7W GttMtWHl"imJqmm fytJVykmikvmmtifmtmpm ,yim7iimW&7m$$EZSir jL?' 9 i'fiff'W "rx f EVENING PtJBtie' LEDGER-WlLADELPHil. TUESDAY, ritil&Efe 7, 1920 - - & ye If f-S ' i7. A !! fl r K . V mrM tf . - w 8,.v l$S, k t hi & j1il' wra ivM'. 88 :V ' J' '. i iiK, j,, s i . Sir :!. ' . f 3 HH ! till l ' lift , , , i .n j 3i1 j & :S s ' n ai . ' ' I L i i' K::.t tit ! if ' J f w n ,v ,i 111 V' "l .it lb" i m 1 l-'l - I Bfr ( F I'"' ' ki IRE WEAK SPOTS C UNCOVERED AGAIN for Bends Bend prices are low. Ne one disputes it. That they will eventually reach higher levels is also true. It may take longer for prices te ap proach normal than some authorities believe, but a geed long term bend purchased new is the best kind of investment for the average individual. Write or tircular .Ve O-02 GHANDm&GOMPAHY Franklin Bank Oldg. Philadelphia NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS New Vnrk Veer Tfiven nlnn The Trend Toward ' Public Utility Investments During the war public and railroad securities were in much the same position. There has been a distinct improvement in the position of rails, and new there is an undeniable trend in favor of public utilities en the part of investors as a result of stabilized earning power and the present attitude of public service commissions. Write for Circular Till), ichlrh (.'fsnilirs eh attractive public utility secured 110U yielding e ue't. Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Chicago Detroit -lew Yerk Bosten ! s i Chemical Shares and Other Speculative Specialties Under Continued Pressure New Yerii, l)re. 7. Tlie gentrnl rhiiiacter of today's Meck market dif fered sllghtlj from tlint of yesterday or nny of the Immcdintc sessions. The nay's eperntlntix were once mere marked by considerable irresulnrit. New points of venktu'H erejiped .)iit nt dlf felent InterviiN, uhleli were in n mt'nK lire partly offset by ubstntitliil reenv cries niiide elsewhere en free eeverltiR of the short iuterest. Steckx whose divi dend prospects nre regarded n some what iliibieus were (dueled out for preH sure In line with the recent procedure of the bear enntitiRent te uncover spots and nNe t'er the purpose nppnrently of fneilitutltiK covering of nhert centrnctH elsewhere. The Miering clmracter of the mar ket, epecliill during the innniltig. uieasiiixl h fanner accepted ru'es and prcddints, suggested the traditional hesitancy of Wall street te await the pub ii 'itinn of the President's message te Congress. It Is doubtful, however, win the. th. ordinarily Important docu ment, as well as ether outside e.indi e.indi llens, exerted ether than academic in terest. There was, nevertheless, a con cen con snieueiis disposition te mark time until the character of the 1'residcnt's sug ;istinii were known. Much the same as in the preceding -essiens tlie market was almost under lie complete domination of the profes prefes profes lenal traders. While the depressing t.utics (if this element may have been iiirtlj rcspen-lb'e for the ragged ronill renill ronill len of the maiket. there was at the ..11111- time undispiitable evidence of ntitiiiiifd liquidation. Seme of this is voluntary and a great deal of It of an enfeiceil character, lleshles there was also absolute proof te show the .Market te he extremely thin. This was specially true us te many of the in lustrial specialties. The mere seasoned issues of both tlie industrial and rail rail lead list en tlie ether hand evidently enjoyed a strung bulwaik in the exten sion of the short Interest in yesterday's ate shakedown.- In addition te tlie technical weak ness unceiered in the industrial division tlier (lepre.s.ing elements developed in fhe freh heaviness of fmeign exchange, with sterling breaking r points under c tcrday '- riual rate. Tlie commed ty .narkcts uWe had a sinking spell, indi cating much the same condition iu jrain as cists in the security market. 'lint is when the requirement!) of the xtended bear account are taken care of, the buying power otherwise is found I te he extremely limited. Call money i rates were unchanged at 7 per cent, but freer offerings of time funds into I the (eining year were icperted. Heaviness of speculative issues, par ticularly the chemical croon, contrib- utul te the lower trend et prices af the opening, but the market a a whole MM, tmil'it iecnifii 1t 1itti ic..,.1- ...! I... I ..-.., "Uriiiiui 1 1141 II --l, HUM I PI"" fore the end of the first half-hour a I general recovery set in. The progress ! of the movement, however, was quickly sunned uy tresli weakness, wliieli tie- A REAL BOOK OF GRAPHIC CHARTS Fer the convenience of investors and ' .''lul"'(l. rdly in speculative special traders who deal In stock exchange J"4- , i'".'"-. Ainerfcnn Agriuiltural issues. We haxe had prepared a real &,' .p"1!-'1 rMIf"pr,l?.nf,hT ,inrp ... .. . : ' . . . ., ilecllne, l,. . i-oed I'red cts lolmcce book of graphic charts containing 87 Vrmw.tHt Industrial Alcohel: Willvs. pages of graphs devoted te price Oveil.niil nrefer.-eil n,nl K-..IU .Mi.i-i,',,.. ranges and volume extending ever a nr,l Tire broke 1 te !l points, period of 23 years. ' I This was balanced in the second hour AH active market leaders are cev- by vigorous buying of the rails and oils, ercd, and In addition there la a Mexican Petroleum rising fi points, Pan wealth of statistical Information and American and California Petreleums, late data. -; I.ehigh Valley. :t,; Heading, Hf, While the edition lasts copies will be and Southern Pacific 1. Fice covering Kladly sent en receipt of 10c in in uie snippings loneweu wnen Atlantic atamps te defray coat of mailing. Write for K-10. GUTHRIE & McGOVERN Mrmlirr Phllu stork Krrmnice . 1130 s-eutli I'enn ha . I'hlln. I Pprurr 04 10 Huff 300'J w Aerk 32 Rrend)rA7 , (itllf rose 4 points aud I'nited Truit l'j. Steels and equipments also hard ened en better support. DROOPING PRICES IN LOCAL MARKET Specialists in OHIO MOTOR. RUDDER AND STFEL SECURITIES COMPLETE SERVICE In All Ferms of Invettment Main Departments Investment, Brokerage Acceptance, Liberty Bendi Foreign Exchange Statistical, Ohie Securities, Extensive Private Wir Connections Members of New Yerk and Other Principal Stock Exchanges OTIS& CO. Inveatment Banker CLEVELAND fiew Yerk Bosten Detroit Clr.clanitl Columbus Teleda Akren Toungstewn Denvr Colerado Sprlnirs United Gas Improvement Made a New Lew Recerd for the Year BANK CLERK EXPERIENCED of National Ilanli n .rt tl- s,.i, r:ierk. nbfjut thir'. (li y.n's nt te act as chief ( lerk knnuUiltr. of all desks and -itil'lty t sine r is- and direct the work of .ill..',, f.nci of thirty required 1'ieas.i personality a great hsri'I Te such a person a lioslilen wnh geed salary and opper. tunltv is open Address In con(l(l-iii .' jie.v li-siJ, i.i:d(.i:h erricE Phila. Elec. 6s. 1922 Brooklyn Edisen 7a. 1940 Conemaugh Pr. 8s. 1930 Niagara Falls Pr. 5s & 6s Sun Ce. 6s, 1929 The weakness of I'nited fins Im provement, which made n new low rec ord at 2W. or just half the top price of the year, was the overshadowing feature of the day's trading in the local ma rket The fresh outburst of liquida tion was without definite explanation ether than the inn ashless ever the prospective redui tien in the dividend rate when the directors meet tomorrow Tin- action, however, was forecasted some time age by the frank statement of Samuel T. Iledine, the president of the con. p, my. Kven If the rate is cut in half te I per cent, as many predict, the -tock would have -eem te have dis count! d -mil n ent some time age. With the exception of I.ehlgh Vnlley, which has entered the group of se-called segregation -tuck-, the general list slmwi-il the .ami' disappointing, as well as iriitatmg. dioeiung tendency. While the maiket, in the parliimc of the street, wa- full of .stixks, the further nrlce reies-ien resulted mere because of the extrunely thin and narrow charm ter .if the market rather than because of urgent selling pressure. There was in consequence, a frac tional -hiuling of priies prettv well n'eng the whole line. These declines wre generallv a matter of N- and Hs, hut in many (a-e- (arned the local -iiar''- iXii'i' i lii-e te. or iqual te the low prn e- of the y tar. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New erk. Pec 7 With the exrep. Hen of -' .indln.iv Ian and Hwlss the for- ln . ,li!iee market opened weak. De in.icd st.rling at HIT, for detnan I hewid .i ! ss of lc from yesterday's final i al'l. s wre 3 4 1 Paris showed a ie-s of ij joints at 18. for cahl. s and r. 1 for lIiis ks Lire were down 3 points te 3.ISU for imIiUk and a 17 or checltii Ouet.it Ions were' Sw Let i.ihles 1" Ti hecks 15 55 . guilder i aljl-s in'-, (.leiks .te., pesetas cal'li i, ij'i.' i hei ks 12 'in. S'oikhelm cables 'i .10 (hecks 15 25, Chrlstianla cables 14 ;n. eheeks 14 15. f'epentuigen cables 1110 checks 14.25; Belgian cables ii J(i , ilniks fi '.'0 , marks 127 Ylrl.ItlY 1 FINAL QUOTATIONS I .-trllnK KraniH I. Ire GullfWs ; Tliliin I .1 )"' -1 4 3 ! .10 HI (.,!!, I PI', :. (el '1 .Ml 30 111 TUl'AYri (lIT.NINO yl'OTATIU.NS SO-rllriK KranrH I.lre Oullilcr" li.mun.l It)'. "'Sl .1 17', .'in In Oa tilis 3 11 : "i 3. ls't 30 ."0 "Lecuit 0101 Land 7i'e Bldg. ,u M A'ew 1'erfc Tel Connection, Canal WIS Phlln. Elec. 6s, 1922 Pennu. Wnter & I'r. 5s, 1910 Lukens Iren nnd Steel 8s, 1940 Gillette Surety Ruzer BOENN'NG, GARRISON &C0. HTOCK I'M'IIAMIK lll'ILUINO DlrKt I'rlviits Trleiiliuns e New Verli . ..nLr Vhlln. Stetk Kahu Dlv, I" " Jtli-h (1 Advance Humcly pf.. &nyA 4 AJax "lubber .1314 .. Alaska Juneau a M.. 1 V .. Alnskn Oeld Mines.. l4 .. Allied Chem & Dye . . ft'Vi 4 Allls-Chalmers 31)4 Am Agrlc rhem B5i Am Agrle Cliem pf... fit .. Am Can 20'4 1 Am Can pf flOJJ a Am Car & Fdy 1?14 7 Am Car & Fdy pf....tl0i .. Am Cotten Oil 1014 0 Am Drug Syn 7j . . Am Hide & Leather. . H'a 1 Am Hide A Leather pf 4SH 4 Am tce 41 V .. Am Internat Cerp ,. 40"j s Am Linseed 01 Vi 6 Am Locomotive 84 "4 .. Am Safety Itazer.... "i .. Am Ship & Cern 9ft 4 Am Smelt & rtcf 40ft 1 Am Smelt & Hef pf.. 86', 3 Am Steel Foundries., art! 7 Am Sugar Kef 03V4 7 Am Sugar Itcf pf. ...102 10 Am Sumatra Teb.... 74 X 8 Am Tel & Tel Q0yt It Am Tobacco 117 ' 12 Am Tobacco D Hi 0 Am Tobacco pf new.. 00t4 7 Am Woolen 73 Vt 1 Am Woolen pf C3H . . Am Writing Paper pf 30J4 .. Am Zinc Lead A Smlt 7 4 Anaconda Copper .... 30J4 .. Assets Realisatien ... 2Ji 4 Asse Dry Goods 21 Vi fl Asse Iry Goods 1st pf 54 0 Atch Tep & Santa Fe H3J4 B Atch Tep & 3 F pf . . 7(t- .. Atlanta Blr A Atlantic 0J4 7 Atlantic Coast Line.. A7V4 .. Atlantic Fruit 11JJ .. Atlas Tack Cerp 19 j 10 Atl Gulf A W I S S..114 Atl Gulf & W I S S pf 00 . . Austin Nicholas 13 7 Baldwin Locomotive . 05J4 .. naltlmnr A nhlr, . . . ay 100 2. se Barnsdale Class A.... 30 300 8 Barrett Cn ctfii nt riehllRli . . Barrett etfs of deb pf 1024 . . Bethlehem Meters . . 3 7 Bethlehem Steel 7.. 00 V4 8 Bethlehem Steel B.... 6SH . . Beeth Fisheries 3ft . . Brltlyn Ilapld Transit 10 H . . Bklyn n T ctfs of dep OH 10 Burns Bres 80 .. Butte Copper A Zinc, fift .. Butte A Superior Cep 11 . . Butterlck 10"5 . . Cadde Central O A It. lS'a e California Packing .. HVZ .. California Petroleum. 24J4 10 Canadian Pacific . ...ll."?i 7 Case J I 1st pf 81 .. Central Leather . ... 39' 7 Central Leather pf . . . 00 4 Cerie de Pasco Cep.. 20 10 Chandler Meters .... 78 4 Chesnpeak" A Ohie... 02H Chicago & Alten 8!4 Chicago & Great West HH Hnlei, 100 100 800 000 SOO BOO t-oe 200 010 000 400 100 BSOO 800 200 400 200 321)0 400 300 1400 1000 BOO 100 000 300 100 000 2000 000 400 100 0300 100 200 200 200 100 200 100 700 '000 300 100 100 200 42110 000 100 coeo 3100 100 200 800 2000 BOO 700 100 200 200 200 100 300 700 7000 300 1110 2200 100 100 800 100 100 1000 400 3000 1800 BOO 100 1000 300 200 100 200 3700 3B00 100 2S00 100 200 2000 100 400 200 700 700 200 100 7000 100 2 Chicago A Ot West nf 20 V, .. Chicago Mil A St P.. 30 j; .. Chicago Mil A St P pf B0 , Chicago Northwestern 74 J4 8 Chi Pneumatic Teel.. OH . . Chi II I A Pac 30 0 Chi It I A Pac 6 pf 06i 7 Chi R I A Pac 7 pf 774 B Chi St P Minn A O.. 69 7 Chi St P Minn A O pf 93 .. Chile Copper 8ft .80 Chlne Copper 18H 8 Clev Cln Chi A St L pf 00 .. Coca-Cela 22V4 . . Cel A Southern . ... 28J4 8 Columb Gas A Klee. . 57'a 1 Cel Graphophene .... 13!4 4 Cemp Tab Records... 39Ji 7 Consolidated Gas 804 2 Cen Interstate Cal M 1'fy 3 Consolidated Textiles. 20 7 Continental Can Cj 1 Continental Candy ... B'i B Continental Insurance 07 4 Cern Products Ref... 73 7 Cern Products Ref pflOO S00 2.80 Cosden A Ce 3100 100 4B00 000 33 8 Crucible Steel 01 3J 7 Crucible Steel pf SS . Cuban Cane Sugar... 24 ft 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf 08ft 400 7 Cuban Amer Su:ar... 31 200 1 Davisen Chemical ... 30ft 300 .. E?ener A Rie Orande 1 2100 .. Dener A Rie Or pf. . 1ft 400 l Deme Mines lift 100 .. Duluth Se S A At... 4 400 . . Krle 14 ft 1000 .. Trie 1st pf 21 H 100 .. Iirl,. 2d pf 14 3J BOO 8 Famous Players L. . . B4 100 7 Federal Mln A Smlt pf 28 100 10 FlHher Bedy 88ft 4700 8 Fisk Rubber 12H BOO .. Freeport Texas .... 10ft COO .. Gasten Wms A Wig.. 3ft 3.100 8 General Electrla 129ft 2000 .. General nice rts 4 8100 l General Meters' 1SK 100 6 Gen Meters deb Cr.. 0BJJ 400 7 Gen Meters deb TTC.. 73ft 300 8 Goedrich B F 43 100 .. Granhy Consel M A M 10ft 400 7 Great Northern pf. ... 7?i 2U0 2 Green Cananea Cep.. 20H 200 . Gulf Mobile A Ner i)f 21 'i 100 4 Haskell A: Barker Car .17 ft 200 .. Hendee ctfs 10ft 100 0 Homestake Mining . . B3 000 . . Housten Oil S7 100 1 Hupp Moter Car 10J4 100 3 Hydraulic Steel 19 1000 oe Indlahema Ref .... 7 1400 4 Inspiration Cen Cep.. 32ft 2000 .. Interb Cen Cerp ... 4 14 1000 .. Interb Cen Cerp pf. . . 10ft 300 .. Internat Agrlcul 13ft 300 b Int Agrlcul Cerp pf.. B2ft 1000 7 Intl Harvester Ce.... 07JJ 400 .. Int Mer. Marine U?j 100 0 Int Mer Marine pf . . . 83 200 .. Internat Motertruck 30J4 line ,. International Nickel 14v4 1400 .. International Paper .. 42 000 .. Invincible Oil Cerp... 24ft 1000 .. Island Oil Bft low BO ft 33 ft l'ft 1ft fit ft nn 83 ft 81 2Sft 80 mft "Oft 1714 7ft 8ft 48 41 ft 40 ft 01 84 'A H 4BH 80 ft 33 ft 93 102 71ft 0SW 11014 1I3W 90 ft 71 0354 30 ft 7 3S?4 2ft 21ft 84 ft 82 ft 70 ft Oft 87 ft II ?4 10ft 109 00 13 01ft 30 30 "8ft 102 ft 2ft 00 ft 44 3, 10 ft OH 80H B 11 10 ft 1S 03ft 22 US ft 84 38H 90 29H 709i 02 H 8ft 8ft 20 30 49ft 74 08 20 ft 00 77 00 03 8K 18 ft 00 21 28 ;4 B7 13 39 H 70H 7ft 1034 c.l 5ft 07 70 100 3lft 93 8B 22ft S 30 ft 30 Vi 1 ft 11 4 11 20 14 34 B3H 28 88ft "ft 10 3ft 129 3ft IB 0SJ4 73 ft 43 ft 10ft 7ft M 24 ft 67 ft 16ft 43 8.14 10 34 19 0ft 32 ft 4 10 13 40 ft 97 14ft 43 30 ft 14 40 3T4 Bft 1 1:30 Nt I,at Chgn. 80ft ft 32ft ft l'A 1ft-filft-31ft 20 ft SO - 1 135ft- 1ft 110 ft 1ft 10 1ft 7ft- !4 8ft- ft 4Sft- ft 41ft .. 40 H . 01 1ft 8ft 934 H 45J4 -80 ft 33 ft 03 ft- 102 lift- 2H neft ft 110ft- lft H334- H 00 ft .. 71ft- T4 0334 ft 30ft- lft ' 7 30 2ft-21ft-Sl 83 ft-70J4- 0ft 87 ft 113 10 ft tllft lft SO 1,1 OS ft 4- ft 37 30 11834 - 102 "4 2Ii- oeft-f BBM 3J4- 10ft 0H- 80H- Sft - 11 10ft- ft ISft-r H 01ft- '4 21ft 234 11S34 H 84 39 ft 00 20M 78 03M4-8ft-8ft-20 -3034 ft 08 -29H-00 -77 -00 -0.1 - 1 Salt 600 200 1006 2000 Dlv. In I HlKh Kan City Southern,.. 20ft 4 Kansns City Seuth pf 40 4 Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tire 40 2 Kennrcett Copper . . . 183! 2000 l.je Keystone T A H,.... 8ft 1000 a 'Lackawanna Steel . . . 44 ?4 3400 8.80 Lehigh Vnlley S3 BOO 12 Liggett A Myers 140ft ISO 12 Liggett A MyeTS B..138 1000 2 Leewo Ce 17ft 400 . . Left Cerp 9ft 200 12 Lerlllard Tobacco ..130 100 7 LeuIbvUIc, A Nashville 101 ft 200 0 Mackay Ces 88 100 . . Malllsen A Ce II R. . 13 100 1.7R Manhattan Shirt .... 10VJ 100 2 Marlln-Parry 14 100 . . Maxwell Moter . . 400 8 May Dept Stores.. 20200 12 Mexican Petroleum 200 2 Miami Cenner .... 10000 l.ee Middle States Cerp 2ft . . 7334 ..177ft .. 1534 1334 313, 4 Mldvale Steel A Ord, .. Minn A St Leuis new. 12ft .. Me Kansas A Texas. 334 . . Missouri Pacific 21 . . Missouri Paclfte pf . . 42H 7 Mentana Power pf... OS .. Montgomery Ward... 1754 80 National Acme 20ft . . Nat A A C pf ctfs. ... S3 7 National Biscuit 105 7 National Biscuit pf.. 10734 . . National Cleak A Suit 2734 . . National Cen A Cable 4 e Nat Knam A Stamp. . SI .. Nat It R of Mex 2d pf Nevada Cen Copper. . 0 N. O Texas A Mex . . . B New Yerk Central.... 1 05.10 1000 700 1200 1600 200 400 100 4)0 100 200 lien 0.100 1100 1900 100 000 200 1800 400 tee 103 200 200 100 300 300 BOO 1100 200 2200 13330 1600 BOO 100 000 1100 100 .. New Yerk N II A H. 1 New Yerk Ont A W.. 7 Norfolk A Western... 7 Northern Pacltle .... 40 Okla Pred A Ref . . Ontnrle Silver Mlnlnrc .. Orpheum Circuit..... 8 Otis Klevnter .. Otis Steel 4 Pacific Devcl Cerp.. 8 Pacific Gas A Klec. . .. raclfle Oil W I... I.. 0 Pan-Amer Petrel . . . 0 Pan-Amer B 834 Bft 02 ft 74 ft 2034 20 ft 1834 00 ft 84 3K 4ft 2034 120ft IS ft 18ft 47 ft 38 ft Mft 77 3 Pennsylvania Railroad 4094 . , Pcnn Seaboard Steel. Oft . . Peeples Gnu Chicago. aSft . . Fere Marquctte 10 ft .. Phillips Pet 3234 . . Plerco-Arrew Moter . 2jft . . Pierce Oil 12ft 8 Plerce Oil pf Bl 7 Pittsburgh Steel pf... 84ft .. Pittsburgh A W Va.. 31ft 1 Pend Creek Ceal 13 ft 8 Pressed Steel Car.... 83ft 8 Pullman 10354 8 Punta Alegre Sugar.. 43ft 4 Pure Oil Ce 34 8 Railway Steel Spring. 80 1 Ray Cen Copper lift 4 Reading 80ft 2 Reading 1st pf 57ft 2 Rending 2d pf B8ft . . Remington Typewriter 35 .. Rcple Steel 7034 0 Republic Iren & Steel 6754 Republic Motertruck . 25ft 22 ft 1 2834- V 57-1 13 ft 30J4- 7934- 7V4 19 34 C3 4- S ft . 07 7700 5.20 Royal Dutch N Y 600 900 300 4- 71 100 33 9.1 -8.', 23ft -OS -31 ft -30ft- 1 tft4 11 - 4 14 ft 4- 21344- 1434 f &4 4- 28 88 ft- 1234 4 10 3ft . 129 4 4 4 15 6534 4 73 ft 42 ft 4-10ft-7834 4 30 34-21ft-87ft-16ft- B3 87 4- lft 1034 4- ft 19 7 32J4 4- 54 4 - ft 10 - ft 13-1 BO ft- lft 0734 ft 14ft- ft 53 3034 4- ft 14 ft 4- ft 52 4- 254 23ft 5ft . - lft ft lft ft ft ft 34 "h Va 1 ft 34 "ft ft "ft 34 H Vi Va ft ft 34 ft 100 100 100 1200 2000 BOO 200 200 200 1300 7300 100 205J0 9200 000 100 80 000 100 2000 100 1400 1300 tee 000 13500 500 1C700 200 6M4 . u iieis a 1 e ist pi... a .. St Leuis San Fran... 23 .. St Leuis Southwest.. 26ft . . St Leuis Southwest pf 40 1 Santa Cecelia Sugar.. 4ft . . Savage Arms 10ft .. Saxen Moter 3ft .. Seaboard Air Line... 054 . . Senbeard Air Line pf . lift 8 Scars-Roebuck 103ft .. Seneca Cep Cerp IS ft .. Shattuck Arizona Cep Bft 74 Shell Transport 42 .. Sinclair Oil 26 a Sless-Shcff 53ft 0 Southern Pacific ...,103ft .. Southern Paclfle rts.. 23 .. Southern Rail 2334 5 Southern Rail pf Seft 20 Standard Oil of N J .625 7 Stand Oil of N J pf.. 104ft 4 Strembcrg Carb 4234 7 Studebaker 40 7 Studebaker pf 84 .. Submnrlne Beat Cerp 10 ft 2 Superior Oil Cerp....13ft 6 Superior Steel 43ft .. Tenn Cep A Chem 834 3 Texas Ce 50ft .. Texas A Pacific 20 ft 1 Texas A Pae C A O.. 34ft Third Avenue 15 100 2.80 Times Square Supply 100 700 3000 J" 11 Tidewater Oil rts.... 1454 0 Tobacco Products ... 43 li . Transcontinental Oil . 9 200 0 Transue A Wms Steel 10 ft 1800 .. Union Oil 23ft 2000 10 Union Pacific 110 200 4 Union Pacltle nf 4K 200 4 United Alley Steel.... 33ft 100 7 United Cigar stores pftei 200 8 United Drug ., 100 200 12 United Fruit 100ft 2800 8 United Retail Stores.. 57ft 100 S U S C I P A Fdv pf. 4154 7300 0 U S Feed Products... 25ft 0300 8 U S Ind Alcohol 07V 2100 8 V S Rubber 200 8 l" S Rubber 1st pf . 1000 0 I' S Smelt A Ret.. 15H0O 8 U S Steel 700 1 I'S Steel pf ll)00 0 Utah Copper 1200 0 Vanadium Cerp .... 300 4 Va-Carellna Chem . 200 8 Va-Cnr Chem pf.... 1700 1 Vlxaden Inc 200 . . WabaBh 1300 .. Wabash pf A 100 . . Wabash pf B 8U0 .. Wt stern Paclfle .... 300 4 Westlngheuse 13 & M 100 .. Wheeling A L C... 1700 4 While Moter 1200 .. Whit.) Oil Cerp 100 4 AVlck spene steel corp 20 100 S Wilsen A Ce 41ft 40U0 1 Willys-Overland 7ft 2000 7 Willys-Overland pf . . 39 200 8 Woolworth F W 107ft Ex -dividend. . 6ft .102 . 40 . 82 ft .10634 . 52 . 433 . 37 ft . 9754 0 . 8ft . 23 ft . 16 ft . 33 4254 10 38 ft 1734 Lew 20 ft 40 3ft 18 ft 754 Bft B0 140 138 17ft 9ft 136 101ft 67 54 13 10ft 14 3ft 7334 17234 16ft 13 31 'ft 13'ft 3ft 20 ft 41ft 05 1734 20 ft B3 104 ft 107 2734 3J4 60 ft 534 854 61 ft 7354 2034 1034 IB 09 8331 354 4ft 26 i 120ft 15 18 ft 47 ft 3754 82 ft 76 40ft Oft 35 10ft 31ft 23 ft 12 Va 81 84 ft lift 13 ft 8.1ft 103 ft 62 3334 80 lift 87 ft 55 ft 6B 35 70 07 25ft 63 ft 60ft 23 26 40 w 16 ft 3 6 11 103ft 18 ft Bft 4134 25 'ft 63 ft 102 ft 22 ft 23 ft 50 ft 623 lOSft 42 ft 4554 84 10 1234 43ft 8ft 4034 20 3134 15 11 14 54 53 0 40 ft 22 ft 118 0434 32 ft 101 100 108 6654 4154 23 0554 07 ft 102 38 ft 8134 loe ft 51ft 1234 37 34 0754 0 8ft 23 IS ft 31ft 42 ft 10 38 17 ft 20 41ft ft 34 ft 107 ft 1:30 tttt ICat Clue. 20 ft Va 40 4- ft 30ft- lft 18ft- ft 754- i 5B34 B3 4- 110 'ft 138 4- 17 ft- 0ft- 130 - 101 ft 4 4-10ft-14 2ft lav. 3ft 'ft H ft ft ft 1 nsft-t- 3ft 1534- W 13 - H 3134 . 12ft- ft 3ft . . 51 H 41 ft 4- ft OS - 354 173i- Va 39ft- ft 83 ft 104ft . 107 -t- J 2734- 1H 3ft .. 5034 4- 34 634 .. 8ft- ft 62ft4- 1 , 74 1- H 2034- H 1034 H 18 - 34 09ft 4- J4 8334 334- 'A 4ft .. 20 ft 4- ft 120ft- 134 16 18ft- ft 47 ft r li 3754 - 'A 83 4- lft 7054- lft 40ft .. Oft . . 35 - ft 19ft- ft 3134 ft 23 ft Vl 12ft .. 81 - 34 84ft- ft 31 ft 4- ii 13ft- H 8.1 - 1 10354- ' 6234 .. 34 80 ft WIS FEATURE CURB MARKET Stock Makes Further Advance en Sales of More Than 20,000 Shares New Yerk, Dec. 7. The feature of the Ilroed street curb market this morn ing waa the heavy buying of Sweets, which made n further ndvnnce te IV en transactions of ever 20.000 shares. International Petroleum was again under pressure In tlie early trading, selling down te 17, but rallied from that level. General Asphalt waa hcavj during the morning, declining te 41, but rallied around midday. Carib Syndicate, which has been In steady supply, continued its decline, selling ut 0. ltynn Oil. after yielding te 12, moved up te 1'tMi. Hercules Paper was firm, selling nt 1DV. te '20. North American Pulp was unchanged at ifi. Tobacco Products KxpnrtH ranged from 0V4 te II. Umpire rune was strong, moving up te !8'i LNDL'STrtlALS HlKh Lew 4.1 43 12 12 47 411ft 1HH 18ft 111 10 1)5 U 4'JW 41 i 20 IPMi .IU 3J4 aW aft 11 "ft 2l4 2li 1:30 11 HV4 8'4 14 leji aijt ! 1A ::nB .. low 11 2 II 30 m 8V4 11T4 4- ft 80 ft 4- 154 67'ft 2ft 682 35 70 34 0754 25 ft 68 -00ft , 23 -20 - 10 4 4ft . 10ft 3ft 0 - 11 -103 ft 4- 18 ft 4- 5ft 43 2534-B3ft- 102 ft 4 ft 2234- ft 23 ft 4- ft 50ft- ft 624 - 4 103 ft- ft 4234 - ft 4534 .. 84 10ft 1214- 43ft- 8ft SO ft 20 ft 4- 34 ft 4- 3ft 15 4- ft 11 1454 1 83ft 34 0ft- ft 40 ft- ft 22ft- 34 11834- ft 0334 4- ft 32ft .. 101 100 100 ft 4- 2ft B7ft4- ft 4154 25 ft-6634-6854 103 38ft- lft 82 ' 9754- 0 8ft 23 - 16 ft 10 38 - 17 ft 20 41ft- ft 0 Va ft 34ft- 4ft 107 ft 1 Amer Ilarv S S llrlt-Amcr Teb coupon.. Olevelnnil Aute i;mi'lrn Tube l'arrcll Ceal Karrell Coul tirct (lencrul Asahnlt Hercules Paper ttcydtn Chem Unit Mlmml Lincoln Meters A North Amer Paper , . . . I'crrectlen Tire Radie Cem Itndle Cem pref Hey de France Stand (Inn & Hire Sweets Ce Tub Pred Eip V H Distributing U S Ktenm United Itetall ChikIv .. .. ST.vxn.utn oils Standard Oil et N Y.....10S 360 IMIUrKNDHKT OILS A1I41 Oil 1 lllK Heart lleune oil Cnrlb Syndicate Cities Serv "U" ctfs Cushlng Pete Penny Oil ..'. Klk IMHln Pet Knitlnceri, Petrel . . . . I'cdnral Oil Olenreck Oil Hudsen Oil later Petroleum ... .MarncRioe uu ...... lmt Mexico Oil lft .MKivseai rexus 147 Mount Pred 12H Nerm Amer oil Neble imar Oil Pennnk OH lied Hnck Oil nun Conn Halt Crek (new) aiming vi .............. tin Texas Oil Wentern States WyemlnK Cen MINING Alarka-Urlt Columbia .... Atlanta I Hi: Ledge 1 loom 861 3h lfi ft lft "'A 34 lleilnn & Mentana 41 Oulrd Mlnlim Calumet & Jereme . . . Cunilalurla Mln Cnrtez Silver Orenen Qeld Kl Salvader Hureka Croesus . llureka Helly Oeldflrld Cens Uoldlleld Development (leMIldhl Florence . . . Ueldtlcld Silver Tick Oeldneld Kene Ureal llend Kmma Sliver Hecla Mining- Iren llloiftem Jumbo llxi Knox Divide McKlnley Darragh . . MacNamara MacNamnra Crencent Mama Mln Mtithnr t.edu Mether Ixide (new) ."'Vi MlpiKOinp N"erth Sla Ophlr Sller Prince Conn Hay Verde Hex Cens Hocheater Mines .. Hepe Greup , San Tey S Hller Lead .... Sdccena Mln , St Croix , Tonepnh llelment Tonopah Caih Hey Tonnueh Divide Toneouh text ... Tonenah Mlnlrm . Tonopah Mltpah h lonepan Mentana Tonopah Kciicue Kula . . . . P H Cent Unity Geld Victory Went Knd Cen White Caps Wllbert 1MKNDS Allied Packers Amer Tel lla. 1022 Amer Tel Hj. 1H24 0.1S Anaconda Tepper (In S4 Anaconda 7s. 1020 Hi Armour 7 HBVi llroeklyn Hdlsen 7. 1H40 tIT'i Cun Northern 7s inn Oalena Oil Tx .... Goedrich Tire 7s Grand Trunk 7s . . Inter II T 7s..., Kennrcett Copper Nat leather 8s ., Searn-Hnehuck 7h, Sears-Heebuek 7, Sears-Iterbuck ". Sinclair Tna Pelvay 8s Hwlft Oe 7m Va-Cnrellna Chem Tnn, Norway fm What a Big New England Bank Writes About Credit Insurance A leading New England Bank, has just written the American Credit-Indemnity Ce. as follews: "Regarding Credit Insurance, would say that we believe a merchant or manufacturer should insure his accounts receivable for the same reason that he insures his merchandise against fire te guard against less. "Almest all merchants suffer some less each year through failures and this normal less, of course, cannot be insured-; but at times, under abnormal, unforeseen and yet con stantly recurring conditions, such less may become great, and even embarrassing, and ordinary businessprudence should lead amer chant te provide against this contingency' This bank makes it very clear why they en dorse precautions that prevent, else pay, bad debt losses beyond the normal, which the American's "Unlimitcd-Interim-Payment" Policy does. Manufacturers and wholesalers, it will net obligate you te write or phone for the full particulars. Payments U Peltcyheldtrs abtut $10,000,000.00 AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. of NEW YORK E.M. TREAT, miiimnt ISBUIS STANDARD UNLIMITKD rOLICIU W. J. Merpliyi Manager F. J. MacFadden, Genaral Agent Mutual Life of New Yerk Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. -t Commodity Markets COTTON MARKET New Yerk, Pee 7. C'ennicleiliiR nealuieNS et Liverpool, eotten had a itead undertone thin morning, although tirst priees were uin hanged te 20 point- lower. There ns little Heutliern hedg. -premre, due in pint te the wet weather all mer the belt. Ilullinh arutiment among traders has prevented any eg-gre--le selling and about the only nre-Kiire early came from Liverpool in-tcre-ti. The market beenme quiet after the xtait. but remained steady, with price at the end of the first twenty mlnutet about 1- points net lower. THt Teday'H 11! 1". , lef" epn p in nor. mbr Hi 10 lR'ill V,,r,-n HI 40 1U30 Id -n May 10 Hi HI 40 HI3U July H157 10 U October ... . .Ill li.-, lil.'JD GRAIN MARKET against 70c at the end e.rerday. and declined te 77e. July opened c lower, at 70e, and sagged te 7H:1i There also wan free selling of eatH and prices declined. A northwestern house took part of the offerings. December atarted at lVt,e te IHe, against 411 V&c at tlie close yesterday. May Ktarted at 011c te .VJ-'kc. agaitmt ."i.'ic" nt the clone yesterday, and later sold at H'ZI'hC. July opened rv lower, at .VJic, and lattr sold at .r2''hc. Kaily eHtimatcs eiu for tl." cars of wheat, 05 cars of corn and 45 cars of eats. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Dec. 7. The local coffee futures market continued its downward trend thi.s morning, opening prices being 14 te ITi points below the previous close. The cables were peer, showing declines at Ilie and Santes, and also a decline of Vh1 I" the rate of Itie ex change en Londen. i rl.n ind of the first hour nf trading. prices were barely steud at the decline, the market being exceeding narrow and ri'lnn Dec 7. A ircncral rush of u-ltlnmt Niieeiul feature. ...in.,,. nnli.ru thrniiph commission Tlierp seems te be a feeling in some houses broke the wheat market sharply quarters that buying power in coffee will in the early trading today. Support be very limited until after the turn of the new year ami uiai uiibiue- m uu of smnll volume. BANK CLEARINGS nank r-irjirinKM te'In 'rnpared with Mr rnpfliullnc "If. s Li"! te 'Hr. nun nun mis inula . I'1 US S.1S 7'i ail" 300 153,5011 013 MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW UIHII Meney en call, both classes of collateral (iHned today at 7 per iv nt ter lending and renewing I'HII.AlJr.I.rillA- Call. 6 per cent; time 6 per i enl , commercial paper, three te six mom ns e per ceiu (Nete mese are mereiv nominal quo. i tatlens as the legal rale of Interest In the slate of I'ennsyHanla Is fixed nt ti per ' cent 1'lurt picmlums and commission, lime menev for th rty te ninety days Is leaned at 8 te 8-j per cent, while com- I l .. 1 .. .na fanin t li A 1 1 dtlT Mrt rT t ha la being effered at 8 te 8W per cent.) 'JtOc. Mey started at 78c te 78c, was peer, ami seiuimeui wus n-ss uiui Isli en the theory that an advance of nearlv SO cents In ten days was suffi cient' for the lime being, especially as shorts had covered freely. There was no expert demand in evidence, but whiln cables from Kngland said that the Hrit Ish (ommisslen was out of the market, shippers were asked te continue te make offers. December opened 2c lower, nt 151.77, and fell te $1.7.'iiA. March started at $1 7.'1 te $1.71, against $1.i0Wj nt the end esterday. Cern also was weaker under active selling by commission houses led by cistern representatives. Haying wns confined te resting orders en the way December started at !Vjc te 7fi:Hc, and later Beld at a net less et I'M at Financial Briefs llln ((intinues te show a disposition te make sales and freight offers from there are low. March . . My July Heptember Yenl, rinse , 7 l'Vq.'J7 , 7 114 'J US . 7 U7 fi ll'l , K lSll.'O fipen 7 1161'.! 7 .'.0 41 M 7 S'J4.'t b 014(10 Liverpool Cotten I.herpoel. Dee 7 Spot cotton w-ns eulet today with prices steady en the basis of an advance of 30 points for middling t 10.92d. Th sales were J000 hales The receipts were 36,000 bales, Including 35,700 bales American. Futures were steady In the early deal ings Spot prices were American middling, f.ilr ISfl'.'d; geed middling. 13 17d; fully mldd! ng, 12 42d ; middling, 10.92d; low middling, 8.i7d; goeU r dinar, 0.17(1. and ordinary, 6.17d. The average prlce of twenty active Industrial stocks declined .00 yeBtcrday te 76 73, while twenty railroads were oft 1.22 at 70 28. Stroud & Ce. nnneunce that Themas A. Robinson has become associated with them In the bend department of their New Yerk elllce. A Chicago beard of trade membership has been sold for $7600 net te buyer, off $260 from the previous Hale. The Interstate Commerce Commission has approved a lean of $156,000 te the rrceler of the Fert Smith and western llnllread Ce te aid that carrier In the purchase of equipment and In making additions and betterments te existing equipment and way nnd structures, at n total estimated cost e' $125,356. The cemr ny Itself Is required te finance about $270,000 te meet the lean of the government. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Ixiniie -WHen Illnrult Ce , (luarttrly of 11.78 en llmt preferred, payable January 1 te stockholders of record of December Is Manhattan Shirt Cn , quarterly of 11 73 en preferred paialle January .1 te tecl of rec. ml Ilepemlx-r 111 t'ninn Pawenifcr llallwny Ce aemlannual 4 73 leea third and fourth (lu.irtnrly lnlaI. ments of lain Intnme tax. puyablw January 1 an reslHtertil rjecimlier 13 Otis H(fl nuarterly 1 per cent en pre ferred. puttMu January 1 te nteck of record Ilerember 13 People's National Kirs Imuran. -e Ce , emlannual 2V4 pr cunt. paable December 31 te Mnckheldcr et record December 20 Wnt Philadelphia I'a;ener Railway Ce. eemlannunl (if 13, ee third and feur'h auar ,rl Inmallmentii of llllll Income tnv. inivj. I l.le January I an r'Kl'Uny ) rcnilier 13 t'entinentai ian quarterly it. per cent en common and preferred, payable January 1 te nteck of record December 20, T (T .11 4 4 4 1 41 41 I . in lrt 10 I I If 64 IIL' 04 I P IU Hi IU I f 40 42 44 I li f' 1A t'i 1A I i I n ii e i Mi " n I lilt I lS n l a I It n n 5 I It 24 'j.i ::i I It till I ! a a 3 I f 1A 4 4,', I I k Vt ',. I a ii oil 10 10 10 1(1 10 10 iu I A A A I H H I 8 7 s ill! RH 3S 3K I III n4 r,li Nil n s s i in 0 0 0 I r -v I A S I 1 1 1 I II A 3 fi. I It 8 8 8 I III A A A I III 5 3 Sill ,A nA eA I 1A 1,4 tA I : " " 1 I IV IV, 1A I 1A 1A 1A I III in i, m i ii R H H I III 7 7 7 III ., no no 1 111 " 3 "5 I a A -'A 2A I a r. b I 1 ' i I a 7 r I III e e e I III IS S1!- na4 I OWISWEIV- nrnu eiiK I . OUWIt-fc M S3 1 nn; tinn I 113 e:,Z I : 7i H7U I i 1110 10(1 I II naij 0.14 t'H'-b : kk ss ss I III leii'-i, ions lteK I .... 7'.' 71 7L- I 7s li 1W 014 Hl'4 I I in n7; 07 I I 1022 . IMS H4. U4S I : 1021.. 07'i flT'i 07S I III: 1023 . Hl U4U mC, I 111 : tin no no I III me naj tmt: 1 1 L n,rj i'1'i iiiva 1 M 03. tisii ns'i U. . ' tins oes mis 1:15 Net I.niv p. m. Chile. J Vh 10 10 :te :ie . . 4 4 . . SOU S0VI Vt "LONDON" CREDIT INSURANCE TO BE SURE THATS Just it te be SURE The one thing of your business you are net sure about is the matter of your credit. Yeu hove protected yourself as far as possible against ether contingencies fire, death, etc But your credits are a matter of belief or hope. Mercantile ratings may be geed guides, but they offer no guarantee. Collection agencies cannot really de mere than your own collection department. But, Credit Insurance in the "Londen," gives you alielult protection against losses from bad debts. Yeu don't live en hopes or premises, Yeu knew you'll get your money, and you knew mncn you'll get it, whether we collect it or net- Why play with uncertainties a day longer Te be jure, ask for the particulars of out policy today. AT YOUR. SERVICE Lesses Raki In ArnerrcanQinTrrcy Established EiAteen Slxtninc LONDON GUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT COMPANY LTD.. R. A. IRVING. General Acent- rhenc LemUtd 4016 tlO LaFaycttc Bldf. iriiiwMJtuiriiA, fA. Philadelphia Stocks 20 18 i Vi RAILROAD EARNING8 H-LINQIS CENTIIAI, 1D20 Orteb-r ren . II'"'''??.!! v..t nuer. Income., 1,71a, ni Ten month' reM..lls, Net eper.' Income BtM. A. 7(n. .100 4,457,101 Increave t3,siia,ini 72,20 se.n:i3,un.' 2ea,2ja HlKh 1 Am Strs. W) 100 Am Ship & Cem 10 072 Am Oas. .'10 2." Am Pipe. 4 lOOtCnns (las 80', 121 Cen Trnc N.i.... .'is Vj as iaSKlppSter.ini 103 -isiTini.ieK i it -a i-fi 117 I Ce N A 2!)', SfltKun Cep 18 1 1 l.eh Xnv. 72. ni(l I.eli Val.. 53 1 Ner Cent 7( 222 I'a It It.. 40? 5 I'hila Ins Wire... niVj l,'t2 I'hila Ce euin pf.. 31 8.14 I'hila Elec 22 170 de prcf. 27'i lini'hi'altT 10V, 200 I'hllaTrac n0 L'OOtlteadlni;. 88 U, 300 Tenn Min 1 300 I'n True. 2 3(111) C ( I... 3(1 1 de pref.. 411 riOWarl&N 8 38.. 103 UVa 20 Va 18 U 2j. nevi r.2-y,-f-3', 40 40& 40 40ih niya rVA. 31 27 mvi fit I 31 . 21- Vi 10V. V4 nei . . 881. SSV-fl VH ' VS 20V, 2!li V. 28j 28lii 40 40.. iNet chanse made by romparlnen with laat sale en New Turk Stock EnchanKe. Sales In 1IONI1S 1:13 Net $11100 HlKh Lew p. m. chKc 12 4-nnell Tel 7s 102 102 102 V j Lake Hup in Hi 43M; 43 431j-f- 30 LehlRh Val Ben 4".. 80 70 80 4- . 4 N J Trae Tis 00 00 00 . . " 3110-20 I.lh Und 3s .... 00.30 00.30 00.3(1 .08 12 1-r. 2d 4Vi. 8e 3(1 85.1S S.-..30 .12 12 1-5 3d 4V,8. 88.12 88.0(1 88.12 .01 TlO 4th 4Vih... 8.1.(1(1 Kn.riO 85.51 .08 34 Vie N 4'V,a. 0.1.5(1 fl.1.,1 1 U.1.51 .0(1 2 I'hila Klec lst5s.... 82a: 82'i 82', V. 4 1' I&W4s07 mVi l)7V4.. 1 I'nited Ilwy Invest 5s. 07 07 07 1 Raw Sugar Market Quiet New Yerk, Dec 7 The raw euifar market remains quiet hut Bteady, 10, 10, 10, tee bags Cuhas Mdllng te a Philadel phia operator yesK rday at 4i centa coat and freight, equal te 6,77 cents, duty cald. Importations of raws Include' 12,020 hags Cubaa te Uiq National Ce ' 'l,7.1 b,nBB ''ul"", t0 thB Warner Ce mil 600 bags San Domlngees te the Ted ml CO. Tha ln-ml rellnerl mnrlr.., ! ..... 1 clangsd. Security as important as ever. De net let high interest blind you te the factor of safety behind the invest ment. Cpnsideratien of the security provided is new mere important than ever. We can supply you with Hat of con servative investments with most attrac tive interest return. GEOKENDRrCK 3rd & CO. BaiyJkers 1431 WALNUT 8T. utfe PHILADELPHIA. Member. New YerUndPhlla- rttlpma eiwv - Telephone! Dell flpnire flltO urriienvuac iie . ... i ...eattnent W neremmrnu " """ WATER POWER Stock & Bend Lew Operating Ce.U .loseptvw.Gress &Ce. 1421 Chestnut St. Cerrwtndtnf Aldred & Company MONEY LOANED ON STOCKS AND BONDS AT G9' PER ANNUM Steclta & Bends Bought & Sold H. A. HEIBING 113 PQ1ITH M1NTI1 HT. that Just rail', 'W. with- The Darkest Heur Is Juat before dawn a saying seems particularly appropriate new about several rails that are int. tin ticiuw uieir ((Hi vniuc. have prepared a selected Hat of which should. In our Judgment, handsome profits if bought new. will nend It te you en request uui uuugiiuen. Scott & Stump Investment Securities STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. PHILADELPHIA 10 F.iehanfr. I'leee Nmv Vnrk Ceuttsvllle, Chamlierebur. Cttllilf, ,I?eiiiiiylTBH " V i ,