' "."""Pital. He Is net badly ,M" wne rnn lnwn a woman with hli motorcar and was captured Ririir.ln. night, was held underVlf.OO baTV ",! terday by Mnglstratn O'nrien. te an. swer charges of assault and battery reckless drlilng and operating ar while under the influence of liquor. Hli companion. I chard Cele, of Twelfth wa8Cred.Wa,nUt' " a - ma f Leaves $500 te Charity Tn H tunnel . nt M ..i.. . . S4477 V ,V. 11 .. S." "nv""M " IrlS h"1. c,iarfl'W street, bequeetherj - i V, "S,im cnurcn at Seuth- ....mu, in. wraer wins probated te- i- -A18,;400" Themas Kennedy, K57 East Ohelten avenue, S.fO.riOO. An In ventory of the estate of Careline Wain wright placed its volue nt J4tl2l.RO nnd that of Kllen A. Yewdell at .$200,044 73 POLICE! HE OPT HIGHWAY ROBBERY Called by Waylaid Motorist, They Capture Assailant in Second Held-Up With Pal THIEVES LOSE $450 LOOT Twe men were arrested hv rleteetlres and patrolmen early this mernlne in the act of holding up William Blair, thirty-two rears old. nf4!517 Vrt. ford avenue, as he wes leaving a restau rant at Hread and Poplar streets. One of the men was Identified ns a highwayman who had held up Martin J. Ganley, fifty-two years old, of 1C34 North Pcnn street, n motorist, nt Eleventh and Poplar streets, fifteen minutes earlier. The prisoners wcr' James A. Tetter, twenty-two years old. of 1.V54 Vnt... mount avenue, nnd William McGrath, twenty-one years old, of 1028 Carlten street. They will have a hearing nt Central Station. It was the cemnlnlnt nt Rnnl .n at the Tenth nnd Buttonwood streets police station, that led te the arrests. A detail of police was en its way te search the neighborhood .where the t,Tl,riStJin'1 bcen ,,0,,1 "P """ they vllfni "1CU nttncklDB the second Gnnlcy was driving east en Peplnr -! Eleventh, a man whom he identified later ns Petter stepped "t n.ml covered him with a rcve ver, ordering him te put up his hands. Gan- n 5,nd nilh,.n,lt t0 8teBl' nDd th0 hold up man let him go. District Detectiie Jehn McCermlck was sent out with Patrolmen Charles Lcntwine and Themas Helms te search for the bandit. They had gene as far ns Bread street when they sew the sec ond victim attacked. Blair hed just left the restaurant at Bread and Poplar streets when a man he identified as McGrath struck him across the heml irllh e klni.i..t. --i U. .- -- ' UTOVRJUUR huu 11- "ieiin), ,of a 'nmnnil pin worth $100 And $200 in cash. The detail of police ran up and arrested McGrath and Pet- icr oeiere mey recovered from their surprise nt the Interruption. 15 BONWIT TELLER G.CC CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Christmas Gifts That Answer "What te Give" WOMEN'S & MISSES' SHIRTS & BLOUSES Boxed Ready for 'Giving" 'JVULORED DIMITY SHIRTS Of fine white dimity, lone roll cellar. cuffs and front are tucked and edged with pleating 4.95 te 8.75 JJANMMADE- BLOUSES A charming array of these dainty and ever-popular blouses. Featuring hand- .a n- tltXi te 8.75 drawn work, Val. and mings filet lace trim- Q.EORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES Featuring trimming of fine net and filet J? QT lace. Celers are: flesh, white and bisque wvO Q.EORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES Leng roll cellars, Peter Pan cellars and frill effects. Val. and filet lace trimmed. In flesh, white and bisque. . . . 8.75 QREPE SILK SHIRTS Of crepe de chine and men's-wear silks: tucked besom front, smart Eten cellars te 12M 8.75 npAILORED SILK SHIRTS Women's (man-type) tailored shirts developed in fine heavyweight; white t fi ffi radium silk J- (UU QEORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES In exquisite hand - embroidered effects; Val. and filet lace trimmed. t ( fkfi In flesh, white and bisque -L J JJ QEORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES Heautitul trill model; teatunng nanu- embroidery and filet lace trimming. In flesh, white and suit shades 12.50 a C wk m " (S T"n s a ra ErTpin e e His Pottery Jardinieres Gifts for the Heme What a hand hand Seme ornament n Jni'dinierc mnkesl And se many women would appreciate one for fern or 4 1 .. . ... Z.'11,81203 nnd wonderful rlrm, in, decoration amenfr this hntbl LP,ettcry Jardinieres, both Imported and domestic whrc: Jardinieres 80c te $37.50 Jardlnlcrcs-and-Pcdcstals $10.00 te 515.00 P"l4!eO Umbrc"a Jars-$5.50 te Straxvbrld.e & Clethlcr-Daetment She Would Like a rf Silk Petticoat hnlJSVV0Ud Hke her Sift te be Silk ?UpU Lnnl Practical, cheese n m. JPrtV,cei,t Srem nmeiff the wonderfully lovely collection here. Here are two excellent values: Colored Jersey Silk Petticoats $1.95 Jersey Silk Petticoats with taffeta lleunce, black and colors $5.00 COTTON PETTICOATS S!S$. Sntfnc 1'ctHceats $1.00 ET"A;S'?E Figured Cotten Taffeta Petticoats $1.95 fetrabrlde A Clothier Bccend Fleer, West 1 j - am m m "WPH WjT?A C . Wl m - m .rMln SwiftnVH BW 'i."i!iwB Ee & itefflier Wi l - ix n fM n 0 Iffl ernes Lnnsnnas :.' i -" '- s m . H : f 1 mnm lnwM We Have Sold Many Small Rugs Fer Practical Gifts ' A i5,!"011, RuE is always useful and, therefore, always acceptable. , a? y. of the sma11 sizes are in cluded in our great Rug stock new marked at reduced prices. Fer instance 27x54 INCHES Royal Wiltens $9 and $10 Fine Wilfnns. S13.9S X. Cii en Axminsters $5.50 and $6.50 36x63 INCHES Royal Wiltens, $14.58a & $16 Fine Wiltens new $23.50 36x70 INCHES Axminsters $7.50 and $9.50 Rubber Vestibule Mats S2 50 $3.50 and $4.25 ' HtraubrMf . Clothlrr Clethlrr Clothlrr Keurth Fleer. West TJJD, J3i vn. IVHUIIIII V J II II I U. ..tlT "CvV- JM TtWT f-. W lllllllllf 4 r. 11V -1A (J VVi'. AWK. jW. urvr xr.m & sr. 7 VO, Qaoaeao of .c0MQ9ty99 F i Ooeooooooooooo Thei-e is mere sentiment expressed in Jewelry than in any ether gift article it is the gift that speaks. It tells of the fine appreciation of our friends, it flatters our vanity, it appeals te our artistic sense, it gives us prestige. The kind of Jewelry you would like te give is here, in the assortments that make selection delightful, and at prices that I S knows intuitively are right. There is something for everybody, and nobody ever had tee much of the right kind of Jewelry. The Diamond Jewelry is exquisite, and our assortment of Pearl Bead Chains is something you cannot afford te miss seeing. S a Men's Watches Wrist Watches Watch Chains Lorgnettes Lorgnette Chains Scarf Pins Cuff Links Cellar Buttens Vest Buttens Cellar Pins Cuff Pins Lingerie Clasps Belt Buckles oeoooooooooyooow" Charms Lockets Chains Combs Barrettes Breeches Bracelets Rings, Piwscs Earrings Studs Pencils Knives Hair Pins Hat Pins VcityPins Bead Necklaces La Valliercs Opera Glasses Shee Buckles Mesh Bags Powder Bexes Cigarette Cases Cigarette Helders Masonic Jeivclry Emblem Jewelry Straw brldge i. Clothier AlIca 8, 0 and 10, Market Strct Gr. 2nm Noeoo, CJOOOOOl ..e W4A .-fW wuA.nujv )S9aaaaeO jel Seme Particularly Gift-Like Small Furs-at Reduced Prices mXIj J. , V0"""' Onc-skin Scarfs, regal Steles the Furs 5e?,;H nnturnl m'ess fev- ''" reh urnyH-and-Relds Just what the s"? ?eSV ? ? Wnnti"ff- Thi regular $325.00 value, new $750.00 IIink Stele new $585.00 1 Sixteen handsome dark mink skins at tractively trimmed with paws and tails. $500.00 Cape Stele new $375.00 Naturnl mink skins; deep in the back. $290.00 Fex Set-new $200.00 Lustrous black Alaska Fex Animal Scarf and trimmed MufT. $285.00 Black Lynx Set new $185 Cape Cellnr and exquisite MufT. $165.00 Beaver Cellar new $115.00 Levelv Gelden Reaver Cane .Cellar. $135 Hudsen Bay Sable Scarfs $95 One-skin Animal Cheker, finished with paws and tail. Extra large. $250.00 Skunk Set new $210.00 Cane Cellar with larcrc Muff. TTenn Cnt Pnllni- SS"? flfl Hudsen seal (dved muskrat) Crush Cellar, fastened with seal buttons. J we beautiful Russian saute bkins, te be made into a Neck-piece, were $550.00 new $400.00. This wuma en -a super e ffiii. 7? Strawhrldffe A Clothier Second Fleer. Kllb-rt St and Centre " Levely Indeed the Gift of Madeira Hand Embroidered Linens Add any of these pieces te a woman's cherished supply of dainty Linens, and sec hew pleased she will be with such a lovely gift. All arc of fine linen, hand-scnlleped and embroidered in Madeira work. Many arc re duced in price: Round Centrepieces, 30-ln. $3.00 M5fl Unf nn r.. nn i $15 Lunch Napkins $12.00 dozen $5.00 Scarfs, 18x54 $3.50 each $7.00 nnd $8.00'Scarfs, soiled $5 Hemstitched Linens for Gifts Squnre Centrepieces, Lunch . Cleths, Pillow Shams and Scarfs, from nn 18-inch Centrepiece, at 1 $1.00 te n C4-inch Lunch Cleth, , nt $0.00. 8trNvbrldt Clothier Alnle 11, Centre Pretty Brassieres Boxed for Gifts Dainty nnd practical, these I Brassieres. Many women arc buying them for intimate gifts: j Circlet nmssicrcs-$1.50 te $3.00 Dc Ilcveisc and Pansy BraBsicrcs 50c te $7.00 1 AT SPECIAL PRICES Various $2.00 Brassieres $1.25 S2.nO Cnmtirlr TlrnBsirs SI SO $3.00 Lacc-trimmcd Styles $2.00 85c Bandeau Medels 35c Rtranbrldse . Clethlir Third Doer, Jlarket Street. We it Women's Skirts Special, $7.50 and $10.00 A splendid purchase of a man ufacturer's close-out stock of Plaid Weel Velour and Scrge Skirtsin attractive patterns and colorings. Five tailored models at $7.50, attractively button trimmed, and four fashionable plaited models at $10.00. Strawbrl(!g & Clothier Second Fleer. Filbert Street A Special Purchase of Men's Mufflers The styles nnd colorings men like. And the prices are consid erably less than regular: $3.00 Mufilers new $2.00 $2.00 Mufilers new $1.25 Straw brldte. & Clethl.r Market Street Cress Alale Slogan Cheesing Gift Neckties Fer Men? You're certain te find patterns te meet his taste in this bread stock which we have assembled. There arc thousands of different handsome patterns and color blending. Many different prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 nnd $5.00. And every Necktie the best you can buy anywhere at the price. Htruubrldjn- & CI tbler Allies I and s .Market Street Gelden Special Te-morrow Fine Seamless and Seamed Axminster RUGS l, PECIAMW Children's Warm Sleeping- Suits Special at $1.45 Cosy One-piece Sleeping Suits, with feet or without. Sizes 4 te 12 years. A manu facturer's clearance of 300 Suits. Chiefly ene or two of a style, mnde, of fine eutinc; flan nel, full in cut. Made te sell at from $2.25 te $2.50 special at $1,45. Straw brldfc-e A CI. thler Third Fleer. et The All 9x12 Feet At $38.75 A timely purchase of 250 Seamless nml Seamed Axminitcr Rugs at fully 25 per cent. Ics3 tlinn te-day's market valuation. The collection includes patterns suitable for every room in the home in' the most wanted blue, iose and tan coloring. They will be assembled under the illuminated Gelden Special sign in the Lewer-priced Fleer Cevering Section te-morrow. I- Htrawbrldg-e & Clothier Fourth I loer Went QEORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES "Tie-en" model in flesh and white. The front ia tucked and Val. lace is used for trimming - 13.50 ,-.' Men Can Save $60 te $100 On Fur-hned Overcoats .iw ii... u in...nvu uui iiimt ei.vi.iv m mini b rui-iined uvcicenis at reductions of $60.00 te $100.00 from the former prices. Beautifully Persian lamb, genuine seal and Hudsen senl. Exnmplcs $ZZ5.UU Fur-lined Overcoats new $125.00 Vteu uuerceaiti, ue ua uverceats, $z;1e $275 Overcoats, $215 $350 Overcoats, $215 OTTTRT? VnTAm.ra VAT.1TPQ MOW avati Amn $65 te $175 Fur-Cellar Overcoats, $19.00, $71.50, $125 $62.50 te $67.50 "Alce" Suits, smart styles $31.25 wu.uu te $iiu.uu itegmar Uverceats, new $23.50, $33.50, $44.50, $54.00 Straw lirl.lsn t. Clothier Second Kioer, f.nt Table and Piane Scarfs Belew Regular Prices A wonderful collection, artistic in design and coloring Many have been chosen for gifts, but I new lets hnve been arlclpdnll nt. I special prices. Table and Piane ' I bcarfs of rich velvets nnd tapes- i I tries combined, plain veleurs, fig- ured damask woven in Chinese i embroidery designs nnd hand- ' seme silk-nnd-metal brecades: I Hall and Library Table Scarfs ' $3.50 te $15.00 Piane Scarfs $5.00 te $20.00 i I Btran bridge i Clethlrr I . llilrd I'loer. (.cntre Seme Kiddie Would Be Delighted With I Tins Freck, $3.75 it is one et u group of New V a r. h Frecks, nt $2.25, $11,00, $3.75 and $1.75, which includes R u s i c n d e r Dresses w i t h tilniti i n 1 ii r n il w aist it n d $ checked tr i n a- ham skirt: Shirt - waist Dresses with w Ii i t c dimity wlist and plait ed plain colored cotton skirt. Alse Clinmbray Dresses in pink nnd rese with striped cellar and cuffs, and plaid Gingham Dresses with or gandie cellar. Sizes fl te 12 yrs. Middy Mouses, Special, $2.2r We "j selling hundreds of Middies for gifts. These are of white jean with cadet cellar nnd cuffs, braid - trimmed, embroid ered emblem en sleeves. Sizes 8 te 1G years. htrawbrldaifl 4. Clothier (1'ietil h" enr Mnrket Mn-et ft fn ,?1meran Cars 75c W.00 iMech. Automobiles, 75c 53 Pay Furniture, newS1.7S If L hyF.urtiim'e' newSJ.OO $100 "BriiiKinfi: Up Father" Painting Setsnew 75c Mm1 . w'7TAiffiu Wlli I tyTiFityjtt7fittiii VlT ' ' ' LI ! V The Tey Stere, Fourth Fleer, Is the Merriest Place in the Whole Wide World tarents bring their families, wiuis enng- uieir classes, and everybody .seems te borrow a chjld or two te bring te this great t Pla?C-, Snnta Clnus fs heic, with a book a real fairy tale for each little child, and you never saw se many dancing, prancim.'. noisy whirligig things in all veur ?' TlfJ are etncl's tee. Edu Edu catienal Toys, like the Gilbert Erecter Sets fl0l' Can. buiId n kids of StnictuiPS. Inm f lir- ... .-.. .. beyjn the sketch ,s' buihiin .fS oeu tticcnamcnl Trains-52 , S2.00Sets of sM tih ct S1.50 A, B, C Blocks 1.15 54.00 Steering Sleds $2.90 Girls' 51.50 Sleds new $1.00 58.50 Hand Cars new 56.75 51.50 Ouija Beards, new 75c SIM. 50 Rnrlrinrr Tlm-cn. cm rSd- cr SaneuaniI Destre'er Beats-75c rh ,S.50"h!lnical Cribs-new 55.00 ehnidren s S18-50 Automobiles new $14 75 $9.00 and $10.00 Shoe-Fly Rocking Horses S7' ...AND THIS IS RAGGEDY ANDyThatllUhe kiddies have been reading about-he's next of w t! spsssgis 1000 Chcmcraft Sets Reduced . Sira bride & Clothier Keiirth rioer Men's $14 Brogue ' q or Shoes and Oxfords "-eO Beys $6.00 Shoes, New $4.90 visihle ovein T.. i--. "kimi ia.sis, cnctnut brewi ca f, n- Iteels ' 8'nEle S0les WIth rubbcr ""P-feles and rubber . r "irnnnriupe i l lelhi.r- I ant flare. Lu eighth Strest $6.00 Crepe Meteer at $4.00 i. bSsstssa astKifa tarns: kss of huniiieda of excellent values in the Silk Sterp- Every Yard of Silk in Stock is Reduced i" 8tihwbHUi(0 L tletlil.r Aisi, u r.nira Strawbridge & Clothier FILBERT S'fREET MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET A. if t i 14 I.r 'tr Ilftt Jut L t . UM e ' & u 1 .n i e a iC Q ,d r e n 1 n ,brae l tm ;..ty. ou will r 'jay 10 te. t. . S prepay .. u ter r r rnc. BOD J V k E 2 JKP r r u I i. .r Mi St ft , hiMA&i WAHv.' N. ilvUi .U nS' ! (VlfVttl . J.H i