'HrVty SK fe Hi 1- .' 1 M 4 J.;' bl i . t fit- ' 5, ! I lip list 'iflTf A fin? -S Pi! Si Ii 3 ' ii I''1. ' 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER G, 1920 Harrowing Half Hours Ahead for Hard Ceal Men r-t . First Session of Senate Committee Only Light Overture Jazz Music Later Will Make Public Sit Up and Take Netice n y (JKOHOJ Nmv Yeik, I'ic. fl TIitp lire t.en " exci'i'iluiKh li.'irnivMng half li"U"t nhi-in', I nm thinking, fur w-eres of RCtitliTni'ii cnK'iKi'il in tin iinthrarltp wal Imnlni's. In imi' n ni.il nimthi-r. The tir-t Inuring hefnte Si'inter Oil 1crV I'niliil St itc- Si'imti' idtiiniitti In this ( i mi Siittirilij win ineri'lN 11 littllt HVOit'lll' The! I- will be Jaw. tiuili' flint mil make tin- 1'iililii' lt iti nnil limit ureuiul lnti r 'l!,i ii 1 1 ii in will r.M dti the ri-iil lriniH ."tin t me this witK In Wuihinit tun ulirn t'i I'liminlttd1 ri'niivi'ni"i. " On .s ifiinlin tin1 i Htiiinitti c 'XiimliH'il enl fin. vim 'llin-e df tlii'iu ttmc stiirtlinj t--t.iiinii, ii" ti priifltiviinn cent rnni'iiiH Tmi wlluc-si-i tl Xenilnl tin in it ttn-il tln'ir best te. It wn- vim j"l) I am iiii'Miii-.l by u im-mlier of tlin cemmittui Unit it- imrpi'-i' i te tnkt up llv miiI ii- -itiji'it In ri'ttnlnr nnl-r. Build mi ilft i. mil I'K.il structure, n It wnp' It will llr-t I'Miniine thusi- wl'O t-hnritp 'iiitl'in. ti- i e.il tni'ii with pun tcciinu. Tbej cut si 'n.iiih f tlmt infein.ati'ui en Sntir.l.n The femrnt tee is nut rhIiik te he p.ir tint in vpli'itrig r- witneisiw rlthVr. It matters tint ulu'tlicr t!ip pietitn'ri 1" letiK te tli- -i. imIIpiI trust, a." the "Ins scvi'ti" t')iini.ini, nil' Pulli'il, or wlictliri the an- iti.i'ppm!"iil il i-rutnM. mnti.i V'prs of miIp i nrpm nlie'i-i wlniU'ali'i wlniU'ali'i wlniU'ali'i foreki rt, nr int plain nlniat U'lnih' It will iii-t nii' pMiiniup tin alloRe I prefltrpf.. I'iu mil 1'ttli'. but it will j.n through t'n-ir hunk wlii-reur it has reason t biliivi tli'-ri i- evasimi r prevnni'at.en Lalier I-ist Be Culled Tlicn- will be tp-tinH'ti; from heii- -Jwlilers nt d utier huurs ..f null ill tin1 vicimt, .f liiitn"- nnit cnlliprip Hailread excriitiivi v Tl U Ht'.Vil I'peti in ri;l ri;l IecmI cur -1iii t.ii;.' anil freight rtitt'. Tn rclatniti- lii'twpfii iiiitiinif corporations nnd tlin salt's i'erMirut ii.tis will uUu tome u ruler si nitinv Tin- li -t inti'i.'si te In- dii.'ittd te step tip :.. tlip iiiptniii'i ilfsl; will In' labor It- ii'prc-iiitetlii's will be in vited te tii.ni-li nr-t-bntiil itifuriimtiiiti nt t a.f niiil wurkins . i.niliueu-. ivven the ii-nilii-rs of tin- spiiIekh'iiI s"'r e. who pii.p.i-p tup st.vti-ii'-s of i'enl jireilmtiiiii v ill hlvlv be swein a t the arcuraij of tl.pir ti' ires. It begins l.i lni.lv n- .t' a real imi-ti-Eatien mil .ii mid th.it tli" nun. iirtns nnd fjrper.itiuti who :.ri in pil lip in tlie I'liiburatp and Ki-nti'i'l weik nf muli'titiK tin p.iMu' tin' lu-aileil ler .1 trciiii'inl'iif- let of trenbl . The lifintii; "ii Sariinlii was u r.'i r.'i latleii a- te pied anil pcni'trati.in. The ceiniiiittpp nnil its rnim-tl vnve rati lyins inui.'.'i ."ii ii u (b'tiTirinatinti te KalluT mtui'ii n lnii f f tin ril't sort, it dus ii'lit in Hrnutiii IMbe ' N' .Iitspj. enjlit te hit'" !'' ii fii utt.irtn . int''ail of a niwspnperm.in. 1" ' ro-.s-i'iiiniiiiitie!i of witiip-si's nnd abil.tv te bnui; n it rplmtant faet. In displa.M'd roina-k-able uptitiiib'. Ili'twiin Si'iiut.ir IMge and District Atterivy I."wi- the npnr-ater-' witni's's. T 11 Srhuiuiikpf. of the Kn-t I'osten Ceal Ce . ut Kinsstnn. Ph.. mi pnrin ular had a most Uitnil ins ti n". T'n' -a as a vat nmeiint of nervnus terinc w'th b!,s i.i ni.pr fiituhl'iii: with ivatrli ih mi i and ni'iistpnins of drv lips whili' tin- erdial la-ti'd. At ti.ne.s, in the examination of Mr. Si limnaki-r .in I AV. II Williams, vice president of the Hud-"!' ' ill Ce . the sitii.itii.li became net .ml. hitprpstlns. but tenn. The utilstiinditr; f-atnie in the testi mony nf "le "f the gent'.enieu. .Mr. Ecliniiiukpr. was deti-ctive ineu.ery. Mr. Wr.h.'iii.s. a smeuth shaven. xnx Mcr.MN 'harp fpntuied. well crnemed. alert innn . ' f past forty, was about as fine u wit- ncsi as the coal opeiater will, I fancv, put forward. Disci tmitial inn Shown Senater I'dip! took hlin in hand at the bPfflntlinK. I Ti 'Isked If it weie ' '"le that the anthrai ite uneratei-s had mpespd an Increase of SI a ten In April last, in anticipation of lis., in .lilriers' '.vnge, upon dempstic sizes alone. Mr. Williams ipplied in the ilhrniativp. "And thi.i ineiease was net ndded te tin- price of Btenm cmilV ' ' N'll," WUm the ll'plj . Tills vas a matter net known te the public until the K f.vt.ve i'l'ui.in Iihuei.n breuRht It te lislit last I'rnlny. Kutv en nt industrial establishment using Hteuni Kizes of nntbraclte, how ever, knew that they were e-caplng tliU additional impost; that the public was ihe "(,'iat." Mr Williams went Inte an elaborate i -planatien en the subject. It was 11 TIII HUNT HARK U. !ti:i'IR 111 KM sutlfikCtlnn fiuruntrril Clethes Wringers, Carpet Sweepers Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners E. G. FORD CO. Ill (lih v. I'hlln., I'a. SETH THOMAS KOD CHIME CLOCK $110 SeliJ MaheKnnr MI ITI-' I"1' felnmbli Ati. 1Y1U it. fi,4 , k,0 gth t,t full or Write for Xnutt C.it ileruc di'ts that are ilifTcrent a ran- old Sconce, a Spanish Jewel Hex, a Chinese Prayer Huit these are a few gift 6utrj,'t'st'ens ftem a rare col lection that will make your visit te our Studie a (lelifjht. There'a such satisfaction te be able te shop at ease nmenjr beautiful things. We'd be plad te select with you for the various mem bers of your family. THE JAMES T. FRYER STUDIO ClIAniiRB E MIMMIKN JIAIlllY W. MAUKER Furnishings and Interior Decorating Roem 903, Parkway Bldg. S. E, for. Brea4 and Cherry Sts. 'And you de net knew today what ether operator nre cettlne for their tenl?" "All I knew la whnt I have neon in the newspapera," wni the reply. Then he lashed the newspapers for their alleged iiiInreprcpntntlens. A reinarkiiblc pnnat'cn for high prlces was offered by Mr. Williams. It will undoubtedly utrike net only Pblladrl phians, but every householder who has a ten or two of cenl in his cellar, wheie eidlnnrily he would have bis bins full, as a wonderful remedy. Here It Is: If the people would Ktep buying cenl, the price would fall overnight. There is a coal panic. People In New Yetk and elsewhere are heaidlng coal. Distilct Attorney Lewis Instantly challenged the assertion. If there Is coal hoarding bow could the witness nc ennnt for the ceiifpKsed coal hhertnge and tlie I ns shown in efficinl reports of the gee insisted I logical surve.i 't The further fact that if there was tin un- , New Yerk was crying for coal nnd unable te obtain it, except nt the most exorbitant prices' Mr. Williams tdeutly denied the ns sertlnn of Fuel Administrator lleltninii, of MassachiiscttK, that there was a dnngi'ieus shortage of cenl through New rtiglntul and outrageous prices. Mr. Ileltnuin. one of the first witnesses, hnd Miid-en. In fact, he said, be did tint I testified te this. Ills statements were 'lialnlj te the effect that steam si'es of anthracite were a byproduct sold at n much lower figure than house hold sizes. That it was really n less te the ce.il predmers; that Is, It was sold at a less ! Senater Kdgp Instantly countered by inquiring why If It was a by product it was n less? A leti-j and labored explanation en sued, punctuated by chnrn ipieries from Senater I'dge, who bntidled this sub ject for the committee exdushely. lie liriinteh siul (hat lie get his pointer from the Km.nm.ne lMMit.tr Lfikimi. The nn-weis of the witness fulled te ceniinci hitn. The esplnnntlen did net explain the injustice of the ac tion. Perhaps the most striking fentuie of Vbe P"csilent Williams' testimony wa tint ri'iim?i: te prices ni iinnieiu sires. Meth Senater l.uge chiiirman. Senater t'alder in mi knowing whj I'.'ist mding among the operators, n l.ractlcal uniformity of pi lees upon ciiiupinn" ieiiI prevail throughout the untbriiilt. lesion. The witness positively affirmed that then- was no pilce llxing ngreenient. ar rangemeiii or understanding. He spoke for hi- own company, the Delaware and knew what the prices of ether coal companies were. Ignorant of Ceal Price "IVi ou mean te say," Inquired Sen Sen aeor Kdge. "that you de net knew the prices asked hv jour competitors for their ce.ilV" Ne . nnh what I have heard in n general way." . . l 1 . ..tl ...!. i. correnoiaicn iij iiueiuer ivunm, niup bell, who was familiar with conditions, he said, throughout New England. The discussion became acrimonious nnd reached a point where the veracity of the two. for and against, was drag ged before the committee. Hut the testimony Hnd figures were agninst the coal operator. The examination of T. It. Schu- ZZ W 1 r7i K H WMHii--ji ,. t Js 8 e-. mxrmt (tUs "H? BONWIT TELLER &.CO. ulw Specialty xSiep of Ormmjcttiend CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET ANNOUNCEMENT ON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER TH 7e will Held our ANNUAL DECEMBER SALE FURS OF FASHION AND QUALITY 'Values that Need Ne Cemment Full Details ijiTaesday Evening Ihpers ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TUESDAY A Most Extraordinary Purchase and Sale of WOMEN'S FUR-TRIMMED BLOUSE-CQATS & WRAPS Fer Daytime and Evening Wear 65.00 Ne CO. D.'s Ne Exchanges Regular Prices 150.00 te 195.00 The materials featured in this collection are all imported and include ENGLISH VELVETEEN, RODIER'S PANACLE and CHIFFON VELVETS. Cellars and cuffs are trimmed with BEAVER, LAPIN, WOLF, ELEPHANT (dyed) SQUIRREL, TAUPE NUTRIA, HUD SON SEAL, KOLINSKY SQUIRREL and AMERICAN ERMINE in colorings suitable for daytime and evening wear. All sizes. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT, THIRD FLOOR COATS & WRAP-COATS 38.00 Regular Prices 59.50 te 79.50 This collection includes the season's best models devel oped in the wanted and most fashionable fabrics, featur ing PILE FABRICS, SILVERTONE VEL0UR and BOLIVIA. Many are plain tailored and have smart fringe threw tie and convertible cellars.. Seme feature FRENCH SEAL COLLARS. All are beautifully lined throughout with plain and fancy Pcau de Cygne and heavily interlined. All sizes up te 42. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT, THIRD FLOOR SPORTS COATS 38.00 Regular Price 65.00 This group consists of short coats developed in English plaid-back TWEEDS and SUEDENES large shawl cellars of natural RACCOON and AUSTRALIAN OPOSSUM. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT, THIRD FLOOR maker damaged his tdde instend of help ing It. lie wiih net only an official of. but the bookkeeper for. an Independent concern, the Kast llosten Ceal Ce. Hf betrayed grpat utifumillnrlty about his bookkeeping and get sndly tangled. His memory gave evidence of having holes In It, nnrtlcularl when be as serted that the profits of his enmnnm last year hnd only been S'JIOO. en which they had paid an Income tax of WOOD. Witness Madly "Fussed" Tewnrd the end of the examination Mr. Hchumuker get badly fussed, a con dition that was scarcely linpieved when Senater Kdge announced that the com mittee would have te make tin exam ination of his books. Of course, the above Incidents nie only the beginning. The documents ji ml evidence of changed wny bills, invoices, etc., ure et te lie submitted Lij Ail 'inside' Lewis. Alse n vast mass of information "We me going te put his thing (hreii'!i until we get nil of the facts, snid Simitei' IMge. "Kreni Indie itletn Iheie is ample material te estali Hi I the liulli of the charge that conies te tue from nil ccetlens of New .Terdev prefltcerlti'? utul exorbitant prices -f ec Fiein thin thcie are indication,; ,.. the lllllll ( Is nt last irn lie i '" sipiaic 1I1 ill Irelil 11 legishi gntilig ceiumltti.'e. It will he 11 novelty live liivi.n SAVINGS LEAD TO WEALTH Why net think of placing your money te the beat advantage? The First Penny Savings Bank of Philadelphia 21st and IJninbridge Streets Branch Office Brend nnd Chestnut Streets Allows I en deposits Net one cent can be lest, nnd geed fortune linn come te thousands of men nnd women who caught the fever of snv ing seen as they stnrted. Bring n penny today and open your account. A penny saved is n penny you get back when needed. JOHN WANAMAKER President The Highest Quality of Diamonds Is Maintained by This Establishment diamonds the merchant from In considering the purchase of imnnrtant nucstinn is confidence in the whom they arc purchased. Our Christmas stock of diamond jewelry is larger than ever before and contains many exclusive designs. Fer Women Rings Bar Pins Breeches Bracelets Necklaces La Valliercs If you have net nlrc.uly icccicil our new call or n 1 itc for it copy. Fer Men 0 Rings Studs Lockets Dress Sets Scarf Pins Link Buttens CATALOGUE 0 di: 0 MONO MUTUANTS Sens, 1110 Chestnut St. -ji:wi:m:iis siiA'i:r.SMiTiis LH2i lisliiMlili mv wnrh3'syii'jiii'rcjiiijs -, it r.' n i. ,s r .until rT.".mi-ji'""" - . ..w.y.,,,,..,, ,,. s,vv.. ..- WW SS " r k 'u.' .Atsm&m ;;s fi?sr- - -Y &&! i3 L u Lr JSMUVW Jrll.V ..:j i,, rj" - "Z- " .urtlwa," .-.-i1.. fr" -1 r , bwJ I Ki fr fcS&llifi' .i.FhE3fs5ss ' .lj( lAWuTsMfp , miJM iti H-ir--i i 'i iWl.'.'C'I Uri.l by e Lxpenence of the California Corporation? "fsv "-ir-e-r '1 ywrJ M 1 -WA1 -it- nli.ii hrilH i?1"" v. i aTrfAi!Tv!(MS!r ytfM'iStt rWiltS'71,.'?:-.,'9.J V,,,nrxn.JS?cAJUu'MtWii. 6- fKiJlttluftJi 'VM i.rv: m-i i-jifli. t irtwsa..-. .. ..i.iwM-S,ji'm7y.fc.jD na vsmmTivtrm . Mi m The California Packing Corporation of San Francisce, Cal., packers of the "Del Mente" brand of feed products, use 1 5 1 Dictaphones in their various departments. The records of this corporation show that since the instal lation of The Dictaphone the volume of cor respondence has almost doubled, while the cost per letter has been materially reduced. Whether your office is large or small, ask us te install Dictaphones in your office, en your work. Then let The Dictaphone prove its case en a definite basis of speed, greater efficiency, and decided economies in letter costs. Ask for a trial test. THE i i as as m rc m WF& If lis m ikWM mtefl U, . l'ai Off. n4 lerciu Ceuutrtci "The Shortest Reute te the Mail-Chute" The American Surety Company, D. H. Cook, Superintendent of Agencies, says: "Having installed The Dictaphone in many of our agencies throughout the United States, we are free te say that it has proved te be a great time saver, and new constitutes a helpful feature of our organization." Carberundum Ce., Niagara Falta, N. Y. Mr. G. H. Huntley, of the Order Department, says: " We fire using 9 Dictaphones in our Order Department We find that these Dictaphones are net only saving time, but also giving entire satisfaction for this class of work." Phene or write for Goedrich Rubber Company, Kansas City, Me says : " With us speed is the thing. Te secure it, we installed 23 Dictaphones and centralized our typing department. The result has been a decided increase in speed and a material increase in volume of cer rcspendence handled daily." Haywood Bres. & Wakefield Ce., New Yerk, N. Y. E. Staufler, Mgr., says: "The 12 Dictaphones used in our various departments measure up te all our requirements for speed, accuracy, and efficiency. Our dictation is never held up. This makes for large savings in time and expense." btitaXL. YJT :ennncin(I demonstration in mur e7c, a ..,. . THE DICTAPHONE, Phene Market sise (Ceii) ru , n r.AXI . , ' uene Mai 2700 (Keystone) Call al 40-bO Ne. Sixth Street, Philadelphia Ofnees also located in the following eities Allentown Wilmington Hamburg Trenten ' Readitlg Trenten, N. J. The is but one Dictaphone, trade-marked "The Dictaphone , made and merchandised bv ifc. C.IM. r.r.. r. -"- -...- VUJIIUJIIUI1U s.. T ..'' rr, CVJ.w.tf i t.ri- K. A . A..