Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 06, 1920, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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    i- - t" w-ty"T i"H"X",l'i'V v
j4-v"aJs: "' j
ywisv -r .
t '
C, 1920
. .. . .
tW Si
'ixirln IMItiir llicnliiB Public Ledger
PROFESSIONAL foetl.nll made iti debut en the IVn
Grounds in Nmi erk S.itunhi.i , and till ritit uete
favorably impre-vd. Tin re ns m wild tt.lhuiiisni. lien
ever, beemi-c there na ii..thing u etnke, no neNj creud
of tinilprgrnilunti - I.i fiiiiih tin; i Iu-pinui: only :i Runic
of football plated hitmen two nil -ter (levcii", eiet.i
member of which kneiiim; hat U de and bow te de It
en etery piny.
It tin like ti.cnti-tue I'enrhi'. getting tegi'tlier n ml
piittnip en a ri's ilnr game. Ne mistaken were made nml
tlie plncr r ii (.topped met of the effcliive ilaj.
O'hc) (eaihed m b ethei while en the defence. Ilcfere the
ball . nn:ipied the phi. would be -ize. up, the men en
the (Ufeiire .nit their position nml then erah into the
runner. It wan a wen Icrful dipluy of high-' hi- football.
A college mad would ire into ei -t.lMiea of je If he had
thnt sort of mater. al te Mart the -eni-nti with. I'ig.
rangy, heavv. fn-t e'.nnli; the .mm' kind of la k'.e-; fa-t
charging, .-ma- ,ii'i! end" n ipuut.'il.n he kin-v. th--cntne
nnd cal'-d the pre,r p'.u. nml n hrnin.i. ve-di,
ml-nreui' I Iw-'kli. Id. Tin proper t!i.ng nlun.i wa done
lit the proper tune. There were r i ei rer. A few tiim"
the ball win fumbled, but tlint is nkci.i te happen at an
ItecmiBe the (b f ii'e m e geed and tie attack iluc iluc
need t.e pn"ilv, the spertater imagined then wa" n'tle
offensive strength en e.tlu" team In the weie nr
taken. There wire trnni ceml pirn, but t e didn't weik
After two me' i ess period, Jnu Thorpe, captain of
the Canten team, kn ked n g"iil from (he field, but this
lend wni- wiptd out hertl iiftcmnrd when Swe,le
leung-trnm him k d a kb k nml ered a Pun 'nlmui.
I" aii) thing nnd nre anxieiid te have the preliminaries done
mini with as iiukl, as possible. In one hlg game I
rememlii r when the riiptiiln who called tin1 te.ss of the
cmii did net make himself In aril, nnd it hud te be done
nil ever again,
Itut gei this I'entrast, On S.iturdn.i when the captains
walkeii te niidtlehl te I'enfer with the eflielal.s llughitt, of
lluffn'e. nodded te Thorpe nnd Mild:
'Helle. ,1 i in. Iletv is the old innu today?"
"I'nttv geed, Teininj." giiinteil '1 herpe.
Then the relet ee broke in and nsked who would mil
the toss of the coin.
".Inn." asked llughitt easilj. "did you ever guess tight
in jnur life "
"N'ler 'ii.nle n mistake in mj life," replied Thorpe.
"Net before this tune," Mini llughitt, "nu mil."
"Tail"!" Mild Thorpe n the mm spun In the uir, and
tails it was. That s hew the game stinted.
Thre un- no leiigli nhij . (hue u plu.icr used his
knees after the ulit-tlc had blown, but the ellicinl-. were
nukid net te give n penult...
"lie won't de it again. " -nid one. "We will see te
After the offender was taekled hard n couple of times
he was wiliiug te be 'Oil the n uiiiindcr of the afternoon.
HPIIK indrpendi nM rtiv im'. ,n.,(i Mi lln' i rUi , i mI
vill trmnin 'e . lern i. tlmi Jen' encroach en
the rulluit m:hhi . In it, ,i Men . m nil
i'lh! ucniiifr thr rnllcyi 'lie threirlh nml the spec spec
tnteri hnvr n thanrc te en innc ilin i en Sntiiiilaj
ajtrin; in .
f) U ' This wns a wonderful pn .v of work and showed hew -r-,wi'..v -, i t .-... . , , ,,,,-.
JS 1 Pj I the old college stais p'v the win.. The,e , b.i. k and K , ' ),,T'K('1' """ a h:"' nm" trnm U" ' 1-(V,S
f' V - Youngstreni broke thteiigh the lim just as the ball was , "' ,n "",'" Satunl ly ami tiis'..., the-.a-en without
passed, 1 he old Dartmouth -tar did net rush into tne
kicker, ns nine out et t-i weu'd hae done, but -'owed
Up and waited for Th"M'" te kn 1, the lull. Then he
leaped in the air. the la'l hit h- . utstretched urm nnd
bounded toward the Canten goal Hue.
Uy this time I.' d W'.aj. llemie Miller, I.eu Utile and
Other ineinbHi-s of the I.nffnle team wne thteiigh the line.
They saw Youii"tiem running nfter the ball nnd that
was enough Int"iid of trjing te get the oval them
Keles, they started up n-teifi-re. .lim Tlieipe wns about
te start for oiingstrem wien Vra era-lied into him
nnd put him en the greiimi Miller. Little and the ethers
took care of etner Canten un li and Y 'img-trem was uhle
te pick up tl ball and en- the goal hue without being
touched. This is the first time I ever have .-eeii this
Worked preperlj
FOr.Y.y.s.''A'nlf i. n irrnt guanl, etic ej thr hi it
seen aieuml hrir in urnrs. A irnutltr they
theuyht a let ; him at iJnrtmeu h.
Indepetulvnt Players Arc Coel and Collected
Tlll.Sr inib pi iident pln.ers seM.un git ei ite.
prebnbli l- due te the fact that the lune eenlu
of thein-
. . ...
In themselves ami al-e knew new te take ran
elves in the cime.
In n co 'n ; eente-.t thre is nu nir of siiptu. sed ex
citement when the in.i' ei'itains confer with tle etli ,iU
before the nin d.-i i-- ng gum id rules befen ti i mn
Is tossed. Ti.e (apt.uiis are w'i!v iniveu-, will ngr.e
I defent. .Majer I uuik ( Mviiiiniich bad a wonderful feet
ball team and would have made trouble for any college
eleven in the ceunti'.. . I'nfei tumid lj . eiilv Yale nnd
Ceorgetewn were placed of the stronger t.nms ami l'.osten
lauiiet be i nnked as high as it lieuhl be.
Tnere were some unusual font me- in the game. A
Hely Ci.s man. punting from behind hi- goal line, kicked
the bull into the gn pn-ts ami n iiiemher of his side
reeevi-.ed the ball for a safetj. This (1 most unusual
plav and. te my knowledge, the Hrst time it linppened
this yrnr.
Anether time, nfter n fumble, a Hely Cress man picked
up the ball and ran for a touchdown, ilnwi .er, he kicked
the bill' before picking it up. the touchdown wns net
allowed and the bnll brought back nnd given te Itosten
College. This wns u tough penalty te inflict, but the
inles are perfectly clear en thnt point.
Cicorgctewn defeated ltethnny College, of West Vr.
ginin. in n pest -season game in Washington, nml the
I'liiversity of Iietrnit wen from Tulaue de n in New
Orleans. These gain's nbeut finish tls (elleg(. season.
The only remaining one will be staged in l'li-adcna en
New Year's l.i. when Ohie Stute pin..- the Ciinersitj
of Cnliferuin.
JXI)KI'i;XIWT football, heirrrer, iclll continue
te he plmi'il us- lene the rmthrr permit.
Xcxt Sntiiitlnii nt the I'hih' pml, the I'heeiuxrillc
tenm v ill plan -Urn Theipi'i nll-itar chven. ,co
Cen it ay in nri miaul tin enini .
Copyright .-JO, ly V I, ( ;..'rfi.r Ce.
ill ill'1 1 J!IlifrrT.Luw.A f W
W . fi'Mi'i taP c"T w,, Iwpe",teb JEMi
M ' i L IlLiraW 1 ii i( epen5es ! ! N r -mWM
rh,"iii.v, liiffl; 11 Hi wc CAh0-T .FeR y WUmwM
,' ' " iPlf l I Te euy him tmt tmnWM
(I f' 'I1 'I' 1 11 II lSr SL
Wn'iiWmi K' (ffmM.z
5!S-??.). 1 ?5?Z
Lecal Eastern League Clubs
Strengthen With New
Players; Bennis Refuses
te Scll'Nat Ilelman
pi.AIMXrs lnnintnins its ndvnntngi
-'' of n full game ever Tienten in tin
Lecal Talent Packs 'Eni In at the National Jee Tiplitz
Whips Jimmy Murphy Rawlins vs. O'Dewd
at Olympia Tonight
f .'I
I". kill
g .111 I 'I
i.y 1.0ns 11. .ivrru
nuai.wj is aoeut te come niie its ex mt itnni in
own here I'ntil imw . with foot
ball in the llme'iglit p"met r- were
Just about "g' tting bv " v.'.i!- etn or
two had te ilig ,1 'i p mt 1 tin r mii
T5ut. with tie n 1 1' i' gtnlireii si in ibi 1
ever the n 'iinind' r ' the I'.in lil ring
.I'll.- ill pi ob'. ' ! '' ' re.e sr.i'i essfljl
for the b n k"l . f I 1t1g
That lmal ti'en' - i goe.1 fittr-i"t !?!
without biing ne 'i n t" n frei i of r
cities, was p ev,il 1 Kin h.sivelv mi !-ut-urday
night at t1 ni"i a'. CI ib r
tiliilly ever peifei-in-r en th'it ni i
gram is n leenl mill, ;na-inuih u- lin": v
Kramer new Is p-i 'mj I
Unttling Mn '. of Cnmdeii, t Vv d s
most, if net in' 1 r .- b iu ' -city.
icpet'tien . f t1 1 - t' r ' '- "f
Thnnl-sgivmg rn w-1 . pi t t'
stnr nuinbei b .tee T n' u md .lin un
Murphy. A- ,u t'e ir fir.' in t tig. i .;
and Mut-ph lin 1 tl '
Fenson nt the Nit ion
lit was tin
Famous Canten Bulldogs Will Meet
Pheenixvllle at Phillies' Park
op Saturday
What should prove te be one of the'glniin
greatest independent football games the
fans of this iit Iia.e ever witnessed
lias In en arrnngetl for the I'liillies1 Hall
Park net SaturiTay afternoon, when
'.Inn Theijie's Canten liulldeg- meet the
, I'nien All-Anif rii'iins. of riieeniwille.
Cimiley The tnnti h wa- niinnceil by I.ee Cen-
m in no-ten .. esuriiay nfteinoen.
he went especial y te -ce the
and Wagner larrjing his famous Indian in legn-d te the mattir.
Un iber
A tl Iltlire of the sheu- tens it ,rI,.l.
vie..-v f..r I'!,! Classman's stnbli. 'I'm. where
ii "t m r flu' wire.
I'he "Trull Herse"
I'll liawliiis. "trail liere." will -ten
tl liieneh ngnin tonight 'I he
i Mi.wniikeeiin. who has been in
r s(.,.iil eai - under tin-
Wal'ingfe .1
Mveriil tun
knockdown li
v. un
. w II '
and '
tin -
.:.; - i r .w . et tee
". it fn I 7v Ti'i
.' - n br.t'.iunt
II f Me i' we."
' g U II. IP1 v coin!
I III fi
of Sir Hubert
'uill.-. lias been pitted ng.iin-t some
of t... 'i.-st middlew eights in the world,
and a mil. has been there nt the finish,
lighting 'nnd.
At tie nlvinpln thi- evening llnwlins
' ill put off with Mik" M'liewd. ,,in
"I'd te lie the ; ligpll, of tile mjilil'i .
wiight-. nnd wlnb- 'he I "ml ting Hnip
-ul's a i'.n f-i.eiite I.cn nun In
'N till li. -t.ll'.d "tT tie S'. I'.IUI
Ii i bin in. Ami iut as long a- tl "
unit i h lii-t- H'liewd w nt bine im i in. m.
It i si t. ii ile.l f ,r eiu'it round-.
Atietlur eigh' -reiinili'i "ii tl.e :e
iruiin wnl be In ru i en ,ei ,ni k-ou. of
th.-'i'i. and .1 Mi. s,miiii'is, et New
t Ml l in is i,ia. . ,i i, g ,n iii'ie en
(it 'oil plmi'd liulT'il'n nt the l'ole
Cie.ids en S.itiirdnj and Thorpe had
Ulllleuln nil it Wlis his ti Hill's lust gnuie.
but nt. r di-cu ing the mutter he ny
i-'i.i'i.'il te eme here and gne the
feet'. nil public a i hnm-e te me his
laiiieii- ngirr '.'iitien in tietieu.
The followers of the fameii-, I'liien
lub nl-n liae been clamoring te -, (
u p'tted ngnin-t one of the lee.n'rv's
'ending a'.'giegatien- nnd this will I,. the
big i h, inie. Jim Thorpe wns rated by
i-'in. ns the gient. t foetbnll idine'r
th.it ii-r trod tin giidneu lb will
I e -een in the game and will be -ir-leiinded
by thru1 fenuei tcninmales,
l',i ii Ui'b'h .it M i.nt' r Calai nt li.il t biic-U
and liu.Min at fulll. n k.
I The relnaimhr et the Canten ebven
contains vuuw i lebi itn-, ,,f the grld grld
iien, inebid ng I.ewe, Cedhnin: Mink.
Wicen-in ; Spei k ( ten; 1'iines,
.Mitre i iniin ; i ' i ..in . i i leorgetew u :
1 -
' ' g
Deth liatteied
Murphv and
ether, withei,'
bliitulitv w tl
en the -pi i i'
tweell tin III
It looked n
Murphv in
Jimnij -tagL'
fulled te hi i i :
Iinnu.. Km
among the in'--
the tugged I!ii"
en the go t'i'i u.
HIP eeii'd in '
eeuthpaw sIrm- t
Win unable te get
( hfT Item fe' , i
vim wed u let f i V
fessi nal mat' li :ii
but n sixtli-reim I
ter te tile ib i-1
allowed suflien nl
Behh. Mel I .. I
n draw nnd I.ee 1;.
i h
i nil'
en. li
. tT. t
n i t
I .
T I n nk-
ll'Il. ' .
1 I. I'll.
I e
. ug Nil.
' en
uk- '
ll'Il n
Iniii'j . V. .1 I llig.'in-. I'cnti Stute.
-tnblein.ite nt ani1 "'iKC' "f Ihillus J nleu will pre.
'.s le, nl , but In I sent the sfimi team that bus nniiemed
Clark: Sammy I bete in rati . agniu-t II" inesljurg and fai'ed te pace the forfeit money hi thi!
n.'istern Ilnsketball League, but the
leadeis run into their toughest sched
ule this week when they p'ny nwny nt
Trenten and meet the Camden cham
pions en the home fleer en Sntiirdny
evening. If thej inn get nwny with
two victmies, they will he practically
nssured of the first -half flag.
The second division teams nre grad
ually pulling together, and (lermnii (lermnii
tewn. Ceafi sville nnd l'liilailelphia all
played better ball last week. Net that
thej turned in a large percentage of
victories, for nil le-t two games ex
cept when (ieruinntewn tuckled I'hiln
(ielphiii, and then some one had te win,
the ISennis thin getting the decision.
Manager M ers, of I'liiladelphia, has
pu ked up a line center man in Davey
Havies, of Homestead, and when lie gets
into the name will plug up n most
nele. lie will take the place of
Kletz. The latter is no center, bu
should pieve his worth ns a substitute
nt guurd.
Nothing Doing, Says HcnnU
Nut Ilelman. of (Jerinantewn, is the
nie-t -talked of basketball player today.
Several tennis have been lifter him, nnd
en Sntiirdiiv evening .loe Man., of
Trenten, jeuincjeil lieic te purchase him
fiiuii Dave lietmis but the local leader
sii.n no. Ilelman can play eitlier for fer
wi'ml or guard and when the (5's. with
their nnelint nirav of hasbeens, get
weiking tegetliei the ethers will have
ti. -it up nml take notice.
Had Ti'titmi -ecured the wlr.nnl of
the cage, the gri'iiti-t shot from the foul
line the game ha- ever produced, he
would have been opposed te them te-
i morrow c cuing, (icrmitntnwn is due te
I win u 'urge percentage of games from
' new en. judging by the work of Inst
I cek.
Tienten has n bard "nine with Itead-
I ing en 'Friday, nnd pcrlinps it wanted
li. 'iiuiii te take the plaie of I-.ilili.
I White, who is in bad shniie. Itut llur-
I l..n will in nil prebnbilit.N return this
weik. ns the suspension of a inenlh will
be up nnd there is net a magnate who is
n. .t willing tint he get back. He must
tn-t turn our te Iteferee Itnetzel the
iO. fine imposed upon him.
Slate League Out of Commission
. Again it appeal-, ns if the State
' League Is out of organized busketbnll,
I but it new turns out thnt in icalitj it
was never in it us it mis as jei
Here's a Cage Recerd That
Could Only Be Made Here
Thr l'tillnilrlplilii linskrlbnlt Hie. with
Imnliiuurlrrs nt Musical 1'iinit Hull, mm
it rrreril thnt weiilil lie hunt In Uuiillnitv
In nn ill) hut I'lillndrliilitii. ter rtre
mune fn thr liiHt twn ers the lernls Im.e
' ' ! en Hie Ions end. In nt least olio
renpect. ,
i.i i'itv lealcst liiNt si-iiNiin e"'l nil
lliose m fiu- this cir, jrnnni:rrfr'
riBe nrtl.ln lime Ims-ii prnullziMl coiislilrf ceiislilrf
nhl mere In rririird te fonts feniiulllnl
Hum tlie tlvlMne twin. The rules sn If
there Is iniv ileulit li the ilml of Hie of ef
llrl.ll the lnllerK slmll lmve the henellt
nf Hip ilimlit. nml lliey are cerlnlnlr In
form wlirn at Muslr.il 1'unil Hull. hr
net iiruettee this stunt nt Ke.nllng or
Trenten for it ilianne?
ICnstern nnd New Yerk Htetc Lenguc.
The trouble nil arose ever playing Dec
Neuninn bv Wilkes-Harre. Trenten H
perfectly willing te give Neuninn te the
llarens. hut he ennnnt play with
I'nrkesbiirg nt the same time.
President fcheffcr says that lie will
net stand for tills nnd hns se tfetilled,
Tem llieslinm. Ne big league club is
allowed te compete with the Ironworkers
nor any individual pUer nt nnv time,
under penalty of suspension. If llkcs-
Harre wants .veuuinn it i-un nuc
him. despite the fact tlint lem .iin
leavy was icleased outright nml there
was' no such thing ns a trade Involved.
The eastern innguntes are willing te
concede this te keep the commission
alive, but will never consent te him
plnving with rnrkesburg
President Marty McDonough has
wiled thnt he hopes thnt the cninmis
sinn will net be dissolved and the Htntc
I,eii"ue has nhe sent the sr.ine word,
but "from nil nppenmnces the enstern
nnd New Yerk circuits will lie the only
purties te the ngi cement. If such turns
out te be the ense, it is te be regretted,
ns the commission has proved a been te
the sport.
M'Kenzie and Siddall, Southern;
Kerr, of Central, Are
llrewn Preparatory Scheel will put
n flrst-clasi bnsketbnll team en tl.f
fleer this sensen. The ltrewn llne-ui
includes ninny players from et In r
schools, with Cnntaln McKenzle. for-
, merly of Southern, forward ; Slihln'l,
Southern High, guard; Kerr, nf Cen
tral High, ferwnrd, nnd Perry, MM
nnd Mntlack. of 'lit own Prep.
Hldsdnle. former basketball, basebnll
i nnd fcetball player. Is new coaching
i the team, (irnnt, who halls from Sweet
Petate III1'. Pa., is a candidate for
ferwnrd. (.thorn trying for places In
clude IlnlThcrg. Mili'deck. Hescnberg,
Fredericks, Davis, Agcr. Macl.nurren,
Andiews, Sullivan and I.utkN. Mnn
nger .lelin Perry has arrnnged n very
attractive schedule of games.
The Ilrnwnies open their season with
the Pcnn Freshmen quintet nt Penn en
Wednesday. Then comes the contest
with Hahnemann College ou Fiidnj .
Other big games en the schedule nre
with Ilnddenfield High. Palmyra High,
Norilstewn High, Swnithuiere Pi eps,
St. Jeseph's Pieps, Colllngsweod High
nnd Temple Preps. The tinal game will
be Manli 1(1 with l'erkiemeii lit Pciius
burg. (iennanfewn's Ilig Schedule
(lerinniitewn Acudeiny will have a
task te upheld the reputation made by
the teams in the Inst two years. Basket
ball is one of the major sport-, ut the
academy and Manager Hurdler's sched
ule of games includes contests with the
leading high and preparatory, quintets.
The season opens with West Philadel
phia High Schel en December 11.
(ieriuantewn did net le-e u game
during the last two seusens. ith live
letter men en the squad. Coach Hnneu
leeks ferwaid te another championship
quintet. Hraddeck. Dinsmore nnd con -
lev, forward nnd center, respectively, ou
last vear's "all-suburban" quintet, are
candidates. Hates, Acker nnd Artelt,
wearers of the "C," are likely regulars.
Martin nnd Sheyer nre nt present en
the injured list. Fngan, Deacon. Halle
nnd Heck nre ether nil-round athletes
frying for places en the team. A captain
lias net jet been elected.
The schedule follews:
1. e'mlwr 11 West PhlUdelpliK nt West
Drrrmtirr 17 Qcrmantewn iHkI nt er-
"jnnuay 7-rrlen.1s' Ccntrnl nt mends'
'''jluuiirv 11 ll-irliv Itlsh .""m"nI,.""
Jiinuuri- H Upper Uarby HlKh nt Lppir
"jniiunry 18 Tlnitner HlKh nt Oer-riiritnnn
Jn..unrv 21 Itldlci- rnrk Illsh At Oerrnan-
.Innjnrv 2S St. l.ukc'n Scheel at Wnjne.
Jnnu.irv 28 Chestnut HIU nt derinan-
'"""iiruary 2 Frankford HlKh nt Trnnk
Ki'hrunry 4 Wenennh Mllltnrj- at Ocr-
m'Keliruarv R Bttnrthmere Prep ut Ormnn
reiiruary 11 Hnverferd Trep at Ocrm.in
KnbruHTv IS Tome Scheel (eenlnB) lit
Pert Depert. Md r..i.' ..'
Fi'liruar !: l.crmnntewn Trlend. nt
Oermnntewn HlEh Scroel a.i,i -
Mtrch I WllintiiBten rrlends' Scheel at
All-Star Candidates Stand OutJVitheut Argument, Says
liiccWillard, 320 Pounds, Won't Leave Much
Punch-Roem for Dempsey
'Well, well!" Ihc judge taM, gasing out
.Id 0.11. MC courtroom n .ihi,,
"He, Imly, you want your release
1'rem thii Icnighicd hene:
On what grmtmU de you seek te jump
The contract you have swncdT
Wheuat the lady countered iincfc
As harshly she opined
"ll'.icn thii core came te me he sa'.d he
had n big league job;
He said two sriilics had labeled him an
other Tyrus Cobb;
Rut (M (i playir he has shown but one
sign up te date
There ain't nobody livin' that can drive
him jiem the plate. '
the trembling
talc or Ilarvnrd should go west with
out a return gnnie.
Most of the conference institutions
In the west arc as large ni, or larger
than, most of the leading Institutions
in the east. Mnny of them run from
fiUOO te 8000 students.
judge loehed en
. With minder in An eye.
He you ic the old .800 lyd
'wen jniin urie.. te picf
This lady here gets her decree,
And jer a deeper hurt
i sentence you time months te cat
Rrcad puddiny for dissert.
THl.HK is one general sentiment,
nnent this nil -stnr nftcrmatli-Mhe
same being thnt lleeige (iipp, of Notre
Dame, is the gi cutest back in the coun ceun
trj, and Simile.. Keck, of Princeton,
in the greatest ferwaid. Heyend that
the scriinuiiiging gets mere and mere
verbal. ,
TIIKIli: is n rumor that .lcs "Wlllanl
new weighs :1!0 pounds. If this is
true Dempsey will lmve only a nnci
of the ling te weil; in. with hnrdb
loom enough te start a punch. In fact,
there may be no loom nt ull lu tnc
ring for Dempsey.
TDK great mernl wave that wns te
fellow the war hns nrrlved, with
thrown bnll gnmes nnd shipping benrd
graft lending the parade. And there
nre ether parnders of equal high moral
ANY ONK who believes that the med .
cm game of foetbnll has grown
spongy nml effete evidently didn't s,.,.
the Harvard-Princeton, Ynle-Prince
ten or Army -Navy gnmes, among n fcw
WHIM-: n number of critics hne
ranked Dartmouth above Syracuse
the final score Syracuse, 10; Dart'
mouth. 0 Is all the answer thnt Si in
use cares te make, according te one
of her graduates. Which Is no fni..
1 repartee, at that.
CoeirieM. 1010. An rights reserved
Standings and Schedules
of Dashethall Leagues
i i . 'i-t f.'ii'l i I'Weight. will
I ,- i -t . n-ti t ti i xhih tint!
It' " nnd Tail llutt-
. ' 'I g fi'll'lle We'g'it . W ill
-'. v t". It id'I. l'l'geiald.
hand- of Ticasiirer Scheffer, us has the
nendlnsr. .
Trenten. .
Camden. .
r-iru i,i:aei;k
v. . u p.c. w t. p.c
ti 1 line r. rmint'n a C. .R31
H 2 Slifl Ptilliul.'l I '! H .200
0 4 1.00 I'eatesvl'e 1 S .111
Tills Week's Schedule
Tnn.y,,phllncl thli Bt Cnatesvllle.
Til sd.n Tn-nii.ti i' Oermantewn.
Wi-dn,-Mli '..' "' i' Jt Camden.
rilili, lli'iiilinir .t In-ninn.
K.iturd..y OTin.int.i mi at Philadelphia.
I'uinJ. n at It'Si.MnK
AMl'.UK AV I.i:.UK
v. i. i c vr. i-. re
lt.il.rr.rk .3 II 1 1iiriin ..12 .333
Pest '.'li... 3 O loin K.in iuiI. 1 2 331
NiitMtV. 1 '-' 1.tl .nth Club. 1 2 .S3
SIMLA.. 1 2 311 iiiiard.... 1 2 .883
Tills Weill's Siluilule
Tonight S. I II A vs. Hancock, Kay Kay
weed k V st 2(1
W'ilni'MiU Nathltv Qlrard. Fiftieth
Club s. I.OKan.
r vr.s About Scrappers
i '
Fres t -Bitten Divots en Wintry Links
- tin
r. i h n.
M Ins !
i-.l tn- . ' i
TOW thnt w
ui-hed I
Mr l.i. k Ii i K
tail; in ih.
in i 1 1 il . 1 1 1 r a
'. w tow I
. tl i r. i- .
tit. r Slue
I e id ti
ih u- our di-- mic'i ni'iti lies will doubtless be plujed
ir i. i i.. ........,:...,
mini as was. ......".. iui.-i ,,.,...-....
., ;,i. riiiile ""like is M-iling ids family in the
I tl PPII 1 llt'l' ' tl 1 i .. 1 Til i it
, , ' I nil- ili-lrnt and will prehnblv go
i j--ti
t i
en r
i m r
in '
I'lnlii'le 1. 1 i i ( iiirse-. Iii tnie ( bust
m . ' !sinit li t .1 iM.mi.i.ti. ilnvv e fbere I hi. Wilnr
lilltenes I ,," ...,. ............ .... -.
l ne i.'iui'r leilli, iiii'iueiiwiiij , ieuiii
i .
It d Milium-'
i -n f'har!f t.
r HI i '
n in Am' r
. ' nurn i
i.. llii n . ..in.,
uilh li urui.-
. 1
I. in
Yeu Aute Knew
I mi negre liH.t . ., elulitM Md N .. k ltd
- .. -p i ri ins I .trtners . f
It. i i I i k I ft tisy w HI h x
- -i i. ' 1'r.i.iiin I . it p
. u- ti S' . rk ! nil, r 1 1
It U ef '' ' -lennes
unf d P ni- ' ' '
and h. r. i.
mav 1.. .J.ir .i, i i
twt-nt fi ur ii
eu'i . H i f l r . '
OIHH--- "f Cl I '
n -' c I'h
In.nt'-i-.ed In t . h
11. f.iri" r. ni e i .' i
off th. vn itei r ii .
b.t vs. n l hi rn; i'
ta.'h tii ml", fr ni
the calil. Hupp .-'s
h .id i rmn v ' !. !.
held the hi i I i '1 .
blunt m !' i" r I'l
bi.. k nt 0 t. i i - !
rtlm until tin. i . i-
nff ih.. had ra.a.
T l-s
i IMIIhim. v. I he d '
-n m it tl Au . ''i-ium
. rt - - ' Hi-. M 1 1 -n
lit I- -ih 'i.,l ,r i t turn r -
.". .it- l.i 1 li I'm
1' i I' .i - I' 'I' . 1.1 . Ii IKri .-
- ...r l!j-v t Jim i D.iivr i
. . . . . I .. . ..... B.- .
- i my
Hr .
w iiiu.
iiriii ,
i i.i
'I i
.. I . ,
inn .
n t'
s r i-m i
. .r Hi tiaie.
rli.i.t V njfiK .i
x In ui tl r 'i-'t n
- J.--) M.i' - i'l tl
i K
II mini.
(i Maru
i- ii n t. i with. .ut a wenk-
the wn I.nirj 1'iueii. l'o-ten
ii.-. nlii. It i-ke. I'ateu was
I'.uii,. ' en ttnr ii the eiin'ifv iiiu round
I en nt tlui t it'i i il epi 'i tin- .1 itr in Teledo.
I', nl ! hit- a- I ii it a l.till off the lee
n- am of thi in. .las thi best Iren shot
I nu i mi- en. can sink putts fnun
an. Hen and bn- an him! dispe-itiun
for go". '
.That - tl.e nar 1'iiti n. who wns un
pep i n"l fnun w.it.l.ug I'uike, sabl
Hit l n-e li.lltid- li'l'l liUlke jll-t (ibeilt
pini'd il In lii'-nttg ii. tlie bi -t -core
nf tin i lii-su-t ti 'd thnt i Ver feiiipi'teil
.i t ii I' S npiii. till Mes-rs Vnrden
li'el Itn i iiinei.g ethi r-. n ei e lii-iil !
ICiiNnl Here
I'uike i- het" in rniuiin iinlil Clirist-
j mn- IP- wn- rai-n nn I'liiiuueipiiia
'eiii-i', tl.e igh h" i- tun. tlie pre at
I It- i.., t I III' I'lllll lllul I ellllll i mn, -.u i inn,
,i ihnnv A ii u
lie has wen Ills -tutu open title with
Diil.nen . ,
r net p.
Ilaldw-ln .
W. I.
3 0
J 1
2 1
2 1
Hur. Kkd.
in Klec
ii- P.
w. r.
1 2
0 2
0 3
This MVik's sdirdiile
Tufsdaj- Ilarntt u'ruH rerr) ih. IJar
rett (rninkfiirrtl Pudl . Ilaldwln.
Thjrmlij n. l-1-..'i m General ITlectrlc.
Uelnun s Miniit(ii'
en v c(ii.i.i:(.n i.Kini'j:
V .una
J.i" l.rnn
and .
,, - niilii.'ii-nu i., i...i. l i. I-
;S lj, e tliai th" miilr i ii"' . 'h In t e
. 'H . he'e Tt n..l ti 1'iJ - -r.-k ' ' i
K fill. Hi" mrrdr1V"r -." ,e1- .m nl f
Ui m h.J.ind llin bi." k ..f 'In .r i en. r ut ' . ., '
fril'i J 1 renined liv li'n.'.s- i I n i
Hfl.l'fi ".": ?"'. '".'".'"v ':",'' 1. !:..'- '.:
bleik UPHHI'I
rullen ecur.
,i Un in-r ui II' si-..i
k is nt . i' ntf ir .'iir
it i .'rut u? a. I 4-in t . t
III. Ill.-M .link uf. l ,.
lilt I h l - f If W'u. 1
:h i I p n i i I I. n ir
, ! t n. I . fr ! n
(ur fully rleMhlnK tilts
b i .- II i, ill I II I il. Hi m
Ii I' i t 1. r . . th
H I it r . Ju th. ' - ir
rt Is In mint. 1 'lit t i li )
... inn.r nil.. In rriip-r n il and I r 'in
in-alr cu.hlen for Hie out -r main I. an
off any oil en llrea wl h cotton waale unk. d
In iruenllne Hh.ii Uif urea nre .11 Iran
nnd All c iicka (li"l ru' c iiHt-.nL. our tne
SS.Ide ..f h. fire. ' lli puame
HI rubber mid keep off dirt and oil.
If jeujri' tli
way fiem 'I w
th car t.inl
Mlteela and i in
Works, Mk I"
from r-HUnlne ih
te ei er the tit
and nbraalein .
with a B'i"d te.
-I. nut of 111 Hi
about twe-thli 1
Twe In, at tfexerH. whoa.
r 'u
Muue of tlie lowest -cores ever iniKle in
in the plav has lini-heil second anil
third respect i el v In the American,
V..lv'v.;!..",,L-rr?.k" CniiitilMiii ami Wi -ii'in eiieii eveiitN.
i . r m..i. .Mam,.- nnd. tliniich little known in enstern,
i,r Mr. in. a ninlilu. la reiiiie t it h n . he i- n i n"iil.i d us one of
the best plnjlhg pin- 111 the liuMuess.
All of whli h would make Hurke'.s I
npp'-nriiiiec 011 b nl links of mine tliiiu
l.a-iitig mlire-l II is te lie be(ii'd thnt
lie run be puled up with Chailie I luff- !
... h nl... ii I Mi 1 1., ilnl uli i.i liri.il elit nf I
' i . J II n-l. ,
i, ,., i ,i.i i . i
M.llt - lltihlrr.
1. Il 1 - H l - I
if'r I- nt - -I it i ompilitten
l.ulel lliriil.. a H"rneh f athi rvrelht haa
I.nt IV- . 1. i't M r. r .ilnllitf In thin I eun
ii . v . 1 n. i I i'h handily
niiiUi'siiiuiablv be our national open
chiini'iieii but for the Hi.Nth hole nt
Teledo which was 11 "Jenah" that i e-t
bun -' ii-ii full strokes en Ted lim . who
wen the i huinplnnahlp when he ue-ed
out I'.uil.e, Vaiileti, Diegil ami lluich-in-iui
by u -tieke.
The sixth bole ut Inverness bus n
bump out from the tee. lluike began
te hit thi- wuh bin driven, em li tune up,
nml bi'L'.iii te think he couldn't avoid it.
lie tlpui began getting into all kinds
of dillieiillles en the hole, with the
rct-illl that his tetnl for this huh , in the
four leuiuls wns IP stroke- agaiiint
12 for K.ij.
Iturke is enn of the most popular, us
well ns ipcrt, pros ever lurned out of
Philude'phla links. His il-il lieic i
i like old huine week out ill tne inns.
lint, one sniMkiT entiTlalni-d at the nieit-
1i it .,f il Winter Stele I.iMuue li-t link
M'dnnrd I Stvlen world's ilumpl u mara-
I ih.m bi f-r, nieilid nu Intrerlu linn and his
n,i wn.l Id U WUH JUt i.l.e H erh, hut
I it a still Keln BtrenK Mien the (lrt may
MIT ikH 01 iiauil Ul'lmr.' "ii ."" t...iiun
(.i.Ua ill, ill., ntatcment nn(f mere that
t. nil ii'it ilunk his itiaruilmn wi.rk en thu
.nki had anvihlnit te du with liln h"cilc
,1, Wm, the list wimen. Stv . is a eriia
tile aihli't' H" ',1es hexlni; uii'l h.iu a
nnv en. alri'l .liir.u lie put en the "neur
Un ' th,- nihi r day te pnm hla iuu
IU I'-ni y ,
.. .. . ? '' I'1' w- '' r-c
llnhnem'n 2 e l i.eu Tmiil . 1 2 .333
ri.t.npe'v 2 1 l'H7 li.'litals . 0 2 .000
I'liarmacy 1 1 '." i
This Uii'l,', rJiidiilA
Thursday m. m, .v is Hahnemnnn.
OsiMipathv ih I'hl ml lib D-nmli.
r,i:uiANT(iM. Aim.iiTir i,i:.(ii'i.
n ' i' '" w. ij p.c.
Tilnliy I. r. i -:n i ,, p j, 4 ;, 7i
Stetann M .'i 2 711 i e. n t 1. 3 I 420
Sic Pre I 3 ".71 W.Msldr J r, .107
Si James. 1 3 .'.71 llikill,-!,! I (J ,n;i
This Wuk'i, xihrdiile
Tenlcht St Jiima Wcatalde, Second
Preiitivlnrlan is n-.i ,, ip.,!!),
Friday Cem nu i Wakeflrld. Trinity
I.uth ran in i:.i.i r..l - I'reshjlerlan.
Palm.T.i Plays Gloucestcr
Palmyra High Scheel opens the bas
ketball ' sensen In the game with
(ileuce.ster High Scheel nt Pa'myra to
morrow afternoon. Palin.wn is couched
In- l.'rnnk 11. Tern- of this citv. Cap
tain Ilewml Shlpps, Marvin Hurr and
.Iraue 51 ers are the .etcrans. Tlie
likely looking caiuliunies inciiiue
(ieorge Shlpps, Lester Wnincr, I.llwoed
Ileephncr, (.illbcrt Palphieiuan and
Williuin (linlinin.
Captain Shlpps arranged tlie sched
ule. The list includes gnmes with Col Cel Col
llngseood, Atlantic City. Hadden
Heights. 'Wilmington High. Hrmvn
1'ieps, Moorestown I'liriids, Mt. Helly,
lladdenlleld nnd Norilstewn High. It
wl'l be a hurd sensen of games for
The games arranged te date by Man
ager Shlpps nre :
December 7 Oleuremer
Hliih. nt Pal-
10 Muurcatnnn l'rienils', ut
nt Hadden
ri.NAM'iu. M-aiH'is
W. I. 1' C w i Tl (-
Nnrthweat S 0 luil) nir.iril . S (I S78
Phil Nat 7 1 .K7r, f.nn Pe 2 II .230
Ith Kl N. 4 I r..iil i'l.i'i, Tr. 2 0 2.1(1
Ked. Ilea I I .nil I. n tl lal 2 IJ .250
w. i. p i w. j p r
St Paul I e 1 mn m Andr'a 0 1 000
CrcHtiTt 1 u 1 eun Mt i r'n e 1 imii
M jorrstewn
Dicember 14 Hadden ll.lKlit.,
December 17 ltrewn I'repK. nt Palmyrn.
January 7 WllmliiKlen HlKh, at Wll Wll
mlnsten. January 11 JtoereaUiwn I'rh nda High,
at l'nltm rn
Jniiuaty lu Norriwlewn HUh. at Ndrrln
tnwn. Jai.-jary 2.1 Hadden lI.lnlH.. at Pal
myra January 2s Atlantic City, nt Atlantic
Feliru-ity 4 ('olllnKsweod HIkIi at Ool Oel Ool
llnitHMeod. r.-bru.ir s Mount Helly HU-h. ,,t Pal
mira. i-Vbruary 1!i Slate Normil Silioel. nt
P, bruurv 22 .Mount Hully lllnh, ut Mount
.Murrli 4- Jladilnnneld Iliuh, nt P.ilnura
Heady te Resign at Any Time If
Congress Se Desries
St. Leuis. Dec. (1. rederul Judge
Keni'-aw Mountain I.iimlis, select,.,
head of organized baseball, in an ad
dress here asserted I euld see no im
propriety in his iici opting tlie baseball
position and letaining Ills, place en the
The speaker emphasized, however,
that wheneii'i' Cengn-x iecji,., ns p,,.
sltiiin with ergimiyed baseball inter
fered with his jiidiiial duties nml iln.
inandi'd his resignation fnun the bench
he would telegraph it in Washington.
The juilst will be pie-i'iitcd with the
baseball (entrmt for his signature next
Judge Iiiindis' remarks were In un
address before the thirtv-cighth an
nual banuUL't et the Mi-seuri liar Association.
Amateur Sports
Hagglng the Main Creelis
IT MAY be nn impossible job. Then,
ngnin. it may net be. Hut If these
in charge of the destinies of prnfes prnfes
Fiennl baseball enn drag out the gam
blers who furnished the coin they wi
regain most of the faith in baseball
.!., ..ntittliml lilC. fall.
Se far only a few crooked players street
and one or two bu-li-lenguc guimm-.e
have been turned up. The main thieves
have net been sniped Per haps ) they
nre bevend range, or well fortified bnelt
of strong political protection.
Protecting creeks seems te be a lead
ing political assignment. Hut l'"0
should be some wny at lcnt te lift the
blniiki't from n few names and let the
public in en the line-up.
If the main creeks can get away with
this frame-up it won't be ycry long
before they nre slipping something el-e
pill. Archbishop Ilynn t A. has
- placed first and second class trnv
cling Icntns en the iloer. and is ,,,
ready te book games with fives nITeritii
i cnnnnble guarantees for a twe-tenm
..traction The first team is com, , f
of Duffy, former St. Jee stnr; II reee
ex -Westminster player; HrtW f,,,
merly of (lirard College; hZvTcm,
die High, nnd Nichols, former VI .
nova star. Tl.e second five lines
ltli the team which played under th
niimc of Walten A. 'a. last 'sense
i hey nre I trndy. Tracy, Weaver. I)",,
mid I.'arrel Tlie schedule Is open, nnd
teams wishing this attrncfie, "l,n,
ce.nmun cate with James Brady, lSifi
Sia1' -
rr"inK ".'onahle euarantee, J T
We'lfan8?reertr Cerl Kl-vrnth''..
Warn Juniors, h thlrt"en-feurt.n ..
.....,...". '' mbu. Oil mm Hhllmnn
It3 Weal Qorden street.
Old and New Football
DU. JOHN WII.Cl., of Ohie State,
one of the keenest foetbnll students
In Ameilcn and one of the best of
sportsmen, has the right ideu about the
new nnd tlie old gnnie.
New football, with the forward pass,
etc., against old foetbnll. with the
lushing game, comes down le nn argu
ment ns te which type of athlete the
nation or the game should develop.
"Is it better," suggests Dr. Wilre.
"te put a premium en tlie big husky
tipe or te put n premium en tlie faster,
mere alert tipe fa-ter both mentnll
nnd ph.iHicnll.v?"
There is practically only one nnswer
There were lightwciglit sturs, nf
course, under the old game. Hut net
i cry many of them. Weight is still n
big' factor tedav, but net unless it enn
carr.i it-elf net unless it is mere alert
and active than it had te be in the old
The forward pass hns put a big
premium upon speed of feet, arm nnd
liiain. It hns made a better game of
football en this account, for while the
eldtimcrs niai lave the old -fashioned
game of football was pretly peer sport
from tee man angles.
Intersecllenal (.nines
PUINCDTON'S home-aiid-heine ar
rangement with Chicago Is the first
of its sort in maiiv years the first of
its -urt en record by a Princeton, Yule
or Harvard team.
lt'ls tlie enl.i arrangement te he con
sidered in an intersretinnal match
There is no mere reason uhy Ohie
State or Illinois should come east than
Aml'rW.rslreel C-J. 'n
ANiune Club would llkn te hear from
d" .ST"" effrnB reaaenablc ' In
.lee. rnen.a. llebert Armslteng. 2231 Cairn
Bcend-cnaH teams ralnB fair euarante.
D. illtrclun, .112 Drewn street.
Honecntho Ciideta. seceml-claas 'traiel
five, ivnnta camea with teams of Its
Juiiies J. Hamill. 2. 10 Cidar slriit
St. VrnncN Xmter'a Jlllltnry Itand r
would lllte te book Knmea with thin1
trim llns five. iuaeph JI, Cellins. -
iseriii leriuinian nicnue.
The Slnrr (inrilen Jmilera la di -u
of hoeklne fourleen-alxtecn-jeai-eld t
Knmea te be pl.icd nt thM Start (1 1
Hi creation Center SeieMh and I,i ti
alrceta. Antheny Ilalme. phone Iaicu-'
flild Havana Cjpai
Y. M.
H. A. Play3 Wlnnlna Bnll
The W.-st Hr.itnli V M ii , i,.,,,!;,.,.
bull tl'UIll Is m'lltlu; lllnni; nt a rupld ium ,
huiliis- wen Its tlrst tli. t'Min. itn uni. '
Tin Pain ns It lim s up m pri-snt nui
Hlstrt of Klrsclunr and Hadnnr lit ftini'iiril
Max ll.-'h.-r, ,. nter. and Hurl, n, ,,,!'..
and ItUKll lla.k. at tual I , -,t inin, h
has a nurn. t. iw nhlih , j, teln:
pes-sl of firmer hi lii.lasiu i ' , rs ,. ,
maniitreinent l desu .ua if arrunKuiK tim..
with Taiuauui Mi-illa DeHnliiKtuun Na
tlilt and ether ili-i 1 ism i,,.,,,,. ,. ,,... ,,,.
ferine rennenabl, Kuauimeea A ldr s s
MalwlH 11721 l.ir hi.ul ni tun
J y, I'l.itt nnd (Iwirue lloffner ba ked up
luiiil ainilinint at the mietlnu ;iKiln..l the
urm.". nlH of tha Wiatern 'le'f Ansur'atlen
II tTnei sutnmel It up wlun In. said the
nii.n nt waa net prupltiuua fur auch a
ihuiise. ,
were U--d
1 te liave
been kt . in 1 i ut are nuttlnu en btic IkiviIh
a I niH'e Kli KM, ion
stellar t ti n k . ugiiinst u couple
I 'h
Willi., na r s
lhi one ettl'l"
lat.ll lv t
h ' il .He i li
i r.ji. I Ml
ei ii l'tiiuv saya ha ivaii net
1 i Utu ii HubiiiHun at At-
l' - J-K .1 J I I I'llllllpH l.enleH
nc-y put him away at i'um-
Edwards te Lead Case
( Ir lelMlid riir fl w W Kdwarda win
at nla ni '--I ap' t h t aae feet
ball team for lU2t Fd aida pViyed cell
ter en liut tar eleven.
Miniliifs of Ihe rlinmphiniihiii li nnsvlvani.i
ll team WI1U lia.O Ifi'll II1UI1T1IIK
iiliuul 11 ii III he Kla.i te snow tnai meuaia
are new In tie' I'
and will b" short!
ireiesa of in inn atrucK en
y presented te the team.
udelphin slur niiiaieuis siuh us J. Weed
Piatt and (iieige llelfner, wlie make a
lery ititrnnte aiuuteur pair te beat.
Many ether amateur pre enjiililnu-
tiell- Could be glllt.'U UP, Willi Illllke IIH
tlie lemliiig atti in tien of course Sonii Senii Sonii
ef the cliibN which hnve net vet closed
their grtt'iis for the seu .en would iiiuke i Alee Smith, a f meua nre who haa been
geed arena f. r the acUen Th. se are "-tf'Vieuea f,1. "an!!' SH dteV tS!
being fcuneusly ceunideted and seme ' m, da dutkn there.
Mra. .11. II. Smith. North I f 11 Ih. la the first
nf iln fin mine idarr of the lei at llnka
ti lk up inie ueiiari ler wiiier luiiy in
th. s.nith Mra
lust week
Smlih left for Jlellealre
I tne name or tins lumnui 0 cent
i. ASf1 i. ". '." rl."h.' n"m" for " ,no herauae
It IS hlKh-tened In nery r.Bpci t -uualllv
flavor. areia tierkinaiiB.iln. And leu will
nnd every ene alike '
Jut auch quality na ou efi n nnv in
renta for Hlflll T'lNIUi la , b aatiV
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our aalea lnereaaer i un jur
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mumiay i:vr..i.N(i, iii.ti:Miii:u e
Earl Hart-nnn v. Bud Fitzgerald
Sammy Merrit vs. Darney Riley
Frnnlcie Clark v. Max Green
O'Dewd vs. Rawlins
SeatM en aale jiew Hetel Walten buffet
Ilread and l.eeunt Hts Ileiiulnr iirlces'
TTUPI? KsV'? 9k-----
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AtDinlltllM . STH A lllteivv
n i:hivv i:m:mn(, t "in
MVKT1 MM. is IIAMi lltl.livinv
HALI'II lUYMOMlis ll()ll .tI,i,-,
tl OTIICK 1,11011 ItlHT!. '
yt Qfarztjtf fur
Ing 'tT,!:'!'1" ""'I pnyH fP men w,t" KnBlnecrlnB train
ami fin ,n ,U'eilcJ l0 ,llrect I'roductlen. piometo i.U
s riot m n?' "ecume Iltlena ns well na In deslBiilnf. con cen
btriictlnti and resent ch work.
inntlcl" .'!!!'m?ie1"1 lTTM i0 BUCCf,ss '" '':"Bl-0''l.B Is Motha Metha
.?,M, eT, K. St l,y th0 nrex"' metll0l "t Action T.alnlng.
rimer than l,y general lecturca te oier-crewdcl clnpaes. Action
? m" .B B, ""' V " b,K HUCCt,,'i et thu lJ''-'l nvenli.B cou.bes
In Mathematles leiullng te
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