Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1920, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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'V'Bs " ' ' '
Christmas Music by (lie Organ
at 9 and 5:20, With Singing of Carels
Stgre Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5:.'J0
Omni! t'lilmri i.i".'" "
Best Way te Make Up a Gift List Is te Come te the Stere and See the Goods
A Few Gentlemen
the Question et driving
when one of tlfem asked another what his habit was in his
benefactions, His reply was: "I de very. much as a well
known woman does, who is famous for her rhubarb pies.
She Saiil Snc JJUi in aa iiiuii clm"1 " "-A ue' ,Aivitvivv
required and then she shut her eyes and put in a handful
mere," and then, the gentleman added, "I give all the money
my conscience approves and then add a handful without
feeunting it."
t ia nf n luirl thine- n err en the safe side.
The school teachers, the University and College
professors and the Missioners have long been discouraged.
Is it net time te get en the ''Rhubarb Pie plan," a big cupful
01 SUg"1 iluu rt U1& iaiiuj.ui iuv.
a n ri m- t - w r - a I -v n lr
JVC S, 10 JO.
Women's Afternoon Gowns
of Velvet! 1 00 te $ 1 50
These are the late-season prices for some exceedingly attractive
gowns of sef t-hued velvet. They are in shades of beaver, brown, mole
and navy, besides black; are sometimes beaded or embroidered or have
n little real lace Venise for instance around their necks; and there are
scarcely any duplicates among them.
Trices, $100 te $150.
(I'lr-l l'leiir, Onlrnl)
A Real Lace Cellar
Is Sure
of a Welcome
nd that hit of lace at the neck does
make uch a difference in the efTe?tio efTe?tie
ne of a gown ! , .
We hail these cellars made, te order in
the newist .ihnpes, in round, square and
straight. They arc all imported, and, of
ceurs hand made.
Duchcs-c cellars $10 te $00.
rni-e cellars, $12.50 te $25.
Ku-e point, $30 te $85.
(MiiIii 1'liMir, Criitriil)
A Would
Leather Ceat
Please Almest
Any Weman
Especially if she meters, skates or is out in
ell kinds of weather, for these leather coat .
are worn irfully geed for keeping out the cold.
A w shipment brings the short-belted
iperts model in tan, mahogany or black, lined
with pepi'ii ut $02.50 and a three-quarter
length stvle al-e belted, in gray, natural or
black leather from 875 te $100 and in suede
leiVr .i $125.
I tc ; case these prices are less than
1 1 irt I'lixir, C'i'iitriil)
VOUNG Women's New Fur-
Cellared Coats at $95
aie uf xefi, lieaut'ful quality Helivia cloth in :
rich, dm' brown .shade or the fashionable
Mm- anil are topped off with gient. wide col cel
lais et the n uch-liked Australian opossum.
me idit- . ie well mutle, are in a 'eiithi'ii,
p " arrow belts, fancy silk
Hitching .in.; row.- of eloth-cevered button-) . r
the su. .
They mi lined throughout with geed quality
lilk and uiti" lined as well.
1 1 te Jn ye.ir size-.
i - lllKl I lour, (lll'-ttiul I
Fur Neckpieces New, Fashionable
and Net Expensive
ustniliaii opossum is one et" the most popular furs this Winter, and
you ma have it in any number of all ractive neckpieces, scarfs or steles,
starting at the small neckpiece at $3tf.50 cm up te the loveliest stele at $175.
Natural racoon is a youthful, becoming t'ur, and it hits the advantage
f wiaring and wearing durability is its middle name! $25 te $45 (or the
neckpi it.-.
Fluffy fox neckpieces are se becoming, se soft and se pretty it is net
hard i.i understand their popularity. Black fox, taupe fox, gray or white
fe., cress fox the whole fox family is here. $-10 te $250.
Wolf scarfs are in brown or 'black or taup, chiefly; they are becotn becetn
Mg. .iiid they give geed service, te i. $;$5 te $60.
. (Si'tenil I liinr, ( hi'-liuil I
If UfOMEX's blanket bathrobes are
f lure at $5 fastened with loop
win Ullt Oh: nni'h-t'lffl. inllnvml milt
frdkd. Only two hundred and fifiii
w all.
iliinl 1 In. jr. t enlnil)
omen's Best Shoes
at $4.75
Since Befe re the Wa r
In u IUlU u,"t (101) pair el trim, jrood jreod jroed
JUM' dull hluck calfskin lui-u hIioej
-.--..., , v vi.ni it JMIJ1 t iltUUtill
-J., .
llLl' 11 ,.M
-'J liri III Till ll lullliln II.. w.i...
iu.1 V havt iiicated wint,' tip-, blind
ell..,' i,ml '"'litui'y hicls and aie e-
i in miitwiul, style and werknuin-
kft"; Midth. AAA te V.
n M0,n W()ul(, ke thuni aU(j lhy
J'ii, ' "l s,U)l" valut's ut tne '"'il,u iu
'llr liner. Mitrlii'i)
Were Discussing
- ) r
OEAUTIFUL Fabric Hand--
bags Embroidered With
Silk duvetyne and velvet bags in novel
shapes and in black, navy and fur shades.
Ornamented with hand-pmhreidcred designs in
steel and iridescent heads.
These handbags are distinctive in style and
will make unusual and charming gifts.
Prices $25 te $37.50.
(Muln liuur, C'lU'Htniitl
CERTAIN Pink Silks Very
Popular-Around Christmas
They arc the kinds used se much for making
dainty blouses; negligees and lingerie, and they
are favorite gift silks, either unmade and
attractively boxed or else made up into gar
ments. Xew fV.sh fink lingerie satins, -80 inches
wide, $1.50 a yard.
ew pink ercpe de chine, 40 inches wide,
$1.05 U yard. l'lrht rienr, Clifntmit)
EW Fine Coatings Antici
pate Celder Weather
They are the most beautiful soft Belivins
and wool duvetynes, warm as can he and yet
light in weight.
Yeu will find them in some of the hand
somest wraps of the Winter and in just such
shinies as are here reindeer, beaver taupe,
brown and se en 54 inches wide and $10, $12
Vd SIT) a yard. All are new and smnller
prices. (I'lrnt Fleer, ( lirst lint )
JEW Rhinestone Jewelry at
Unusual Prices
Rhinestone-set bar pins, all in sterling
silver, all with safety cntches nnd all with
the effective cral'ery backs $4, $4.50, $5,
$5.50, $r nnd $0.50 each.
Hroeche , also of .-terling silver, set with
i sf . ' -I many new and at at
traet've designs, $4 te $112.
Thev will make delightful gifts and there
i i chaiT i i - '""tv f- ,n whih te cheese.
(.Irdrlrj Mure. lirNlnut)
i ij ty K&n
Special Prices
At $1.15 aie black nteen petticoats gayly
At SI jerey top with deep accordion
pleated lleunces, black.
Ajt $'i.50 jer.sey tei petticeat.s with nie.s
Miline tleuiii'e.s ill black and coleis.
At S;i.(i.r) black and white check taffetas, and
jersey tops with ileunce.s of the samu check.
Alse v'th plain black tlounce.s.
Af S3.85 plaid tnll'ctiif.
l.n-t VUlr)
WOMEN'S Drawn -Werk
Handkerchiefs, 75c
Of hl'eer, liisth linen, with tinv henir- and
.several rows of drawnwerk above the hem.
A ri'er hem handkerchief, 50c, is uiiether
uoed style this has hems in one-quarter or
lmlf-inih width, just ua veu like.
Meth kind.s ate Irish, both in simple, feed
(Unlit I'luer, Central) ,
It's the Age of the Ampice
The age of the almost-miracujeus.
The age when man has-gained such dominion ever matter that he cai
make an instrument which is almost human.
That instrument is
The Ampice Reproducing Piane
The Ampice reproducing piano is se far superior te all ether reproduc
ing or player pianos that there is no ground for comparison.
A performance by the Ampice reproduces with such absolute fidelity
the playing of the master pianist who made the roll that accomplished musi
cians, who have listened te the man and the instrument playing alternately in
another room, cannot tell which is which.
t A Gift Imperial
An a Christmas gift an Ampice reproducing piano is net te be sur
passed. Whoever receives one of these marvelous instruments will find it
a never-ending delight.
This is the age of electricity and electric reproducing pianos. And the
Ampice-is the nearest approach of the reproducing piano te perfection.
The Ampice may be obtained in the Marshall and Wendell, Haines Bres.,
Chickering and Knabe pianos at prices ranging from $975 te $3500 and at
Wanamaker's only in Philadelphia.
Convenient terms, may be arranged.
Every day, from l'.30 te 2.30, there is a demonstration of the Ampice
in Egyptian Hall. Much of the performance is by request.
(Ku)iitln Hull, Serunil Kleer)
-ggsalir " 'ri'
Necklaces Frem the
One case is entirely given ever te neck
laces and pendants of peculiar beauty.
Fer instance, here arc strings of heads
of red amber at $83 and $100; of honey
drop amber at $C5, and of clouded amber
at $85. A string of rare violet-hued
agate is $125; of carved red coral is $85;
of dark malachite, $05 and $85; and of
carnelian, $-10.
Heck crystal beads, pldin, are $40 the
string; enrved, $05. Amethyst beads very
dark and rich in color arc $250. Plain
red coral are $38.50 and $50 and mutton
fat jade are $75 and $83.
Jade bracelets are $25 each.
(I'eurtli l'loer, Clirxtnut
SINGLE Flowers, Graceful
Sprays and Levely
are in request just new for the decoration of
fancy work, bags, lingerie and ether dainty,
pretty gifts.
The flowers are French, they are beauti
fully made and in artistic colorings and com
binations, and the prices go from 50c te $13
by the vard, and from 70c te $8.50 for sep
arate spray.
(Muln l'loer, I'riitrul)
THE Daintiest Toilet Sets
Yeu Would Want te See
They are of imitation ivory and arc pret
tily arranged in satin-lined boxes all lendy
for Santa Claus. Net only school girls and
college women, but elder women as well
like this imitation ivety ware. It is se dainty
and easy te keep clean.
Sets of ten pieces are $20 and $27.50.
Sets of twelve pieces are $37.50 te $'15.
Sets of thiiteen pieces are $27.50.
Sets of sixteen pieces are $15.
(Muln l'loer. ( lirstiuil)
P NGLISH Needle Cases, 35c
te $3
Compact handy litth i-es that a woman
wilj like te put in her sewing box or hag.
They are equipped with all the needed needles,
are in useful si-',es, and are 35c te $3 each.
(Muln l'loer, Celilnil)
in gay silk uwrs and ethers net se gnj, are
all here in the Notion Stere and ready te carry
your holiday wishes te .somebody.
They nre round, oval, oblong and ether
shapes, and the nnces are 50c te $1,80.
(Muln I lour, ( rnlrul)
The Oriental Rug Sale Is a Sale of Beautiful Life-Time Gifts
The gift of a Persian rug is something
that beautifies and enriches the home.
It is a princely sort of gift, carrying with
it net only high intrinsic value and distinc-
tive excellence of texture and coloring, but
also .something of lemautic association;
We are holding a Christmas .Sale of Ori
ental rugs in which old-time low prres pre
vail. One 4ias te go back te pre-war days
te find anything like it.
Kermanshah Rugs
14-3x10-0 ft..
13-8x0-5 ft..
13-1x0-3 ft..
13-9x9-5 ft..
14-0x10-10 ft.
13-3x8-10 ft.
O IBLES and Religious Beeks
- Generally t
are here in many forms Bibles, Testa
ments, Teachers' Bibles, Ameri an Revised
Bibles, Catholic Bibles and Prayer books, lit
tle volumes of Themas a'Kempis, Daily Feed
for Daily Needs and ether devotional books.
Anether table is given up te religious book
lets, such as "As a Man Thinkcth," by James
Allen; "What Is Werth While," by Anna H.
Brown Lindsay, 50c each; "The Mansion," 00c;
"The Lest Bey," 75c, and the "Story of the
Other Wise Man," by Henry van Dyke, 00c.
And there are scores of ethers.
(MiiIii I'lmir, Tlilrtrrnth)
500 heavy polychrome, candlesticks in live
designs are en sule at $1 apiece. Fat candles
te go in them are $1 for two in a box.
, Brass candlesticks are here in about
twenty-five different designs candlesticks for
one, two or three candles; seven-branched can
dlesticks; modern Benares brass candlesticks.
Prices-, $3.50 te $33.
Please note that all one or two light side
brackets, in ivory, brass, polychrome and ether
finishes, arc all one-third less than regular.
(I'eurtli l'loer, Ontrul)
JAPANESE Jute Rugs at
New Prices
In designs and colorings these rugs closely
resemble the costly Oriental rugs from Persia
and the Caucassu.-.
In price there is a vast difference, as thes-e
jute rugs are among the least expensive made.
11x12 ft., $59.
xl0 ft., $47.50.
0xt ft.. $29.
(scrntli fleer, Clirktnutl
PRETTY English Cretonnes
at 90c a Yard
Most people like the colorings far mere
than these made in this country because they
are se much softer in tone.
There is a geed assortment of patterns in
the heavier cretonne weight and the lighter
chintzes, dark and light grounds and both
dowered and striped printings.
They would de nicely for slip covers, cui
tains, draperies and cushi'in covers. The price
is much less than earlier this season.
(I'lrtli 1 lour. Market)
Yeu Can Cheese Cut Glass Gifts
at One-Third Less
In the Christmas Cut-Glass Sale there is a sparkling abundance of piece
all of our own regular quality and all priced one-third below prevailing rates.
Twe special purchases are represented, and these are a few of the attrm
tive pieces :
Herry bowls, $3.75 te 10.
Orange bowls, $5.50 te $10.75.
Footed fruit dishes, s2.75 te $12.50.
.fugs, $3.75 te ?9.75.
Sugar and cream sets,, $.i,75 te S0.5n
Flower baskets, $0 te S32.."n.
i I'eurtli
In this Snle we offer a sulendid choice of
Persian, Caucasian and Chinese rugs, in car car
pet sizes, together with a number of very
attractive groups of small rue,-, such as
Kazaks, Dagheatuns, Shirvans, Saruks, Ker
inanshahs. Dezarts, Beluchistans.
Kvery rug in the collection is .marked 50
per cent less than the regular pri e.
These are some of the carpet size pieces,
any one of which will be a superb gift or a
lich possession for one's own home.
11x11 ft
13-0x9-9 ft..,
14-10x10-1 ft.
11-2x10.7 ft..
13-7x9-7 ft...
14-7x10-3 ft..
11-7x10-1 ft..
14-7x10-2 ft..
13-109-3 ft..
(snnitli I
asjEi..jJ tr -fr-eani-feM' 'i '
All Our Men's Fine Silk-Lined
Black and Oxford Overcoats
$47.50 Each
These are geed, sound, warm dress and business over
coats. They are every one of them brand-new this year's goods.
They are made of the finest black and oxford overceatings
te be had in the market and are tailored te a gentleman's
At this new, low price $47.50 taking in the whole let,
these overcoats make instant appeal te the man who has put
off buying his overcoat, waiting for lower prices.
It is the very opportunity he has been looking for.
(Tlilril rinnr.
TUJEN'S Inexpensive Sweat-
ers and Cardigan Jackets
Men whose work or play takes them much
outdoors in Winter like warm sweaters or
jackets te wear under their cuuw.
We have some excellent coat sweate
,s.eu and 511, wool pull-ever sweaters
and wool sleeveless jackets at $0.50
lihick cardigan jackets, fnvoritv fnveritv
many men, are $8 and 10.
O.WilIn Fleer, SliirlvHl
of SO
If a Man Smokes
It Is Easy
te yive something he will like from these in
the Londen Shep:
English und American pipes, 75c te $07).
Cigar and cigarette holders, 75c te $35.
Tohacce pouches, 85e te S12.
Humidors, ash trays, .smokers' seta and
stands, game sets and kindred articles.
(Thr Cliillrrj, (lirfttnut)
i-nIT3- ..,... ' -y' --. :: . - ' JBM'-m - "
A Gift of Wanamaker Furniture
Is a Gift Indeed
It can be anything from a footstool at $4.50 te a great easy chair .at $233 ;
from a rocking chair at $13.50 te an exquisite bedroom suit at anywhere from
$250 te $800, from a tea wagon at $21 te"a magnificent dining -'room suit at
The particularly popular and gift-like pieces will be found en the Fifth
Fleer, and the Christmas assemblage is as delightful and varied as any one
can desire. '
Among the attractive gift pieces are these:
Upholstered feet steels, $1.50, $0.50 te $2.
Sewing stands, $9.30, $12.50 and $00.
Martha Washington sewing cabinets.
$24 te $35.
Gate-leg tables, $45, $50 and sSO.
Tea wagons, $21 te $70.
Tabeurettes. $8.75, $14 and $lh.
Nests of tah'es, $45 and $7u.
Smokers' stands, $7.50 te ?02.
Spinnet desks, $90 and $95.
(I Iflli 1 loer.
Three Timely
are "The Ster of the Other Wise Man,"
by Henry van Dske, price $2.50. This
beautifully told and much beloved story
may be had new in an illustrated edition;
the pictures in iolei and line being by
J. It. Flanagan.
"The Truce of Uud." by Mary Rob
erts Itinehart. price $1.50. A Christmas
story which is a prose idyll with the
romantic appeal of the nM French days
ut chivalry.
"The Angels' Lily." by Russell II.
Cenwe'l, $1.25. An Oriental parable ami
a history of Temple University.
i Muln l'loer, 1 lilr(rriitli)
elery trays, $3.75 te SO.
Ice crenni tras, $7 te s-ln
ases, $3 te ,s.",(i.
Punch bowls, SIS te ,12."..
Many excellent pieces at .:'."
ind $3 and up u Sid,
( lirtmii
13-Sxsm a
S l'vl.
Mahal Rugs
1 l-7h-7
tt. .
f t . . ,
ft.. ,
. 32;
Imir, ( limtnul)
Mm-kpt I
Men's Fur Cellars at
Lew Prices
.Men looking for tepnrute fur cellars for
their overcoats, or women planning te give
such cellars te men, will he interested in a
limited let of heaver nnd scalinc cellars at
lewer-thnn-usual prices.
The heaver cellars arc !?U5 and the sealine
cellars are $13. Heth arc very geed looking.
('Main I'lwir, Mnrkrt)
MEN'S French Initial Hand
kerchiefs are of heautiful quality linen, all in snowy
white with hand-hemstitched hems and a
medallion in one corner, with a generous size,
lasily read letter, all hand embroidered.
Price $21 a dozen.
(t (MiiIii l'loer, CViitri.lt
y AJg
Uoek cae, .!ti te s27u.
Music cabinets. $31 te $00.
Plant stands, $12 te $75.
Telephone .stands, $17.50 te $00.
Fancy rockers, $13.50 te $43.
Fancy arm rockers, $13.50 te $15.
Ladies' desks. $21 te $235.
Felding game tables, P4.50 te $35.
Easy chairs, $33 te S233.
GIFT Linens Unusual at the
Three particular lets, all carefully chosen.
... ei timely interest just new, especiallv
appropriate as gifts and marked for merchan
dise ei such geed quality.
Hemstitched damask tea napkins of pure
linen in several pjetty designs, size 15x15
inches, $s, tl juxen.
Plain Irish linen tea napkins, neatly hem
stitched, 1414 inches, $9.75 a dozen.
Very practical and serviceable scarfs for
chiltenkr, bureau or dressing table, all of pure
linen, neatl hemstitched, 18x30 inches, at
$1.50; 1SI5 inches. ;,t s2, and 18x31 inches at
2.25 each.
All of these goods iill be neatly boxed for
I'hristmns presentation.
i I'irsi rienr, lii'-tinil)
BIG Let of Geed "Sec
ends" in Silk Stockings
'Hu-y come from ntu- et' the largest and
in t known mills in the ceuntrv and theii
mpei feet ions are -,., v'lk-,t that 'it takes an
' pert te lind them.
Many people will censin.-r them quite sat
IstH' tm'J fur gift.-.
M."i0 u pair tot- : ull-tashiened ingrain
-ilk stockings in black, white and colors, wit .
I'.-le tnf's and soils,
-I.75 ji pair ter full-fashioned ingrain silk
-leckings in Ida k, white and colors that are
mostly all-silk but m sume of the hcaw
WMEhts hae lisle top-.
3.75 a pair fur full-f.ihiened ribbed iilk
s. ickmgs m two-color eembinnti'r.. .
Hl Uslr)
'-' ''V.'-T ft. ...
1 ' s,ii ; ft
, ..SI75
. ,.175
Chinese Rugs
iJexJ-ii it. tu .,- :; :i tl, ,:(,, te "
Knnks. Dughisti.ns and Mm -.ii. Vdvi-lu
te 7-7 1-0 ft , 7 ii'ii !