BUeIH "f VVi H r- W' ffflyl EVENING, PUBLIC) LEDGER Pfil2AJEIiHlA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1920 LEGI ON WILL URGE HELP BY CONGRESS State CommaifHer Says Legisla tion for Wounded Men Will Be Demanded TOD A Y'S MYSTER Y STOR Y By rilllJl' FKANCIS NOWLAN ..WANTS RELIEF EXPEDITED ntlftnnl IfRlslntlnn In behalf of Hip 1lnMel former scrvirp men will be oitpperlei! Ii.v the American Legien, nc- i online te Ue pnrtnipnt C e m maniler David J. DuvIh "I' n (1 e r the leitdershlp of Nn Nn tiennl Comnmn Cemnmn !er Onlbrnitli." cnld lilt state in cut," the Americnn I,eelen lis IrndiiiR Its full MieiiRtU te the inoM!. ineM!. nvnt te brine together the three sevprn. menliil nRPncles the Vtilted Stnte I'ublli- Ilenltb Service, the lturenil of Wnr Hlk IiiMtritncc nnd the 1 ederal Heard of VocatienM TrninhiR dealuiR nllli the dlenblcd, the wounded mid their dcpendentR se the weik may be (o-erdlnated nnd relief may be prompt nnd efficient. ' The truly terrible rnnditieni in mntiv of the' contract hexpltaN where disabled nnd mentally unbalanced vet erans hip underReliiR treatment has Armicd the HKhtltiR spirit of the legionaries in every direction, nnd they are n unit. In barking the fight. "While the (Uefehl bonus measure I Mill n Ihe preposition, being in the ynnMi. finance committee, no effort Is heliiR made nt the precnt time te get It our for consideration. "Their disabled brethren and the de pendents of these who gae their, lives in the war arc the first consideration of the veterans of the American Legien, nnd unlll the. situation with regnrds te them is made entirely light the inter ests of the survivors who served nnd j plumed with their health unimpaired me te be put aside. "Already this policy is having its effrct upon the nation's lawmakers nnd thp arc lpiidlug nttPiitiw ears te the demands of the Ametlcan Legien that the unfortunates of the war will be provided for adequately and Hpeedily." At n nicotinic Inst night of Connelly pest nt the Ship nnd Tent Club, Tuentj -third and Christian streets, a flnnd of colors was presented by busi ness men of the Thirtieth ward. Wil liam 1 Tinney lins been instrumental in reviving this group of veterans. Wil liam (! Murdnck, state adjutant, was there last night. Hftcen hundred postcards, nsking former service men te join the bonus parade today, were sent out by I'est Ne 18S. State FcnclblcH Pest Ne. Ill' will- partlcipatp In the parade, and will as pmble nl theTiimery nt 1 o'clock. The band of the Old Guard. State Fenciblcs, under Drum Mnjer William L. Peek, will furnish the music. DRIVEN TO DEATH BY GRIEF Weman, Who Lest Daughter and Grandchild, Commits Suicide Heading. Pa., Dec. tl. Breeding me" the deaths of her daughter and four mouths-old grandchild, who were inn lied te death less than two weeks t2" Mrs Itesptln Meri; committed sui i ii at her home near Krmusvllle last miiing While her husband was away h. w i n E te a bedroom nnd shot Iht fclf Ihieugh the mouth with n revolver. 1'i.ith ns instantaneous. I'lie daughter, Mrs. Mabel Similar, mul her baby daughter were fatally tin neil en November -! by n stove ex plmliiig when Mrs. Sunday tried te -tart n lire with oil Mrs. Mede was foit feit pigl" years old. H', TTAHVIJV HUNT knew that Charles Illbndeau was bis brother's slayer In the case nt "The Instrument of Death," simply becnuse that Instru tnenl, Hip hnndlc for tlmking the fur nace, was In its preppr nnd customary place. It could only have been placed there by the murderer, for Kmlle had been using it when the murderer nltnckcd Mm, wrested it from him nnd killed him with It. Had nn outsider cepimltted the crime, ns described by Charles, he would net have known where its proper place was, and his instinct simply weum have been te cast It from him. On the ether hand, one accustomed te the dally routine of the heuse might easily have instinct ively placed it where it belonged, acting subconsciously under the stress of great emotion. Charles, put te it te manufacture nn alibi after the crime, had hit upon the verv clever sttatagem of handcuffing himself te the banisters. As the night were en nnd his position became merp fatiguing bis cries of distress became quite genuine, ns was also his collapse when rescued bv Patrolman Clancy. XXIV Can you solve this case of Foiled Camouflage 1VS iriin queerest old chap you ernp nipt. Ilnrvev." said Uvan, as the two men mounted the steps thnt led te the apartment of Irn Llnkman. "Quite n diameter. 1 knew you II find many interests in common, because i n itniB lie wns recorded as the i.levnrpst criminal investlgnter In tlia state. He has a record of unstcry so lutions as long as jour arm." "I'm milte sure we shall." Harvey lt,.nt miit-imireil nnllleW . tllOUell in Ills mind he doubted it. Just at that time he wns rather surfeited with his work, and bis theiiRhts were runnlug toward a vacation in the Catskllls. He hnd ac companied his friend env because the letter hnd been se insistent that lie meet the letlred veteran. llvnn pressed the button beside Link- man s uoer, nnu uarvvy minis huih-i seared as no sound nl footsteps came te them from within. "That's fu'nn.v," Dvan muttered, "lm said Iip would bp here nt ten." Perfunctorily he turned the knob, and te the hiii prise of both men the deer swung Inward. Tlie.v stepped across tilt threshold and blinked, for the sunlight was streaming Inte the loom and the hall had been very dnik. It was l.vah whose eves nil lusted themselves llrst. "Geed morning. Mr Llnkman." he snid te the old man who sat half re clining in the ensv chair, a newspaper in his hand. Hut the old man did net answer. "Asleep," I'.vnn snid te Hunt ever his shoulder, nnd ndvanclug, laid his hand en Linkmnn's arm. lie htnrted back in dismnj, for nt his touch" the old man's body tumbled stiffly forward und pitched into n gro tesque heap en the Iloer, the newspaper crumpled up under him. In nn instant Harvey Hunt hnd le cated the telephone en n table at the ether bide of the loom, telephoning for both n doder and the coroner. Then he replaced en the table the thick spectacles he hnd knocked from It, observing them curiously. Did Llnkman wear these?" he asked I'van. "Yes," said his Mend. "I can't re member that I ever saw the old gentle man before without them. Hut this Is terrible, Harvey, te call en n man nnd find he Las died in his chair waiting iur jeu. ivnnis mac you said? ' "i merely remarked that he must nave uccn very nearsighted," snid the criminal Investigator. In due course the coroner nnd the pnysicinn nrrivcd, and the two men ex plained te them hew they hnd found Milkman's body, half reclining .In the chnlr, as though hp had been reading the paper. The physician busied himself nt once, and after a painstaking exam ination submitted his report te the coroner, who then came ariess te where Hunt nnd Hvnn were vvnltlng. "I don't think I need trouble veu gentlemen further," lie said. "Dr. Markhnm tells me there nre no marks whatever en the body, and thnt the old man undoubtedly died from natural causes." "The doctor is wrong," declared the criminal Investigator bluntly, "though he can hardly be blamed for his con clusion if the body Itself does net show It. If the doctor were limiting for clues he would knew Hint Mr. Llnkman has been murdered. He has cither been poisoned or choked te death with some thing which leaves no ninrlt, n loeselv folded silk handkerchief, for Instnnce." Hew did llaricv Hunt Knew the old man had been mutdcrrif? The answer will appear Monday. LASITUAZIONENEI . RIGUARDI Dl FIUME D'Amumzie Vuele Rimessa la Pressiene Militare e Navale Intorne alle Frontiere ncl dlstrelte dl Telepenl, nella Albania hicridlennle, sone stntl dlstruttl da tin vlolcnte tcremonte, seeonde nn dlspncele glunte da Vnlena nl Tempe, eggl. Due Due cente perb'enc snrebbere merte e 10,000 nitre sone rlrnnste setizn rasa. Anche la cilia' dl Telepenl e' slain cempletnmcntp distruttn. 11 dlspncele dlce chc lc scesse contlnunne. Preccdentl dlspaccl penenutl rift Valenn il 5 dhembre nnnunriavnne scesse dl terremote nel dlstrette dl Telepenl, lnsclande senzn ensn nilglmift dl persenc. II dlspncele pere' nun accennnva a vittlme. Rema, 10 dlccmbrc La netl&la che un'nltre cacclaterpedlnlere della fletta per 11 blocce dl I lutue e' pnssatn ngll erdlnl dl D'Annunzle ha prodetto irrnnde Imnrcsslone c la stnmnn unaulme dcplern 11 grave fntte facende appelle nl buen sensn ed nl patriottisme dl D'Annunzle per la ccssar.lene dl une stnte dl cese che prcgiudlcn gravemente il prestlgie c gli intercssi del t'nese. Ln nuevn diserzlenl iianne Impcn- sierite 1 deputntl the rrcentpmente si rpcnreqi) In rinme c (onferliono eon D'Annun.ie, il quale sembrnva fa fa fa vorevelo ad ultcrlerl conversazieni per un nccorde sulla questiene llgiinrde nl trattate dl Hapalle. II (loverne scmbrn olio nbbin declse dl non rUnnoscere In lleggenzn del Qunrnere nel sense chc la intende IVAnnuiu'Ie p Hep' un passe prellmlnnrc verse rnnncssiencnlrltalin, glacclie' non se no pnrla nel trattate prcdette. D'Annunzle ricve nnzltutte riconescere"" il trattate, pilmn die nvvengn 11 rlconesclmento delln Iteg genzn da jinite del Governo Itnliane. FACTORY SALE OF HIGH-GRADE KNIT SWEATERS & SCARFS BEGINS TODAY Backward season and canceled orders have compelled us te threw open our factory doers te the public. OFFERING OUR $600,000.00 STOCK of the finest knit goods in the country. The Fairmount line is nationally known, and has been the standard for years. It is your opportunity te get wonderful values in sweaters and scarfs at less than manufacturing cost. A Sweater for Every Member of the Family WONDERFUL XMAS PRESENTS MAJESTIC HEATERS Published nnd DIntrlbulM Under ITSIUIIT NO. .Ill MimnnrFii 1017 en lllu dlphla, Ta. a s. rsum.EHON. Petmater ritneril. by the nit nf Octebr II. urn i-unioiuee or rniia Henia, 11 dicembre. Un comunicate uiriciale enipsse dnl qunrtier gcncralc dl dabrlrle D'Annunzin dice chc nego nege zinti ufficinli e scml-ufiiciali trn In Itcggcna del Quniuere n Flume cd II Governo Itnliane non potrnnne cssere Iniziati fine n die da pressiene militare e navale sia ninnteniita contre le frentiere Intorne a Flume. II grnppe parlmuentaie socialism lia dec se ill. prcsentnie alia Camern 1111 online del giorne facende appelle nl ' popelo dl cendnnnnre l'attitudine d! I D Annunzio. i I mi. 'v $8 JHLflHfe Ilemn, II dicembre -Tutti i villaggl Eventhing Electrical at Reduced Prices SEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. 22(5 Seuth 52d Street Ailjelnlrn; I.neust Tlientre Fer Men Vests, jerseys and sweaters, $3.00 te $8.00 Made te sell at retail for $7.50 te $18.00. Scarfs $2.00 te $3.00 Made te retail for $5.00 and $6.00. ' Jerseys $1.75 te $2.50 Made te retail at $3.50 te $6.00. Fer Women Sweaters and Hug-me Tights, $1.00 te $7-50 Ceat sweaters, tuxedos and slipens. Made te sell at retail for $2.50 te $16.50. Scarfs Big Angera scarfs, the fuzzy and woolly kind, in several styles and all colors, $3.50 te $7.50 Made te sell at retail from $7.50 te $16.50. Extra Fine Quality Children s & Infants' Sweaters and jackets. Just like mother's and dad's. $1.75 te $2.50 Made te sell at retail for $3.50 te $10.00. Including sweaters or every description for the growing young man. Your boy will surely be happy with one of these. 1 dtwmm uiiraMtHMRzannnHnnaBBnB.1 BUY FROM THE K!W 1 5e Itediicfien en every ten bevght for cash Urxt time come te '9, MM E1 COAL .ilst&f;r;is (Kid & Market Americans Speak In the rages of Seme Problems of the Peace Conference - liv C If Hashins and It II lxid the (list book un the Teace Confer ence written by any ct the American experts nt Pails. English, French, Danish, nnd American icvlewn invite in declaring it "Impartial, lef reshlng, brilliantly done" Dr. Isaiah llow llew man. vv riling In The Geographical A'etlcie, says. "These two tchelars. bred In the spirit of resenrch, think nnd write as men sehliiB te reveal tiuth The first chapter Is entitled 7W.s ciiid Methods Its literary style ami subject matter make It most In teresting te the general render Its thirty pages nre. vveith mero than five hundred of any ether book en the 1'iaie t'enfcicnce." 1 3.00 at all bookshops Harvard University Press It.iiiiliill llnll, CntnhrlilK, Ma., List Itlll St., NeiT erll Ity. PAINTS WINDOW GLASS OILS-LUBRICATING GREASES TOOLS FOR ALL PURPOSES Phene, Write or Wire ' COMMANDER STACKHOUSE Berd of Survey, Appraisal ind Sale Navy Yard, Philadelphia Dickinsen 6300 Extension 149 Something for Every Business See Tomorrow's Advertisement TIU'lt, TO! US .MWNSWICR, HOME. BILLIARD 'TABLES 4ra One Christmas Gift Fer All Yeu can solve the problem of hew te keep the young folks at home evenings by having a Brunswick home billiard tabic for them te enjoy. The whole family gets together for the evening game of billiards and the keen excitement of the game brings you and your young folks closer together. This is the ideal Christmas gift, one every member of the family will enjoy. Veu can purchase Brunswick Tables as low as $47 Brunswick home billiard tables are perfect playing tables, with slate beds, and magnificently built of rare weeds, many inlaid, all built by experts with the same care used in building our cham pionship tables. They are such Reed playing tables that many billiard experts of national renown ue them in their homes for prac ticing. They come in either carom, or pocket billiard styles, or you can Ret tables with interchangeable cushions for both styles of play. Each tabic is fully equipped with ON SALE balls, cues, racks, and all the ac cessories for playing "The Royal Game." There are several sites te suit all requirements and all purses. The prices range from 547 te $335, A YEAR TO PAY Yeu can buy a "Brunswick" by paying down a little and then have a year te pay the balance in small convenient monthly pay ments. Come in and let us show you the various styles and models. Test these tables. ONLY AT The Brunswick-Balke-Cellender Ce. 1002 Arch Street, Philadelphia TRAVEL SERVICE . FIRST in 1841 FmST in 1920 cuvjf-Cruisfei-Snbibibualfflrabel TROPICAL CRUISES-LcavinR New Yerk January 20 nnd Mnreh 1'-' bv tlic S. S. "CALA- MARES" nnd S. S. "UI-UA" of the Creat White Fleet. Twenty-three ilnys; most nttruclivc itineraries Send for illustrated booklet. EGYPT AND THE NILE-cook', n,ic Steuniers will reopen seivice en January 11. Steam ers will run throuRheut the seaten te the first and second CATARACTS. Tinfflc will be heavv; caily reservations dlieuld be nuule heie. CALIFORNIA Fiem New Yerk December ::0, January 18, 127, and Inter. Delightfully planned Tours embracing Grand I'oifyen, Apache Trail, Southern California and Coast Resort. Alse nineteen-day cruises from H.iltmieie te Les Angeles and San Francisce via Panama Canal, bv luxurinux Pacific Mail Steamers: S. S. "CREOLE STATE," December 27: S. S. "CUHA." January 10: S. S. "GOLDEN STATE," Febiuniy 15. JAPAN CHINA PHILIPPINES Select Tours from Pacific Coast January 2-1, Febru ary 5, 10 March 5, 10, nnd April 2. Unusually well-planned itineraiies. SOUTH AMERICA-Frem New Yerk Jan unry 2G, February K, 20, visiting all parts of EAST AND WEST COASTS. , AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH SEA ISLANDS-Strictly limited party. A rare opportunity. Reservations new clos ing. Departure from Pacific Const January 12. Ap ply at once. BERMUDA Every 10 days. $87 up. A MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE by R. M. S. "Carenia" of the CUNARD LINE, sailing January 15. A seven weeks' cruise. An exceptional opperlunily. Well planned shore excursions under guidance of competent COOK'S representatives. Apply immediately. THOS. COOK & SON 225 SOUTH BROAD STREET (Belew Walnut Street) PHILADELPHIA PENNSYLVANIA These values will positively never be offered again. Yeu are getting the benefit of these prices due te the tremendous less we are forced te take en our entire season's output. Sale starts this morning at 8:30 and continues until 9:30 p. m. every day until our stock is sold. Come and be convinced. FAIRMOUNT KNITTING MILLS 45-47-49-51 North Seventh Street Between Market and Arch Sts. Take Elevator ritr.rii mail eitDi.its i'hemi'ti.v iii.i.i.ds BKI What Will Check America's Carnival of Crime ? In Chicago mere than a thousand denizens of the underworld were recently rounded up in a swift scries of spectacular raids which marked the advent of a new chief of police. In New Yerk City, since the first of the year, the Tribune tells us, "the unsolved murders alone total mere than 100," and the held-ups, robberies and thefts reported by the police represent a property less of mere than $3,100,000. In Philadelphia, according te the Inquirer of that city, there have been 100 murders in eleven months; and a recent record of fifty held-ups in one dav has resulted in plans for a special motorcycle squad of bandit-chasing riflemen. In Pittsburgh, according te a correspondent, "there has been an increase of 20 per cent in crime this year," and "13 murders remain unsolved by the police." In Bosten, sas the Herald et that city, "hold ups by gunmen arc becoming increasingly numerous." In Cincinnati the Commercial Tribune states that "every agency of robbery is working overtime." In St Leuis conditions have recently compelled Chief of Police O'Brien te organize a "drive" against gunmen, gangsters and the criminal forces generally. Cleveland's records show 70 murders. Detroit confesses te an increase in homicides and robberies ever its average for the last six years. In San Francisce the head of the detective bureau reports that "crimes of violence have increased since the advent of prohibition." In Seattle "robberies, held-ups and burglaries hac been occurring with dis turbing frequency," according te the Seattle Times, which adds, "the entire country is experi encing a veritable epidemic of crime." THK LITERARY DIGEST this week December Nth publihc! a survey of the criminal records of the big cities in the United States, and shows Hum comparative statistics of this country and Europe the unenviable record" which America held:-. Other striking news articles: The New and Greater Roumania (With Full-page Colored Map) The League's Swaddling Clethes The World is Oil-Mad War-Time Offenders Out of Jail Nen-Fartisan League Gains Germany's Third Year of Peace The World as Lenine's Oyster Hew Prohibition Works in Norway The Death-Threes of a Plant Hypodermic Salvage Dees Tobacco Kill Meuth Germs? Bread Without Fleur Artistic Signs for the Highway German Music in Westminster Abbey An American Macbeth in Londen Church Union as a "Great Illusion" China's Starving Millions The Up-te-Date Legendary Ruler of Russia World-Wide Trade Facts Fruits and Nuts "If America and Japan Went te War"- A Japanese View Nameless Dead Soldiers Honored by England and France Malatesta's Hobbies Are Anarchy & Canaries Mexico en the Way Back te Normalcy American War-Plane the New Speed King of the Air Topics of the Day Best of the Current Poetry Many Illustrations, Maps and Humorous Cartoons December 11th Number en Sale Today Newsdealers, 10 Cents $4.00 a Year The er Tte a Mark of Distinction te Be a Roaderol The Literary Dloest FUNK Sc WAC1NAU.S COMI'AM I k m m i m i Ma;? . 1 r; 4m El (Publisher of tlir 1'ameii!. MV Standard Diuienan). Ni-.W ORK wmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmm i EHS1 irr,.us: CJ a.m-i:-iM-.,... Mil il .Il