inuj;iiMi'mg gwn !"- 3- i X, lF v .". & - fljt, ,Dp n ' '(5."- "' T , i n nium i GRIDIRON TEAMS PROLONG SEASON p II taXMSNtMfd PWLIC) XECGBR-PHIIIAJDBIiPHlA:, FBIPAX DBOBMBEB 3, 1920 29 Many Football Contorts Are Scheduled te Be Played Tomorrow Afternoon The football Masen ends with Thnnkselvliitf. but thin xentien lj evi dently ttUibllahinn ft precedent, for mnny gridiron battla hera and also where arc scheduled for tomorrow. One of the meat important of the tow clashes li between the Helmcjbura ami Frankford ffcrub nnd will be pleyed en Helmcuburg Field. Frnnkferd avo ave cue and Ithawn dtreet. The big Mama met about a month age and the acore was 00. The Scrubs nre anxious te nee which Is the better, and although the Masen for both clubs Is at an end, the Interest In the game was te tense that Manager Bowker and Gerker decided te play tomorrow after after neon. Among the players en both sides are many bays from Frankford Ulan Scheel. Eight Mhoelboyg will be In the line-up, three for Ilelmcaburit and five ou Frankford. Anether Important clash will be taKed at the ground of the Sun Ship Athletic Association in Chester nt Third street and Morten avenue, when Cliften Heights opposes Chester A. 0., a team that two weeks age handed the Heading Tigers their first defvut at home In seven Over In Camden Emersen and Ewlng. of this city, will play at Fourth and Jasper Mreets. Tin se teams were sched uled te battle en Thanksgiving Day, but the geme was postponed en ac count of the elements, living's crip ples have fully recovered and Manager Wyatt expects te Bcore "a victory ever Emersen. Many ether teams are In action, In cluding Ilivcrten, Chcsbroek, of Wil mington ; Celwyn and at Klkcr'a Field, Andersen street nnd Clielten avenue, the Kennedy A. C. will meet the German town Juniors in a neighborhood tilt. A Sunday game Is also down en the cbedule en the same grounds when the Oennantewn Scholastics meet Hely Name. $50,000,000 Passes Through Pari Mutuals in Maryland Halllmore, Dec. 8. .The stu pendous aum of $80,000,000 or mere passed through the betting ma hJjes of the four big Maryland rnce tracks during the season of 110 days just ended, according te figures ob tained. The new state racing commission linn net yet made It report te the governor en the first six months of Itn operation, covering only the nu tumn meetings, but the figures given are regarded by persons In close touch with racing affairs as being, if anything, under the real amount. Turf writers ngrce that It was a banner sc son for racing In this state in the quality of the racing, at tendance and financial results. TWO BIG SOCCER GAMES Only two games rtmtln te be played In th InttrcollfiaUte Beceir Laagus. Ttiaae centtsts wilt b atasad en Saturday at ltav ltav trrerd and Ithaca, whan Itnn plan Havtr Havtr ferd and Princeton eats te mast Cernell. Alt the ether team have finished their chadulea and the championship la an ret undecided. However, tomorrow mar bring the tie te a clone and a let dependa en th outcome et these two nitiH, Penn nnd Princeton are the only ttams te te through the acaaen without a defeat and have played each ether te a tl Kme. The via; Quakers are the faverltei ever the Lltll Quakers In the name at Haver ford en Saturday afternoon becauie et their aheKlng igalnst the Harvard team last week, when Lee the Chlneae atar. came Inte the llmellsht by scoring- three ceali In the closing minutes of play. Tiger Soceerlats May Play State I'rlncrten, N. J.. Dee. . Coaeh Al Nels. of the Princeton aeceer team, will be only tee (lad te have hie Tlfter eleven meet Penn State for the Intercelleitlate soccer cham pionship In case Princeton defeat Penn In the play.erl of the tie new existing In the Intercollegiate Lemtue. Ileperls credit Penn mate with n flsslre te meet the winner of this play-oft. the Pennsylvania celleie claim ing a auperler record te that et any ether eleven. Red 8ex Want Heeper aa Pilet IJnsten, Dec. 3. Harry Heeper will lead the Ited Sex en the Held attain next season It lit' returns t the prune. It w aa announced from club h"ftdquartiTa today The stftie ment thnt the field captaincy wan at his call wan made In reply te n report that the vet eran outfielder te be traded te the Chi cneu Whit? Hex or New Yerk Ynnkees. HARD SCHEDULE . FOR SI. JOSEPH'S Basketball Te am Will Tackle Army Five In New Yerk This Menth Ilaskctball practice at St. Jeseph's College has been under way ever a week and Coach. Temple reports that the team la rapidly rounding te form for the opening game, a week from tomerow, with the Crimson nnd flray Club at the St. Jeseph's gymnasium. The material en hand Includes four veterans from last scosed'h team nnd about sixteen ether randidatcx, In cluding threo Ktars of last Reason's championship prep school quintet. The "veterans" are Define and A REM XMAS GIFT " A HAT at a. .nkeaari ffATYi a lift every man will appre- "our lelectlen of CI".1'1"1? Hats la the most complete In years and riant new reuhara the opportunity "" Z ,i ; Tantagi of reduotlens en our J . enure "., - I1B Market Bt. Open Snt. KTenl"" liS.HILBORN 218 MARKET ST. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS Largest Upstairs Men's Stere in Philadelphia &nd 1006 Market St. SET1 Here's The Big Clelhiny Event That Felks Have Been Waiting Fer C Air 3567 Fine Hand dilLE. Tailored All-Weel Men's and Yeung Men's SUITS and OVERCOATS At the One FLAT PRICE Genuine Values $, $50, $55, $60 Suits for the Yeung Man and His Elders Overceats-Uisterettes-Ulsters Every one made in our own workrooms by skilled tailors --authentic styles modeled by master designers in our big iew Yerk Factory. Yeu practically buy 2 garments for the price of one. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS fe Coach Temple, guards; Deadr. n for ward, and Vfwird, center. Define was it ta,r Sf. the, 101 P"P enlntet, Deady and Visard are fast passers and hate keen eyes for the old string. Beth ere assured of bertha en the flve this season. At a recent meeting of the letter men Vlxnrd was elected captain, Crcan, McDermott and negena are the stars of the prep quintet of last season. They were graduated from the prep school In June and entered St. Jeseph's College In September. Other premising candidates ara Meylan, a forward j Trcacey and Mark O'Neill, guards, and Saukitls, a forward. The schedule arranged by Manager nash Includes twenty games, nine of which will be played away from home. Here's the sweet smoke V.a let all the rich flarer f the to te to bnree, which rnn nerr be made wet nor bitter with shIIts, neroevitble clay bowl makes It caey te heep clean, African CALABASH PIPES Mm i&'ig STERNER'S gS 20 N. 12th St. PIPES REPAIRED ELECTION AT MER10N Annual Meeting Will Be Held at Club en Saturday The annual meetlna of (he Merlen rrleket r',i, wll' tie helrt at the clubhouse, llarer llarer ferd, en Saturday at 0 p, m. The follewlnii etlleera have been nemlnnteil for electien: IT l4nt, ndwaM 8. Hayrea) flrat vlee prealdent. Allen Cvanat aenend vlee preel dent, William II. Philter; third vice presi dent. Harry C. Thayerl secretary, W. W. Montfemery, Jr.! treasurer. James T. Kahnesterk; live rovernera te aerve three iearat Rebert W. Lesley, Ileward W. Lewie, loratle O. Lloyd, J. Henry Bcattersoed and 'aul Thomceen. The felmwlnjt teaets will be made at the dinner which la te fellow the meeting; "In cident In the World War." Sydney Thayer. Jr.; "Twice-Told Tales," Neah II. 8wayne, 2d! "llavlnr the Oame." the Itev. Carter Helm Jenes. D.D, GIRLS TO PLAY HOCKEY AII.PhlladelDhla Team te Meet Dryn Mawr Varalty The Varsity team of Bryn Mawr Cel lets and the All-Philadelphia hockey team will meet at Bryn Mawr at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Following a custom at Ilryn Mawr net te pick the members of the Varsity hockey tenm un til Its final game, the line-up will net be known until tonight. During the season the Varsity has played the All-American hockey team, before ita departure for England, by which It was defeated; the German town Cricket Club, winning 8-3; the ll Jm III Merlen Cricket Club, winning 6-1, and iiauuuuneiu, winning . Nativity Street Run The NMIvIt nth li la maklnir preparations for Ita second annual atreet run en Cbrjstmas afternoon. The athletes wl I iri ai me nativity eiuoneuss ana traverse ha street of Illrhmnnil Ih rniirin mv. Inc about five mile, Many valuable irltea will Ue presented by the business men. Kn- les can be nied with Dick O'Donnell, care of Nativity C. C , Madisen and Miller streets. Reller-Skate Races rteltrr-skatlnc races were revtveeV ! night downtown at tbe Third luttmattt Armery and a bl crowd waa In attendance. William McCullar. a West Phlladelehla wen thn nne-mlln raae from a fleld of Watra ttirtitnr th feurtaen.laft cetiraa the rast time or minutes secenas. .. II Hayes, of ths Third IWaiment. (Inlshea oleae second, and Nerman Hires, also wear In the same club colors, waa third. A. Mauser, another Weet Fhtlly boy, took fourth place. ila lad. t swlZt urse In 3 I KEEP 'EM NEW Thern is a certain amount of cheerful ness in the hepe of making: an old garment new, but there ia real sense in keeping a new garment new. Phent, Poplar 7660 CLEANERS and DYERS it i 3 C-estnet St. 1 5557 GermantewnAvc 5202 Sanson. St. Main Office and Works 6J8-28N.2JstSt.J NEW SCALE OF BASEMENT PRICES On Our $50,000 Stock of 1 j5el lv'. WJ-V0 gWjjM. MEN'S SHOES Through factory concessions and liberal lesacs, which shall assume ourselves, wc are makJng tremendous reductions en our cntire stock of the famous Emersen Shee. fjenuine Shell Cordovan & AA Brogues and Imported dJi-vU Scoteh or Grain Brogues Valu Olhert Proportionally Reduced 0 $i5.ea JMOHWT AIM 1235 MARKET 2 Deem Belew CT ;jf & Market Ola BASEMENT i!.rriv.Ti "" - -t -p "New Yerk Styles America Menree Clethes New Yerk" $50 and mere just a month age NOW $27 Men's and Yeung Men's ALL WOOL OVERCOATS TW0 PANTS SUITS &?4 J-i-iiwwii f 4m iHHl 'pHESE Coats at THIS PRICE - are jast one example of hew Menree Clethes adapt TODAY'S prices te today's conditions. At this $27 price you will see the finest assortment of Men's and Yeung Men's ALL WOOL Over coats that less than a month age were selling at $50 and mere. Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Leather Lined Storm Coats and ether this season's best models in MELTONS, KERSEYS, FRIEZES, PLAID BACKS and LOOMSPUNS. Fermer $40 and $50 TWOPANTSSUITS MEN, here's positively the greatest opportunity ever presented. These Men's and Yeung Men's ALL WOOL Two Twe Pants Suits, made of Strong Streng Hewat Virgin Weel Fabrics, and ether highest grade Serges, Flan nels, Cheviots, Worsteds, etc., are here for you in single and double breasted models. Well worth $50 and $60 NOW $27 at our Upstairs Menree Clethes Sheps. J tmmWmmWWmmWmWmmmK S-a3IJI V I li B Wm lis If 1 I ktl IHJPlf I'Bfw IvilHe P, 1 Villi' iwl HI till jSl PI 11LS HIV lit l Jill iK uji n e jl rMen!-Hurry!h Get in en This Sensational Price Slashing Half Price Sale SUITS & Overcoats Made te Measure W m Suitings and Overceatings New Suitings and Overceatings New $ I m Suitings and Overceatings New 20 25 30 Come in tomorrow. Select from the choicest woolens le it at once for best choice. Why Man alive when de you ever expect another opportunity te make such a wonderful saving? Nete the values then figure exactly one-half! The prices talk for themselves. Chas-Adams Ce- 1617 CHESTNUT STREET 18 North Warren St., Trenten, N. J. :Opcn Monday and Saturday Evenings: a rti ftHWBrHl!0rmtSnmmm TaWa5HB Come Up and Save Frem $10 te $30 en Your Clethes Ne Charge for Alterations 18 Upstairs Menree Clethes Sheps in New Yerk City Others Pltimore Jersey City Scrartten Newark Albany Yenkara Pateraen Droeklyn "New Yerk Styles America I OPEN EVENINGS 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Meney Back Second Fleer, Cerner 10th and Market Streets, Over Woolworth's ivionree Clethes New Yerk" Astounding Offer! SUITS and OVERCOATS $20 te $27.50 Values Finding that we have entirely tee many garments en our fleer, we find it necessary te fall in line with ether reputa ble manufacturer te reduce our stock te realize ready csh. Here's a talc that smashes all precedents for low prices; the let comprises exceptionally line mod els, expertly made and all of them worth at least double the sale price. UAXm V vv ,T ' ' M ' hid. ft I ! i "il Our Regular Stock of AH-Weel Materials in Suits and Overcoats Is Here for Your Inspection. The Duplicates Which Can-(Rrf- jm en net Be Found in Town for L,bU Less Than $35 te $40 -S-rf r,,,Jt SALCO CLOTHES S. E. Cor. 9th and Sansom Sts. Second Fleer Purchnslng Agents' Orders Accentor! ii ia!im3i A ! ' 4. t. f v.t'ii