xeis u mm. i 'US - 'rf t 1 m ; ' n Lfiir bi Mft i i r !;.t'H i V i Jt US .. 26 ne Held In Brooklyn Bend Robbery New Yerk, Dec. 7. Police hnvc ar rested Jeseph Ameruso, twenty-nix, wlie, they Haiti, hn.8 been identified an one of four men who held i) and robbed two mcinenRerx of $4(1(1,000 In securl tlCB In Ilrnnklyn Inst week. The men mngcrB, representative of n Manhat tan brokerage firm, were carrying Iximls if denomlnntlenH of .r,-iOOO nnd $10,0)t te a lmrdwnre mnnufactiirlug concern TfJien robbed. The bandits escaped In h automobile. The bends huve net bfcen rC'cnvered. financial '; Te the Helder of f KMHnK UKIININO COMPANY tflnl Mortgage nnd Collateral Trust Trn 1 Year Sinking Fund Mj Per Crnt (ield j llenda. Dated K tirunry tut. tell iNetlce In hereby aivvii that fnpeaaln are Invited te be made tii Ouarantv Truit Cum liny of New Te k HO Ilmadwa. New Tprk City, for the s.le te the Sinking Fund provided for In the Indenture betw en the Company nnd Ouarenty Truet Company et Nw Yerk. aa Trustee, dated February 1st. HIT, of First Mortgage nnd Collateral Trust Ten Tear Sinking Fund KU I'er Cent Geld Bend of Kmplrr It fining Company dated Tabruary lat. 1PI7 and aecured by nald In 4tnture, at p Icee net te exreed let per rnt of, the principal of uch henda flat without tntereal. On or 1 fore Fehruarv lat 1021. tilts company will deposit vv.th the Trustee sufficient funds te retire en that date, a' a price net In eteesa of the principal amount theref plua ft premium of four per cent of said principal. Nmda equal In aggregate 'ace alue te Five Hundred Thousand Del. lar (IfiOO.neni and said fund Is te be ap plied te the purchase or redemption of bend f'sald 'anus at net te ejreed the price above mentioned All proposals should he securely aealcd and marked "1'repnaala for aale of bends le S'nklng Fund undr Inden ture of Empire neflnlng Company dated February it. ll'17." must be for all or any part of the bends offered and must be re ceived by the Trust e at or prpr te three o'clock P Sf en December 17th 1520. Advlcea us te bends accepted will be mnlled n or before Decemb r 20th 11)20 by the Trustee. Coupens due February 1st lejl should be detached from the accepted Invnda and pre sented In the usual J.iai.ner at the mce or agency of the Ccmpanv. (10 Wall street. NeWYerk City. EMPIRE REFINING COMPANY By FRANK W Pnt'KAfFF. Treeldent Dated November 29th. 1P20 WEl-SIIACH COMPANY TIIiriTT-Yr.AI HINKlMi 1TM ITIt ri.NT f't)l.l.T. KiiAi. TntsT MeriTOAtiK dei.n nnynn. Staled propeals will be received until 3 D. ra Wednesday, December 8. 100. at thj Since of TUP. PnOVItjr.NT MKK NU TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Ne. W Chestnut street, rhllad'lphla. Trua. Cae. for the sn e te them of all or inv purl of se many bends of the WKI.PHACH COM FANY aa the sum of 1127 43H 70 appll-able te the Sinking Fund will pay for. Lewnt bids at a price net excedln; ear and accrued Interest will be considered. nd If accepted the parties efTerlna: them will b advised at once and payment will ba tnada -n surrender and transfer of the Kind! en December 9 1920 Interest en the bends se (.ecepted will cease en December D, iH20 411V J any or Trustee, the Trui f-te.-v Tlltt IfUKl I'nri "r" ''" lljtllb IU r-'J"T"i Or all Dien mu B.iiiiiHcierv 10 saia ,e. The nffers of ti'dd-rs unknown tj Trustee must be acr-empanled by satls-ift-v eeferenpes. tfheuM two or. mere bidders Md the same lowest price the number or bends taken from each will be as nearly as practicable pre rata. Proposals should b Indorsed "Proposals far the sate of bends of Welsbach Cem pany" and addressed te ASA S, WINO President. TIIE PROVIDENT l.II-K AND THUOT COMPANY OF PIIII.XDKt.PHIA. 400 Chtstnut street. Phllad'lphla. Pa HTANnr . Nn ixkctric co. Blnklnt I"und-Iurchas; Cenrertlhle Six Ter Crnt Slnklni l'und Cn.tri Bends Pursuant te the prelslnns of the Collat Cellat ral Trust Acreem-nt ex-cuted December 1 Mil. by tin- Standard (las and Kleetrlr Company t th undrlnn1. an Trutee. e aacure an authorize.! Issu ,f Thirty Millien pellers CenTt'ble Slnklnc Fund Geld llends. maturlnc Deiemtsr 1 l!2d the und-r-alined hereby elv-s notice that It new has a hand the sum of "en'-four thousand one Hundred and two dollars and th'rt-aven cents (t4 10J 371 In the Sinking Fun,) pre. srlded h said Trust Agreement, and mat It la Its Intention te Hpply said sum. under tne prevision i of said Trust Airreement. le the purchase of Md bends. CeTers of said bends are Invited at a price net te exee.i a,r. accrued lnt rest and live per -ent vremlum Sealed tenders should be iMren te the lilUJelphla Trust Company Trus. tee SlnUInc Fund Standard Cae and K ec trlc Company. Hre.id Street Offlc", Ilread and Chestnut streeis. N K Cerner Philadelphia, drtUrnatlnc the denomination of henda ten-' derul. and will t- recelieil until 3 p. m., Thursday. January 6. 1031. rim.ADKi.piiiA trcst ce.vrNv t tee. ny JOHN C VU.vri Tru. vci: Treasurer. Phlfadelphla December 102O CANNia.THV Ctll. AM) COKK COMPANY JK1VK 1'KU CKNT FlIIST MOHT(;(iK oei.i) iieniix. nn: jii.y i. ie.vi MNKIMl FVSn NOTICn Netice Is hreby Blven tnat pursuant te the terma of th inertffaire dated June 20 1010 fifteen MTil of said bends of Jlwi'i each numbered aa fellows P. 45 70 115 127. 25(1 23 321 3S7. 37 3h.'.. 417 4fl' 828 and r2" haveb'en drawn for reiienpii,,,! by the slnk'n fund at par and accrued (Mer est aa of 4inii.iry 1. 1D"II. when all lntermt theraen wll1 cas The above berels will te raid en ami arter saia 'iat upon pr "-nia Ien with coupons then due and a.l un- ' matured coupons attached at the office of 1 TIDF.LITY TRCST COMPANY 325 Chestnut atrt Phllad, iDhta. In whl, h trur com.' fany the men,v has been depes ted for said ledemp'len FIDRI.ITY Tni'ST COIPNY Trusiee. IVM P flKST President. Philadelphia November 22 1P20 Dividends DIVIDEND THE BARRF.TT COMPANY (N. J.) A quart rlv dividend of Twe lM.,'nr 'J2 001 per abare haa ten ijrurei en in- ( oinnien ' Capital Stock f Tie llirreti rempanv New 1 Jeraey rerime en annuarj a. mil. te Common stockholder of rcerd nv at th eleae of bulnens Pfr-ml-T 1. 11,20 KllNKST J 9TEKR Treasurer. CITIES SERVICE COMPANY BANKERS SHARES Monthly Distribution Ne. 22 Henry 1 Doherty A company announce that the Tw nty-errenil Monthly niMrlh niMrlh ntlen en Cltlei s-rvi II inkers Sh.ir. a. nayahle en January lat. IMt, te lUnk-s , lharea of Ilecerl T)ecemlr 1.1th. llii'ci seti; be 3ft inte i.r ah flnkera HhMre The Philadelphia Electric Company lelKi 1 llhsTNl r STItr.KT. I" 1 .' 1 h' I'a Nnv 1J' i'ii0 The Heard t,t rjlreclnra hav.. thla U le clared a dividend .if fnrt-flvr eenta n sh.ire Cbelna: at the rat- .f S'"c per anminw ui'en in preferred LMpltal aterk of thla 1. erneiinj fo fe the erled Seiti-mter 24 1020 tr. r -ml.er 15. 1H20 PHyivbl. neeemlirr IS. Hun , teckhelders uf r-"M Vevirnlier It) in;e H r I.tVA. Tr. ny The Philadelphia Electric Company mue 1 in M's'i t .vrui:n-i I'hlUil'iphu Pa Nev. U in.'O The Ueurd i.f fi " tera hav.- thin iia d... rlared iiuarerl I vll-ml e one nnd threes attnrtrra (l' per cent f ilrnr .t 71 . ent a ahare) upon the common mpitrvi ute k of thli Company PDaidn Ileremlier 1.1. in0 tu atockheldtra of record Nevunher In :'i; H c M'i'AN Tr.as THK EUHTAIII.K II. M MINATI.NO (1AM IJOIIT rOMI'ANY Ol" I'llll..Ilh..IA rhlladalph'a N .vemh r .'. inje The Dlreetere have thla day declared a eml-annual dividend of three (3) yer rant ($3.00 u aharc) n the li..ferred stock pay. able Iemler ISlb. 1JU, te atocuheldera of record at the cleae of eualneaa 3 o'clock . Jt.. Wedneaday Dec rr.Ler 8 10!0 Cheka will be milled W A MerWKN Tr.u.r THK I10ARI) OP IIIIIKCTOItS ei TliK uicieiruen i-reijucia 1 orperimon hitve 1 thla day il eland a iiuarterly dlviden.i .. ' i en the euiatandlnr preferred i... li .,f thla cnmiMny imyablj 4annar Iff. lOil. te th atoikheldera of record December 31 1920. Ste k books w 11 remain op n, nlr.earuph Prednrta Cnrtmrutlen. (Hlt-nrd) II M DKI.ANOIK December 2 IPSO Treaaurer FKOrLE'S NATIONAL FIKB IN.siRri: 1111 N 1 1 rhlludflphl.i Dec, 1 0ie The Heard of Iirecira hna thla day declared a. dividend of ZVtVc. l.ajahi, j)n, II. JOtO. te atoikheldera of record Deiember tO. IB20. Checka will ! mailed JAMKH M . SN'lNO Trea,yr. nniml Mrrttnca rVgca'TllK ANNVAI. MKKTINf) OF THK tf-JE7 tlrkheide . f l. Sante I",nBn CP'", .w,".bS 1:' .?" Tliurdiiv. Jununry t7lh. 10tl. t 2 I'. M. at the emce of the Company. 320 Cheatnut Street. Philadelphia. for the purpea- of elettlne r ii(mri et TJtractera nd for the traneacllen of auch thr bualneaa aa may properly come before th "'""' ai,but- hhekt Hecr t.ry t-STUK ANSl'U. MKKTIM1 OK THK kVTJP atncUheldera of the Hinlo llomlnre Hltrer Mlnln C will l held en riiesdm Iirrrmber tt, lM, nt Vi n'rhiek umin, .11 (he Sfflrea of the Cempimi 317 fhea'nut Street vhiui.n.hi.LEWlB M KVANS( Becrttw ANGSTERS FACING CHARG E OF MURDER Slayers of California Officers Are Held for Special Grand Jury PRIZE-FIGHT BAN IN FRISCO Santa ltes.i, Cnllf., Dec. 7. The Krnnil Jury hrm been railed for today te renahler charges auainst fieerKe Itnyd, nllns Crnrgc llnrren. Terence 'It anil Charles Volante, nn the result of the sheeting and killirtR here Stindny of Sheriff .Tames A. I'etrny. of Senoma county, and Detectives Miles M. .Tack son nnd Lester H. Dermnn, of the San Krnnrlsce jielice department. Heyd, who, according te District At- terney Heyle. confessed te firing the shots wh,,h killed all three officers, was said te be imnrevlnir. folletvinp nn nner. atien in which the bullet whs removed 1 rretn Mis hack. cumenevlra SK '& Ife I QUESTIONNAIRE DEFENDED ence which prevented lynching of Heyd lnt night. Mrs I'etraj risked friends j Jersey Speaker Says He Merely It of the slnin sheriff net te ceuntenuncc , , . . . ., . ..,j. mob violence. Seeking Information as a Guide "Twe wrongs will net make n right," I Newark, N. .1., Dec. 7. (Seerge S. she said. 1 Hobari', sneaker-elect of the new as- The friends withdrew from the crowd, 1 sembl . suld that liniurles Inte the re- whlcli, lucking leaders, dispersed. 1 ligieus and social affiliations of mem- 1 hers was only one of several in- San Franc-Ism. Calif.. Dec. 7. f Hv I ttnded as a guide In forming commit A. 1M The San Francisce police com'- ' trrs. Mr. Hobart readily admitted the missleners Inst night stepped prize- l sending of iniestietinnlres te his col cel figlitlng in Snn Trancisce. All permits 1 leagues and he met criticism from ether for conducting rights or boxing con- counties with this cemment: tists were ordered suspended. "I nm only seeking information be- in 11 formal revolution the beard off""" tllp session opens nnd which will police commissioners declnred : , serve as an aid in getting nciiuainted "Owing te the unspeakable meni which have been committed by prize I ngnters ntui tneir associates in this city the beard of police commissioners hereby siiseends all prize-lighting permits." The action fol'ewed a oonforenceeyes eonforenceeyes oenforenceeyes tenlay by police officials with Mayer .Tames Kidph Jr.. at which was de tailed outrages committed by gangsters en young women recently at 11 shack rendezvous en Hewnrd street, In the thickly lMipulnted section According te the police, the gang would mnke the acquaintance of their victims at dance halls and. under the pretext of driving them te their homes convey them te the shack in nutome. I Idles. Hefusn' by the gii-K te submit j te the Indignities of the gang wns met j nv urui.'ii ircHiuicni, several or ine gins , said. They had been cruelly uinxin. kicked nnd dragged by their hair. 1 nev 1 .1 .1. r r...i.t. 1-..1 , ., . vvprc tin'll iiirciiiriieu vviui iiciitii u tncv i",- ; , . ..iii disclosed what had taken place and were ' n'nr inspect! -n and prompt ""letHel freed. , measures where trouble or fault was - - -- Icnceunt-red," -as the Public Service Commission in sustaining the complaint FUEL CONSERVATION URGED nfXbZ!ll.n,!.l manufacturers , of 'Palnivrn against the Annvlll- and Pal- Proper Method. Weu.d Save 75.. iV'J 000,000 Tens a Year, Says Englneer( tiR. hearing supports the cemp'aints nnd New Yerk, Dec. 7. (Hv A. P ) engineering reports show many causes The world's diminishing 'fuel supply for the interruption, and the lack of scientific methods te In addition te calling for reports nt meet the situation formed the chief topic , '"tennis of thirty du.vs the '"""nls. at the opening session today of he "ion orders tlie t-emiiin te make n ferty-flrst annual meeting of the I thorough inaction of tie tranwnU American Seciet, of Mechanical i: "Jen and di stril ,11 en ci mi IN nt 1 glneers. The sessions will be continued ' '";7P1 M '" t.h'r),J '' 'A" '..'""I, u threush Friilnv I which have interfered with reasonable tnreugi rnua. service" install adequate lightning hngineers of national prominence de- ,""":,... .1'....' , ,.i n nner. , 1 .,.. ..t ,.. i .. .e r..i cmr-'i 111111 cm-cMUK nn- niiMr 111 1111-1 :..i ... .1... I...... .i..i i ,(,-. iin, i. in. uiiii.iiui .-11, ii , ti.u j vi the I'nlted States Well-known nnd well-trifd methods, of conservation would save between 7,".- , 0W).0m and KrO.OOd.niKI tens of com each year, declnred David Moffat Mj ers, formerly of the engineering section' of the l-nited States fuel nd.ninistni- tlen. Hused upon conservation of i..- OOO.fHHl tens, he said, the money-saving would be .1."0.(MH).(HI0. MORE INDUSTRIAL MISHAP 66,000 Compensation Cases ported In N. Y. Last Year Re- hxractise. N. Y.. Dec. 7. Sevenhun- ,lr..,l nn.l tiftv fncfnrv men stnte ntli. I cials, empleyes, public htifety secreta ries, industrial accident Insurance men manufacturers and state legislators at tended the opening session here hist iiittht of the Industrial Safety Congress of Nt w Yerk Stnte. The session was featured by an address bv James M lyii'li. state industrial I'liinmissiener ntiil chairman of the riiiu'inv lie said that, despite the great ad viincc- miide in accident ireventien work ., t'"' ln'list"les, the numher of mishaps for 1010 shows a marked inronse !,nnt (Hl.iKMi cnmpensnturi ases were renerted te the Industrial f'ominlssien. v GOODALL "WET WEATU" EK AKMOR." made deuble and thoreudhly waterproefi-d. rer centrctnra. farmers, sai' sai' ers, beamatera und laborers. Wnl for ctltlef. E-j MA km LH I s J t jHH HH it aBiP n Is 'li GOODALL wmmmm cmfaii p When lit nd of quick aer vn-e, phone u Filbert 1440 (Belt) or R'Ct 4094 .Keyttene) EVENING PUBLIC READING COUNCIL WARNED State Health Department 8ay Water System Muit Be Approved Hemline, Pn.. Dec. 7. The City Council here will net be crinltted tV tin nny costly experimenting with the city h water tem, We state llea'th department snys in nn announcement '.,f 'iiiii.ttcini eimructvr made i.ubi . nPl. aa riUI (lIMI M ullAti In icre. If the c ty wislieH te Install itN proposed SdOO.IMHI electric lltratlen plant, modeled after one ut Kasten, I which is operated en a small scale, the stare must tlrst approve the plans. 11 I must he werlted en n large scale, ac cording te Colonel Kdwnrd Martin, statr lieaitn conimisHiener, wlie was asked for a statement, "The preposition leeks geed," he snld. "hut it wll have te he demon strated en 11 large scale before tlie state wii npnrtne 1. M. I. Stevenson, as chief engineer, had no information en the propesed.01 U1C mn " drives careltllly. water system for Heading, which bus stirred this city mere than any ether municipal project for years, but from ether sources it' was learned the state will reenlrc. before uniirevlng the plan, .1 .!. ....... .... .. .. uiuuill'tni. frlin nlnnl mm uif v""u".". ""vr'."" i"""- set It up nnd tieiiimisiruir 11 wiuiuui n-t te the city of Heading. City Wnter rngineer K. I. Nuebling opposes the p'nn. It is currently reported that nnether man hns been sclecrVd for his position, in ense he continues 111s op- position te th electrical proimsiuen. ni'i ' "l( "l""1""" '" """" ""' nsked for preferences en committee as signments, previous legislative expe rience and for information en ether public activities, Including membership in c'uhs. churches or societies. "There's nothing secret about the questionnaire. If there were I wouldn't i. seiwlintr it nil ever the stai'e. It's just the same us was circulated In eun own r.ssex ueiegiiiieu r,, ..,...., , .,..r. known who would be the Intter s candi date for speaker." ORDERS BETTER SERVICE . I State Public Service Commission se Instructs Electric Company 1 .... , n . - mi.. , ,,,, " , .... t,,,,.,.riiivtlenu cnlllil IM- "Man - ' ' -. . . - . .. 1 ,1 in,- ,., .... ......-- . . !,.,.. hanu nvniiicii nv trciucni ami ri-K- nreieciive iirvui-s, ,ii. ........ .... --,--. ". ,..i nf ntmc nttemlant at it Annville sub .. station and complete its substation nt April. Palmyra before next MAN HELD FOR BLACKMAIL Laberer Confesses te Writing Letter Becau6e Famy Was Starving . UEW ' I Tewandii, Pn., Dec. 7. An attempt te blackmail Mrs. Jehn A. 11111. 01 I IViwunda. if n sum of money was net ' I deposited under the schoe'house steps 1 I Iw Tuesda.v uislit was fnisirnt'd here I yesterday M the arrest of Omur T. 1 inith. it laborer. He is In jail under 1 I 2000 bull. Mrs. Hill is a T-nnddaugh-I cr hv marriage of fienerul Hill, of Civil rn".f"me - . . , I Mllitli. who nils n wile nun siv run- I'ren. declnred he wanted the money te, orevide fecsl und dialling for his fam- j Hv. whom he de''nred were in de-ti- I tiite circumstances. According te the! 1 notice, lie confessed te writing te Mrs. I m'l demanding S100. Mrs. Hill left a. bogus package nt the designated spot two n'ghts in siiives.slen. but Smith did ret noeenr. Later he took a letter te Mr Hill which, he said lie had received from nn Ita'inn. threatening te get him 1 1 . ...uir,.. Mr TII1I of 11 nlnt te st..nl for telling .Mr Ml et a pet te steal bis child The police found the letter lind been written by Smith and ur- rested him. Waterproof EVERYTHING that the outdoor worker needs for protection against rain and snow you can get it from GOODALL. And in Betting it from GOODALL you are sure of getting durable goods, priced right, and prompt delivery of your order, regardless of Bize. Fer fifteen years, we have held the confidence of many of America's largest users of waterproof clothing. Get te knew us and the products we sell. Write for "Wet Weather Ar Ar eor" catalog, addressing the PHILADELPHIA Mainefllce and Btockreoma, 11th and Race Streets. Branches in New Yerk, Balti more and Pittsburgh. GOODALL jervicc extends throughout the United States. , LEDGER PHILADELPHIA"). TUESDAY, MILLS TO ELIWIINATE RECKLESS DRIVERS Get Rid of Hare-Brainod Motor ists, He Tells Engineers, and Others Will Be Safe URGES ONE-WAY TRAFFIC Eliminate the reckless, careless drivers of automobiles, and It will be possible te Increase speed limits In favor '" ... ... The ene-wny traffic street will be the near-future order of things. The old system of two-way traffic is obsolete. These were outstanding features In ., ... ine taiK en The Traffic Problem," b) Superintendent of Police Mills, before the Engineers' Club last night. "The hare-brained driver will be driven from the streets if that end can be accomplished. IJy his reckless han tiling of a motorcar, he endangers the lives of all pedestrians, and makes driv ing difficult for ether motorists," snld Mr. Mills. "I expect te sec the next session of the Legislature develop strin gent laws which will give the police ample latitude in taking care of the reckless driver." He said the day of the two-way street was deemed, and added that there was an ordinance which permitted the mak ing of all streets between Oregon and (iirnrd avenues and the two rivers one ene way traffic streets, Abolition of the left-hand turn was defended and revision of tVaffic rules and setting aside of wider streets for heavy trucks were advocated. One of the questions nsked brought up the traffic jam at the Academy of Music en the first' opera night. A man in the audience suggested set ting aside a portion of Ilread street for the opera cars. " KIHTATIONAI. Ileth Sexea Strayer's Business College Strayer'a Business College haB room for a few mere students at both Its day sessions and Its night sessions. This Is the school thnt gets such large salaries for Its graduates, because they are mere expert than ethers, tt you want a business education, we would HUggest that you start at Strayer's at once nt either the day or the nlghtjiesslens Strayer's Business College 807 Chestnut Street Phene, Walnut 384 IMPORTANT OFt'll'K I'OHITIONS Our atudenta In etenegraphy nnd tlpe. writing are clven real office training te quality tnem te accept important positions, Individual lntructl-n. IJay or night rlaeaea Call or write for catalog. 1IIII.A. Ilt'RINENsl COI.I.KGE and (ill He of faemmeere 1017 Chestnut St. rtillndrlnhli The Tayler Scheel 1002 Market Ht. Dnr VUhl The Dletlnrtlve Huln" Tr.ilnln- Scheel. Orea-ir Shorthand Ti'wrltln. Acct.. Etc. STWAMHHIT XOTIOKS SOUTHERN Steamship Company U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamers FRElGHi ONLY Regular Weekly Sailings Every Saturday Frem Pier 46, Seuth WharvtB PHILADELPHIA te Housten. Texas Fright received for and thru fellla el ? ailing Itiued te all pelnta Id TEXAS. OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS. COLO RADO. UTAH. ARIZONA, NEW MEX. ICO and CALIFORNIA Fer rate and particular apply te Southern Steamship Company 322 Commercial Trutt Bid;. PHILADELPHIA It'll Ixvruat 3HH7-4030 Race Snts CAUTION NOTICES TO HIIOM IT SI.1 CO.NtlCH.S: All urrsuna are nereey caution u aiaiim aupulyln tabor, material or steraa, and or hirber '"B any memtiera of the crew et the Krencn S- Si Wachtfela, new lyln In the Pert of Philadelphia, unlraa authorized by the under- alirned, aa no bills contracted without our autneriiy win ie paia. turneaa. Withy & Ce. Deurse Bide, Pblla Clothing GOODALL NEWTYPE RUB I1EK HOOTS, with fibreua selea combining- the waterproof 3uallty of rubbar with th urabllltr of leather. Writ for ctlilef. nXWmvMEmwln I HTEAMH1IIP NOTICEa. Keute te ONLY By2 NEW YORK TO BELGRADE Unsurpassed Accommodations When Yeu Travel 'Vla Cunard" Stienit New Yetk te Halilai, PI;mentk, Citrbearf and Hanburf Dc. 9 J. 18 Mar. 1 CoIebVU New Yerk" Londendtrrr md Gltifew Dtc. 12 Jan. 15 Feb. 19 AquiUni New Yerk" Cbtrbeurg and Sotrifcaiaptea Dec. 14 Jan. 25 Feb. 22 Vatceala Pkiladtlpkia " Lirtrpoel Dt. 15 It. A. Victeria ....New Yerk " literpoel Dec. 18 Jan. 15 Fek. 10 Impcrater New Yerk " Chcrbenrf and Sontkamptea ....Dtc. 23 Jan 20 Fab. 10 Vanbaa Nw Yerk " Lirtrpoel Dec. 24 . Caraaila New fork " Lir.rpoel Dae.28 Jan.22 Fb. 1 ' Calabria New Yerk" Gibraltar, Ntpltt, Patrai, Dabrernik Trieat Df.28 llla , Pnilad.IpMa'Mnmlen ..'-'. D"-31 ": 71 fanneni New Yerk" Piramf. Dabrernik and Tneit....- Jan.22 --- Albania New Yerk " Plymouth, Cbtrbenrg & Londen. . .Feb. 1 Mar 15 Apr. 19 Scythia New Yerk" Liverpool Mar. 5 Apr. 2 Apr. 23 Cameren! New Yerk " Londenderrjr and Glaifew Mar. 5 Apr. 6 Mar 4 Maarttan'a New Yerk - CherVe-r "A "eampien ... .Mar. 10 Apr. 7 May 12 R.M.S. "CARONIA" Sailing from New Yerk January 15 Itinerary fcactefe. vUlti te MADEIRA. OIBRALTAR. ALOIEM MOMACO (RIVIERA), NAPLES. ALEXANDRIA, PIRAEUS (ATHENS), returelnf te U.J V..L .1. MAPt.fcfi and GIBRALTAR A 4-aT trio reelete with Inttreitinz tacamoe. including iuu ;..,.. via teeier el EGYPT U Ut j wraaaaaa.. EBia I'lMaenitrr nml I'rrlirht Henlcm. Paaaenter Office, 1300 Wnlnut St.. Phil. LUCKENBACH UNES Philadelphia te Rotterdam Amsterdam S S SHORTSVILLE (U. s! S. Beard) December 10 S S EASTERN GLADE (U. S. S. Beard) December 20 Rotterdam Philadelphia S S HOMESTEAD (U. S. S. Beard) December 16 S S EASTERN SOLDIER (U. S. S. Beard) December 24 Philadelphia San Diege Les Angeles San Francisce Portland Tacoma Seattle S S JULIA LUCKENBACH December 8 SS PLEIADES December 18 San Francisce Les Angeles San Diege Philadelphia S I S FREDERICK LUCKENBACH December 7 SS HATTIE LUCKENBACH December 14 LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. 328 Cheatnut Street, Philadelphia I.UMIIAIIO 0310 FRENCH LINE FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Compagnie Gcncrale Transatlantique Iewnril nnd Otitwnrd Tnat Prelalit Steamer ggftik Regular Service Between vxv ADF! PHI A & FRENCH-ATLANTIC PORTS SS "FARN WORTH," Antwerp & Hamburg Dec. 12 SS "ROUSILLON," Le Havre & Berdeaux Dec. 20 SS "ONTARIO," Le Havre & Hamburg Jan. 15, '21 (and auch ether French-AtUntie- Perta aa cargeea offer) Te f.ed Pie' 5fi Seuth AGENTS NEW YOPK OrTAMTP COMPANY, INC. Ter Rntfn And Nnnr Annly GEYEL1N & COMPANY (Inc.) Philadelphia Representative! 108 Seuth Fourth Street Tn.rrt Attn aa-h, .... GFUMITnA dVaiureUiarrfand1 2 '.NCHANTING ISLES Jein the mnny chnrmlna; Amrrlran famlllea who apni their winter vacation In benutlful II rmudv Her. ou are free from the aunw. Ice anil chill wind nf th. Vnrth nn. i.. . riuilnt, old-world aetMnar nf Inremparnhle levellneaa you may Innlly real, or Play your favorite aperta of Belf. tennln ridlnit, drlvlnr. moter.hoatln. aalllnir. bathing; and flahlnit or l.ince at the iciy parties ut the mariy modern Hotels, . . e. 'u.'"'""!"" nr,1l'ed for llermnds. in-rln P eamah'p SalllnKa an.i I'remlnent Hotels Open In T)fc ..... r,.. ,.. ""7" ,JJ,J" Snf hwVt, Dflaujp, S. . "Fnr Vletertn" U.nonTenanianlacenient. Salllnr from New Yerk Dec. A, 18 2T. J.in. 8. 15. 22. 211. TtX m'l riBm alaf . ff.im Lvap .," " " "rrriprivB ivircrnrure te e.f t- r s- 'ff. YVnyKSH IlKHMt'DA T.INK ,Ajnra. - 3r . v.iiu.nnii Fnrneaa Wlthv s . .M T fcsa:.' w4jflwK NAWSCO LINES Freight Service Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR SAN FKANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA. PORTLAND West ieuncl Dteamer Sailed Yaiza.... Dec. 10 ...Went lsieU Dec. 17 ....Artigas Feb. 1 . .....Huiunii aialli if for Uatr ttc Appl ( NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 136 S. Fourth St., Phlla. Phene Lembard 5791-2.3; Main 3202-3 HILADEL1S 1 fe mTHvAMERRA kJ- - L-Li- RIO JANEIRO, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AIRES S.S. "Lake Fannin" Sailed S.S."Lake Fagnndus" Dec. 10 U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamers Apply Jehn S. Emery & Ce., Inc. Pntn Me Megee, Steer & Ce;, Agts. Drexel Building. Pliilselphm Imbard tlOt-ZtOO CRUISES We represent all BPeflal and nerular Crulai te West Imllea. Krypt, etc Hend or call for full Information. STEAMSHIP TICKETS Furnished hy all Mnea at lowest rate BARTLETT TOURS CO. DECEMBER T, 19&0 BTKAMBHir WOyiClW Any Part of J DAYS ' and cemprebeniiTC prerrami i el abort. JV.-rA ". t la CAIRO and tk or e( abort tra a7l4: ueir Lina. i aai imiaaa a aaa j aaaa-a m 1 i'er Inter anlllnra apply at Freliht Ofllce. lenrae Mdir., FhU. Days from NewYer k FOR REST OR PLAY '"J.1 . .. .11 r. nnd Anrll Twlnffrrrw KtrnimS- p ?: A J'F,r llimlltnn1 1 l.fliinTena Dlsnlnremen SalllriE fmm Nw Te'' Bee 13. 22, Jan B. 12. in. "n ..,.. ... ri,, wtt Yerk Ce.. Md - 't !-.. vi PmTiI - -' -van Bast neiinit West Bound Bteamer Bait Round " i ..?"" l Lehigh Feb. 15 ...Jan. lulJnii. in wu i'n..e r-.i. e Jan. 27 nnk '" m.i,' e KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM A Steamer Dec 20 FOR HAMBURG ' S. S. CHARLOT Dec 9 A Steamer Dec 20 FOR INDIA (CAI.CtTTA.IIOMIin-.COI.OMne. S. S. PARIS CITY!'! Dec12 lUtea (jupttd and threuih bllla of Kerr Steamship Ce. Inc. 615-16 LAFAYETTE HUILDINC PHILADELPHIA, PA. Helland-America LINE New Yerk te Rotterdam Via Plymouth and BouIegne-inr-Mer Rotterdam Dec. ll.Jan. 22 New Amsterdam... iDec. 28, Feb. 1 Ryndam Jan. 8 Feb. 12 Noerdam M t. a resisiisr Ofct, 1531 Wftiait St, fkiU, 1 ' 1 BTKAM.tllir NOTICES . TheCHARLES T. MEGEE CO. Agents for U. S. Shipping Beard Philadelphia te Greek, Adriatic & Black -Sea Ports Piraeus, Patras, Salonica, Venice and Trieste S. S. "Fert Armitreni" Leidinf A Sterner Jin. 1, 1921 (Fer Black Sea Ports if sufficient cargo offers) Leadini Berth: Seuth l Pi 78, S. W. Fer rates and space apply te The Charles T- Megee Ce. Drexcl Building, Philadelphia Lembard 5100-1-2-.1 Main 3064 Philadelphia te Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelena, Marseilles SS "lake Creenbritr"....!..Dec. 15 Fer rate and particulars apply te James W. Elwell & Ce., Ine- 17 State St., New Yerk or The Charles T. Megee Ce. Drexel Building, Philadelphia Lembard 5100-1-2-S Main SOB!, CUMMINS LINES - U.S.Shipplng BeardSteelSteamera Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA te Rotterdam & Antwerp SS"Arizpa" Sailed SS "Lake Harminia" ..Leading ROTTERDAM" te PHILADELPHIA rfSS "Bennie Broek" ..Dec. 10 PHILADELPHIA te HAMBURG and BREMEN A Steamer Dec. SS "Gateway City". .. .Jan. 5 PHILADELPHIA te CONSTANTINOPLE and BLACK SEA PORTS A Steamer as sufficient cargo offers Fer space and rates apply A. D. Cummins & Ce., Inc. H. P. DILKE5, Manager 139 Seuth 4th St., Phila. Imh-rrt m-4128-S4f!7 Main 131. EARN-LINE Inrerpnrateil 1891 U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamer General Carge Regular Service PHILADELPHIA-MANCHESTER (Celllnc at Avoiinieutli, Hull, l.rlth, Nrwraatlr mill .Mldilleabore when jtlllll clent carxe elTtrn,) A Steamer Dec. PHILADELPHIA-HAVANA SS "Lake Fernande". . .Leading Fer ratra anil imrtlculum apply te Earn-Line Steamship Ce. 139 Seuth Fourth, St. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PORTO RICO ALL-EXPEN3E CRUISE iae AND UP Ne lovelier apet for a winter' eutinj than this ItUnd of Enchantment. Rate cover all neceuary expenae of meal and (Uteroem accommodation for the entire trip te and around the iiland and return te New Yerk. Sailing, from New Yerk Wednesday and Saturday for 15 and 16 day cruise respectively. PORTO RICO LINE 11 Broadway N.w YrV PARCEL POST r 19,000 Pairs U.S. Army Khaki Creeches A Ptir Reclaimed & Waihei w..i. aa Genuine Regulation Breeches, f purcnaseti direct from U. S. r Government. Thev ar nil In f geed condition. All sizes. Give I wnist measure. 1 ReelittmAtl TlMin.n.t. d Ii R ee j a i m c) d Blue f ... ., " -""' uvr rvnaKl Socks, $2,25 per der.j pair 20 marine rield Shoes.. U.90 riannei attlrts, all cel' or 3.50 Armv&Navr Stere Ce. 225 Market St., Phila. I'AKC'KI. TOST rill'I'.MIl m nouns HiuriM'ii c. e, , L ", . r n.r . y l.llli 0'' ifJH . Si AUc nil f Bv I PARCEL P03T Buy Waterproef: luicnen Aprons Painty, durnble nnd rcemtnlcal Nreda no Munderln One De ?' iiei'HKiinf.ii ArneN co Wilmington, Delaware 96fetiV & W$r. ,"e?lft " mTnr?le?DAA,tL,t, sVAI.TKnH:nPA8HOPAjtffT,w. . ,WOnKI TO CITY- A LAUGH IN EVERY LINE In n cerneri nnr one ran aln pnredlea ' Threr. paredlr. lfierj i X ONE DOLLAR 1 LILLIAN PRODUCTIONS, Inc. "" '""".."'tn' mi'ini liny Your Dells IJIrect Frem Factory Walking Dells Kewpie Dells All Klnda of Delli Snld te Wheteaal and netall Trads Direct. Hend Ze Stamp ler Pri. Catalnfrvm Phila. Statue and Dell Mfg. Ce. 324 N. Rth Sr Phlln P. 7fTri riiena Hell. lrke i -rirffi. Cheaper Than Wholesale 6 1'AIK MKN'8 HALF IIOSK tj1 I'AKCEL w x rusT VAMIK 11.78 T I'RKPAm racki-rt in a Chrlatma Ilei Sntlstartlen Quaranteed or Meney Refunded THE LINCO MILLS 4U 8. BOTH ST.. miLA. FOR CHRISTMAS A Real American Indinn Dell TWa neli 14 Inche tilth $3.85 fiend ehrtk or money order. Panel Pest prepaid. War Hener, V3.80i Ut ile nark, t:.W Cigarette Deck, SS.OOi H q u w. IS.6O1 1.lttle HQuaw, 2.60 Chief. 3.80l Little Prlnrr. K.7S! V no ear, SI. 80. Enrh Dell ha It own iiermn alltJ. AbanlntelT lir:illl.. ii no mnae. R M. MILLER "nfS..! ASH Real Eatnt Trnit llldr. All Four Articles Direct Frem Qft Manufacturer for ... "C CaaK or Meney Order Sent Postpaid Dt.. A. n l. S Pair Garten B Pair Sutpenderi i . e Handsome Silk Necktie Choice of Hnanrnd- era or neit. racked In handanme Cbrlet mn noir. Each article la well made, of the heat quality et material. If goods are net satisfactory, we will cheer fully refund your money. STANDARD NOVELTYCO. 1211-13-15 FILBERT ST. M.Phlladelihla, fa." " 49 N. 9th- Christmas Specials We offer you a wonderful chance te huy your ChrUtmas need at prices Jliat cannot be duplicated. Nete thea KpeclaU: Electric Heaters, J7 Cf Formerly $12.50, at P f rtjttel FO. See Katra BevrL complete rarel Pert, CO Bxtn 9-Roem ITeqm Fixture $Q.ii eemnlete Stall Order rremully Attended te Subway Gas & Electric Fixture Ce. 49 N. 9th katl)3 ALLUN (nee Lewrle). Bee, B. igADELIA wife of Jehn H. Allen Funeral Sat.. V m, Intn n kldence. fi.MR Catharlne at. Inl Mt. Merlah Cem. Friends may call Frl. eve Alt.NOTT Dec. i, 'AL.I-AN D.. husband uf Surah K. Arnett (nee Co.ten). nelatlves und friends, all organisatiens. Invited te IU neral serviced Tuea ,8pm 12U8 U. Tatmer at. Int. Wilmington, Del. ATKINHO.V. At Doyleatewn. T.. Dec. B. TIIOMAH O.snOIlN ATKINSON, ared 8(J. Ilel-ntlvi-8 nnd rrlenda Invited te funeral 4th dar Mh mat.. 2 n. m.. at hla late home. Int. private, llucklnsham. Omit flnvrers. I1ACKMANN. EDWARD F. BACIOfANK. M. D. , beloved huabund of Clara (nee I'"; hert), en Dec, II. at hla late realdence, 1SS3 H. Ilread st. Due notice of funeral will be Klven. I1AM.ANTINE. Dec.' B, HAini.TON DALUANTINK. In his 88th year. Ilelatlve and frlenda, also membcra of IUnn s lancers, Uth Pa. Cavalry, and Kills I eat. Ne. 0. 0. A. R . are Invited te attend fu fu neral services. Wed.. 2 p. m.. at hh eons realdence. 4810 Oermantewn ave. Int. pri vate, DAItn. At Moorestown. N. J., Dec. 3. ltlllO JOHN V i.uahnml of Mary Harr (nee Call). Itetatlvea and friends are Invited te attend funeral Thurs., 8:30 a. m. r '"' Huddmlleld rd.. Moereatown. N J, HIib mass of requiem. Our I.udy of Geed Coun al Church, U.3U a. m. Int. Mt. Carmel m. BKVAN. Dec. . AMANDA H.. widow of T. Jeffi'raerr Ilevan. aged 82. Funeral vices Wed,, a p. m , ceualn's residence. jr. Jelly Hatlman, Itlmn. Del. Ce., Pa Int. Lutheran Cem . Arclmere. Cenveyancea will meet trains nt Radner (P. & W.) 8ta.. Jrera 1 te 2 n. m IlItr.NNAN Dec, 4. RAnitAItA, widow of HukIi J. llrennan. Relative and rrlenes Invited te funeral, Thuia , 8:30 a. m. frein late residence, 3202 lUverferd avc B Jlf "i rrqulem nuias, Ht Aieatha's Church. 10 m. Int Hely Crei Cem. DRIOOS. At Hartferd. N i . JVfJJiS Menth Bth, KI.IZAIIKTH C, widow of All''4 U. llrlsua, In her Slat year. Funeral J eurin; day. 8lh Inst.. '2 80 p. m.. from Frlcndj Meeting Heuse. Moorestown. N. J "" Moorestown Friends may call Third-day. l,tCARIIOI.I,.- Dec. . 1080, MARY C . jf of Themas J. Cerrell. formerly "f "'J" villi- l'.i. Relative and friends are W vlted te attend funeral. Thurs . ' '": from her late realdence 11)14 V. 23d si 8e emn requiem mass at St. Dllsahsth Ur 10 a. m. Int. Hely Ciess Cem. ' r&iK$r C I at Ma hi I i ". " AfJ! Jl 4 i i ( r'K r rs "A-. 'A ,? Wi'