WWm' ?$W lit ''24 '-nV 1 COBBS CREEK MEN H HIT ASSESSMENTS ttt -na i . l 1 i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1920 Parkway Heme Association 8ays Values Are Boosted Arti ficially en Falling Market 263 PER CENT ADVANCE A breniNide of criticism was Hrr.l st the leal etnfp nMcuraent svstem of thin city tedaj bj- the Cobb" Crei Parkway Heme Awtocintien While the oblccUens ncaiust recent Mietimrnt beets were illrrrtrt par ticularly te the fines aft'eetlnc the Cehb rek section, the Association ginr fact and figures affecting the entire t lti The Increased usicumcnt. wote ! euncfJ becnufe. it uns tleelired the artificially boost the price of renl es tatc when the market in reported In declining. The higher npsmentn, which men the payment of mere taxes, it wn tated, nre ail the mere objectionable when wnces are being reduced, utiiii pleymcnt is whtitting off the i-iu-yewer of worker a tin heads cf families re struggling te keep the homes the bought In tlin last few years The average increase in taxes for the ntlrc city, the association declared, between 1010 and this jour, is 1JM! Jr cent, while the average increase in the same period in the Cobb creek ertlen has been JOS per cent The nsociatlen reprecntn piepert? owners in the district embraced by An era terrace, Fiftt eighth street, l'lls l'lls werth street nnd Sixty -fUrd street. Nearly 1000 members in all "One of the meat uiitrngeuuH in creases" since 1010. the association contends, uas en Oebbs creek park way between Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth streets. In 1010, property owners there paid $07,150 a jear each In taxes. In 1021 they will in 5244. W. u "JiW per cent increase. The association's formal atntcment WW signed by James ,T llreen, Michael A. Maleney, Jeseph Klapp Nichells ind Jeseph S'ewman, ntterncs tur the aMoclatlen. It first was prcntcd te William I, Ileltler and W A Con Cen or, fal estate usgnoeri. whose d! trlcta embrace th Cobbs eeek terti tery. Crew-Grundy Feud Sleeping, Net Dead Cmillminl from I'.ibp One Ills lieht, te liesiii with It n dtarly a sense of lenlM that leil him te es pouse the 'inse of Chairman Crew. When the latter, ler whatever cause, decided te accept Mr. Spnngler te the "etiislen of Majer Whlttukcr, as n (atidMate fei the speakership the Gov Gov ereor ecnuiesced His relations with the speaker at the last session were both harmonious und agreeable. With tbth alliance Joes Senater I'm mse guarantee n lnir deal in the se lection of committees nnd the progress of legislation b Speaker Spangler at the coming session? It is an important xlnt As te the coming frticinl test of har mony C.rundy Often Militant Mr. tirund is interested in anything that affects t'ie manufacturing Interests of IVntiKxlxnnia Let the Legislature Inv a finger upon tlittn and the presi dent of the Pennsylvania Mntiufuctur irs' Vssucl'itien regards it as a elinl Intge It Is u call te buttle, and he vnllles out in war paint and feathers. The administration has a Iked pur pose long standing te Impose a tax of from two t (He mills en the capital stock of manufacturing corporations. It clte faers a six or eight-mill tax en the gross profits of such concerns There are reasons for such n movement It is imperative that the state obtain greater revenue The rejuvenated sihoel (totem which, under Dr Kinegan, is striding Inte pre-eminence among the states, requires mere money A two mill tax en corporations alone would bring an additional Income te the vtnte of about 812,000,000. Uaiiread corporations pny n tax and the argument Is, why net manufactur ing industries? A bitter contest ever this issue can not well be avoided It will be one In I which tlxn committees appointed by I Speaker Spangler will pla an Impert- I ant part Jt has also been decided by the pnity I lenders, irrespective of faction, that ' legislative and congressional rcapper- i tienment come up nt the nppreaclilug cession The census of 1020 justifies It. , It may prove a rempllcatbn te the revenue bill. The uitlre situation en the opening of I the Legislature will be fraught with opportunities for testing Spangler's sin- ! ccrity as te a fair deal. Illg Tight en T Plan The biggest fight of the nessien will ' undoubtedly center around the proposed tar en manufacturing concerns ns a revenue measure I Thus the fatuous belief, If such exists ' am where, that the Spruce street ar I rangement Is the angel wings of peace that will drop sweetness and light, will be me-t effec'ually dissipated. If I ml I take net there will be n mimic replica of Sinn Fein nnd "Illnclc and Tun" In ; Harrisbuig this winter. Senater Venroe. I am pesitlvel as wired, has agreed ns part of the ar rnngemcut thnt State. Chairman i row Is te be consulted in the distribution of state patronage nut even tins win net serve an oil en the troubled waters, 1 fancy. The upstate members, partleulntly ns taxes In most of thcr urnl counties have k ir,aiMl will he mere thnn will Ing te dennnd thnt the manufacturing interests be compelled also te shoulder additional burden, The Crew -(Irutid) feud is Just new enjoying n siesta. It will nwnken te renewed nrtWIt) within sixty days. Hut where does Philadelphia tome In? What part does she play? Thus far Majer Moere has net been drawn Inte the controversy. He has called en Scnnter 1'enresc and discussed the city situation. Neither side has en tered into nnj agreement nor made any premises This much can be asserted, that Majer Moere has made te Senater Pen rose, just ns he hns given te ethers, the positive declaration that he cannot and will net change his policy in favor of any ward render or any set of ward leaders. Ner will he deal with the Vnres. The platform pledges that he made prier te his election nre te be fultilled. On the pntt of Senater Penrose there has been no statement nn te his atti tude en Philadelphia legislation That question is up in the nir, and It is the thing in which Mnjer Moere Is chlelly interested A curious situation has arisen an nn outcome of the "mixed pickles" kind e( politics Philadelphia is experiencing. Senater Penrose personally will net effect a truce, or even tentative arrange ment, with the Vnres. There Is, though, every Indication that Bome of the are following will shortly march under the Penrose colors; net conspicuously, how ever, but In a modest wny. The Republican Alliance, of which Clerk of Courts Themas W. Cunning ham was president, Is dead, A new rallying point is Imperative. An organization with Judge I'rewn, of the Municipal Court, nud Mr. Cun ningham hns been In course of forma tion. Several of the mere Influential of the former Vnre leaders, It Is under stood, while net actually severing their connection with the down-town organi zation, have expressed n willingness te "go along ' in the new movement. One of the most Iniluentlnl of the latter deslies te join hands in a legn, latlve program This is about what might be expect" 1 seeing that thcie is nowhere else 'or them te go under the new deal. Had the speakership fight been waged, the diminished Vnre representation In the 0E30E IOE30E 30E30X 3QE30E 30E3C Legislature from this city ve,i inv tallied under the Crew bniuiu an against Penrose nnd Grundy. The Moere following In the legislative delegation has formulated no plans. They will btnnd together In demanding remedial legislation for the city. Whether the new city coalition will second the Mayer's demnnds depends entirely upon orders Issued by Sena Sena eor Penrose, Meantime Mayer Moere is going uhend with a constructive program irrespec tive of the outcome of the Ciew-Orundy feud. He recognizes Senater Pen rose, and hns se Informed him, as net only the titular but actual head of the Republican party In the Mute. McCaughn Boomed for Postmaster Hlnkcly I). McCauehn, Penrose lender of the Twenty-fourth ward, is being MAJESTIC HEATERS t&i&teT&T&i&i&i&i&tm xiiSi srt msKsn&i&tiBiis' r? Why Net Give Beeks? Our stock contains something for every age and taste: Gift Beeks Children's Beeks Religious Beeks Poetical Works Beeks en Travel Bibles and Testaments Alse n full line of the latest and most attractive G net my ( cfcls, Calendar, Framed Nutting Pictures, Holiday Novelties. THE DAYLIGHT BOOKSHOP 1701 Chestnut St. (N. W. Cerner). Philadelphia U Tiir. inv nn vuifl tZTxTTuiTi niTinn jj 1IU JUX W AliMd MI WILL LIWUUK g wncn the gitt takes the drudgery out or the daily J tasks. Nothing -will be mere appreciated than an Adcx Electric Suction Cleaner I Hi lininitP IriYAf.clnmrify nrt-yylrt lunne oieilif itnrlr M ' aaw wsm v uiwjyiii tiui.1 iu vlbUli UDUJ' unvs-- Q radiators and heavy furniture. The divided atr duct gives the Apex a powerful even suction ever the entire nozzle. Stere open Saturday afternoons until Christinas. Frank H. Stewart Electric Ce. GflJJJIBD D V off' n IM e 4p .sKmiW j )&!, O n e n OE30I 37 end 39 N. Seventh Street 3QE3QCS IOC30C XOE30E n Old Mint S nuiMinv II XOEXO I WtWffygBESSSSV u jssmTOsssv iJKggaHH j,,flM JK. - Jr- tm! 1 1 IVvvvsvW Hlvv A W .tWtP7J TKiJiA i K' jsyjr d S ' mMJ.biekSSSSeSSsSm i .. ii it n utiaii!rtcvr i loomed for the office of postmaster, te succeed Jehn A. Thornten. The boom will be carried te Washington en Inaugural dny by the McCaughn Marching Club, which is being ercsiw I lied by nenjamln Fields, McCauX'J ' chief aide In the ward. A delegafaa ' will be aent te confer with Senater Pc'n' rose en the subject, ,, WML MBW Bave Veu Dined and Danced in. THE BOX? ID At The Riltenheuse " 22d and Chettnut St. When you see that splendid dance fleer, and THE TIERNEY FIVE brcn'K forth Inte jazz, there Is only one thing1 that can keep yen at the table. Thnt is the feed we serve. The Luncheon .Platters start at 70 cents. And there are Dinner Platters also, unless you wish te cruer n la carte. mawmmMijuniLUMMBw BEADED BAGS REPAIRED All Makes n rfnevst? reur k It leek " f.xpert work- mtUtictlea I k m a r mrit: FUOMME us v utn si. W& & J lit Parer Bexes (wlMp nJ Mailing Tubes EDWIN J. SCHOETTLE CO. 533N. lltbSt PhiUdelphU Children Need Geed Beeks Our will drllsht tti llttla telki en Crrliimm Dy and len afttrwardi Sters epn ur.ttl 9 P M. te you can ceiic In and att thorn. The Library Shep 15 S. 13th St, Philadelphia iiUF'ainiir1! " wwi aaiaaaini'STJ ! Jiim WT 'IWi immi LATHER BRUSH S TMAPh MARK Saves Six Operations Every Time Yeu Aak Any Dealer te Shew Yeu hew a half turn of the handle puts cream in the bristles u dip of water and it's ready for lathenng. A miracle of cei -veniencc. The most popular gift of the year. De Luxe Brush Company, Phila., l S. A. $5-oelB empltl rgLrfr"Ei with rrruui llflL WL1 In IlrU nn Aj5HB"l"p-fcJL GeM rnrtf rSru ' Shave Y&1M HM&A Stanley Korrj'-Kreme Shoes for Xmas Gifts MMt, . rmt J t r-, . m tr-m mm I a me amy store in rnila. Where Yeu Can Buy 1 Stanley Kerry-Krome Shoes for Children! 3.95 1 Kerry-Krome waterritebf Rele, fcprinp; $;, heels, Goodyear welt; JS Sizes 7 te 11 W. 5' i Everything Electrical at Reduced Prices SEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. 226 Seuth 52d Street Adjoining Jictut Theatre SM5?W jj 1 YE0 & LUKENS CO. i Stationers Printers Blank Beeks New at 12 N. 13th St. 719 Walnut St. y . . . j The busier a man is, W the mere he will ap- preciate the cpnveni- w ence of a CONKLIN the pen with the tj$ ueiu vresceiu, m the filler. livLtW QuHLalaLBLBV aaDflaLk. H. (Vv!2.llBavaVLH fKH W &iS757S5iS57SS-i- wi Mail y A S? Orders C fii Fitted S "Strongest Where There is Greatest Wear." Mere than that-"Deuble Wear and Waterproof." MARRIN m fig, Kerry-Krome soles, duck lined, S frV s W; Goodyear welt, woed-pecrged heels. 'K jtfr iW ? JfVc 11 ih tr 5 13 North 10th Street Stanley Shee Repairing at All Our Stores Branches s K Cerner 9th & Chestnut jg .& ierin loin eucet a m&zzzzr i K. Shoes only at our HEADQUARTERS: $ 1M. I riJJjjjP:jUJ for people of taste ;yt - L ? 11 kS i-c -"T-i, rt $r .dfflSiiiiiiMiMMiii vHnnBaBVaanaaVUDBaUKaVBaWtiac3UIE3BVaxaSHWKI BawajnKnPKfc5n3:7T?W it'kaKBXWBmm Wily -'.'-& of American Steamship TRUXILLO At Auction te Highest Bidder en Beard Vessel Monday, Dec. 27th, 1920, atNoen Ship new lying in the harbor of New Orleans, La. S3Q0 Jbaifts kepi het eVery minute, is the service Kin gnat it geed en both het and cold bread Try it en teaat. muffin e, reWa, med cracker. Warning De net b. milled by lh wordeleomarcarlneon tlia Klninut paci.gr. rnadi necttiary by tt-r aurvlval of an old lav. Kinjnut contains no animal fata. It la made from the pure oils of the coco. nut and pea nut, blended with pattcurlaed rellk. ftSICK OcfZ6 it en (Jeas Het toast brings out the flavor and odor of anything that is spread en it. Try Kingnut en toast and get the delight of its mild taste and sweet aroma. Kingnut tastes as pure and geed as it is. It is composed of delicious vegetable oils blended with pasteurized milk no animal fats. And Kingnut is made in spotless kitchens that might well be a model for the most discriminating housewife. Use Kingnut for its delicious purity at the table and in cooking, an'i incidentally save money. Order that trial pound today. Kingnut is made and guaranteed by Kellogg Products, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Fer Sale by Leading Dealers Whelenalc Distributors A. F. BICKLEY & SON 520-22 North Second St., Philadelphia, Pa. ASBESTOS AND MAGNESIA PIPE COVERINGS FOLKS who have mere than five thou sand baths te keep het every minute and f mere than five thousand rooms m five J hotels te keep warm naturally make a study ! of coal saving. I After experience gained in four Statler Hetel I Carey Pipe Cevering was chosen for the werld'' i largest hotel, the Statler operated "Pennsylvania" v. New Yerk. Could a higher tribute be paid te the ' efficiency of Carey Pipe Coverings? 1 There are Carey Asbestos and Magnesia p'.pe and 1 boiler coverings for all power and heating plant pur- 1 poses Let us show you hew Carey irsulatien will save one-fourth of your coal and give you mere effec tive heat and power. I j We are hoadquarter ler tha building and iniulating products of I ASPHALT ASBESTOS MAGNESIA J A Reef for Every Duilaina AffiSEPJCAPS INSULATION CO. UILT OF IRON in 1S77. Scotch type boilers. 2265 tens gross register. 1867 tens net vprrisrpv nv therabeute. During our operation vessel averaged 11 te 12 knots per hour en consumption of about 110 te 125 barrels of fuel oil per day. Length, 273 feet. Breadth, 38 feet. Depth, 23.2 feet. Bunker capacity about 1600 barrels fuel oil. Bunkers new filled with fuel oil and ship ready for sea. Vessel fruit fitted and in geed con dition, having been overhauled in January and Febru ary, 1919, and since kept in geed order and condition. Passed government inspection in June, 1920, and now new classed in American Bureau of Shipping. Is fully equip ped with lifeboats, tackle masts, anchors, chains, cables, etc., and ready for immediate use. essel can be seen and inepected en application te W. M. ROSE, Pert Captain United Fruit Ce. Office, Erate St. Shed, New Orleans, La. EXCLUSIVE DI5TRIBUTOHS OF CAREY PRODUOT8 0HT AVKNUB AND TOKLaTr STIUKV PHILADELPHIA MJT In.-i- Kfigw uuiuai&JAj TERMS CASH The purchaser te deposit 1 0 per cent, of purchase price en adjudication of steamer. United Fruit Ce AGENTS 507 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. KERNAGHAN AND CORDILL, Auctioneers J Office 339 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. J,$ "k Market 3318 Main ra MZ-n'EiVB&li&BGA tj ARCCWTVM V .ft CAKOCKL B3H MAGNESIA I -i 4. X gssftfe HfUVH rPag333 irajwpn rfn, .j, , j. m?. ,WV ' Jj4jSi(,V