Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1920, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Christmas Music by the Organ
ntO nnd 5r20, With Singing of Carels
Orgitii t.'lilmm Ilrtfli Heur
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:30
A Safe
n, Spacious Merry Christmas Stere for a Fact!
Te Observe Christmas as
Only a Ferm of Habit
touching only the pocket nerve, at this
particular time of the year, is te lese
sight of the sky lines that led the wise
men te the thought of gifts and te the
bringing of them in person te the little
Babe in the barn.
Te make a real happyfying Christmas
for any one there must
Be a Christmas Heart
somewhere near.
A very little thing from one man te
another or from one woman te another,
that shows the feelingef the giver, means
mere te the recipient than can be put in
Our Stere, se roomy and comfortable
and full of pleasures, seems te be trying
te show
A Christmas Heart
by the stars bright red shining through
the green trellis work of the Grand
Court, and the mighty organ every
morning floods the big building with
Christmas music.
These are days of enthusiasm and joy
te the young and old, both being welcome.
Dec. 11, 1020.
Yeung Women's
Delightful New Frecks
Crisp taffetas, soft charmeuse,
soft Canten crepes and spring
like Geergettes here they are
in this new collection of brand
new frocks in brand-new styles.
They are delightful dresses.
There are afternoon frocks and
the prettiest of party dresses.
Quite a few are lace trimmed,
some have the new, basque-like
bodices, some have very full
skirts, many have pleated ruffles
in expected nnd unexpected
places nnd there are any num
ber of new fashion ideas that are charming.
Navy blue, brown shades, black, sunset, tur
quoise, rose pink, nile green, coral and Copenhagen
blue these are the colors.
$20 te $110 and 14 te 20 year sizes.
(Second rlner, ( lieitniit)
TTemen's Fresh Evening
'' Gowns of Net,
$65 te $167.50
Net and charmeuse, te be precise, the net often of the
wide-meshed sort, with chenille dots or embroidery or
beads en it and usually dyed the color of the charmeuse
in browns or blues, black or henna. The girdles arc
often very bright te provide contrast and the sleeves are
short or non-existent.
Prices are $65 te $107.50.
(Flrnt l'luer, Frntrul)
A Fascinating Cerner of
the Handkerchief Shep
is the one that holds these exquisite French hand
kerchiefs and these equally exquisite handkerchief
cases. The very finest handkerchiefs are these
the cobwebby handspuns, the delicate French colors,
these wonderful French embroideries, and the real
lace handkerchiefs that patient Old World fingers
have made, are all here.
Handspun handkerchiefs, in plain white, are
?3 te 56.
Embroidered handkerchiefs, $8 te $35 each.
Colored handkerchiefs, $4.50 te $15 each.
Real lace handkerchiefs, $8 te $150 .
Paris handkerchief cases, $20 te $35.
The gift of any ene of these would be a com
pliment te a woman's geed taste nnd appreciation!
(Mnln l'luer, Ccntrnl) '
'omen's Fine Mecha
Fine news, this, and just in time for Chrsitmas!
$4.75 n pair for short gloves, 1 button or 1 clasp, in
gray, light tan, brown, beaver or taupe.
$0.50 a pair for strap-wrist gloves, with 3 Hi -inch
tops, and in a soft gray shade.
$9 u pair for strap-wrist mocha gloves, with 5Vi-inch
tops and embroidered backs, in tan nnd beaver shades.
(Mulu l'luer, Ontrul)
1 Tongee and Plaid
Silk Waists
Tailored pongees with high-low, Peter Pan and flat
cellars, $3.85 and $5.50.
Plaid silk waists, $7.50.
Striped crepes de chine white grounds with colored
stripes $8.50.
(Tlilnl I'loer, Central)
JJarm Nightgowns for
rr Children at 95c
They are of a geed henvy quality of flannelet in
pretty pink and blue stripes, nnd this is really a remark
ably little price for these nightgowns. It is much less
than they have been for u long time past.
Sizes 0 te 14 yean),
(Third I'loer, Cliantmit)
Geed News! New Hudsen
Seal Coats at $350,
and $400
The ether day we were able te
get held of a few of these beau
tiful coats anil they stayed a
very short time. Fer Monday we
1 have been able te procure a few
mere, and this is certainly an
opportunity for any woman who
wishes a handsome Hudsen seal
(dyed muskrat) coat, for they
are indeed unusual for the price.
The fur is glossy nnd sbft and
thick, the cents are in the fash
ionable knee length and they are
one of the smart styles of the
$350 for Hudsen seal (dyed muskrat) coats with
plain fur cellnrs and cuffs.
$400 for Hudsen sen! coats with full, deep col cel
lars and wide cuffs of beautiful brown beaver, or
fine skunk.
They have been made up with the greatest care,
and they arc richly silk lined, tee.
(Srrend Fleer, C'lifntniit)
A Unique Situation Arises
in Silks This Christmas
It is intensely interesting te people who always give
silks ns gifts and it is even mere interesting te people
who don't but who likely would if they understood the
unusual opportunity it offers.
Frem the high prices of war time, silks have gene te
exactly the ether extreme. We firmly believe that geed
silks have reached the lowest limit possible; in many
cases they arc priced at less than it costs te mukc them.
Net only the new Spring silks coming in have these
lower prices but all the silks here have been adjusted te
meet them. And there is no mere fashionable fabric
today than silk or ene that most women nnd men would
rather wear.
The assortments arc at their best right new, and
among the finest and most popular gift silks are
Crepes de chine, 40 inches wide, chiefly white, black,
flesh, navy and a few colors, $1.G5 a yard.
American silk broadcloth, washable, plain and striped,
S3 a yard.
Figured soft taffetas and radiums, $3.50 a yard.
Silk-faced chiffon velvets, 41 inches wide, mostly
black, brown, taupe and navy blue, new 7 a yard.
Georgette crepes, 40 inches, all colors, $2 a yard.
Georgette crepes, black only, 40 inches, $1.50 a yard.
Seft taffetas, 36 inches, mostly navy blue, $2.50 a
Messalines, 36 inches, all wanted colors, $2.25 te $4
a yard.
Charmeuse, 10 inches, geed shades, $3.50 a yard.
Black, $3.
Spring foulards, 40 inches, $3 a yard.
Crepes de chine, 40 inches, very heavy, $4 a yard.
American Ne. 1 choice Japanese white habutai, $1,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.25 a yard.
Colored hnbutais, 36 inches, mostly navy blue and
pink and a few ether colors, $1.50 a yard.
Tricelettcs, brown, blue and black, $1.65 a yard.
(FIriit I'loer, Chestnut)
Quppesc Yeu Come Straight
te the China Stere .
Think of all the practical, beautiful and artistic gifts
you will find in china, pottery and glassware.
ITALIAN MARBLE busts, figures and pedestals.
This exhibition includes an unusual number of charming
and original subjects.
ARTISTIC POTTERY, including amphora, Fulpcr,
van Bilggle, Italian, Dutch, Cowan, French and English.
ORNATE PICKARD WARE in geld and colors.
AQUARIUMS, some en wrought-iron stands.
TEA SETS, breakfast sets, chocolate sets, ice cream
sets, berry sets and, of course, dinner sets, all of which
are at new lower prices.
CUT GLASS, colored glas3, geld decorated glass,
etched and engraved gla3s, inexpensive light-cut glass
these make a brilliant gift world in themselves. And
much cut glass is one-third less.
(Fourth I'loer, Climtnut)
Afore Real Filet Laces Frem
J- rA 25c te $3. 75 a Yard
A brand-new importation of these beautiful laces,
every bit hand made, and in the prettiest of patterns for
trimming nil kinds of dainty gift things or for making
Christmas neckwear.
There is an excellent variety of both edges and inser
tions from picot edgings up te one seven inches wide.
This includes many that are just right for cellars.
(West Able)
a Yard
Net since the geed old
days has this taffeta been
as low as this in price.
It wears as well, in seme
enses better) than a seige
and it is in prat request
for women's t nd children's
dresses beet jse of this
and for th reason that it
is a very fine weave.
In two shades of navy
blue and 38 inches wide.
(l'lrii Fl. or, Climtnut)
t X vfJ
eV lrWW4BMra
' &.
Mere of the alwnys wanted Wal
lace Nutting pictures are here,
landscape chiefly, a few foreign
subjects, and all framed in mahog
any or toned antique gilt.
Prices arc 85c te ?50.
(I'lftli I'loer. Murlirl)
Odd Mirrors
A miscellaneous let of them are
just out of their crates oval, high
and narrow, nnd oblong; but all
alike in having polychrome frames.
They can be used ever consoles, in
bedrooms nnd in almost any ether
room in the house, nnd they cost
only $5.50 te P30.
(Fifth I'loer, Mnrket)
The Fashionable
Flexible Bracelet
is particularly pretty when it
of sterling silver, set with glisten
ing rhinestones or imitation sap
phires, amethysts or emeralds
like these at $5 te $36.
Other new geld-filled bracelets
in bangle style, or with secret locks,
or novelty bracelets, begin at $1
and go te S7.-r)0.
(Jewelry Mere. Clientmtt)
New French Tunics
All in Black
They are of black net, trimmed
with many tiny jet brads and
bugles nnd nny woman can see at
a glance what pessib'lities they
have for handsome evening gowns.
Prices. $50 and R55.
(Mnln Stere, Criitrnl)
Silk Nightgowns
As geed a choice as ever fet
gifts te an intimate woman friend,
and the styles are, if anything
They are of crepe de chine, and
some are Georgette trimmed; they
nil are pink, and some nre severely
tnilerd, while the rest are as lacy
and fluffy as the most frivolous of
feminine henrts could desire. Prices
are $5 te SI 9.50.
(Third I'loer. Centrnl)
Women's Sports
Steckinas for
$1.35 a Pair
A special let of wool and cot
ton mixed stockings in heather
mixtures that enme te us at such
a low price that we were obliged
te lower prices en some similar
goods in our regular stocks.
The latter include ribbed wool
nnd wool-and-cotton stockings in
various colors.
(Meet AMe)
Decorated Leather
Useful and inexpensive, and in
cluding such things ns book marks,
scissors cases, guest books, whisk
holders, blotters, tobacco pouches
and many ether nrt'cles. Prices
start at 25c for evp-fln witiers.
All in the Art Needlework Stere.
(Seronil I'loer, Centrnl)
Aprons and Aprons
and Mere Aprons
Big nprens, snowy and full and
lnrge enough te cover a whole
frock. Little tea aprons fluffy
aprons with lace ruffles and em
broidery frills, some with ribbons
nnd seme without. ,
Prices begin at 50c and go te
."ve-k v r
v i
W a. 1 . .1 ii- -
r- MJ - z
fm tie Sft )
I New Mesul Rugs I
I $15, $49, $57 te $75
I Sizes 3 feet by G.6 feet up te B
I 3.6 feet by 7 feet D
I Gifts of value and service.
I (Seventh Fleer, Chestnut) I
. I Prices begin at 50c and go te R "Ks h-0y
W I S7.50. a yrSf K M?
Vj- Bl (Third Fleer, Central) N -MStt. Ji-VW
Alen's Silk Mufflers Put the
- Rainbow te Shame
They're in all the colors you ever heard of and some
mere. And the Rcdlcaf Londen silk mufflers arc in the
most exquisite color combinations. Prices $13.50 and
. Demestic silk mufflers, $7.50 te $10, with some of
:ilber silk at $5.
: One nf the itmnrtnar. tvnnq nf muffler is the English
cashmere square, in white with small colored dots and
figures. Yeu can wash them as you weuiu a nanaKcr-
chief, and the price is $3.
(Mnln Fli.er, Mnrket)
ipu Like the Luxury of
' Silk Underwear, Toe
But net se many men will buy it for themselves,
however much they would appreciate it as a gift.
We have received from Japan some very fine habutai
silk underwear in sleeveless shirts and knee-length
drawers and sleeveless and knee-length union suits.
ShirtH nnd drawers, $4.50 and $6 a garment.
Union suits, $7.50 nnd $10.
(Mnln Fleer, Market)
Quperb New Fitted Luggage
for Women
The newest fashion in women's fitted traveling bags
and case3 is one of the most effective of all. As gift3,
these pieces are delightful.
Fine imported natural pigskin makes these bags nnd
cases nnd most of them nre lined with rich dark blue
moire silk, which contrasts beautifully with the golden
brown leather. The fittings in these are of white cellu
loid, plain or with blue inlay te match the silk.
One -handsome ense is lined with putty-color moire
silk and equipped with fine shell-finish fittings, while a
green cloth cover keeps the pigskin clean.
Prices $47.50 te $150.
(Mnln I'loer, C'lientnut)
qHhink of All the People Who
Want Sectional Bookcases
Clergymen, lawyers, doctors, teachers, students!'
As n home gift, a sectional bookcase carries a nice
It is a gift of culture, a gift of convenience, a gift
that will grew with the library of the recipient and that
will net be forgotten.
Our office-furniture store is showing sectional book
cases in six styles, including mahogany, birch, fumed
oak, early English nnd golden oak.
A geed, substantial case consisting of top, three sec
tions nnd base can be bought for $37.50.
Separate pieces are:
Tep, $4.25 te $17.
Sections, $7.50 te $20.50.
Bases, $4.25 te $17.
(Third Fleer, Mnrket)
Anybody Who Can Read
Can Use a Boek
Only, of course, you exercise your discretion in
deciding which is for whom; and with this big
Wnnamaker Heek Stere nil ready with piles and
pile3 of books conveniently classified even that
decision need net take long.
Here are gay picture-books for babies, nnd the
bigger babies who have enlv reached the stage of
begging Mummy te "wend" te them; heaps and
heaps of wholesome stories for little boys and girls
stories of home and adventure and brave peep'e
who lived long age; here are volumes of beautiful
poetry and serious prose for true levers of liter
ature; volumes of history, biography, psychology
for students; illustrated books for people who de
light in Rackham and N. C. Wyeth and ether
geniuses; jelly entertn'nirg fiction for people who
"want n book te amuse them"; devotional books,
and. for the levers of rich bindings, there are the
finely bound and rnre books which live in the
Rare Boek Cerner.
And it's worth remembering that when you
give a book the chances arc that you are giving
your friend a pleasure that will lrt throughout
the year.
(Mnln I'loer)
'IThese Arc the New Prices en
& Fine Demestic Rugs
Whittnll Angle-Persian rugs and body Brussels nips
may new be bought for considerably less than they were
n hhert time age.
Angle-Persian Bedy Brussels
22ix36in $10.25 $5.50
27x51 in 15.50 8
30x63 in 24.50 12.75
54x90 in 52
6x9 ft 93 48
8.3x10.0 ft 137 71
9x12 ft 150 78
9x15 ft 200 107
10 6x12 ft 200 107
10.6x13.6 ft 232 121
11.3x15 ft 258
Srent!i Fleer, Chestnut)
Living-room chairs,
library chairs,
bedroom chairs, din
ing - room chairs;
every one a geed gift
and every one low
ered one - third in
1 fejk -
The fine, .splendidly upholstered
easy chairs and rockers se much
sought after for Christmas gifts,
especially for elder folks, an- nuniei nuniei
eusly represented.
They include upholstered ea.sy nnn
chnirs in tapestry at $75 and in green
leather at $80.
Tfeis Is the Giristaas
Gift of the Wanamaker
Piai Stere
Fer the benefit of these
who wish te give pianos or
plnyer-pianes for Christ
mas, and who want inex
pensive instruments that
can be counted en te give
satisfaction, we make the
following Christmas offer
15 Lindeman Upright
Pianos at $375
A Sewing of $160 en Each
10 Lindeman Player
Pianos at $685
A saving of $165 en Each
And in addition te this substantial lowering
of prices we will make convenient terms of pay
ment te these who witih them.
All these instruments are new and fine nnd in
every way desirable. They are among the best-knev.-n
pianos ami plnyer-pianes en the Wana
maker Rell of Hener, and may be depended upon
for purity of tone and long service. They nre sold
in Philadelphia at Wanamaker's only, and musi
cians tell us they have no equals at their regular
prices. At the new low prices they ar'e remarkable
The upright pbi'ies are in mahogany, walnut
and oak.
The player-piano.- are in satin-finish mahogany.
Beautiful instruments, every one of them, and
whoever gets one at its lowered price will have
geed cause for congratulation.
Player-Piane Rolls at 50c
We have 500 song rolls (words nnd music) that
we will sell at 50c each, though the original price
was mere than double this.
Alse a large selection of ether rolls te fit all
makes of player-pianos.
(Kcrptiiiu Hull, Heeend Fleer)
tnc uuuts
Fine Gifts
In the Bed Clothing Stere one room is given ever te
the finer kinds of quilts. Wc might call it a Comfert
All the quilts shown here are of the gift kind and are
all at recently lowered prices.
Weel-filled quilts covered with excellent Japanese silk
in plain colors are priced at $20.
At $22.50 they have figured tops nnd at $25 they come
in brocaded satin tops, with backs of plain Jnpanesc silk.
Seme very fine quilts at $30 are covered in plain satin
and they grade up te $50 for a very rich French quilt in
all-satin covering in all desired colors and in elaborate
and beautiful floral designs, the tops being of one seam
less piece. These have been one-third mere.
The full choice of wool-filled quilts ranges up te $125.
Down-filled quilts in p'ain-colered Jnpanese silk begin
nt $22.50 and grade up through a great many different
prices $27.50, $32.50 te $265 for a magnificent French
one in fine satin in green, blue, old rose geld and white,
each one elaborately embroidered in contrasting colors.
Seme very handsomely embroidered quilts in Japanese
silk in plain rose and blue are marked nt $40.
(Sixth Fleer, Centrul)
Trish Hand-Embroidered
Scarfs and Tea Cleths
These are n new nnd timely Christmas shipment. As
home-gifts they are ns dainty and exquisite as the heart
of any home-loving wen, an can wish for. They are made
of a fine, pure Irish linen, carefully hemstitched and
beautifully hand-embre-dered in three floral designs.
Prices are moderate for goods of such excellence.
18x36 inche.-, ? 1.75, $5 and $5.75 each
18x45 inches, $5.75, $6 and $6.75 each
18x54 inches, $0.75, $7 nnd $7.75 each
Tea Cleths
45x45 inches, SI 2.50 nnd $13.75 each
54x51 inches, $1H.50 and $18.75 each
(Flrnl Fleur, Cheutnut)
girls' Blue Cotten
Middies, $5
are of sturdy material in a geed blue, with white braid
trimmed cellars and silk lacers in red. Thev are made
for us in our own workieoms and are a kind git Is like.
6 te 16 year sizes.
(second Fleer. ( hentnnt)
I s?
A Chair for Everybody
in the Christmas Sale
Fireside chairs in figured green ve ve
leur at $55.
Aim chairs in figured cretonne with
loose cushions, $32.
Fireside chairs, Adnm design, in
damask with loose cushion seat,
Mahogany side chair, Leuis, XV
't; li in velour, $50.
Oilier living room nnd library chairs
and iMckera in huge variety at $10.50
te $Kn.
Hedioem chnirn, enameled, from
?.' 25 te $16.50; niahegnny, $10 te $18.
Willow chairs, .$'21 te $50.
Dining-room chairs, $3.50 te $22 for
side chillis, $9.50 te $31 for arm
(Fifth nnd sixth I'loer-'