. kX -j.J .. W t T ,r4 tf..4 ' ""t"'7" i' . T CgaseSy-,.. -tii "3t--ilTnVTtflPiWHPiiiLiLtii, 1 y- i 4"v"v , .r Hi rfff If ill. :. . ' 1rJ 1l i. t r t'tM (i ' ! I 1 1 Ji 20 EVENING TJBLTC tlGERl?HrtI)Eia?Hr, TTJESDXY DECEMBER Ti '1920 SHOTSFLY, 'BANDIT' ESCAPES, ' BUT FOWL DEED IS CHECKED fti Setfef e Chickens (Feather Variety) New Cackle in German- Iff SA 14 J7 7 .. af" If .. 'I ' f I f f V t at V . feim Peicc Ce as Tall, Heavy. Dark Man Is Sought uu Biilfets whim-d. fentluTfl fW nml treller ph lmltcd ti'mpuinrily this morning uhilp two ihthp erinjf patrol men dinned seven fugitive- in (leriimn town. The lnn-r r!iNtrd of six duck ens and a Negro. The Negro If still nt large ami, "en account of hU lnrgeni' lu- is mere than hIi feet tail nml wlglm 300 pounds Pntrelnmu Wnl-.li ami lVUi-N expect te run him down seen The patrolmen were nbeur te pull the box at Cheltui aM'iilie and llo.Miteii street when they haw semetliliii: mevini; in lumbering fiialiien through the end) morning fog At first the were inclined te believe that a meling an uni run ning en the sidewalk Cleser inventiga inventiga tien nhewtsl that it wan a man with a basket mi his lu-nd Strange, plaintive sounds were com ing from the basket. Seeing a possible chance te unearth an earl morning crime. Walsh ami Kckcls drew their revolvers and stealthily appreaihed tin tin meilng man and basket The were within a few fei of the Negro when he appeared te --en-e he was belllj followed Me turned lie saw the patrolmen and revolier. in i tie inme glance. 1Ie didn't sa a word but he did gile a splendM ethibitieu of cenrerted nctlen He dropped the ( basket en the sidewalk, disgorging a fcextet of chickens, ran out in the middle of the street, where the fog wn thickest, and dodged a fusillade of bul lets nt the nme time. The fowl expressed their indignation an they ran in circles, en Chelten ae nue Welch was about te (ire nt oue of the fentliend fugitives, but Kr lids' nheuted a warning in time. "They're real dm kens'" lie elled "I'se judg ment '" After a (has- ju tlie htrevt the thick ens were mobilized and taken te the Geimantewn t.tntien The all cackled merrily in a cell this morning An man who can uhselntelj prove that the chickens are his may get them Tint Walsh and lkels sa that Christ inas is only elgrtccn dnn off and chick ens are ferty-fhe cents a pound the proof will hau te be of the Supreme Court brnnd. This nfternoen the police learned thnt the chickens were the property of I'dwnrd Tnulnne, n brother of Assistant District Atternej Tnulnne. of .'KM tiewen nenu". Six of the biids were tui.e I'lj mouth Heils Found Unconscious en Street Hair Smith. Fourth and llninbiidce Kreets, was found uticonscieus near his home last night lie was taken te the IVnnsilvnnln Hospital by the police of the Second nnd ( hristlan streets sta tion. A bottle wns found in an oer eer oer ceat pocket The hospital authorities bellee that the concoction, formerly In the bottle contained ether Smith will Is- discharged from the hospital today. OUR aim is te make our customers feel that The Helmes Press is their own printing plant P. 0. BREAKS ALL RECORDS FOR SLOW MAIL DELIVERY Card Petted 8 Years Age Reaches Heme of Man New Dead All records for slew mail delivery probably were broken by n bitthduy greeting card f.ent from ene house in Mount Airy te a house adjoining en Jul 4, 1D1L'. The postcard was addressed te 1. A. Urewn, at JtH Hast Mount I'leasant n venue, and was mailed by Mr. nnd Mrs. William Singleton, living at 210 i;ast .Mount rieasnnt avenue. While the little card wns traveling about or perhaps lest in some place unknown even te the postal clerks. Mr. , Itrewn had moved te i) Mill read, Itroekllne. Pa When a letter carrier took the card !al month te the Mill read address !,e win, informed Mr. Ilrewn had died in lauuary of this year. i WANTS HEAT IN TROLLEYS Frankford Deard of Trade Alse Dl cutset Type of Paving That the I'. II. T. should co te it that Its cam are properly heated was urged last night at a meeting of the Frankford Heard of Trade in the Frankford Library. Anether matter for discussion was thh new type of paving new being used in repairing Frankford avenue. A pro posal for merging with the Frankford lluslness Men a Association was also discussed, but no action was taken. Rely en Cuticura Te Clear Away Skin Troubles flMptMai.OUtnttMlfclTWintMw dw , Me. HtmplM er CtUntK DtptXMtMu, (bat. The, following officers were elected : rrealdent, Charles J. McOeugh; vice president, Je.m H. Ilrewn; sccrctnry, Ooergo W. Henry j treasurer, Alvin A. Uwcnsen; directors, ldwin Hullcy, Heward Oeorge nnd Jehn J. Steele. The Blue and White Marimba Band is quits an unusual Dnnd and It play for Tea Danaant nnd Supper. i !?ncncen nn(l Dinner, the Wonder ful Trie an Innovation that you will And very appealing nnd which matches up In quality with nili (.ttlalne and Service. :Af V .i.'i . i.Wl -b l' Ji mn.w liV. A'a !T& ff nw The Helmes Press, 'Printtrt 1313.29 Cherrr Street Philadelphia Acid-Geld Berder Dinner Services Pure white body with U or 'i inch etched geld band. 106 PIECES "OPEN STOCK" Select such pieces nnd quantities as you desire. Our recent new importations complete these lines and afford the best selection in Philadelphia. Wright, Tyndale fe? van Reden, Inc. Reputed the LarRest Distributors of High-Grade Dinncrwarc 1212 Chestnut Street Bi'ead and Walmii Sii-eels Luxurious Bex Springs Hair Mattresses Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET Beds? Who Cares bout Beds? It seems a pity that seman people will provide th beit of evcrythlnic except btS for their homes. If they only realized hew much comfort nnd benefit ether folk. . getting from the best beddW and hew much mere eeonetj: icel they arc, every last w of them would at once lnaUii the best Dougherty's Fault, less Bex Springs and Hr Mattresses and i,,, ,' really live. Iuurimia Dex IIlr MBttTMMl uteada, Drill SaJfefc l'urnlturF, I.mr biiia?Jl! and Comferteblaa. WMU nSSi Niinw Accriiert, ett., bT STAMMERING, 'I "t s-s ani all '" m ',, h rutt. mrrenn hi u i ihk tnt-"- Tall. M rltr or rtrnnc I'nnhif 15IS2 fnr r-irllrillir THE QUIGLEY INSTITUTE I Ter the rurf of nil dffi-rtu In tx-etli l.t, IAhTKll STIIKIJI mfisifmtAmma Less 10 Percent at Hetel Adelphia We are still continuing the 10 per cent reduc tion from our present menu prices in both our English and French Reems, te be deducted when check is paid. We are planning a still further price reduction should market condi tions make this step possible. 'in, !i it iZUaiiWIiiUC W 7KDMAN-TKH .t" lMTtriSSSiiSirSSSSJ nn-Tr, iiiMu.iif..i.inimuMiii" miilihh ISOu Chinese Rugs At Sacrifice Sale We have receired a $60,000 stock of rare Chinese rugs of the finest quality, which will be sold at less than wholesale prices. We quote below a few sizes and prices for comparisen: 4-0 x 7-0 $105 5-2 x 8-0 135 6-0 x 9-0 200 7-3 x 9-0 215 8-1 x 10-1 265 9-1 x 12-1 . 9-0 x 12-0. 10-2 x 14-0. 10-0x14-0. 12-0 x 15-0. $358 ., 380 . 465 . 490 630 TTP'i i .. ZTTZSJl ZERMAN & BLACKBURNE 1606 Chestnut Street En Hi it l if Cj 1 1 71 iinrn The Heuse that Heppe Built Founded In 1865 llilliriiiltl, il im I iitti ilSfewBOfe Wmk wHjDHafiaaHLSvimTr i KTiiirfTifBiTniirF fj vV QV V I a 1UU1I 1M1 KH I I1 I'll I" , HI 11 Ni.V 1 II , ' II .1 I l 1-. I Vv v45 nnl fflKtU H HI S ll . jk 'i..triA!M li HI ' IH J '1 ' S inin I, IV H Wi I S?n JWX:,WW&rr$K$SfSP" -CSVSSe54 xlWjrVF 1 m At the S rW . w Mm B H fa Tw a ,Wi , M: H.,-, 1 Kwa I'l I . Kni-.n.TZZ m llKaK(T H IHIH LMI VUini. Ui fin tmm KUI Haafl IIHIW. aaaH laaaB laaaB aaaaaaal MaMlaaaV iBite. KiLijj !! ' ' vjtemw r. m m m zm a a lu w m m r mm z rarTiW.ffl' .i-tEB pi Mi n er , tiZH dP fiLmhtM Only Twe Mere Days! Christmas Club A cepcraUu ' group euU 9 plan limited te .100 members Membership fee il- - - -rr----"" ';tniu vr 1 you OCCIUC net 10 Ouy. 'liif 18M World-Famous Instruments available in this Club .MASON &. HAM U.N L'pnght nnd Grand Pianos STLINWAY Due-Art Pmnoln-l'lnnes WKIiElt P anei and I'innola-Pianes STUCK Due-Art Pianola-Pianos Hlil'PE Pinnes and Pianula-Planes HKKLOCK Due-Art Pianoln-Pianes STUOUD Due-Art Pianola-Pianej ilAHCELLUS Pianos EDOUAKD JULES Upright and Grand Pianos II. C. bCHOM ACKER Upright nnd Grand Pianos ntANCESCA Pianos nnd Plnyer-Pianes This i a genuine opportunity te secuie genuine SJ' incs, privileges nnd advantages en world fameu. nstruments. Every piano and player-piano in the ileppe stock is clpred in this Club. Pianea are offered as low as $2.50 eekly and player-pianed are as low as $3.75 weekly. This Club Closes Tomorrow Ne member will be admitted after the store closes 'omerrow night. The membershiD fee is enlv SI nm i vm. ,.i: r.itinn ?h vptpi'tpA ni if vmi An,lr . u . ." ' T. , "ii J j "v"wl-,tv" ""i1 j'eui mem bership fee will be refunded at once. Send in Your Application at Once Cut out the attached coupon and mail it today. Complete information will be sent te you at once Re member, if you join the club you de net have te' make your selection at once. Club Advantages Selection from entive Heppe liteck of world-famous standard priced pianos and player-pianos. 8 Years te Pay en n Rental Payment Agreement without judgment note. Yeu nre free te return or purchase nt any time. Spccinl Small-Down Payments. Lew Monthly Puyments. 80-Day Refund. Free Exchange Privilege. 10-Year Guarantee. Life Insurance. Fire Insurance, Half-Payment Privilege. 1 Free Tunlnff. Heppe Repair Sen-ice for Six Months. Free Steel With Pianos. Free Bench or Chair With Plnyer-Planea and Grand Pianos. Free Instruction Boek With Pinnes. Club members have until Christ mas te cheese their instrument but no applications will be accepted after tomorrow night. Cut out the coupon and send it In v'"1 ' ' ' '"'-"""'-''- I Iff n r at once i . j. neppe ce aen. 1117-1119 Chestnut Street, Mail This Coupon Today! THE "BULL DW Is n bit stockier in th handle;8turdynrf bustnesillke. Triple tttrtr plated. 24 Shaving Edges (13 double-odiud Blades). Genuine leather eaie. $5.00. Geld pitted $6.00. teres New5 C. J. Heppe & Sen 1117-1119 Chestnut St. J TI Ci. 1- qui aim liiompsen eis. : Name PHILADELPHIA or 6th & Thompson Streets, Piuladeiulili i Plpnnn Hnrl me full nnrtfrnlupii filir.n .u. t. Christmas Club. UtPP9 Pianos Player-Pianos I am interested in- (Check one) ! Address - ' B. U 12.7.?0. Mi w ette There is no better time than today te go and get that new Gillette Razor for his Christmas gift. The "Bull Deg," shown above, is only one example of twenty different styles in which th Gillette is made. Cheese the one style that best suits him the sales person will help you. There is a handsome, practical, always serviceable Gillette for every type of man. Priced from $5 upward, each set including 24 Shaving Edges. (12 double-edged Gillette Blades.) As a thoughtful, inexpensive remembrance, buy Mm a packet or two of useful GILLETTE BLADES. Ne Stropping- Ne Hening immHHI ,yH rnnuc in amgmg USA. mmmmm newnth5 ikii Canadian Factery: ' It at- Afo-rnnrler St. 0ir w v- -- Mentrwl, Quel New Yerk Londen Chicago Paris Sun Pranclice Milan Madrid Brussels Copenhajjee WORLD OVER Amsterdam Geneva Ducnes Aires Bosten Sydney Calcutta Rie de Jasttl A Shanghai Constantinople Tekj Slniap6r Pert ClkubMii ( ' '