te&SM&SBSsb .MM UVf . f 'AWWW PRRTOf-v,, jyt.iC WWI H,!llliiiii, iIiiiumc ji. i .,ii . '" '." ' v i- v jfv;t4(ii'iw- r i 11 Mi H vj W M ) i j ii Be .i ?.' . M i I; u, Si I'M EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER rtHLADELPHIA, SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1020 I1'''1""1'"-- " '' ' ':!''" SC low a? Your Bey Will Enjoy the Wyeth Edition of Robinson. Crusoe i SINCE Daniel Defee Rave Robinson Crusoe te the world three centuries age, no greater story of adventure has ever been written. And no great becls has waited se long for an art ist truly te interpret it3 spirit. But new in the Wyeth Edition pf Robinson Crusoe there are 16 superb .illus trations in color by N. C. Wyeth which lend added greatness te Defee's im mortal story. Everybody enjoys Robinson Crusoe, but doubly fortunate the boy who can own the Wyeth Edition. $5.00 and worth it Jill Wms smm IfW kV"?? 12iwl Ss (osfnepolitan Boek (grponalien 119 Wcst Tebtistm Street. New Yerk. "Yeu can't go wrong en a Cosmopolitan Boek" iy rHE sense of pleasure which buying a geed book arouses conies from the memory of past 4 I 4 II A rt 4 till k I I n M 4 Tn Am uaa m the pages of an Oxford book ler past experi ence tells him what te anticipate. t selection of these recently issued. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN EUROPEAN THOUGHT Edited hi F. S. Marvin "et $ :.! Twelve essays by noted sclielari summarizing the work cf the leading European thinker in the last fifty years. GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES 'lis J. Travis Mills let .50 A critical review et their his'encal relitiens in lectures delivered te men of the American Army of Occupation in Germany. TUTORS UNTO CHRIST '2v Alfred E. Garvie let 2.25 An interest.ng introduction te the study of religions. THE AMERICAN SUPREME COURT By Hhrdert A. Smith t 53.50 A reasoned summary of the Supreme Court's uerk in inter-statc cases and irs significance in the settling et inter national disputes. ROMAN ESSAYS AND INTERPRETATIONS fiv X Warde Fevtier 55.65 A book for the fullden.r and student of comparative religion ai well as the clas'ic t STUDIES IN HISTORY AND POLITICS 'Ks H. A. L. Fisher 55.65 Delightful essav-. lir;L historic! in ch.-.-artrr from the pen of tin preset.: British Minister of iiducitien. MEDALS OF THE RENAISSANCE 7ivG. F. Hill 725.00 Ceders the entire ('c'.d cc rWil'ir a-t in the f Ttccnth and and sixteenth centuries valmble alike as .1 retcrenrc work and for its tine 1 lustruier.s which figure for the most part pieces net previous!) illustrated. eVf all booksellers or from the publishers. OXFORD I'VIVFRSlTY PRESS American -trench 15AAIC I MM) ax 1 UtiSJ n ys fftfi 1 XS - A &U Jk standard of 7 textuaf excellence, " J Jif., w;j -&zrr rf- Scribner Holiday Beeks Westward He! Iy Charles Kinsley IlltiHtrnted in culur hi . ('. W'uctli lulititl hi latri.'litif M. Out tan Wyeth'i art adds new charm te Kingsdey's masterpiece. $3.50 Grimm's Fairy Tales Illustrated in eelnr l.v Klennre I'lai-lctl Abbett Elenore Abbett interprets the spirit of the celebrated fables. $3.50 Awakening liy Jehn (Jalswerthy The fictional btudy of a child's development through boyhood Illustrated by R. II. Sauter $2.00 The Sandman's Mountain Hy Leuis I)edjre illlinr nf " I he iimIii. 111 lunr" ci, Illustrated in color ;; I'nul HmtiHem A merry yarn aftsr Mr. Dedge's own heart; full of the humor and wiiiiusikdiiiy wiiii jiuvc iiiiiue niis ajtners noe ts se r,vp, if $3.00 Indian Old-Man Stories Hy Trunk B. Linderman lllluir of "I'nclinn II In; Sterim," ctt. llltlitintcfl in celiii tin ClmrlcH V. UiihtK II Yeung and old are familiar with Mr Linderman'b authentic children. Indian stories $2.50 The Hidden People A story of Incan T-easurr By U'e Miller II Hit nix full-pttfje itliiHtralieiii, hi I'nul Ilraiwi An engrossing boys' novel by the author of "In the Wilds of Seuth America." $2.$e CHARLES, SCRIBNER'S SONS tflFTH AVE pT -iSST. NEVV TRK POETRY IN THE ANCIENT MOLD ALFRED NOYES SUSTAINS GREAT POETIC TRADITIONS He Is te Ilia Own Time What Chaucer and Spenser Were in Their Day and What Tennyson W'as in His Hy I'KI.IX v. t'rnfenr nf DnnlKli l.ltrriilure rniUH i :i third M.lmiip of the nil - IciIpiI pei-trv of Mr. N'(r, nsM'tn li'lns tlic viiil, nthnrwNr pnbllslipil slnrc tlllt. tnsctlipi with "nmp npv pepint liltlipitn imniililislipd." TntreiliiPtinn pud nirlnimnie llilnes long slurp p.iseil "i nii'l nrvjnii ivl In Air op Spciitp 11 liix iii'UiuiwIc ilppd 1 ntik nmenp tlin.p wlin nrc fin r inn en tln rpnf tradition of l'uslisli nnptrv. it is enlv for ttiP iil lltiM-n nitli' tn snliite liim ns lip imx-cx, iiiip nf tlip niicnvt srnup wliipli IcihN n mure tlimi int nltnltii'il te miIiMIp life Air. Xiimw bus nn Piivirtble nininint of nr liievpinput IipIiIihI him ftnm lils first nlt1111p, "Tlie Leem of Yi'-irs." imlili-liPil when Iip wns hut fpnt te pnrs nf n;c. tn "The Iltfin Aiti-t" nnil this lntpt xeltinip. Ljrip. pMic iin vitup-sp,! ;n tlip noble "Prnkp", mirrntlvp. Hip peptry of mtnrp nnil of ilnintv fnirv lore, spnti niPiit, litimnr. fpeline. nil ennip iintu r'llh , fnrllelv nnil pffectlvplv from liis f'lti'p ppn Vnt enlv does Mr. Neps 1 iim 1 iiileipinteh nnd Knippfiillv evprr bum "f lln I'leinrnt iinmi him for " it pvprp'inn of niTiisieiuil sputlniPnt hi men iimiI 1" puts vliirh 1ms nlavs Iippii rei'iisinbpil ns one of tlip nntiei ' nteil fiini'tinns of tlip nepentPil pnniilnr l'.ntisli jinit. but lie ilnpu (Iipsp (1 1 (11 nit tliiiic- ii" if there urp lietltiiiB in tlin v ( rlil ensier In de. mid lie does tbeiil. si'ceessfnlh Miic ins ideas, feelings nnil si ntmients in wbieli nil ran reneur. Net tli least pleasing and hitrrfHiij; is it tl.nt tlip Husse poet who surprbed f'lntnn Hamilton, new n geed iiinnv M-ais age. b the ('nnfesslnn thnt be I ad net been nbread. net cwn te rranee, uliiili In almost in view, sliniibl sinee lime ennie te lis and. In the 1 plat ions vliieli lie lias established nt rrinrptnn nnd tb" iiinnv ties nnd frlpnd sliins ulrieh hip new bis with Amor Amer irn. vlnuilii linve drnwn rloser tlins-e builds nf ninitv nnd brotherhood wliieh bind the n gie.it Anglo-Saxen peo ples in one. T ANtil'AtiH is a slmngpr tie tbnn 1 treaties; mid n eomtnen literature me eniliirili!.' than lenient. Wells, 'iiil-wnrtln . I'ennett, Ibirrip. Mnse- inld. Vines these nre 1 nnteinpeniry nnes. with tunm ninie n well known Miienc ns as in Londen A ilerrtde nl- i.ist In fnre the wir the bile llnniilten Mr.hie intrediieed ns te an Aiiieiiemi re- Mint of poems b Mr. Noses, sinee "lien the poet has hoi nine an inteillil- t'ennl ligiiri1. extiiesiins ngain and jitin in form of benntv these larger -ml mere universal truths ulnh marl' 'k ncMiiles' em e nnd units nf two cteat itintis. T the earinng ignorant he 'itiirm frniji time te time with a 1'liilis ine leer t1i.it poetry is dead, there is no letter answer than the sale in many iiitinns of the pnetr of men such as Mr. Musi fn Id and Mr. Nees. I re- nil liew 11 few jenrs age. when the miner vns aiheitised te toad his peetrj 111 one of the larger halls of the lni wrsitj, the cniK mii'se of the-e whep.ime 1 lieiir him n e gient that iidiotirii iidietirii n Mit was i-iiiile te a neighboring ibureh. 'linli Itself 1011'd M'areely held the ii.wd Mr Nev 1 s has upon nun e than lie ni 1 aien expei it'iieed u sinnliir we. mine and held his nuilienie with the sin or feri e of pun. 01 fill M'is(. and the li.it in of a pirsnnalitv wlmb eplains nt nine his grin e, his fnithriglitness mil the signilnanee of his popular ap I'.U. IIIAYI? written ulime of Mr. Ne.es ns one nf these f.ivered jieets who i 11 ilaimiil h his rniitempni.11 u s i wnrtln tn 1 any en the gnat ti.iilitinn l I.nglisli ;iniU.. In that might line wilkul t'luiucer and Siient r. i.nh in 1 is day. the spokesman e his tune in , SniKLLlNC. In tlip Vnltcnltv of 1'rniiMHnnlii Its meeptanee. its nspliatiens nnd its hopes, glorified as a lirrnlil is decked out in biave unifnrin. but none the less 11 true Noire of his time. In thnt nu gut line enmp Di'jden nnd even Mil Mil ten. lehel in pait though lip was, nnil later I'npe, nnd. in his time. Words, wm th and Tentnsen. nnd. In our Ameriea. Longfellow, te mention no 11101 e. Of coin sp, there have been innnv lesser mni who, eneh in his way. 1ms helped te 1 nrry en the poetry of the (enter, if I may s() call it. the poetry whiih Is essentlnllv the expression of the snirit of its own nge without being in nnv wie impaired In flip siueeritv with wliieh it exjiiesspji likewise the man who wiltes It. If I may enture en n trite old figure, this great strenm nf lltnfn till 11 it'lileli Itnu .k.uki tlmi . .iv'i.ili..., i.iii.i inn miii mill 11 te us from the tunnels nnd trieklings or enily ages, lienrs nuieli stately nuil aceepted rommerep en its sternly cur lent. nuieli that floats securely nmid strenni. 1'eets who nre in the gient tiaditien of Ibiglish letters esenpp the rapids of the lebels, the shallows of ineptituile, the backwaters of imltn imltn tien and the hogs nnd mernses of ec centricity, where netliing limits. Te leave liguies. such 11s nre In - the line nf nu erderlv evolution, they nre net fieiks; they de, nut startle, surprise or scandalle; ns Taine said of Tennv snii, "Thev will pervert nobody." They are safe and orthodox, inch with an orthodoxy of his time which, we should he careful te remember, is net the orthodoxy neeessniilj of nil time. I cannot feci that it,,h the function of art at nil times te' stun nnd nmne. The certainty nnd rpstfulncss of ,Tnnc Austen is worth all the novels of ter ror of her age baled into 0110 huge packet. And it comes almost as a halm nnd tin' nlleviatinn in thce dnj.s of topsy-turv.vdeni te read n poet who believes unaffectedly in (!ed nnd finds it unneressar te punctuate that belief with a big bass ilium. WITH nil Mr. No.ves' felicity nnd vnrietv of theme, his nden,uncv, the snneness nnd justice nf his nttltude to ward life and the elevated qunlltv of bis sentiments, mmiccIv nnv thing is meie striking than tlip technical excellence of bis nit. In this ibiv of ja7. music, fu ture peifedist art and spineless verse, it is n been te have this skillful nnd lensiitnninte vindicator in pi-actiee nf the tiiiip-hnnnied giaees and benutics of poetry whiih Mr. Neves insists nn floating as an ait in wenls. Like every tine nrti'l, he Ins extended trnditien while nbseiving it and lie fully deserves nil the praise that he has leceived for his 01 iginalit and inventiveness in new stnnas, his nnvil experiments (sudi as rhvmcs en the liist word, single wenl 1 ef rains and the like), and 11 fie qiiently novel and clever ue of repe tition and lefrain. Above all this 1 harming metrist has preserved the melody of our beautiful I'nglish tongue, giving it again and again new effects and charmingly novel cadences. If it is pleasant te turn from the cacophony of much of our flee verse nnd ether te the music of Mr. Nejcs, it is no less a delight te come out of the gloom, the black significance and enigmatic depths of some of our contemporary poets into the sunshine whiih illumes the spaik ling world of Mi. Neves' wholesome tanc.v. Come, lit us put our (iicstion (iicstien ings nwnj and believe thnt tlieie aie funics hi flic fniests mid the glades of old Lngl.mil at the least, that there me things nf beauty in this weild of outs and that (!ed is net remote in his heavens, sitting mistere, but is mani fest in jej and goodness in the hearts of mm. 1 in. 1 riTi:n rei:.ts pv Aifmi Noses. uitii 111 Ni i Yerk. Trud Tick A. Hikes Cu as. . ? CW ilmUagikl JK 1 hurt a i'(nNviWiAM"Vi .rtVftSss-xy V . KOl'KK Football e'.pert, who writes about the game PLEASURES OF LIFE IN THE SOUTH SEAS Account of a Yachting Voyage of Fourteen Thousand Uliles WHAT MUSIC CAN DO FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Harriet Seymour Writes a Many Beehs That JVill Serve Guide for the Uniniti- j for the Bedtime Reading , ' I he Strange Year" is liv r,i7a One bite, w'liih insures real litetniv (lis Il.irri't Sevmeur has In en a pioneer I tiiictiun for this story for children in 111 the iin'nptise of educating people 1 'I''' '""'lv ti ens. The plot ceiitet s about who want te knew alieut liiusie -te tin-I '"' ntti.ictive little crippled girl who lii-stand it. net nees.iiiilv te plav it moves into a neighborhood. The giils in initlinds nf sviupathv .ind iippieein- theie.ibmits adnpt a Piench orphan nnd timi Tlieie is a huge lav public which de ntlnr intentiiiB and alttiiistic gees' te conceits and opens and wbhli thing". enievs both nime nr less, hut wlinhn "Old (i'.nnnv Tex" is the newest of fiels That it deis net knew much nbeut Theintmi Iliugess' books for chibhen. what it is heiiung. mni ui.ir 11 is net u is me new volume for this riiilstinas 111 me iiicen .vieulevv Seiies," y. I'.urgess has the knack of wiiting inter c ringh nbeut animals for the jeiing folk and of creating nn ntmesphet,i ()f whnlesnmi nes, and helpfulness wit hunt pmtiting nn olivieus mnrni. Hurrisnn Cnd.v's colon d illustintiens nie droll ttmg esthetic vnblcs te the full of il. 1 npaeitv I'nr these poisons. Mis Sevmeur 1 ,is iIpm l.ipi d 11 coins,, nii'l sh has been v iv si111ssf.1l and liuilful with il lhrni.li In 1 Silioel for Music Iti -ulii- r... ... n 1 ..e ii. i 1 ..,1 1 1 1 Hen 1 lie I ceili 111 I'-'iii. "i 10 11 ', -s then' ibvelnpul feim the b.lsl- of I and' likable. ,1 What Miimc i'ai, He f .. 1- Yvi . ' I f 'T.nhy Muffale and the Jnlh Jack- . subiitbd. "A .nblc lr the I 111- rabbit" has a title that will 1 ngnge the 1 j ... ..1 I.. mull 11 etilllll Illlll I'Ult.ll 'Oil Ol li- 1 nii'l'- "ll - i'hs te stmlv the iil.it nf music 011 the Iiv. of lii r pupils. Miss Sivmmir has nnpninl .1 I k that has both the ele- netits et .i iiticilitv nnd Inspiiatlen. si. 1,11.1 n1- tin- value of music in daily l,f" um enlv tiein tl iilt'inil, but from ,l,i .tin. .1 mid tl" 1 "I" ei'- nl standpoint. It I, m viib- 11 niiiiimil te make one live , , mpl.telv. M.led.v. hiunien.v. .,.. and b. ultli and the philosophy nf . -ti line 0-' tb nmllers iliscusseu. S In 1 lull S'tl l ll'ir N V II . p r f. linn 1 ni-i v 11 r vi -1 , 1 - in Winning Football , . .i.n ,.1 Veiv tillieir te Hie 1001 nun n-irmi ui.i 11 g' .l,i ...1 i. hi in 1 1 M'iiirii nutii'i' 1 WH'l " K ' '".'" ' M'.ll vv . iilie ,1 II is I' .urn"" " Winning Koetbiill." Mr. 1 I Inffk til ft ti., .it 'i lr litis uiuiv nun - U...i - int. lest (it rntfe. It is the newest of I" I' Kilheurne's animal books, and nil. m.inv dellglitlul il(tilies, bmh ,.. I and in black nnd white, by Ilattie Lengstriet l'rlee. Though it Is a (.111 liniiiins steiy, it is se written that it can easilv be lead eiinllv evei a number of In iltimcs, "The Italian Twins" is the neviest "twin" Mm of Luiv I'eikins Tit. h, nnd is just ns geed us the ether bonks bv this favorite w liter which Is saving ti Int. She has also lentrihtitci 11 number of her (liariictenstic jus. nations. The book gives a geed idea te jeiing Aniericnns of native life, habits and Mistnms among n people wlie have enutiibutid many tillens te this coun try. In ".liinmv IJunn Stories," n ,re and delightful rabbit is the rentinl r linr- 111 ter, nnd the pi.sint dnv fables mid i.t.. 1... ""- "'.'""",", '' ,, ,',, lea 11 sped I '''''"" "'''"' in """'' '"' k.s pm t Li.iii.nsf.iinnlersil 1. n . . 111 ''line told with charm mid n.igina it v ,,, llf , i.b 1 -1 fntl nil It ." ,,,, 10 , i.itl, ne.nnl vei,Rst ." is in.' .i.i.iiliii'iK 'r,,V, ' f ,1 and tlinv f.e.iuentl.v point mmal in rln f-il"i fc',u, ",'" '''' iP'l, U -"' U,",J fi" that sm ,lr" ,, ,,r 11 cntiirv .In ng '", ' l Ulke It in with nn . ffei t. ... 1,., .11.0 II mijer .nnes. '- ,i' 'J It is no easy thing te vv 1 ite fur chil- II, '.. 1...-I I'l'i'!-. f'"1 '"'!' ""' ' dren. but Henry C W,ilk,r has see ,. ,,, ueb.'ili.s vievvpeints of t lie . , fe) , n ,un ,0 , lf, .., ,. f 1 all th Kl'" "f nlwrvn- I ,K,(, jm,1Ilr,ln(. mM(.i, i.,esti J . .. . .,.. -..I1.. i.i net II klKC IlliZel , ,...' i- n... ... ., , ". '" 1 nn. n is in'.-."' - , ,11111111111.111. 1 or i.iii.iiiH nisi iieinre p(.. ,i) ,,r restll.ie.i i... ,".."" I..""- .'nigh fi-mn the nuthei's ...i:ipmi nt Jer . r..k nnd anrieiitnlivcnc'-s nn hN I,, ,1 ,t is iiiideiibteilly .1 "Hpicl.ilist s "mi llnper in 1010 tinned out 11 team ,t ,au the (iiung. nnd I'.bick above I,! nine nnd ted thpCiinisen in ngame w l.i I, Hniviid bv gliielillg effort . ii.inag.. I te match I'linceten in nn ', .,. ,.. II. civs .lb. lent methods . v. .1, .i.iliv nliiiil nnd team weik. Ills leek 1- iiiiiii-ntlv piniticiil. vet the mi - , 1 h nig th" 'iv of the gnuie is net neg- I,, nil. T.ie pemtH and pinctlces nf the , ie,n kiiiii. aie fully nnd clearly de- ,,,b(.l I'leper sties is placed en the Jiiuint. of speed strength and skill. 11 ml their (e ordination and relation set feith It in a book full of football lore nnd logic science and art. And It lias 'nts of "pen I WlNMINO 17KITM.VI Ti liv vv vv jveper time or en lain.v d.ivs, this., steiies aie ideal. Attiattive illiistiatiens enhniice Jhe text. tin: sTnwm: vrvn n. i-'Iji em Whit ll,tn.i linn. I,t, ,, Mifflin fe I)! I) (IHANNV I'l'V II 'lli.llltun llursras lliiilun I III. IllriHii . 11 11VI1V Hrrrvl.ll AND l III- .IOI.I.Y JACK ,W,,"J.r Tn ,',' ii KIV '""""" IMilln.l.I- tihln !' nn l"ul I Fhlna Cu Tlir. ITAMIN TW'IS's! iy t. T.rKns ril.h llemnn Hen,. I, inn. Mifflin r0 J1MMV Ill'VN' IIMIHIT MOti;s Hy ll'iirv r Wullcii Nv v.jrk '1 l,n Cen tun Ce Fitzgerald'g Ancestry r. Scott ritgernld, author of "This Side of I'aindi.c" and "Dappers nnd I'hllosephcrs" (both Serlhner hooks), tlin voting I'l-lneeten man whose mete oric success in literature hns nreused wide and prolonged dlHCUKnIeii, 1h a Brcat-graiidsen of Frnnrls Scott Key, nuther of the "Star Spaneleil Ban ner." . i The psspntinl value of "In tlip Track of the Trades" consists in the fnct that it Is n vivid and reliable description of these things in which the little-known Polynesian races differ from ether un civilized peoples, customs which in an other generation mnv have passed away. The Mnrnuesans were the first reached in the jncht cruise, te which we ewe this weik. nnil it is a surprise te learn thnt while of incempninblv line pbv siipie, tliev are the fastest disappearing of the p.eples nf the southern I'acllic. Te nn a. count of their hunting exploits is adle.l n leniarknble (hnptcr desciip tive of tlnir pei feinimice everv L.ister of the "1'iissien rin.v," in imitation of that of Oberainineigaii, with photo pheto phote giaphs of tlii.e of the leading bur netii s. The Saine.ins were dcvetnl te gar.iis of iriiket which lasted from four te twelve da.vs and included nil the males of two islands. In "charming" Tahiti the most delightful experience was in listening te their songs of the nation mid wntihing t licit .d-inces. While theie is much of greatest interest in the deci iptiens of the natives of llipse little-known islands and their distinctive customs and amusements, the vcr.v detailed accounts of the mini ngement of the j.icht during its 14.01)0 mile cruise, in whiih tieiee gules were ficfiieut, nre very hard reading nnd often unintelligible te these igneiunt of sailing teims. As, for instnnie. this f.ut, "while the beat pulled oft shore and dropped the stnrbe-iid nnclier the pint was Inekeii out and (atted." Tlie f.nty-nine illustiatieiiH, mostly of tlie native, fiein photographs by tlie niitlinc, add iniich te the interest and v.ilue of the book, ix Tin: thacksi nr tut: TitAnnsi The iic.euiit 111 ii 1 1 nne mil j.uhtiiitf inline te tlie Haw 11 , .Mm., lien iv siuilt'tles, tf.imn, n nml 1 ij . Jiv l.ivln it I-'uein-in Willi iIIuh i.itlnH finm lietuK-rniliH l the uu ihnr .Vtw Verlc luutd. .t..nl & I'e. m:w books All nutlllie il. irnit.rlliltl.ili nf tlin latest I.illillr.ltl.ins, Vlnrt- tvl.ii.l.it review will be Klieii hunks wert i .if nim-iI.iI niitlce. 'iiu: i'iii:.nu.mi v or 11 mi:riai,iza- 'lIll.N. ll Jliien Ven f-i hr.-ntk Nul- !-lii am! i: 1: r.iurnl.r .l'Abb. , .i;vv Vnrk 13. 1' Dull.in i Te. A rniitrlljutlnii m thu Investigation .( mi.liiimi.tli. tel 1 ! . sties. IIU i; 'JA1.I3S HP '1IIT3 WI3IHD Ilv S1 ik-v DK-klniiiin. -N"v l'urk. JJuffk-lil A. i'e Th. s. are vivl.l nnrrmlvfi of nctunl ex p.run.ea that uru vuurhul for .MOI'NTAIN riiAIT Ilv O Wlnthrnp Veunis. Ni Jink; 1 haili-.H facrlbnvr's hullH Summarls-es th" mi dim .lvplopments of alplnlMii and m.iuntuin cllmblnir. uifuiviArn- itrv!iNisi-i;.ci:s nrsrenn AMI DL-ltlMj -11113 UUHI.D VVAIl lly A. NikullerK .Si Vurk. 13. 1'. Dut. tun &. t'e. The ULther wis fnrmrrlv Ittmslnn ml I1T nt bull, nml at Muikliulm und mil l.uniarlur tn .M nlrlil U'Al.Y A.S'U '11113 VVOIU.D WAIl. lly Theni.is N, m. n I1,, no New Yerk ChirltH S.tii.ii. 1 Suns. The r. niinihn in. tr i d i xperlrnces nf the American million 1 l.n m Hum., from 1IH3 te Hill. An imiHirtuiit (..ntrlbutleu tu the un di'iMinndlnir ..f Hi. sn.u ceiitllct at.-J 11 vviirni tilbuln te I11.lv Miiln.irt ami mint. .1 ion ien ion trlbullens te th" ulllm.it- virien. Written In tlie noted umhei h chariulni; und din din iiiictlve stvl" TIII3 SKM.IN'13 IN I3XOMSII MTI3RA- Tl 1(13 ll 1. VV Smith nnd 13 V lli.tllavvu N. vv Yolk JJedd. ,ti ud . A valu-ible li.idbe.lc la'unnll rump-is-vvbich h. is ..If th euuti.iidlni; nnil ev.r tnnplni; lii'lm.rku tli.it IN nbove the li.nl en nf t)li b.K mil.ji . t 1 he nulheiH liav.- I. id muih .'il..i In t'lulilnir lltiratur. In cell. 1:11 und hull bche.d (iiuri.s 'itmlr little book N i.'.urut. and huH diftinitlen of narration 1 . intf f,u fmni the (liy nu Uunt ioiiil.09.1iien cf ih .uvr.ii.-. manual. YOl'll lil.lCIISI1 Ji.ll lly U I.. Smith New Y. rk I) Apelrinii Ce rul I of huks-. ni . in thu nre helpful nnd rnifstiurilve lur lanntrt vv hnHe childr 11 "linti- h. h.i.d ' in iti and KlrlH whu ai leiiliii; lulu st in Binds and te ti.nli re Iluhiinir iv I ittl.- m uinit mi.vlts and hiuiin Ill3l.iilf.vr, OI I' AND M3W. lly Ueerp VVh.iiien I .IwaidH I'lilladelidila, I'm,, I'uhlit'hinK . .1 Shnulil ! nf In!' r. it tu the mnny who Inn. I1.n1 teu. led lii the tillKht of the l.r.ivi lull, k'lu.lem vvhivli rtoed he Mnnchl 10 lt reliirn durlns- ih" world v ir Tin will, r 1,'lv.H hlh.nl. .1 dita innliiaiiHei'H h. twi'li lie ...I llililuni nn 1 thnt billii: 11 1 eiiHlrui t'-d an I lu.uv inur. ntlnir d.-H. rlp t l.jiiH Thu huik li llluxliatcd with fum x nf bin own palntlm,-! and diawinCM, il il Pieduced 111 color and monutune TIII3 CUNTKOl. 1. 1' l'Vlli:N'l'lIOOD I3.lltr,l hv Jain, h Mm hint. , w Yerk. J 1 l'utnnnf n s iiiw Iilntlimulnli. 1 mi, nl'ai" leonemlHtj., pub II. ImIh lilI cbrifMiun d'ai uhi the HUhject fmin sev.ral hiii.1. h Ih. .nlrndui Hen la bv th.. Klxliep of I'm tnlnuli in 'He 11 dm 1 Ien f 1 npulatlen and bnih . niurnl nre tl,nui,ht fullv and r"v.r.nlly imixidprvil In the nu in. 1. in, 1 ipr 1K HOIV rHUIS" Ilv I.IxIp Parrell. Cln clnnati hti-wart A Kl.td Ce font ilim flBliliiK f a. ih dita lnntheda nml HlaiUll.H of IntuiM te all Int. rested In out deer Hpertu and life. Tins a.'cu isinvi: secihty. iiv n it T 111 nm Nuiv Yerk Ilareeurt, llrnce St Howe. A short aniliils of thfl Ihnerv nf ,,. .llvldiial ilsbt-. whleli la the found itlen of (iniiiimia ori,anl2atlen In I3urena bh.i Vmerlcu IHI3 i ii-i: and irrn.'iis or ha.mit.ten VMIIlilll- MV1UI3 Ilv 13 A XIere N. -v ..rk l.i.l.l M. id &. Ce. A HlnlMlh.tl. bl.iKrilihV nf n mnn .. hn nn i.llt.r vult.r end leiiurer, n n tmch- niiir.-r 1 .- ni.. iv i.iini-iHuiiH et Auifii.anH I.lVi: AND IH3 V'lI'Vll Hy Vane. Thomp n.n .Sciv Voik Ilnuldtdaj, I'uli0 f'e A wltiv an 1 Hucuecllve book As AND I(l3f'l3IVi: Hv Anren Crane llnHinn Inihrep l.pn t Hhepard A uludy of the ip.iihln cf jbuh en the unli-rp.l ncil of pruer. TI1I3 DWII3 f-VIIOllT, (IP T3XPl3flirvrr Vnl oilier Miwrn lly Pnniu. I M . ,,, ,1 CietherH lleH.m Houghten Miitiin Ce 1101 sTir.viRM Tiir.'iiv and piiac-th r Hv llirtnn.l Hush. II New Yerk 11 u' . our( Iirnre & II. nve ltni.l'UDS' AND IirslNTs-s) jlv Ilni.er ,,. Iliiliinn N'W ierk Tin- Miuinliinn c'.i. DOMN13I Hy J. mm Prnneli O-ihell win, nn Introduction bv ten nh l ri; shmll.i. NtvvYnrk Rebert M Mcllrl.ls A f'e t-. A revlHPd edlden of Mr ( aMI'11 remaniTn (ale nf Mfllrcni and Terlen. Ilr.t pub lh,a . "The Keul of Mellcer.t " It l 1, i,"erv IIUK wuv u iiivi lMli,le). I'llll'IlIU CH, rtlO ( U I 1 be.u y an.l truth In the manner which Mr Cabell hat made famem. It Is 1 vverk of A Boek As a Gift Is Alse I n n n n n n n n D n A Gracious Compliment BELOW is a selected list of Century books especially suitable for Christmas gifts. Write clown the names'ef the people you will send books te, check off the titles in this advertisement suitable for each person, and save it as a shopping list. Send for our new illustrated holiday catalogues -one especially of books for grown-ups and one especially of books for boys and girls. . . b THE CENTURY CO., 353 Fourth Ave., New Yerk City. 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