BE22 11 jtt EVENING PUftLIO LlUDG33Rr'i?HILADElyl?HlA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, X920 "-1 V ... I ,., ., .1 I til ! I ! ! ' " ' '" "'" ' I "" " I IPPINCOTT BOOKS FOR GIFTS rECK SEND THIS LIST TO YOUR BOOKSELLER HER; PERPLEXING PROBLEM OF MEXICO s&jic nnnK OF JOB lOfi-i p. D LIJ), a mn-jtcrplccc that will dc- Dy Merris JMtrew, Jr., mi A noMe book. nll ncn. Ifehtcvcry true levor rf ye" b j fl of boel.." wrote Cailjle, yci v . interpretations. It has been it. htf'lcnTSdwi5 hi in"e insight nnd charm, te Kive us this for i uuy',"'i w intcrnretatien of .the eriRinai mastcrim iMandiy ceiu-ui"-" --, ,-.. . !.. rreniisp"1-1 Ornamental cloth. $4.00 qFEING THE FAR WEST , cnul.l " "'wr.. ,'" '. "Jw nl K lerlf-i of the HtntcH from the iloekles te he fATflr ',,.r'.hS lt nml l'ih m IllurtratleHH nml two n llnnanmic THF ORIENT IN BIBLE TIMES -l.A-J y i.ibllcnl Klft hook of tin- vetir for Ullile Rl,:H,m.nMlenr n'mil'v ?he Hlble me,, In.ensCv human !!.'.. Thirl v ilhmUHiienH NO DEFENSE ", inilln-r re minee of the x icnc'erie of nml Inter- $2 CO By Gilbert Parker car makes mi hWI (Jlfl f"' n,.,v. "''," '"" le HlliMllerm Hiul ineicirtns, V .' i Th 00 r ra"rfn:.7-""" Yif-;. .-run ;;... .. ,-ie--? ))..., . , Peer lllti-tiatlen- CLOUDY JEWEL ' r 1,UlMBlOM '.'"" .;" m,IsII. inlllH.lll'P Ullll ft ellOel troubles Acress THE TEXAS BORDER Three. Differing Points of View en the Way te Adjust the Relations of the United States te Mexico Hi I I " ,l nine f II "I . ... .uniihr nn ' ' ,,, ui-fMnrr h .i frt.-h-1'levM. rose Pientl-ptece si e HAPPY HOUSE . .. ii. ,.-. r... ii i i . . . nn.i mil an i ii hii i u i (.ii T , i"m it h .'renter nml Brtati-i hucci " '' ..... i. i,. .f tin. u.npen I i.nllll 111' i'"'"e - rt eni Him' te ninety ki"" It Is previnu one ei ni si 76 1 f 0 I IP ' Hill" ..-" , I "- ,,, , , l, rsniil metliii" ., MRS. WILSON'S COOK BOOK L;r""v, it Ji ' i.n.t- " " r"""-1 r",m "" """"",,m of$"Te rppipp'' iJl'llSll'CMl X V nilti pv. n pniHi HIGHACRES "i,n., l.1i-.ti h'-t of leutliful i.ail.M-i will In' DAN RFAPD'S New One for Beys "aMEPICAN BOY'S HANDY BOOK OF WOODCRAFT AND CAMP-LORE Will ..." Hinpin IllU'-trnllenp. bIiewIik,' jut hew te de UiImri in tin 1 . r. ' l.r lilt 1 thlii book J. B. jJPPENCOTT COMPANY, PHILA. li'i thW mil"' p'er $1.75 ie(H $.1 00 WIipii i'iPit illiiiiKp' nlieul slmt N te he doiie in Mcxli'e, wlm iw te ilrclili? Hxiiirts both In nml eill .)f MpxIimi effri' iiiimy dlfffipiit sehitlnnH Tlu'ri' It! (leersc Agncw Clintnbcrlniii. for in I Hlfinru, who iim Aiiipricnii consul kpii oral In tlu Mmlciti ntiiltal from May. 11)17, te AtiKiiHt, HIM), who IiihMs thnt n in eKrittn lentlint? iiltimntcly te fercihli' pneinrntlen U the only .mi thnt iIpkp'cs the MttPiitien of Aiiici It'll. In "In Mexiie Win Hi SnvlnjjV" he hm cxiilnliipil IiIm plan In ilctnll. Jli niih tliul we imuiltl (hcliiic ut eiicc le who I'XPl' hnppi'iw te he ill iiifltiel In Ales he mi mliltrun jnlri. for vpu Atmrl iiui iiiiikIpu'iI ; thnt we vli.mhl spcmiip Hip ii'-putiililishnii'iit of the iiIik Ipli' tlmt Kovpi'iiiiR'iitewuil inilreiiiN itii' lPHpotiNible for tin' rnifp ili'llM'iy of Koeds; tlmt hp should ilviniiiiil Kiminn li'Ci (hut tmiff cliiuiu'iN net nih'c Ittll.v IikIhIuU'iI by tlic iintlemil t'etiKti'i', hIieiiIiI net e Int.) elTu't for tilnct tlu,VHj tlmt we Mheiild InsNl Hint tin1 uiulWt'utei') I'liuiHpM of (he loiixiitiitien of .May. 11)17, xhenld net be utie aitivp; tlmt we hIieiiIiI ItiMlst Hint tin ' ii'vi'Iiiips puilKPil for ipuelHc national obligations ulieuld bi he aiplh'il. ntid tlmt we Mieuld Ntipiilntp tlmt the out infji nffiiliitit the Catholic Cliuivli be liidcinnilled and Hint the pilnciili- of rpjigletis triM'dem should In- lc istnb llilipil. He would nn'emnlNIi thep nidi liv tefiffil te scinl an ainlui- niler and if Hint wcip net pffpctivp, lie would sw' pisli'ly poalpeni' iPieKiiltiiiu, put an piiibiitKe en leans, ptivnte and public: i'Ione nil channels of comtimnli'iitlen by Hpa nml land; nmki- an ainii'd d'uiou d'uieu d'uiou Ktrntieu, and If that did net weiK. he would ititvneni' by force of aims. Ills book Is devoted te an exposition of con ditions in Mex-ice an he wc them lie has set feith thn lew of a miuill, but Miltible, greiip mi the Mexican beidei. iKB886S6SS38S3636S8938 1 YALE BOOKS 2S Te give a geed book te a friend is te pay him lasting cemplimcnl f sl Check the boelcs you want Ii D THC CONNECTICUT V71T5 AND OTHER ESSAYS. Dy Hf.nuy (J 25 tin Dtrns, whetc name ulamN bcide these of Jn-ing and Hewclls. Quiet W humor eud a perfect liters style. -2j f W U CHIMKFY-POT PAPERS. By Ci.AauaS. Brooks, a well-known cssaviit, Jft S he-c books are alwa)S appreciated. 82.00 ra D THF. GROPING GIANT. By William Adams Brown. Jit. Revolutionary U J-& Ruvis ns Eeen by en American democrat. A iid and unbiased picture of J "K tliaolicRueslatyn young man who writes of v.ltst he saw. $2.50 ft W D AND THF. KAISER ABDICATES. By S. Macs Houten, vd-e was an cyc-'a S unctortiefalloftheGcrmanEmpirerndtherisoofthe Republic. 82.50 pa m a AN EXPLORER IN THE AIR SERVICE. By Hiram Bingham. The future W S 0f Biaien ir. the light of the past. A splendid Christinas gift for aviators. J" 9j J10.C0 I W D 0M HOLBEIN TO WHISTLER. By ALriiEti M. Buoeks. Notes en draw- J .. and cncraviaf , xith many uuutual illustrations. PI' asant nncl instruc- -, m live reading $t.W fl Q DYNAMIC SYMMETRY: THE GRFEK VAibE. By Jay Hambiece. The X 7? ruther h revolutionary theories of denign as applied te the Greek Vase. f$ B autiful illustrations "'00 i r PREACHING AND PAGANISM. By Albfiit Parkkii Fitcu. A new book k hich any minister will appreciate receiving. 82.00 Si D SHADOW VERSES. By Gamaliel Bnnrenn. Ne one could fail te enjoy ci W these "ctint;tn needles of cong." S1.90 5j H D TALES FROM THE SECRET KINGDOM. By EtuhlM-Gatc. Delightful V m fairv stories fcr children. Silhouette ilhistrr.tiens by Katiiac.ini: G. Buir'FUM. m s2'50 f Si O THE GARDEN Or THE PLYNCK. By IOmLcWii.seNBAKEH.The fanciful g 9J t'ery of Sara, who went inside her own head te play. First ehc met the j YH Plynck end then had ir.any exciting exprrienres. Over forty illustrations by f ! Jfe FLencNtx Minaiu'. ?2.50 S D WHEN BUr''Al.u KAN. By Geekch Brne Chin- 9 t,LL. A story of Indian life a hle v Inch will nliays held its interest an'J romance for thi country writ'pn by the greateit living author- 5 it en tlie North American Indian. Illustrated. C S2.50 3 Yeu can get these leeks from any ' J. bookstore or from the publisher c YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1 ELM STREET, NEW HAVEN 19 E. 47th STREET, NEW YORK em fynM CVE3M rm awt frf?.r rva?(r f nxxfii frttf v- i WmmmSbA nMsfflJTniniiyiBEffiMb t .. mStefti k& B&' DRAKE, NELSON AND NAPOLEONl Their Careers Studied and Contrasted by ah Eng lish Statesman Sn Waller ltunelnmn. Bail . Hi it Nli public Im and (.talesman, llk-p nmn of his class, finds dlvPrslnn from Hie in ni the of politics nml the' enrrs of elliee in litetniy and historical HltldiCH. The fruit of venie of these studies, pjt- Ibli the illstriictlniis from the frets and fintietis of some of Sir AVnlter's cab met portfolios, aie rmbedied In a ceil i Kills sed elttme of cinslderablestib sltince. which he culls "DtnUe. N'elsett nml Vnpolpen " These monographs, iiiileiniK about tliplr In role pretiiRflti Ki-. nie net men In uiin.atiiie hiiiK I l lues or slniplv M'KllielltS of liNten, but lather uie luterpietntiens or crenr bistuii'iil trends and meMiuents, nhew ln the iclalednesH and lclntlvitx of tinst neileds le events .vet te come Tin re are stilhclent dala. tntlsH(s and petMitiiillu te ;i(' mntcilnl for illsi us ion. Hut it is in the viewpoints ntivl nnuhsis thai the lindei will llnd the most value lltiild'. Mi Kiiik ihiaii lensldeis tin Kienlest l'liabethnu sailor and Hi founder of the "Heel," whim Is Hm basis of IStitish nnvnlism. Ni 1 son Is (list iishpiI as a Kieut Fenfiiihlei and NttnlPRisl Napeleon's caieer nml pelii aie anulved in cnniKetien with Its In t I inlltieme en the j;rcnt Wm hi Wnr BmK-iji'jm&dSEtm GOOD BOOKS MAKE GOOD GIFTS Here are some of the season's besl from the list of HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Mis, Kdith O'SIiiiiikIiiipssv does net UKiee with Mr. Chamberlain. She can be called an expeit, for she lived in the Mexican capital while her lnm band was fiecretary of the Ameiican legation, mm h lenucr thnn Mr Cham berluln. She is intimately inipialnted I with the leadliiK men et the imilitlj. l... 1 .11... ......I.... .1... klli' i;iiii iiii ii in,- Hi'Aii .1.1 MKS. KDITH O'SIIU'MINKSSV Who writes about Mexlre and ftin Mexican prelilim of the Kale of ainm and ammunition te levolutlenulles, she s.ivs, w'etilil Kive the mini HC'lcc'teil by the MpxIciiik te vulc theh munti.v an oppeitiinllv te devote his nttentien te cNtnblishiiii; order and irsterlni; husiness. One Mexican point of view is et forth by .lerire Yi ia-r.stanel. fernur Mexkiin seiretnry of the interior and feimer srcietaiv of public education, m "Cairan..! and ili. Belslnvlk HcKime. Mr. A'cia-l' devetts liiiuself te an iiiinil. iiiirin the ifevi i mm nl of Cm - ... t. '.'iiii, ii.. ... .. .... ..v...' ! --- -".... . ... Mtnatien lu "A Diplomat's Wife in latfa and te an exhibition ei xvnni ie .XIe hi." Kiiblsinl two ei three venrs nils lie lielsiic v l-tie mmnner ei in. .ike. .she lins lentlnuijil it in "Jntl tnnte I'iircs of Mexiian lllslei.v." in whhli she levleWH the cartels of the four Mexican presidents whom 'he has Uiinwn. Her review is illnmlniitiiiK mid her point of view i..vmii.ithetic with the In lier nicfi Mi xii'uns fat e nil cemtitulinn of l!H7 Me insists that tlmt constitution is ill. citiin'ite fimn 'the lesnl, political and leveltill.nuirj point of view. fter disiiissiiiR the constllutieii in dilill, he (enclutles his hook with u (hanUi in which he aiRiies eTers a I that ( aiiaii.ui-ni ami the new censii- nolutien of the Mexiiau pieblem, whhli. ' tutieii aie Hie most ilTtitive iiroels of she sa.vs. Is "In a way mi simple Hint Hn I'.iiltne of 1'nsiduit Wilsen's nit i -it is almost nn nntiellm'ix te hi i tuile tuvviitd the Mixinin iiuest'en, und tuiRedy." It is that we penult In i de tint u fuitber iiuiMianie of such a pol pel i cut people, "the men of eilucnlieu and k j would lend te similar H stilts, expel ience, Hint she is epiite cup.lble of I is mi.(ii xviiltlll ssvimi; llv ticergp piedueliiR. nml whom mil theeiies con-' Alh chain r.u m.iiuimpuii- Tin cernitiR an imairiiiiirj Mexico liav , ,N,lrtViATlV 'rAt'.i'.'i or MKMfAN ins lamelv lteiit in exite. te tetiirn mid feim icntY In- I lltli siiiiiutiinssy New tin. k.nt of frnveiniiieiiL Milted t.) I1CI ! " . Ii '!!""'. IllttUlill idinsjiieiiisies and the iipspilt slnRO of her evolution " The hteppini: II II .run I I'MmVNV.A AM MIS l!i H,Sr.'IK lllvtl. Mv If R I'll I -tHlinl Lu I iv I K XVllJKlili I li sif. nr.- Au I It M. V i M.l.SOV Hun. tninii vwui.res n N iirl. 1 I' Fer Beys and Girls or" Abbett has nnde a i. wl Dr. Cellins en Italy "ItllitiR In Ital.v" is the outcenn of n lief hours I'liim dutv in Italy tluilns le. lien of "fliimms' Taiij Talrs" and the war b.v a well -known New erk Illustrated them c limited ristlcullv and phvsiilan. The first part is devoted tc fhitrmliiRlj in manv colors. The book animated (lest lipllens of the works of i" I'tW.e In sie ai'd with line. biR tpe. 1.....1:.... iii:.... .vfit,.rs l,; nim lipliicr suih fimilinr delislits ns Iluensel und ... ..,,,.t. u,..i. .... intriiNl In them ii'thel, Cinileiella. Rese Red mid Snow that tbeie will be u demund for their Whlf. KumpeNtlltskli,. the Rimes That tiauslatiei, and publication in this, eun- ))' i)n " 1,;'-- T-",- H,10W t,v. These te whom he gives the most U "He Mini the (eat of Man ( olers are auction u.e IVAmmiIe. I'apini -ind nn li.-lnl in the fert.v s.-h, tns from the , , , ....... .....i., nii'iierv in tin- ii uiiii'i s ,i iiiini. riii-- two whom be charneteiies as neisv ' . .. ii .. mm...... ... ,.,,i,i. iniieiilien me still uiicipmled in tber Iuli.ui silioe!m.iteis. 'lheie is much , that is lUteu-tiiiR and attiaittve in the " , ........ ..,..-i. .... .i i. i I .. "Duili.eiid Ite.k will be of .peiltll will us uimu in' tn'iiiuti, in. i.... .. ... i ii. ii ,,K,i .M.inv itndesiiable nlctlllPS of the inteie.t te bevs lu lenbeiits Mine the xv ei king of the "depraved human mind " nuiueieiis .itlvi utiiieus exploits of th" A chnpter is iloveteil le a disc upiieu two ems . no imure ni mis inr aie of nn inteie-diiiR ramble in Heme, and uM in 1'ils leculitv The blvgest none te the plus instinct in clilldien. is Hint tl- - i ihinv the l'aeli iniivitie, ut he s,,vs is vvautliirf in Itttlj ne of what h m- .1 mil of t he Minn the i.ttikiiiR thiiiRs le the Htunger wbe.m vvhuh th"' lid-.-ills und lliwin met is elispivuiit et fti.ulb is 'Hint tl,, ,'. I" su, pt , ,,wu en t he cp.i, (Juaker nniiut clei'Mi'l plaj with his mlldm. sctth of I.... ( lit- er v.illev en u , , es the AiKh.S..xeu. and ihil- iiniiiiiiilijni '.M;mIiii;.ii. he tu.. ., i, ,. ulil, ,ml hiIiim " In furnier hels hiiiiiilitiin life of chores, d.eii de n. it 1.1. ) , h " e ,i. i, u imMv f al'boe '' eu'Zls o'liVuhe'lhe in 1TTT hi the " "MUing of the Uovelution a'lle nn" k in i l,'"'f ,i, iti!n,, i. lieur home, lbet bad been caiiuR ter eniRinn c attitude of the Itiilinn- te f , . t , ..mi XVeni hew Wi Keii. mid te nnswei'1 ",""'., ..'. ..... . " ., , ,, , ,,f i i ie f 1 in i'i i 'ii in uie en 1 1 in inn i certain questions as te the 1. 1 nn of ' ,,,,,,. tuiuef affulr. lir.uiKl.l thtifilistiust, mm tuns te micros i. . ,,, N,,, , a(h(.n,llrr A Cowboy Gnostic, II 1! Cunnlnplmme Cirnham. who shar's, with Y. II. Hudsen, the dis dis Hiiitieu of plnneeiini; and interpretin; the indigenous nnd cullural life of Seuth Ameiiea, tlelng for Ills locale vvlint I'liikiuiiu and se mnnv etheis have den. for the lemance of the far-lluiig fiop fiep tiers uf the Cnited States, bus vvtlt tcn nn intcietiiiR book In "A llrns'llinii Mvstn.." This is the nnrrutive of the life and niiracles of Antonie ("tinsel -Iieite. lovvbev and mjstie, who HourUh HeurUh td with his band of followers, all dev otees of a seit of primitive ChiMum ilv, net mail) xears iire. The) livid the ""imple life." iliessniR in gout skins rni-ing viittiullv nll their sup plies and ei caslenallv ndventinitiR It Is tiue that their somewhat indeiiend. nt exihttnee was lepreliendid bv both the cl.urili and the leputilic. Tlie covvuev mstic mid his troop weic killed bv the milieiial ferees after a nemaillc nnd seinewbut pietlutery career of main )enis. The book Is nitirn mere, however. I lluili the ac count of n chieftnln described , : bv ,seiiil ns fnnatie and bis band. Mr Orn'lunu iniikes it the vehicle of u fas ('uniting description of cowbev life in wntten with glowing mleis Hi- peculiar iitness for tlie titslt Issnevvn ill the lelinwitiR letter, vvhiih Coleml Itoesovelt, who knew u great deal about the Amazen and, wiete te Mr. (ii.ih.iui. "What .von and Hudsen hnvi done for Seuth America, many have ibmi for our frentb isnii n in Texas, Aiieim and New Mexico, Others have vviitten of the Mexican fientit imi,ii, nnd vnt ten well nbeut them. Ne one, as fm a-t I Knew, lias touched uie sublect ei the frontiersmen of Itrnil. Why don't )ou de it? for .von have been tbeie. knew thorn and speak their lingo. The field is open te jen." A llllAZII.IAV MV.TIC Hv H II C'umilm linuiu (jrnliuni Ni-w Yerk Drnlil .M nl -i'e The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie "Te the crone trio of American autobiographies, Benjamin Franklin's, Beeker Washing ton's nnd Henry Adams'.s, must be added a fourth the story of Andrew Cnrnesjie's mai mai xeleus career." Bosten Transcript, lllus. ?r.00. A Cycle of Adams Letters The concspendonce, edited by Worthiiuften C. h'eid, of Chailcs Kiancis Aelnms, the American Minister te England, and his two henH, Henty Adnms, his secretary, and Charlcn Francis, Jr., then perviiifr in the Nei thorn armies, tfives an unequaled first-hand account of our becial, military nnd diplomatic history during the Civil Wnr. A pcimnnently( valuable gift, sure te be nppiecintcd by every admirer of "The Education of Henry Adams." 2 vels., boxed. Illustrated. S10.00. Lincoln, the World Emancipator, by Jehn Drinkwater An illuminating study of Lincoln as the supreme embodiment of the best qualities and ideals of the Anglo-Saxen race, by the author of the successful play "Abiaham Lincoln." Jfl.fiO. Crowding Memories by Mrs. Themas Bailey Aldrich "A work of pcrmnnenl value te literature; the 'Cranford' of New England, nnd vital, for its deals with meic vital personalities." Alfred Noyes. Illu: Life of Geerge Washington by Henry Cabet Ledge A new edition of this stnndnid biography, xvith nn able nnd pertinent introduction Senater Ledge, and 24 full-page illustrations. 2 vels. $7.C0 The First World War by Colonel Repingten "'Infilling interest is the chief feature of Colonel Repingten's diaiie. melded and piesc'ivc by an incalculable fund of infoimatien nnd ie) elation. The figuies that crowd upon the pages, aie multitudinous, the event aie, xve 1, literally the four years of the war spiead all exer the glebe. . . . His volumes read like an epic, Jer they hnvc the depth end btendth of an endless and sweeping adventure." Bosten Transciipi. 2 vels., S12.00. Letters te a Niece by Henry Adams The charming personality of Henry Andms, barely hinted at in his books, is heie reveale ' in Irs own letters, and iii nn illuminating sketch by his niece, Mabel LuFarge. P2.50. Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan Authentic journals of wives and misti esses of Japanese empereis and princes, tian.slated by Annie Shepley Omeri nnd Kechi Dei xvith nn introduction by Amy Lewell. Illustrated in color and bind: and xvhite from Japanese prints. 5.00. Venizelos by Herbert Adams Gibbens A notable contribution te international biography. Mr. Gibbens was in touch with the fiieek Premier during the Peace Conference, and his study of his chnracter and ratce is as authoritative as it is illuminating and teadable. $3,50. Talks With T. R. Frem the Diaries of Jehn J. Leary, "There i3 no meic intimate pictuic of Roosevelt than that which Mr. Leary has lnx'nluable te all who xvish te knew the man, and te understand the course politics in recent yeais I'hila. Ledger. Illu trated. S1.00. rTmissssw intcd. S'5.00. U by B 1 I I' Jr. d given. It m 3 of American MM r. 'JWJ .fft m ii , "0 J.iIMfcj.llJ.1."WV1 II llm, 7M0ICE BOOKS in Fine Bindings Suitable for Gifts and Collectors "AlROhS (.01 NTR," by Wandeier. Many coleied illiistiutiens by l' Half moiecco, gilt top. Londen. S12.00 "A LOOSE REIN," by Wandeiei. Illustiatums by Heweis. Half moiecco, cilt top. Londen. $20.00 "IIIOK.IITS I I'O.N Hl'.NTLN(i. IN A SERIES OF FAMILIAR IL'ITi.R'; TO A I'RIEND," h I'eter Heckford. Half morocco, Jint top. Londen. $18.00 V,V''.l) tMTIMAN'S CHATTER. WITH SOME PRACTICAL hi-i.u v.'S en njclVIM;." by Edward Cmbctt, x-th eight full- ii ts'iauens iv Minirps'-. lint moiecco. i r ten. i... imt lippii n fniluie as l'lisident " A chaineteristk' of the iiutliei's st.vle i' nn unusual tiie of wenN, as hi lel'ef lel'ef lel'ef onces te the enchiintment of D'Aiiuuti 7I0 he hajs tlmt it is due te the "in toxications of Ills desctiptiens of lienutv and te his mnsteiv of tec link' mid con Mimmate nuisteiy of behnvieilstlc m cholegv." It Is reRiettahle that in a weik with nuiiH'ieus itferciiees te se ni'iuv intcresthiR pi eple theie is no in dex, mi 1N-U IN' ITALY snill's of ntiire mil MtV I'v Jus I'll ( elllii t ti'irle Scrlljnr h t. nn. !l Ni . S 1). ki 1 otnlen. $10.00 CAMPION & COMPANY 1313 Walnut St. a.r.i'vjw 'i ,,,.... .wpi, u cr?i BLASCO HBANEZ' latest novel 'ffn ae fiiieiises f Women and PfC AlrC such as only hc could pant the effect of war ana et Am.iica's entry into the war upon Europe's idlers, mere if tremencIr.'iQ im,,n,- ; i, ,i-,. i-..,i k u .4V, v .t iii mi; luui.iu iiaybu uy viccsc pabbiennte, luxury-loving habitues of Mente Carle reckle i,t, ... - ' ' -"""'j th iv eun "lemselves caught by a force greater than J Eamb"nR fever, greater than the appeal a woman has a man. It is a book te keep beside his ether great novels : 1 lift I .. IV nf thn v ""ffmen . The Shadow of La Hedegii ,. v.i..MiM. ti-l(. t'atl'.cdral '"'re .NiMtrii .'(lr 11)1 llloel mwl s!,lt,,l i'i. r.v ii.. ,,..,. ...!. hi ..... :.. i. .....ii.... j ,.v name I1UII1UI illl'MCII ill IVC'V Ollllll'll Ohlmiitihlc threiifjlt any boeltalorc or diicct from . v. OUTTGN & CO., Wentnn Triu mphnnt $,'.00 G81 Fifth Avenue, New Yerk The Neiv World A luiisir uplii'ie of uiiKht is Hie li c Id of I'liiul. Cernel f i d'h "The New Wen Id." In this itrikitnt and i.iiinht book be Rivts both the nnnals und the analvsls of his tinikuiB of ibe hpitit of teiii-lllnl uneasiness thiouKheut I.inepe and Ameiua. He censiclcis the 'Kiel unitst" thai is new ..e wi.lespnncl ' a specter whiih is inciiucin;ly liiiucini,' ever the world" It Is semi tliln; thnt distuibs net iiii'U'lv the iiiuanlinit.v of the stnuilpattir ei the icm turn irv , but KiiimtliliiK Hint is l.Ply te up-it the eniiillbiium et civilisatien If ll js net corieeted. Mr Coineifeid, in addition te hpim; ii (empitent liivvvir und n tiaiiud social ebseiver, has the pliile hephical liiKlt.ieuiul of the deeii thinker cm human iiffalm He writes with sjm- pnthv nnd uiiilustniiiliui;. aiueiii; uie subjects he debutes or elite usm's aie the old diploma' of intrigue nnd t'isiii-i;onileii.lii-s, the tbiid Intel natiiiuale, belHhevism, the i;ieed and lu-t of Im i...rinlii.m ut the Veisalllts liein'e tabic. -and pieiiteeiliii and peveit.v. tup Nl'.W XVOltlli Hv rrnnk Coinerforil N, i ,uil, I) AinilPtcm f- 'j' Cabell Reprlntlnga People who have hi en pmpliesv mi! Hint .Inmes Inaneh Cabell weti'd some dav "uiinc into his own," will take cnmfeit from the aiiueunetment that his publishers havered nth sent te picss for new plintiiiKs "Itejeiiil Life " "The r-iciini of the .lest" nnd "The llhit in C.iaiiilfuther's Neck " Th" often post pest polled publication of the levised visions of "The Cords of Vault)" will take plaie In Seiteniber. In October Mc niide S. Ce. will icisstie "Heiuuei," eiiKinnlly published ns "The Seul of Melieeiit " The new edition will ton ten lain an introduction b.v .lespph Heipes Heipes lieimer Ailditleual evideiice of Mr. Cabell's new found pepuluilty comes from the movies. An atjuiiier of Muiv Miles Mlnter icpeits Hint the iimv be m'cii in a n't out tiliu in the Rtilsn of an untutored mountain lass itudltiK "Chivalry." Can iccoguitieu further BO? them man which Captain Lisle lias jjiaphiealh set feith The i' ider is assured Hint the lilhteiiciil th i ills uie authenticated llietlfh the i Imi. ii tc rs nre fie tltinus. Mad Antlieiiv W line, (ienerill Wnshinsteii and semi' ether histeiie poi'seuiirin np pear in the 1 m." s as well as the iiutliei's invented In i" s "l.iltle I'liend L.vtlin, ' bv Elliel l'hillp". is tlie steij of a little i;iil in n tbildieii's Imiiii', adopted bv a child. Ics mini who nlivecl Santa Clans at the home. Ii is hiiuht and cheeiftil with an iibundmii e nl iiiteristlnij iiu idents an (xiolleiit sincissei' te "Wee Ann," b the mine nutliei t.iTii.r : nil- m i vi i v iw nthei phiiii i i n . ii ii i .n x' mm en n:xii'! i is iv cci t tin ritfti n t uie Ir . i Hire utt llrnc.i .. II m C.HlXtM- rVUlY I'Xl.KH bulirtml nil IP il.l 1 11' I Iv I !..ini XCiliett N'm y.,i, I lull. 1 s .n i r .Suns Tales of Mystery lMiluiliU'V iindeilie. "I'i nun i d vvnke." bv Ualiili Stums, but Hum dm n.'t nn an that it is a htei v of pi r plexiim subtle In -. Rather the p.velui p.velui ieuluil feiiudiitii'iis he Hi mness of tex ture te the manv liTnuls and aclvcn luies in wiiuli tbe author phues his two main a levuhle old blbliephlli und a lemiiikiihle bookseller, whose -wi has ihstiiti tivn peisenillitv A fumnu niither is nl") n sinister piluuptl Tin plot uvelvcs about u cinieiis sei n t thai iiive've- l'limaid. ami the seUlin; of it inn will halTle the most acute leachi of uivsteiv lit. intiiii' Of com se tlien' is n love eleiiiint, n l.ivelv mi'l evcinsile i,iil of hich blith und hiccdini' beiiis ciinn siieu in uie wiL) or mvst.n A i.ipitttl plot c.iputiliy (leveliipeii nlieut nuns up this plausible talc of dual per -. mi 1 1 1 x "Tlie liiiiiKeiniis luheiitntiee" is net the In -t nml in which hi ms have fur n'slnd the inuteiiiil for pivetlnir u sterv et invsi.iv In the disc of 1ela I'm l.stu's eneie-slu iinvil, even sin h a fun 1 in r tliiilB as the jewels nl a hlncei i appeal, but there is no piess aK.ntiv iiivelv.el The Titt.uil rubles, which t ii i iii-Ii tlie inspiintiein of this novel are lllliciit"d bv llie c ei'ipi ti lit, well pulsed cpink willed mid beautiful Cm lnttil, as a henev fimn her Kiandnietlier, a fu nieiis diva of ii pii'vieus ueiu taticni Tilth tlnv picive what the tit'e null nitcs, a hiiiiideus lieritnte 'I be plot .unl ceiinte i plot of mtei nutienal iutiiutie me woven nhmt the fatal liibbs m a hteiv Hint Is tun et iiu nielli anil net nt nil detieieiit in lusher lilciaiy quill ll it s, ibmi aie c iisteimiiih deemed neces "iiiv for this tjpe of lie Hen. It ". a cstfiil vat n of neli lemance. iiu: jiVMii.uei i.viiintii v.Ni'r nv l.lrt l'ei renin lolen lleuuhlnii .M 1 rt J I n Ce I'lisciAiin awvui: iw niiiMi strHui .Nev Vi'iU 1J. Atplvtan i C. A Beoh of Happiness , Sc hoelsirls will piebtibly enje ni little story called "Sunrise fiem the Hilltop." ulin li has been done b lleatriei' Il'iriiihv witli a tin" riizaid fm "t.vpes " Theie is n "t.vpical" Enjr- ' lish ttitij, and (in uiistecintic mileid l In 1 Is IIIIIOICI s UUMIplllsllcnl. (I I linnc i e, and I here is a "bieezj" veuni;1 Anieiuiiii who talks as some Enelisli I novelists cetie'ive Americans slumM talk The Ann nt an "nits in" en. inileicl, uil-approiiiintesj liis hanioe, i in' lies bet nml t ikes nr te that crude America After a seiies of ups ami! downs the .veiiiik wife adjusts heisilf te Aiueriinn nb as and ideals as Miss1 llarmby sec-, tliem, mid thereafter nil I is serene and love l si ntusi: i it"M iiir im t.Ter n u ' trie.- Ilsnnt.v N e X'erl. CJeiirt-c II Durjn C n McCarthy Selves the Mystery t Whoever is I mkiiu for a (ll tec live stei.v that plunges liim risht into He tu.vr.tei) ill the hist few pngc s xv'll bud it in Isabel (Nti tinder's "Hew Man) Cards'-" li dials with ex ex Reiiiiilstnnn Mil'iit'iv s effeits te ills cover wlin killnl u lull New Yerker found di ad in Ins libi.uv with a bullet in liis heitit Suspicion is d'lc.licl te sev ci il difl'eietit p. i -oils, mul it is net until the hist ih.iplM Hint the name ni ineieni iniuciei' i iiiMiu-ni ucn. iiu-i person is some one en whom tlie Milltlew i of suspicion has net tested It is an uliserbint; stet.v of life en the f rinses of fashionable' vmbtv in New Yetk, the lenduiK of which will lake one's mind fiem his own vv.uui's and t limbics lle.vv XI VN'V e-,vllls" 1U f- ii t Outrun! r Xci.K II ii'-rt II 1 nil ' .c c e .' The Randelph Bourne Legend Aliepdv Ilandelpli r.nuine is M ,. end He has been de ml htirdlv three venrs, and jet bis pi isemilit) , his con cen con veintiens nnd his In In fs have been se mti'h talked about tint lie is fast ho he cnniliiK the father of u new ncc in lit eral) and radical Amein i Ore eon een eon tiibiiter te this nb i is Van W)ek llioeks. who wntes a pieface te ileurne's last papers and frncmeiitH vvliieh he has edited for public atien un der the title "The lllsterv of a Literal v Hiiilh'itl" (Iltlibsclil Van Wvck liroeks ein akiric bntli a Iintirue's intlniate fitciicl nml one of the fe.ieiuest critlis of the dav, savs1 ' He was a wanilerei, the ilnhl of some tui tion vet iinbein Smitten with an in nppoasible nestiilgi t fei the Helen oil Community en tin fur tub of socialism be i mind with him the ntexu atms an of Hint community, tlm mvstc liens nieun of nil its winks and wnvs " 'llish phllnseplin tleiiKht, infused with seilHIleus love ' lie vint- inn e. 'is net tins the one Iiu en icible ilienm that i liitelics its'' It wiis tie elieiun be hiul lireiiKlit back fiem the brlsht future in wiiuli be lived, the he sill imelipc) ii-, te nalUe. Ann it issues innv like u Kiillnut letiiniauil out e the spine lett vacant b) bis pusslus " BBBL& -H qA Girl Yeu mil Leve in a Nevel Yeu Will Never Ferget 1TAN of the Sawdust A.ipii 1 Pile, beautiful outcast of Pert Agnew Nan, herself motherless, and new the mother of a nameless child Nan.whe will tug at your heart strings, vhe will win your love, your faith, your sympathy. Nan, the wistful, appealing heroine of Kindred of the Dust A story of the sort of peope wie Jrew only in the great Nerthwrst By PETER B. KYNE On the way past 100,000 copies "Kindred of the Dust" Buy it today! R.cad it tonight ! At your bookseller . . . $2.00 nopelitan Boek Corporation I J Alii fORTItTM SlUttVT. HEW YORK "Yeu simply can't go xvreng en a Cosmopolitan Boek" BOOKS FOR GlFTSl Am Ancient lap of Fairyland Consisting of 3 maps, which may be hung en the nursery wall or framed; with a booklet guide (paper). Designed and Written by BERNARD SLEIGH for Children of All Ages. $5.00. De you knew where Ascard is? or Camelet and Lyenesse? Where the gnomes and elves hide? Where they earned Kilmeny? Where the water babies play and the lest children of the Never Never Land wander' Distance there is measured in thoughts, you knew; one thought in Fairxland equals five hundred earth miles. "Dreamland Harbour" is crowded, and en your way te the "Land of Heart's Desire" the paths are often baffling. Se you would better have a Guide and Maps. This should be en sale in your bookstore; if net, order direct from D. P. DUTTON & CO., GS1 Fifth Avenue, New Yerlf Th Interest en evert page TRUMPETER SAN L. By Temple Bailey Auther of "The Tin Soldier," etc. An old-fashioned le"c story of today, set against a background of Virginia hills, of Bosten streets, and the blue seas and skies of old Nantucket. Pictures by Alice Barber Stephens. Jacket in color by Celes Phillips Puce. ?2.00. At all boeI:r,torcs Hit t-tiNiN rueiuiariUNvj uivirAiNi Philadelphia Coningsby Daicsen'a Christmas Remance THE LITTLE HOUSE I5y CONINGSBY DAWSON Auther of "The Garden Without Walls," "Carry On," etc. I ruYa' Edition. Beautifully Illustrated. fl SO. I'.eallv a Christmas story and a veiv OcIlBlitful and cnarnilng one. The OutloeK, Ilellickintj Fun WINSOME ) WINNIE and Other NEW NONSENSE NOVELS By STEPHEN LEACOCK uther of "Xensense Xavcls," "Behind the Beyond," etc. Cleth, ti rs meriv collection of new bur bur lnciue novels bj America's greatest 1 illg 1 UlllOI IS! The .Ue.sf 1 ital erel of 1120 CHILDREN OF STORM By IDA A. R. WYLIE uther of "Teuardu Morning," "llehj Fire," etc. beeend I. lit ui Cle'h ti oe novel cf treat xisirn dealing i a new conflict between love i 'aber a conflict ever) man and woman mnj seen have te face ! tern lies with nppeallnK tenderness 1 . leve ster of two keuIh wlies-cj - i in 1 standing was poles apart natele Francp'm Latent Boek LITTLE PIERRE By ANATOLE PRANCE Translated hy J. Ixmvih Max Sir) C fefl S. jO '1 li i il Pre mli inantti t. l.i i t I ' li is ,i werthv sequel of I'll lie Nnzure anil ' Mj 1'rli nil m HdhIv a clellslitful mixture rf talen v ll' v s . ,i ,hl nseplu Rcd-Blaeded Adventure THE LUCK OF THE MOUNTED Bj Sergt. RM.I'H S. KENDALL Uither of "Benten of the Royal Meuntca." ftrnend lUIiimn ( I'Hli J." A MlrrliiB t.ile ,,r tlie lleivnl S nl we t Mounted IV.1U e ern of tl Hest . ut. rtj n tix .iih.nniie nml rruuli lire, stories of tin s, i , It I. Cem itnvri .pC OF ALL BOOKSELLERS JOHN LANE CO., New Yerk Marcosson in Africa Winn he was hist In aid finui I s i i P Miiiiewsen was in the bent of tin I'icljiau teiiKCi, inaUin' tin len.1 tup finin l"li7 lbethvllle te lieiua, the ment , nf the ( . liRe liver, lie is piebablv the lust Aim 1 1 nil jeitintilist te iiiiike Hie Hip alone Slanle's tinil Mi Maiees en was the K'lest of (ieueial Smuts at I 'ape Town, and was also the iie.t et the Uheilesian cove i ninetit at lltilnwnvn lie expects (e letllin te Alll.'liill late lu tlie iiiiliiinn llli lnlcsl lioeli, "Ailvi'ii titles ill Intel view Ing." has (list been puhlNieil in EiikIiuuI, while it bus duplicated the mcces-j it aeliievnl hi AlRClicU. Plienemena of Materialisatien By Baren von SCHRENCK NOTZING With 225 illustrations from photographs. $15.00 HPHE most important contribution te the investigation of medium- istir "tcleplas.tics" yet made. It is a scientific account of a series of strange occurrences, observed through a period of four years under conditions most carefully guarded against fraud. The results, as yet unexplained, apparently confirm absolutely W. J. Crawford's deduc tions as te the existence of a hitherto unexplored form of mattei. yns' me.' should hr nti sale in yunrbue! stei c, if not,eiderdiriet mm E. P. DUTTON & CO., GS1 Fiftli Avenue, New Yerh rnr neitit vsfi: IIIIOK MIICI.I' Wlm Is lelin CurileuT READ Broken Shackles "The Xenr'H strmimkl Slerj" Jii.krt by l.uU Mern Cli.lli, tl.90 t the Better Boek Shep THE POCKET CHESTERFIELD i n I trnliiK "llli tin- tun) M.N NH INh sri MVI IIU IIDMUIK. (I 31. DORRANCE A. CO.. Inc. 308.10 Walnut St. Philadelphl - 'n'fTifc in w. --! II 5: s ;ri u. or l1 lit t. 1 Ei iMffTiwram rvMZTMw. v -.x' flwrftfr .. A '4' iZ13 AteixuaLiimnvm