ivfr- eL4; rjj, lfha.tt.in. - - " .-a ,1H' ifl"i :;W5" WT f ") tf ir-- V,jP3"cht 'ffttfefffiwil4 v" ' " '& I t .V, "v ll h U L I 1 JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE EVENING PUBLIC ' tEDGEIPlilLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, L920'V JVcmcy JFynne Sees a Bevy of Attractive GirlsSecend Tea Today for Misf Helena Mitchell Many te Attend Recital Tonight Other Bits D T SAW Emiule Nerrls en tlie street the etlir-r ilny. She certnlnlv N nn ttrnctlve girl, Just youth personified, nd shij looked awfully well in one of these tnn sports coots nnd ft snorts lint of French blue duvctyne. She in n pro nounced blonde, nnd holts very cute. Emmie will net ninkc her debut for MYeral years yet, though she is quite big for her age, nnd rec1 nbeut n Rrent deal; In fact, is one of the most popu lar girls In the school set In Chestnut Hill. She li, jeit knew, the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwnrd Norris. OKSN'T Nnncy Cepe leek nwfully well ntnri lipr return from Europe? Really, she leeks wonderful, nnd lias ranny Parisian costumes. I saw her the ether day, nnd she looked uti'te dash ing. She wns wearing n sports coat of brown English tweed nnd n brown woolen hnt te match, nnd were n choker of skunk fur. She nnd Catharine Wharten Merris and the Wlstcr girls and Hepe Wilsen arc very chummy, and go nbeut together quite n bit. Oh, jes! Catharine and Hepe were both with her the ether day. I saw them nt the Hellevue first, nnd later nt the movies. ., Hepe is a dandy girl nnd nwfully popular. She looked very attractive in a Milt of maroon duvctyne, trlmnicu with .TnpnnMWflrnk nnd n semlturbnn f the same material, which was nlse trimmed with fur. .... Cathnrinc Merris is qulte n bit of an artist, you knew, in mere ways in ane. Yes, she paints exceptionally we and dances, nnd Is very nceemplwneii along musical lines. She is Jelly, tee, and dandy with a crowd. THE second tea of the two given by the I-nngden Elwyn Mitchells te In In tredticc Helena Mitchell will be this afternoon. The Mitchells live nt 23-0 Dc Lancey place. ou knew. f.lrH' Mitchell bes asked Mrs. Ncllsen Edwards, Miss Nina Lea, Mrs. rei Fjarlng, Mrs. Henry C. "). V"!? Wllllnm-Piatt. Mrs. James VMnVtr. JAtK Dick Tilghman. Eugenia Cassatt and l'rnnces IC. Winter te receive, and the debutantes who will be with He lenn. are Augusta Harrison. Mtza h Jeanes, Ittith Packard, Mary Sltcr, Mary Hew-land nnd Sarah Unrrlngcr. MUSIC-LOVERS will turn out In force this evening nt the Metro politan te hear Mine. Louisa TetrnMlnl, -who will be here ,1ust for one evening. It will take us back te the old Hammer -stein das, won't It. when 'letwjlnl sang there for several seasons? airs. Jehn King Van Kenselner. who you remember lived nt Seventh nnd Leeurt trects for some years aud used te new these delightful salons, gave n reception in Tetrnzzlni's honor In New erk the ether day Inviting the Itufus Mi B Chapter of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution te meet her. The Italian prima denna, Mrs. Ann Rensselaer te'd me, was se delighted with that society, she decided te form n simllnr one in Itnly te be known m the Daughters of the Itnllnn Revolution. She is. you see, the daughter of a Florentine patriot who fought for the freedom of Itnly under Oarllmldl. Queen Elena is te M asked te be the fim aonernry president. Mrs. Van RcnHelaer has staitcd up a new society in New erk. by the svey. It Is called "1'ntrlet New Yorkers," and the purpose Is te tench Americanisr; te new comers te this ceuntrv and nlse te stir up Interest in America among Americans. I heard that Mme. Tctrnwlni is te meet Mrs. Geerge Miner, who is president general of the Daughters of the American Revolution, next week in Washington, and Mrs. Miner has premised te give her copies of constitutions and bylaws of the American society. I always remember the pleasant affairs Mrs. Vnn Rensselaer used te Lave here. She went back te New lerk te live nbeut six ears age, but has visited here ever since. Her grand daughter, Sylvia Van "Ynssclaer, came out in New Yerk two i three venrs age nml Inter in the ftsen Sirs. au Rensselaer brought her ever here te tea for tneet her Philadelphia friends. If I remember correctly she cave n tea fe i... et n, Al.llnt. Mrs. Van Ken seiner still comes ever te Philadelphia for several weeks each year. HAVE you ever seen the du Pent twins? I mean Elle du Teet's liters? They are Jiit four, and are the cutest little tots you ever saw. One is a blende and the ether n brunette. Little blendy hss nil the vlvnrltv of the family, while the. little brunette leeks very much like Ellse nnd has quite the same grave manner. A friend of Elhe's happened te be at their home the ether evening when It was time for them te go te bed. se when their nurse called them te go they were just as obedient as clock work, and went the rounds of kissing the members of the family goodnight. Having never seen them before this girl felt she wns going te be deprived of the "geed-night kiss," but te her surprise, nnd before she knew wlint was happening, the sunshine blendy im pulsively grabbed her hnud nnd snlrt "I deln' te tics veu. tee." and gne her a big kiss, while the ether little tot followed suit, theu thev ran off te bed like a pair of little che-ubs. NANCY WYNNE. Pine Run Farm, Pen"ynAnmi i.i"n?n Februnry 26 for the nahnma IsUnds, where they will "PJn .& '"" t Nassau. Jfr. nnd Mrs. MeKtfin ,J '','" fer'd'Sn? n gn1 "hey wilier occuey thclr "beat at the opera hen ihSrPuSti will llle Mr '"' Mr Adolphe n. Derle. Mr. nnd Mr.. yyjif!vv?- "' PnrilpdBe. rtosement. will kIvp a large luncheon en Bunflay. Mr. and Mr. Wl"lm Daker Whelen will entertain ii- '""'"i evcnl..r v Mr and Mra WllHarn Jec Sewell. e' out of Bounds. Chestnut HI,,, l hertly Issue Invitations jer n dinner en January 3 In honor of their laught(rg, Miss Anna H. Swell.nnd Ml.s Klner Joyce Sewell, before the mating of Mrs. Chnrles Stewart Wurta Dancing Class. Mr and Mrs. Sewell will ale entertain at a theatre party and supryr In Jnnuary in honor of their niece. Mlts Helen I. Sewell debutante daughter of Mr and Mrs Ilebcrt Scwelt. Mr. and Mrs. Sew. ell have Just returned rrem Het Springs. Vft., where they spent several weeks. Invltntlena Have been Itsued for the Hal Masque wnicn win w ni(i en tucs day, February . t the Academy of Music The commlttee Includes Mr Sloenson Eaaby. Mr. Jv.iw.ird s Grant. Mr. Walter deC Douglas Mr Cjulncy A Olllmere. Mr. Henry Ri- 1 Hntileld, Mr. .1. Heward Ilhoade, M Saunders I Meade, Mr. J. Keatlni? Wllrex. Mr. Han Han delph F. Justice. Mr Jeseph I'arltcr .Verrls and Mr. Benjamin Uenth Mlus lillth Nelsen Page daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heward Wurtr I'ane of 1013 Clinten street, entertained at a small theatre, party in Tupday nlcht followed by ft supper at her home In honor of her guest, Miss i,,.y Chanmnn of Ashevllle. N. C. The engagement of Mlas rag and Mr. Isane Starr has been nnneunced. Mrs. Frnnk H. Wlgten entertained at luncheon nt her home Kelma, Scheel Heuse lane, yesterday Cevers wire laid for fourteen gurus At the weddlnic of Mi$ ii,, i, Jnck. son, daughter of Mr .md Mrs Kill. Jacksjn and Mr. Oeprw Whlttleld Vnn Hlyclc, Jd, son of Mrs crus m v Hjyck, of Providence n i whleh will bb selemnlted at 4 e clock en Monday afternoon, December 27 nt qf James" episcepal Church, TwentY TwentY secend and Walnut streetn, te be fol lowed by a reception it the home of the bride's parents. 32C Seuth Twcnty-llrat street, the cercmetu will b0 performed b.y."ieJteJi J?,hn ""bridge, rector, as slsted by the llev Jamej n L Nlsbett. efChrlsjt Chwrcli Chaiwl The brld will be attended by Mrs Allen Evans Jr., who will act as matron of honor nnd the maid of honor will be Miss Vlr. Klnla Ayres, a cousin of the bride, of Bosten. The bridesmaids will Include Miss Dorethy Van Slck. of Providence" Miss Lcnere A McCall, Miss Carolyn Shcppnrd and Miss Charlette Fahne stock. The best man will be Mr. Nich olas Mumford, a cousin of the bride groom, of Providence Mr. and Mrs Ferdinand J Oraves will entertain at a t ill dinner at thelr home. Wlssahlcken nenue and Manhelm street. German! n. en Tuesday night December 28, In h nor of Mlt,s Helen V Hendersen, daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Owynnc Hendersen, of Indian Queen lane, Ocrm intewn MIC '.fcanb jeti). nu ej StimuediiajT Mr. William e Warden of lied Oatc Scheel lane, Chestnut Hill, will leave en December Hi for Flerida, where he will spend the wlnte at his estate. Mrs Warden and her daughter. Miss Eliza beth Breckle wi i Jein Mr Warden In wlnle' nd they will remain for the liiMw-n,.",,.S!rs- Edmund 11 Gilchrist, if. :Y,c.Bt Willow Greve, avenue. Chest Chest en ifi i"i ?.ra receHIng congratulations S?mVhA 5lr,.'i of ft son en Tuesday, e ShTn.er 7. Mr,, Ollehrhrt was Miss Anita sntppard. nJilf ..nnd MrH Philemen Dickinsen, of ,i, rlln" Chcnut Hill, have IssUcd In In vnntlens for n dinner en January 7 nt the Dclleviie-Stratferd, before the first Assembly ball. Mr. and Mrs. Dale U. Filler, of 19G5 locust street, will give a dinner en Frl day, December 17. Miss Marlen du Pent, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William du rent. of Bellcvuc Hall, Bellevue, Del., and Mentpeller, Mentpeller, Va., In being entertained for a few weeks as the guest of her brother and slstcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. William du Pent. Jr. of Cherry Knell, White Hornc Plke, Newtown Square Mrs. Jehn Allisen Andersen announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss B, iJlltabeth Andersen, te Mr. F. Themas V allwerth. Miss Marjerle Gibben, daughter of Dr nnd Mrs Jehn II. Gibben, will be the guest of honor at a dinner en Thurs day, December 10, te be given by Mrs. Harry Stlkeman. at the home of her mother. Mrs. Walter Horstmann, of 1804 De Lancey place ALONG THE READING Dr. 8 D. Larselerc and Mr. Ray Springer, of Jenklntewn, will return in a few days from the Pecene mountains, where they have been en a hunting trip. Mrs. Nelsen Harris will entertain the Thirteen Club, of which she Is a mem ber, at luncheon, followed by cards, nt her home In Oak Lane, en Saturday afternoon, December 18, Her guests will Include Mrs. Hareld Brown, Mrs. Dorethy Cherry, Mrs. Nelsen Evey, Mrs. Benjamin Linten. Mrs. Jehn C. Mackln, Ml?s Margaret Clark, Miss Alma Fltz natrlrk. Miss Sylvia Karcher. Miss Helen Lynch, Miss Mary Lauchlln, Miss Virginia Saurtr and Miss Evelyn 1-rcda Sterber. Mr and Mm J. William Plckwcll, of Wyncote, entertained at a dance, a few evenings nge In celebration of the twenty-fourth nnnlversary of their wed ding. Mrs James 11. Colladay, of Jenkln. town, entertained the card club pf which she Is a member at her home, a few days age. - Mr. and Mra. Lee Silverman, of Elltlns Park, will entertain at a dance at tne Mercantile Club, en Monday evening. December 27. In honor of their daughter nnd son. Miss Haiel Silverman and Mr. Arthur Silverman. Mr. Samuel Blumenthal of 417 Har rison avenue. Elklns Park, will be at home en Sunday afternoon, from S until 6 o'clock. In honor of fe 'ngaBCmcnt of his daughter. Miss Hilda Kahn, te Mr. Sel Bleck, of Trenten. Mr and Mrs. Felix Streusse, of Oak Lane nave gene te Cincinnati te be RUMta of their son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mann. Mra. Mann will be remembered nB Miss Madeline Streusse. 80UTH PHILADELPHIA ... ,,....,. ir.ii., nt if.is miner street. entertained at nn 'informal party nt his iemp en Saturday evening. Among Cse nr?sent were Miss Catherine Green. Mlse Bcrnndlne Gallagher, Mlsa Eianere i.inn.n iiae l.nvlna Meade, Miss r .,.. m.,1,1. mi itazel Qreenberg ! Vlrclnla' Shemmen. Miss Lorelte Tener. Mis Lillian need. M ss Mary laies. Miss Peggy Cellins. Miss HlUft- "Pth Dennelly. Mr. Kdwerd Smith, Mr. I-,,,, ur.ni r Pharles Wnrd. Sir .u..,.. nwn Tr fe Teian. Mr. Themas Bruder! Mr. Geerge Dougherty. Mr. Charles Zimmerman, Mr. Leuis Welseh. Mr. James Huget ana Mr. jenn Muldoon. Mr. and Mm. Walter Christ and their m.iehi,- Mian Flerenee Christ, of 1827 Daly street, have returned home from a visit te Baltimore where they were the guests of Mrs. cnrisis parents. liillrTllll III1I ifl'TrrrA m isaaaiy -ntUNDED 108 DEWBES t fw-urrir f 3ti 1122-21 Chestnut Stret Quality nnd Standard Famous Over Half a Century A Real Opportunity Today Levely Hand -Made Perte Rican Blouses Today, $3.95 nnd $4.05 Regular Prices, $5.95 nnd $7.95 We have just received another shipment of these ttractive new hand-made bleuBcs fashioned of finest vhite batiste. One model has long roll cellar and lamty vestce, while another features tuxedo cellar and both have geed fitting cuffs. They are hand drawn in tiny squares and many nre real lnce trimmed. Purchase new for personal use as well as for lovely tihd desirable gifts. Speaking of Lew Prices, What About These? Night Gowns! Night Gowns! Special at $1.50 It's no wonder every ene is talking of these oxcop excop oxcep tional values. Just as before the wnr, when they were the best gown values in the city, be they are today. Various dainty styles of exceptional quality nnd most dcsirnble for gifts. Dewees Courtesy and Service Make Shopping a Real Pleasure fengE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr and Mrs Charles U Cor, e the i nelle-ic-Stratferd, will gle u dinner en T lesday. December 28 nt the Hellevue Hellevue Ptratferd In honor of Miss Jessie F Da Cesta, dobutanle daughter of Mr. Charles v DaCesta, before the Benedict .ball which will be held at the Academy of llualc r and Mrs. Williams Blddle Cadwal ivJer of Radner, Pa., will shortly Issue (nViatlens for n dance en Friday, Janu ary 28, nt the UltB-Cnrlten, In honor if Mis-i DaCesta. Ml."s Augusta Wain Harrison, dehu tante daughter of Mr and Mrs. ChurlCF Cuntls Harrison, Jr, will be the cuest of horer it n theatre party and supper Mr ani" Vis Harry Wain Harrison, of 23 Seu h Twenty-first street, will give late In tin- winter Mr, and Mrs Geerge Lell llnrri en. 2003 De Lancey place wl nlse utertaln at dinner In Miss Hnrn Bena hmer next month, and Mr at Mrs 'ert L, Smith, of Gwsnedd Vu ley, ul give n dinner for Miss Harris before no of the balls, Mr ii'l Mm. Geerge It, Packard n give 'heatre party nnd supper In ,Tt uary " oner of Miss Mary II ThDi debut uiie daughter of .Mr and M -Gcergi Thayer Mr nnd Mrs l',u ard an' their family aru spending " winter v' 'he Itltz-Carlten. Mr und Mrs Henry Pratt McKean -fi 1 1 1 1 1 rmi iTmiTTTiTMHjniTiri ffirmnnjiLmiiii MMK0im rrrm : W 1 y 11 J ftfC yfffa ib B. ENTERTAINMENT JBf ' Em Best Mm''z 13rm of MWm M r 1 . J I The Stere of Personal Service 1310 Chestnut f j-cet Hand-Made Blouses Gift Selections of Excellent Values at 5.00 s A Net imixcmxmM and 6.Q5, 7-95 and 12.05 A score of models with dainti ness as flieir motif. White imported batiste and voile. Hand-embroidered, liand-drawn and liand-sewed te the last exquisite stitch. Many trimmed with fdette lace of super ior quality. THE BLUM STORE Organization With an Old Name umimBnmMmmiWmimz j. lessmewpsL m-B mnyM BBf tW'A-'iiii ' 4H mrWi Lii.,'" &, l M iifawsr MISS rillMMIICXA JOIIANN MAJOIt JONATHAN JONES Philadelphia girl weds representa tive of Amerlcnn firm In India. The rereiuenv took place :if HnnKoen. The bridegroom Is .1 graduate of the University of l'uin-tyuuiila GIRL GOES TO INDIA TO WED nephew of Majer General Tnsker II. Ullss, was graduated from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania engineering class, 1003. He was commissioned captain In the Twenty-third Engineers In the war nnd was discharged with the rank of major after serving overseas. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Alma Walls, of 3 Hest Walnut lane will entertain the Fifty-ntty Club, of which she Is a member, nt her home en Friday evening, December 17, The guests will Include Miss Jean Clark, Miss Margaret Clark. Miss Miriam Deeley, Miss Adele Frederick, Miss Anna Larkln, Miss Marguerite Larkln, Miss nivlna Martlnei, Miss Dorethy McDevltt. Miss Alma Wnll, Miss ltuth Walrath, Mr. Paul Barker, Mr. Harris Burten, Mr. Edwin Fceney, Mr. Charles llllll ft An,1n.t. lfnnill.nn 1 f firth. ert Lukens, Mr. William McLaughlin, .Mr. .Martin Mccauiey and Mr. iMainan Whlttukcr. Miss Virginia Saurer. of 3S47 North Bread street, entertained the chapter of the Sigma Alpha Pi Sorority, of which oho Is a member, at her home en Saturday afternoon, In honor of the birthday of Miss Sylvia Karcher, Her guests Included Mrs Hareld Brown, Mrs. Nelsen Evey, Mrs. Hnymend tier hardt, Mrs. Benjamin Linten, Mrs Jehn C. Mnckin, Miss Margaret Clark Miss Alma Fitzgerald, MKs Helen Lynch. Miss Ircne Ilnu nnd Miss Kar- I cher. Miss Gertrude Denny, of 1417 West Tiega street, will entertain the Ieta chapter of the Sigma Alpha PI Her- I erity, of which she Is a member, at her home en Saturday aftornoen, December is. Thn micstn will Include MIrs Ethel I Autcrwrenth, Mies Jean Clnrk Miss Hy- hllla Dnvls, Miss mith Wllcr. Miss r.lennnr Flteccrald. Miss Adcle Freflcr- . Ma Mim Anna Larkln. Miss Mareucr- Ite Larkln, Mlns Elvlna Martinez, Miss Hermnnln Mart'nez .mips yima nneri- dan nnd Miss Dorethy Wolf. The officers and directors of the Par- entu" Association of the Scheel of Ob I sorvatlen and Practice were entertained after a meeting by Mrs Harry J. BIs I singer, of 203S Green street, at her kn,A nn Monday. Amentr these pres ent were Mrs. David N Patterson, Mrs. David D. Weed. Mrs, S. B. Fltzpatrlck. Mrs. O. Ulrich. Mlsa A. C. Longstreth, Miss Mary Kclley. Miss Lilly Goodwin nnd Mrs. Harry J. Hlsslngcr. WEST PHILADELPHIA Dr nnd Mrs. S. Merrill Wtcks, of 81 R Seuth Forty-eighth strcet, will enter tain nt a dance at the Phllemuslan Club en Wednesday evening, December mm ,.. t,nnr r9 I,aIp 1nlltrhtnr Atluft I &. Ill ""' -'. , , .-- Prlscllla WeekB h" win return en ne Va of which she Is a atudent, te spend the Christmas holidays with her par ents. Mrs. Weeks has recently been the guest of her daughter at Bweet Briar for a few days. A surprise birthday party Was given Mr. K. 8. Welman en his fifty-seyenth birthday anniversary by Mrs. Welman, of 1324 North Frailer street, and her sons nnd daughters. Mr and Mrs. Irwin F. Weed, of 327 Woodland avenue, gave a midnight bur. felt supper en Saturday In honor 01 Mlsa Ethel Ke Rune. Among these pres ent were Mr. nnd Mrs. ,A. levJ!' Si. Vera Ke Eune, Miss 'Sperling. Miss llesen, Miss Brixton, Miss Etta King, Miss Rebbln, Mr. Frederick Ilosen Ilesen Ilosen beum. Mr. Jeseph Sperling, Mr. Paul Lnssen, Mr. Benjamin Friedman, Mr. Alvln Blau, Mr. Trudell Mrs. Weed will be remembered as Mlsa Mabel Levy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levy. Mlas Phllemena Johann New Brldel cembcr 17 from Sweet Briar College, of Majer Jenes qerMantewn Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hreuker. of 317 West Seymeur street, entertained nt surprlse party at their home en Tues day eVenlng, In honor of the blrtndny nnnlversary of their son, Mr. J. Carl Breuker, Jr. The guesta Included Miss Frances Morgan, Miss Alice Diamond. M'ss Jean Dclaney, Miss Katherlne Carey. Miss Mary Bateman, Miss Kath erlne Dcmpsey, Miss Katherlne McDev ltt, Miss Anne Carrell, Mlsa trances McNnlly Miss Florence Miller, Miss Es ther Walsh. Miss Lyens, Mr. and Mrs Walter B. Sparks, Mr. Jeseph Morgan, Mr Andrew Morgan. Mr. Jeseph Demp. soy, Mr. A. McClatchy. Mr. James Col Cel lins, Mr. Mayer Feldenheuncr, Mr. Cyril Murphy. Mr. Harry Heastend. Mr Fair man Mullen. Mr. Charles Nelen, Mr. Ilebcrt Bell and Mr. Jack Parplnlen. Mrs. Kllen McFadden, of 4948 Greene street, entertained at dinner at the Ar mdla. followed hv a theatre party, en Tuesday evening, In honor of the birth day nnnlversary of ner son. air, jenn F. McFadden. There were eight guests. There will be a children's Christmas play In the ballroom of the Delmar Delmar Merris en Saturday afternoon. Decem ber 18, the proceeds of which will be used for the benefit of the Heme for Crippled Children. Mrs. Bertha Bur Bur eon, of the Delmar-Merrls, will have oharge of the affair. FRANKFORD Mrs. K. L. Ferstncr, of 918 Fillmore street, has an her guest for a fortnight Miss Agnes Perter, of riechcster, N. Y. Mrs G. W Scott, of 2078 East Albright street entertained at a luncheon en Tuesday afternoon In honor of Miss Perter, and eeral ether entertainments hnve been arranged for her during the wtek. The regular monthly meeting of the St. Mark's Men's Club was held en Menf day evening In the parish house when Mr. Geerge If, Paulsen gave, an Illus trated lecture en "Frankford Through It Mills and Industries," nnd a musi cal program wns given. Mr. and Mrs Charles Thompson, of Last Orleans street, are receiving con gratulations en the birth of a son. .i.T!"' rnenthly meeting of the Frankford Fathers" Association will be held this evening at the high school, when an elec tion of efTlcera whl take piace nnd nn in teresting entertainment will be given. Mrs. B Brenncr, of 3932 Franklin atreflt, entertained the members of her sewing circle at her home en Tuesday ?t riV2?n. Among these prcrent were Mrs. W Burcaw, Mrs. Charles Wilcox son, Miss Habeck. Mrs Welncoep. Mrs. Charles Welnlng. Miss Ann Pnllett, it!.! .." .Fergusen. Miss Marlen Hothersell, Miss Carrie Pontleus, Miss riSr.1!?"!?! Mrs- Ilebert Weller, Mrs. Jehn Bell, Mrs. Harry Crary. Mrs. Jack Law and Mrs Charles Conn. DELAWARE COUNTY Following the meeting of the New Century club of Chester en Tuesday afternoon an Illustrated lecture was given by Mr Carlten B San erd en the Bey Scouts" Trip te Londen, France and the Battlefields." On Tuesday, De ce,mb,'r.14' Dr" Oeerge Earle Ilnlguel will lecture en "Italy and the Adriatic."' Miss Jean Bawer entertained the Ju Ju neor section at their meeting at her home en Tueaday evening. The next meeting of the Delaware county chapter of the Daughters of the American Involution will be held at the home of Mrs William G, Price, of Choe. wr, en Monday, December 20. NORRI8TOWN The Krslne Club will resume a. series ui muaincnis arter an Interval of scv fX1 jt"' en. Saturday evening, when 1. -10' ,he Performances will be llVll The crnmlttee. with MIsj Anne awartr as the chairman, .ins revived ;... i!"m ?f,c'ub entertainment and the cast, directed by Miss Maude Miller, will present the comedy "Mr. Beb." These who will take part wll Ibe Miss Olhc Jenkins Miss Catharine Pearson, Miss ?!ilryH.lin,.,;r"J Ml"" Nancy Buchanan xtl'm Wih i5yder' Mrs Jceph B Creft. Mr. Philip Corsen. Mr J. Burnett Hol Hel land, Mr. Geerge Corsen, Mr. Ilalph . 'k .AK'it 'jjjj Preston, Mr. Theodere Preston, Mr, vS1v Vnrd Ilarley. Mr. William March m.( ir, jesepn u, urert. Mr. and Mrs. William Moero, of SwndV Hill read, entertained at ft dinner m their home fh honor of their twentieth wedding annlerry. Amenr the guest were Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Oswald Cafey, Mr, and Mrs. Cleaver ntchards. Mr. and Mr. Jonathan Calev. Mr. and Mr. Wil liam Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. HarrrU veaiaer, Air. and Mrs. waiter iuieaaea," .miss i-.ncn uavis, Mlsa Frances rrwier Ick, Mrs, Anna Moere, Miss Elisabeth A. Moere, Mis Elisabeth C. Meer. Mr. X A .1 L t Illchard and Mr, Nerman Meer. After n trln half wav Mlsa Phllemena Johann, daugh- ncress the world Miss Phil ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank J. Johann of 'J!21I) Osnge nvenuc, wns married en Snturdny te Majer .Tennthnn Jenes. The ceremony took place In Rangoon, Burma, whrre Majer Jenes, who Is n former University of Pennsylvania stu dent, met his bride nt the end of her Journey, A voyage back te Calcutta was part of their honeymoon. The vngngement of Miss Johann nnd Majer Jenes was announced Inst June before Majer Jenes, who Is In business with an American firm with efllces In Tntnnagar, near Calcutta, snllcd for India. Mrs. Jenes Is a graduate of St. Leenard's Academy, Thirty-ninth nnd Chestnut. The bridegroom, who Is a raeAldine Hetel Chestnut e 19tf3treeta Ojfers exceptional facifitie& brprycrfe entertaining. Receptions, Weddings, Cards, Dinners, Dancea. ffljmmm 1330 Walnut Street FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Fur Reductions Mele Delman, Squirrel Cellar.. $1100, Sale Price $1 '50 Plain Mele Delman 1100, Sale Price 750 Hudsen Seal Delman 1200, Sale Price 800 Persian Delman 1500, Sale Price H00 Short Nutria Coatee 42S,SalePrice 275 v Nat.'Squirrcl 36 -in. Ceat 800, Sale Price 700 16-lru Hudsen Seal Ceat, Squirrel Cellar and Cuffs 725, Sale Price 600 20 Discount en the Entire Stock of Fashionable Ayers' Furs Mutie Club Meat! Mrs. Chnrles A. Ilaymend'i mMlnt, ' history class, which she hia ercwnlwd W , In connection with the Phlladelphl M5'f f ), sicni ciud, met en Tuesday morning ai, mm 'he Orpheus rooms. The subject ttnejWrllMI discussion was "Gregorian' and TSftny , j Church Music," Paper were reftd W W Mrs. Jehn M. Coin. Mr. James H. A-t ,' .,,!, mim uiitauQui vjrcvv ,i.iii4 w.m ,.pj.; uiin nawKini, ine next nmuui wi the class will be after the holidays, en January 11, when minstrel and tre dour musle will be studied. Following the class en Tuesday, dw regular club program was rendered, la 1 the Kose Garden of the Dellevue, wb the club choral sang Christmas carol. The soloists who contributed numbers were Mis Elizabeth Gelt, Mil Jull i Wlhl.M. Ula. !!... tf.,ltl...J Mt , iii.a.t.a. ...inn JU,l.llvili1 &UWW,W, .w Irene Hubbard, Mis Cella Mella, Mrs. Ixulse Underhlll Vail and Mis Ruth, Barber, Isfstsjssjs rAs siHirfl 1 rur eelal notes of Interest from Tiirleu. pnrts of the elljr, hut ihene note, mu.t lie TJUSS1'.;? ,'"r""'.'n. . Ilereaftrr seeUI hr.i.M.i' '." '"?" tethi. nmer lll net " ,, ( -"": '" "ri mziiru njp ine nendrr wltli nn ne. iid(lre unif telephone num. 5if. ddJr"" f"cUl.. "rM1" "" Heelety ffeSSulSrSL'" luMlc l""r- street, fiiLm... -' -1 rr Hm. n. r. 1 vye vn reauce any stout woman easily and naturally. Thcre Is no necessity for women who have always had large hips, stout bodies, or heavy limbs te remain se. We Invite you te visit our thoroughly equipped Institu- ri tien for demenstrntlnn Trial Demonstration ment Graffs Treat- I jff MWlSWfli EQBreOTWffi w Adjoining the St. James " . 1 ifl Walnut St. Between 12th & 13th 1222-1224 Walnut Street SiigglCIMM wmilllffllPTn'iWWWliiwni.-iwmirMn Plain and Fur Trimmed Wraps and Coats At Prices That Have Been Reduced 14 te 14 COLLINS INSTITUTE Fer Women Exclusively Bellevue Court Building 1418 Wnlnut Street Phene Spruce 5i8 Next te the Bellevuc-Stratferd J-LLL-l,-,l i i rr-rij Write sr I'twa. tmt Knttr4 or rrsHsi Samples, ROTAL ENGRAVING CO, 814 VYaurst K OrtfEiffB (POIlitEnLT KNi AHKK1 jAUy h A . M. Charler&y faIuii St. W R. NJBlOVA in "Miaaii TlID STANLjrp te ii r. m. AM OLD- FAHUIOMKO UUt 10VA in 'Aiuaiun. t'encecli" M A( 'L," iaii ilAJtivUT aiKKsW VLjAH, 1U a. M. te mis P. si. TUL' UnDC B1-H.V.-1ACUUAH UELOOIUHA-. A1?f?.r"har" Chmplln In "Ejr aueM" NEXT WUEK-KUtaNE O'liniKN IN "IHi: WUNDHRFUt. CHANCIS" ARCADIA ff rt.S5 THIIID AND FINAL, WEltk OF Beheld My Wire V Next Weelc "THE HESTLESS KtOC V te ViffrtMe Mt t. Ab. 8th v icteria a. it. te him Mck Fennetf "Mnrriffl Life d'Jed Charlle Chaplin In "Esr BtryH" Neit Week "TH13 DBVIL'B PA88KBT" PAPFTHl 72 MAnKET ST. v-"' i 1 WLinnrtOTHY DAI.TON In "Romantic Adventuresr RFPFMT MA11KET ST. Bel. lTTfl 1 J vjiii i nAatr. kine's "sTmcBT CALLED STRAIGHT GLOBE a MARKCT 8TRErT AT JtTNIPErt fONTINTTnTTQ VAT-nrrVTT.T.lTll TTI 11 "Sens of Benn," IJILME WILSON! Orhtra A wonderful collection of wraps from our own steck: new, individual modes representative of the best in style, fabric, and tailoring, new repriced as follews: Formerly $75, $95, $165, te $445, Reduced te $45, $65, $95 te $295 Dlr ctlun of LEE J. J. SHUUKJIT SA.M SHUBERT Mata- wKl- " a i e a- Evgi. st 8:10 . . SIfi..r; Shilb-rtu" Rlp-Hnitrlnc Revut "AS TA6T AS MAN CWAR." - I.cnlnif Itulletm fr "j-s-t 2-uu EDDIE CANTOR -MiDNROUNERS" n,l1Ll?.0r T1,E WORLD'S OllEATEST ENTEIITAINEnn Amas and New Year's Festival 2 WEEKS "Kg. DEC. 20TH SEATS MONDAY -- MAIL ORDERS NOW - A I "J"h"-a l only one Al Jelien." Ji Prenldent-elect Wmrm n u.-,n. J0LS0N With Wonderful Vew Sen. In th. -1ZZLINO WINTER OARDEN SENSATION TifjlfvR SINBAD ADELPHI EV0S- 8.16 Mtfl. Tlitifa A fli 1.1 rirei TOr". MAT. TODAY A. It WOODS I'resentJi 2;le In Channlng Polleek'i arest MoIe.ramA THE SIGN ON THE DOOR I YRIP ,. nvBa AT stia !, 1 11Vm MATS WED. 4 HAT e.i. MAT. SAT. S $2.00 If ITrtMnt WiKien had een nu risw mieel ploy nt the Lvrir "llrr Fnmilv Tree," heere h, Ttr lit, menee he entiM trwhfullu Mm sold ft urn the hist 'show tn town. 7j CHESTNUT ST. ?' MATINEES S-18. EVENINOS. 8-10. LAST WEEKS OF D. W. GRIFFITH'S MASTEnriECB WAY DOWN EAST MAT. DAILY "$1.00 () Nete Owing te coat, lenrth of preiluc Cen. na Iren-twund rentrsctn this rlctur. ntvr cm In hewn t lei than nrnt-clai. PHILADELntlA'S FOREMOST THEATIlKd t ADDTlTl'' NIGHTS AT 8:1ft V-Arr.llV Mats. Wed. Bt CUAJtLES FROHMAN PreatnU OTIS SKINNER ' IN THE NEW PLAT At the Villa Rese Ily A. E. W. MASON Seats for the Last Week en Sale Tete DDHAH NIGHTS AT 8:13 -Jv-'"-' , Mat. Wd. ' .?. Dest comedy ever written' bjrji an American." n. y. TRinurraT ' A Beeth Tarkingten Classic CLARENCE , WITn ALFRED LUNT onieiNAi, rr:w terk cart Seats for Next Wek en Sale Today FORREST a3t,stwed.Y,Bat, POSITIVELY Last Twe Weeks ) THE SEASON'S SUPREME SUCCESS CHARLES DILLINGHAM PrsaanU APPLE BLOSSOMS I T Kroliltt.Jaeebl-L Daren Oprttj Jehn Cnarlta Thomai Wllda I)ennK Perrhel Knl'ht the Aelalrm Seats for the Last Week en Sale Teda? ACADEMY OF MUSIC THURSDAY AFTERNOON. DEC. SO SATURDAY EVENING. JAN. IS TOSCANINI AND LA SCALA ORCHESTRA OF MILAN (100 PLATERS) TICKETS. II TO 13 ON SALE NirYYT AT HEPPE'S 1110 CHFBTNltT nUW ST. AND AfAnHMT OF MUBIO ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES FRIDAY ; SATURDAY SPANISH CITIES' Tie tl, tl.SO at lteppa'a, BOe at Doer E I T H ' S JOHN LEL1A HYAMS & McINTYRE In '-MATULOOM" LOUISE GUNNING I.IOHT OPERA bTAR, IN 0ONO8 Jesnte-IIROWN WESTON. Kffle Teney & Nerman: Arneld Lnmbvrtl Millar nraitferd Othr atara ACADEMY OF UU8IC ThuraJay Evening;, Deeembar 19 New Yerk Symphony ORCHUSTRA DomrechConiluctor KREISLER Beala en i-ale t Hpi-. Hit) Cheatnet METROPOLITAN 01,kha imusa TONIGHT at 8:15 TOnly Phllnil-lphla Appearanee of ETRAZZINl Seats New at Weymann'. 1108 Cheatnut ACADEMY OF MUSIC METROPOLITAN OPERA C(lrPAVY T,YATB,f- MEFISTOFELE MmfS. Alda. Eaaten. Parlnl. Heward mm OUU. Dldur. Rada. Paltrlnlarl, Cond iferaiJ ,enl Tkti Aead.my t H-ppe'a HIKPh,," Walnut ab. Bib MAT TODAY MILLION DOLLAR DOLLS CASINp AST0R PHANKLIlf AND GIRARD 3 fahewi Dally 2. T. 0 Teday1 Faatura WILLAHD HRR1TAP.P MA'-K s EDITH ELLISON. SOLOIST HRPHEUM 1,;rm,"tewnChelUnA. Uftrnuui" Miulne Today ana MAE DESMOND "d "" py iT-ti- "The Squaw Man" ivT wn K- -sruAMni.i:i wives"' DUMONTS Me:,' ; EMMETT WELCH Min.trel. Comic nurleiue, "WAY DOWN YEA8T TvORI D'S OF UVINC1 ' VWIL.l-' il CURI081TIE9 MUSEUM nTMfe'rf llth t Market PnrmTlr ninrham W PEOPLES Ktps '" "wnmL AN Billy Wate n rTTiVl T "n b nme- at. Tedaa Fl II II nilY HA8TINOJBi P'lU Kewpie Dells , U NIVEItSITY Ml'SEl'M Sat.. 8:a0. Fraa Illua. Lectura by D. D, McMillan, lluT. an Ray Eiptoratlena. with aemt mar- vriuu. iiiwii.'i, I'luiurra. TROCADERQ he heavt Ifiatra 7M rcnmvun ntt TjI" riwrisWfe-, mx"i, 1 - "it f,$ i ' ' p V Ml v- ( (&L