jif t.rfi U , H ' " ' . , r 'w r j- J- VrTOffi".! v-'J7" n, h s Beeks for Christmas Veur bookstore should be able te supply ..If..., these books if no , they can be had from the vubllshc a REMINISCENCES, Etc. An English Wife in Berlin By EVELYN PRINCESS BLUCHEIt "unlnili nmunii books "f lntp untllm" xprime ami of nn ml rut nm1 vain wultllnn: It le a tenn.inrnt pliuc ,",11; ersiture." H'erM . " Herbert Bcerbe'mi Tree Mrnierln of 111 l.lfe (ollfflel By MAX BEERBOHM TtiipniA.i r.,tn ..mm., laiittii nrun 1111 Aiiuriinivt -....-- IT 1111 nertrnltj. etc ' uu Lord Rcdesdale's Memories A rnr, r c-eM of i i'H full ""'.'.Vf,',, life Te loll 11. .00 Diplomatic Reminiscences By A. NEKLUDOFF Itusslsn .flnntr nt Seli Htorkhelm anj for a wt i in m' Madrid succ"uln"lv Personal Aspects of Jnnn Aimfnn Ami rsail"r nt 13 WU By MARY A. AUSTEN LEIGH Cernell a numir of " rt mljcnn- Far Away and Leng Age Unramillir .cfn-s and ft rrvc'V,,Jn,-0.' rare personality c imema ii "Win book unusual charm "" Memoirs of the Count de Rochccheuart rirturrs F-nne and Itussli Jurln5.,I,. , Napoleonic Wars. '"'", The Ordeal of JVTnrif Twain By VAN WYCK BROOKS Criticism or a mgn eiuit. 13.00 The DIcIens Circle ,By J. W. T. LEY A inv In anv D.i ns ovei. 0(1 iThc niarv of a Journalist By Sir HENRY LUCY vivid with the Imp en'lutia of the Ji mtnt of txpertence. JO e if OR THE WAR LIBRARY The Australian Victories In France In 1018 By Lt.-Gcn. Sir JOHN MONASH Contains an intr. "tine n -count nf American co-epral'on in breakmir llip Hlndfnburc ltn 1 " Sir Douglas Halg's Despatches. 1915-19 The rtrsil authority as te thn n.rtt'sh Army en thn Western Frent W'th esse of iprc al maps 115.00 Sir Archibald Murray's Despatches, 191(5-'17 Ilererds the prtpirauens iar wn-r. Atlenby's sueessful campaign. 'h a case of special maps Hj.00 The General Stall and Its Problems By General LUDEND0RFF OtTclul dnetimrnis rererns or rnn fldentlil citnftr.iice and erernnu ence which pirtray wi'li ni'selut n' therlty the Internal cimlltlin of Qcr many In 101U. 'lc In me el J 13. Or. The Cathedral of Relm By Menspr. M. LANDRIEUX with lllu'trattena or its rermer in nuiy and wanton dcstruitien IS On Luck en the Yllng By Majer ELMER HASLETT Tnirteen sienta ei a any syy, Dein xriic and thrllltnz. 13 en The Remance of the Battle Line in France By J. E. C. B0DLEY Tflls of the rich associations of cen turies w 1th the tnrraln of th French front. K'.r0 TRAVEL AXD OVT-DOOK BOOKS The Sea and the Jungle By II. M. TOMLINSON Wonderful f"r the 1 au' of !'a d crlptiuna of the in tit) of the BtH th myat-Tv f the Am.imn r rests S3 0 By-Paths In Sicily By ELIZA PUTNAM HEAT0N Unly years or avmpiihetic intercourse could hae mid such a record pn slble. Illustrated 13.30 A Tour of America's National Parhs By Cel. HENRY O. REIK, M. D. Desi r bi h th must nnilerful puMU plaKruund it tnu world Illustrated II 00 Birds of La Plata By W. H. HUDSON Descriptions of i'Oe Simh American spcls, superhl llus nled nltlt 'J plates in cel irs 2 i,i tir, . e LIGHTER BOOKS FOR GIFTS Gypsy and Ginger By ELEANOR FAIMEON Inspired nonsense. 15 00 Net That It Matters By A. A. MILNE essays r,i ee unttuj humor j; ;f Remnants By DESMOND McCARTHY Essays or tt i li.rary naer Verv at tractive 12 ;,n Contemporary Verse Anthology .v.ir.ted bv CHARLES WIURTON STORK V tn t tut mu.1 '?e 3 0 Chip of Jade By ARTHUR GUITERMAN Quilnt"-! rinl :- rhn cic f3 fie E. P. DUTT0N & COMPANY 681 Fifth Avenue. New Yerk Twe Beeks by Mabel Ansley Murphv Illustrated uHth carefully aeh'rfil purtmfg rellsAinlnr Wntsnnn U ,f','f t Ulca uuai icu uuiiiuu rl. rf m ii he V a Vinten, unci n OH v.ru it ma da a uri mnrU rn ift t May nntl inr!ntlwn Tf aut or h.s r.i iar tt V t pi.t t r t tenctsf it'ri t ,ii d '4fi , form " meat fttrl n 4' 1 in' r itlnis ihirn t. ltli. at t 'lie fine wiinn r itencrlb ft b k it t d(: w r U(r. anJ turn h in nn 1 tti i r k, aLqualn ti with itj hfrnfnea American Leaders t''ntT"' -h. m'! Amrrlra lI'l Nut only te nd ulrl- but purirm it ! i u h r will r.r f.n I In attractive an 1 raUbta fnrm Juttt What quo w i i U ( i knew &b mf i.ut (J of the K't '' "i" ' h'H elpcd i IHaku ur i ' wh.it It In n,ljp Karli 91.5 ntti dy mull, SI 33. AMKKK W SCHOOL T'MON H!0 ( lirstfitit Mrttt "It radialrx charm en eterij page." William Lyen Phelps, in N. Y. Times. LAUGHING HOUSE It.OO HVKKYWUEKl! Meade Minnincrnde T7V it.i .vy-u- ieuk Ll fcrWU w U r-ztnsSrvxil.'". " " William Allen White says: fMfl By Sinclair Lewis "ranks with 'The Scarlet Lettci.' Te write such a book la te be Rrcat, but te read such a book nntl con sider it well will be eter nally te the credit of th!- country. Our town should veto bends te distribute 'Main Street' in every home, and compel its lead ing in the public schools." mm STiEE "lias liternlly net a new siiiiliitd f i novels of the M tlille Wrst " Carl Van Uercn in N V. Kve. Peit. mil STREi "would ndd te the power nnd ilMlinlcn of the con cen con tftniier ir' literature of any ceuiilr ' .Vadeii. "One of the best Amerlcnn iievcIh of our time.' I'ref. Wm Lyen Phelps, Yale. MM STREET By Sinclair Lewis Sixth large printing, $2.00 Harceurl.Brace & Howe, 1 W. 47tt S...N r WOKS FOR GIFTS 'lollickine Fun WINSOME . WINNIE and Other NEW NONSENSE NOVELS By STEPHEN LEACOCK uther of "Nonsense Nevels," 'Uchind the Beyond," etc. Vle'h. tt 7J A merry collection of new our lesque nnplq by Amcrlca'B greatest imtis humorist fnninrjshu Daicsen's 'hristmns Remance THE LITTLE HOUSE By CONINGSBY DAWSON tijZinr of "The Garden Without rails," "Carru On," etc. 7 hinl Eilflen, Uraitttfullv lllustratca. Il.ab. "Really a Chrlstmm Fterv and ry delightful and charming one." 27ie OidloeA- The .Most Vital Nevel of 1920 CHILDREN OF STORM By IDA A. R. WYLIE Auther of "Towards Morning," 'Hely Fire," etc. Second Ettttten. Cleth, S! 01 A novel nf preat vllin which niches vlth npneullnB tenderness he len Wity or two souls whee iclal standing was poles apart. r'rd-IUoedcd Adventure THE LUCK OF THE MOUNTED By Sergt. RALPH S. KENDALL Utther of "Benten of the Royal Mounted." Second Edl'ien Cleth, t! nn A Htlrrlntr tale of the Ueval North west Mounted Police ' One of the Hest entprtnlnlnjr ndwn'urc nnd i itiBh life Bterles of th seaien." Det'n 7rrlncrpf OF ALL BOOKSELLERS JOHN LANE CO., New Yerk J Heaven and Hell An account of things lica-d and seen there By Emanuel Swedenberg Swedtnterj nukti a renenitle claim ti have been admitted into the spiritual world while hit physical body remained alive and active in this world, and hat recorded hit ei perience in a way that ii cenvincinf. This book of 632 pagei will be sent prepaid te any address en re ceipt of 25 cents. Alse any of the following works by Swedenberg will be sent, prepaid, for 25 cents esch: DIVINE PROVIDENCE 629 pp. THE FOUR DOCTRINES 635 pp. DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM 618 pp. The books are printed in large type en geed paper, and are substantially bound in stiff paper covers. The American Swedenberg Printing and Publishing Society lluem 111. 3 W . 20th Ht.. New Yerk Should a woman trust instinct or reason in dealing with mrn nnd life? ELIND WISDOM the pewciful new novel by AMaNDA . HALL answers this question. $1.00 Geerge W. Jacobs & Ce., Phils. l ,J) M w BIOGRAPHY DISRAELI'S AUDACITY EQUAL TO JEFFERSON'S The Purchase of the Suez Canal Shares Required the Same Kind of Courage as the Purchase of Louisiana Lord Redc'dnlc. in Ills delightful memoirs, remarked that the early nItltllP4 nf Mm DV . L'nllllMn llfn a' llAtt. jnmin Dhrneli, by W. P. Menypcnny, were ilu I and tiiilntrrestlnj, but that HeerRi' Enrl ISuclcIc, who took tip the work when Menypentiy died, was much tnetc Hitcri'ssful In rcvcnllng the man te liis lenders. Tlie Inst two volumes, whlcli linvi' recently appeared, (ever tlie t'erlcul from 1SIJS te the death of Dismell in 1KS1. It was during these .tears that Disraeli became nn Inter national figure and achieved his great est fume. Buckle's volumes describe in detail, with many illuminating incidents, the art which DNrnell plnjed In British ami Lurepean affairs during this long peiled. The great triumph of his career winch he achieved lu the Berlin congress Is dcsciilxd fully. Mr. Buckle quotes Illsnini.k's comment during the con cen giesM, "The old Jew Is the man," te indicate the predominant position which he en upletl in that fnmeiis gntbcrlng of statesmen. The story of the purchase of the siiez canal glint c from the Khedive of Lvpt Is icted, a purchnve which re lulled the same Kind of niidncitv that Jeffersen displajed when he bought Louisiana from Prance, Parliament wits nut in session when Disraeli acted nnd Cengtess w-ns In recess when ,Tef ,Tef ..isen took ever the great Louisiana tcrrlterj. As te the details of the Suez tiansai liens, it has been commonly understood that the first Infoimntien li.tt the 177,000 canal filiates held by the Khedive letild be bought came te Disraeli from Frederick (Jrecnwoed, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette. Mr. 'liiclde admits that Greenwood did give this infei inatien te Disraeli, but he nys that there is ground for the belief that the information reached the foreign nflicc fiem another senice en the snmc day that (tieetiwoed interviewed Dis ineli. It took only ten dajs for the cabinet te dis ide te make the purchase, te raise the nci.cf.sniy money and te complete tlie tinnsaetliin. The money was obtained ftem Lionel de Rothschild by private ngiieineut. He wus te pre PRESS-AGENTING OF THE SOUTH SEAS Twe Mere Beehs That Make the Region Attractive te Irresponsible Youth The amount of press-egentlng which the Seuth Seas have hud within the Inst two jears or se must make the leading ladle of the theatre envious. Semer. set Mnuchnm turned popular attention te the Tahiti bv his "The Moen and Sixpence," in which the experiences of nn artist In that delectable isle were dc-t-crihed. The dlhcevery that the orig inal of the nrtist was (inuguln, nn er ratic French painter, was followed bv the tianslatlen into Hnglish of his book about the Island and its life and about ids own erpetlences. Then came I'red i" lilt O'l'rien's book, balled by Mrs. .lack Londen ns the very quintessence of the cssentlnl spirit of the rigien. and 'e enteitnlnintr that it has gene into three or four editions. Hew many ethei hooks nbettt the Is'nnds hae been issued only a bibliog- n'llier can tell. Twe new ones, bow ever, have appeared within n few weeks. One is In Lieutenant Hecter MncQuar- i wel' Known in Philadelphia, who In "Tahiti Dajs" writes of ids experi ences whi'e recovering from the effects of a cas attack in the war. The ether is "Smith Sea ream," by A. Safroni Safreni M dd eten. an I'nglldi wanderer, who has seen mlvcnttires In mniM lnnd. A I'lii'mlclphinn who spent several weeks In Tahiti and knows the islnnd nnd its atmosphere says that Mnetjuarrle's hook is far superior te that of O'ltiien. I'l means that the Tahiti which he aw is much mere like the Tahiti that Mil' ijiiniiie haw than Is the Tahiti of OT.nen. The invalided ellirer gives a geed liiture of two civilizations in jiP'tine ttien, the civilbntien of the mainland nnd the civilization of the one-time hcnthcti Islnnds en which u teneer of Christianity lias been imposed without milking any radical change In the basic habits of the people. Mr. Safroni-Middleten writes mere nt length and mere in detail than Lieu tenant MacQuanie, for lie lived in the MimfK lniiL-er and cot into mere inti mate touch with the people. He knew Hohert LeuH Steveti-en In Samoa. He was eitcrtnlncd by cnieitains nnu cniei tninesscs. He consorted with "-trnnKe eutaus from civilized lnnds nnd he helped a gay deg te elope with a I'ely nesian ladv. He tells of these things with nil the details te make the reader understand the peculiarities of the peo ple and the wonders of the part of the world In wiihli they live. It is a book of romantic adventure that will stir the U'oed of the i icspenslble youth dhsnt isllcd with the calm life of civi'lzed cities and will entertain the mere elder ly who are new taking their adventure vicnileuhly while n-nt d by the fire in their liliinrics nr h the steam radiator ui their liviug rooms. ...Mini n.US liv llc'er .Mscwuirrif s,w V.rk . II Ijnrnn Crt cii: rn M.v r.M Ilv A Hjfrenl-Mladle- tun. N w erli (icnrK.- It. Ierun Ce AN ARTISTS MEMOIRS Maitland Armstrong Tells the Story of His Varied and Interesting Life America hns net produced se many 'Kinks as Gnnt P.ritaln of the character "f the late M-iitlnnd Armstrong's "liny liifeie Ye-terdiv " Mr. Armstrong wu- neither n pelitbian nor a man of litters, the kind that usually write I'tiiinisci in es in America. He was a painter nnd an eminent desi 'ner and mnniifmtiin i of stained glass. HU leminisc'iin's therefore aie nheiit art and iirtists. lie bus chapters nn the ,ii untie in'nm in Heme nnd en Snint Gutidens, full of interebting nnd illu minating ge'-'dp The 11i-t pa t of the bonk is devoted te III- fit lj hf' nnd te New Yerk nnd in tin- Smith, flc was a member of n ills tlnguNlnd New Yerk family and mnn n eminent nun in'iueiurn mi-ii were ins fi l"'inN. It was lininllten I'isli, (Jrnnt s ii'ii'taiv of state, who sent him te Heme as consul te the papal states Mr Armstrong w.is in Heme when the pupal nwer was ibtreed and he was then p-minted te cnn-ul general for Itnh His tu count of the transition of power - inti i"-"ng becniise he tel's ijetnlls whii b the feimnl historian emits The ...ok is wltteu In a graceful nnd enter 'iniiU it I' and will find n welcome in he ciii'les intt t'd in the nrtistie pregiesH of Ahum ien. IJAY lli:i'OllK VIISTKIIDAY Ilnnlnlw ,.ne s i( u vurl'J II". Uy Multlaml Vrmstriuiic New Yerk' Clii!ea Scrll'iier's bone. 15. .ZtftwMV - &uZt THE SOURCE vide -1.000,000 and wns te receive a commission of 2Vj per cent. This agreement with u prlvnte banker was severely criticised in Parliament when It became known, Just as the agreement of President Cleveland with J. P. Slergnn & Ce. te borrow several millions te protect the geld reserve was criticized in this country. But both Cleveland and Disraeli were justified by the event. As te the canal (Jticcn Vic Vic eoria congratulated her minister nnd told him that what she llkid most about it was Hint tlie purchase was a blew at Bismarck, "tefcrring," ns Disineli said In n letter te n friend, "te his Insolent divlarntleiis that England had ceased te be n political power." Indeed, Disraeli never shone mere brilliantly than in his consummation of this brilliant guarantee of British con cen con tiel of llic route te India nnd in his de fense of it. When Lord Ilartingten criticized his course and asked wlij he had net waited till the Fiench interests tint! put obstacles lu their way and then obtained snt ffiictieu bv the use of nnvni force, Disrne'l made this Milciidld icply : "If the government of the world wn a mcru nltei nation bitween nbtincl tight and evcrwhe'inlng force, I agree that there Is n geed deal in tlint ob servation; but that is net the way in which the world is governed. The world Is governed by conciliation, com promise, lnlluelKC, Milled interests, the recognition of the lights of ethers, coupled with the nssoitien of one's own, nnd in ndditien n general (onvictien, resu'ting ftem explanation nnd geed understanding, that it is for the Interest -of nil parties that matters should be ceudiictnl in a satisfactory nnd peaceful manner." These two ulumcs will be invaluable te the student of (he history of the tieiied which they inver. Indeed, the) Illustrate the truth of the I email; that the best history is biegtaphy, for, ns Centrnrinl Fleming rcmniUed "that Is life without theory." Lira or- iiknmamin nisitAnt.i. nAitL or UKACONMKIIiU) Jiv (le.,ri:, Erl ll'uk.e. In nucccxKlen tn W 1 M nvpiriuy. Vel V. 180S-1870 Vel. VI 1870-1SS1. With lur trulls ml lllusirntlens .New Yerk: ilu MacmllKin Ce. J1J SOME SERIOUS PROBLEMS OF TODAY Moerficld Storey and Others Discuss Capitalism, Socialism and Other Subjects Mnnrfinlil Sllnvnv ,1trtlnr,,nf ttf n...l publicist. Ims rel'eited in book form tinder the general title nf "PieVcms of Today" bis L L. Gedkln lectures de livered nt Harvard 'ast month The Ged- I kih Feundatinn. en which manv im im pertant lectures have been de'lvered, ' was established in IflO.T bv friends of the late distinguished editor of The ' Natien, with the nu-pn e of miUtv' nvnilnhle te ntudents the views of nota ble thinkers nnd dicrs en the g'-n-al Mihject of "The K-ntials of Pice Government nnd the Diit'cs of the Ci'i ' zen." Mr. Storey hns contributed nd mirnblv te this plutfeim in these papers and addresses en such immediately ur gent topics ns "The Use of Parties." "1'icinl Preludice." "Lnw'essneas," "The Laber Question" nnd "Our For eign Relations." As n man of affair he has been participant In many jf the issues that confront this democracy. , Ilnrley Withers, perhaps the greatest British authority en finance and edito edite edito ef the chief I?rltin or"mi devoted 1 1 the subject, presents "The Cnp for Capitalism." Naturnlly he takes nn ex parte view, but he is net a thick nnd thin partisan. He believes in the essential necessity for the ennitn'istlc organisatien of society, which lia p.rnwn up concurrently with med -rn civilizat'en. nnd believes it must kuivIv ns the enlv system thnt will nreserv individuality, initiative, enterprise nnd neisena. fieedeni. He makes it cici thnt in his view no form of socialism thnt has vet b'en iirnnesnd enn insure the increased output of goods nnd serv ices en which material progress depends j rnem.KMs of teiuy tim i.an, ,i Storey. Ilos'ent Umichten M " In Ce. I tub CASi: ren tapitamsm h-. n.irtir Wlth-rs New Yerk i;. i. Uutten & 'e The Beeks of EDGAR A. GUEST Philadelphia's Favorite and the Peet That All America Leves and Reads A Heap e' Livin' Just Felks Published in a variety of bindings Frem $1.25 up Fer Sale in Every Bookstore Rcilly & Lee Ce. Publishers Chicago Fer the Beys nnd Girls of Understand ing Parents these new Deni & Live right Beeks ere buggested for Xmas. 3b By in story form from earliest days up te the classical world with page after page of colored illustrations and animated maps. What H, G. Wulls has done for grown ups, Professer Van Loen, in the opinion of many experts, has done at least as well for all of us. $3.00 everywhere. wyvvwwitii'tyj'vyfp?r' s m THE t3Sftpettt-A!s3 Tir i I s r r W ' -TT ByELArefc tL jL. Thrilllnfj adven- fci Thrillinp; adven turer with cave men and with ravn linns, nn1 V& 1 buffaloes, endwlth Hairithcmuin- moth and Wulli the rhinoceros males this tha most fasLinntlnj; book since Kipling's Jungle Boek. (Profusely illustrated; $1.75. I3fP ITW tern vUfJt.iii . jj. ,5. , Uiuj; ,ii i, j,", ; t, , sHfaiU CtiS 'idi-lM OFHISTOR V CONSTANTME Paxlen Ilibbcn Tries te Set the Deposed Greek King Right Before the World VnTten ITIbben, who was a news paper correspondent in (ireeee during that part of the wnrvhcn f'enstnntlne still held the throne, has written n book nbent the deposed king which will make mlis'ity Interesting rending new thnt the (Jreek people hnve voted In favor of his return. Mr. Iltbben was convinced that the censorship en Greek news prevented the truth fiem renchlng the outside world. When Censtnntlne was deposed he re turned tA America, but he waited until flu' wnr was ever before he offered his version of whnt had happened in (ireeee during the critical period. Ills book Is nn attempt te vindicate C'entantlne from the charges of pre-Oennntilm. He Insists thnt the king was always In favor of joining the Greek nrmy te the nrmv of the Allies and that only the re fusal of the Allies te guarantee the In tegrity of the Greek state prevented union from the beginning. The author was In frequent touch with both Venlzeles nnd Oenitnntitie i he has much le say nbeut the mo tives uf the two men. Ills feelings to te ward Censtantlne are Indicated by the dedication of bis book, "Censtantlne I nnd the Greek People." It runs In this way: "Te liU mnjesty the king of the Greeks, Constantine Sire! I de net believe in kings nor In the business of kings. Hut I believe In you, sir, ns n .,n Tf tu tlinrpfnrn tint In thn klni? of the Hellenes thnt I dedicate this book, hut te the sincere democrat, the leader and comrade of his people, the brnve nnd able soldier, the lejal friend, the devoted patriot nnd the generous, epen-henrted man that I have found you." vu.SSTANTINR I AND TItn CJItnRK IMIO 1'I.U Hy I'axten lllbhen. New Yerk Thr rrntun n rsii.'i'i'i:!!'!1.' i,ijLiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiii'iii!,iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitl- : A Great Artist Has given new charm te ROBINSON CRUSOE "TTOR three J7 centuries Robinson Cruseehas remained unsurpassed as the story of adventure. New in the New Wyeth Edition 16 superb illustrations in color have pictured the very soul of the ship wrecked Crusoe in Daniel Defee's immortal story. Choicely bound and fittingly box ed. What n gift for young and old! $5.00 and worth it. opelilan Boek oration Pub'sshers MWtsiitSvtiUw'fcrl "Yea csn's te wren I en s Cotmepolitsn Doek' g'1" iii;"'"7 Over Here The Path te Heme avvvi sW Uf& fflCIENT J.ENORIt; VAN LOON ifvy. A wonderfully delinhtful histerv C frfVtfTvmmu nWrt1 D mffyi Full of whimsy tus ia pumpKin is iuii Oef seeds, this tale " of Queerful Wld- pet.ln aland where two nnd two make seven, and where anything Is just as likely te happen ns nnytlilnu clse.maps out a new never never land alongside the magic world efl'etrr Pan nnd Alice's Leeking- Otsss Country Quiintlyndfullyiltuttritedti Beeks for Christmas FROM THE DUTT0N LIST 1'etir bookseller should be able te supply ALL these books; i7 net, iidcr direct from the publisher. OVELB The Boek el Susan By LEE WILSON DODD A witty modern eeqlal study. U.05 The Encmlc i of Women By BLASCO IBANEZ: A lld plcture of war's effect en Europe's Idlers, la.ia Alse by BLASCO IBANEZ: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse The Shadow of the Cathedral Mnrc Nostrum Weman Triumphnnt La Bodega Bleed and Sand Each 12. 15 The Heuse of Lynch By LEONARD MERRICK An artist's struBEle nsalnst the apm apm Inntlen of wealth ll.t'O Alse by LEONARD MERRICK: Cenrnd in Quest of Ilia Youth The Acter-Manager The Position of Peggy Harper Cynthia The Man Who Understood Women The Werldlings When Love Files Out e' the Window While Paris Laughed Each 11.00 The Hyphen By LIDA C. SCHEM At once absorbing- and extraerfl'narllv full of Insight Inte the values of American Id als. S els. $0 00 Fcacc en Earth Geed Will te Dens ELEANOR IIALLOWELL ABBOTT tJrlmmlnir ever with the spirit of youth and Jey. ll.Gii Dead Man's Plach and An Old Thern By W. II. HUDSON A romance of Saxen England. 12.80 Steel Preferred By HERSCHEL S. 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