t-' ..if! !,' ." '. lit i V trV ; V 1 1 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER THIL'ADEtrHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1920 21 TOD A TS MYSTER Y STOR Y n' riULII FRANCIS NOWLAN Yeatcrdafs Mystery Solution WHILE the notes In "The Dance of Death" were totally lacking In t m . tit - melody, Harvey mints inclines, tralnrd te sense hidden meanings and planntleils, grasped a certain method la the groupings of the notes and the pauses between tue creups, jui as though they were being used te spell a mcktarc. He noted tnat tnc neics cov ered .rBc ff0UTr. JS?,T5.7" "k cop Ud tlicm new ii. jw i.ufi.u.. .,., .... :? h. ntp n-h-p-d-c-W could be nsnl for the samp letters, and that the sm notes in a suvuim u.uu jiukhi uu uu nete the letters h-l-j-k-I-in-n, with the iit.A nnd nnrt of the fourth eciavcs rnmnlctluR the alphabet. cempiiiiuK ,.i , i.rrn. nn.,,. f ums. km. i'j' '."...". . v,"i..i.r told linn n murj ui u i.uinuc- Deflth.' oeigliber was the archplettcr, te blew Tlst nlet, In which Evans's musician .. it.. assist t Ariel! pV Fearing he might be under surveil lance the musician communicated with M chief lieutenant by means of his ElanO. illlt U1M1KS te iiurvc mini, inu ..( wem traced from its maker, who worked as shipping clerk for n firm nmed Sillier Ures., te the apartment house, and all of the gang were ar rested before the plot could be consum mated. .... .,n . IJeceueu, liic mcsnuge run ; xcimu will send bomb te you parcel pest, Mil lir Ures. box. Emlch must plant .it lubtrcasury deer 1:10 Monday, timed tn minutes." i XVII Can you solve this case ? Elusive Liquor MOUNTED Patrolman Brady saw the kev when it Btepned from the motertruck. The man standing en the back of the truck had leaned ngalnst it as the machine lumbered by. lirady shouted te him that It was sllcllng off and it was'lhc fcllew'a clumsy efforts te ,Bave It that had sent It tumbling, te smash en the boulevard pavement nnd shower many gallons of whisky in every direction. Dy the time Brady had trotted near. enough te smell the character of the liquid the truck had put en speed nnd was swaying wildly up the boulevard mere thnn n block nway. Urndy, of course, gave chase, but the machine "outdistanced his mount until he lest 'sight of it as it swung off en n read, lending out into the country. It was i about fifteen minutes bciore iirncn found Heiks, of the motorcycle Bquud nnd the latter took up the pursuit. Hclks" asserted that In his pursuit of the whisky truck he passed l'ctcr Degancy, a liquor dealer, In another motertruck thnt was leaded with kegs and headed into the city. When he found the truck he was chasing It con tained no kegs. ThoNlriver nnd his as sistant, whom he urrcstcd, admitted they were empleyes -'of Degnney, and that the kegs had been transferred te the truck in which he rode. They nlse admitted the keg they had dropped had contained whisky, but said it.was be ing transported under permit. The rest of the kegs, they stoutly maintained, were empty, This was contradicted by no less thnn eight persons who snw the barreli transferred from one truck te the ether, nnd who nil agreed that they were very heavy. Degnney himself told exactly the same story as his empleyes when lie wns questioned nn hour later bv the United States operative who put lilin under ar rest for violation of the Velstead act, and attempted te substantiate his story "by showing the permit for the trans portation of n single barrel. This was the case as Jim Quycr, the United States operative, outlined it te Harvey Hunts as the. two men mada their way out te a warehouse owned by Dcganey, "We've traced the truckload out cre," lie told the Independent Invest! "Umphl" grunted Hnrvcv Hunt. "I'm net se sure of that. Jim.' The warehouse property Included n fair-sized let, surrounded by a high beard fence, and it was into this that the two men made their way after n thorough search of the building failed te reveal any whisky stored there nt nil. At one end of the let wns a huge pile of empty kegs nnd barrels. In front of this pile the ground wns wet. Iietli men dropped te thclc knees nnd sniffed. gnter, who wns accompanying him un officially, "and I don't believe Dcgancy'ftf nan time te move it out again, se all we'll have te de is check the stuff nnd seal the place up." f AnVEltTIBKMENT ADVEKT1SEMENT Hill ' nraamEJ HHi All 111 WRfflMH m ;f til KwlilMiSlHF The store of A. G. Spalding & Bres., shown above, is located at 1210 Chestnut Street. It has long been-recognized as the foremost" sporting goods shop in town and is fast gaining a reputation as the martest sports -teggery shop as well. Its Women's 'Specialty De-' partment is a decided success. I HAVE geed news for these of yeu1 we'iiltf "make ' a really worth-while Who like Snorts rlethns Mint. nW.ln.iff Thnn thorn urn tha mnrn distinctive and a bit better than the average. A. G. Spalding & Bres.,' 1210 Chestnut Street, have reduced their geed-looking spert3 suits of imported tweeds. Seme are double breasted models with plain back and narrow belt, ethers have an inverted plait in back. Seme arc tuxedo med els.. They are in such attractive colors as lurht blue, errcen. brown and lavender heather mixtures. Jersey suits, just right for southern wear, have patch pockets and narrow belts. They come in blue, brown and green heather and -in navy and black. These wonderfully smart-looking tScetch plaid skirts have been reduced, tee. DERHAPS you've heard father x mention the fact that he needs a new lounging robe, or perhaps he hasn't mentioned it at all, but needs it just the same. It is the thought ful gift that is most appreciated, nnd because he probably wouldn't buy it for himself it will be doubly welcome en Christmas morning. At the store ei Macuenald & Campbell, 1334-3C Chestnut Street, I saw some very geed-looking dressing gowns and lounging robes. These luxurious gowns of brocades and velvets and tilks in rich, dark colors, cut with all the care of a fitted coat, are serviceable as well as comfortable. They make an excellent gift, tee, for a bachelor brother who is given te spending quiet evenings with a book and a pipe. TJAVE you ever examined closely 1J-the Polished Girdle Diamond, you who admire exquisite jewels? If you have net you will be inter ested in seeing it nt the store of Bailey, Banks & Biddle Company. Yeu will appreciate the fineness of the cutting and the wonderful bril liance of this gem. If you should happen te be the possessor of a fine ummena taKe it with you and com pare it with the Polished Girdle Uiamend. Yeu will nnnrnMntn tV.en Uie super-excellence of this stone, eettinijs for these diamonds have been designed by artists who appre cate the exquisite beauty of the "tones. Fairy-like traceries of plati num in delicate designs form fitting calyxes for these gems and enhance much their beauty. WHEN one is buying such an im Tinrtnnt iIUUm t tl 41.: er the household as a phonograph one wants te be sure that it will RlVC joy in the venr te rnmn eq wnll M at the time of its presentation, u d0,n.t want te purchase a ma chine which you will have te discard when newer models prove their su periority. The Perfek'tone Corpora Corpora Cerpera won, 1723 Chestnut Street, considers wne the most important quality of v i '"'"""Brnpn. as a result of their efforts directed te the end of Producing the phonograph with the perfect tone, they have developed th cushioned reproducer, n reproduce! et non-resonant material. It is pat terned after the human threat and ine OUalitv nf ita fntie l ..l 1.. KC,f,hi"j' l.mcliew as time gees en. a man TODAY I saw n lff - that ought te prove most nccept- uilal7wit?i8ar?We,,case of ""ver lb? ii red80ld nml Brecn-geld Would t vfc Wns n thin mode1 which iK ,? UH .very Uttle room in At the store of Van blokes, 1123 Chestnut discovered that tKe pocket UUsen X, nireni' ...i ' - -w-.ww.i j,-"-", wnore 1 saw th s m T uitcevprn.i an ; i ntch w nn Tvi" ?.uy ? sarrie k- :J j.y"ei w tna - -" 'V",'8' he thru gut. inen tnere, are the mere expensive cases of ,' geld, simple in uesign, dui ei excellent woricman wericman ship. I liked, tee, a cigarette case of hammered sliver, which does net show scratches. Fer evening wear thpre. are cigarette cases of heavy black striped silk, with an edtre of geld. THOSE who knew whereof they speak are exclaiming with joy ever their discovery of the most de licious of hard candies. Many of us who appreciate flavor have been pay ing quite high prices for hnrd rnn- dics rather than buv a tasteless assortment of cheap candies. But there is really no need te de either when you can have delicious, wholesome hard candies from the stores of Edouard D. Kruse Com pany, 100 Seuth Eleventh Street and 4903 Baltimore Avenue, at B0 cents a pound. In this assortment you may have Buttercups, with fillings of chocolate, peanut butter, cocoa nut and caramel; squares of butter scotch, cinnamon and chocolate; Prin cess cuts; Gooseberries, which we used te call sour balls, and delicious squares, which they' call souffles. THE wrap that can be worn both in the flftprnnnn nml nimnlni. V.nc much te be said for it, and what -is mere practical and mere luxurious at one and the same time than the fur wrap. A lovely wrap of squirrel or a rich-loekintr dolman of snnl Am in geed taste for all fermnl nrm. siens. At the store of Bonwit, Teller & Company, Chestnut nnd Thir teenth Streets, I saw two wnndnrfnl squirrel wraps. One made en straight and simple lines, was topped by a generous cape cellar. Its lin ing wns or peacock-blue satin and blue and geld brocade. The ether, en mere ample lines, had a paneled front and a huge cape cellar. A dolman of Hudsen Seal had wide bands of opossum for its cellar and the cuffs that edged its mandarin slecv.es. rNE gift that a woman always v appreciates is a pretty blouse. This year the costume blouse, which, with the suit skirt, reallv forms a most effective and practical after noon costume, is very much in favor. I saw seme lovely examples of this type of blouse at The Blum Stere, 1310 Chestnut Street. A brown Georgette, trimmed with ncm nn,i attractively beaded, was $13.50, and' u nuvy uuurguite, emuroieered with geld thread, was $19.75. One at tractive blouse was of navy chiffon velvet combined with navy and henna Georgette. Specially priced at $5 was a little Geergette blouse, with braided cellar and a braided band about the bottom. It comes in navy, gray, pink, nankin blue, peach and tan and is really a most ox ex ox ceptjenal value. HAVEN'T you often wished that your thermos bettle held about four times as much as it does and had nn 'opening three inches wider7 Just think of having a thermos con tainer with a capacity of ene irnllnn which will held either solids or nquiusi ine Aiaaain Thermalware jar is an all-purpose thermal con- lumur wim a inousanu-and-eno uses. Yeu can take it with you en auto trips, en hunting trips nnd pic nics, you can pack ice cream or fried chicken in the jar and serve them ice cold or piping het, as the case may he. The four-inch opening makes it easy te empty and easy te clean. And it is specially con structed te withstand, reuirh trent. ment. Yeu will tlnd It of the etore of J. Franklin Ml StrMt'Oi . ..!i' 'B'CJkESTNUT'WlMAMdiA' vi r, 1C12 Chestnut N wv vV V w SUNDAY OUTINGS Fhcm Market street Wharf m Every Sunday 1 Cfl Atlantic City Wildwood Z Anglesea Riund Trip War Tx vis, eau ' Allnntlc City 7.30 U . i.vu y (Seuth WHO weed WllJneml Brunch. Upturning, Iciwe Atlantic Clly uareuna Avenue; e..iu n ; Crest 6.30 Hi. FROM BROAD STR.ECT STATION $3.00 New Yerk Round Trip War Tax 2(0. add'al SUNDAYS, December S and 10 nread St. 7.42U: Wrat Thltarla. 7.474C North 1'hllad.i. 7.S7AJ. $3.50 Washington $3.00 Baltimore Round Trip War Tax 8 add'al SUNDAY, December 12 Bread St. 7.50; Writ l'hltada. 7.5SW. Pennsylvania System lM M M MJKJ&MMJKMJX 7pMKlhA- gj Gift Furniture JKJZJTJKllsJCLV Ha Mahnnanv Smoking Btand, 120.00 Our M)ig stock of fine Unique Heme Furniture, most appropriate for Christmas gifts has been repriced for the benefit of Holiday Shoppers. The l,ine includes, besides thd articles pictured here, 4emc Safes, Spinet Desks, Mahogany Footstool Poker Tables, Tabeurets Sewing Cabinets, Ma hogany Waste Baskets, llljf"" Elastic Bookcases, etc. All J" "f marked at lower prices. I T I flfea&m& itaheaany Telephone Stationers and Engravers Oct., tzo.eu Mahogany Windser Chair, t0.00 m S10.S0 Felding Card Tabli H.3S Jltit no fumes of nlcoliel enmc te their neHtrns from tlie moist enrtn. "And tlicrc's no hoetch in these barrels-, ' commented the government mnn nftcr he lind ncrn milled threuffh the" pile. "This complicates mntters." "Ou the contrary," said Harvey Hunt. "It explujns tlicm. Dejjaupy lins net broken the Velntend lnw. Veu bet ter rclenHc him. Hut unless you wntcli him closely he'll break nnether law." Can you tell tehat Dcganey't qamm really tea, and what first aroused Hat' vcy Hunt s susiiiclenst The answer will appear tomorrow, . (Copyright, 1020. by Public Ledxer Ce.i i r : a t it Vafiujjuny Tea Wagen, tiZ.SO v Chestnut Street at Ninth J M IHIiUlll I 1 ' '' '""" iiiMiiiii iiiiiiiiujiniiiiiiii ii iitiii.iiUiiniiHii'iiiiiiiuiiiii Let Your Christmas Presents Be Practical-Give Wearing Apparel All Furs Reduced 333 te 50 cmMeKf The Stere of Personal Service 1310 Chestnut Street All Furs Reduced 33ft te 50 New Lowered Prices featuring Reductions of 25 te 33ja en New Winter Medes for Women and Misses We have been fortunate in securing these Reductions from High-grade Manufacturers for Apparel that meets with The Blum Stere specifications of Quality, Workmanship and Superb Style. These Reductions are made from early' season prices for exactly similar qualities. J Wraps and Ceat Wraps The latest fashions in a fascinating assemblage fine, warm coatings, and rich fur cellars and cuffs. Remarkable assortment' at each new price-level. 59.50, 69.50, 89.50 and 99.50 Dresses Fer all of winter's smart occasions the street, afternoon and evening. All of the popu lar materials and colors are represented most admirably. Yeu- will be delighted with the variety. 2S.00, 38.00, 59.50, 69.50 & 89.50 Suits Tailored and fur-trimmed styles in modes that exhibit the charm of the very newest style. Velours de Lainc, Yalama, Tricetine, Veldyn and many ethers. 40.00,65.0089.50 Wftf CYiTrvh-V'.-J (J gtftjfi I l ' 89.50 THE BLUM STORE-A New Organization With An Old Name WlliljIlilJllllllllll'ltlll l.;l 1,1,1,1 I i I i I JJ,LililiitlJlMiLm)LUlJiMllllLuiiiiiiiiLiniililjlldluldljllJii3 Vw ! iH A & W: fe7 Coconut Peaks a pleasant surprise for the sweet teeth IT'S a candy. The young folks and the old folks, tee, will pro nounce it a d-e-e-Kght with the prolonged accent en the d-e-e when it's produced from Baker's recipe that is shown below. And the reason is the big differ ence between Baker's Fresh Grated Coconut, and the ordinary dried kind. Baker's Fresh Grated Coconut (in tin cans) will give you an entirely new idea of hew geed coconut can be. ca kHU Mh. Coconut for Every Coconut Purpesa Duy Daker'. Dry Shred Coconut, the old fashioned, aucar-cured kind In paper carton, or Baker's J'reili Orated Coconut WITH the milk In the dlatlnctlve blue label can.. Write for free recipe booklet. Rcot'pe for Coconut Peaks 1 Can Baker's Fresh Orated Coconut. 2 Cups Granulated Sugar. 1 Cup Coconut Milk or cow's milk, 1 Egg Whites. Pinch of Daking Seda, Press Coconut thoroughly as Illustrated en con label. Place J of the pressed Coconut, Sugar and Coconut or cow's milk into saucepan, stir ever fire untildis untildis selved, then boil until it forms a soft ball when dipped In cold water, about 1 1 te 1 S minutes. Add the het suer syruu slowly te well-beaten egg whites, beat ing all the while, then odd pinch of soda and beat until thick. Ferm Inte steeples and roll In the re. mainder of the Coconut. Coconut may be slightly toasted in even before rolling peaks. i Cut in Bread Price ii Kolbs Bend Bread t i i 5 is new H Reduced 2 Cents per leaf Kelb's Vienna, French, Bran, Rye, etc., is reduced 1 cent per leaf VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV vvvv'vviVvvvvvvvvyvvvVvvvvvv i, ivi Why we cannot have a panic Ty 7E cannot have a panic. W. P. G. Harding, Governer of the Federal Reserve Beard, says we can't. He tells why in the December issue of SYSTEM. Te knew why business readjustment does net any longer mean what it meant in '73 and '93 te knew what new factors shape conditions "today te have the word of the greatest authority in the country that there will be no panic, means that your business can go ahead with assurance. Yeu can re adjust te new price levels, plan new sales campaigns, buy, finance, take advantage of new conditions with the confidence you are taking only reasoned chances. In December SYSTEM Governer Harding gives you the facts te go en; he makes a prediction that you ought te kn about. Alt newsstands are selling December SYSTEM rapidly. Get a copy today. the Magazine of Brainess A. W. SHAW COMPANY, Chlcite, New Yoik.Ueioa. rublUhtiltltoel rACTORYsodel SYSTEM ON THE FARM I si laL , -. .. . I " ' - ' " I .. BBlBlBlBlBilBlBMf- I SSSSSSSSBBaSJBB "- -' I 1 IIMIIII ill 11 k 11 m -j 7 &" ;Ea. (.' ;v. x u, ". V.J X M,, r,5.HM7i. . , -. ." .1 X - .J .r w. M)-.,, TiJ.VtS A tuXjtB 'Uriimfii iiiiiifiiiiiii lir Ai mini ,: I' "' ' ' 1 1 in i sKjk), LHiaM