i i't Viili tittr-- i i1'- we.-itr:H(.-vr'-ti,',i'l ,r' niU...im.iii.i i I mil i.l ! 1,1 'I WiENEralKE ju hv '0$0mm . . - KJi VttS&ff etvri II.Vl ' '(Ml WtifIiMJ W& ; F rtvr-jreiW Oy THE LAST LAP OF THE SIX DAY BK RACE OSCAR EGG IS STILL IN THE SCRAMBLE j nr.,r efMIH. tillW (m Mead, Wm&. X ' V . A e - lji ', -I la," 1 BASEBALL MEN GA THER TO FORMAGREEMENT Judge Landis Presides at Session Which Will Com pletely Reorganize "the National Game" N,.,r Yerlt, Dec 11. Committers (nile Lcnguc. an.l W. H. Vnlli. i,rej. fcprcentlntf tin- major nnil miner dent of the Seuth Atlnntle I.cnRUu. Irtgncs. wltl. .TihIsp Unrth In flip rhalr. r ,u(t .r,)lltl A itej tiler, iirc.1 iirc.1 ,envme.l l'"e today en k-IieiIiiIc tlmr- ,,,, nf , Nntnn, ,,,: ,1Rm,'. ,,, ,,',,,;,. in draw up n new national agreement ,, ..resident of the Amerien. ,? ". I govern ,.rnfrMlenn babbit... .,, s.-rretarj Jehn II. Tarrell. of Iip It was nnneiMirpil flint the renfrr-ncr , National .Wrlntlun. ar(. netlnK In Z wuiiM 1- li'M '"l "" '".erH "n,1,.'!.,M" '.PQeIty without vote Geerge lhp mncnntOH plne,..I Knm.l before the Whnrten IVpper. of Philadelphia, ami mtrnnrr te the chambers with It.str.i.- 1. 1 eh ,u( ,.,, .Teele, of New Ve I , i. e tlens te prevent entrnnee of newH-mper- leKal MvNers. """t the enme hour repre-cntatlves of I nP n Adopted In lord the National Awoelntlen of Miner I rl'n new nntlnunl nRrevment. which I en cues d w,'t I"1" separate kcs- I uc oeinmitteeM propose te draw up. r Ien at the same hotel. will replace the one adepteil in 100:1 and Upsides the (treat titsl; of fnrintilnt ' ,nat nmcndrcl January Ifi, 1018, and Inir and cnaellni; a new constitution wlilrn has been the (tevernment of linte- whirli It Is hoped will atlfy nil parties . en" since it wan lira adopted in the nsreement, a number of ether important matters are rxpeeteil te be i!l?pe'ed of, Incliiilini: some Important drain Involving exehnnj-p of major Icasuc playeri, many of which have been imiiered recently. Draft IlMpemlble for I; rein i The events thnt led up te the neves t.ty of adeptlnc a new nntlennl ni;i ce ment had their beginning about two rears age, when the National Associa tion of ProfesHlenal Ilancbiill Leagues, the organization of miner lengucn, broke nway from the nntlennl agreement bc rnu'e of a controversy relative te drnft piovislens. Then there arose from various quar ters a demand for a reorganization of the national commission, generally re ferred te as the court of baseball. The (oinmlsslen had been composed of the presidents of the Nntlennl and Ameri can leagues with August Herrmann, president of the Cincinnati club of the Nntlennl League, as chairman. The organizations interested arc rep resented as follews: National League August Herrmann. Cincinnati: Harney Drcyfuss, Pitts burgh, md Charles II. KlibctJ., llroekljn. American League James C. lJiiiin, Cleveland; Themns Shibe, Philadelphia, nnil Krnnk Nnvin, Detroit, National Asportatien Michael II. Sexten, president; Themas J. Mickey, president of the American Assoeintieo ; .1. I). Martin, president of the South ern Association; J. W. Merris, presi dent et the 'lexns league: tieerge II Maines the twelve ctimiiiltfi'emnii cnlrp ilia meeting with open minds se far as the previsions of the new agreement are concerned, It being the iden te work out In conferences and consultations an agteeinent that will meet present con ditions nnil provide for strengthening the fninhtatien nf tlu game for the future. It is generally expected, however, thnt the new agreement will tnke the form of two parts: One between the Nntlennl and American Leagues that will apply te questions involving solely majet league matters, and the ether between the major and miner lengues that will apply te questions involving the Interests of these tve divisions. Piesldent Meyiller, of the National Lcagiici hns prepared n working draft of bis Ideas as te what should be In cluded In the new agreement, and It Is expected that similar suggestions will be received en behalf of the American League. Club owners and nlavers also i have been invited te present Idcns. anil i it is probable Judge Landis will insist upon the inclusion of previsions out I lining bis power and nuthnrlty as head I of organized bnscball and ethers for the i general geed of the sport, as well as his own protection. Dunn te Fight for Draft Itnltlinerr. Pec tl -Jack Dunn, mana ger of the llaltlmere Urie.e. upon his return home today from u hunting trip In the lleuth. eald that he would ntttnd the bHH t Imll tnriHnir in Nc.v Yerk nxt wp.l: pr i panel le Huht the rMiirn of the ilnift. He nan connient. he dicturcd, thit thv li'W Jtiittrnntlnmil liifru unuM l.irl htm u:. t Dunn nnneurrrd that hlji club would train I at (lolrlfthero, N (' nvxi rrlnir nnil that president of the Midilgan-On- JJrme 'nlu ua,cn"r "BU0 " "or 1Dr """ I 1 STARS UT OF Soccer Games Listed m Schedule Today m FWE LNE-UP .r. & I'u. AJirailCAN THUH) KOL'NIt llnlnr J. Doliien i. lthtrliNii. Ilfthlrhrin, McNichol and Meuradian en Bench for Muhleillberg Game Tonight Sullivan at Guard l' INTKnmi.l.lMilATK M-r.t'K irtcnlnj) I'nhernltv of rrnlviinln . Trlneften. Princeton. X. J. ai.i.iki) i.iiviiir. i I'lrst DliMen Hli;Mnlnc n. Hlbr'nlans. I'lftlrth Mreft , nncl Clifdler meimi'. 1 Mirsliiill I'., -mltli . .. Piirltnn Y. M. I, . i II nnil Tlern lrTt. We fniilin-.s horn it. SI. I.ru. Unrulnclen, ll'il. vrfiiuil Illiimen l(nnoel . rxlmnuvr Iren. Thlrtletli and I)lililnnn ktrrrtn. INrreyd . lriilnslen lenrl, itucr ur:if nnil Klilxe uirnne. II un saw . nt. LttrinnKe. piuic renu anil t'nmli nlfffl. , ., , in his hand, the beft defcns'ne man en i (ireve, r'n. the live and the best foul-goal shooter. nn Soe in. Nnllvltr. Ktnt reml nnil will be missing from the line-up. Al n,"'"n "" . , , v.wll.,.., Meurndlan who while net ptaylng a mf rTVUU nenvntiunnl scoring game, has been lri ortlieln streets. I'!u ng a geed all-round fleer game, Velerm I'. ' s. IMIetlierp, Frent and iilalv.,1," missing ,"ft?lS!S,Nl Unnllr.. SlaschPr and le rniiipensutc In a small measure ,flm r0ud. ,. , for the less of these two dependnbb-s, Cleser . I)lMen Mtrl. 1 Ifth and Heit- Cenrh McNichol is forced te use SlllH- I n,err,l,n'1Tlll?S lil.li.len. Xerthwest nn at one et tlu guard pests, and Illll i,lnllllf . A. SI. O.. Xlnrlerntli nnd iiiue nt center. I he lust named wasrtr""n strrtt". ,. , , I ,ui ....'. .l,.mnlnm,l,ln i.mn Mm s. Olnfj-. McMalinn Pennsylvania will enter the game with Slu'ilenherg ten'gbt in tli worst shape ; A Hid and lllue iivn has been in years. With Captain Danny McNichol en the sidelines ns a result of a broken bone GANTON Ai UNION PLAY HERE TODAY . , . , ei tee iiiiicriunn iinMinii Famous Profesoional Elevens te iidaiiv announced imin . ! Mp was scout for the Detroit iviect en amines ureunas ax 2:15 Thorpe te Play ROWLAND COLUMBUS BOSS Ex-White Sex Manager Gets New American Association Berth . Columbus, ),, Dec. 11. - Clarence , Rowland, former manager of the Chi cage White S'ex and of the Milunuk'-i' , Amerlcnu Assoclatieu team, bus been cliespii manager of the Columbus Club of the American Association, It was of- Tlgers i this year. Itewlaud managed (lie While Sex when they wen the world serler. i from the New Verk (Hunts three ,ears age. SOUTH JE EY POST-SEASON SOCCER Picked Teams of High Schools and Private Schools Play Today FnflTDfll I DATTI L A pest-season soccer game between till I nU I fill I I I I I'ld teams of the local High Kchoel UU 1 UnLL Un I I LL League and the Private Scheel w II b" Emersen and Rivorside Elevens Clash en Gridiron in Camden Today ntaved tbU nfteinoen en t rnnklln Field. The mutch is scheduled te start nt I o'clock. Tem Atcherten. of irvrinnntciwn Prlends, will en nt e in the Private Si'hoels' eleven. Nicholas and Hank are two ether (icrmaute'Vrt Prlends' players en this team. ni neil t pnnnrn! bLftOH H I OUlibLR Play-Off for Intercollagiate Championship Will Ba Played In Palmer Stadium Vntnn A. A. Mi fin! . . . Hs left tickle . Il-rkelt . If ft Kimrd I.Tiifh rentfr .Wruv rlr'ilKniMl YeimitNtriini rlnlit Inrlile . . Mttle . rlH fiul II. Milter u"'rter.nfk AtioiHen Ifft linlrhurk rtlflfr rlK'il btlfliiirk "itl fiilllinrk Cefnll Tnntnn (of hrnn D'C'imiMir SPffk. . . , Miirnhy llfnry litte. . Whftnll .irlitits Huren. . "Miir Tlintiw HnlMitHiitfn: Ter TriiIeii Mrfllnnts. Smith, Mitlennld. Te" I'nlen A. A, Krinnir. Wil Wil eon, nur. Hit Mlllfr, Wrlden, fihslf., Mr. t'nrthr, Itfff-rr Itnhert W. Mntwell. Snnrlhiiinrp. Vinnlre ('. 4, MeOnrtj, Cler Cler mmlen Ar.iilfinr, llred P-ftuin llfrt IVII. Inn. Klfld Jeilce VtVUti Ih-nnls, I'fiin. Time of iktIiwIi lit minute. When Jill) Thorpe trots out en the Phillies famous greensward this nfter nfter nfter noen with his brilliant Canten bull dog football eleven te battle with Heinle Miller's I nleu A. A. All American team he Vtlll be cheered te the echo by one who will he lest te the crowd, but who nevertheless will be cheering with ill bis might nnd main for his fellow tribesman. There was n touching sreua in the St. .lames llel.d tast night when the big all-round star, and one of the great est athletes ever te represent America met a man from his own wlgwnin, frank Kenkuh. of Camden. N. .1. Ken knb, dressed In bis best ptirb, bird b in self te the hotel nnd Introduced him- UNIOR X-COUNTRY RUN AT BOYS UB lneren A. A. ftherlde 1 Iriinmn lef; end Milker ' U-bep Iff) Inrlile Klfswndlf I ''iimule Irff nmrd IS. Oierfflt Virle renler l.lrhtenp Hli) . rlrlit giuiril llnrtiir I tllirlixk flithl lilekle W. Orrrfell ' (i. 'JlTxIn,. rltlil enil Vnnrnburs Nnfl,hlen iiii.irlrrhsek . Mark r-nelils I fl hilllrtik . tlrnss Kelli rlthl Inilflmrk Amter'en levnnir Inlllmik fuller Heft ree lleli p. PENN CHARTER STARS ENTERTAIN ln IttnKhnm Trnrell Poetball fnus from all pidnli of Seuth Championship A. A. U. Event On "rsej win gather m iinnien u niter r r neon te see the Riverside machine gtap Today Over Five-Mile Ger Ger mantewn Course 'Beb" and "Beanie Hosts at Dinner te Champs Tonight llimlfu TS.cmpmi Minns frert.i ltti(lreii well Miniii. Il.'twn,! Plfty-Rix entries nre In the junior cress-country chnmp!euhiti of the Middle Atlantic Association of the Amateur Athletic I'nlen of America, te be held this nfteinoen ut (Scrinnntewn. r'enr teani't will lie entered, the Mcadowbreok Club. Shauahnn C. 0.. Northwest Hey-,' Club and (Jernuin (Jernuin tewn Heys' Club. A number of slurs will be seen in ac tion, the most notable of whom nre Karl Hunter, former Penn State Col lege star; Mill, of Meadow brook : Jehn White, of Xeitbwcst Hens' Club, nud Hallcy, of (.ermnntewn High. 'Hie Detwleller tile with the Lmer-en A. A. aggregation. The nilitesl is e be p uvtl en the l.bsirlcp i'nrk griiliien. Fourth and Jas per streets, and It is expected that mere than live thousand enthusiasts will stir- rnilnil thn ulnvlnv flnlil. ' .n . . .. I h hnlil ti.ifi.lir n In. n.iit.n ..'III It., flu. :bai:.a!e T7, '..rax : h-M ,h.:r !.--v! .i:-,;:"" I.I.....I.... .!. ..I, .. Mlluj,n "Tl"'" Him l flilllllll -l-' I. .'.l Penn Churter's football be held tonight. The scene If te .1 m. Little time was lern in providing the fenner with n ticket nnd n, is nftern'ien ne win iicvk xii: ui-nui.- .-- .. ... ,. .;..".. ...,i i' llllne en the bench wit!) the I 'c I'eiwiei.er i.rtui crs wne create., lrv ...a ... -'---- r. , ,..!. t.. i n ..nsHf litti Wlipti nl I ..(irrnl lllirn nis inventc m- v. , , : . : ; 7, Scheel nnd also in amateur ranks, will be entered from the. Northwest Heys' Club. Itlltler and I lend, of Mcadowbreok, are also entered. The race will be held rntlcr the nus pices of the (lennantewn ltejs' Club nnd will be held ever the Cermautewn emu ne of live miles, starting ut th" (ermnntewn Heys Club, west en Icun fm strongest river has ever known. The team has . gene Ihieiigh a successful season, losing only one game and liuvlug but eight points scored against it, An Intercepted 'forward pass in the last minute of piny I enabled Pedrirktewn te linnil tlie Cam I tleli chnuiplens their eli'y deteut. KwiiiS A. A., West Walnut, Wheel- leg. Pitman. Monmouth nnd Victrlx nil fell hi feri- tin- Camden lads. "Vic" was the mil) one e.' the sextet te score en i i'merseii, ivgistetln.T n wtfety In the , closing period. I Illxerslde has met practically every I auk. ,tf ti.tfn In tlitu kin, (In., nf till ennti. nud will undeiibtcilly go into the I'rlnfflen n,ll,tr f VI est InsIriV left. TlinnnH fnl feewirJ s.ilne.i lr'l" rl"h Miiii'lli-litite enulile hl . M"r Irft hnlflxck Went renli-e liehrk Vi ll.llnr rlrl.t Killfhaek Th'"-l left fll'Ibi.-U . Weed rlthl f nlll. k en:t l"ir rAnt riM.lHr I liefer r eeri(p. IWrtani. I lnmen i Helntt nnil Vi.iinc. Illnenf lialtr. I" mU ..' utr. 1 Z PrlncHcn. Ie- 11. -Pei.il nnd I Princeton rlnsh here this aft". neon in Palmer Stadium In ii i-'.ny oft for the intercollegiate hatnplen-hip. which is held nt the preeiil tiire I the lied parH will i tul nine. Tbe.e teimin met thru- weeks will be the'nire at Franklin Field, but after nl:i ninety niiuutes nud two extra live- tin- g.i.iie etidid in n 1iftVi t.'A C. fpf.m1 h.. 1...J1 r m w. ".Tjr"!; Ileit tr. frvtc. rtn 'MoreUv Amrk3 ' l 2 o'clock nt h's 1st rMnc). Vt ' , en vlewnl Hunilnv eviinj; open rv- id, tnj itAMr c triian "r J lewl (Iik.i1 Kimtrnl rv'cii hf, Ui.-ncK aisj ti,yn Mawr art. ti). Men.. I .th mil : p in. Int. p(lt. OIIKKt.KV -rp 'i nm r,. b.101 I raiitini I iifves mid n lenda Invited fi. uii'tiiI Men n ie n .n reuMmee of pr nm m'i, ,;dtAtied i .snivinn r4rilm ii. hi ( ur r,u r t.eurd, " Churih le m int n,i i ,, (,n. - ,"AT:""r '" ,u-'' jeiin it.vnT. ia ;';, i1' ", "1 1 "".' f'p-id "'Se members of " ' c , A Aiiee . Inylted le fiinersl V..7IV, . 1 ." "'? P'ler nf Walter 'lurk- Ar Sen. Mass lirnml si II lull mt it J ilm t Cl.urcii 10 u m l,a IIel. ' r. ( i in .""e'1. "'". I". .In' 'AHRV uncoil. nn f late Im ,il II llenr. grandjen nt I i " Jeiutlian Wolfenilen nlntlv arM i'1'iil.an lin.'ed te ntun.l funeral ervtc. Men 2 i m . rrjtn hli. Iwie riMene. tin I'nlr.i!iv um Luiudevine I' i Int. Drlvata. S.'Vl'll'Kl&XMl - On J.f. . LKOt Het lte en itiinnw rneel. at hie lute reslden?, B'Jtl Krimd '.ng minute periods, scoreless draw. In this senen' form Princeton bs jthe edge en the Ked and Blue from n scoring standpoint, while their defease has also proved stronger than Penh's Canten bulldogs te see dinii In action. , , , I This afternoon ii game should go down In local Independent football his tory us one of the bet at least from the standpoint of the stnrs who arc1 playing en the two tennis, that was i ever played here, and was only ar- I ranged through th" enterprise of Lee Ceiiwn). Thorpe has a collection of I stnrs that would make any college i coach beam with the hnppinesH of a ; ..t..n a.'iiii linfnre the seilSMTl htnrtcd. lleitiii' Miller said this morning : I t.ypsy lam "Till Is L-ninc te be the hardest feet- I iss-iiiieken ball game of mv career. Jim Theme has an even better team te face us today than be bad last week (er in New Yerk. Te ask me te make n prediction would be foolish for I think It Is going te be u light from start te finish with little gaining through either line. This will be my twenty -third gam" this sea son nnil believe me I am mere tbnn anxious te wind -up the jca'r with n viclnrv. We nre net mcrcenfidi'iit, but . : : . . i . , .. -, . e .mi feel tliar we nre going ie let me iuns n,,i knew that Clinten was in :i light. An- te hur ijersen will be our uitiitistu), esiiecinll) lu running back clear, leek out. ticlorleus tennis at the Twelfth street silnml. 1'iederlck L. Smith, Conch Merrltt and Asslstuiit Coach Dresser will also speak. "Kddlc" Cellins, of the Chlcnge Americans, a resident of Lnusdewne. has In en Invited te the , eteilt. The Interiicndeiiiic Leneue game u slllit fuverile. Allet lllverslile s cbumpiens loel: forward te a big time, cripples, including Fuller, who was in- . Ciithelic High opened the season with lured nt Washington, have rounded into Ml ietert evee the Meeehanl' 'lie Mi -h and Mis. lliirhm P. Statell. .11.1 North Lniisilewiie ntenue. Cnptuin "Heuuie" Stut7ell and bis brother Heb will nsMst in entertaining the IJuuke- athletes und efficlnls of tbe school. Dr. Itlchard II. Ounituere. Iieail master of the school, will attend, und na iiuiiftl Im fit uiktini uiiri- 1 tit aii it 1 1 tir things te tell the preteges of Did: I insofar as li inceteu bus mil) had their Aieriitr, wne nn. tiirnetl out se many line crossed once In the league series. hepe nnd ate expected le start the. game. Ilewexer, IMvcrslde's edge is net ns pronounced in it lias been in recmt .tears, and there will be scored of Liner- I an ipirtuii,tv te sie up ins en seu adherents who will be willing te elTey, wager en the chances of their team. 1 lie I .Nally n lclerj ever Scheel iiuintet nt Merchnntville .vetet dnj. -12 te --. This preliniinury game was by tin means a tent for the Purple and tield, but It gnv Coach Markwnrd The splendid improvement of the Ucd nnd Hlue team, however. In the lust fi u games hns made them the f,iverite I for thl nftei Jinmi's contest. I With the exception that their bail, .division Is net iiilti- us strong ns the ' Orange and Meld, l'enn's scoring abil ities in the forwards, with Speni er and ll.ee in shiK'tltig form, mere tiiun cenn i tci balance the Princeton defense h Clifferd. Beyle, Legan. Mc Cox, Kennedy nnd Donahue street te (Iieene street, neith en Mreene te Scheel lane, west en Scheel lime te north en tipsy lnnci te drive, le Lincoln drive. l isMihicken nvenue, south ou WisMt-blcken menue te Scheel lane, east en Scheel Inne te (Jrecne street. south ou (irccn fact thnt Hherslde wen from l'mersen nuiel for the lec.il sihnei. ,,, ,, i nllnce nnil uiipress excelled ter Merchantville. Ambler High defeated Jenkiutewn IIIbIi in a girls' basketball game at . .. Jenklntewn )esterdny, 2S te 10. Clever Hunting-Stenton Football Tomorrow p!!ng en the part of Miss Sendder. Th llunllns- SecWl football teim nmi ihBt Miss (itlltiert and Jliss (ir'tnth bellied by n siete of 'J2-0 last jpnr will hardly have any bearing en tedn)'H game. T''C kick -off is scliedillcd for .'I p. in Deyle K hocks Out Lewis tlillltle flu I - II 1111 lnl. i.l I'hilnl, Iphli r -nt Snmmv l..vi ,,f i,i rl y tn 'lri ACilntid In th ivlnd up at ih Nii'tlllf'. A Hi Mil nr t Imy- lrakir In the n'l re'jml K 1 And lun it Atlirtle t'll err.i n t.ih-.l k, rk nu i i WllPe Itonelils. .e1 Ph'Ui.l. Iphtn lri lh. fifth round. Ilenn i'ui-e'l urn ,, i Kid IM'tsburich. nr.,1 Jehnnv K ' m.i.i ! tldille Clark. street te Penn stieet. i " .:i,'u' , '" '' """ ."" ..V1,1 ",V:' Ambler te get an curly lend nisi en i-fiui wi'i'i nun iniii tit itieii-aik iienni.. tnnierrnw urternnnn Th" Cermuntewn Bevs' Club. I clie nuilenihlu of Nlc.tenn Is at aiftke in ihla ' limf Hohev Hpsin-wi will i In the Inn rf- I lllrl for Munllnit. an also III li-' .lltmn) W.mt Games fee Thuradav Nlnht ! Smith .ind hhurtv I.untiferd Jnhnsim Al'l nlfii The f.ist !t Jaim tUenf W.is l'hlla le'- lir.ul, ruin are wlllinui n c.in-e una ue. k, en in cum. ef Ch iMniiK llv eetnln't e.i TrlJa Hut M itunri r l.ucv Ien. ntrilced In up.n the ThurHday lnt,,.nl nrnl weuld US from au'h ti'im. Went Cheeter and lirkei -it ur.:. or anv rtrst elniis t imrt nlehinif -e fra.'l te SI. Jam if the end fur the home tMtn. Ine Se men II Ki-f llifs Downlllgtewii. "''' I lVlls.,1 pllllts and if be gets Hail ffir u reiifim.hU i-llnrnnt.i 'l'he learn , J,1'''".'!' " ' A i le ccntlen of fans l Kdnc Ktrenir n-'itnr in- nrst nr sirunil ,, . .. Is coming down te see the) sure will be dls- I tenmM havlmr auffvrni ri, feat Ihlii e.ir. Ad- I drri .1 A. I. Dry il. In Weudlnr.d uxenui. from HillTii.i the gnine and Glpp's Condition Unchanged ..... .. .,ti- i .. ,. , Nninii llLlnl. inn., u-c II I ne rnnil 1 en very llilic i" su). nv unc a nam ' , ,, ,., Nlllr, ,, f,i,el, ,,.. r game oil our nanus. It should ue n auffeeitnf from a tlirnnt Infertlin, remained eieiit Biftne te watch. Mv team Is I unehnnued this ninrnlni.- ne. online te hn. "::.... ....i ... u- Mli,'. nn.t tl.n c,. ,'pltal ant neriuea uipp rain, ii Haterniv (trreilK inei -. ." ....... e ...... ..... iuin , t u , t0 should receive n treat. ten uppelnted It we nre iieicnuii. Jim innrpe, timet ui an iniies. te sa). mp nnvc u i Mill - t telle I TllMK I) nci.i, ltutlttler rlatii end . Jnhtiann lUht tmkle. . . . Il..lei . rlcht su ird '1'iitnr c nil" hlte lift i ml H-ll left t.nlclu 1.,-itinl 1, fl Kunril. Talkner i quartiihurk . Ketehmure l.fi rcilfluck . Kalchick rls-ht rnlthack Smith i fiillt uru . . , Urunnmi ' had ; hnnl I Bosten Curling Veteran Dies Itnstnn, 11,'e 11 Jehn Mcllaw ts p-ei1-d..pt "f the llosten Curllnir I'luh dl.sl vea terdiy lie n.ni ueen an arcive tlcure at . ..i i ....A..n.unn.. ...i i ....i.i! rltlcal een.1!- Inirrnntleniil Imnnpleln ill the United Slatea ""'"" I"! I"", """ ' - "..i.i. . ninuii , n ( nii.1 It i.ir tmite jinff League nnd private school circle-,. Hnverrerd Schools basketball team will open the season with Central High nett Tuesday afternoon. Three days later the Main Liners phi) Fratikferd Migli. nnd with two games with High Scheel League teums prier te the Christ mas holidays Ilnverferd will stmt with hard contests. Ilnverferd has n severe schedule of ciimes. Teme, Catholic High, ltadiier High. Temple. Ilnverferd College fresh men. Southern, Villnneva. Lnwrence ville. West Catholic High. Mill Scheel. Swnrthiuerc, Northeast and Merman town High are nil en the Mavirferd list. i There Is no question but that the Mniu ! Liners luive a harder schedule than ' any school team in this section, in eluding ns It does the lenderb in high i D O N T I S S FOOTBALL JIM THORPE AM) MIS Canten Bulldogs W1I.I. I'l.W UNION A. A. Of I'lKir.MXVII.LTJ 1 1 tlie I'hiltl. ' I'.irk nn Saturday, Dee. 11 Uir.il H ut. i .in. JJ r, Admlalen. tl tickets ran lieusM at Cunwi, 'a L'J j ,d fltnl,. Seai.llnr T H I S G A Nl E and Ilnlnra i slreels. See in. fnlnnlnt. I'ulS'kl nenue. I Mnetrentli i tilt te ilntc lie tins liad lint two da)s lluntlnir practice because of nn injured tliumb "treet and receneu In loeluail. lie will enter p I Htrrtt and hnlclry menue. Hitine tenigni in anything mu u.e con- rnh Dld.len l.tiun nrce.isnry for biipIi a grue ing 4 Vell..ir. Mneteentli nrU pnine mm is ivnntfM uilli tin Ill.htat0 I it.ti... .-i- I qilintft lliilnbinv n.' WVMmerrlanil, hUtj-ftrtend I) unci Ontario ' i. i . .ii kiPMi tind txi.ir uirnt r. llvdn played a gunrn pose en tne -. :-- ,;. '.,. feiieKr. frasliinan team last jetir, and lacks the Iinl-Ii and finesse of a varsity player. However. Coach McNichol ha the ul Mijs' eentldence In him. and expects te sec li 1 1 ii play a great game tonight Sullivan enme te Penn from the Cirt land High Scheel In New Verk stntc. The nlnclnc of Grave nt center will cause the shifting of Walter Muntzlngeri te forward, pairing with Itesennst. Huntz is a better forward than he is a tuvet man. and the fact that he Iris (emul his bosket eye se early In tlie easen should make blm valunble to te nljht. Vegeleln will play the ether tumd pest ' Iliiatzinger nnd Ilesennst will both tnter the ietni sufferlne from injuries received in the Temple game last Wednesday night arid may net be able te Ien the entire game. In their places Condi McNichol will nrebahlv use Hu- llne, tlie former t'nlversity of 1 tab ttar. and Speaker, n substitute last ktasen EXPECTORTON'S ARREST Indicted Vernen First Baseman May Be Arraigned Today IjOs, Angeles, Dec. 11. Arrest and rrnigiimeut were expected here today in the ease of nt least one of the four intn indicted en charges of ciiminal leiisplraey late yesterday b) the Les Angpln, county grand jury, after an in Qiiir in two months' duration Inte (hnr,es ei corruption in Pacific Const J.'agiie baseball games in the 1IUU sen sen Ien That one was W. Baker ("Babe") pertnn, former Vet non first ba-.t iiiini. The ether three indicted were Marl V. Maggert und W. C, Itumler. feimer alt Lake outfielders, nnd Nnthan Ita.v Ita.v iiend, alleged gambler of Seattle, M itsti Helten is believed te be in Les An t'le", where he hns been employed re icntly by n motion-picture company. Maggert Is in buslneiv in Hcrkcley, f'nllf.. and Itumler und Hayniend re Rrctlel. In Halt Lake City nnd Van wucr II, C. Six-Day Dike Race Ken- Verli, Dec 11 Tha lat day of the '' i. ii le rare at Madisen Sauani (lar ''" 'tem I tt, iwilve team atlll In the unniiiK hew-n laps aeparatel the ferennmt ff"l Ut rent's1r. A h n'elecli. the U'Hth "ur lir. r0 ami Cnburn still led the pre. 'Minn with 502U miles, H lapa The rent nt 'fila na aa fuilewa. Vaiiheiel and Vnn 'niihirgii Tailor and Hmlth and Delnete ;n li-riifti "esa tnlle 7 lapa. 'four I, am ",' e ;UJ1 uuiei, e lapa IM.inl and l.eene. " mitaa, 3 iae. bpeara ami I.awrame '1 huter and Hutur -Jn2 1 tnllea, a lapa. im and Vamllvele, 2023 miles. 1 l"P, "rucce v,i liadirg Da faiil vs. Semerael. fettinnn nnil Tor Ter rendale streets. West I'lilltiiHInhla Dltlslnn , ViirilHlnn-n . Wi-lietne. N"rrl"'""r". '''! I Anitern . A hlen II. C, Tlfly-sUtli nnd ( lirl-lhlli atrerts. , ,. Mlllferd M. He niellt. f.leneldeii. Iilrtnrln i. MUrU f. ( .. flftwlnlitli atreet and Ilmerferd attnue. Indnsirlnt I-amie n. I.iuitnn ren. urenii alrMt Ilelilfeld ...1 ttl u.l.ii ii riBtiim Kli'lllier vs. Ilurrrlt MnnufuclurlnK. Teii- i Tllel'd' iVi'i'nu'fmrllirt's: .rilrnlr. MM WSta!!!.n ".". 'ilaVXUk 4 ... renrth nnd Ik-rka atrrrta. eniciurr i,uint lntertll flninplenshlp New Verk . I'lilluilclplila Ticked Team. I herntid l)llten ll.i.i rfnrd felleKr (a. Moereatonn llutrrfurd, l'u. V. C. ST. JOE PLAYS TONIGHT Cage St Jo. Je. Vlrnid Deai I'rean or I)elne Temple. . Season Opens With Crimson and Gray Game ( rltnuen and Cray cum forward .. ';' ,. Collea" S5s "JBb 1 NATIONAL A. A. inn s, (atiiakim: stuei;ts -niMi.in reMtiiiT Artie O'Lcary vs. Gus Franchetti MAIS HOfT Benny Valger vs. Jack Russe .1 OTMK.U ST.Mt HOfTS TKKirrs t iieniiii" as s. mtii st. Jlll.l.Hil'.VVlitt I'll at II i, clock r. I ,.eili lr'.rm.nl nil. Illlit 'ev, r tllll HIS Hlili.li.v .tiln IvhUt. en Ii. i Ii. ANNIB KKU.T live, lunnw) a.fe .if the In ltebtt Kelly. IUI inivs i.r. ui.-n.ls !re milted e the funeral, en M..iulai nieinln at sin e'clneli, tren hr ', r. '.f n..-. .T.I1 Seuth sj,i t. Sietemn reinini in n. at st luphurl'a fhurvh. at ,0, '. T... tiitvrin-i.t it New Pntlvdral Cam lV(.b' ('f dit.litherl.i Drc ID. al m. rents r. . i,r. 4t I'l Kill, mil a.. tier miinten MILMi'KNT ll dnualiler f I r-dejlek W mil Nieml I'omerey Imc-. iid Int lv mu ftin, Mun. ie.30 a.m. Ne fllteu'al I.KttiKU He 0 le-jn. lltllYM, widow of Fran). !. m ir,, Carrl Tuneral Tu S ,.ti a in from hrr lit rsl I mc . 1)31 Cat I'cvlilll jt Sii.mn rit m niaea nt St. Atmintln-a church te a m. Int. Hels' Cteai Cem l.i. l -Ii.v ti TlI.Mi: aldew of Jacob I en in., Mm .initli) aim ill Slineml at w r. i-r.c- of ih family Sun from hrr .a'e Ideiie, "im m mi, Mt. im, Adath .le.ih ii -in i ,m I'lttaburah and Ohleanu lap. ra epj tAU'X -1'elniar I'a Dee JOaRril Imshaid ef i::iilietli Leut, aad sn. Sen i' a ui -h. MenU-emtrv I'.aptl! Chureti Jlin L" n m In- In cemtt'ry anjelnlnn. MATTIIKWS Dec. I). WILLIAM. tur lae.l ur :at. Jli-wM tatthe (nee Kn nelvi a,-.d ".. Ileljtlvva nnd frlenla. bImj nvmhia of t e r;rl Ave M. E. Church, ant all eifcu.. zatletin of iihleh he wan a nv mWr invr 1 t uttend funeral earvlcae Mir e ii ni "en-ln-law'a residence. Jehn A W. tic ne. stits: N M.irar.all In. Pfi Mi'- Krlen-ln r-u ci.ll Sun ee. wivtviii: ivr , MAT.in y. iauh tie "f Janiv- ui'd Uie Marr Mclntsr Inn rUkhet' tt':.d la Ileiatlwa and frlnda lmlte.1 ie funvial Men . ISO a. m , from remd , of her crandd.iuffhter Manna Is.uw s. 1.0" 117th av. Oalt I..ne. Hulemn 1 re,ju em iiinja Chu-ih cf the Hely Angela 10 a ni Int New Cathd-at Cem I UiH.lt Dee Ii .IOMKl'11. huiban 1 tit letura Meer (nee Chandler) Relatives and frJtr.ln all erdera of Mhlrh he nil a me-re Imt ind .'mpleea of llinry Dlaatan A. Ken. nr, Invltn.i ie atletid funeial sarvlrea. Meil. 2 p m i reeleely. laT reeldence, A704 Mare li n i Tae,,ny Frlenda may cull Sun, t i 1 " in Int llll.alde Cem Me IMS' Der 7. ANNA TUtlUS.V. ha ie,l d.iuvh'cr of .lame nnd Mary ft. Me Male lieiatlie and friends Invited tn fu neral. Men 0 a til . late eealdente 010 N Hill st Cimde'i N'. J ttlrli m at Hely Name Churrh 111 a ni fnt Hely Crew Cann. MOIISK 1e. !l, I USD. KI.IJSAHKTH I. lfe of FIIVN'K II MHU.tn aaed 4 yarn. Relative and friend Invited te attend tn nnra. aervlce. en Sat at II n. m.. ehaeei c' nil ev .1 Ua r k Sen. .Villi and 19'.U t. In-'riMir prliate Ml'M.Kll I).e . in'JO JOSKFll. hue. Imnil of Julia Mu It aM .".S n.Utlvea and fiend ami ill .neiptifa of whleh he wa a m-niber are iiiiit.,1 te ...-rvlrea Men.. 1 P m . redenee. iti".7 Mdary ave. Int. strlctlv prliat- Mt Vernen Cem. ntnalae tnav u. viev.e, sun after p m MYI-.1IN D-i 10 cIIARI.i:S A MTEItH. run ill rtrlr Men 1 p tn precisely, at i I, arte II wii'ni'inn'a lillO Rldse ave. II 1k. nunh lit private NKFP -!) li lO.'O. MAHOARF.T KM.A wife of Ah it . Nut Funeral eervlces en Set . at 1 30 p m at residence. IBM N eSth t. lntertnen private uncus:.!:. Pec. T wit.liam H.. wn of lne Jeneph and frnnclaka Oerhale ared 11 rferv cea l!en. 2 v. ni.. 1400 N. 2uth at. Int private i itir.s:v D" s mjn jajhis j r.iuv.r as-. . H7 R.'atlier and frl"ud r invited te it p.l lun.nl Men. n a n. ree dene if hi daur iter Mrs. leerire T Ram. leaelnr 02'i N -.rltti t Solemn nine of r- i .nilem i huri h of Ou- l.ad of Victory 10 a. , m. I t ltei Cieaa C-m. I linexriY -De- H. in-.'O MARY T dauxh- ter of the Inii. Jehn and Annl Roeny (nee Dniv) It.lntlvea and fil.rd are Invited te I att .nd funeral Men, 1 30 a m late reil I nee npii Pierhiill a- Solemn hlah ntaa of rxiulein St. c-uient a Church JQ a. m of 8(1. . at CelleRe Basketball Tenicrht Wi:i(illTMAN HM.I., 8:1,1 l. M ! I. M V I. A N I A a. m i ii i. i: v n i: it c, I'enn l'rrhmen i. l'hlla Textile s,,.Hla 7ll. I. M. Dinilnz 'iflee (,anie. rieervil i.ents, sl.r.il ut f.lmhel' und , ,. (inirr. Iankllu llrld. Adliilaalen AOr. in Mi:.Mem.M i HOLI W In memer of WILLIAM ItULUAV he died Dei 11. 1010 BeaEhs Wee !- Htli-rtV 'ifl I ? r Twit.- The mileage record tells the tale of meter oil quality ANIifRSOV On I) 10 l!J0 l.urj N J ELIZAHKTH W AMH'Itl-O's 're. Iii.lih' n.r .if I al- i Ae.I'MSe.l. ajei "tl Kiniera! en M in Hi nt 1 He ti ni from late leilrteni- .el ilerl.,n t Weed lam N" J rVlenda rras eiit Sund.iv ne n'lif II .niaina ma N, iieM.'d . IliiptiHt 'Iniel HadlentUld N J. en Monday, a 1 p. in ItnVTTV -Pie I) LHTTII. W (nee Hen .Irl.lia) !' .f Will am r. It. ittv in he ero ar ifiatii-e ntn rri -e le, ale' .Mm. . iii.iimu l-eutii II K 2 11 of I. mn Ne III l n ,.f in'i. t t ,v Mm a p in . ut h" ,.ite r ."Hi", N 3tll at Im jirll i'.. Ninth 1 1 ' i r. in llT.I LIS ll Oe.. tl MKLINTH illett .f Jehn S Heine. HMatlw aid frlmd. an ni t. Shade Clrcv Ne. S7 l..ull, l U A It nre Invlte.l t,, the t.,11 , ,. 'T'ihda ntternenn it 'J e ecu ,,i ill iuv -i ii Hair HUlw ls:'e Chatiiiii i I rim n' i rl v . r - V'l.itnK Sundiij nt..ir PRIIIIET Dec h ARTHI'U !' HKIt I1E1 KeUtiveN and friend aleu T.edu. Ne 3. II 1' O i: , Inutrd tn vt.nrt fu n-inl leriliee Tu 8 p ni at the rl-d-nie of hi dntiKlilur Mr Lilian Hwlnv 434, Hiiitimera ave. Int ut Readinv Pa I1KT l-S Dec Ii CHARI.llS i. IMM'T- iaed lie funrrul arilca Men 10 ;, . p, .it Ilia lite realdenre 4dm ilaslnid ! 'rankferd. and at nucklui.li un 1 riend' T''tlni. Ileuej 11' e cleclt. Prienda m i i.u sun. 7 i li p in. HCHiPOUPK e.i Dec in, nil.iu v.r. miuht ..f Raimen.l C and l.l . m. irff aid . ears Servie- en Mnnli, no.ei .it a i-lock at ti, r tnttnt. i.. I fte I i in i.-., m ...in j,i mt rin nt i runt. irie-tM nine e I! i-d.i ever.ltiK !, l'l'It;i.,Wt,.H nn IXc in. FAVM HOU- ItuW .S SeiMti en .Monday ufterne. ii nt . i c.eili ut her lute r-a dnce lel'i Wui.rn llll-rment prtn.t. Vlelstnx 'und i llauena forward Lcnter Buird uuaru. leek.e , . .Yntia HnyiH Murphy ... ,. I... n.l.'unl I The rnRe Rninc lll ibkp """, ... ..ti.. ..i.. tee lnrnl ..I 1 I,ii.elll H IOIIKIII. "li"' . .'." "il ..iiltitet will line-lip UKlllnsI .,' .T. ' ...i dniv niub. 11 team Je f f orner St. .loe cage Blunt. Tills Vine v."- sclio.lule.1 te iireiinre he t,'m for the 1.1k biii nt Wo.lnesdn.t "'! W...1.",:. l.nem, will he' inn 111111 ii" ". -,..... t ,.!,,, ' .MnlOni'.V, U'inei"''. nt. .100 irain 11 I lie mm- r.ceUU' nnil ... r ii. e were inuuiei".'" . .- -- ...,,.. 11,,. fw year use; .100 iim-s, i........ . Miriiliv nn.l Doe Mn , Kiinr.ls. The St. -loe llnu-up Uiclu.les four vet.'rniiH from lust sonseti's (tilntet 1 nn.m'i". Temple. Vl.nul. Unim uu.l Dundy. , Miles per gallon is the one simple, sure test of meter oil quality. The function of lubricants is te resist or counteract heat. Quality lubri cants, offer much greater resistance te heat (that is what quality means in meter Jenger. oil), therefore they last Make a careful note of hew many miles per gallon your present meter oil is yielding then give Crew Levick Moter Oil exactly the same test. This test will prove te you that real quality puts money in your pocket. Wherever you see the Crew Levick trade-mark you can buy these Crew Levick products. h Moter Oil Cup Grease Gasoline Back Frem Cuba New Melntyre's Successor Still Unsettled iJfj'Mntm'n. Hec 11 Many well-known r""' 1 cuiiclie, are i.nu tnent eiifd hert " pr .ai'e luecaaaer te "Tubby" MelnUre. l.r. u"! 1,1C W""1 Vlriclifla Uniieralty urld- . '" y,"r. !". accerdln te repnrta In 'tn, . . ""iletlc clrclee, will net alcn a '"u.itainetr contract for 1021. Many appll- '" rer n,e pneluen have Ixen received. . m. mt na.iie helns montlened ure .1,. i"'!' V"1' ,lf Mellt.'.UI Netll if .,..', '.""'mm freehmat eeiirh ut UVrt Un nll,nl1 . Banfurd. uf Uiiikcki Bli'f- ti vit vri,leT Tccl1' uni1 Teb1"' 'ermrl' Jess Barnes Verk. I 11 J"e iiarne". 1 lurH, .' ,.,., ,.,,li ni. wl 1 -iiniiiy' eitrner is iw,n ..v... -,",- ,-.- Th.. Winter In Katipaa lie mun 1 piun ! nere, -f ', , L S" 'eVrea'tid'TvlrU " !,nW 'all. ire e" ill , wafk.'d a nanderer hone''"lh(.h der,led the truth uf a ..p.. I that hl arm " hurt In 1 uha Crew Levick CestKBpeaay Hew Yerk Uoatert jwm& U0MI.W KT.MNO. IH T.Yilircii 13 TOMMY WIM.ir. Murray v. Spencer aim: ATtKLU ,JArK Goldstein vs. Perry WIIITHV HPinKIl Fitzgerald vs. Reache K. 0. ritANKlK Circus vs. Rice nra K.(i, rii.Mii.ii! Chanev vs. Metric Seata en aale new, Hetel Walten buffet, liread and l.ecuat Hta. lienuUr prlcee. Philadelphia Syrncuic SueiidnayCiliej SVivkvQ X Chicnge St. Caul ttIStOtt(StOMKHBtMHJtbT''iralt''atf l ,mm m'f f" nmmmmtmasiZgZZiK " ' ' ' One of His Qbmhy's largest producers aywl refiners e foil 1. nl 1 Iil.l SM - .r ck art ill N J I'. U MMIIMVUIII I'HIiKHMVN He, in and t I r,i, ui, imiii t run. nn h.ti " ,!"", 1 "' ' '.. - !' "i 1 1I.1 r. allien, P Ln.il;in:i:rv 11-c 10 nue iamhs hn 1 ana of late Ilei I) utihertv n,a m,,im, 1 lived ( uf Ciiintj lieneaai I vinn.l ): iiiniB und fit. nd ,ii, m rheinna1 0ii Sum .s(.ilct. a . united t. u'l-lnl lun-ia 1 lie 'i 11 tn from hie late re.i,en(e fli s lliei.J h ..uleiun l.iUleii 11, ,. I, .ii inli .1 st i ni.n A.tulne in -m a 11 It t l nttedral 1 ' in DlllAV -SU.1.1.I..V Ur S AXV.v ..led Wife l.f Ml- hlel lniuen ,.i,l '... if in.. Mt Ml, a iel KU.il. th Mulhari Parlh if .ner.l.re i-nui'i, Iiemui.1 Ire and It-lat'ie, atui frl-nd ,h0 II V M rtn I. It 1.1 ncvl. ef the . I e, ,rt Alt'.l .lid Itu.lll .s,ietl,. 1,1 I rul,.,.it I, l .h' l'elth .",,! I t. un inm.d ...l.nu Hitiera, M'e s t1 1 in fruin h t ,at i,.i.,t,, ' ,.45- ,N , '', '.' .' ji,"' cnuieni m.i,a .it Our 11 -f tie- H.ia.iry 1 hunli 111 ., ,,, Int st li n'a I'ein Dlltll !).c s m.'O j nu'.UV liuhan,l ,,f i.'arri. I' Imrr itne Mill, n llelatlv.a an, irletid al 1 t ihlnt!ten '"i mp Ne 0,1 p 1 l A el Nallulial I'nrk N J Active Council N., HIT I 11 of and etntlnie of Ilauutl A; s,,n. .ire initttil 1, alt nil fu rural ai n ree in 1 p ni ut tiia lute real, dtnee .'nil H i'.'.l at lni Kernwuwl Cem Prleiid 1 t.j '..II Sai after 7 p tn Pllltr'll. -IV. Ii KMJIA J Miee Huff. nerl 11 .t 11 f Inh.u lane,! a ;..,( j lelH ti,- and fi leu in lie it.i ted tu .it.tni rn. uera Sun .' p III maiden, e I' irl Minim rea.l .serine at Trimly l.uthe an rhuith 3 1 in pre. aeii im m church wrnumla VKHT t hi litu in.lHtm, 4T1 mi, m n. ni i.ie 111, :i Kriwvr pi;.st h.I". tlie and f 1 lend are itnud te the ri m en M mla afternoon ut 'J e'tiu, u at ih Olivt II Iftiir iriil l.'d ih. .tniit" al ln teri e nt lll'.ate L'Uril 111,1 I . '.I .ti. els!IRIl -fin le" 111 1(11.11 l.AIHI, laushl. r "f '.He J.'Meph 111,1 I I, iL.II, PI eh 1 Helal leu an 1 f rl, ml im t,,i ,. 1 in, a seritit ,m Tui'i!a at '.' j, m ,,t l'i. eM, ni of li 1 brtitle r-ll. lu.v I.e. 1 hi lt.ni - tiT Jt4S .IiIThii.iiii el lli'niir'il pr 1 1' l,,n,ia 1 ifninj ri.l.Tilll.'ll I)., 11 1AM" w'd.iii if I'utrlek P'etihei llm.tue un I fit 1: Is 1, 1 ited 10 funeral Men . a Ml a in 'at,. 1 . al Jem a 1411 S.im, rvllle un I.hi.mh h.,1. nip l.'ljilirlr. inuaa lllllih of tie IIi. I'hl d 111 a in Int nrliete I VltrtKTT On lie R lo;e VM OAlt II I ITT aiied 10 a- Kutiei n' t.eru( nn sat at 1 p 111 at hi late rva, deuce Huh 'and ae Hat rlnuten N J Int prltate Mi Merlah (.em 1 rlenda uia tall 1'rl.. after 7pm lIKCiKNIIP.IMI'.lt -Dm S IIDIV Mill r. hue'ia .i.l uf Mar M and eon nf tati rred ar.. l a'ld l 1 iiarlne ! u 1 li. im 1 ! 1,. ti. .1111: .ilii.da lni''il t eeriu-. M .n I 11 at 17n N lilt), el Int tuliutu it. main nia In l.wed mi,, itrt. i 7 i. 11, UILMJOI On lr S JOHN K , huthend tl,. It' IV Cm Cem MAML'IJI. Dc. 1". FANNT. wife laaac Samuel, at lC-fi Butler at . aged Kuner'il eervice nnd Int. Sun.. 2 p. ra. It. adifiir l.i l ANI.AS Iiec. in lOSn. ANNIE A. wife ef Atelreiv J S Miilnti. a .'ed .1(1. Rla. me. end frl.nde Ini.ted te funeral. Tue. a ,1 m from let- rei-band'a realdence. " Cryetil Like nv Weetment, N. J. HUh mae at St lelin'a Church. Colllngriceod. li a m Int C'nlvarv r)l VPl'lllt - siinlden'i en Dec. 10. PHr.riKIllCK I' Si'llAI.'t'f.Il Helatlvea and friend aln I'm ll Ixidae Ne SSS. I. O 11 P Prilled Ilrethra' llncampment. N" I'd I ii (i K and emplee of Jehn IJ iet.,n A Ce ere 111 .-It' 1 ti the e-rvlce oil Mindi.i .lenliiu nt s o'clock at Uruea Hap tl-t T niple Ilrea.i and Ilerka t Kunersl en Tu. adai hi - p m from the Oliver II Id tr Hide is2n Cheefiut t. Interment priiate M HiiBNllll nc 1 MAfir. wife of late ."e'.lnnnd Schnenei , M. I FSjnrral Men.. H 30 a m from be- late reeldet'ee 1 t J 1 iiinmt 1 i.i. dee nl Kenulem ina Cathedral 10 a m. Int. New cathedral ('in. St'OTT iN- stettl l-c 'I I.SAHKI.r.A nlfn ii ' I'n nk Se .tt Service Sun, 1.30 p ni . .it I.-lint ! I iwer- co . I'a. Int. Mid- dleteiin 1'r. t.i.ria"i em MMM - s-ud.l.nli at M llellv N. J tie. (i lli'Jn MAItV PI.OIIKNPI1, erldew et lieeri V llltnin Puliernl arvlcea In St Andree a chur'h Mt llnlii. N J. Men.. 1! p in II. t Mt llii.lv 1 em tIMITII -(III Kec .l SSI,", V 10lh it I U.PltMi It S.MITII. aked Til iara Rela- I tiiee end frli nd are Inilted te the eervice. I ri Menilnv iilleinoen at 'J o'clock, at tha uliier II Il.ilr Illdi I'd Chetnut at llllermen private 1 uil'IMIMlS He. II WII.HPI.MINA T. I p(i.iMi:n inee lt'rtiii.i'dt 1 n I. Ien of Jehn r'etniiier H little uni frleini are InvHed ! te atten I f'li er.il iiriiin Sun 2 p. i.l '.it residence ill v. 1 1 arlleld at. lni I Urn npieutu 1 SI'MtKH. D-c 1(1 11120 KniVABD K.VIilllT aen of the Int.. Charle V and Amelia II .-'eiirk. Ill Itla Mth jmr Finemi a-rllcei a' li' late reaidence, SlS.-i Hananm i . Mun . li 1. 13 IS o'clock neon Itit 1 l rival e t'BPIli: -At Ailante Cltv N J. pee 0 MvltY ilHimhter of Uti Pr-d and Hal In in Si.ul.e Helatlvea and friend maj mee fun r.il Mmi . 11 "0 a in Int Mt. I'aici C. ni l'hlla T' V 'NMI.V lilddellll ll'C. 10 IPJII ' ItnlU'lH I' hulinnd of JIary Pteveneei (tee M.'N'alih) and aen of late Andrew and Mnitiii st,iennn Punerai aer Icea nnd In t.rm 11' prlvat. Men. 'J p m . late reel d.nc. Is:u s',mek at Menniunk I r-TIKlllJH I nrniei id I'hll.lde'pllta. ' 11 -iHI'll a.in of Ian Krimt and Mary 8tl. Per it 111" late r.eldi'n.'" 150 P.Mu ave.. ., ii- ii I'.i j-rtS'siiv nee ii MKS J hueband rf . ,1 1M1 -u.ii'i li.'t.t'i. nd friend I'll!', I ti .'lli-Ild funeral Mill.. J P m r ) 1 n . .'d un 1 Maaiane lane in, 1 -ni.... 1 c, in Pi i.-n N ir a' c n 1' Sun eve TAYI.i'11 - Hee in MAIUiAHKT. wife, et Jeaee T.ivlur and dauaht.r of late Jehn and ur.h Stuff.e.l ai--d d.1 Relative and fn nd iile in. inlr .if llrl.le-.hura M K Chur. h and HMtidji Scne 1 lni ,ted te attend fuiiee.l I'n i p in . late reldence. 4763 H. 1 mood at Int Mnunella Cem I YI 1 ': - l"c It' WIM.IAM II. Iiu- 1 land ut liie Ann,' M. Tailor "lee Keltenl 1,. .' 7a I-'Sjip nil sun 1 p m from reti , u,. et lie wn William i: Tayler, at M .1,1'" 1 ' J Sere ee at th' home. Int hi Jnrnta M I. 1", in O.n. J Pa. I'nlllN (III I'".' I' WII.I.IAM J. !iu haul if K.lal eth P Tel In it-,. Cnadyl and 11 1 . f Vewu-e' in.! te. laie William Tebln it. hi I'd li iear It lu'nei m 1 friend in Intel te '"nei .1 .ti Mnn.li 1 ut S .10 a. m. 1 'n.iii iee.leii I Vi N Warp, ck at Illuh i,,i...in ni'ia at st Ma'ai In . Church, al 1 10 t m Itit'rin.nt tli'i l-ii rhrn Cem. Triisilll la in SAIIAH A. widow of ,1 hn s Turn, r as d 7s H-UMve, and jtrunda .ua 1 al etd i e- ua a member I . r.. .eilte.1 tn attetl.l fine al aervleea I M hi ,li a m pr-iteeli at la' realdenre '711, rnrti ail.ie ave i.ieii' erienaii I 1 nil Sun 7 t.. u P m. 'n- .-ierri Hill Cem aa, 1 p(i:i T Pei 11 laPHA MAV dau-fh- te, of 1 Ml it and .,'itsarllie fnaelt ttrreda' lljeeral a. ivl'" M n 'I n in reeldhne .'114 I "iia t Herman'.." n Int private I Hi ma in "inn !'' ilmed Sue tne WALSH Dec s jiiiin j Injaband of PIUaLeth Walab inee Mei'ei rr.ai-il Hela tiiee im I fn-nl ile Cranipe' futual Hen. Aaan and eiiipluvea if Navv Yard, are In iite.l te tiniiiai Men s 3d a m from lila Ui" reaUln.ee 17 llklwiieiicl t. Solemn re. iiunn mas Chuich of Immaculate Cenceu t.iil in II .11 ' ' '....-.'. -i . eui In mae e'eda 1 M ! II r, a 1 ii' im: tile , llrlnill le, a 1 -in. .1. -In' 111 MI AC! 1 a nn .nei ji in-jii at her '' ,ita llarbar.i Calif , Mine CAR- ll'l IIIPDK WKIlll lUua-liter of lie mia W ar..l Smarm it v,m, a nud frliiula linlted te funernl ,ri'- M ndiv le IS at (1 erla Dll (()rt . 1 l.nu b Nitana..n and Clirlitlan tie ji J1 'UN V huaband of Wllaen luneiel Mell 3 p m 1 11 111 . Chai.l Mil. II K.niln.i,,.', nve Int North ' ed lir lll'i Cam n tnii m inuj Im 11. nei liun aftir7p rn -in m. Vt He riaid.ne 0f iter n.( Hwartliuieie Pa ii He 11 KMMA if, ,n,l 11 if Hi'teit J luiint need 77 i,ert K.i.it'ii'i. an I fr'.nt ., -e Inilted tn the ,r-v l,e en Hun la .ftrrneen t '2 o'clock ai the i'n v-r II Un li'ii dinif la;n Cheelniit t Im. rtr-nt at 11 i.lw t.en 'ittietely rhaav , r - P. " Men ' ii at I' .ler. I Mll.lt rK!:il' SJ ISc8B10l?S DIArVtOHO mm in It m.A n i. 1 (' Vs- XS mV- f H 10 Mil 'i J ttu 'Its. 'iJHHH Mka & r&trr -H? IJXSieAi-ttj.tfAu I , KfHlf$ -