Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 08, 1920, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    Bfyxzwrrw m ip mwm
iW '.'
1306 Walnut St.
hw 'CMfcffl&JSb
Jj Extraordinary Dressm
!'M" ' 4-j-vfe Vrfwcs 75.00-J50.00
1 1 77Y? AYA'D 7SF75K 7L;.
II i Chiffen Velvets Laces
II Panne Velvets Duvetyns
I I Tricetines Imported Fabric
J Kitten's Ear Sal(ns Chiffen Crepes j
I 'or .7 Occasions Jffl
v .Ye C. 0. )'. 1W Sales Final JMr
'.Charge Accounts Selicited:
assert & DeMan$
12 15 Chestnut Street
Furs and Millinery
c y
Holiday Hats
of beauteous mode
and wonderful value
Special Opportunities Arranged for
Tomorrow's Selling
tfl Levely Km- and Brilliant Brocade,
All-Duvetyli, Fur and Duvetyn,
('ire Satin, Fur and Satin, Celd and
Silver Cleth, Satin and Lace, Silver
unci tield Lace with JMalinc.
The prtei s
start at
All Velvet Hats
Half Price
'.Purchasing Agents' Orders Acccptcdz
Gelden Special Te-morrow
1200 Little Felks'
Values $3 te $3.95 v
Tlie daintiest of fine white Piecks,
Philippine, hand-nindc and hnnd-embreldcrcd.
Seme nre quaint little Straight Dresses, inunv i
...III ..!..!i1.. 1 !.l I . ,. ... : r
nun VAijuisiiuiy
fresh and new.
cifts! Sizes for
years. A few in kimono style, 12- te 4-ycnr
sizes. An unusual Gelden Special economy
opportunity there Dresses at S'J.l.'i.
- - Htr.iwbrldse A Clethlnr 'lMM n. , V. -
in iimu iiinuuMi presses, many p y.
ly embroidered yokes. All are) xx
v, just the thing for practical. lP
'or little tots of 0 months te 2 )fZ
Educational Gifts for Beys
In theTey Stere Many Special
It s a compliment te a boy te select
for him u pi ft that requites mental ac
tivity in its enjoyment. And if you
knew his tastes and inclinations veu
can just bet he'll have a "bully" Christ
mas, with some one of these:
The Gilbert Wireless By a cart
ful study of the book of instructions,
he can acquire a geed knowledge; of
the subject of Wireless transmission.
I'rice, S7.e0.
Electric Meters and Steam
Engines And an excellent assort
ment of models that can be rigged up
with them. Prices. sl'.IO te $12.00.
iiie most com-
and scientifically
iletcf practical and scientifically correct
inunusiry uutiit euuunaule; contains no
dnngereus chemicals. Prices, $1.00 te $7.2-"..
$2.50 te $50 Aereplanes
Reduced new $1.50 te $:j()
About .six hundred pieces every Aero Aere
plane in stock; about one hundred different
$5.00 Rapid-Fire Guns $3.50
i unipicte with ammunition and soldier.- '
$25.00 Lionel Electric Train
Sets, new $19.50
Xe. Bl. One engine, two car-, and
ten pieces of track.
Gilbert Civil Engineering Outfit
Kach Outfit contains a surveyor's
transit, packed in a hardwood cabinet,
-ize 20x12.x:!' i inehe-. Price, $23,011.
Sec the Gilbert Erecter
Sets and Main Other
Educational Tens
I I l IA 1
100 Fresh, New $5.00 Dells' Stroller
Ge-Carts, Specially Priced at $3.50
iilt l'mn
Extraordinary Values in
Women's Seal Plush Coats
These are values which we believe cannot be duplicated an
where. Seal Plush C'eat.s, of beautiful iu.i.ity, -eme of these at the
higher prices, closely resembling real fur. and all made en the
simple, elegant lines of fur C'eat.s, and in aiying lengths, $10.00,
$'13.00, $50.00 and $e'5.00 some of the .f03.O(i (.'eats have deep fur
cellars. Chiefly in .sample sizes.
Straw In lilr I !' i- s -..Ti.l l'lei.r i -i-i
1000 Corsets
Formerly $6.00 te $10.00
Excellent models in Corsets of well-known makes reduced en; -half
and mere. Seme are styles te lie di-ventinued, ethers ait
odd lets and broken sizes. Kvery ene in this group a remarh:.bK'
Milue. S. & C. Special, Xenie and ether nukes nicluied. Corbel
with low or medium bust, aUe elastic top. Among them our fan i.
lleu-ekeepers' Corsets, reinforced ever the abdomen new $2.:-..
-- Snanliriilge A i I ll II , v' i. t -i." W.n
High-grade, Deuble-width, All-silk
Cirepe Georgette, $L5
White, Black and Many Celers
A special purchase of a maimfat tun i "-. clii'-e-eut let in liiu
time fei tlie .i.:d m gne tiu- ni.i'i-nal for part fieik-,
lileuse.s, etc., en Chiistma-.
Exactly Half the Regular Price
liite, Ivery, Pink, Me.-h, I lei. Orchid, Lilac. Tin
( hampagne, Peige, Mele, Nile, Steel, Ueal P.'.ue, Xaw llliu
night Hlue, Men's blue, Belgian Hlue. Copenhagen lllue, I'ea.'.nk
Illue, Ciainet, Plum, Wistaria, Reseda .Myrtle (ielden llrewn, Uut,
African Ihewn, Tan, Taupe, nlse Ulack. lelepliune an. I mail euh r
will be tilled in the order received, while the let laxl.
i .V . I, ii i 1. 1
: V3
1 iW
The Importer's Sale of Oriental Rugs j
Happily These Extraordinary Savings
Are Available Just in Time for Christmas
About $50,000 worth of superb Oriental 11 uim came te us from one of America's ine.-,t nremi-
nent importers, te be disposed of by us at a small ninrinn of profit previeuslv (letcrmincd. the ini-
porter te sustain whatever less of profit may be involved which will assuredly amount te a Inrve
sum, as we knew the special prices te be
Frem One-Third te One-Half Less Than the Prices
Fer Identical Grades During the Past Year
MuIkiI Rug,
Mahal Rug,
Mahal Rug,
Mahal Rug,
Mahal Rug,
Matial Rug,
Mahal Rug,
i.j..;.r!).j ji.$r,tiO
U.US.IO 1t.$A,!
jj.:!si..: ft.$.wu
JJ.J.rD.l ft.$rt7r,
U.LcDJf ft .S,?7
IJ.I-!)..! ft. $.',71
n.u.,-s. ft.s.iy,
Mahal Rug, I0.r,.-7.1 1 'ft. $.!7
Mahal Rug, l..,r!). 'ft. $.17
Mahal Rug, ' l).(.-7 it.$.i.'t
Mahal Rug, ..;.,?. ft.$.:.js
Mahal Rug, J .;7.iS.v 'ft. $',07
I rm a nshalt , 1 J.Us'J ft . $X0.',
Kt rmanshah, lJ.Jj'lt.4 ft. Svs.v.J
Chinese Rug, tJx'J ft. s.iSJ
( 'h iii( se Rug, II. II .r!U .S'.AS'e'
Chinese Rug, .v...S'..; . $,',
Chinese Rug, ll.llj-U ft. $.sj
Chimsc Rug, i.:.r!).j ft. $.iJ.',
Scrape Rug, U.O.r'J.c 'ft. $i!0J
Si rape Rug, l.'.!hi,S.H) it. .-:.;,
Serapr Rag, J.i.0.r!K7 It. 7J.9
Scrape Rug, ht.,Ss!.! ft. $(i.?H
Serage Rag. ll.C,s'J.7 it. ?.',!)')
Strapr. Rug, 1 1.7x7..! tt. $Mt
Srrupr Rug, lJ.J.rS..', it. $r,j.s
Sarah- Rag, 1J...rS.V) )t. $le:7
SarukRug, u.OxO.r, tt. $J0H't
Sarah' Rug, U.7x$.llft.$109I, I
SarukRug, 10.6x7.!) tt. $7SJ I
The Following Are Rugs Frem Our Own Stock and Reduced
,'.-Al If. . . -.rf.i -It- t ..
..uu i nincsc, i i.i ixv.;sj.,v srGO Chinese, 9.10,7 ft. $39.; I $.16.1 Chimsc, 1 1 .11., in.2$.'lC,
hide i luncse, Ux)1t.$Jt7r, ' $62.1 Chinese. 9.1 1x7.10 XA:in $.16-1 Chiin f .- 1 .r,x!).9 $.1.1.1
g .-!. iiuii-i, j.-; n.c1t- Ve;u linnese, 9.10x7 Jt. ft. 9.1 SSJ.l Chun ,l,.6xl l.S S',U..10
, tef C luncse, !.'.!. '.1.2 $47., fUSu Chinese ).),;s,i ft.S22.1 $57.1 Chimsc. 1 l.l.,-W.fS.l.l
- H OV , ' a I j f
Gift Waists .?
- r,
Pocket Knives
Vv have an excellent a-eit-ment
of Pocket Knives for boy
and lu.vi th.it hae grown up
With stag handle $1.00 te $2.30
tt ith pearl handle $1.00 te $0.00
Pey Scut Knives $1.23 te $1.73
Olliei.il c.nit Knives S1.30.
Other Cutlery Gills
Uaj-ers - - all standard kinds
ind make.
Carving Set.--$2.23 te $13.73
(lame or Steak Sets $IJ.OO te $7
-n.ibrl.l,ri i. riuilil. ! 1! iriii. ri
Canaries are
Levely Gifts
These little j-eng.-leis will
carol your Christmas gieeting
all the year. Singing Canaries
str.i'l.iM.. S. . ..t'l'.. r- Wur v 't
Moderately Priced
I'ONtiEK in tailored style.-,
-eme with tucks, some with little
plaiting.s SIJ.OO te S3.00.
STKIPKD SILKS satin-strie
mes-aline and taffeta, in dark
.-hades; tub silks and Mtin-tripe
en-pi! de chine in light etl'ects
s:i.!i;i te $8.73.
CKIiPK D1-; C'HIXt: white
tle.-h, bi.-quc, black and puit
shades $3.00 te $10.00.
-MKSSAL1X1C in black, navy,
blown and taupe $3.00 te $0.00.
COTTON WAISTS bati.-te.s
with hand-made cellars, euu"s and
trimmings; 1'iench 'voiles l.enuti
fully trimmed; batistes and lawns
and white and color-striped voiles,
and voiles in bisque and fltsh a
wonderful assortment $1.30 te
-i iv hr 'if & ( it --
1 J'i. r ( .Vm
Francis Bacen
Pianos and Player-Pianos
SIMUM) Francis Bacen Upright Pianos SI 10.00
$300.00 Francis Bacen Upright Pianos .Si.iO.OO
8525.00 Francis Bacen Upright Pianos S 1(55.01)
$750.00 Francis Bacen Player-Pianos S675.00
.$900.00 Francis Bacen Small Grand SS25.00
$1250 Francis Bacen Reproducing Piane SI 110
$1500 Francis Bacen Player-Grand SI 125
$2100 Francis Bacen Reproducing Piane S2025
Suitable terms of convenient pavment can be ar
ranged, and your old piano or player-piano taken in pan
payment if you desire.
If you haw a charge account the monthly amount-,
may be added te your bill. '
Lace Curtains
Under Price
Ill-playing all tli.it beauty ei'
de-ign and skillful wrkman.-lup
for which the Ku'iipi-.m ciat't
men are noted. H. -i of all. these
are new maikcl at Mil.-tantial
s.'U ing-:
Pull-length Curtain- of Point dc
Paris, or Irish Point Lace. 3'4
and 3'i yards long $15.00 te $45.
Sash Curtains, of these laces,
2:4 and .'i yards long $6.00 te
$40.00 a pair.
- i 1 t Mi.-- . I 1
These Umbrellas
at $5.00 Are Special
Tin y, will make fine gift.- f,
mm . r women. Cevet ings of
piece-djL.l Union Taffeta Im!I.-an.l-cotten).
le Women's I'mbiellas h;ue
new "stuli" i.tHK;' 1iiin.il. -
witii uaKilite top.- and wliiti
(.oiere.l ling.
.Men's styles hae handle- i i
rrenk -tyle with silver tr.m
tilings. -traMl.r, lB . , I,. , ,r.
V..- . T M .r . t .-
250"Bar Harber"
Chairs & Rockers
Special at$ 14.25
n ix.c.luit ,u ii la-tn.g Unistina-
it. ei for jour own home. Of geed
u k i . in In own, no ei yieeii; wan
i'.it and li.nlv attra. tiveh upliel-u iel
m alli-tuaUj luittiiiuil cietinne.
i 1. -ii i! .ii u. li'iuvil at - M I. -j ,
100 Women's $65.00 te $110.00 Afternoon
and Street-Dresses, $47.50 and $50.00
A beautiful let of Dresses, fresh and new. in the best stvle.-, i.f the swisim ..mi M.rb-.r..,.,!., ,.. .,. .....
are tricetines veldynes and velveteens, beaded; braided, trimmed with stitchiny;, and some in strut'lv
Navy blue, oxford, and some m plum color and brown. All in sies :il, !!G and .'5S.
Attractive Creups of Serge Dresses, Special, $19.75
Ot excellent serine, in nity blue and black, made chielly in the youthful, straight-line MvUn with
attractively braided and embroidered. '
detail. Incllldi'ii
tailnred stIe-.
lung siect..
i r .- r.. i.
' ru-l1 1
m$ -
-e Jmf-'?.
v z?r
KunVJi l'.'m.
Mm wm .
I 6"i T- i-i. 7-Ji' I
. lZ&'''C-M V W
i - ,f s e .fj .. t. i "
i'A Sc'iF,:
-S5 5- ' -s -4. .'.rt
r i . ' I. .'1
.'. r
The Kind of a Gift That a
Man Really Welcomes
is tne Km el something he can wear. Of course, it must
be well chosen te meet the particular tates of the one who
1.- te receive u. un one thimr, however, all
must be "correct. " . Choeso here with the
it is l-ight.
men agree it
a.ssurance that
Geed Shirts and
only $IJ)e
Of -t uu . luinii-emi!;.
i.iiumi i.iern..-. . liiive .-'.Ii.
theu.-aml- of them ;it Z2.0 -but
these we ian di-pee of at 1. !'."..
Shirts te Measure
We hiiM- tl. nami- and nun -moments
of theu-an.is of Phila Phila
delphia's best-di e--e.l men en
tne files of our little S'.i.rt Shep.
Perhap.s the name 01 the man
.ou have in mind is among them.
We'll be glad te leek 't up .in.'
H'O if It l.s.
.Man-like he's always Ic-.ig
them, and never has tee many 01.
hand. Nete the wide assortment -te
ihoes-e from heie:
( 'ambric Handkerchiefs 2ee.
I mm Handkerchiefs a ,
SI. 50.
Linen Inirtal Handkerchief--;.(..
te ?l.un.
l-xtra-large Linen Ilan.ikeivhii f---".V
and SI. Of).
l.tra:large Cr.tti.n Handkerchu f-
. H.ied-iMtiiil Cotten
ihiefK : for S2.00.
l'.uicj Handkerchief- - ;;r,c an,i
Mlk .'i0c te 5-.'...e.
.-un iiuuiiuua- -1. .. i.
I it neh Handkci. inet'
- l.r.n
.".t'e I
Warm Hath Robes
I nu-unll." line eiie u' TetTy
i letli can be had ter .-IJ.dn.
Pl.inkct Itehis aie S7.H0 in i2'.
Lounging Itelr. arc- Mh.imi te
."1 lO.lin.
Hi'u-c "ii.it- from Slu no te
Handsom e iXeckties
- Are here te . hee.-e from. Many
price- eile, .-l.eii, Sl..")(i, ,2.00,
SL'.r.O J.:j.0(i. ..,..-,(), S-l.eO and S.'i'.oe'
with hundred- of different p;it
tcrns at each price.
Xew Belt Buckles
en can buy .1 band.-enic cter-l.ng-frent
Hurku- at Sl.ne. Si .20,
4 1. ".it, S.0n and tl.'Q, 01 ., Solid
Mlvir Hue ll. ,v pi ue- lauiring
treni Sl'.iiii te l8.,")li. .Set- ien-ist-mg
of ISelt-and-Puckle, r.inge
from f l.en te S.'J.un.
This Year's Mufflers
Jlii ii.mliine the bi-autj of
i! 'i cler-blending-. .-trip ng-i and
llam -hade- with the comfort
teiitaie which every man uppicc-ati---
loin y I. (in te .-i:,..'.n.
Other Useful Gifts
Such a Suspenders Tee te jil.
Combiiiaiiea Sets of Su-pend-
ei- and (.aim-. c; 1.00. l.00 and
(.arte-- ,.f,! Arm Hand-- T."c
and Sl.liii a -et.
Carter- j;,,-. -,(ji and 7."...
rm M.nd -.i.".. and ."(i,
' ' ' ' '".',, M 1 . i --,.,
The Famous Stein-Blech
Overcoats Under Price
Urn-coals Thai 11 ere ; In Xiijnmr S.V.? W
OrereeatH Thai Were S7:'..Ttt la SUSimir Sl'l.M
"r,"MI" ' " nvrv mu te iiuneic .S'.J no
i in- wen., i ! j, a.'niei -ii iei
"Miie at- -till pie-em- ample '
te meiii.iv iie-, it. two iia- et
aie I I-', i-. ru-eletfi, I!,,v (
milts 11..W l.l. . Ml, ,1 IO lin, ;!'
Men's SLL.
n-eiliiieiii ,, iia'ienall.s
iriclj ter in, i, n i , , , .,,,. ,',
n-maikabl.. -ellmg a. tnit,
eats, j erni-t.M M ,,, ,
'I hi re
plain C)er-
S22e.0fi te KLiOJM Fur-lhwtl Or.w,.,..
sir.i.oe te S'j.i.oe lv
Men's High Shoes' CI A ff
Made te Sell for SIS mid Sill I P J-" V J
spi-eiul ,,, .,1
tii( -i. Inn , Ii en, I I , i I
lilil, I i i.ljih
iiii'ili -Mill s mill ln ,
ifll i -in, tal cult.
Ml sizes te I
tli- pi ici .
pan- ei w II iiukh Hiifh s,
n t e
'Ulljtli '('-
Or (' i , i i
mi Jul m-i ii,
' null l,( i !,
ii i. tli
hi ,ni ii
,r r,., i
. 'ii I ', .. ,
ll" ii-mi liil , ,i ,
" ' ' '-"I'll '.' , ,u, y
'iiillniijiniy-c,,!,,-,, clf or
"fin with, but the are
te go (uiekly at
.. I I . iii Mirtein
- St i iitjr -lg.
yj"fWfttepyr 'jry-fr j -npj
Y iX
mmfirn- ' " L- k Tu.