RfRstF -ii. : ( m i,MM) n 'K iif . - I II M " :fC !&. !' 'H4 .'t I V raWif L L rJL ' r& s snFi srais 5 . My. m it ii g OF CLOSING MARKET EVEIttG 3UBM0 LEDGffiR-PHlEABEL"PHTAy SATIJBDAT, V , "'V' 't'"- 'I'tvp -"s'.r; NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS .Week's Persistent Liquidation Disclosed a Surprisingly Weak Technical Position New YeiU, Dec 11 --Ucncwccl uctik ess of tlic rails had si (leenlcd ihiinp frnlng Influence upon teilnV ilmini; tock mnrket. Mwt of tin recovery ad In Urn Inte trruliux leMcnlav mis forfeited before tin- enil of tlie tirt hour. nd as the session preKtciiul t he re ctlennry trend of the frcncnil Int !" iime mere nroneunecd mere ncrc iR-nln henvy ofTerlng' of neurit nil the tnllrnnd stocks. It tin ml alone Hi" BOre speculative is-nues hi h frit the frtlltit of the recurrent liquidation, hut ihc pressure nIe extended te the (lix i lend-pnyini: l.iie The npparent vul ernlile position of the Kieup nnturnHx lad n vcr.i unscttlltiK cfleit and iuited ieneucd attacks in the mere Miccptl le industrial croup The, oil ueie fcKln sinjfled out. hut dec Ided wenhnesv Use prepped out attain m seiii- t the textile. sugar nnd feed .!uiie Anieri pnn Woolen tin particuluili ett al al (heugh the Mine might he itl of American Sunnr Iteflnlnii The decMnti of the Ceuit of ppeni h the New Yerk Central rale- cue tin pven ns the ituentlve for the henvj lellinB of the mil, but the movement pppcared te be simpl :i intititiiiatinii of festerdny's onslaught, which tea tm pernrily arrested by Midden retreat of ihe shorts in the lut hour of the trad ing. The familiar week-end eveninc p operation bt ought iirfgu'ir re et irics near the rleititr, but the inaiKtt Remained In a hiehlt iinetthil ..tat. i The contiiiueiiH nutcinppitu: f ite.il. I loots exerted a ii-t in t en, ttlinc in Buence in the week' operation, di- I closing Mirprisini: technical wiaknes! hi the market position While the in have been entirel.t nverlnekid. and that nothing was virtunllt immune from the felling merenii'tit Althnuch net of the) nme sweeping character n tinted in the I preceding month, the M-lling timinient Was nevertheless of n presreive type. I because et the ion-taut utieetcring of' irrieiislr itnpaiied spet ulntm- holding ' Ii is quit true development in the temmcrcinl. itiiluttntl and tniutn !al it j ntien cave the tentinit a d"inhd diantacc at all time The wiiik el many of the larger opeiater .lip , ppd durin: the late slump and the mnli fry among speculator durini; the ln-t enr were badl sinceil li i HKew i altogether teawiuabh l uppee in.in tt the peel leeentlj mtivi. net utilj in i the industrial spermine, but in mum of the rnilread lmre a well, hav.- either dissolved without much piellt. er are facing big lee In truth ii Would ecm a if tli" enlin li.idmg mi tingeut were atnn.d en the elliti .ne and the market wa enlhel) trieiidle One important tint Imwexer. eem t.i many of tie feimei peeultitie faei i ig then, mu-t I" ii hu te cemphte Tery transaction Tin held geed ce , tspitc the inutiiiit i ailing of attentie.i ' te the Humid bujing power, a npait' from tee spasmodic emering of the liei t i interest thete eeiiied In be a leij diminutive demand. imtwith-tniuling ii.nny of the furmei peculMtive fner , ites are sellmg net enh at the lewei i prices of 1 In- vein but in mam in i ttances tein In il tin minimum level in t OTer thrie ears. ' It would be ulmiKl pieiite.s te at i tempt te recount the main influence.. , rentriburiiiK te tei.e ninrUet ulue te lower level. Thete i no doubt the i Veeher npiuei latum of the iuitv nt the rrndjtitnient tjking place m both i remmereial and iudtitilnl iinji i'tiuid pe little iiiireieuinn. I'i rbeil . ; howeier. six nietitlis nnd a miiv age recognized th.it sin I' a 1 1 an- t imi wa certain te mine Itut the ti iuferma tieu ha bein -e inpid and in.., m li ' leg that it wen- sinldemie li. - nut urall.w proieked wiieprend urn .i-ine-Jinny, however. hi'j'ie if tin li funk whii h rem I" pel, in ii.t tjliarler of the ma Let nor. 1 omiIeoK the fact that whib the iiiititite and ( purging aptilicatien pmiri. ed uipiil anj drastic riult-. it i- cnttiin t. b-m: the stabili7atien of in t.i.iil.it t. n quicker lealr.nt ihan t 'In name proeei.. hml I ' C'. i lie eh t'je intu'! ment plan Tn - a ie "i- wc ' te the coinmedit'. a it dm t. the i ut t Itj market Iiieieat.. .aiuitig-. di'ieeil dU lib nil- or up ticlecl diMili ltd ' have b.en laigi-li d -'uiit' I '" ' jear uniiiteriuptiil liipinliiting nioii nieii nioii Bieut. Th doe net iiumii te 1 1 i.j.i- t Uquidaiiug movement ha run ii eoiire. r that all the weak pet Iium b.en, cut out It doe, mean. Inn e . in;n j any one with the pnticmi lund fan safeh bn the highi r grin.' tei k and ret ieii.miibh me et t'lilimg a handsome profit fin their tenn'iiM STREET HAILIT -IIS l.OCAE FE-m RES I'plwhiinp I aliilil of I', li. T. Ticnlal.s Had trcnth- eniiip Injltu'in' Tin .In i f ii ii" i ' ei i' Vphnhinig tin aliil'i "I tb. ii nt a I. ..f the underliiiig ceinpHiin .1 'hi I'n l.i deiphia Itapid Tiiu.-n ' w.i- li oier'lindew hi; ii e'.. uieli' ..I te.n' brief li al nuirki' 'I . i- iu.i ..ii.mt pieie of iiiw leg.iniing t'i 'i nl tian fit situation f" mid n 'lei ten i ,n n Ingadiami of Si; in I nimi T'ieMmi t" 34, wliieh. Iiewim .i i - en ""'. in. I with heii tnidniu l i ' tiu'. 'i heth s mg Tin -it'ie n i - wa- n ipnnsihli fm an pi.i''e "' )', Mint In Philmlelphni Trin lien i" "I1, It likewise 'or n lime b. hi; -t"i ugtln ne.1 the position of rinladi'lphi'i It en i Ti 'in sit w ith nti e'ti-i ni iiintiitn n i' H from whn h ii .nl ' ih ' I'd I" ITi'j . n net I . of ' i for tin In v Next in line in in' . loin i ' ' .i T'nifed tin- I ruin mi im nl vvli i it - nulte in live Imi will - i-'.uin d Kan-a 700 .190 tee 800 toen 800 .12011 100 .tee H.II) t-JOtl tee .Mill It!) .fill 100 800 .1110 HUD line itoe 700 1. 1 II II lien ine ion inn "fin ;oe -Aim una moo i ene :ioe .en 1100 1010(1 till) 1011 lemi tun ie loon ten jeii 7110 Ien Me TMO 700 joe l.'IO'l 1400 400 ".en 100 400 100 .ion MOD 400 100 400 .1011 700 .'ten 100 son .ion '.'Jll MOO 4011 I SOU lentl toen :iioe 100 100 tee .'00 .'DO ..7011 11)110 toen Ien 4 Mill 700 700 .V.'IO 700 :me 0.1'M ;ftfl inn .".sill ion .tee Aim ion tit no ;,li) '.'700 vjiq 00 .iiiiti 17m tee In U rketEa Raw Sugar MarkefEasy e 1ml.. 1 '1 1 market 1 eiitim.e': raws tea. hid 1 in Iiieement .e'. ni.i II 500 bags lei I"" . 4c, cot 'i"'' f" '." nperater tihli ' ' tiald ltnpettiii i s l'i of 4600 li.ig" l'i" nr.iiai nr.iiai Imperter Ttw .'.il " unchansid. I ' ' - .Hill - tm 1 ' il i f..r Mi. f'i 1 n 1 w it. n 1 t m. 1 1 r -old iii . I", '.10. Ipiii 1 11 ' "I 'lul I li'.. V i 111!!!'! li ' I Ml! el , , .1 il in 11 l.i ' I IllKll Adams llxpress . ... .10 .. Advance, lttimely ... 1S' 0 Athnnce Uumely pf . 49 4 AJax Rubber 37 Mtika Geld Mines , . I . Alaska .Tuneau O M . l'i Allied Chem ti Dye . 48 8 Am Auric Chem . . . Sfl'n a Am Ileet Sugar SI 10 Am Uench Mairnete... fi9''4 . . Am Pan 74 t 7 Am Can pf tO'S 11 Am Car & I'dy H3J4 . Am Cotten Oil 17H se Am DriiR Syn 7' m Hide Se Leather. . ! 7 Am Hide. & Leather pf 4134 4 Am Ice 40 Ji Am Inferitut Cerp .. 40J.1 .1 Am t,lnsed ."94 6 Am I.ocemothe 81 . Am lladiatnr f .... "7 Am Hafetv Ha7.er.... t)' Am Ship & Cem '2 Am Smelt & Hef .... 43 7 Am Smelt & Hef pf . 84 '4 17 Am snuff .04 3 Am Steel Foundries . ni'i 7 m SI. el I-Mya pf . . .83 7 Am Sugar Hef 80 7 Am Sugar Ref pf ...IOOJ4 le Am Sumatra Teb ... 70'', 8 Am Tel & Tel 08" 17 Am Tobacco Ill 17 Am Tobacco 11 110 I Am Tobacco pf new.. ss 7 Am Woolen 00i4 .. Am Wrlllnu I'aper pf 34!t .. Am Zinc Lead & Smlt 0 " 4 Anaconda Copper . . fl'i 4 Asse l"rv (3oed . . 20' l Asse Hi Heeds lt pf ti'l 0 Atch Tep & Sarta l'e hi i ft Atch Tep &. S !' pf I . IS : U HeflnliiK 7'. pf I0:l'4 t.is Tacli Cerp 18 7 Mlimtlc Ce.it liine 8A . AilaniiP Fruit lOVj 10 tl Gulf & W I S S. . 108' 4, .1 Atl (!u'f & W I 5 S pf M Austin N'tchelaa I 'J 7 llj'llu I fe-OIMOll0 01 ?4 .. Haltlmeni .1 Ohie ... 34'., 4 llaltimete & Ohie pf . 48 7.3(1 Hatnsiliil" Class A . . 3 8 linn, f .IO8J4 s Hat ref ' " ctfs. of UebllO Il.rr. I- . ..( deb pf 107''2 . IJethlrliem Meters .. ?U Hethletn 111 :iie. 1 U . .V1?4 II Hethk-lum tee! Sr, pflOI'i . Hoetli I'lsln rles . . 4 .. Urlthn ll.ipid Transit 10 .. Itkhn H T ctfs of den '- 10 Hums FJres . . Huit. Ceppi 1 Ulnc . . Hutterlck Uutte a. Superior Cen . Cadde Central OdR 0 California Packing 10 Canadian P.ic flu . t.'nllfertiH Petroleum. .. Central Lralher 4 Cerre il I'.isc ) Cep . in Chatulbr Moter 4 Ctusnpcalu & Ohie.. I'hlcage & Alten .. Chi & Il til Cm T e'fs chl .t 11 HI pf etf . .. Chicago & Or. at West .i 7 Chicago &. nt West nf 18 Chicago Mil & St P. . 79 4 . Clilcape Mil & St I' pf 4034 ft Chicago Northwestern "l'i 7 Chi Netthwestern pfl0'4 Chl R I & Tac . C Chl U I & Par E 7 fh! H I & I'.ic 7 Chile Copper .. 1 3d CI1I110 Copper 8 '"luett TVabedv .... . Coca-Cela :t 1 oier.uio fuel v iron :'4 . ''il i. Southern 77 s f'elumb Has & Elec .'.l'i 1 Cel Graphophene II V 7 Consolidated Oas . 70i, 7 Cen Interstate f.il M O'j 7 Continental C in te I Continental Candy .l'i 4 Cern rrediicts Itef I!SJ 87 '4 10 3 i r,t; 7l'i 37 ?i ;r.i, 74", A0 8', 7?4 pf til 'a pf 77 .. 8J4 .. I8sa . t'.; .. 71 '', 7 Cern rrediicts Itef pf 00 SO CemImi & Ce K Crucible Stiel 7 Crucible Steel nf Cuban ("nne Sugar 7 Cuban C.ine Sug.ir 7 Cuban niir Sugar U'107 30 nihrer' 100 H'll 7(111 :'icn 71111 ;te . . 8'i Sfl',4 . 71'i pf 07 . 7M8 I7T- I) II. 'iwnie Hudsen . 01' 4 I 1. 11 Hill 4 '10 10 'JO 17 'I 7 "MO 4 id ten 71 III 17.111 1. inn Kill I. lull j ten 117 'I I Mil l.llll 1 no 71100 1010 7.ten tun ene 31111 100 -.no 1 tun 100 .1)11 7.T1 I 7-1.1 1. ten Hill I 3111 .Via sin 700 710'l in .1110 lien rni inn imi fin liOD Kill ten iii linni lien Mill (.(in Inn Aim 700 Del l.in I; & Wi stern PYtuir .1- Tite (Jrande Dun ir .t R'e Gr pf. . Heme Mines Illk Hern Ceal . . r I-'nd cett -Jehnsen 7 Knil cott-JehiiKon pf . . . . Hrle T.rie 1st pf llrn '.'d pf. s Famous Players I. . . H Famous rlavers pf 3 Flsk Rubber Kreepert Texas . Casmn Wins & Wig n Ceneral Cigar General IZlectrle . . . . General Iliec rts. 1 Genernl Meters it fj.tieral Meters iif K G. 11 Metnts deb fi', 7 (If 11 Moter deb 7' (1 Goedrich I! F 7 Great Ner'h'ni pf 4 Gteat N'erth O10 cifs. i Green Cnnanea Cep . . . Gulf State Ste. I 4 ll.isl.ell & Haiku- C.U .. Iletulee ctfs . Housten Oil I Hupp Moter Car 1 Illinois C. ntr.il . r.e indl.ihema Rf 4 Inspiration Cen Cep . .. Interb Cen Cerp. . . Intirb Cen Cerp pf. ft Int Vtre il '" 'in pf . 7 I11 1 1 Han. ester Ce Int M' r Marine tt Int Mcr Marine pf . 1-tertiat Metet truck International Nickel Int. rn.v'enal Caper ti h 1. r Cip. r pf s'pd !niii !'! "il Cerp is' tnd Oil I. wi 1 T. .1 Il 1 1 Te.i pf K&n C.tv Seutliern 7i 34 103, ic-.; it 87'. 1.1' 9 70 l.lli 07', 7.1'j II IS", llfl?4 II', 70 !?. 71'. 40 70 ' 701, 17 4 .-.0'i l.-.'i M', 10', si: 30 i" .?4 1094 OS 1.1' i .-l'i 70 ' 1.1'i 4 Oil, 7l'i :ia tl'4 10 1 e.is City Seuth pf 4.H, Mm v Wheil Hi' 1 K. l'j-Sprliitzflelil Tire is K. Ily .-pk T C pf 7-1 IC'iineceil Copper .. I7'j Ki sumo T it II. . . Ii,n I.aelaw,inti.'i Steel .. .V!' n!i ib lias of St I. 4ln4 lik. I '.in .V Wi st II Lake l.rii- A. We-i pf ' I.. .1 Hulibi r Tin . I' 4 . 1 . .hi." 1 1 1 '' ' 1 " 'li I ciw 7 01, !' 4 40H 77 I I 4 etj, JUHS Mi'i rn it'i 70 4 171 '4 I7J4 8'. 41 401-4 ilO',4 53 14 -T8 7 0 :i 47V4 81'4 91 .17 8.1 Ml 101) 70 lis 114 ItO'a 88l8 7 'i tM'i 01; 38i4 70', R7 80 ?4 7. I 01 4 17', 83 10 lflS SVi U?4 n.is 48 :te 108J4 103, 107'i 734 I0U, :i?4 9?, uvi 80 Vt 1111, 0 ti ui 117'i 71 .17 'i 3.11 J 7n", .-.7", s, 7fi A ii IS 17 7"'i lflh'4 7li III) 70'i 8'i is'; 17 :n 7 7 1 .-.A '4 II 70 , ' 10 '2 14 !I8'4 70 '4 '. 8A '0'4 1 fit; 7S'8 I0?4 0734 7 If. 4 M Hl'i igi; .'4 87 C.'?4 10 a, 1.1 .17 7.1' 10'; 11 IS !. II!) I.'l II 10 !' 71'; an 7l'4 !V-A ,'0'4 .10 JO 1.11; 10 Ml 1 ; .-.in 1", 8H m;4 ei ii 1.1 .10 1 4 70 'i II'. 4'C.i 71 77 ' , '8 :i"8 i'4 is", 4.1 4 i a 7.1 17'4 4IH 11 Hi I'ltiludvlpliia Markets Ted s Net Clese nine S1',4- J '4 I IS' I 4W 77 I I 4'e A" -fdHt 0 7l!i- SOJ-i 174 '4 - 17"4- !'4l 8 Hi 44 -401-4 I 19 ',4 -4 M " .1!l -7 - fi'4- tU -47!'j -81 ', -01 37 8it t -70 . 08 114 IHH4 K aV5- J4 -38H i 70 1 4 S3 81 - 7S 1 1 01 '4 i7r- SJ I0H4 100H- 51 I HJ4 - 81!,, -an', is - :in les4 ' ? 1 !i m H Ui H '4 !k U V H Vi !H I '4 H K '4 ! '5 l8 1 4 Vi I 14 '3 I.. I'm u 57 ?4 -101 H 4 I or, -014 . 87V-4 i u 1 - 01 "i -117J4 -21 37!,-714- rau- S7V4- n 7f4- 5 -7(4 IH 7t lit 7055- 10',-! 70 i - 1.0 -701,4 - sH ls'5 17 -70 -7 -77 -.ISIJ H'i 70H 1 06, 1)0 - s',; 1-4 1 , -8'4 '.Ml 1 4 sfl", - 8.1 - '.0',4 lf.1;. 781', - l7Ti 1173, 71.1 '. ' U4 ' 10!,- 101; -.11 - 87 1794 -t0J4-11 - A7 73'; II 1.7 . .'' ' 11(1 l'i II -71) 1:1 1 ; I '! 30'i 7i'4 7.1 'j 70'4 .10 -AK I 1.1'i 87 '4 ' 10 se 0' 30'4- 314 815- 10J4 - 04 7j 1:1 111 '4 70 i 1.1', 101, 71'' i 77", .1 :i", ' n4 ls 4.7 - 40 3 73 17,- .!.' 41 ?4 II VII 10',. '5 0'4 3'4 '4 H IH H 4 , I l'S. ' 9-4 i t l'i P4 394 Mi I IH I t I Ti 1 38 Files 000 700 700 1000 100 700 100 ft 100 I30O tee .100 71)11 tee 700 .100 100 7i800 900 3000 1 000 700 JOO 1100 7100 700 300 tee 350O 100 400 300 700 100 .110 4100 700 700 7000 fiflll ..0(1 7 800 lAOOil 1800 7800 300 300 8000 100 7000 100 70(1 700 .100 700 tee 000') 401 830 30.11 .10(1 300 3100 inn 800 300 AOO 700 800 7011 3100 100 700 ..00 1100 700 1800 000 loe loe 70100 300 000 loe 700 1400 4011 7000 ,' tee 400 700 10011 nan .1011 AOO 700 300 400 100 1000 4011 1 7110 7000 700 11300 0100 100 (ion All line 100 700 100 3100 .100 400 ion 1100 MI0O I 7800 70011 3.100 .100 700 300 I 100 78JII AO0O 300 (te .100 l:rin .,00 loe 1100 tee 10(10 1 .inn 100 7300 SOI) 1 .171111 700 sen tee sttl J III 310 700 , HlO Ami 1300 100 Ifliln 4110 7"0 Hill 100 ion 3.1'JII sun 100 1,110 7.100 100 7(111(1 101)0 100 HlO 700 im In I .00 Lehigh Vallev IS IilRTjett & Myera . .131 17 Liggett & Myers U 131 I Loewo Ce l7' .. Left Cerp 10U . Loese-Wilts Dliieiilt.. .10 75 LoesoWltes 2d pf...l0.V,4 7 Lerlllard Tobacco pf. .101 7 Louisville A Nashvlllet00!'4 . . Malllsen & Ce It R. . 11 10 Mnnatl Sugar 71 M 7 Manhattan Kiev guar 4014 7 Marlln-Parry MVS . Math Alkali I!4 . Maxwell Moter . . 3'4 . Max Met 1st pf ct sta 3',i 17 Mexican Petroleum ..170J4 llljh Lew Miami Copper 00 Middle States Cerp. 1AH 13 31 V4 IM, 3 ''4 18?-, as;; 1AU 0A 87 40, Mldvale Steel & Ord. . . Minn & St Leuis new Me KansaH & Texas . . Missouri Paclfle .... .. Missouri Pacific pf. . . Montgomery Ward.. 7 Mentana Power uf 7 N'nt An & chem pf . . Nat A & C nf ctf . 7 National Hlscult 100 . . National Cen & Cable 3',5 n Nat lCnam & Stamp.. 19V4 0 National J.e.id 0!-a 7 National Lead pf 101 ", . . Nat It H of Mex 2d pf '5 N'cvnda Cen Copper . 894 ONO Texas & Mex. . . SO 10 New Yerk Air Hrnke 11 New Yerk Central . . . . New Yerk C & St I. AO New Yerk Deck ft New Yerk Deck nf .. New Yerk N H & It. 18i New Yerk Ont & W.. 17', Norfolk & Western... 9794 Net folic & Western nt e 87! 7l'5 .14 18 1394 North American . . .10', Northern Paclfle .... 79f4 Neva ScetU SIC . . 3S4 40 Okla Pred & Ret 3, S Orpbeum Circuit 3AJ, . Otla Steel 1!4 4 Pacific Devel Cerp . . IS 5 Paclfle Gas & L'lcc... 47 ,. Paclfle Oil V I... I... is, . . P.ie Tel & Tel 37", 6 Pan-Amcr Petrel "0?, fl Pan-Amcr H 7b 4 Parish & HhiKham .. M!i 8 Pennsylvania Railroad 40 '4 , Penn Seaboard Steel . 8 , . Peeples Gas Chicago 38 .. Pcre Marquutte 10'j . . Pere Marquette pf . 38 .. Phillips Pet 30'i a Philadelphia Ce . 30 .. Plerce-Arrew Moter . 70'; 8 Plerce-Arrew Met pf 7S . Plerce Oil H!i 8 Plerce Oil pf 78', .. Plttsburnh & W Va.. 37 0 Pitts & West Va pf . . 73 1 Pend Creek Ceal 139-4 8 Pressed Steel Cur.... 81 15 8 Pullman 107 a Punta Alegre Sugar . 61 '5 4 Pure Oil Ce 33 I Ray Cen Copper .... ll?4 8 Hallway Steel Spring. 81 7 Urn- Steel Spring- pf. I07'4 4 Heading s.1'5 7 Reading 1st Pf SO 7 Readlnjt - pf Si's Remington Typewriter 30 Reple Steel 71 fl Hepublle Iren & Steel M'i . Hepulille Motertruck . 10 .70 Royal Dutch N Y C31; Rebert C.els & Ce . 8 7 It Rein & Ce 1st pf .. OH 4 I St Jeseph Lind. . . I7'i .. St Leuis San Fran... 70 . St Leuis Southwest.. 74 St Leuis Southwest pf 30J, I Santa Cecelia Sugar Savage, Arms , . Saxen Moter . . Seaboard Air Line. . .. Seaboard Air Line pf 8 Scars-Roebuck S"tnca Cep Cerp . . 14 Shell Transport .... .. Sinclair OH 0 Slesa-Slicff 11 Southern Paclfle Southern Pacific rts Southern Hall ft Southern Hall pf. .. 511 Standard Oil of N .1 7 Stand Oil of N" .1 pf. 7 Steel Tube Ce pf . ... 4 Stewart Warner Sp.. 4 Strembcrt? Carb 7 Sludebaker . . Submarlne Beat Cerp 2 Superior Oil Cerp. . . . fl Superior Steel . Tenn Cep & Chem . . . 3 Texas Ce 1 Texas & Pac C & O.. . Texas & Pacific Tidewater Oil rts... i Tobacco Products . . . Transcontinental Oil . Si 1 Tw In City R T . . . s I'iiieu Hag A: Paper .. Union Oil 10 1'nlen Pacific . . .. t 1'nlen Paclfle Df... 4 Fnlted Alley Steel. 8 United Drug . . . . IS Fnlied Fruit United Rwy Invest . I.'nitcd Rwv Inxest pf 3 United Hetnll Stores.. V S C I P ft Fdy fl U S Feed Products... 8 f S Ind Alcohol . I' S Realtv & Imp . . 8 I' S (lubber ill'S Smelt & Rcf 6 V S Steel 7 I' S Steel pf C Flab Copper Flah S'O 11 Vanadium Cerp t Va-Carolina Chem . . a-Car Chem pf. . 4 Ll'5 .1 , 04 I'Te 00 17'i 10 71', .71", 100.4 73-4 318 , .In 37 10.1'i 70 . 77Ji .11 43 !) a, 13'4 43 7T, 43', 30 14 1094 M? 3094 7794 31 ? 11094 04 37 OS 100', 10 -'0! 4 SRi', 13 30 ',4 7 40 ", fis1; .11 NO 1 4 100 H 21 014 10", .-!!? 113 Va, Iren Cen I i: Ceke 8S ! i,i,l Wabash Wafia-li pf A . Wabash pf U . W. htern Maryland West .Maryland 2d Webtern Paclfle . . . n Wi stern Pacific pf 1 Western L'nlen Tel. 8H . 78 . '194 . H!5 . . IU94 pf 18'4 . 37 . . 00 f!4 V stlngheuse A Brake 0S',4 Wes'lngheiisu 'I & M. . Wheeling & L i: Whe. ling & L L" pf I Whitii Muter Whim oil Cerp 4 Wick Spcnc Steel Cerp I Wlllys.Oerland 7 Willys-Overland Df .. 0 Wilsen fi Ce Wisconsin Central . . . 0 Wortliiugten Pump . . 4M-. 1.1", 3.1', Hi'4 374 33 14 58 48Ji 131 131 1094 10 ' 73Ji 1 OS i 101 100 II 70(5 48 I3B A 3 ',4 3'i 103 'A &V lUi 31 II , 3 Vt 18 38 IS 9.1 87 4 8 14 100 3 48Ji 88 ',5 lel!4 SU 8H AA 87 'i 70 S3'4 18 41 17 17 ns 94 no A0", 7.1 V, 3.1)4 .11 3J 1 4 ''4 1.1 47 38 1. i 37J4 78'4 7394 14 10 !i 7H 37", I A 94 38 30 ! 4 3194 301, 73 IMi j8i 30 H 7 17', 5 COS 101 SO '4 37 ' S3'i !07'4 8.1 H .1.1 .1.15 no 71 1.3J4 1 8',, '!', s 1,1.14 1 7 U 1894 73 30 3?i 1.1 3 0'4 ll'i OS I7U 30S 71' 5 SO', HS5 77 U '.094 11' 5 10 103 '4 711 37 'i 70 43 0',4 1 3 ',4 43 794 13! 5 37", 18 10 JOi-e 894 .19 7394 31 Vi IIS 114 31 H IISW in.l?i 10 70 'j fl", I" 1 8 '', .1.', 40'5 ! 10 70 9 100i iie4 0IJ 3094 .13', fl 87 8R 7" :i I4'J 10 17 30 1,0 .v OS ',4 41 OH IS! i 34 H ls'5 37 194 30 Jj 37', 33 43, - "? f . m . mm m m' m. I ' I" lUUIlbMAKntl UNDER PRESSURE I him fir l his tie 4 7.11 "00 4 V4 H I ','4 1.4 Vi Tev1Ts Net Cleie Chite 49 131 -181 - 17! 4 10 14 .10 4 103 '4 I 101 4 10O II 1 70J-4- 40J4 1315 4- 18 - 34- 3!4 4 103 14- tSi- 13 - 31 - 1IH- 3 V, 18 - r8 -is 1 OS 87 48', " 100 n',4 - 48Ii- 08 V,- 101V44 894 SB -87 i 70 -S4 I IN -41 -17',',-17 -054- 06 -.-OI4 4 70 14 - 3I4 -3U -35?i -14 ',4 15 47 -381-1 37J4 7 8 ; - 1 Vt " I 1'4 1W A H H "t K 'A 1$ u t'A 3 V2 ' 114 y, t;i VA 3 i'4 V 3 Vt 3W Vt Vt H Vt li'j Losse3 Confined te Small Frac tions and Without Special Importance New Yerk, Dec. 11. Trading en the Ilreiad street curb was small In volume and without special feature. Fer a time, some stocks showed a steady tone, but, when the late selling movement oc curred en the stock exchange, these is sues were nlse under pressure and the market generally developed heuvincss. Lesses, however, were confined te smtiU fractions and were without special im portance, Hercules Paper again sold el 17Mi There was n medernte amount of busi- nes in Tobacco Products Kxpefts nt 1 lri nnd 7. KwectH sold at ".a nnd U'. I'nlted States Oil held firm tit KM.' General Asphalt yielded 1 point in the flrit hour te 30, Ktnpirc Tube continued strong, sell ing nt J8Ba te 11). Itritish American Tobacco coupons Held nl l-'a. There wits n stnull amount of limine in Klinrn at 7"h und "',. IMU'HTHIALS Acme I eiil , Ilrll-Auier Teb reupu Kmplre Tub . . . (Jen Aiplmll Hereulei Paper lllKKtey WlitKley Corffcllen Tire lladie Cem Itndle Cem nref . Hey ile France . . . Sweets Ce ToPiiece Pred Kxp . f 8 DIMrlbuthiK . . V ) Stenm V'nlted Profit Hliarltm l'nlte.1 lietnll CRndy Hlsh I IM, 10 37H, 1 Sti'i , H4 1 . 8. IMIEI'EMIKNT OILS 77 94- I "A 14 - H 10 ',8 8 38- I 10 38 -- 1 3015- 1 3494- 1 14 30H . 73 II U- '4 784- Vt .10 94- 1?4 73 - 3 13 !i 80 96- n 101 - I 50'4- Ui 33 i- i IMi 1 !i 83(4- !4 I03'4-I 3J-, 83 M- 3 ','4 53',- 1?4 sr.!i- 7J5 30-7 71 1 94 03?4 - 1 I8!i- ili- 3H 8 - I 00t4- 1,4 I 3 ',4- ','4 1894- 14 7:1 - I 30 - 1 394 - '.4 i.'! 4 n 3 9i 1 !i 1 1 Ti ' !i 08 - 11; J7'4 -. U 3094 - !i 3114- ?8 r.0H - i OSS- I 33 - 14 :0 94- 94 Allied Oil lloene eU llonten Meinliis Cirlb HMi.llcntc Cities Sirile II CuehltiK I'utH . Hemiy Oil Ktielliers Pitiel Cedernl Oil . lllenreck Oil eiurtvy Ullleapk. Hud xm Oil . Intl I'etrnl . . Km Ceuntv M 11 r 1.111,1 Itef .Muilsnd oil .. .fexle.i Oil N'nli'e Oinur Oil Hun Cena Salt Crr-k I'n.d Slninin I'-trel . Hllell OH . .. I'll Texas Oil C H Oil iclurlii Oil till ) ttfs. Una. 13 31". I si, A in t'4 -"i l'i - 4 13 'S'i, 10', 1 I .or. Cleie I I 15'4 18'4 .ml, :in4 174 17'. 13 13 ' .'.' ?.A J'4 7'1 ' ?.S 70' 4 i'l't 1', ft l)'4 81 13 1.4 1 N t 8t s''4 31'. 31 Hi l' t' i; IrV 7' 3'a 1' 2 70 '4 20 4 t is', 1.1'; l'i IH -", 7' SI 24 14 1'4 New Yerk Bends (SALE3 IM J10001 ISMS SENSITIVE A Old M ev A 8 10 2... IB A Ola M cv n 4 IB Atb'y & S Btti B 70'4 Atn Cot Oil ti 1 .... 76 0. ..70 Am Dk A I Bi 1 .... 07H A Smlt R Ci 0 . .. 74 1 74 Am T T ett 1 74 0 .... 74 H Am Tel ITli 1 77 0. .. 77 B 70n 0 .... 70S i, ... 70'4 2 .... 77 8 77 77 Atn Tel A T Ol 3 in 2 .... 04S 10 .... 044 IB 04i Armour A C'y H Est 4fcs 1 .. . 74 i f. .. . 74i 1 .... 74i A T & f) Fe 4l 3 74 Atch Tepekn ilr'flene'l Klee B l' IV II I. .. s .. .. 00 Oene'l Kle 0 n nil 2 . . ine Atch TAB t Gev't If H rets C Zurich rets 1... . 0514 1 0BH Cl'd Cln Ohl St Leuli 0s 1 88S 4 .... 80 1 .... 88K 4 .. . 88 Cole Indutt B B OStt Ceni-d 0i 7i 1 08K 1 .... 84 1 . . 08i Den n O fd 1... . 1 7. .. 48i 10.. .. 44 B . 11 Den IflOti 2 08 Det-Kdl Bs '10 0. .. 77 D Cansds, "20 I a se'ii I 1.. .. 80'i Krle Oenl Lien 8 10 0 .. . 40 nrla P. n ev A B ae4 I'.rle II 11 CT D 10.. . neu s .. . ae'i 1 BOH Erie Ik n cv D 1.. .. 42U Erie lly Ce 4s 1 M 18 . .. 00 B 00 1 00 n t a 11 n nn reti 7 2.... 102 1.... ieih 1.... 101 '4 N Y JlT ct Bi 25 4'4 New T'lc State niT 4'4 1 41 N T Tela 4'4i 2 7BH 6 74H 4 74V4 1 7414 N Y Tele'i Ol 80H Klacara Kails Power ei fl 88 N'n Paclfle 8s 7 B4 N'n Paclfle 4s 1 7014 Kerth'n Stalei Pivr Ce Bs 1 .... 7BJ r. 0 t)v it 1 1 1 S3. 12 Atl Coast 1. 4" 1 1 "' ,H 2 . 7i'i ln Atl Ceait t. 7" 4 1 101 V ' Atl c l'rult 7' I S .00 I 1 OH '-' h . 118 1004 tee I00'4 100'4 1004 100S 1004 KiO'i IOIH 8. n 0. I'ae 2. 4. 2 .... 76V4 .. 70M . . . 7BT4 T it T 81 . . 81 , .. 80 h 81 r Itllen 4 '4i te... . 68 Ira II cm lLis I 10 70'4 Penna It 1 7 6. .. 104 2. . 11 1 .. 101 reerla n lit I 1 B7 W Cuba 4'4i 1 n-' Iteck Intel Ark I.a 4',4s t, . . 04 1 .... 034 1001, jui,e Serlce 100', O'n N J fs M1.MMI Alaeku Mlf IlKFtnn i Mentnnn I'nledenta .Mlnlme I'anili'lnrlA Mlnlnic "ens Vlmliilu . i'r.iien tliiM Kureli.i CrneeUH Kurelti Ilulte lieM i'eiis HeMOi-lcl I'lerentc Knimiv silver llccl.i .Minim; Knox Divide liOUlnlitllil Ce Nlplenll-4 Ophlr Mliei Prince Ten Tonepnh Divide Tennpah Midway t'lilleil lii!tern I 4 'J IS It! s l'i 111 1 1. II II 4 I'. A KINDS i U -I 1(1 103!;- 7 -3794 t 30 -43 - U 13i4 43 ' 794 43', -.18 -IS -II -50',- 894 39 - 7394- 31 ii IIS - 01 33 os'-;- I03J4 10 70 1 i .11 !i 13 8 ', -KH-5 -40",-114 , -31 vt. 70H- 10 ni 80 94- 01; 3094- 33?i- III - 88 8 7", -71 -14'-10 1 7 (i 3(1 -00 -3!i - 0S4 II !H, IS'-, -35 ' 4 5?8 31 37' 4 33 -I3H . . "i l'i 9-4 !i l!i Vt l'i Ui 124 2'4 !'4 314 ' 41-i 44 '. "4 I 2'.i I'l 1 l?i I I I-. Norn hi flu Hivie f.'j Allied Packeia Annrenda 7s, Altnnltr 7s Oan Northern ' t'einn tins 8 . Diamond Match Helmi t'e 7s. Kenneeett 7s oiile iltli it 7h Sriiliixiril 0 Hlnelalr 7H Milft 7a I 'lull On . Va-i'nr i'hent 7' iu . I02H . tlO'k hOlJ r,:i . im'4 . in', ll"4 . Kin 101)1, . til oe'S iit'v . 4.-,;; . ('.' . se'. . 05'. - t 1:1 SS' 7'. 7. S 10 ', I, II HI 11 .T4 l' It l'i II tl 4 4 A l'i s HO', Sll M un4 S.I HO 1 j 00 '4 lllfl'i 04 I'll I'l'j ir. SO', IU hit1 n5. M 13 ss'4 1 4.' IS 11 34 l'i III 1A 0 II 4 ift 80'4 nevi 03 ne1; 11.1 env. 100 lflO'i 04 OO'i Sip 0J K0', .1.1'J Philadelphia Stocks HlSh I.01V .".(I Alliance, tsa, l.S"4 70 Am Strs .411 4I ICiOAm Ship '.t'i in.. IV! Am (ins. V!!) V.'!) 82 Am ltjs pref .. V!0 IS lOfAinPiwlt pref.... S.l'i STi'i lOOtChlnnCep 1S", 18 (II Cen Trac x .1 . . . "i! mi de.- 1:1 Ster.100 !l!l lOtCen Met Net l'lee chge 41) . . is 0 8T.1J isai :te . . !I!H p.ait &0I1I0 cv'O Pwltii'il retsl B.. I 24 . t 1 ' Halt 1 Halt li Ohie (Ik, 111 . . 80 . se II & (I Tel Is r, .. . as llel Tel lets 7 4 . 101 , r. 101", Hi 101 'I 2 . 04 Belli Sttel fd 1.. . 77. Hrlm Kapld T 7s ct Sta 1 .. . 37 Hush DldK 5s 3. . 734 Cal li & B let 1 ... 814 CI I Paclfle lit 8 . .. 71 5 ..71 II . . 71 I 70T, CM I'aeltlc 04 7.. 74 Ch'k A O 4s s'.'. ". 71 C . O cv 4'4 I .. . 71 '4 0 .. . 71S 1 71 '4 C'le lUri Ss 10 . SIN, I . . 81H III 81 '4 r. m (1 . . . 81 II 81 1 83 r. .8i, 4 . SI 14 no lOlTillHe Oft IV 4l 102 1 03' 1024 St H I Mt A R 11 & a ev 4 S 07 St l.i.ula . 3 "ran J 18 . . 03S, 4 ... !34 1.. .. 03i 2 03 1... . 03 St Luuli ti a OS 1 ... .4 rran in ,14,111 Ccnfl 5V4i 8.. .. 1 . . . '--, 1 in 3 .. 00 'i 1 2 .... Intbo'e M 4i 1 f.7 t.i eiai, ,19 : 1 10: . el-41.1 a 102'e, na Cd 'IT unit rctil O 3'4i !" 10 an!.. 10 . . 100V run. Ohie 4iHn:t.' 44i 1 111 71 , 1 . . .4 1 neTt'lIud A Man M 1 iiiu 1 .. . 00 n.ilt Ohl" Si HI Central f. I 1. 1 10 BEARPRESSURE Technical Position, However, ,uch as te Minimize Like lihood of Big Break 3. 11. 1. 1 2B II.. 10.. 10 ISViiSt I. A Series 3 2 .. 1... 1... 9 134 12W 12 '4 12'4 121, 12' Ifi'i . 484 . 48'. . 48'i 8 Finn A . r.8T , t0 . BO . 60 BO Int .Met ct 4'.i 1 . .. 11 2 11 10 . ll'i Intberu 11 T fcl fl. I 20 . 10 I 11 1 7 . . B 12 . 1 . J . 5 15 13 5. . 1 Inl'l fd 12i,6t I. A 9 Fran Serlei C B E4i St Paul (KC Short li 44 4... . 02 Seab'd A 1. "J 3 SlS'i 1 .... 85 Seab'd A I. fd SO . 40 SAN Alab'n 09 of "03 1 . . 8IUI Ce' 11 l'aclfln t'l 454 40 45H 4Si 44 45 48 411 40 IS'. 4B4 4. 4.V-. 7. 4B4 1 10. IBV 0... 73 "j 73 "j 73 V4 7.m 73, 45'fie'n I'aclftc 4s . 4B74 1 03 . 43,l 10. . OO'i A a NthlSe'n l'ac Ter'l mi 1 10 .00 B8i,lR'n Itallws r, Jan Oeve'l 4s , 1 Sl'a 1 . . . B0?4iThlrU Ave al Kan ; & H 3s 4 ..'4 t. r.2v, in ., . sl't 15 02M 111 24 M. HiLiKnn c A H 4s Union l'ac cv Mill t . Ill'i B... 1 80 Chl 11 Q t!iniK""iO A 8 Bsifnleti l'ac 4s 1 . . SO I 0 . 71 S . . RO c II li IJ II 31 Kan Cltv Ter'l 0 . SO nc 11 3Va tivtm 4 ' IT . 70 4 70 I 1 OO'Unluu l'ac its Cht II A O la's HclB'in 7'.48i 8. 004 00VI ! 0i U K of O Prt PC .4.SKC r-nerv aii .v ru iu-1 10. I 1 '4 14 !'e "4 l'4 3 I'. 1 11 213i niul '.s' .. imiii iitiuc "ii 11 vcn 1 11 the teilm turn nf the ili 11I1 I 'I In 11. J ,1 -leuiiteil Aiidi' frmn l.eliiitti -ili uu.l 1'ennsj iwinin Ilaili'ui 1 ilmnim- nilur vise were of it smiM ahi" 1 '1 e 'I 111 market for ma. tn- i-ui - n- ilui.ui Mrafeil in a I ,1 'h liie in A m 1 inn Itinhun- p'.fii i'i i" -ii A'ii n friicticuiHl liiilmu m -n- i u-imlli steni tee i.n V1.11I1 l'i 'itt. 11 unlit. Censnhclati-il 'l'i in Hen "l Xi .lere nil AHmiiie iiuriiine l.ehch Vin i jalien ami I'le. trh M. unite llutlen jnve jireuinl mi i-inal' efTetinii' II. I lis I 1 !' 1,1.1 ,1 vv HI N 1 I , II' 1.111 II i I. . , l ,11 ill.l ll'll I eldlh.l t li. S ,ta , im n I'll, f I'llhl 1 1.1111. held J7' li I I U" ll Id J7 en I In 1: te ij'l ' let' i, 1.1 1. . .1 . .4 " l.ii- .1 I .'.III 1 17 ll,.- f.. 1- ,i,.U..,l ."..Ik'tu ,.,v l-',l ,l"l -II .1,, 111 r- . ,1'U e-r.i-. neurl, ', in.- 7" " i-U wntein evtri 'i'' il,, ilrli, slis't inferior r fii' 1 1. nil. d nut' i.ilil.im. ul lis . ' ' , 1 h,n 1 null n7i ''. 'l.' I, I 1,1 I..I Nt. "v 1)11.. It " ii U l iti.,11 fljt fit.)' v ' . .1,, f nr te a.i.il. h. 1.1 j sm I 1 ' fnli. .'I 'i.'l'j, .1 1 1 f. h .".' '1 71 t.eiiulu r'i 'I n ' js -jit. -Ull. t , M ' . " .. ,1.1 ft. - "li'.i"7. Jelil.il '"''. .,.,'' L-' "I u i- .!" 1 IH It,. I III. Pel-l.Tltl I'.itvls t.uiei ,eavy S8,jMii e.lfir nie.i imi sil'.'7e. ,niall and mferlei tdr(i, -l.'li" uliit.i 1.. n.in t..iu Jlfij.li!. t,.v 'Ien- f..tu rijtll,s slot I, weLti-.Jult niel i.i.r .nl- 1, JltH's, ordinal y. ltd t.i'i'v 1. ivieiii .J. nni :". tuk, i.i 1 hole, asu, .in. de I 1 'i '.'. iuiie rum r, 1.117 isc 1.. i te. , i,, , itsii :tn,. in, eni li. r 1. 1 .1 . in. .uin. ... vimni; ir n.lr vmrltlnu l, 11.. , nr aple-re. S.-OO' . ""-'J1'"' J& sue de old t,er ealr f.ti MtlRhim.- (ue lbs t.nd n.T apiece. 3j37(.; fn.-r nearnv, uelithlni; 3 Ilia hpi.w :;e sp 32c; old roosters, dry-picked ivetttern 5c. ue. rtuuwii'rii .eiu'.ii;, iiuikr, ui-sierii, titr.ry. .i.ttr 10c. uvi-hv w ui. rn culneai per pair, spring, tl.ss old. si)'j(j(V .-10S32C1 D'J , QO, (1 p e pf. (IV! 1.. OV!'.. (IV! .... lOMenesTea 10 in 10 .. J.- Kev 'I'ele S S S . . HIOtKnn (' Ke ill 111 I!) i fiOtKen fop. ITS 17ai l"a4-. 100 l.eh Xnv. 71 ' j VI Mi Tl'.j Oi V!1! I.eh Vnl. 41)'.j -IS-Ji. 40U j lOt.Midvale.. IIIU 31'4 31U.. HltX Y Air lliake.. S.'t S.". S.'i .. Ill Xnrtli I'n 7!l 711 711 - U lOtl'ee Cns. .".!l II!) .'til .. II7II I'n It K. IOas -Hi's 101h . . M'n Salt.. 00 00 00 -f- !H 10 lIi iln Ins Wire .. fill, ril'fj niii.. Kid Phil nice V!V! '.'V! 'Z2 .. V!!l de pref.. V!7',s -"', 27 W -4- it 1.-i10 It T.. 10 14", l.i 1 0." I'll Trnct .ll ' .-.(H... Till', 114 70tlullmnn..1(V! 102 102 .. JO Keailins. .S4i, SP, ,s,i, 17,, VIIKH tin V.M pf fill ."11 ."ill 'A lOtSe lt.i pf ."iS'.j ."8',i ."81.6... VIOOTen llel. la 1 -j IV'.. iimi i'n Trm t :;i :iv; nv! .. 1V!04 I CI.. V-'V, ''SU.. 2i',5 1, lOil'S Steel Nl SO W) 3 t.NVl chaniiH mad bi coniparlien 11 Ith la,t al en N-1 Verl, rilecU Kxehance. 1'etHl f.il.s K12.1 rhure,, eetnpareU ivlih it.', li't-' Hiiare vemeriiriy. inui mr im, n-c 11H77I elieriii. Sali a la WINDS Xet flOUU IllKll I.eu Cleae cIike. .Ill iV II US ""j r, Hell Tel 7k.101- 11 Hrnekn Hap 11 Vx H4H. .... 101, 101 ", 4- i, Iran is., 1." Klec I'en Tr Is ... 1(1 Lake Sup in Vila 15 5:1 15 llla-f i's 5.1 15 4 2 1: .Kill IO0 10:11, COTTON MARKET 1. mi, , ln 'll- I lOH roei.iiei4 : Musi ,1' 1,1'lltl 11 S leel l (OHM I S 07 I." S3 !.". li.'. HI U' til is HI 1.1 1 1) 25 Open I I 55 IS 115 1.1 Sll HI no HI 10 III 1-J lllt.ll 15 1.5 15 us 15 01 HI 11 111 Jll 1 1) '.'It 13 in IS 05 13 l!J Ifi SJUiSl 15 75 15 Ml (ft S3 IS'ill III 111 (j 01 15 Hh 111 111 HI In III 051) 10 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS V! I.ehiKli Vnl nun 0s. . 1 1.1'hiKli Vel Ceal 5s... IKI 21 Ub&M 7s.. 101', 5 2-5 Mb Isniids L'd -i,8... S5.UK5.10S5.10 .!' 1D-20 fill His SS.tHI SS.00 SS.OO 12 1 -5 4th 41, s S5.II0 S5.S0 S5,(I0 S Vic N 4:',s. fl.i.42 ll.i HO l).,.42 I0!l fl.'i 10.'i., 0 1-en illnril 7 105 It Xnt l'rep J -Us 2 I I I'hilu nice 1st 5s SI 1 V S Steel 5s lir.s "I0I1U 117a 5.1U. ienni .4(1 0 10 02 l(l.-i, 105 U, S03, si . IH rs 1)1 ;. .1 "iiii ir.u t, a-n 41 '7S tin I 3.. 83 1157,'I.al.e Shere M (i.1 S'n 4s '31 n.-.s. ' 5 81 11514'1-ehlK" 1' 41 1151;, 1.. . .-' Chicago Il'n AI-ehlBh Vl'y 0 Onev rer 4a 2. . 08 30 0SV,iMRn K Sta 4a Chl A Krl let' n 1 . . 704 Mln A Kt I. 4i 2 . 77 I 2 ... 43'. Cnlcaee .Mil AlMe K A T 4i Mtl' 4s '2.1 ! 50 70H SI" I acme la 1 70 i 1' 78'i 3 . 70 ChlciKi) Mil A rill' cv 4H 2.. C8'i 1. . 081 Chlcaue Mil A StP fd 4'4i l . 58, 1 58 'A 1 5H 10 38 Chlcane Mil A StP Km 4 'is 1... . 70". Chlcaite A Nth We s I'n 2 .. 1 1 C It 1 ' 3 .... C 11 I 1... 1 .. Chl L 3 2 n 5 1 1 10 1 10 k" r.il 51 S 51 '4 10. . 07 II K of O Itrt A I'd 1022 10 . . 04S 3 04 4 O K of O llrt A I'd 1020 10 ... 88 8 81 t 21 . S8". ill .. 88", 11 . H8 5 . 80 f K of O nrt A I'd 1037 1 . .. fiS'i 11 . 83) V S Mexico 4s lj r.l'jTllltnd Iletllll 3 1 "4 1 Mterca C'n fd BI',' 0 fll 1I':US Hubb'r 51 51'4 2 7H", 11 '4,1' S ftuli 7'-jS 32 2 07', 51', I- H Mii.lt IVB 2 52 A Mln'B 0s Me Pac lis '05 3 00' 1 . 704tC'd S St'el 3s Meni'a fwr 3i 10 . 01 ',1 2 . . 81 n 01 '4 1. . S 1 (tl", 1 . 81 ' 4 01 'A 102 N TuDe On 3i 4 . 01 '4 101". I BS'4 2 01 'i 101'iNew bleana ATlah Power A A V fd Nth K'n 44,' Llirht Bs . 05 2 73 ! 1... . 7BH A I' 4New l'r Tex A a. . 75'4 . . 00'i Mexlee Ba iVa Itallw's Aa ,. f,0'4 1... 54 I 1. 70 Sta 4'4 N T C A II n Weat n Mrt 4s ,. 70S It It 8H1 ' 2. . . 51 Ciiltu I'epr 0s 2 07 Weat'n N Y A 10 OS'i 20.. .. (1(1 I Pa II lit r 03iK Y Ci II n 0. 83 1 . (15V R H 4a IWet'n l'ac let 3 05Va 0 . 75', 0 S0 Chlneea flma'liK T C A 11 It.Weat'e Klec A 1I-K Ills 5s II It en 4s MfK Ce 41 City Cep'r S'i 1 1 4 4. 3 Clt 3 .1 Cltv 1 72', 11 . (ill". I s net, SIi'l 11 it 72 1 II 4Hs 1 72 8 . . 72', 72'4 4. .78 72 N Y O A I'arla lis , II 11 01 1 3 II III 0.1 , 03 'v Tekln 3 I 45il ll. n 1 15 00 IW A I 01) 1 Oii'i'WIIinii Ce rv 00 I 10 R2 00 5 S2 01 '1 04 S 04 0IS 04", . Ul", 1)4 H 04 , Erie Is 57 New Yerk, Dec. 11. The Evening Sun In ltd weekly financial review today ears : Fer reasons rcndlly te be explained buying power ivni feeble te 0 degree in the securities market thin week. The size e the short interest induced cover ing In uneven volume. IHiyiiiK for the investment ncceunt flitctuntcd from day te dny. Neither source for neeiulsltlen was entirely te be depended upon ns constituting n bssls of btrciiRth. It wns nlse te be noted that there were Rtlll some sizable ncreunts liable te liquida tion. While It pcenied true enough that the technical position was such nti te minimize the likelihood of a wide-open break in values, Hie list was rather sensitive te determined nttack In any given quarter no was shown by the drop of 13 jrelnts In Willys-Overland pre ferred shares en Tuesday nnd of 18 points In l'ierce-Arrew preferred en Wednesday. The pressure bore down en the meter group iu the first instnnce nnd then en the' remainder of the list, industrial anil rallrend descriptions nlike. The situation nppeared te re flect mental suggestion rather than ele ments of positive weakness. The process of readjustment lias gene far. but tiie steps remain te be taken before it i-nn he completed reduction in retail prices te conform te the reduction in wholesale nnd manufacturers' prices nnd the marketing of fnnn products. The one step is slew in developing be cause of the nremise held out b.v the holiday trade and the ether because of the agitation ler (arm credit legislation in the present session of Congress. Aside from t ie effect of betli en Hie creuu Munitien they serve ns 11 deterrent te business in general nnd te constructive operations in the stock market in par tlculer. It is assumed mat tne two mat ters will come te n head nftcr the turn of the enr, and it is improbable, there fore, flint constructive influences will he given Anything like full play for several months- te come. (Jemmcrclal casual ties, already en the increase, are an ticipated for the early months of 1021 rather te the exclusion of considerations of the real progress which lias been made in pest-wnr reconstruction funda mentals. This observation npplies mere te these concerned in day-te-day devel opments of inarkctwisc influence than te these who study the economic situa tion ns n whole. While it Is nn open question whether the decline in commodity prires lias net been tee inpid from the point of view of the manufacturer, the wholesaler and the merchant, it remains true that the consumer has net jet been brought in diiect contact with price levels flint make a strong nppeal te the buying in stinct. In November, price cuts were the heaviest since t'ebruarj last, llrndstrcet's iiulet number ns of Decem ber 7 wns $l!l.020.'l, representing n de cline of 1.1 per cent from November 1 . nnd of .14.0 per cent from February. Wliile tliis shows the general level of whelesnle'prlces te, be below that pre vailing in the months preceding our break with (lerinany, it is still 50 per cent above thnt of August 1. 1014, when the v.er in l'urepc broke out. Only n small 'part of this decline has reached the consumer, and thnt only in certain commodities, whereas the spectacle of the decline itself eiiceur- uge.s the teiisiiiner te held back net only In the hope of 11 still further decline, but nlse until such time as the retniler will he felieil or persuaded te meet the Individual's icvlscd ideas of value. In addition te anticipations of mer cantile difficulties in the new year, then is the element of labor wliith involves a social nspect net wholly reassuring. Several Instances came te hand this week of curtailment of hours of labor in order te postpone the inevitable wage readjustment. It is net conducive te n settled stnte of affairs thnt the matter of lvuge revision should come nt a time when the laborer still finds it necessary te pay approximate war prices. Tln one problem presses en the heels of the ether ami both nre facing dcfeired solu tion. At the same time, credit condi tions lenve much te be desiied. The former, the cotton grower and the ex porters ere asking financial aid, nnd the government has a fm midnlile program ahead. Iletween December 15 ami .Inn uarj 15. there are three Issues of treas ury certificates of indebtedness, aggre gating something ever SI. 000,000,000, te be paid off. Twe new issues of err. tlficntcs, tetnllng $500,000,000 were offered this wee't, nn interesting fcntuie being permission for subscribers te ten der maturing certificates ut par eiul ad justment of interest In pa; ment for the new certificates. This suggests further government offerings in the nenr ftituie. since the treasury will realize no money under the circumstances from this transaction. Anether interesting feature was the maintenance of high rates of interest, one issue bearing at 53', iter cent tn run for six months and the ether nt 0 per cent te run for 11 jear. These rates suggest that easier inenej conditions arc net te he looked for in the near future, although it would seem probable that some relief might he anticipated for t lie moment following the middle of the month, 11 brief icspite. heueiei, sluce the end of the year obligations will be at hand. NEW YORK BAflK STAJifMENT Excess Reserve Reduced .e$11,. 247,010 Moderate Centrac' tlen In Leans Despite the week's lienvy volume of liquidation, loons and discounts of the New Yerk Clearing Heuse institutions showed only n contraction of SUIO.000 In leans and discounts. At the same time the credit reserve nt tlie Federal Reserve Hank showed a decrease of .$5,(M,000, while tlie liabilities weie increased in tlie expansion of $4,C03, 000 In demand deposits. As n result the excess reserve wns cut 310,7.13,130. reducing the nctttal surplus ever legai requirements te .fl 1,2 17,1)10. Details fellow : AVKIIAOE Kxccsa reaerve . AKsTegata rexne Leans, etc Caen lnvaultsand member banks . Itciena In mem ber banks ami rceene banks . Iteserie In Mate banka and trust cemparles . . Keaerie In stale batiks and trust company deposi tories Net demand de- jteslls . . Time depeslta Circulation .... United HtateMile IKislts deducted Thli Week tdit Week (1 7,481,050 1 12,037.070 MO, 487,000 540,080,000 5,183.121,000 S,208,880,00ii 08,847,000 08,780,00c) 525.B02.0OO 521,483,000 8,005,000 0.380.00(1 8 000,000 0,208,00(1 ,q,oeo.nn7,onn 4.001,400,000 261,084.000 20.1,(138,000 ,11,1 nxeesa reseria Asitreieate res . I,eati8, etc. Cash In vnitlts and mem. baa. Iteserie in mem ber bks. and reserve banks. rteserin In atatn banks nnd trust eempanles llciirvr In state bks, nnd trust cempan depositories. Net demand dp ' Time deposits Circulation I H. deposits de-ducted , 1,000,000 8.203,000 ACTUAL This week 111. 247.1'HI 542.S44, 00(1 5.180,72,1,000 07.370,000 .14,887,(11111 21.480,00(1 Last wft( I21.HRI.III0 0 18,203.000 5.187.341,0011 OO.OIO.OOfi 521.217.01)0 520,851.001 II 207,000 0.300,000 i.oia.mn.eon 25(1.1130.000 34,087.000 8 408,000 0 IB2.001 0.200, Owl 3.0ni),24S,()llil 201.S40.OOn 35.038,000 8.2SO.00O ' Wilkes-Barre I Bend Salesman ! An excellent opportunity for n man of experience and clicn- I tele in Wilkes-Urtrre nnd vicin Uy te represent an established I Philadelphia house. Replies will be held in strict confidence, but must be explicit and complete. i H-S08, Ledger OlTlce. BANK CLERK EXPERIENCED National Bank needs tlie services et Clerk, nbeut thirty-five years of age, te net as chief clerk : knowledge of all desks nnd ability te supervise and direct the work et ofllce force of thirty required. PIctulnB personality a crcat asset. Te such e person a position with geed salary and opper. tunlty Is open. Address In confidence UOX 11-210, IXUGEIt OFFICE Total 110.870 000 1 ..inpared ulllt Jll . 3511.00(1 sterd.i Thus far this t-ek. JOO. (ISO OOO i Illalt 1.n 'l limn Libert! 3'as . 110.111 110.00 H0.O0 Liberty ''d Is . S.V.'tO S5.10 N5.10 Llbert Ut .. SO.'J-i MI.10 MI.'JS Liberty lid Ili s.. S5. 41 .5.10 V,.:'J Libert 3d 4-,s.. Ss.Ol S7.n1; 87.1111 Liberty 1th 4',s. -.5.1MI S5.SI 85.S1 Vic Notes 3V. 05. 10 1)5.30 05.3U Vic Notes .e,h. . 115. IL' H5.30 1)5.3(1 in I'l.iiV lI"Nu .', IH l. .f I, ..e l.t,U 1 11 .11 -I ll- Ht j'. .1 . .-. sin. 1 1 3 70e I 1 e. . -. I . . H 1.1 ai 1 ' n' 1. 1 bv ft Hi 5.1, de 1, irr,e,l y.1 ill lilli.il l, iMliei.it.it 1 ,1. ''.'r . I. iblltl 4- kll..-d Iii II, II .Mi... .1 m 1 a.'i Ne Action en Keystone Tire Dividend iv Yerk, 1'ec 11 1hm iuih of tlm TOvHtenc Tire Ce met ves'iTdin but no tictlen was taken en tin iluiil.-iul and the meeting wns adjourned until Utcmn. tier 14 The teirul.ii iii.iruil ilhlthnd or 3 per cent en tne common stock Is ilue at. 1 III time. .ii -'" 1 ,,'n 1 i' llll i I' l'"i 1. 11(1 Turl..n. fun, v ' .lli.rMin-l r.ili 1, li, eih.-r 'Ue ,H"rii ilrj liiti-k'il. 32R I'Rik.d, MltlSlr. fair te Ida ,n lit tiexe f. 4h ' '. nod ei.-r apl-r 30c " 1" u 1 li Inner It', 11 a III tt .1 If- 2" 11 .10 fowl,, fi ., .1 . el. It., I MFik-htni: if?-, " 'i, , k,,l 1ir de Ire ti.tfkl I'lleiliul lelw of r.lil ste, k w-lHhlnc: reastlnn ,1 ,.1 . 1 lit. j. .1 .joe , - .i i 1 iil a,r li i,l p ,i..t ' ' 1 ui I'M ..M-d iin.i il. ' ,tiiu 17 h .ma H 17 11 "! ,11 K I "ie.l 1", ,I .iu .m.livi -'.".'. l.ani" hiiihir n. mii.iiy 31, t, , 27tf30, ,n , imi 1 ., 11 . .i.'ui,.-,. .- . j nt ,tti, undr '4(.l h. 2). .1., ,11 w'i .'ll'i. IhI 111.1k. ii n dri-imrki-.l. I ... 'I. I, . I I'" - ...". n . ,HIIU ,..!, l, nO" " 1 lll'l, ' ' 111 31 ,it, .'li de vM.ul.ltis I lbs 3111 3He de .' KlllllK I.CITKH !' I'" ' i""''1" """ 'J" a1. i 311.1. resstlnir clicl-ns ,t iitMtm Si, ,1.1 piirk. 'I ' 1. ..in. rj fditu e Kii-. rrn I u In bills welEhlnv 4il3 ll.. and ...rlns p.eiIn ..' -! "7 etttal lb .Mr.n r i,,, , , 31 si 32, de. uilulilliK 3' Ilia 0, 'is IJiiVI nr'- 11111. ms.iinls .1.11 apl,r. "iiff.Kii. frers. wesfrn iv. IrIiIiii; Hi .e irialnet clt-.l. .- le f,ll 111 'I ,3 11 'il.l.i. .''!fy27' bre'lria, ',rn -,v fur I j Be'"l H'l'ili erilila J'.blilni .ii I rtrv-plckU llelclllnR l'i W 2 lbs apiece, 41 .tsiil-,,- for lai , v unit .iii'se.', rer r. r 1,1 tnnu erniiprs ueaiern, stnan.T n'i ii'lf -imiie 42e, brellera, marliy, welglilni; ......... n.,... ...... .. .... u. ..ru ....1 nr,n am. ISIlDr1 I HI .... rmm ............. Quolaileitsi .farb) Ursta, 87W8UC lair H, ft.' lb, 'apiece 1.1 W 17c: broilers neaiby. .mailer slrei. 4:Oile, reaatlme chickens, marbr. ( llllAKO. Imc 11 - 1 A'l I'l.r. ItnHpts 1 innii Cnipar.d Uh week iiBe Hmt and Rept bit'' hera inltle clc.nlni: nreunil eiaili .001 Ori 111. -,1111111 and Keed kllllnv li.-lf.Tn shenlPK s'n alight sains Ir alu itoletina ), j,H fully 2.I0 'in hisler. fat bulla dull. Ilaln 11 ml htindi eal inn cuius mestl) II .In lower it.tv',, vieak te ' tvb l.mnr alee kira and ffednri, aitudv I Mm IKHIri ltervl,l stief. h'ad Melj IB, V.,rl ... ."V .." --..-.-. ,, n ,, ,n, ,,, I Oil. '.l h.1 bulk IH mill It 75 1, In ,'-,c t a,-,,; hlKhei. lulk iHslral.lH Im te 130 puui.tl Mas III 3311 1." HII13KP Itmnpls VtlOe .,n I'enuuireil with uvek aue ,"4i lainlm and matured wether 75e le 11 limn, ii-arllllk's II lower fal him. l.rredliik' and fi-eilliiB atenk atiadv iMlridai Thus far Ibis rl ll.ll.Hl.S50 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Open ritUl.nrilll, I'n., Dc, II HDDS lle Cflpta 30(10 had Hleud) Heavies. 10 ill 1(1 25 heavi vi 1 Jit rs and Main serk. is. 110 I151TIII 73 pica l(l '.'.Trill 50 .SlIllKP .H f.A.IIIIri ll.ielpts. .-,(11) hind t-ieam Tup .the, p SO top Iambi. 113 I AI.VI.'.S- Uiei.pt. 100 haail Htrmljr, Tep, (15 en, Miin June Jul) Aua Hid Test Hllfh lam 1-Iei.h , Iehh s 0.1 en h (17 s en s lids 17 h in S 2.1(H 27 s 211 11 .111T111 no 11 41 11 72W 11 71 11 ni (1 02 4111 UI II SO 7 11" 41 7 III 7 "a 7 05 7 117 8 7 00 7 00 7 20 It 7 27 7 23 7 l.lgj 7 50 7 17 7.47 7 457 47 .7 42 7.H2i-il7.(la 7 5(1 7 7H .7 7Hft7 NO 7 76 7 HI V 7 03 7 se S III s 15 il 1.1 ll tn Fisks Rubber Passes Dividend Nen lerk, Dec. 1 1. Tile KlsK KUO- liet Ce. "Itlt plantH In Clilcepee. Mass., teilav passed Its quarterly dividend of 76 (('nts a sharn oil common stock. The directors announced that altheuuli the illiltleiiil lind been mere than mrned, tliev had decided ueneral trade and treillt i-ejlidltlens rendered adllsablu conseivatlen of cesh resources. DIVIDENDS DECLARED .National 1)11 Ce iiuhiutI) of 2 per cent en preferred P.IM1I1I0 Junuiir) 13 tu -te( U of record Janu.it) 1 Mon'Kemers Ward ( e quarterly of tl 75 en preferred pit able January I te eieclc of record Pecembr 21 Mldttest Oil i'e 2 pr ent en rointiien and 2'a per cent en preferred, both payable January 11 le stock of record I). cemt,r 31 Little rlclllillklll llitlrna.il seliilannu.il 2',n per rent, patable Januar II aa renlatevd Deeemler 17 Italian Trade Improves 1 iiHltliiRtnn, I let An Irnpieve. ment In the feielun trade situation In Italy Is slieivn by a stateinent of the Itnllan finance dfpurttnent received to day by the H-ill.in Hmli.iBsy Imports for the first nine months of this ve.ir de. creased 570000,000 Hie. as ce'imp.ired with these of Die Batm. period tlie tear liefere, tihlle exKrts Increased 1 7fi'1 . 000.01111 lln The total of Imports was .,"i ,.vv...vvu ami tiuris 0,017.000.000 lenyliiB iiii unfavorable balance 'ami. mi of 0,405,000.0(10 lire Italy Paris Bourse Irregular I'tirla, liec 1 1 Prices moved lirecii lntl nn the Heurse today Three tir Sen j.W,,r BBe! c"F...nife en Mm" 4S"' 78nr Uc ' C n"r ct Ien". 85tr iOe The dollar wan tiuetud nt 17fr 7c, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Dec. 11. With Hi. ex ception of sterllnK. Stockholm anil Hel Klan excliaiiKcs tlie market opened at declines from yesterday's final flames Oeniand sterlinp; iviih Uc lilBhei, nt 3.45 nnd cables al 3.154. Planes shaded Blltilitly at D HGI4 for cables and 6 80 fei cheeks. Lire lest a point te 3 00 fei cables and 3 43 'j for checks Other quotations were. Swiss enbles 15.45, clierlts 15 18; Builder rubles 3O.C0, checks 30 47 : Span ish cables 12 OH, checks 12 90 ; Stockholm cables 10 40, checks 19 35, Chrlstlanla cables 14 55, ihecks 14.60; repenhnireii cables 14 05, checks 14.00. HeIkI.vi cables f. 20, checks 6.10 ; marks 1 3G 111 the second hour of business, ster ling Improved i4e further te 3 41i for demand and 3 15 . for cables Oilier ex changes were a shade lower Kranc cables were 5 SO, checks' 5.b5 ; lire cables 3 501.4, i-li,.el,H 3 49i,4. minks 1 35 t , Ilelitlan c.ibleB G JO, checks G 19 The (Vntiul Huiepenn exchanges iieic dull and lienilnallv unchanged from tes InrUay's llunl titeek exchange, uhlcli esterday bieKe te 7, una quoted at 7 "11 tedny The pietnium en New Yerk eili.ini;. in .tienireni teunv was practically un- cnnnReci at is 2.1-3'.' The tiiscinint en i.iiiiuuian iuntis in .ew Yerk was un- fiiuiiKcn 111 la', percent. YKMTHUDAY S I'l.VAl, QL'OTATId.VS Hlirllne Trancl Lire Cullders uemana . . . tl 4.1"4 r, S7 8 ,11 se 43 L'Jblea 3 Itlli B.hil 3 53 3II..VJ TejuAv a dii:xi.e QfOTATIONS Hteilluif Kratna .r (luildera .1 1.1 .1 Sll 3 mi, ail 47 . 3 4.15. .1 sil 3 r,e 30 en LOHINO gl'Ol'ATIONI. Hurling '.'mncs Lire Luildera .'in 43 30 5.1 tJemand Cables Demand (.'ablrs 3 45 3 4.1, 5 Ml 5 btt 3 51 3 .1.1 BANK CLEARINGS llanl. ilearlnca 1eda. compared ttuh ,01. rcspendiiiK day last tttu tears 10-0 ll'lll ion, I'hlla. . I7.',535 71I11 1s.1n.ri ill'.' jtiT.tiusM,, Puitun 33 300 3.111 117,045.171 Ilalle IH.tlls.dlH 17.002 7s(l ' t'hlcaae uu.hce.ii3u N, Yerk 707,200 SI5 , GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON Our Dally Sutler Senf en TTctjuejt Hughes & Dier ' Chlcajrn Ilnard of Trade ..i.,. J N'w l'nrk I'mdaea Kicbanis Memhera ,,,, Exchlu)r, "" V l'lttibiinh Stock Eichanrt 1435 Walnut Street .spruce SIS Philad!phl nir, isej NO MAN en eatth knows alt there Is te tie known about his business La roe oemraulrn spend thousand! of dol lars each car for research work and ex perts te aelve their particular buslnesi pieblcma It pais. Your buslnesa problems are Just at let pertant 10 ten likewise lour future plans Vn will nn.ilsze tour business problems ami eelte them nccerdlnir te tha best buslnsss experience anil Information avallable. en tin will send toil snv particular buslnrsi Information teu ntav dealre. The cost uf this seitlce Is Jt.1 pi-r year SeiM us eul Orst nitration atiund U detail and Incleie tour check. 17 50 A six months' lerilre fiTtlflrale nmi tour Information will reach ten In short order Then call en ui f'" ndile at will There are no ether ehare All communications are, et leurie, In atrict confidence The li. II, llnliert Itesrnrch fSertlce. ?en i; I cxInElen HI.. Ilalllmnrr, lid Financial Problems A corpeiatlon delnjr a natlon natlen iv Id" business en patented nrtl rles, enJe Itif? iinlersnl sales, ee sires le Issue uddltlennl capital te ceter purchases required te meet ncliinl denianels for Its nier chnndlse nnd te extend Its field Company Is en a paying bnsls Investments secured profits larBc no water efllcers capable Answers te this njl must be from financially responsible people be fore we will ncRetlnte Apply HeX II 231. Public l.edB r send stei I, General Meters for our special b'tter en "20 Pnyment Plan" Scott & Stump Investment Securities Stock Exchange BuildinR I'llILAtHlLI'lHA. I" III l.xiliiuilii' I'lure ('niitehillle. Clitimlierslitiri;, I'eiuisyliiinlii Nen lerk Ciirlifle Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1050 ItllAI, IJriTATH TIII'SI .."" prcparr V. S, iiii'.-.i ,,........ Intrallcatr mid iiillust partnenlilp. el mriKiratlnn Hriettiili. Alse '11 nme Tax Itettirns. J. Jl. SAII.i:it C. 8. 1'ATTON Sailer & Stevenson 811 AND ril"TI'NT BT8. BONDS Tax Free. YleldinB 4, te 8?i WILL Ili'Y AND SEI.Ii Grand Rapids & Indiana Rwy. Stock & 2d 'Is, 1936 CHARLES FEARON & CO. .1.1S Chestnut Street LEE, IIIGGINSON & CO. BOSTON l.sfulillaliril IH13 HEW YORK CHICAGO i -" - - - " .. - - -- - ,Mi-m. i,, im, -.nrt nJr'r'i'i' . .. sfsfessgrs1- jAfi vmnsaiimunt r J ' V4MT,!Jf'lif !4;-UfVJ i'lfm- (s.w-- fr.lfijn,Tllnl,MM- l - 7 im, l iiiESSSaEaiSiSfs 4-44,, i CjLi$8l4,li.4JiSl. -J... t Ct. 'IfriVi ff 4'T1)I'' T YMH