Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 04, 1920, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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X ' ' ,
' 0,-
Visiting State Executives Are
I Entertained at Luncheon.
500 Attend
V ere ,
I'm 5 I
,' tli.''
This Is it day of bis jubilation in
.Chester, which closed down for lei-i
ncss nnd extended a heatt.v creel int: te
Koverners from nearly all part" of the
United States.
The visitinp executives v ere tln
fcucMs of the cltv and ioeiiinr Spnuil
nnd entertainment has been emu del
Inte every minute of their t:iv.
The town has been tiniisfni'iucd into
a veritable fairyland of rtnn- I" nddi
tien te dlpplavlnc the Star" and Stripes
many of the busiti"ss men have ailnrnc I
their establishments with tin- llacs f ,
me various smies.
On their arrival at ( 'hotter this mom
ini; tlie Roverner. Majer Moere and
ether state nfrii'lnls were srcelecl lit
Ooverner Sproul and Mayer Itnmsev, of
Chester. They vvcie thru taken in ant''
Mobiles te the Sixth Hemment Aimeiv. !
where there was a luncheon in li 'tmr "f
the visiting executives Mere tlrm "'il
eitlzcns of Chester also attended mi '
helped in handlni: ever the l;e)s of the
city te the guests. ,
Attend Cornerstone Iiyht;:
A vigorous band, which plstved se
lectiens known n favorite- in tin t'ii
represented, added iV the f.ur.a!
The governors barilv had time i
pePt their luiiohten befeie llie
hustled off te the ceici'innir- att
the laxine of the cornerstone i
Masonic Temple
After the corner-Mone Inyiiis the iit
im exeeiitivei were tnki i te old (t
Hall. This buildinc n- old a- tin- ntv
of Chester itself, recently was lc-mml-led
through the generosity of tioverner
Sproul. This afternoon the !ivcrner
returned the hall te the iitv. The ie
turn of the structure was marked bv
Impressive ceremonies at wliiili ad
dresses were made bv llmi'tnur Sproul,
Mayer Hatnsey and ether
.Many DIstlnKubilicd Ouests
After these ceremonies were tn I ide 1
the Kaests. headeil bv a pinto .f
mounted cadets of the Peunsvlvntii.i
Militar Acadeni). were ince-ul te
Lapidea. the Iieine of Ceverrmr Sproul,
where dinner wa-- served.
The distinguished cnc-t vvrte bond bend
ed b.V Vice Preficlcnt-ehs t CoelnlRe
nnd Mrs. Cneiulee. (ioveruer and Mr-.
Ilenrv .1. Allen, of Kansas; ,..vertmr
arid Mis. O. II Si'lieun, of Colerado'
Ooverner and Mrs peter Noiheilx. of (
Seuth Dakota ; fiovcrner nnd Mrs.
Themas Campbell, Ariena : (ievenim ,
nnd Mrs. C,m V. Milligun. Maine.
Governer Itcnjnmni Olentt. Oregon ; ,
Governer V. I,. Ilardms levv.i: (!ev
ernnr S. H MeKelvie. Nchraskn. audi
Governer James (!. Tounsend, Pel.i- I
vare. I
State nielils Are Hulvvarh
Governer ('oelitic believes the right
of t-tates for individual state govern- I
ment is a fundamental pr iviien of the I
constitution and that it is the bulwark
of the power of th" I'nited States.
He expressed hts lie'iel nt the Hello Helle
vilp -Stratford hist night where he nnd
the governors nnd governors -elect werei
banqueted by the city.
"The states nr the sheet anchors of
American institu'iei's," snnl (ii.ven.n-,
Coolidge. '"I was lnseh interested in
the discussion at vestercliiy s sessions e;
the governors' conference, of the im
portance of maintaining tin- states in
all their integrity. We need them as
educational institutions te provide th"
administration of leeai justice, te leek
after the police powers of the vntleti
localities, because thev aie loure-
i-entative of tlie institutions of nen'
relf-gevernmeut v Inch is the feimda-
tien of all our liberties.
btates Cleser Today l
"Seme even might go se far us te '
say that n long a- we niaii'tiln that i
institution, national government nniil1
go out of existent e, anil vet tlie -t uti
could go en providing for the vve'fnn .
of all its inhabitants.
"This right has been getting uvvav i
from us somewhat ten tar. although icir
territory lias increased gte.itlv smie
the duvs of the origin:!' uenies. In
these days it was ligurd that em most
distant states were bur thntn'ii il.iv
from the center of n.ite nel govern
went. Yet, (nmp.irativi v . , iir teiri teiri
tery is net as large , m r ! ilnvs of
the adoption of tlie I'nit.il St it - r.iu r.iu
stitutien. Te reai h W,ihincten is new
only a matter of a few munjii-. hv teU
pheue or telegrnpli fie'n iln- failhe-t
htatc. The te.i!t i tint vvl,atvci n
taking place in one state i. tVlt all
through tlie nation and tlie enintu
pressure of publie onmen is stir 'i i ti.-ir
Congress usual v nts t' r what it 1 1 -lleves.
is the welfare of nil the states. '
Jv jMW
I 1 ,y 4
ji -r , 4I
Fermer President of Marine
Company Denies Substitution
of Material Was Illegal
.'isri'lai.v of .J.ilie I,, ll.inmn. OM.i-
In in. i inlllien.iiie ,ind peliii(lat),
who died f M in (he elicit of a pKtnl
shut shr is ,k (used of lit in;
Prosecutor of Clara Smith,
Sought for Killing Hamen,
te Stay en Jeb
H.v the sinri.ited l'rcs
Aithnere. Olihi.. I)n'. 1 The proba
ble appointer nt nf ! pis ml iirnseenler
te preeecil after .l.'inu.irv I against Miss
t'ltirn Smith, new Im inr wiiMv enght
in cotinei-tien with the s' nutitnf liere two
weel age of duke I. Ilnnien. took rhief
prominence in t'n- rv tediv It was
nntieiini I'd hv ('lar- A i'eiMiv, livv
paitnr of ,T If Millie-, iemiv nt
turnc v -eh 1 1 of A I'll i op . th 1 1 t' lii m
h id lw en i mple' e. t.i ib fee ' Mi- v litli
and that Mr ! it'n : - vv mM i 'i.ei 'lei
frit Ku-sill lSievvti. tei iit i ill at
tnie , lie n"'in'tte 1 t eit'i;e in
i Iri-ue of the e'l-e for t' -nti
-i it 'ii"til
Mr M own
"ti t - in the
rive Philadelphliins, two of them
dVudlls of the Ihuergenc.v I lect
(' " I'ointien, nnd tlie ether thiee inem
hers of a concern holding contracts with
the corporation, have been indicted for
.l'Vged Irregularities in tilling the con
I .ids.
Tin tnen were indicted hv the I'edernl
iii'i'l inr.v .vi-lciiliiv . Asl.tnut I'niteil
Mali- District Attorney Walnut press-in-
the charges. The accused men are
' 'Iph I.nvell. former clilef engineer of
ti linieal division of the licet cor cer
. i. it ion ; William Itin'linghain, feinier
i-'iint chief, and William M. I)h
'i, (leeige Mct'ann. dr.. and W. .lelin
liiihree. who wete connected with the
liitine Decking and Supply Ce., Chest
nut -aiect near Tenth.
D"pite the indictments. Mr Delison,
wlin no longer is p'l-idcnt of the murine
i Hii'i.'inv, -aid teilnv that there vva.s
ii ii! nig ill' gal in theefTen-e with whii li
' i- ihii.-ed. that of substituting iron
.t'vi- for bra-s one- in ash ejectors
v'ali I. is ceiiipnnv furni-hed the gov gev
. "i i. nt en a SlMUMHI i entiai t.
The -iih-liiutien wa- iimde, lie said.
ift'i' tin- original federal order was
minted a lowing iron te he substituted
i lt,i This substitution, according
t. Mi. Walnut, saved the Miutractet.s
r..e,vi-ig Mr ("eiik'-i
a, lie nr nnnnuti! iMin it fie.
'leir tin W el'" no ili'V i 'ill
se-iii Ii for 1 1 Sniih i fir im In-1
nlfii e v lis i mi. et tied, nnd that In vv.i
Imiviiik for 1 N farm ne.i' Ai lm.ire for
i ' unting trio.
In tJi" mi :nl line the nut' '"it'cn of a
dnen r'tii of nMa1 nniii nnd T "-.!-v
ere r"d uh'ini' their ifferts te en .tuie
Il-s Siiiitl., for whom there ii a war
t.int i bursitis tissmtlt with intent te,
kill. The w'irinni wa- i nei n ft "t- the
-I'lieiiin of Haiti"'!, who was IJepitli'i
ii i natieii'il '"! it vi'ei in in from dk'ti
Imi a nrd an cten-ive oil ntieratr
Vr I'.rnvvn I"'- indicated that be wi"
i liange the i barge ng.,in-t " I i -- Smith
e one of murder in the cvi'it r In i-'
i .; lured Hanion died ten divs afier
tic beniing, wliiili liis triemls lmve
s erted wa. through the ni idental
I- liarge et a reve'ver lie wa- h lin
ing. In liis statement Mt t'liaklev denied
reports that the ih.irge- against Mi-s
-I'liith ueiil'l I" drtippi'd when Mr. '
Mather- leek etlp e as presci nter j
"The ci f n-e awaits with the iitme-t
i Ollinesllle lltlV iflnlt- til It I1IIIV II"
IClde li ielivl'1 I'l.ll'il t;J ll'l iilllll'tl
of t'ie i l,.iu'.' el bavin; ked. wi'hetit
.itapl" jiistipi'.itiiiii. .1 il.c 1 li.iinei,'
Mr Ce'.il.'i v ' -tn'etnci t -aid.
Trenten Dentist Could Net Put
Angry Spouse te Sleep
Trenten. ! I Hi- nttiiimi te
in-e d"iii' I ic iin'iii'inii' h. hv n. ti-m
mil I is fa hrc "ere .1 -si il.e.i hv Dr. i
Wn-rcnll S'ev.r a .i mi i i 'I'.i nten i
llellt'-t Wll te-"!!,1 Ill ,i- ' In 'ill' I
VC-tfll'IV 111 tie I ''!!! of C l',.'l ill
tlie -lilt of I, is VV 'e Ml- I, 'n Is'iiver,
for diven i .
As Ii' Sno ' lole i f I i- failure te
l .t hi- an-' wi'' t" -'ieti a tipp'e of
,-iiti" 'i . i e j i t' crt I'eiim.
Hev.ii.ll, I . ill! d ever h s u ife and .
l.ii'idiu: li' ' ti'iiK hv the -I eilil"r- nt- I
li i,'i . ii -t.l'i ' . I'.I of I i Ulltenail' e :
lli'ellgh I.I- I v H I c pevvi '- He ie
iimI tli. i, le i- 1 1 ; .Ii. te nliii-e Ml-.
Sti.v i r nt Im tin
M.. 1 1 i ,i .. -r .1 that I h'ul i nutietied
I - ',.1 . r . in ilevi'. Mi Aluvc- '
('ill VV I i I I W.i- I I. II J.I . w llll hnv -
v r im, ii 'e In in,. 1 1 utti nuve te In 1 i
i. . .ti . i i'.i i .e la'- I e'li -.
,11 pieMtn.lti l S.-.ll.lltll).
"Theie wete no changes en the ejec
te s ii nt I the shipping beard wrote us
'etlers niilliei'mng the change." Mr.
Delison -aid "The liange reduced the
pre c about SL'tl."
Tin gev i ; nun nl paid the original
j I ice of S.'!IHI for the whole ejectors,
Mr. Dob:.eii tliuiiuht. because no uller.i
ion in the ceiitiai't price was made
,ilti r the Mi'ves were changed. Mr.
DoliHen lives in Ardineie.
Mr Dol-eti would net discuss matter-
i 'luting te the ether men accused,
lie tcfii-ed te st'lte whether or lint, 'S
i hnrged, I.evell gut tluee shares of sfeek
in th" uiailue cenipauy and Ilui'linu'hnm
was canieil en it- p.ivre'l for ?'J."0 :i
liientli. The two ferme- federal rai
plcives nl-e weie iiidn ted en tiiese
Admiral I!en-en, chairman nf the
shipping heard, would net discuss the
cn-e, he -aid. f.ii Par of injuring the
giiveiiian nt 's i'1-e a.-aiti-t the live men.
30 States te De Represented at Con
ference in Harrlsburg Next Week
HairMiui-g. D,c 1 i lv A. 1'.-) -I"eteleis
fiein mole than tlnrtv static
vv ill im 1 1 in the stale ( '.mit ne.t Tin s
ilti) for he lirst national cunleienci of
the men in i lin i ge of tne I'eit'-tr.v ai tivi
tie- et the varieii. -tntt-. anil will be
addle ei ij Mime of the preininent fei
i-ti.v men of the leunti.v. The (onfer (enfer
elii e will hist t"f three daj-. nnd it i
e nited te give i nii'ider.llile llupetll llupetll
te the fele-tly I11IIV CHlelltM.
Cmiiiiii nun r et I'eie-tr.v (iilTeiil
I'iucliet. who lauuclied the idea of the
i mifi'it te e. will i.iitlme its u 1 1 , an I
tll'le Will lie adirc--l- llj lieVI'lllill
Siieiil and men it the stale govern
no nt. Tin commissioner will present
what l'i nunsvivania lias dune and
what is the piegram of tlie net decade.
A niitnher et i enl'ci'eiii e- have been ar
ranged in union- part- of the state en
I'm. -t iv vveik later in the month, and
will he held in l'itt-biii gh. Si ranteti and
Pheenixvillc Chemist Begins Action
for $20,000 Damages
West Chester. Vn.. D'i I Suit was
en tic in i d teilnv hv ualt'i- I'u-hke, a
i i' mi t again-t t'en-t.ilili (ieerge
( .implicit, of l'hneniw ille. and Puis .1,
Juies, pri'-ub nt "I tin1 le-evin Chenii
ill Ce.. of riieeuiw ill. , n-kiiiK .sflO. -ih'ii
damage- Irein ea h ib fend'int. ul
'ing iis-ault ,11111 illegal aiiest fur ar
i ' nj .
Sonic time tig" Vlislike. nn euipleve
of tlie Iii'sevin Ce. wa- in i " -toil nn
the i narg" of inking .1 .'i.intitv of a
certain predin t of the mnicni. He
vv.i- taken I'cfeie stni'e eini. whom he
chaiircs suhintcil lii lit te the third de-
Gvergcs Gantcr Mny Tic Made Sec After Leng Treatment,
Says Dr. Fex After Examination Arranged by
'Bishop Rhinelandcr
The vocal charm of elcvcn-venr-eldbu.st nf I)r
(icetges (Jntiter, the blind boy of thin
city who wen tlie heart of General Ni
velle, here of Verdun, en the general's
recent visit here, may lead te the ulti
mate restoration nf hhs sight.
Through the geed offices of Illshep
lthinclnnder, who was greatly Iniprcsaed
by the Incident, tlie boy wna taken to
day te the efllce of Dr. I. Webster l-'ex.
who held out hope for giving him bin
sight by long and careful treatment.
The visit of tlie boy developed sev
eral dramatic nnd touching feature.
Accompanied by hist mother and Mile.
li'terln Vlllenn, his vocal teacher nnd
accompanist, lie gave an impromptu ic
eltal in the drawing room of Dr. Km
after the examination. Tlie ringing and
tender notes of liis voice, which has en
abled him te Hiippntt liis parents tdiicc
hi- father was incapacitated after
-ervicc in France, swept downstairs
tlneiigli tlie open doers In the physi
cian's wailing room, where n score of
patients, ninny of them nlse nearly
blind, gave evidences of the liveliest
plcasiite as he sang.
Accompanied by liis teacher, he sang
the stirring "Mnrseillnlse" which se
touched (icneial Nivclle en his visit
hue that he gave him liis wrist wntcli
end then, b.v wn.v of centrnst, inter
pieteil (iedard's berceuse from "Joee "Jeee
ln." bringing tears te the ejes of his
(Jcergcs made made a "hit" with the
ph.vsiiian ns be di-eiieil topics of the
day In nn old fashioned manner and
explained hew he had acipiiied his eilii.
II.' amused laughter ns he touched a
I'ex In liis office, mid pre
neunced It n geed likeness of Geerge
"Thnt it Just my humble self, un
fortunately," said tlie doctor te
"Well," Hashed back the boy, with a
smile, "If you can de ns well for me
ns Geerge did for his country, ou will
deserve the bust."
During the test Dr. Kev told him that
lie had (lie c.ve of a inmiMer.
"Well," Mild tin boy, "1 can see
beniltlful tilings nnyway. Seme day I
hope te be nble te realize the gorgeous
red' and whites ami the pearl bines that
I can sec. As seen as I get my sghl,
I am going te see Knirnumnt I'ark. As
It Is. I can smell the trees nnd the
grass nnd 1 can picture nature." Tlie
veidlct of the ph.v.sician was accom
panied b.v a dramatic outburst from the
hnj 's mother, who expressed her grati
tude in a Heed of French phrases.
Geerges was- born blind, but, as if te
verlfv the law of compensation, lie seen
developed nn extraordinary voice. An
operation by n Trench speciali-t gave
the boy n new pupil in liis rijihl eje.
Dr. I'ex will tattoo the white spots en
his ee thnt new obscure the vision with
India ink nnd lie will wear glasses.
Later it is Imped an operation en the
left eye may lie possible te remove n
catarnit that new makes it -iglilhss.
It is believed lie will ultimately be able
te read and go about without itssi.
Geerges will sins at n iccltnl in I lit"
Academy of Music Thursday afternoon,
December !), te increase the saint ies of
the blind teachers at the I'ennsvJviinhi
Heme Teaching Society for the Illlnd.
Irish Republic Celers Fleat in
Parade, Honoring Widow of
Cerk's Lord Mayer
Heme Missionary Society Ap
proves Moere's Stand Against
Sabbath Extremists
This Is (he final dav of the Hey
Mnver Moere was again virtually
held In his altitude toward Sunday
-iivnnce when the thirtv-seventli
mini conference of th" Women's Ilenu
.vnssniitiry .-snccTv .nep en resolutions j Srnlts. ,,rve , ., SL.n.n.O00 for the
v-oiiiiiiiiein cwi ciiusin Iu ,-uiJLinill 111)-
The sessions, held in the T'nien
Methodist I'piscnpnl Church, at Twelfth
nnd Diamond streets, yesterday, saw
the final cli-i n ion of problems nt the
lil'JO confluence. Tlie resolution adopted
i- similar in tiend te these adopted bj
ether church otcani.atieiis recently.
Other resolutions adopted favored
stiiiter immigration laws and support
of the Itienk., high license law. I.acl: of
funds for carrying en the suggested
hospital extension plans was deeply de
plored by Mrs. I). It. Street, of Wash Wash
ingten, national seeietnrj of tlie
ili'iii iiuess and hospital depai tinents.
Tlie-e eilicers wete elected: Mrs. ('.
W. l'.ickle.v, president: Mr-. C. M.
I'.esvvell. Mr i. William II. retire, Mrs.
1 A. l'leciiinn, Mrs. David Dailey and
Mr-. David Kersj the, vice president;
Mrs. K. S. Huructt. treasurer; Mrs. IC.
I,, itichiitd-, ici'erding secretary, and
Mis. Se.Mueur, corresponding and field
Eryn Mawr Beats
All-Phila. Eleven
IJy the Atieeialrtl I're.ss
New Yerk. Dec. -1. Mrs. Muriel
MaeSvvltipy, widow of tiie lord tnnjnr of
Cerk, who died en n hunger strike in
Londen's UriUen prison, stepped quietly
down tlie gang plank from the big gray
liner Celtic, landing here en her long
journey te testify before the committee
of 100 investigating conditions in Ire
land. The little woman, chid in mourning,
wns accompanied b.v Miss Mary Mac
Svvlney. sister of the late lord maer,
who innde tlie journey with her.
Hundreds of men. women and chil
dren waiting te gleet tlie two women,
missed them when the arrivals appeared
from a different exit than was expcrteil.
The visitets hoarded a tnxicah and
their welcemers did net catch up '"
them until thev had gene -even blocks,
when the tnxicah was halted and the
welcemers fell in line for a parade.
A bund struck tin the Star Spangled
thinner and Iiish llcpublie nil's; cheers
were raised and tlie parade get under
wa). The paraders were mourning
bands and cnriied Hags of tlie Irish Ke
pilhlic. The parade, whh'h formed in consid
erable dimmlt:. and confusion, turned
into Fifth avenue at Twenl.v -third
stieit. There a number of labor union
bodies, bearing their union staiulaid-,
swung into line with a band.
Hundreds of women and children,
carrjlng Irish Hag,, swelled ihe
numbers with men mm clung bareheaded
vvitii them. Crpwds grrcted the proee.s preee.s proee.s
flen as it passed Fertj -second stieet,
mid throngs packed the sidewalks in tlie
vicinity of St. I'atrick'- Cathedral, at
Fiftieth street. There nearly UUO chil
dren, carrying Hags, gnetcd it. Half a
hundred automobile- were in line. At
the hotel, Mrs. MacSwiney went at once
te her apartment, and the parade ills,
Tin city ellicially welcomed Mrs.
MiioSwiuev through Grever A. Whale. i.
commissioner of plants and stiucturcs,
representing the major. Down the bay,
I I 1.'.....tli leltt ..,. ...1" ,tl "-eve
ALL TROOPS ARE ACTIVEj Yeik' and personal rcpic-cntiime of
I.aiiienn De alera. "pii-idciit el tne
Irish lepulilic," iiccetiipiinied by Oswald
Garrison Villaril, of the ceiiiiiiitt f
one hundred, met Mis. MiuSvvincv,
- i . . ,i... r'.i.: it... ,..'.. i
expansion of thp work in this city. r.,, . I , .
I'll" efforts of tlie scouts were se li,,,,,.J ,,,, the liii? stciuncr -aid
successful the lirst day thnt the total' -, MaeSwIncy icinaiiiiil in In r cabin
of the drive was brought up te up- ' much of the vevage 1 1 mil Liverpool,
pieximntely !?10l),(in(). It was estimated i Keeping te herself virtually the entile
House-te-House Canvass Swell
ing $200,000 Fund Ends
Phi Beta Kappa Greek Letter So Se
clety Holds 44th Anniversary
Wllllamibtin.. Va.. Hec. . I . Hy A.
tiJTlic IHIIi anniversary of the
fni mill g of the Fill lletft Kappa Sn
Pfh " Ide" and largest of Greek-letter
frntVni es, bteught many xislters te
WI nam and Mary College, includlns
Sir A cklnnd Geddes. Ilrit si, nmbas
sS'W: who will be initiated as a fra-
ineninnr lenigiii- i' lll,,uu w,v
Inrtiit V
..!.. nttilrviM
annuel-" . - ,, ,. ,.,.ril
ellege raiiiis e m hi ...........
In seniority
was prn-
rnin li i iiiiiii i : .. . . : i
' l...i ...i.t.initv in 1H17. but net estali-
iccii'il iiiihii""... ; , - !..-
ilshed until Hi0. and named for King
William HI tl ,J",:'n, -Mnry ?f ''m'iT1
Britain, who granted its charier. 1 lie
I'hl Heta Kappa was founded here in
Motion te Eliminate Mooted
Section Mnrln in a- . .
by Canadian
glee. Illlil Intel
here. He all'!
I lie epi'Ol llltlllv
liiing inipi i"tn
was taken t"
he n -i ill te pi isen !
e he wa- deprived et
te prneiite bail. After
d for .r vei nl da.Vs he I
Pliei'tmi ille nnd ills
nig I
e. fe
i for.
if ev lib te e
( 'lull les II
ir a liear-llewe'l.
Washington, Dee. t i Hv i" .
Vules thev an .ihl'd em r tin 1 1 1
period of priei 1 .ri i t i . t tie'i-n ml et
tenant farmers in Nehm-ki w il !
driven from the land. Govirner Mel. I
vie, of Nehtaiki deilniid t 1 1 - l"' e
the joint Jsennti and Ilmis n'.'i .' ,
emmlttee The goveinei i.i.p..l n,r
in Washington en route lien . f . -i n
governors' eenfftein e at llin" .-l.'ir ti
tell the cenimittie ah"',; whu i. .!
fcrlbed as tli" sei iiiii-ih-- of t, . -it i.i i.i
tlen in his state.
IMward I). i'hn.ell, of ('lueiu'ii i,
retary of the I'm in Mn-tg.igi I i ! i "
Association of Ainern-i, i--it.il that
tlie crop- new in the hand- nt tn t.nin
crs ought te hi financed -e tin t.ninii
jnstend of the speculiiteis we .1 t. i t,.
profits. In icplj te ii i , 'i . fie-.
Ssennter Nerii-, of N'hi.i 1 .i AI'
Chassell said he believed jmn. v ml. I
Ki up within the next few i-i. .nn- ami
that the lenlgii demand w mid in
I Takes This Method of Protesting
Against Discharging Men
New nrli. He. . I --iltv A I'.
II, i ..., ni .1 ib -oil ,i. Nn el Wen
' i ,ii i I. le . i Hi or. Ii'irli d II
h-li l through il V illd.'W of the New
, .. K i-i.., I 'e ntt' i - in Itieadwav
l.l-t I. : ' , f 111 lligl t .. I ' ee te''l M ig-
i-f it. M l ide he nail v. -t. 'd iv llmt
i tin iniipi'iv bed di-ii.rinl IJ"'I i i"li
I in . . ' i', 'rfht it vv lid In ! f-enil
VMIV of I 1 ll lig lie '' kl eVV 111-' III VV It
i ill. ii. 'i v il nl out of wet
Wi t . I v ,i nl t ' e 1 I Li!
I !.i v - i . i . .-i i : in. 'I in- vv i-
I., 1 . M IV. .1 i !!. l.ll V . '
Hg.. v i 7."i. ill of Ii iv i' -- !'
. . nn,, I i" mother 'mil -ler had dud
' i', I i... in I while 'ie wi.- at -i i i- .1
Learns News While He Is Discuss
ing Garland's Millien
Maiden. Miiv... lie.- I - Wi I a i.
Hansen, a janitor, was telling fellow
workmen at a drug store ve-tedav
what he would de with the million dol
lars that Charles (iarlund, of Muz
zards Hay, bad lefii-ed, when a pe-t
man gave him a b-'tcr tint ui'eriui d
lilm lie was heir te ah mt a .iin"ler of a
bullion I'nlike Gnr'and he will accept
the luene.v . lie said, but be will stay
Bt bis work of wn-hing windows ami
Sweeping floors te be eceiipied.
Iletween times lie intend, te mneke
ceed cigars and have an automobile te
(take him out In the muntrv for week
ends. Tlie estate, according te Hansen,
Svas that of .Tames Moere, an uncle,
Vim died several vear- age leaving the
jireperty In trut for the use of hi
Svifn with tnslruetiens that at her d'llth
Jt nheilld be divided mining seven rein
iveii among whom was Hansen Mrs
Aleern died recently unci the estate,
inhteli linil heen swollen te nearly
,000.000 by war time invsti"cit. Is
LlwuUp uc uiviueu, tee it'uen tjaiu.
..ni i
net 111
I l.t'J It
i V ent
' i 'l.ll i'
I "Ill'.-t
1 .mi.
I V I I iv I
.1 I'
lii 1 .1 ler 1 1,, ii 1. 1 J
I i .1 pi iiiiiii --. I . Find
.. v. 1 1 en I -e, lai i Wash
i tie vv in low anil i,.,- .
M igi-tniii M. 1 1 i id . i,.-il '.
-. V one el ' f n nn I -
( nntlniifil frn'n I'lie One
Mahen'- -tirk ft cm a fa-t scriminnge
flout of the goal.
It looked then as though the college
girls vvite hepec--ly out of it. for thev
had been ceiiiph tel.v nutphijeil during
the lir-t ten minutes of the second half,
but thin something happened. Kither
'he all riiiladelphia tniiii went te pie. i -e."
iir.vn Mawr i ame te life, or both. At
nnv rati, when tlie hall v.ils put in
i pl.i.v again .vn j,ii.anein vein seen
' g.uiied po-sis-ien of it near the side line
'and dashed down the field, shunting a
, prtt goal ufter Mi-s lVi-gii-en hud
Itvviie blecki'il n shot with her shins,
This goal was followed a few minute
Itittr by unether. Mi Cecil again
doing ine-t nf the work in getting the
hall within striking ili-taine and once
ineti -hooting it tlireiigh after a Iutcc
si iiinm.ige. The final goal, made li.v
Mi-- Caries, was the thiid that went
past Mi-s Fergusen after a fa-t -criin-
Hilling this part of the battle the
ball was constantly in the all-l'hihiih I
plua's territer.v, the club girl- appcir
mg te be ph.vsiiallv eiitmatelied by the
lellegians. Hut lieie Mi Tnwn-"nd
uii'de one of the liuest pla.v- of the
game, although -he failed te tie til"
-cine. She rushed into the -eriinniag''
a few ,ards from her own goal, dug t ie
ball out and then sprlnteil all the wn.v
down the field without being stepped
and endi d the ni-li hv making it line,
hard drive for tlie go-il. Ilewivei, Mi-s
Ceet was equal te the or. a-ion. She
made a gieat block the hall -hooting
high ever the goal. Hint wan all - l'liila
I. nine and neither
team was utile te -ieie again.
The Ilrj n Mawr ti.nn has a fine rec
ord this fall. The Main I.ine girls
have plnvc'd live nuii.e.. and have wen
them. Their vntun- for the season
were Kiverten, Ilaibleiitiehl, German
town ( 'ticket Club. Mi'imn t'nckel Club
.Hid riiilnilelplua t'l n k t I'lub.
Miss Appb h.v. com h of the Hrjn
Mawr team, before t'.e (.Mme would
i uihe no predien n ever the outcome,
het she ntai-ed Mi-- Tewnsi'mPM nlav
Congressional Committee Trying tetl.rv highly. Miss 'I own-end meet's
aim cap-
Dying Exile Is Given Daily Injec
tions of Heart Stimulants
I) n, Helland. I . I Ilvoeder
ini. uipi ti -ii- i f a In .nt stimulant are
In mg i. -oiled t.. d.i.'v te reti-eive th.
fn-t vv n mg -ini.gtli of fie nn r Ihnpress
Ai'gu-ta i' 'ei in "f Hi rnianv.
A i.iii-liiiit w.it' h i- le mg Kept at tier
b. d-id
I OV I I . I
ler her ie-
liltheugh It
i I- bilieved -In iimv Imgei until a pill -
liiiilmlv -i v i re null's enns nn mniei
!,,. ,,,' i,i, Lights bum nil night.
vvii nn tin cn-tie
1 ,e fart I hat a
1 Tn mm. nun people
' wiliilll tlu'ir V lll.lge
. el .mil. i ill I' e t l.ii id
li-ldilits of II. .oil.. 1 lie pl'.lsailln ciai-
t. r pa-t tlii a-l ' gal' - in tin ir wooden
i .. I., il,.... ,i I l...i mi i till (.I'll I I I
l MM!' . ' " ' '" " i im I." tni-i - ..I-- -j
f.n '
i, '
leriner rmpress m i de'plilu s last leal
i- il.ving in ene
e has i-reiitnl nn
el-teiice of the
from ijiciiinplctc leturns last evening
that 'I'liur-day's work b.v the heys line!
netted S'JO.OOO. It is liened that this
figure was passed jcsterdie and will be ,
again eueedecl today. i
It wtis iinnniinced at scout bead- I
headquarters, 11(17 Walnut stieet, lat
niglit thnt a full 100 per cent nf the
troops of city were out collecting and
that the members were bending every i
effei t te reach every one In tnelr
The boys have been impatient for
weeks tn get into action, nnd new that
tlie.v have their opportunity they are
losing no time and no chance te give
their elder friends an oppeitunity te
de a "return geed turn" and help the
future of scouting in tlie city.
The boys are canvassing tlie city in
uniform and tlie.v are net missing many
houses in their door-te-door diive.
Seme troops liave reported 100 per cent
response fiem persons canvassed, at
leant some small contribution being
secured in each case.
Tlie scout eifin in!-. f."l t lint if the
people of the city realize what the
money will de for the future of tlie boys
and the geed of the community there
would he no trouble in teaching tlie
goal. Tliis is a critical time in scouting
ami ever.v smut in l'lillailelpliiit is en
his tees lighting tu get tlie meni'i te
give the ether boys of the city the
advantages and training in jeung
Ameiiiaii manhood that the Hey Scouts
One Suspect Is Arrested Later by
the Police
Solemon l.'iihcn. twenty jenm old, of
L'CiOs Seuth American street, was held
up li.v two aimed men late last night
nnd nibbed of SeOD and two ui-es of
ltiiben, according tn I lie bterv told
the polite of the Twenty-sixth mid Yerk
-tieets station, was cm liis way te de
liver the wine te nil address at Twenty
third and Sergeant streets, At Tweu
t.v seventh and Hnggeit streets, I'ubrn
Mopped the truck tn light a smoke.
two men stepped fiein a doorway,
pointed uvelvers at Kuben, uud ordered
hint te get out cif tlie truck. One man
setirclied Itulien's pockets, uud obtained
the laetiev. The men ran down Tvvcn
t.v seventh strei t.
Kuben. eiiipleved by his brother,
who epiiatis , Met-f, in North Eighth
stieet nun rairnieiiut avenue, then lan
In the pehie station am icperted the
Sheitly befeie midnight police nr-re-ted
a man v h Rave his name as
Chillies Ke-!er. nf WcM Huntingdon
street mar Twenty-fourth, as a sus
pect in the i se.
Tlie police hunts Patrel and .Jehn 1'.
llvlan curried welcoming ih legations
down the bay with representative- of a I
number of organization-, of Irish sjni
pnthizei's te meet, the Celtic. Mt
I'etir MiieSwinc.v and Mr-. Annie Mnc
Switny lieti. cousins of Mr. Mac
Swinej. slieutcd a welcome from the
Head of Federal Empleyes' Union
Hears of Progress
According te information received to
day by S. T.vseu Kin-ell. president e(
the iM'deral I'.iiiple.ves' Cnlen. Ne. '-'.'I,
of Philadelphia, the new let las-ideation
hill, which will lie intiediued in Con
gress liv ltepresenlativu lVdi'iick It.
l.elilbac'h, of New .lerscj . will include a
revised pay schedule te applv te the
civil service all ever the I'niteil States;
and will remove legal ic-trb liens en
interdepartmental ti,insf-rs. The com
plete draft of the bill, upon which Hep.
lesentative I.ehlb.uh and his stall of
expetts aie still win king, i- expu'ted
te be ready within the next two das.
In order te -tudv the final draft of
the bill and put the vvheil- in motion
te work for de-lied uncii" liutiul ac
tion, tlie iintleniil legislative commit
tee of the federati'in, of which Presj
dent Kiiiseli is a meinher, has been
called te meet in Waa-hiiiglen De
ceinber ".
500 Americans Guests of Obregon
Mexico Cit, Dec. I.- Mere than 500
visiting Anieiiinii'. wete the guests of
President Obregon csieiday nt n ban
ipiet, at whicli Getieiiil Obregon ex
pvi ed his apprecntien for the honor
paid littn b tlie Ameiiciilis coining te
wilne-s lib- inauguration. lie also
voiced tlie hope of continued friendship
bftweeti the I ntleil Mates anil .Mexico.
Pems and Pekinese Are Seen
at Exhibition Given by
Girl Scouts
Mere thnn IlOO toy dogs arc com
peting for cups and ribbons today nt
the Heevncvstrntferd. nt the all-toy
exhibition under the auspices of the Gill
Scouts of Philadelphia.
This is Hie lirM time Hie Chihiinhu.i
white toy poodles and Mnltese poodles
have -cored a live-point rating at one
show. In consequence there is keen
competition between the various cham
pions and their rivals for the points.
Theie are a large number of Pomer
anians nt this show. This breed seems
te have lest considerable popularity re
iciitlv in the laist, but has come out un
usiiailv stieng for this event. Most of
the local fnneieis entered their dogs of
this breed, and levers of the Pem have u
Mrs. Vincent de Men has imported
a number of the hne-t Pems she could
gather in (he kennels of nuiepe.and
these new arrival- aie cm icvv. There
arc a number of ether imported speci
mens te he seen in this class.
The Pekinese me also out in force.
These Oiientat specimens have hi en
lnpidly gaining iu pepulailty of late,
and tiicie aie nunc than -jxty entries
of this ma-sive, bow legged, broad bread
skulled breed.
Lecal fanciers interested iu the white
toy and Maltese poodle-, are expressing
their gratification nt the five-point entrj
in tliis breed. Mis. Katlirju McUcr McUcr
n.ett. a local fanner, is the judge. Il
is said this is the bet -bowing of
Malte-e since the Kennel (,'lnb of Phil
adelphia gave IN ilievv at 1'read and
Wnllare street- live je.irs age.
The i;ni:li-h lev -p.iniils me ir-
tually a local entr.v at tliis show. All
the ircent winners at sanctioned exhi
bitions arc .-hevvti. Pour points are
counted in tev bliu k and tan tcriiers.
Themas Acaster. leading breeder of tl:H
deg in the la-l. has some of Ids lie-t
-lock en view. Judging began early in
tlie morning and will continue until ti
o'eieek tonight.
Seme well-known exhibitors who arc
lie represented at this show are Miss
Alice A. Slevcll. Mr. A. I,, ltewei-t.
Mrs. M. i;. Mecrv. Mrs. Walter
Scholes. Mrs. S. G. Wiichter mid Mux.
Morten . Paul.
Uy the Asseclatrcl Trcsx
Geneva. Dec. d.-A nmemlniet,
the ffivnnnnf nf Mm T -.. ..
- ""kup ni ,ahenn
elimlnirfing Article X. ntl0 nf 1() ,
important sections of tlie part, ,,, (n
trediicecl In the nsseinb'y of thu n .
today hy Charles J. I),,h,.r,j, CanaiP
minis er of Justice. The ,,,,
pnibahly will be refened tn tlie rem.
tnlttee en ninendments.
Ilonerio I'licyrredeti, the AiRcnttee
foreign minister, today Iiiiiulci! !,
llymans, president of the assembly, t
letter aniinuticing that (he Argcnt'lm
delegation had ceased its iartioipat!ea
in the league.
The letter, it Inter developed, effl.
dally announced the withdrawal of the
Argentine delegation front the ascmblr,
nether this men tit, that Argentina
was withdrawing altogether from th
league was net Immediately apparent
Geerge Nlcell Humes, 0f Rrtat
Iliilnin. was prepared tedav tn ak the
council of the league te account for its
failure te use Its ijnnd cifhYes (n an pn.
ilenvnr te keep the Russian TtnJsheriki
ami the Poles from lighting lant atimmrr
Mcllieds te lie puisiieil rfgarijini!
amendmentR te tlie cuvenant of tha
league probably will come lWere (he
assembly for a final ruling net Men.
Krancisce Gnrcia Caldernon, the
I'cruvian minister te Prance, arrived
jesterilny te replace Dr. Mariane It
Cernejn ns Peruvian delcgjte te the
assembly nf the league.
Paris. Dec. !. (Ity A I' i - Trance
does net question tlie constitutionality
of the adherence of Argentina te the
I,engue of Nations, nor the competence
of Argentina's clelesntes te the assembly
of the league at Geneva te represent
their country, it was stated at the
lereign euice leciay.
This statement wns prompted by re
ports published in Argentina that
I'Vanie wns cuestiening the legality of
the Argentinian membership n the
league, the point belns raised that her
adherence could net be considered legal
until approved by the national Con
gress. The report was connected In
Argcntinn with dispatches front (icneva
indicating that ibduetinns hnd been
made there from utterances: of Foreign
Minister Puej rrednn that Argentina
favored the admission et Germany te
the league.
In, ilenvlng the icpert that Trance
was questioning Argentina's stntus in
tlie league, the feieign efiiee expressed
disbelief that the French delegate at
Gciievt were taking an attitude reflecting
any such view.
Churches te Held Rellcall
The annual rellcall of the nation
wide campaign will be held tomorrow In
many ehuiebcs in tlie diocese of l'cnn
s.vlvania. Chun h worker- will visit
tlie homes of I lie members of the congre
gations ami obtain from them pledges te
attend church services, te work in the
various organizations in tlie parishes
mnl te contribute te tlie financial sp
pert of the parishes and the whole
tin an.,
In ad- tevvaid tin
I V el' lli'lllil
-iMed he I"
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J. P
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Relief Frem Falling Prices
ln,:teii. 1'.' I Mly A P. i -t
,.th. r gevi iniiii'iit elhcinls en
nn an- en t' 'i'-f for the nation'
tn hi tin elfi i t of falling pr'n i -L'ht
bv the eint cotigrei.Men il
i nii-i.i. ring lite premt in en
i i. 'im tig I ' .Ming- hole teila.v .
I in dl-i us-ii. g the ipiei-llen befeie the
I i iiiiiii t -' vcnteiilav neither Si erettirj
1 ll'ii-t'iii. u"i lioveiner llui'ding of Ihe
l'i ih ml Id i i ' " wa- optimistic thnt
,inv -piiiie solution of tlie problem et
'falling in nh't a- it afficts the farmer
1 i,iU'hi l l ' .ii I Sei rct.irj Iloii-ten ex
pnnl th. opinion that ie i-tah'i-h-
inent of il". war liiianee corperutinn
alone vveiild net iin-m " he reused ix-
' ports et suipbis I'm m prediii tn te Iji-
i rope, iniii -- ttiere wa
'"' the pur' hnning power
vi I lllllltl ie-.
Mi-s llukler. center ferwanl
tain nl the ltr.vn Maw i team.
an increase lt
of Kiirepcmi
i i .
-ll'l Mr
I. .
v V " k V
V.iiK N V
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Ar n .it ' i-.i ' . " . ,,
llarry J Jix)n lsi:i M nlrva at and M.iyne
I HctVfitii 31U vv iiunmeuieiy eve,
mil t
i I It
I I: .
. i I
ii a
Noted Insurance Attorney, 92, Dies
San iilonle, Tex.. Dec I ( Mv A
I' i Mmien II. lleai li, funnel y (lll.
of the leading insurance atteinej- in
Chicago, father of Majer General Iain
sing II Mcncli, chief engineer I'uiied
State- arm), and of Harrison I, Ibii'li,
one et the piiimslictrs or tne Mm An
toine Light, illlil lieie Inst night lifter
an illness of four days. He was niiiei.v
two years old. The body will be taken
te Chicago for burial.
Olympic High Jumper Will Jein
Lecal Club
Walter II. Whaleii, ,,i' the liestnn
A. A., who holds tl. lneril us senior
indoor national high iump champion,
has transfcired his ieiience from tin
New nngland te tin Middle Atlantic
district including te Samuel J. Dallas,
of the local iis-eeiatinii.
In the recent Oljuipics, AVlialen fin
islied feiiith and In has a record of
six fict four uic lii's ii,. ni,,,, holds
tlie New ICngland iinloer and outileoi
high jump record Whalen will beceme
aliilintcd vvitii one of tin- Im ill clubs,
mid should pteve a big in ii tiii-i t iun te
Im al tun k mid field spoils.
Norrlstewn Plant Cuts Werk HeurB
Norrlstevvn, I'.i.. Dee 1. The Wild
man Miiniifactuiing Ce, manufac
turers of knitlnig machines ami ether
machinerv, hiive reduced the working
hours ai their plant in Norrlstevvn from
forty nine te thitt.v six hours a week,
"until further notice " Meginnliig to
day the "IMI men employed will net
work Satuidii.v or Monday for an in
definite period.
Passage Would Bring Bolshevism,
He Tells New Yerk Grand Jury
( .New; Yerk, Im- I. (My A. I'.i
The King- counts grand jury, wliicli
dec land Aiuern n'h civiliatien istliicat
cued hv the ev c t whelming influx of nn -iisimilnhlc
immigrants in a pieseui
ment .vesleidav te County .Judge Mitch
ell Ma), lediiv icceiveil f i em Mm mi
address ni which he said that the clls
iiiiitciit vvhnli breeds llelsliev ism might
fellow clamping of the "blue law" Sun
day en personal conduct.
"I,et us go slowly before ciiactitig
aiitiitialed, discarded mid unnecessary
laws that may bring down upon our
heads it feiling of discontent, dissatis
faction uud unrest which might fan
anew the flames of belshevlsni," hu
said. "Leng since men recognized the
ndvlsalullty of keeping church and stute
"Law is Intended te establish peace,
bring happiness, create contentment
net te lestrnln citizens unreasonably
in their freedom of action."
Ceal Pledged te Public Utilities
Altoeiu, Pa., Dec. 1. If any public
utilities corneratlons cannot obtain an
nilecpiate supply of cenl through regular
channels tlie fair-price committee of the
central Pennsylvania liltiimineus opera
tors will undertake te obtain the ton
nage necessarv for the continuous opera
tion of such 'corporation. That Is the
operators' reply announced yeaterday
te tlie rcqiinst of the State Public iServ
lce Commission that fuel protection be
assured public utilities.
THE loyalty of our
workers is one of the
j'eys of our daily life
at The Helmes Press.
The Helmes Press, Trimert
1315-29 Chcrrv Street
nr. vi'ii-
Ht'SN l II II MAM II mm ,.f
Willi. en II iiii'l J i-nle iliinn imiil 7 iftirs
II. I lilt vh me I fi i ti In .nv It. a te fuiiertil hi rv
ii . h Mini 1 in ut iniiiutii' r. hlilrn.e.
."j'M Ciilnr hi Im. privni . Iv Mill cvin
llt'A'ltV. li" i! rilANK 1. mm of
tiivl.l I iiinl Mine lliin i nee l.anahiii
It.lallv s mil fi I ids Invit.it le funrtl
Mini s 'In ii tn frem imr. nts' rshl. n i
1." N ( iiiirHt'iBii hi llpruilrm inun
c'hurrli of CMir l.mly nl 'u ter 11 n m
tin si li. nt c in
1IIIIV Suihli nlj In, : JACOIJ '
tiiiHl, iiel ef Xtlnnli i'iuii. Iin.iiin lllhn It. I
.illvis Hint ri ii n.i- nil, i nil era inlallm. of
whiih he whh ii in intitT. iriviii tn funenl
hitvIii'ii, Mi.n . J p in. at tute l enhli-ni -:i.':tl
N Huh. fl hit prlviite Cjr. nui, , I
CK ef I' i i'. iii I'll nan in iv i.ill Hun tv..
Ht'U.lS'lIM -IIIvpi-Mp N J, 1 1, ,
1'iL'll SAMfl.l, II IILl.l.lMiS. hkim III
rmiiTiil Men i p in frnin Intn remun. e
l.'J Wiisliimtiiin si . Jtlvi mM", N J, ini
JUvemlile Cnn
Mi CI, 1. 1, 1. .VV -O-i riei .1 nt hir r ki
(..rne r,.-,;ii Wiivn. live ilr.ni.nnte.vvn ni.ls
Allinil Mell.l I.I.AN'. rlcl.st rlailshli'r ,f
the lute Ir. I ilii! Jl II Mi I'll linn ani) Mnl,
I'lllreilisn Mil I. Hull I'lllii.r.ll H.ink.'H lit hi
t.uke I'lniiili. i, nil. int. mn mi 'I'u.'mI.h
Dm 7 hi II I' in
.'A.W!,'TA,,1i,. ,"" ' AIi.M.tNK vvlili.vv
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trielein ltinerve I'l.iini il Nu tn. s & i ,r
I, . I.ii-ut 1", V. Ci ii C'lrili.. ImiIIpb of thi
il A It Invlteil t.i funeral HfrvtrpH. Mun "
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tulviiii Nurihvvriuil i'i in. I'rkiiiin muy t.in
SUlf llfler S n in
fl'UVn.S'SCIV lii.v Unties, m Dee 1
Ht'MANNA wife ,,f Inhn SLvilHnli Kl
ii. r.il. Tueiliv ,ii 1 . m, fim ,,i , ,Hl
it. nc L'tiill Wen liinnl ue lni..i m. nl
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Hwr.Ksy.y - t;.. ". insn, M.nnAm:r
Imlevcil xs If ti cf l.ilvvnrr Hvfciny (ni.e tl il
lush, r) Ueluilvii nnrt frlers-ln iiluu the
,illiiH nf llm rulrlull C'lri In cf V uf A
Invlierl te funer.il Men . 1 an a .,, frnm
lute reulileiu gsia N llevvurd st Holeinn
inuiciii luunn , iiiii'ii
M, D a, m, rrtflsely.
nf Vlnltullen H V
Int New t'atlicdrel
Fer the attention of
men with vision and capital. Men who
appreciate the value of a .sales franchise
covering a majev product in this major
In order te conserve your time, these
pertinent facts are given. Yeu will recoR receR recoR
nize that few replies will he expected. The
pteduct is nationally known nnd nationally
advertised. It bears n name which has
prestige the world ever. Behind it is ene
of the InrKest and most respected concerns
in the weild. The demand for this product
exceeds the hupply. The potential market
is rapidly increasing;.
We wish te hear from men cnpnble of
caring for this territory, both by business
nbllity nnd Mifflcient financial support.
Please write Public Ledger A 910.
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